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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 24, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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go chu pretty litter, i'm caitlin polantz at the federal court in washington. >> and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by are firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. >> if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ms ophelie oma. call us now cnn's breaking news all right. >> we do have some breaking news. we are monitoring major protests, rocking several colleges across the country right now. >> all all having to do with the israel-hamas war in austin. and this is for moments ago here at the university of texas, a large group of students walked out of class today as part of a pro-palestinian demonstration. and they were met with a heavy response from troopers who appeared to make a number of arrests. >> there was a large student protests it is also underway in los angeles at the university of southern california and of course, we've seen student in
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canvas on the campuses of brown and columbia university as well, who want to go to usc now cnn's nick watt, who is on the scene for us negate. it is a tense scene behind you. we've heard chance of let him go what is actually happening behind well, so what is happening behind me bars is one of the protesters was arrested and put into that squad car. you see right there, the car was then surrounded by protesters demanding let him go, let him go, let them go it appears that they might actually be letting him go. this is just a perfect example of the issue to that college campus officials have across this country of how to police these events before they moved in to try and move tents and other things off this little hello. park. it was a peaceful demonstration. there were speakers. it was peaceful. about 200 people as soon as public safety officers from the university moved in, it very quickly gop verbal. and then it
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very quickly got violent after that, there was pushing and shoving, cursing, swearing a great deal of anger, and then this arrest which is what we are seeing behind me right now. meantime, over on the park where the tents were pitched processors have now picked those tense up and our marching with the tempts that are not breaking any university ordinances, but they are still making their points. now. a lot of anger and these protesters were saying that they are not going to leave now so initially they came here about 4:30 this morning. pitch some tense. they were told by the college to take him down and they did then they felt that they were being silenced. they said hey, that the college officials were quote, nitpicking by getting at them for hanging banners on trees and for pitching the tents. and that is when things very, very quickly turned contentious and turned violent back to you all right. >> nick, standby, if you would, is we keep an eye on this and we're keeping an eye on that
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police car. there as well. emilia kimball of the student newspaper, the daily texan at ut austin is back with us now. amelia, you're watching the protests at the university of texas it's sort of reached a fever pitch just moments ago. tell us what you're seeing now students have largely moved from the original location of the demonstration to the main lawn on campus and students are starting to lay out blankets and pitch tents and amelia or earlier, you had mentioned to us that there was some very basic sort of disagreement between the organizers of the demonstration and officials on campus administrators who would effectively tried to ward students off of this idea of demonstrating, walk us through how we got to what we're seeing now yeah, absolutely. so from what i understand, university had told organizers
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of the event not to proceed with it and students did proceed anyway, hours before any students gathered there was a large number of state troopers on campus and the police presence has only increased, including university of texas police and austin police protesters were ordered to disperse just a few minutes into the demonstration and then the police threatened arrest and numerous arrests have been made. numerous students have been put in swat cart, put put an a squad car and there's there have been multiple physical confrontations between police officers, state troopers in full riot gear with buttons, et cetera. and students emily had talked to us a little bit about what students they're on campus have been saying obviously there are there are so many they're completely different opinions when it comes to this war. but there's also this fine line between free speech and then students
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feeling that they earn a safe environment where they can learn what are you hearing from students there is there is significant support for demonstrators. >> there is a small contingency of counter protesters with israeli flags and signs some students are in class right now. i just watched one student go into office hours, so i think that some students and professors are proceeding as usual and others are either participating in a demonstration or kind of gathering along the sidelines and watching and showing support for demonstrators amelia i asked her this previously, but i was hoping you might be able to give us a bit more clarity on what it's been like on campus since october when hamas launched its attacks against israel and israel responded in gaza have you have we seen an escalation since then what is it been like
