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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 29, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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deadly millions of veterans also rely on the program like walls durham, and san diego. he uses the internet to contact doctors and to chat with his daughter overseas. i'm on i have to either do without wi-fi or i'll have to come up with other means to pay for wi-fi so because they can't count on politicians doing anything to help the american people legislation to extend the program has received by partisan support. but like so much in washington, the bill has stalled is there anything that realistically can be done? absolutely. we need to make sure that that's bild comes to the floor to make sure that it hasn't come to the floor. >> so far it hasn't it hasn't. >> however, we still have time. >> president biden has called on republicans to do more to get the bill brought to a vote.
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meanwhile, those who need it most have little faith and lawmakers, i would say most likely than not going to do anything beacon past things with a drop of a dime. it afters on both sides of the party and you know, both parties agree there should be zero resistance and this should have been done yesterday. instead of people fearing rather losing this one day. >> jason carroll, cnn, eureka illinois breaking overnight arrests on college campuses as pro-palestinian protests grow across the country. the only thing standing between the people well, gaza and a ceasefire is hamas. >> new comments from secretary of state antony blinken after israel proposed what he calls an extremely for narrowly generous ceasefire deal, the damage is unbelievable. what one governor is saying as
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deadly, severe storms the country. sara is out, i'm john berman with kate bolduan. this is cnn news central this morning, college graduations or right around the corner with pro-palestinian can't-miss set up on some of the very sites. they're supposed to take place. hundreds of students and faculty have been arrested or detained and sometimes violent encounters with authorities in boston, about 100 new arrests at northeastern university after police broke up an encampment there at ucla, police in riot gear intervened after protesters breached security barrier. george washington university is beginning to see its encampment spill off campus onto the streets. cnn's danny freeman is in philadelphia. danny, we can see the tents set up behind you at the university of pennsylvania. tell us what you're seeing and how we got to this point.
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>> you bet john this is day five of the encampment protest here at the university of pennsylvania. and everything really has been mostly peaceful. so far, although i will say it was a bit of a tense weekend because on friday night, gypsum, just about 24 hours after the encampment was set up, the university called on it to be disbanded. and as you can see, some cabinet has only grown now, just to give you a flavor of what we're looking at here, you can see their students here. they've just woken up there. there's breakfast, it seems coffee in that area this to me we're john started as maybe ten, maybe it doesn't encampments back on thursday now grown to quite a bit more than that here in the middle of the university of pennsylvania. >> let me tell you what makes this particular protest a little bit more unique than some of the others. so there actually three universities represented here. there's students from temple, students from drexel, students from of course, the university of pennsylvania. and then also there are other folks from the larger philadelphia community who have taken up camp here in this area as well. and initially the university so
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that they support the right for folks here on campus to protest and to share their voices. but then like i said, that changed from thursday into friday when the university said that this kevin had blatant violations of university policies, they said that they had credible reports of harassing and intimidating conduct. and then also an incident of anti-semitic graffiti that the university said this investigating now as a hate crime. but as you can see right here, the demands of these protesters remain the same and they say they're not going anywhere. they want the university to disclose a number of the companies that they may be invested in that have connections to israel and then divest from those particular companies and investments. the thing i'll tell you, john also is that we understand from the protest you're see that they did have a chance to meet with some of the university leadership over the weekend, the university confirming that as well, but so far, they have not been able to see. i'd ivs in cabinets are still here and we understand overnight there have actually been more notice of trespassing signs that have been put up in this area of the
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university of pennsylvania saying that, you are in violation of both students regulations, university regulations, but also a philadelphia law. so as of now, things have been peaceful. john, make no mistake, but the tension between the university and these protesters at the moment a bit of a standstill. john all right. danny freeman in philadelphia. danny, keep us posted as to what you see. thank you that's in pennsylvania and we've got police have arrested hundreds of protesters and students, including students, professors, and activists. >> since these pro-palestinian protests have started and engulf so many college campuses, some now questioning the tactics used by law enforcement in the face of all of this, cnn's josh campbell has much more on this. he's joining us. >> josh. what is the criticism that's coming at the police right now on this? >> yeah. capable law enforcement has certainly been thrust into the middle of this, particularly because so many of these protests are taking place on private property. there's no first amendment right to protest on private property. and so when these universities
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say, hey, we want these people out of here, it's the police who have to do that. it's the tactics, however, that we've seen in some circumstances instead of certainly drawn a lot of criticism, including one incident last week at emory university involving a college professor. take a look you look at that video at the start of that, what you see is this professor coming up towards a group of officers who were attempting to put someone in custody. >> now, at that point, i think anyone who served in law enforcement will understand that for that officer to try to get her away from that situation, that would be justified, but it's been taking her to the ground afterwards. that is obviously raised
