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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 30, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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challenges engaging young voters and actually driving turnout up. president barack obama obviously changed that with his compelling candace c. in 2000 an their continued be engagement 2016 and 2020 we're beginning to see in some of these numbers is actually reversion to the norman. some ways were younger voters are less, more apathetic less engaged. >> and i'll tell you, i think the biggest determination who's going to win this election if it were held today, it wouldn't be donald trump but the biggest determination will be who defines rfk jr. you look at that cnn police have 16% is essentially a blank canvas. >> he's the only candidate with right-side-up approval ratings right now about 31 or so percent approval, high 20s on disapproval and whichever candidate define some is gonna be the one to win so you've seen donald trump in the last few days going off on truth social, calling him a far-left liberal, i would not be shocking. you begin to see joe biden's campaign serwer trying to pay rfk is the true outsider, and that's going to be the determination if rfk is
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seen as an outsider shaken up the system to young voters and it just voters overall, they will pull from trump seen as just far environmental lawyer to the left, a joe biden is going to help donald trump and joe biden and that's gonna be a big x factor. young voters, if it gives them an option of none of the above so fast day limit, let's talk about some inside party politics really quick. >> now, i want your take on this. there's some movement in republican party politics that i'm not, that i don't not sure what to make of yesterday, former arizona state rep. liz harris, well-known conspiracy theorist, election denier in arizona, was elected as a republican national committee, national committee woman for the state also elected as an rnc committeeman, arizona state senator jake hoffman, who's one of the people who has been indicted in that is a fake as a so-called fake elector in the new case, that's just been brought in arizona on election subversion. >> are you are you happy with those moves? does this help? republican chances in that
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critical state no one book, this is a challenge you've been seeing really on in both parties. >> but in particular the republican party on the organizational sayyed the last few years, which you have seen some folks who are not political operatives, who are not people who've run campaigns were not fundraisers sorry folks have really gotten involved in last four years who have some of these extremely conspiratorial views. and you've actually seen it to hurt state parties across the country. look at what happened in michigan. i mean, michigan eight years ago was one of the best funded best run republican party's state parties in the country. over the course of a few years became essentially bankrupt into it now has finally new leadership and might actually be able to pull itself together and time to deliver a win in november. but you're seeing those problems in arizona today. you're going to have to see the trunk campaign, which is a very professionally run operation, is go around, have to build its own operation. states like arizona and likely not rely on the state republican i'm party unfortunately, i'm going to
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answer for paul because we're out of time, i gotta get to breaking news. paul's as democrats and goes on to say, thank you very much for what we were seeing there, paul, you get double you get double billing next time. i'm sorry, we've got to run, guys. thank you so very much. new. our have seen a new central starts now breaking overnight. protesters breach building a columbia university are sarah signer is standing by and the seat we will get right to her for this breaking news court resumes for donald trump has a new report, says he's angry at one of us his own lawyers and the amazing story of the powerball winner who has been battling cancer what that means for his fight, i'm john berman with kate bolduan, sarah sayyed. you're on the breaking new who's this is cnn news central cnn breaking news we are here are just outside the campus of columbia university, just to my right. >> you will see hamilton hall.
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>> that is where students and where things changed here when some of the students work into the building went into the building and occupied the building the difference in the protests really ratcheting up at this point in time and i should let you know that we are just getting some information from the university itself. >> they have just put this out in the last few seconds and i want to read it to you from a university spokesperson, ben chang. he says, early this morning, a group of protesters occupied hamilton hall on the morningside campus of columbia the university, the safety of every single member of this community is paramount. the first step we have taken is to alert our campus community in light of the protest activity we have asked members of the university community who can avoid coming in to morning. sayyed campus to do so, essentially, personnel should report to work according to policy, access it's to campus. now been limited to students residing in residential buildings on campus. so that is
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a very, very latest. we have just gotten the last few seconds from the university as they try and deal with the situation that they have been looking at on wednesday, we'll have been for two weeks. all right. we now have with us a jarryd hayne students who has been involved in this pro-palestinian protests on campus, you were at the encampment. >> you were jewish students. can you give us some sense of what is happening inside of that encampment. >> and there's been a lot of talk about anti-semitism, about jew with students not feeling safe. how have you felt? >> i have felt entirely safe, welcomed, and supported within the movement within the encampment. when i've stopped by, as have myself hello, jewish students who have chosen to celebrate recent holidays within the encampment use their voice to stand in solidarity with palestine and all talk of antisense it isn't, i think is a tactic meant to keep people afraid and try to ignore what we're saying and what we're saying is that there's a genocide going on in gaza being
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funded by our government that our university has profiting off of. and i think that if they can use some tactics to portray us all as some sort of hateful mom knob then they can go on with ignoring our message and so that's why i think it's important for me and all my fellow jewish students to come forward and say that we've been, we've been part of this from the beginning and there's no room for hate. there's no room for discrimination anywhere within this movement. i'm very proud of some of my fellow jewish students who have put everything on the line for gaza to make sure that gaza may live, that we can divest that has been in the demand of those that have been in that sort of area on the campus with a tenth. >> now, this has changed though that some students are now inside of this building here wilson hall. what do you know about those who are inside and what your plan might be i think the plan remains the same.