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for these groups that have organized these demonstrations over the last few months yeah so today's demonstration is by far the biggest and the most impactful that we've seen since october there, there there there were some demonstrations in a walkout from classes in october and fall of la year and there have been a few there had been a few demonstrations, buthis, thiss, this is a sere escalati. i thinthe environment on campus has been s been fraught, but e movement has not movent real, i would say until feed toda and emilia, i don'know if you're watching between this, t weere just sing all of these students push ba there. annow we see why that police have come into the frame and our attempting it looks like two blkade stunts or what
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what are y seeing re? what, what's happening? >> yeah, i'm i'm about ten feet away from all that. so students have had largely moved to the main line and protests or police, excuse me, just just started to move in and are now walking into the student's proud, there's now a physical clash between students and police you're seeing a physical clash between students and lets police police just walked into the crowd. okay. and we're seeing th and we're going to keep an eye on that. emilia standby for us and eu, let us okay amelia describe for us what isappening, what ten feet from this believed or move, have you into the crowd? they appear to have detained at least one student students on the sidelines are moving in and filming. students are chanting let him go, let him go are standing there drought please
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standby and give us an update on the situation as it develops. >> we want to stay on these images bring in cnn analyst juliette kayyem, who has closely been monitoring the situations and juliette what we just watched, the is something th is typical of law enforcement protocol in situations like this, you saw law enforcement officers in a line approach the crowd & essentially extract someone from t crowdhat they deemed potentiay to be a risk or to be out of line in and in a closed line, they move that person back and take them into custody and speak to them. perhaps apprehend them is a better way tdescribe it as opposed to being taken into custody what are you seeing unfold right now and what security concerns do you have? not only four those folks that are trying to keep the peace, but for students on campuses that are just trying to go to class yeah, exactl >> because we have seen at some
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schools have have closed down or gone to zoom so there's no singular approach. i'll give a little bit of a historical precedent and then here, look, we haven't university police, local police have not dealt with sort of extensive student protest since black lives matter, which happened during covid or had a very different feel than this does now, in terms of everyone out in about classes or ending, there's a lot of dead time, so to speak, for students and so colleges and universities have to do three things. and i'm pretty clear about this. one is they do have to allow space for students to protest. i said you've got to give them an outlet. the students are allowed to protest. this should not be as shocked to anyone with teenagers or young, young adult children. they have strong feelings in their passionate because if you just immediately go to arrest, it's going to cause i think some of the what we're seeing on air which is nothing's happening. and then lots is happening. you
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want to give students space as long as you're protecting students who want to go to classes, jewish students, if their, their targeted the second is you have to have off ramps. you have to in terms of these colleges and universities you've got to give students rules about what they are and are not allowed to do. and maybe this happened at usc, but they have to be clear about yes. so you can protest. no, you can't block a building and this is what's going to happen if you block the building. and then third is of course, then exert your outcomes, right? i mean in other words, these kids who are violating these rules is students then have some sort of punishment and whether you need the police or something less than that is is each college and universities decision. but in the absence of violence at this stage, it is it behooves a lot of colleges and universities to think through essentially how they are going to try to de-escalate de-escalate this this is on their property and that includes things i'll be honest at like you know, like like access controls are all of
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these students can we check ids of gates? some of the universities are different. look, i'm working with a lot of colleges and universities right now because they do want to de-escalate. they want to give students a chance, but two protest, but they want to protect other students who make feel threatened. and then those who simply aren't involved with this at all. i think we were going to find a hopefully a medium between those two things, especially as we lead up to graduation. >> i think that really is the balance here. juliette, i mean, when you think back even in the 60s, the free speech movement, we're seeing this thing with the car is sort of reminding us of what happened in berkeley. there, these moments sometimes of law enforcement moving in actually create some times a moment of escalation which isn't to say in stillman, these protests that we have seen listening to columbia, there are a lot of students we've had them on the program, were they are not feeling safe. so it is a fine line certainly between