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serious questions under the letter of the law but under the state of georgia, battery on a police officer or something as simple as touching them in a provoking way. but of course, in law enforcement, what departments look for is judgment. people who understand, but just because you can do something, is that the best course of action? it's worth pointing out that certainly since the 2020 protests that we saw across the country, i've heard from law enforcement people who said that one tactic they're taking is understanding there are now hundreds of videos that are often being taken at these incidents. if they see someone who they think isn't committing a serious violation, they can go back to the tape and then try to get that person later rather than seeing this violent encounter that we saw there. i do want to show you one example of the right way to do this. we saw this the last week at the university of southern california where you have protesters who were surrounding this vehicle, a protester was taken and put into a squad car that turns into this very volatile situation where it's essentially it's a standoff of sort if we have that video at some point, authorities ultimately determined that they
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were going to try to de-escalate and you actually see them letting the individual out of the back of that squad car. obviously, there was some kind of conversation that they had with this person. interestingly, once that person steps out of the car, he then starts telling everyone else to step back, to push back and to get out of that area. and so you see that decision being made by the on-scene commander to try to de-escalate that situation. question obviously, kate, we're going to see more and more of these protests. law enforcement will certainly be under the microscope as far as how they respond. certainly a lot of the actions raising a lot of questions, obviously there are so many other encounters that have happened as well where authorities are being asked to get people out of private property. certainly a very volatile situation absolutely. >> thank you, josh, really appreciate it. >> come up for us. the campus protests have also increased pressure on the biden administration, how the white house is now responding to all of this. >> and the second week begins of donald trump's hush money trial. >> why hasn't the judge yet ruled on trump's multiple
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violations of the gag order quite yet plus the collision on the sidelines, leaving an nba coach feeding to be carried off the court in the middle of the playoffs will be a florida man is hospitalized, infected with anthrax sunday. this became the bureau's no more crying to solve. >> how would really happen with jesse l. martin sunday at nine on cnn. >> i'm richard car and i love my host. my hose is lightweight my hope will not kink and my hose is anti leak. >> it 8,000 old hoses. >> this is my host. >> the new pocket hose, copper bullet, now infused with real kopan. so your water is always clean and lead-free. just turn on the water and watch your hose grow and grow to a full-size three quarter inch hose. it stretches and expands like a rubber band. and when you turn off the water away, it
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it's carroll exactly. >> so which like are we operating on? >> you mean arm? >> it's all connected, asking the right question can greatly impact your future. >> you share your an orthopedist, actually, i'm a sagittarius especially when it comes to your finances, give a question. >> are you a certified financial planner? >> yes. i'm a cfp professional cop professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. >> that's why it's gotta be a f
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and it's called poppy rehab. >> a sense here of competition level as good as it gets. >> we given ourselves another life i've long as one game sears celtics, lakers, nuggets coverage begins tonight at seven nba playoffs presented by google pixel. we'll round one cupboards presented by nerdwallet on tnt tomorrow donald trump will be back in a new york city courtroom accused of falsifying business documents to conceal a hush money payment to a porn star, stormy daniels. the prosecution is set to call new witnesses to help layout. it's case against him before the jury. cnn's brin
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jin grass star, a primetime joins me now in the morning. what can we expect this? well, you weren't you were like primetime last week, yeah. >> so listen, we have some fun. i don't know if that's the right word. you can help me better and better vocabulary 19, elements to this case, right? we have performed present republican nominee, we have a tabloid titan, we have an adult film star, but really at the heart of this case is what you just said, that 34 counts of falsifying business it's records and that's what prosecutors are. now just starting to get into. is that paper trail. so they said it was going to be dense with paperwork that's going to have to be shown to jurors, and that's what we're seeing with this last witness. i was just on the stand and he's a banker that michael cohen used to set up those shell companies to first pay off karen mcdougal, of course, that transaction never happened, but then they showed during first basically how we set up another one. and that is to set the stage for paying off stormy daniels, of course, at the heart of this case. so that's where we're at right now with this trial ended on friday with jurors hearing from gary farro, who's this banker. and we're going to see just more sort of paperwork lined out. we saw the same thing prior to him, which was
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trump's longtime assistant at trump tower, where she was shot knowing how karen mcdougal and stormy daniels were contacts in the trump organization, how she actually saw stormy daniels at trump tower, though the defense said she might have been there for casting for the apprentice. but yeah. so the next couple of days we'll see how much is document-heavy and then we might get into the big blockbuster witnesses again, like we saw with david pecker, we have michael cohen coming up, stormy daniels. so the next couple of weeks are certainly going to be busy theory. >> these are the documents that would corroborate what the prosecution hopes to get out of michael coe exactly. right. bringing grass great to see you and joining us right now to talk more about exactly this cnn senior legal analyst and former assistant us attorney for the southern district of new york. >> elie honig. elie start we start me up this week and setting the stage, if you will. i mean, how has the k's gone so far for the de how would how would you feel if you were back at the prosecutors table okay. >> if i was back at the prosecutors table, i would feel completely satisfied with the way this case is started out.