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>> i want to commend them all for their bravery as well. as the faculty who have stepped up, who have seen the depths that the administration is willing to go to try to suppress student voices so between the students and the faculty they our following the first steps of historical protests that from the 60s and they're not going anywhere until columbia needs the demands of the apartheid divest movement, which have not changed. >> that's full disclosure every company an organization that dominance invested in a full died from any company that facilitates or profits off israeli apartheid, genocide and stopping the dual degree program with tel aviv university, stopping the construction of the tel aviv global center full amnesty for any students and faculty that have been disciplined. >> they're suspended for speaking up on behalf of palestine and stopping our involvement in land grabs in harlem and palestine. >> i do want to ask you the
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demands have been made very clear to columbia university, columbia university he says they were talking with you, talks broke down. there was a 2:00 deadline. and then after that deadline, they said, look, we're going to take actions. students will be suspended that we can identify. i want to ask you about going back to some of the the things that we've heard that have upset some of the students and the community. one is one of your one of your protests leaders came out on social media and said zionists should not be able to live and that has really ratcheted things up in people's minds that they're afraid, right? some of the students are afraid. and secondly, there was someone holding a sign where further were jewish students standing and singing. and it said, all qassam. next victims. >> what do you make of those? are those people who are involved. i mean, obviously the student protester was involved in the protests. what what do you make of those states? >> i will say when you refer to jewish students that singing, please identify them as pro-israel students. students either side this issue. as far as the first one, that
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individual is no longer one welcome on this campus. he's no longer welcome in eye movement. there's no room for hate in this movement as far as the second one, none of us know who that person is. and we are aware of organizations that are hi its address people up and shout hateful things to try to discredit the entire loop. >> so none of us know who that person is known as. >> i've seen them before we're i'm pretty sure it's a situation similar to what happened at northeastern where one person who was on the hur israel side started shouting some violently anti-semetic things and then blend it on the pro-palestine sayyed never believed him. and then all the profiles that people got arrested so instead of focusing on individuals who none of us know who all disavowed. we need to be clear. >> you have disavowed and hold the former. one of the protest leaders who who made those comments about zionists should not be able to live. you've said, as a group, you are not
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allowed on not seen him anywhere on campus, anywhere in the movement since then and he is not welcome within the movement lastly, i just want to quickly ask you about how this is all been in put together. >> there are people from all different sides some of them are supportive of the pro-palestinian movement from the outside. some of them supportive of the israeli government. i want to ask you about how what's being organized, because there are people saying, look, some of the organizers or professional organizers, is that true when your mind or was this really something that came directly from the students? and it's grassroots fled. this is a grassroots student movement. >> after in november, columbia suspended the two leading pro-palestine organizations. >> students for justice in palestine and jewish voice for peace see you apartheid divest, cuad, sprung up in its wage, which is a coalition of over 90 student organizations that did not like to see their fellow students. the people who are protesting testing on the right side of one of the biggest issues in the world right now silenced by our university. and
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we've had a lot of support from the student union. the student workers union, and it's all been planned by students who have done an incredible job. and i'm very proud of all of them. >> jared, i appreciate you coming in and talking through this with me. and i'm sure we'll be talking again let's go for it. thank you. i appreciate your time. thank you for having me free palestine fall. >> all right. so you just heard there from jarryd hayne been at this protests from very early on, how to theater there. but we now know the universe firstly is really looking at what is happening in hamilton hall where dozens of students have broken through and are now occupying that building, by the way, kate hamilton hall named after hamilton. as you well know, has had a long history of students occupying that particular hall, 68, 70 to 85. and in many of these incidents since is what the students demanded, like divesting from south africa during apartheid has worked. they are hoping that this also works, but the
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tension on campus hi, this morning absolutely. >> we'll be getting back to sarah and everything that's going going on on columbia's campus as well as other campuses all across the country right now, it's still had also for us, donald trump will be back in court this morning and we also have new reporting. donald trump is angry at his lead attorney in this case. a new research suggesting that vaping could put teenagers and others at risk of dangerous lead and heavy metal exposure i see in an exclusive as well, speaking with the leading gang leader, a leading gang leader in haiti, there's a $2 million bounty for him, but he says he has divided in protection as that nation descends further into chaos there piece of evidence tells a story how was really happy. jesse l. monitor sunday's at nine on cnn the