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free speech, knowing who is part of these protests but how should law enforcement be approaching this in a very real way at the moment as they go in and assess these protests that they're going into where it does just appear to be pushing towards escalation yes. >> so i know people want depending on what you're ideology has, maybe you want the kids punished sooner rather than later, but that does put people at risk. in other words, it is incumbent on police, so i've said this 1 million times on air for any issue as well as these institutions to try to de-escalate even if we don't like what's going on or we may not agree with what's going on. so one size does not fit all it's going to depend. so one is what are the rules? rules of engagement. we cannot put police officers especially non-university police officers, as we've seen in some of these jurisdictions, just out there, fully armed terrifying students
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who are maybe they just viewed themselves as just expressing their dismay with the war. are there, are criticisms of the biden administration. so what are the rules of engagement? the second is, is there is there a reach out as we're seeing in some of these colleges and universities to the student organizations to engage them on what is and is not appropriate activity. in other words, we don't have to treat the protesters as enemies. they just disagree with the institution. or they disagree with the government. and that can help de-escalate as well. and then third is the punishment that we're talking about. if someone is violent, is someone is threatening students. if someone ought not to be there and. is exacerbating the tensions. but you definitely you don't you know, we often say like we don't want to get to def con one in an hour. right? something's gone wrong. if you have a peaceful protests two, now you know, maybe it's just a little bit of escalation here are some escalation here and
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that's i'm not happy be about it, but that's the kind of planning that colleges and universities are going to have to address now, because we are entering or sort of downtime for students. or i know this. i have my last class in an hour downtime for students as well as as well as graduations. so in other words, don't give them an outlet give them off ramps, and then have them suffer outcomes if appropriate. and that's and that's an each university and college is going to be different julia, please standby for us as we monitor these tense interactions at times, physical struggles between demonstrators and police. we've seen several arrests and i have heard reports of several arrests as well on campuses ranging from the university of south california, southern california in los angeles to the university of texas at austin all this as house speaker, mike johnson is set to speak at columbia university with a
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congressional delegation roughly in the next half hour or so speaking out about the anti-semitism that has been on display at some of these demonstrations we're going to take a quick break as we monitor the situation, you see students running there in austin we're going to step away for a moment, but will give you the very latest on cnn in just a few minutes. >> the sinking of the titanic. >> how would really happen, especially to our premier sunday at nine on cnn? verizon small business days are here, april 22 to the 28 get a free tech check and special offers, like a free 5g phone. when you switch, no it didn't require partner with our experts today, choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting four hours or more can be overwhelming. so ask your doctor about botox. botox
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situation sure. i can make this home-style chicken salad rat from subway. >> this is how you do it. >> savory chicken chris veggies, all wrapped up. >> these maps are a main thing people can hear my thoughts that's a problem. stay fresh out there. all new reps from subway one reading that, but high yeartie yeah, that's not good happened huge things happen happen. >> b. with three there are more at >> i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon and this is cnn we're continuing to follow breaking news pro-palestinian protests breaking out on college campuses from coast-to-coast. that's right. protests about the war in gaza.& we're seeing it escalate here. we've been following of course columbia university, but we're now also watching usc in los angeles and
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ut austin. there in texas, where we've just seen police presence grow and the i guess animosity in a way between law enforcement and some protestors definitely escalate. we've seen that with a lot of people just obviously observing what's going on, but there's been quite a bit of chaos there at those scenes. we have reporters across the country, cnn's omar jimenez is at columbia tell us about what you're expecting, especially because they house speaker mike johnson is set to speak yeah. >> so hoe speaker mike johnson is expected to be here wiin ts afternoon. and what y'reooking arit now, you're just eing the encampment that is here now for an eighth day here at columbia university, it reay firs went up to coiide with the university president when she testifieon capol hill about antisemiti on campus, that was when the eampment went up. it w not lonafter that