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look, you're not going to win the case in the first week. what you want to do is set the foundation for the jury and looking back now, okay. they've got three witnesses in. things seem to be moving fairly efficiently, and they've given the jury the following. first of all, the jury now understands catching kill the seedy underbelly of the national enquirer, trump pecker, ami that's important for the rest of the case. they've also now established a groundwork to get him in the trump organization's business documents. that was the second witness, rhona graff, who was a long time justin to trump. >> and now with the bank and they're getting into the actual chars, the actual falsification of business records. >> so this is all you can ask for as a prosecutor after the first week of trial, that's going efficiently and smoothly and you're getting in your main points that the jury is going to need later on. >> let's talk about that banker and just one second, but when you're talking about main points for coming from prosecutors table, what are the best points that trump's defense team has made so far yes. >> so they're picking their battles thus far. they haven't
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gone after all three witnesses. they haven't had a chance yet to cross examine the baker, but they've established a couple of important points first of all, they use david pecker to cast doubt on michael cohen. they got david pecker to say that michael cohen is prone to exaggeration. and then when rhona graff came up, they used her on cross-examination, not to suggest she some kind of liar or anything, but rather to humanize donald trump. they got her to talk about how he was a decent the boss and a man who she liked and admired. so i think what the defense is doing is they're laying back in there waiting they're really saving their fire here from michael cohen then on the banker that's going to be taking the stand, that brin and john were talking about. >> how important is his testimony. do you think to the da's case? >> so he's the least dramatic witness so far, but i also think he's the most relevant to the actual charges because the crime itself goes to the way in which donald trump and michael cohen structure the payments to stormy daniels, the allegation is that they falsified business records. both of them together around those payoffs. and this is the
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banker for who worked with michael cohen to help michael cohen free up $130,000. he ended up drawing down on his mortgage in order to pay stormy daniels. so that's sort of half of the transaction. the other half is trump than reimbursing michael cohen. so this is sort of, i guess dry banking stuff, but sometimes it's also the most important stuff that you have to make sure jury really under stands and also, i guess it's just a weight a weight waiting game right now still, as everyone waits to see when and how and what the judge is going to say about the multiple violations that donald trump has made of the gag order. >> why do you think? the judge does it does this seem like it's delayed in hearing from the judge? like why why do you think the judge hasn't ruled yet i have given up trying to figure out when and why this judge is going to rule. >> i thought he was going to roll right away. 30 should rule right away. look, judge merchan has done a very good job of keeping control of his courtroom and keeping things
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moving efficiently. and this is sort of an inexplicable laps, i think by him to me, there's no reason to hold off. i mean, here's the status quo we had an initial batch of 11 alleged violations. the judge held a hearing on that early last week, and now we've got a second batch of for more where he's holding hearing next week end, he hasn't ruled on any of them and trump continues to violate the gag order, although we did cool off a bit this weekend, so maybe he's getting tired of it or maybe he doesn't want to have any more of these gag order hearings, but look it as a fact, there's not a lot the judge can do the judge is not going to lock up donald trump, certainly not right now. he can only find them $1,000 per incident, but like we both have kids, like if you wait to enforce discipline they're not going to get the point at all. they're going to run rampant. so you have to enforce discipline even if you have limited tools. i think it has to be swift and it has to be certain. so i don't know what the judge is waiting for. i don't know when we're going to hear and i think it's a misstep it's good to see you, ali. >> thank you very much. >> thanks. good. >> i'm not for us. the arizona republican party doubling down
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now on support for one of the people indicted for being part of the fake electors scheme. in that state, the new job that he just got with the rnc and more storms are in the forecast, more states are in danger where severe weather is threatening today and after a widespread and tornado outbreak cut a huge trail of destruction over the weekend so this playoff great teammates trust each other. we're gonna do a trust balls, stand up, trust. >> what you're seeing outdoors i told you it was a dummy this week on shui, shuffle your pets favorites and get $130 a0 gift card enjoying more savings on more food more toys and more treats more of everything they love, delivered right to your door only with chewing sometimes it takes a different approach to imagine your future differently thank you for
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oraa ring riyadh says new album is breaking records who gets what country is call me country beyond, say a nashville's renaissance streaming exclusively on mats new this morning? a political promotion of sorts for a man now accused of trying to overturn the 2020 election, arizona state center jake hoffman, who was under indictment and the fake elector scheme has now been named as a national committeeman for the rnc hoffman was indicted along with 17 others, including former white house chief of staff, mark meadows and rudy