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physicians, mutual. >> this is a travel visit my fans around the world by that kind of propaganda anything that's what i do is my gif want to know must go. >> now streaming exclusively on macs all right, that is trump tower. >> we are waiting to see donald trump leave for a new de of testimony in his new york criminal trial, trump is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records allegedly to conceal hush money payment to a porn star knew this morning thank trump has reportedly been complaining about his lead defense lawyer, todd blanche sources tell the new york times quote, mr. trump wants him to attack witnesses, attack what the former president sees as a hostile jury pool and a chat the judge seen as bringing grass live outside corporate, i think was a new reporting on exactly what might be going on here. >> yeah, that's right. jon polin talking to her sources inside of trump's camp, saying
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what the new york times is reporting is, accurate, but listen, it's also just a stressful situation, right? this is donald trump's first criminal trial. of course, todd blanche by his side. he's actually his attorney and to other criminal indictments. >> as well and they're saying that of course, anytime that you work alongside donald trump, you're probably going to face some wrath as many of his, his attorneys have seen. >> but their focused on this trial all there focused on this witness that is again, going to take the stand and the witnesses that are coming ahead in the rest of this trial. so who's going to take the stand? we know gary pharaoh that there's a banker who michael cohen did business with. he helped him open up those shell company's where the reimbursements to stormy daniels actually went through he helped him with that home equity line of credit to help with that reimbursement. so this is a lot of the paper trail that we sort of have expected with this with this trial, essentially because of course, the charges here are 34 counts of falsifying business records. so this is getting
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into all of that paperwork that jurors need to see he and really at the end, john, as we noted yesterday in our conversation, this is to help corroborate the witnesses that are ahead. right. so when jurors here, this evidence and they here witnesses later in this trial, they can say, oh, yeah, i remember that. so that's essentially what's happening here. the groundwork being laid off for future witnesses is certainly important witness on the stand, and it's unclear who's coming next. we don't know. remember. the prosecutors are not putting out the order of their witness list because of the lashing out that trump has had on his social media yes. so we will wait and see, but i got to tell you one other thing, john, before i let you go, there are actually more trump's supporters here at the courthouse outside in the penned area where they're allowed to sort of be more than we have seen in recent past so certainly a rallying call for the former president as we wait for him to arrive at the courthouse. >> yeah. he's been complaining reportedly he that there weren't more trump's supporters. they're sparse people in terms of demonstrators. he has been basically calling for people to
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show up. interesting that a few. finally, our brand, what's the latest status on the gas? i go order yeah. >> so we're waiting to see if the judge is going to rule on that gag order hearing they had last week on those ten accusations from the prosecution about trump violating the gag order. he has not done that yet, but there is another gag order adder cag order hearing later this week on thursday for the for more allegations that prosecutors say trump violated. so he is facing up to $1,000 for each of these 14 different times that process kira said trump violated his gag order. we're waiting to hear how the judge is going to rule, what sort of penalty he might enforce against the former president. so we're continuing to standby for that job. >> all right? fringy and grass outside the courthouse, brin thank you very much. kate. >> joining us now on all of this is cnn legal analyst and former us attorney michael moore. it's good to see you, michael, let's let's start with. where they're gonna start back up today. and then i want to talk about the reporting the
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john was just talking about with brin michael cohen's former banker. he is gonna be backup there. he started he started already to testify to working with michael cohen on the financial arrangements made to pay the $130,000 a stormy daniels, the heart of this case, if you will, what are you watching for them today and how important is this testimony to be laying out the actual alleged crime? >> yeah. i'm glad to be with you this morning. this is not going to be the most riveting testimony that this jury will hear, but it's gonna be an essential part of the prosecution's case, and that is that you have to give some foundational evidence to the theory of the case that is, that there was an effort in a conspiracy to create false records to make false statements to do these things as plan to keep this information under wraps, because the catch and kill stories, so i think really the most important thing they're gonna get from mr. fare will be the efforts and the great lengths that they went to to try to concoct this scheme. so