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that the my pd was cald ino clear out the encampment. it and culty here a it was nts part of what prompted a revival of the camp. and it also prompted faculty to wa out were then arrestednd or s tt suspended and thenast forward to last night thuniversity president gave a midnight adline for this camp to clear out that or she said they would have to find alternative ways to clear out this gap. midnight came and went. >> nothing happened. a few hours later, university spokesperson said they actually have been making and good progress and toxins. so that deadline has been pushed out 48 hours. but of course, at the crux of all of this is the protests. they say that this is because they want columbia to divest from companies that profit from israel, but also at the same time, there is a jewish population at this, at this university, some of whom we've spoken to who say that the protests makes them feel
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uncomfortable, threatened, even so a few went as far as to say as feel not safe on campus even though there are some jewish students who have gone into the encampment as well. and then you contrast this type of demonstration with some of what we've seen off-campus. a lot of demonstrations have happened at the gates of columbia university. that's where we've seen. while students can participate in that, a lot of non-students i've come to that and that's where we have tended to see a little bit more violent and messaging a little bit more anti-semitic messaging there so much so that even some of the students have tried to distance themselves from some of those protests. but again, bottom line, we are entering into an eighth day here. speaker johnson is expected to be he this afternoon, not too long from righnow where we do expect him to call for the the resignation of the unirsity president here because he feels that she has done a week job to keep jewish students safe on this campus. so we expect that call to happen officially a little bit later this
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afternoon. and again, comes on the eighth day now this encampment that clearly we've seen methods of which spread to campuses across this country. whether it's camping out or protests, solidarity with this campus, solidarity with gaza. in general, and clearly there's something that is manifested pretty quickly right? that. live for is that for now jewish columbia student, parker did decker who has talked about his experience when it comes to what's going on at columbia parker. i know you recently left campus because of the situation there. you are watching what is has unfolded at columbia, were now walking i ching i'm sure you can see as well what's happening at usc and ut austin ll us what you think about what you're seeing around the country? >> i think what's happening right now is there seems to be a large ount of dissonance between what is peaceful protest and what is advocacy. and what ilearning in leading into violent forms are protest.
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and so i think what's really happening right now is there's a movement that's galvanized by the want and need for social advocacy and juan for change in the gaza strip with a war between hamas and israel. i think there were a lot of students who feel personally invested in this social issue. and so i fully stand with the students who want to be involvements from advocacy. and that's from a protest because in the united states, speaking out and being involved in this form of protest is absolutely essential. but what we're also seeing now is that universities like my going to columbia, at yale, and other universities across the country. we're seeing the blurring of the lines between peaceful protest and that's moving into peaceful protests. and now we're seeing a violent hate speech towards jewish students, jewish associate with israel, the zionist movement and its role. jin to identify a zionist and so we are seeing this delineation were now the lines are being blurred.& so jewish students who may or may not be involved in counterprotest are just simply showing their jewish identities now feel their own safety being compromised at these univerties acrs the country
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parkerwhat is that felt like for you personally when you've experienced those moments that go froperhaps advocacy and thfreedom of expression two, then threats directed, toward you for yo faith it feels almost like a trial because i think people in the jewish community will tell you, we will understand what it feels like to be marginalized our ethnic populations and marginalized for thousands of years. and so we will continue to stand with groups that have a marginal lines and the jewish community always wants to stand for social advocacy. that's what we stand for. we'veone a lot of fundraising, whether it's with the lgbtqia movement, the blm movement. we've done a lot with other movements in united states and trying to want to use our own level of experiences and wanting to advocate for other movements as well. and now you see it is in this movement, we want to advocate for keast in the middle east, just like everybody else. we want there