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giuliani. with this now cnn national security reporter, zach cohen. so go into the rnc yeah, john, this is the latest example of the republican national committee. really embracing these individuals at the state level who helped tried to overturn the 2020 presidential election in these key swing states, arizona, georgia, nevada, michigan, individuals that are still very active in republican politics today. >> and jake hoffman is a good example. somebody who served as a fake elector in arizona, as you mentioned, he's been indicted as part of this alleged conspiracy to not only overturn the election results there in 2020, but also in those other key swing states, he met. remember he sent a letter to then vice president mike pence on january 5, 2021, asking him to delay the certification of the 20 2020 election results, which was another key part of this indictment, that names him along with the other ten fake electors from arizona and seven other people from inside trump's orbit, people who are really close to trump and have been really close to trump
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since the beginning of his presidency, almost five years ago now that they couldn't mark meadows is former chief of staff, rudy giuliani is former personal attorney. jenna ellis his former campaign attorney, john eastman, mike roman, boris epshteyn, and another person who's actually gotten a political promotion of sorts. and the time since christina bobb, you might remember that name christina bobb. she's a former oan anchor, host, tv personality, but she was also one of the key people pushing these election fraud claims, including an arizona she's indicted alongside jake hoffman and was recently appointed as the lead counsel for election integrity at the rnc. so again, the rnc, the national the national party, the republican national party, really hugging some of these people please key players from the bid to overturn the 2020 election. and it's hard to not notice the parallels between what donald trump himself, even though he's not indicted in arizona, what he's been saying about these investigations and these indictments related to the 2020 election. i'm going to read jake hoffman's statement after he was indicted, it sounds a
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lot like what we've heard about trump hoffman wrote, let me be unequivocal. i am innocent of any crime. i will vigorously defend myself. and i look forward to the de when i am vindicated of this disgusting political persecution by the judicial process. and then almost the same time, the arizona gop release a statement calling the indictment a blatant and abreast and unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial power aimed solely at distracting the public. so you can obviously see the parallels there between what we're seeing at the state level in the wake of these other, since i've been in arizona. and what trump has been saying at a national level since the first charge came down almost a year-and-a-half ago. >> yeah. look, the employment of either party since a clear message doesn't is that cone great to see you? thank you very much. >> so taylor swift's says she is overwhelmed and mind blown as her new album breaks multiple records within its first week of release in breaking this morning, a new deals on the table for a ceasefire of rumen and gaza, according to us officials, israel's proposal as quote,
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peoples who know. >> no video try killing bugs, the worry freeway not the other way. because evo, traps use light to attract and track flying insects with no odor and no mess. they were continuously so you don't have to the evo people friendly, deadly, and what's it like to hear from the people actually living the headlines? i'm already cornish might cnn podcast. we'll talk to the people behind the trending stories i've got a lot of questions. >> your assignment with body cornish. listen wherever you get your podcasts i'm breaking news this morning, secretary of state tony blinken now says, israel has presented hamas with a quote extraordinarily generous proposal for a ceasefire he is in his back, in the middle east right now trying to push those negotiations forward to get hostages released as they are still being held captive by hamas in gaza. >> this assessment from blinken comes after our call sunday between president biden and
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israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, during which president biden also was focused in on those hostile doj and ceasefire talks. let's get over the white house. cnn's arlette scientists much more for us, our what are you hearing about all of this okay. >> president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu spent just under an hour on the phone yesterday and a source familiar with the call said that the majority of the conversation did focus on those hostage negotiation so you really have heard us officials speaking in a bit of an optimistic tone in recent days, a senior us official just days ago said that they do believe there is an avenue for a deal and this morning, while he was in saudi arabia, secretary of state antony blinken said that israel has offered a very generous proposal and said that the owner this now is on hamas to agree to this. now, hamas officials are currently in cairo where they are meeting with the egyptian and qatari mediator to talk through a potential deal as sources have told our colleagues in the region that it could potentially lead to the release
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of as many as 33 hostages in exchange for a weeks-long a ceasefire. but there's still, of course, is much more work to be done now, hamas in recent days has offered to proof of life videos for two of the living americans who are believed to be still held, held hostage by hamas. so there is a real real optimism that something could potentially come together. now at the same time, the president then also use that phone call to make clear his position when it comes to a potential israeli operation in rafah, us officials have been warning for quite some time now that israel must go to great lengths to try to protect and move them the more than 1 million civilians who are currently in rafah, the us has been offering their counsel and advice to israel as they are considering this operation. but the president did bring that up in his phone call yesterday with a white house readout saying that he made clear his position, but officials did tell us that the majority of that phone call was