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getting the loans by making in statements, do those types of things to move this sort of this plan for as it related to the payments that are really at issue in the case. again the prosecutor has got a balance and act to do that is to try to keep this foot rather mundane testimony interesting and not lose the jury. and at the same time, be ready to move forward with something more riveting as the week goes on and says so, it's keeping that jury's attention as keeping that hook in their mouth, if you will, to keep him interested in the case, despite the fact that this is the case of such national significance and how media attention right now. >> yeah. >> and michael, there's also then the defense strategy which gets to this new reporting from the new york times donald trump is not happy with how it all is going so far as john was talking about maggie haberman and jonathan's one of the new york times reporting this. let me read you just a little bit. although mr.. mr. blanche, todd blanche has lead attorney, has been mr. trump's favorite lawyer for some time behind closed doors and in phone calls, the former president has
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complained repeatedly about him in recent some weeks. according to people familiar with the situation, he's ghraieb that mr. blanche, a former federal prosecutor and veteran litigator, has not been following his instructions closely and has been insufficiently aggressive mr. trump wants him to attack witnesses, attack with the former president sees as a hostile jury pool and attack the judge. what do you think of that i think there probably two things going on. >> i mean, i i do think there's a certain amount of stress that happens in every case and it's not unusual to see clients and their lawyers get crossed up simply because of the pressure that the client feels the lawyers used to be in the courtroom. the client oftentimes is not it creates a natural tension. sometimes the other thing, mr. trump is recognized and that he's not the ceo of the courtroom and he does not control everything that happens there and he's got a skilled lawyer who has a reputation to the fan, a client to the fan, and a process to protect. and so mr. blanche's not going to likely thrown all
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of that away simply because mr. trump has used to have been able to throw barbs and hot rhetoric it campaign opponents and things that you should do that to the judge or the witnesses in the case. so his lawyers likely listening to the witnesses. he's decided and how aggressive to go after cross-examination. he's looking at the jury is making decisions about who's winning good man, who's not with me. where did they say ma interested as it seemed like there may be sympathetic to this particular witness. and so he's also using his legal prowess that he's developed over a number of years to defend the former president. so i really think it's probably both the stress, but also this issue of control and trump because recognize and he he just doesn't control this like he made his own campaign surrogates and a lawyer, a good lawyer is one who pushed back on the clients. i look, this is a strategy call. we will talk about it, but, but this other part over here deals with how we performance. the courtesies to
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the court. but in the profession i still ism that we are going to display in the courtroom and you're not going to tell me how to do that. if that's what you'd like, you need to do, then you need to get another lawyer. >> but but but i'm going to represent you the best i can and that's why you hired me. >> trust me to do the job that you hired me to do. >> and don't say that's donald trump. we've seen what the kind of turnover he gets for his attorneys. you might now you might want to do that dr. her. sure. you might. he might it might be good to have somebody really pushed back on it. i mean, i think that's sort of the thing and good lawyers will do that. there's no case that's worth more than your professional reputation going forward because there's always another case so here's another opportunity also to talk to you, michael. >> thank you so much. it's great to see you reminder to all of you who have special coverage of today's trial as it will soon be getting back underway this morning, john or four officers killed in north carolina. >> we just got an update from the police chief on the investigation how will abide administration address the protests on college campuses across the country now, at t
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for law enforcement offices in north carolina are dead, four others injured. they were shot will try to serve a warrant outside a home in charlotte they came under fire as they approached the home, the suspect was killed at the scene and this morning, police are questioning to other people. i just spoke with the police chief who says the suspect was firing high powered weapons you know, it was an automatic powered rifle that was being used several, several rounds of fire. there was just a very tense situation. it knowing that these officers that were responding, knowing that they had people officers that they had to get to to try and get out, rescue it just press pressure that they were under to try to save lives in an active role, likley throughout that entire scene so three of the officers had been identified, the name of the fourth has not been released. the hands dianne gallagher is
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in north carolina with the latest for us this morning dying. what are you learning? >> you know, just an absolutely tragic day here in charlotte, john eight law enforcement officers injured four of them killed as a us marshals fugitive taskforce was trying to deliver a warrant for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon at a home. it's just down this street here, galway drive. there, just beginning at this 0.2, open it up a little bit to traffic police are still down there. the chief admitting this morning, johnny jennings that they're still trying to determine exam exactly what happened. but there were initial report. is that when the task force approach that home, the suspect who was identified overnight as terry hughes, junior began shooting at those officers they returned fire eventually hitting and killing hughes. we're told he died in the front yard. now, the chief did say this morning there's still trying to determine if there for someone else shooting from inside the