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not to be war between israel and hamas. we want there to be a ceasefire contingent upon this hostages being released in the hostages in israel were taken on october 7, being returned to their families. we want peace in the middle east, just like everybody else. but it seems that our identities now have become a pawn in this political aim or people can separate our jewish identities from the occurrences and the incidents in the behavior of the israeli government and so we're being linked together me as a jewish individually and states has no power over the israeli government abroad. and now we're being linked together and we find ourselves being subject to forms the andaya tim and his m, and that's really, really hard as that you shouldn't. and disheartening, especially because universities were told and are promoted as to be a place where we can participate in civil discourse and we can have critical conversations and foster meaningful learning and challenge our own biases when our once you universities and there's so much tension between these two groups. the protests are becoming so loud that we can have these conversations anymore. and
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that's the parts it's so damaging as jewish students don't, they'll be can participate in these conversations. >> parker, i want to ask you you have speaker johnson coming to campus amid this what are you hoping to hear from him? and is this the right time for him to be there i'm hoping for two things. >> first and foremost, i'm hoping for speaker johnson to understand that anti-semitism against jewish individuals is not a political ploy these are our own lived experiences and it shouldn't be used as something to make a political stand or political movement because this is jewish state feet. we're talking about. these are our identities are stories shouldn't be by finalized but i think it's really important that speaker johnson's message is emphasized and rooted in advocacy for the jewish community in wanting our utmost safety second of all, i think he should really work into creating bipartisan solutions to issues of not only anti-semitism, but also other forms of hatred in the united states. we've seen a rise of antisemitism, especially now, but also rises in a lot of
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other forms of hatred over the past few years in the united states, i think if this can be anything and serve as an example, it requires our polar politicians and congress to come together in unity to take steps to address this and bipartisan solutions. i also hope that key understands that going into this university, i know there's been a lot of call that it's expected that he's going to call for the resignation of our university president, minouche shafik. i urge him that if he's calling for president shift each resignation, he understands that it's going to create a lot of turmoil within our university the as well. we've seen numerous university presidents like that. if you pan and harbored all being forced to resign. and i think there is this demand. i think if we continue to have university president's resigned and having to put a new person in this position, you have to catch them up over everything that's happening in the past six months. and that requires significant amount of change. we only had three weeks left in the the and so i think rather than asking for university presidents to resign, we have to do one thing, request more accountability from our university's request, more transparency parker, dekker.
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>> we very much appreciate you sharing your perspective with us. thanks for coming on. >> thank you so much for having me. >> we want to give you a look at the situation at brown university where there has also been attention. cnn's isa hello, four salah's is there for us. isa will give us an update on what it's like there right now hey, boris, unlike what we've seen in some of the other campuses around the nation, the school well here brown says that they have had no reports of any cases of violence harassment, or intimidation, but clearly, the school is unhappy with this encampment that is setup right here on the main lawn because this is in violation of the school policy right now, there's about 20 or so tense that juswere brought up. >> this moing about six in the morning with over for 100 throughout the day, chanting, singing, saying from colbia to brown gaza, we will not let you down. and they made it very clear to me that they have to
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make juror demands and that is for brown to divest cut any ties at the school mig have when it comes to financials whether that's connected to the israeli government they want those ts to be cut loose. and second, to protect free speech on campus. they're asking for 41 stents that were previously back in december, arrested ding a sit in for tho charges to be dropped. now, earlier in the day, we saw the students in a circle right here in the main line. and then we start university police escorting a school employee with a machine and they were having each protester one and buy one-by-one scanning their ids. now we know from one of the organizers who has forwarded us an email that they are getting their first real taste of this disciplinary action. they've received an email from i'm the student conduct office indicating that there is a disciplinary case that is being processed against them. that is what they told me the school meanwhile tells cnn that they needed to verify that these are