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about hostage negotiations since they are quite eager to get these five americans and the other hostages out of gaza as soon as possible. >> and arlette related to this, i know the white house has been facing continued pressure to respond or to take a stance on the protests that have the pro-palestinian protests that have engulfed campus it says all across the country, what is the white house saying about this yeah. the white house is really want a very assign and delegate line when it comes to responding to these protests, you've heard us officials here at the white house really condemn antisymmetric rhetoric that has emerged around some of the protests. but they've also been trying to stress that these protests must remain peaceful. take listen to what john kirby had to say just yesterday but and i'm told now, we don't have that sound, but it also comes at a time where president biden is facing enormous political pressure as well when it comes to his handling of this war between israel and hamas you take a
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look at recent polling from cnn. it found that 71% of voters disapproved of the president's handling of this conflict. that's an even greater number of disapproval when you look at what young voters think 81% disapprove of his its handling. that's among those who are 35 and younger. so it comes at a time where you're seeing these very active protests on these college campuses while there's a lot of discontent and to also about the way that president biden has handled this conflict arlette at the white house and see what comes from there today. >> thank you very much. as 20 blinken continues his trip and released related all this absolute and look, you were just talking about the protests around the country. there are tents set up on campuses, right where many of these universities are planning to hold graph education ceremonies within days. could this force more schools to cancel commencements cnn's rafael romo has the latest at university campuses across nation heated protests and some violent clashes between police and
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pro-palestinian protesters, are what i saw was unprovoked and severe brutality exacted by police on some campuses fastest the protests popped up universities, cold police to shut them down by removing demonstrators. a move that has been harshly criticized, and not only by those protesting the real problem here is that the administration called the atlanta police, the university of southern california has canceled its main commencement ceremony one, citing new safety measures in place. dozens were arrested thursday at emory university and a planter including martin berg, the third year law students whose expected to graduate in three weeks says their protest was peaceful until the police showed up. >> nothing was disrupted and anyone saying that campus was disrupted doesn't understand what a campus is. a campus is a place for open expression and exchange of ideas. and that's exactly what folks were doing there but some jewish students
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say that the last few months since hamas attacked israel on october 7, in israel began its assault on hamas in gaza. they have been subjected to a hostile environment. >> i believe everyone has a right to protest the problem is when it becomes threatening, like holding up signs that say june who's there nazis and things of that sort is not at all peaceful. >> all there's like there's first year law school students say tensions within the student body have made it very difficult not only to learn, but to attend school altogether when these people are chanting excuse my language in unison, zionists on the quad lawn of emory university. and i have to stand by and hear that. and we're told that we don't belong on campus because we don't identify with their movement to me that says that they don't want to have a dialogue as schools get ready for graduation here under intense pressure to bring the situation under control and
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many students say that's also what they want. >> it is in our best interest to reach an agreement before commencement because we want students and families to be able to celebrate this milestone together on this campus. >> the volatile situation has also become a political issue with leaders such as texas governor greg abbott, blasting protesters students joining in hate-filled anti-semitic protests that any public college or university in texas should be expelled here he said on x, i truly do think that dialogue is the only way we as a society are going to be able to come together to truly create lasting peace but in an environment where the rhetoric is so loud, the few voices calling for peace are getting drowned out rafael romo, cnn atlanta all right, i want to bring in neil mega. >> he the editor in chief and president of the brown daily herald. first of all, ye journalism. thank you for what you're doing at college on that front here easily here is breeding period right now a brand. but what's your understanding of the situation
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on campus this morning? >> sure. well, thanks for having me. today is day six of the encampment protest at brown university and the protesters are showing no signs of stopping. they're very determined what's interesting about brown is that this question of divestment has been going on for quite some time. it's not just in response to the encampment's taking place across the country. in fact, in 2020 and advisory committee at the university advise the president two divesting endowment from roughly a dozen companies with ties to israel that it identified. and the president said no. and argued that the endowment shouldn't be used to take stances on what she characterized as contentious geopolitical issues. so as a result of that decision, there's quite a bit of activism in 2020 so this encampment protests taking place now is really a continuation of protests that have been taken taking place over the past three or four years. >> it's not shutting anything down. i mean, i happen to know so be related to someone who took a tour of the campus? not