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house, which that's sparked more than two hours stand off. they eventually removed two people were told a woman in a 17-year-old girl from that home. but again, there's so not sure if someone was shooting from inside the house or if it was hughes the entire time just moving to different locations now, three members of that us marshals those task force were killed two 14 year veterans of the north carolina department of adult correction, sam polo, who leaves behind a wife and two children an old and elliott who leaves behind a wife and a child, a deputy us marshal was also killed. the us marshals have not identified them at this time. hi, i'm late last night after being injured in critical condition for more than six hours, charlotte-meckl enburg police officer joshua, iodide ayer was recent bonding to that shooting to try and help those other officers he leaves behind a wife and a three-year-old son who were by his side in the hospital. he
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was recognized, john us about a week-and-a-half ago as one of april's employees of the month, the mare saying yesterday that this is one of the most difficult days in charlotte you never know what your day is going to be like. you can't plan things like this to be in this space at this time. they lost their lives after they gave us the opportunity to be in a safe place and they lost their lives three of those officers who were wounded remain in the hospital. governor roy cooper was there with them and their families last night, president biden spoke with the mayor and the governor. he issued a statement calling the four officers who were killed, heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice, rushing into harm's way to protect us diane, the chief just told me last hour that it was a week ago. >> he was shaking joshua ayers
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hand, thanking him for the work he had been doing, taking guns it's off the street. dianne gallagher in charlotte. thank you so much for that same their faces hearing her story is just too much coming up still for us donald trump is heading back to court this morning. >> why is he already mad at his lead attorney? we have new reporting on that and the latest billion dollar billion dollars lottery jackpot going to want the mosab deserving women at winners. we've really ever heard of we've flown as allergies don't have to be scary, spraying flow net's daily gives you long-lasting, non drowsy relief flonase, all good. >> also try are allergy headache and nighttime pills. >> it's never a good time for migraine especially when i'm on camera. that's why my go-to is neuro check ott for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and their preventive treatment episodic migraine in adults it's the
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you do that whoa. >> whoa talk yes focus on an american home she had warranty. >> i give reject your covered home systems and appliances like this ac when the repair basement? >> yes. thank you it's oh, i'm not home. yeah, it's pretty sure it's home. >> american home shield. don't worry, be warranty illumination would go holy type games. >> you're going to see players, what it on the line here is on the way refute claims everyone is an exponent somebody six, there's next pacers box coverage begins tonight at 6:30. nba playoffs presented by google pixel with around one coverage presented by nerd wallet on tnt moments ago, donald trump left trump tower and you can see him departing right there speaking to some people as he gets in his suv for the drive down to the courthouse in manhattan.
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>> he of course, is charged with falsifying documents to cover up hush money payments to stormy daniels, an adult film actress testimony in that trial begins again shortly and we could learn maybe as soon as today. frankly, it's been a long time. we've been expecting it. >> if the judge will rule are fine. donald trump in contempt for the things he has been saying outside of the courtroom for standby for that in the meantime, new developments in the case against the man accused of killing four university of idaho students in 2022, prosecutors have asked the judge not to let him add to his alibi on the night of the killings and to prevent anyone bud him from testifying about where he was the night of the murders, it comes following an announcement. the defense from the defendant and steam that they plan to have a cell phone tower expert testified a partially corroborate a claim that he was out driving when the killings occurred. a new study finds that teenagers who've vape are more likely to be exposed to toxic metals, including lead and uranium. this can cause harm to brain and organ development. authors
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of the study reported that teens who vaped six to nine 18 days a month had 40% higher lead levels than teens who vaped one in five days a month from laos who goes by charlie one a 1.3 billion-dollar powerball jackpot is also been battling cancer for eight years. the 46 year-old says this money will help his family live a worry-free life i've play for grass my pleasure. >> answer and my life i've husband change now i can brush my family and fire good doctor for myself so when he found out he wanted jack party called his wife as she was driving to work. >> he simply told her, quote you don't have to go anymore the couple and a friend plate in one together, they will split the line lump sum payment 422 million after taxes he says, and i can find a good doctor for myself.