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actual students and not outsiders. and this is for safety reasons. i spoke with several organizers that say that they understand very well that they could potentially face an arrest in the future or a suspension or expulsion and say that time will show that they are on the right side of history or spray on a all right. isabel rosales live for us at brown in providence, rhode island is we are watching these pictures come to us from a number of universities, including ut austin and usc in southern california stay with us. we're monitoring protests at all of these colleges. we'll be right back riyad saves new album is breaking records verizon small business days are
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for free visit, ai or download the app hi brazil alvarez at the white house. and this is cnn some breaking news. >> we've just learned that former president donald trump is an unindicted coconspirator in the michigan attorney general's case against so-called fake electors. >> you might recall last year is 16 republicans were charged with conspiracy need to commit election forgery after they allegedly attempted to replace the state's electoral votes for president biden with votes for president trump. marshall cohen has been following this story, marshal, walk us through the details here, starting with what being an unindicted coconspirator entails yeah, boris, this is a pretty big deal coming out of michigan, as you mentioned, state prosecutors there already charged the republicans who were actually fake electors in
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2020, there was a pretrial hearing in the case earlier this morning, and one of the lead investigators in the probe was on on the stand testifying about their investigation. >> he was asked under oath, who are the other unindicted coconspirators, people who have been implicated in this criminal conspiracy, but are not facing any charges at this time. and he confirmed for the very first time that that list includes former president donald trump. trump's former attorney, rudy giuliani trump's chief of staff when he was in the white house, mark meadows, and then finally, jenna ellis, who was a trump campaign attorney. what this means is that state prosecutors in michigan believed that those four people were coconspirators in this fake electors plot, though i want to of course stress they are not facing charges in michigan at this time. they were all charged in georgia. you remember that big election interference case down
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in georgia? they were all charged they're ellis pleaded guilty. the other three in iran doing guys. >> all right. now, marshall cohen, thank you so much for that report any minute now, house speaker mike johnson has said to me with jewish students at columbia university over concerns about their safety. >> and we understand he's said to call for the school president to resign all of this happening as protests breakout across the country live from the nation's capital, one of the most unforgettable night in dc, ms warner will read back here again, president biden and comedian collin joseph headline the white house correspondents, dinner, live saturday at seven eastern on cnn. it's better outside with ninja, cook outs, with master grills the char barbecue smoke, and they are for backyard dashes are better with pizza oven sticky, you krispy kreme, 700 degree high heat roasting being in barbecue smoke. it's better outside
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million pets we're now waiting remarks from house speaker mike johnson from columbia university, one of several major us colleges facing a wave of pro-palestinian protests on their campuses. >> and some of these protests coincide with the reports of anti-semitism and dozens of arrests. as officials face mounting pressure to confront this crisis. >> let's talk now, a cnn senior political analyst, mark preston. mark this columbia visit by speaker johnson what is he trying to do here? is this going to de-escalate things or could it have the opposite effect while it's certainly not going to de-escalate things. but what it's doing is that he's sending a message not only to his base, but he's also sending a message to jewish voters across the country as well as to the leaders in israel that he stands with them, that he doesn't stand necessarily with these protests that are happening specifically, the anti-semitism that we've seen that has sparked out of this the violence that we have seen spark out of this. and in fact, he was this morning, he was on hugh hewitt radio show when he
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talked about that specifically, he said for him to go to new york this week was the right thing to do. he also said that he wants to look get into potentially revoking federal funding from some of these schools that are not protecting that jewish students who are on campus. and he also goes as far as to say that he would suggest revoking visas for those students who are here on these campuses that are not united states citizens who were protesting do you think this has the potential to backfire on speaker johnson? >> no, not at all. i mean, look, i think at this point i think if you were to take a poll across america and asked people what they think about these protests. everyone, we're just about everyone. you would hope would say they have the right to protest what they don't have the right to do though, with three static about this is to talk about violence, two to true upset folks to target students who are jewish just because of the foreign policy decisions of the united states, that's entirely wrong.