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we could go right. >> so right now is reading period like you said, at brown, which is a week before finals, where students don't have classes for the most part. so yeah, nothing is shutting down some classes and review sessions are still going and the university's functions are still going on. >> what is the communication between the university and the people who are protesting? >> so recently the university issued letters to protesters that are at the encampment. the university issued some charges from its student conduct office, and it's saying that the protesters have until 5:00 p.m. today to voluntarily accept some these charges. or there'll be subject to a further hearing where charges might be more severe. >> are they willing to eat these charges if two? voice their opinions? >> so it's unclear at this point, and there's so many protesters. but charges are not unusual for protests like these in the past in december, there were two sets of sit in style protests at the university's main administrative building on
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campus in total, 61 students were, in fact arrested at those protests for trespassing after calling on the university to divest in commencement, which is still several weeks away. >> what happens if these the process are still going on during commencement? >> so it's also unclear what's going to happen by commencement, but where the university commencement typically takes place is in fact where the encampment is taking place right now in terms of the level of rhetoric right now, have there been incidents of antisemitism and violence? so there haven't been any reports that brown of discrimination or anti-semitism coming out of this encampment what do you think will happen and what are you looking for most closely the next days and weeks. >> so as this as 5:00 p.m. deadline approaches for students, what are reporters that the brown daily herald are trying to do is understand whether this is going to deter prep protesters or whether they're going to push forward protesters at brown have shown a great deal of resilience to threats of arrests and conduct
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charges in the past. so we're very curious to see what's going to happen next slide, you have reporters, they are working the scene, stay with neal. thanks so much for being with us. i appreciate thanks for having me a new luck with new cnn polling at the presidential race this morning. >> what voters are saying about donald trump's advantage over joe biden nationally? and the issue that now stands as a 70% problem for president biden. and the moment and nba coach is taken out by his own player during an nba hey, playoff game will be back when the jinx came out. >> i thought, oh, my god when bob has a friend, he expects blind loyalty you're going to be two prizes of surprises biz to credit we know running a business takes everything you have, and only a certain kind of leader has what it takes. every new challenge lunches years to solve. and there's no such thing as off the clock you
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selling frame when you visit or a we have a contents here competition level as good as it yeah, we've given ourselves another lifeline because one game sears, celtics, lakers, nuggets coverage begins tonight at seven nba playoffs presented by google pixel with round one cupboards presented by nerdwallet. >> don't i'm caitlin poland's at the federal court in washington, and this is cnn world central kitchen resumes, aid operations in gaza today. >> this for the first time
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since seven of its volunteers were killed by an israeli airstrike in their announcement, wolff central kitchen said they are opening a new high production kitchen and calling it damien's kitchen after one of the aid workers killed severe storms threaten parts of texas and louisiana. this morning with flood warnings in place tornado tore through the southern plains over the weekend, leaving a trail of destruction behind four people, including an infant in oklahoma or killed or 22 tornadoes were can turn firm who have touched down elon musk just wrapped up a visited china as he tries to get beijing's approval, the rollout tesla's self-driving technology there the china association of auto manufacturers said tesla's model three and y vehicles had past data security requirements. some of tesla cars had previously been banned in parts of china because of spying concerns in a really scary moment, the nba hey, minnesota timberwolves, point guard mike conley collided with the head coach, chris finch right there you can see it just
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wasn't rule head-on collision resulted in finch tearing his patellar tendon. i believe that's in his the t-wolves play the final two minutes of the game without their coach ultimately winning and sweden being the phoenix suns, it's not clear whether finch will be available to coach game one of the second round it does look so painful, my god. so we also have a fresh look at this the presidential race this morning, new cnn polling showing donald trump's, donald trump maintains his advantage over president joe biden and a national survey and the interesting numbers also suggesting that absence is making the heart grow fonder for some voters, sudan's political director, david challenge. he has the numbers and a deep dive force. >> hu david, what do, tell me? what you see in these new matchup numbers is their movement well, let's start with that overall national horse race again, this is a national snapshot right now and you noted donald trump maintains his lead here. >> it's 49% among registered voters to joe biden's 43%. if
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you compare that to your question about movement to where we had this race in january. it's basically the same than it was 49% for donald trump, 45% for joe biden. that difference for biden there, it's well within the margin of error, so that is statistically the same racial looking at and kate, quite frankly it's been the same for the last eight months that we've been pulling this race in terms of our national surveys, this is pretty much what it is look like. a, a slight lead for donald trump for over the last eight months my point of absence maybe making the heart grow fonder for some, the view of success or failure, or how, how voters are viewing the success or failure of the two presidencies, if you will, what do you see there? yeah there is no doubt that width some time between donald trump's administration and now his administration has grown rosier in the eyes of americans. look here, 55% of americans in this poll say that trump's