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>> is that's remarkable. >> so we're also continuing to cover all the breaking news with regard to the protests that have broken out pro-palestinian protesters have seized an academic building at columbia university more arrests overnight have happened at the university of texas at austin over and over similar protests, similar protests there. >> these protests continued to engulf campuses across the country and are also increasing pressure on president biden to respond further. the latest cnn polling shows voters are dissatisfied with biden's handling of the us response to israel's war war against hamas. >> but what is driving that dissatisfaction is a bigger conversation. >> cnn's harry enten has been looking into it. he's here with us now very first, start with us about where biden's approval rating stands when it comes to the handling of israel's war against hamas. >> yeah, you mentioned the word dissatisfied and i would certainly use that word. i might even use a harsher term all right. these are biden's worse issue, approval ratings. okay the economies that 34% on inflation is at 29% on the
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israel-hamas war. he's at 28%. his disapproval rating is north of 70%. my goodness, gracious. and if you look at the trend line, you see that biden's approval rating on the israel-hamas war has only been going down. if you looked at the beginning of israel's war with hamas, it was closer to about 45%. so that trend line going in a very bad direction. and right now, it's one of the worst issues for president. >> but take us inside that number and do do when you go when you dig deeper, does it suggest? that people want me say just one president biden to support israel less. >> yeah, this i think is the big question and president biden truly is between a rock and a hard place. so this is a separate poll that was conducted by quinnipiac university last month is america support? for israel too much? you see about a 30 electorate says in fact it is 33%, but about right you get this 37% to little 21%. so for
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president biden, if all of a sudden he would become less friendly towards israel. he could in fact alienate this 21%. he could fact alienating his 37%. yes, there is a portion of the american public that believes that there's too much support for israel. that's especially the case among young voters. but when we're talking about the electorate large, of course that what we're talking about when we're talking about elections, if joe biden were in fact to become less friendly towards israel, i'm not sure it would necessarily work out for him overall. >> yes. so we need shows the inside that very dispatch satisfied number. is there is a group of zinc she's not doing enough to support israel. there's a group who saying he's doing too much of support israel. this is exactly what this is getting at. why it's so important to dig deeper in the number. >> yes talk me through just policy. >> policy towards israel israeli policy in this whole issue. how it's impacting biden in 2024, just in general, like how is it where is it land in this electric? yeah exactly right. >> you know, we look at present biden's approval rating. it's
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sort of, hovering around 40% overall. and the question is, how much of this is because of folks that are dissatisfied with joe biden's handling of the israel hamas war. and so i think it's important to note how many people actually consider this issue to be important. how many say the middle east conflict is the nation's top problem? kate, it's just 2% of all adults that ranks 19th on the issue list. if you look at voters under the age you have 35, like many of those who are protesting on college campuses, just 3% say it's the nation's top problem. it rates tenth overall. so again, i'm not necessarily sure what joe biden's supposed to do in this situation, because at the in fact, where did become less friendly towards israel, he could alienate those few independent to republicans that are supported thinking and overall, i don't really think it makes that much of an impact on his overall when you see where ranks in terms of the issues and number one, i'm going to guess and we have seen this over and over again all of these adults under 35, whatever is still the economy, their personal economy, and that's where he remains exactly right
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kick good to see you. thank you so much, john. >> well, this now cnn political commentators, former white house communications director kate benningfield and republican strategists, your michael singleton. >> so kate take us inside the white house at a moment like this. >> how would the discussions go over how to respond? on to these protests that we're seeing so what you have is a recognition inside the white house, a recognition of the emotion and the passion and the outrage that you're seeing from the student protesters and from people, frankly on both sides who are supporting either side of this conflict. >> i mean, you just heard here you're going to go through how divided the country is on this. so there is, as they're discussing this inside the white house, they are certainly acknowledging the passion and the anger, but they're also, i can tell you this team is very, very good at staying focused on the long term, on the long-term policy plus the gold on not they are very focused on not allowing themselves to be kind of whip sawed around. now what