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and i think that it's an easy message for johnson today to be sending what about for president biden? mark, i mean, where do things stand for him right now is we're watching and look at some of these universities. it's towards the end of the year. we should keep that in mind, right? they're going into finals and some of these places, but what does this mean for president biden is we are watching this across all of these college campuses. >> i think the calendars on his sayyed in that sense, rionda, you're right. it is towards the end of the school year, you're going to see these campuses probably empty out 80% of them maybe 85% of these kids are gonna go back home. you're not going to see these widespread protests, certainly that we have seen in the coming months on these college campuses. i think for president biden, who's supposed to be in new york this week, i think for him to go to columbia would be a huge mistake i don't know what he brings to it other than bringing more chaos in, more focus on an issue that his administration right now doesn't seem to necessarily
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have the answer to resolve, nor do i think that maybe his administration good have the answer to resolve. this is a much bigger issue than one person to that point, biden has been getting relatively low marks for his handling of the situation, especially among that leftward flank of the democratic party. i want to pivot mark with you because last night was the pennsylvania primary& a sizable share of republican primary voters actually cast a ballot for nikki haley, even though former president trump clinched his party's nomination over a month ago, there's a lot of there's i would say a lack of confidence among those independent voters who are rather just right-leaning voters who opted for haley over trump how does this issue play out amongst republicans in specifically the focus that some voters on the right will
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happen i've toward president trump and whether he will best handle the situation overseas. >> well, you know, it's itchy eyes, so i spoke to one of nikki haley's, someone who is very close to nikki haley. let's just describe it as that in s what has she been up to? what does she think about the results that we saw last night? >> now, what i was told that just in generalities right now is that donald trump right now we should note has not reached out to nikki haley nor has he made any effort to try to reach out to her voters is this person told me just a few hours ago. >> nothing has changed for nikki haley but what they're very surprised about is that trump nor any of his allies have tried to make any headway with these voters. this person said to me, it's not about him breaking bread with nikki haley and trying to get her to come in support and it's more about him talking about issues that she champion. that's going to get those voters to support him. and if you look at
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pennsylvania last night, just to put it in very stark terms for the trump campaign nikki haley got 157,000 votes after she had canceled her campaign. a couple of months ago joe biden, 2020, only one pennsylvania by 81,000 votes. now, i'm not a mathematician. i failed math in college. i'll tell you all my, all my weaknesses, but i can tell you that you double at one and that's pretty much close to what nikki haley was able to pull out a pennsylvania last night. that's problem problematic for the trump campaign zombie campaign that gets that many votes it tells you something. >> mark preston, thanks so much for the perspective so we are awaiting remarks from house speaker johnson as he visits columbia university. we're going to bring you his live remarks to students and the campus once they start stay with cnn sunday, the rise of misinformation donie o'sullivan
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create great work with freelancers, fiber. >> i'm sunlen serfaty in washington and this is cnn news out of pardon me, out of arizona and where the house of representatives has just voted to overturn the state's civil war era abortion law, the law which was passed before arizona was a state and before women had the right to vote bans nearly all abortions with just one exception. >> and that is to save the life of the mother the repeal now moves to the senate where it's expected to pass. >> cnn's natasha, china's in phoenix following the story force and the tasha lawmakers tried to do this twice before and failed. what was different this time? >> a few people just needed an extra week. apparently, there were a handful of republicans who joined democrats voting along party lines. there to
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push through this repeal. and as you mentioned now it goes to the senate where it is also expected to pass there also with a little help from republicans for the democrats, i'm standing now with representative stephanie saw hamilton, the author of the repeal bill, a democrat here who has been pushing for this. it tell me just your initial reaction to today there's a lot of relief. i've been emotional. ivan could be my emotions at cheque knowing that we needed to be smart and we needed to be steady and rooted and continue to work hard in order to meet the moment. >> did you think this was going to happen today more so than the last two weeks when we showed up, i i was very hopeful i'd had some good conversations last night that led me to believe that i think we we get there today. i'd tell me what was the most difficult part of this process. you heard a lot of emotional debate on
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the floor. you heard republican kins calling this egregious that they're disgusted. what do you have to say to your colleagues on the other side i respectfully disagree agree. >> i think this is something where we've we have been divided my whole time here in the arizona legislature and i. think for me the most difficult piece was knowing that we needed to get the bill on the board and trying to get the votes to work around the speaker thank you so much. & it just to let our viewers know that there is also a ballot initiative in the works for november that would enshrine abortion rights in the state's constitution. >> of course, republicans are discussing the possibility of a countermeasure to that bore some briana all right. >> natasha will be looking for that. natasha can live worth from arizona and any mine now, house speaker mike johnson is expected to be speaki at combia university where he'll call as we understand it for the university's president to resign smile you found it the
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