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presidency was a success. that's almost a complete reversal of where trump was on that question. when he actually left office nearly four years ago, three-and-a-half years ago joe biden, though, you see a completely different assessment by those polled here, 39% called trump's biden's presidency, currently a success, 61% call it a failure, and kate, i just want to show you his overall approval rating for the president right now. it's at 40% approval 60% disapproval. this has just been a stubbornly consistently low approval rating for joe biden as he is now closing in on the final six months of this quest for a second term, there is no doubt that everyone in the body biden campaign in the white house would like to see this number move up a bit as voters start zoning in on their decisions. >> one factor in this approval rating and basically any assessment of the current president is often linked to
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the economy. it appears this time as well. i mean, how are voters feeling about the economy? because rosier data is coming out? >> there's no doubt, but as you know, americans don't assess the economy through the economic indicators and data that we all report on constantly. they assess it or how they feel about 34% currently approved of biden's handling of the economy. so significantly lower than his overall job approval, six 66% disapprove. and when you ask how is the economy going today? what's your rating of it? 30%, 30% of americans say it's good 70% of americans say it's poor. i just want to note here that if the economy is overwhelmingly the most important issue for voters, this is not insignificant. and so while there are a ton of other issues that we discussed and even issues that the president performs worse on the
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israel hamas war, immigration, the economy is still front and center for people. so this is something you're going to hear biden talk about day in and day out to try to boost those numbers up as well. >> absolutely. it's great to see you, david. thank you so much for jumping on this morning, short john. thank with us now, formal communications director for the trump administration, mike dub key also, democratic strategist and former white house aide to president and bill clinton. keith boink and keith, let me start with you. >> you see these numbers as a democrat who i presume wants to see president biden get re-elected where would you advise them to do the work to turn it around? >> well i think that the numbers don't necessarily indicate how people will show up at the polls. we know that early polls are not predictive. we also know that the abortion issue really hurts republicans and that's an issue the democrats will be hammering from now until november in addition, we don't know the impact of trauma i'm strauss, his first trial just began just last week. we don't know what's going to come out of that if he's convicted, what happens with other trials, if he happens to have another
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trial before the fall election, that's a big issue. the big advantage of democrats, two big advantages the democrats have. one is the popular vote. democrats have won the popular vote and seven, the last eight presidential elections there's no indication that they won't win the popular vote in this election. the electoral college still skews unfairly toward the republicans, but the other issue is fundraising. democrats have outraised republicans and fundraising both the presidential level at the party level. and in addition, they have made enormous advise going into the fall campaign. they've saturated the market and closed up the opportunities for donald trump and republicans liked you buy that to the democrats. have donald trump right where they want them no, i don't buy that at all first of all, on the popular vote versus the electoral vote the rules of the game are set and it's a state-by-state contest. >> and so while these national polls probably are heartwarming for the trump campaign, more importantly, when you look state by state, you're seeing advantages to the trump
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campaign. the other, the other issue here that david pointed out as the economy farmville, james carville years ago famously said it's the economy stupid and he's, he's absolutely correct. most likely in 2024. and when you have high mortgage rates, you have the cost of gas up, you have the cost of eggs up, you have the cost of milk that is rising. these are all problems for the biden administration that they really don't have a lot of control over and the economic factors worldwide that are driving these costs are something that they're going to have to contend with and most likely no matter how much money they have to spend and how much of a cash advantage they have it will be very difficult to roll against that tide. >> you're shaking your head, keith he had because the economy is not biden's week as argument, maybe we've got 15 million new jobs created. >> the biden administration more than any other first-term of any administration, including donald trump who lost jobs by the way, we have 3.8%
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unemployment, the lowest black unemployment rate in history, inflation is going down just by what we're hearing from the other side. inflation is going down and people, people have to understand, i guess the republicans, donald trump does a great job of marketing promotion, but it doesn't have any record. he's running a substance free campaign. what's donald trump's solution for the economy? what's the solution for the for, for inflation, which is solution for health care and wage increases. what's his solution for any of these issues? the media, i think have to own up to our responsibility to we have to start asking substantive questions and not just ask all these horse-race question. is donald trump is running this substance for your campaign because we're not asking him the questions about what are his policy? seat position is. people don't seem to be paying attention to that because he doesn't have any policy positions. >> so mike, what do you think donald trump's plan is to fight inflation for first of all, i'm gonna say i'm gonna go back to this when, when a campaign and i had to deal with this and the trump administration when you start looking at yourself and saying, well, we're just not explain its a communications problem.