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they're discussing now is remaining locked in on the policy choices that they believe is going to are going to move the middle east to a more stable, long-term, peaceful place and that's what's driving the conversation that's how president biden's thinking about it. what do we need to do to ensure america's interests in the region and around the world. >> and what do we need to do to get to a cessation of the violence and a longer-term peaceful next phase after this conflict. >> so the politics are real. they are certainly overlaying these conversations because the president is running for reelection. but when you think about what this white house team focuses on and prioritizes, they're very good at looking at the long term and not allowing thank the short term, if you will, to move them around so sure. >> michael, the republicans are clearly trying to exploit the
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images of these demonstrations, but there is, is there something disingenuous about this because the protests are against president biden's policy toward israel and god as of right now, a policy which some of these same republicans who were trying to exploit the protest say, don't, doesn't go far enough i mean, look, do you represents what, 3% of all voters, 35 or under, we just saw in that previous segment with harry enten, i'm under 35 individuals at my age group and younger, we represented 38% of all new or irregular voters in 2020, john, that's about 15% of the overall electorate. >> and so from a strategic position as a strategist, my advice and my thoughts on this is that republicans should talk about what most people my age are principally concerned with. that's cost, that's the inability of starting a family in the immediate we're now delaying it by alarming numbers according to some analysts the ability to purchase your first home is nearly impossible for a lot of the young people that
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columbia and nyu and harvard and many other institutions across the country when they leave those pearly gates of their four-year degrees, they're going into a world of significant economic uncertainty. and that's i think the principal concern for most people in my age group, and i think republicans should speak to that. you've seen donald trump in some ways, tried to argue, make his case on that point. i think republican should continue first of all, thank you for rafat in that you're under 35 sorry, john i can deal with it for awhile now so listen, kate, i do think it is worth noting that we are seeing these images and it is notable whatever you see, a university building takeover it's something that makes people sit up straight. this is not 1968, at least not yet across these campuses and the level of unrest we're thinking, we're seeing but how much concerned do you think there is within democratic circles right now about the democratic convention, which is in chicago, which has seen
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protests going back to 1968, around conventions. there well, first of all, let's not forget, there's no draft. >> there was a draft in 1968, people were worried that their son, their brother, their nephew, their friend, was going to be sent over to the conflict in vietnam. there's no draft. we have a volunteer army. are army is not we don't have boots on the ground in this conflict in gaza and israel. so the level of impact that people are feeling in their day-to-day lives as a result of this conflict is just it's just different. it just is so that being said obviously, the convention team will be working to ensure that the convention moves as smoothly as possible. functions as smoothly as possible, that there's space for for protest. i think what we've seen on these college campuses shows that there is there is energy, there's passion behind this, and i would imagine that there will be protests at the convention when chicago. but i think for
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the democrats, what they're trying to do is allow space for protest. obviously historically these kinds of protests have had driven social change. it's important that people be able to voice their concerns and frustration with disagreements they have with their government. that's important, that's a bedrock american fundamental american principle but i think the level of intensity i think is just not comparable to 1968. again, there's no draft and secondly, i think democrats are going to continue to focus on making policy decisions that are designed to get us to a peaceful into this conflict. >> i've been, to the next phase in the middle east and i think for young people who want to see peace those are the kinds of policies that they should be supporting benningfield for michael siegel to just for the record, i was not alive in 1968 for the protests then you go john is that glass half-full? okay. >> have we touched a nerve? i think we have today coming a
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new day of testimony in the criminal trial of donald trump as there are also new reports, then he has been complaining about his lead attorney. >> we also have been latest from the scene at columbia university will be getting back there. sarah signers on the ground pro-palestinian protesters take over and academic building on campus and the university just put out a new statement doug hello, ghostbusters it's duck of doggedly moon. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual anyway, we got a bit of a situation here sure i can only pay for what you need those clusters frozen empire in