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we're not explaining ourselves. so the media is not doing their job good enough. >> the numbers that cnn put out today, 72, 30% when asked how americans feel about the, about the economy and the biden administration that isn't a communications issue that's a gut feeling. >> and that's really where this campaign is coming down to. so as the incumbent the biden administration has to explain to the american people why they deserve another four years. >> that's always the case but keith but keith, does he does race the question. >> he answered my question is, what's trump's position on inflation? what's trump's strategy? what's he going to do well, this is, this is exactly what this is. this is why no, no, no, no. what i'm saying is this is exactly at this is why the biden administration needs to come out of the gate and explain it? i'm not here to represent the trump campaign or to give you an explanation what i'm here to do, i think is to give you a little bit of sense of where these poll numbers and as a
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political professional give you a little sense of where if i was running a campaign, i would continue to push and as the trump administration, i would continue to talk about the current administration and rely less on and rely less on some of the other topics when the vast majority of americans are concerned about the economy. and when you ask the american people again to the cnn numbers, which way when looking at the economy would you vote and trump wins 62 to 30% over, over joe biden uses worthy. >> it isn't. this is where this is going to be fought. do this is why americans hate politics because we're talking about strategy, we're not talking about any policy. i ask, what is trump's position on any of these policy issues? i have yet to hear an answer. and if from donald trump, the republican party, or from anyone else, because no one seems to be talking about this. all he does this talk about nonsense issues and diversionary ucs and talk about his and talk about how he's a victim get them in his grieving campaign. it's a festive. his campaign is not a
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serious policy campaign and republicans know that that's the reason why he couldn't come up with the answer when you and i'm john asked him what is only on these question it mike is not here to represent the trump campaign, to be clear, but i am curious. do you think the trump campaign make does have an articulated plan on inflation i do think that they will as we get into the debate and about the debates and whether or not they're going to happen. >> i don't know that they need to i don't need i don't know this. six months out from the from the election and all these poll numbers are going to fluctuate and change. we are far out from the actual voting on november 5, i don't know if it is really even responsible for them right now to be talking about what their plans are, rather than putting a focus on the values of the biden administration. but as we get closer to the election, and we get into the presidential debates. this is where joe biden can directly ask donald trump on that debate stage, what are your policies and
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that's the time to have this when the american people are fully paying attention. but as of right now the pull numbers do not look good for the president and his reelection keith 30 seconds. >> it was donald trump wasn't president united states for four years and has spent the past four, three or four years campaigning for president again, you're telling me we have to wait until october, november, where we find out what his position is on on what is going to do about unemployment, what he's gonna do about health care? what he's gonna do about education, student loan debt, what he's going to do about affordable housing or criminal justice reform or climate change. what he's gonna do about inflation, you don't have any answers for that. we just have to wait until october, november, and trust you and trust republicans. that's preposterous. this is why i'm so fed up with the way we cover these campaigns, because it's not substantive, it's all about the horse races it's all about donald trump's trials. let's talk about policy. the reason why joe biden isn't doing as well is because we don't talk about policy especially that when it comes donald trump, were just talking about donald trump, the character. and that is problematic with the way we cover this and the way the political campaign painters


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