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pain-free absorb been pro illumination when you type games, you're going to see players what it on the line here, gone worry, we keep playing as everyone there's an exponent, 76ers, next pacers box coverage begins tonight at 6:30. >> nba playoffs presented by google pixel with around one coverage presented by nerd wallet on tie into this is cnn. >> the world's news network see in an exclusive this morning, he is on the fbi's top ten most wanted list for the $2 million bounty on his head accused of kidnapping american missionaries and killing an american hostage seen as david culver spoke to haiti's notorious gang leader pete alone agrees to meet us. >> hi there on his turf. >> i'm david flanked by his followers. >> he leads us inside this
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flashy manchin and so is this your home in a room filled with gold rimmed furniture and stuffed animals. i asked him about the crisis engulfing haiti exactly our dream is to rid the country of the corrupt oligarchy in politicians who are holding us back. he says, we need to get rid of the system in stability to haiti. he speaks with intention and calls for greater dialogue what if it's the same system that's been in power, then as armed groups, we will never put down our weapons. he says. >> and so do you have regular communications with as you say, the other armed groups? >> we fall? >> yes. we're united. he tells me the gangs have formed a coalition known as von psalm for a living together and collectively they push back on foreign intervention holding tight their grips over are fractured state, some using terror tactics like kidnapping,
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rape, and murder to sustain control. >> is that something you participated in an ordering? your men and women to kidnap he says he hopes to defend themselves against those allegations. and while not denying his followers have kidnapped people. he deflects blame to outside forces for creating a state of corruption as he sees it he is eager to show us other parts of his home and territory and introduces us to his top commander. figure, his cousin security experts suggest crossbar ea has more than 1,000 armed gang members, including recently escaped inmates as you can see, a lot of his armed soldiers and followers are around us and he's suggesting that we follow in dr. with them he brings us to the edge of his territory we notice his guards, normally curious and watching us are instead looking outward cautiously toward another gangs territory. a reminder that the
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coalition of gangs might be more fragile than portrayed in the midst of our tour and disturbing video starts circulating on whatsapp. it reportedly shows that devastating and deadly aftermath of an allied gang attack on a community a few miles from where we are the destruction, the violence, the deaths that have played out. do you take any responsibility for that? >> will susan mosfet is on ketv leaves reverb. >> he only says he made mistakes and is not perfect. he blames politicians were interrupted, something nearby puts his guards on edge we pick up the conversation a short distance away senior editor caitlin hu further pressing for an explanation to the we've seen in haiti. but we have also met in hospitals women, children, innocent people who have been burned of course, leave their homes. who had been shot, who have been raped why are innocent people suffering in this struggle simple
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sensibilities or sake fit he does not clearly answer. >> instead, he frames the months of deadly street violence as collateral damage. a points the finger at police saying they refuse to engage in dialogue and instead, recklessly opened fire police say they're desperately trying to keep the gangs from gaining more ground veto long claims to be a man of faith to vout in practicing voodoo, a common religion here in haiti i've heard rumors and i don't know how true they are. so i asked you that, you have voodoo protection do you feel that protection yes. >> he tells me confidently, adding that he prays daily for his fellow haitians ultimately, what is it going to take to bring stability and a future? >> of calm to this country moody's are gone, plus eqip is as he and the other armed groups need to be included in discussions of haiti's future.
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>> that's the only way he sees convincing gang members to drop their guns in exchange for a future outside of violence of your system as curfew nears, we head back the way we came. pete alone, sopping several times along the way mingling with locals and in out food smiling as though on a campaign trail we're going he wants us to meet these two men blind refugees. >> they tell us veto long took them in, but it leaves us wondering why help these men and for so many others out of their homes. look at actions over words. he tells me as we near the edge of his territory and the end of our five-hour visit or that's not hang around here have to be the alarm gets out of his motorcade, waves for us to move forward and strolls to the desolate street corner. >> i'll abortion. >> he then comes to our door and shakes each of our hands his actions intentional, and
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symbolic from good here we are just blocked in yosemite demonstration of how competent is and the many he has around him. >> his play, they show of force flexing of strength in a lawless nation where today at least gangs hold the power. david culver, cnn port-au-prince, haiti cnn breaking news we begin with breaking news this morning from columbia university. >> we're live outside of the university where the protest movement has made a change that has ratcheted up tensions here on this campus. we are going into what will be the end of the second week? of pro-palestinian protest here on campus. now they have moved up from an area outside


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