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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 1, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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movement was shaped by the civil rights movement. so i think to suggest that he has no that he in no way can next with movement in the streets i'm not sure. at least when i would listen to him talk about why he is in public service. that was those stories from his youth were always a big piece of how we talked about it. so i think that is missing at least from the joe biden that i know but i will say but i will say that this idea of making change from inside the system is absolutely a motivator. and i think i think he has shown time and again that getting involved, that being involved in politics is a way to make change. and i think that's, i think that's an honorable thing to advocate for joe biden, isn't out today on television with a strong statement behind official statements someplace people don't sam, he's losing today today's a very big day. you don't see biden out forcefully saying, this is bad. i get to condemn this country looks out of control. he looks week loser form today. >> it does underscore the very
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real challenges that putin has inside his own party as he faces reelection. i thank you all all for joining us on this wednesday morning at thanks to our panel for being here. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. santa new central starts right now von islands erupting on ucla's campus fights, fireworks, pepper spray, the works rival protest groups clashing the lapd. >> now on seen as of this morning and near-total ban on abortion in florida after six weeks, it is in effect one doctor says it feels like a punch to the gut donald trump on the campaign trail today, we'll he break the court-imposed gag order now that a judge told him, he faces jail time, if he does i'm john berman with kate bolduan and sara sidner. this is cnn news central i do continue to fall
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of breaking news universities across the country right now are on edge. >> as tensions escalating still a multiple campuses right now. and also turning violent and at least one police confronting protesters at the university of arizona, also at two lane and louisiana. and there were wild scenes at ucla overnight and still it's playing out this morning. rival protest groups going after each other. we've been watching it all morning and right now, the lapd is on the scene, rows of officers, you see some video they're lined up to try and calm things down. on, but earlier we want to show you a different perspective, some different video. this is what was happening, fights breaking out after university officials declared a pro-palestinian encampment, their unlawful and counter protesters then showed up la's mayor this morning is
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calling the violence that erupted quote, absolutely important and inexcusable. now, let's go to new york at columbia university, nearly 100 people were taken into into police custody after you see that, look at these videos after police moved in to clear out that academic building had been seized and vandalized by protesters for some 20 hours sarah is at columbia university again this morning, sir, what do you see and what do you hear in their look? >> a correct down here on columbia university the scene much different than yesterday. there was a much larger police presence surrounding the university, as well as barricades that weren't here yesterday. why? because overnight police stormed into the building just to my right, hamilton hall from many different entries three points from windows, doors, up, breaking in to the school to try to get the pro-palestinian protesters who had broken in and were inside occupying the building out. they did that dozens of arrests here as well
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as at city college, up to 100 people have been arrested between the two campuses. now, while this scene is starting to come down here in los angeles at ucla campus police in riot gear. they are on the scene as we speak because they're overnight, it appeared palestinian process testers in the encampment were being attacked by pro israeli counter protesters. and violence ensued. we now know that there are it's in riot gear on the ground and somebody was there watching all of this happened. are stephanie elan their life for us at ucla? stephanie, can you give me some sense if you can hear? let me of what you're seeing this morning as the police presence grows yeah. >> what we're seeing now, sarah is very different than what we were seeing on campus overnight with some of those visuals i've seen fireworks being thrown and the counter protesters and protests going at each other. i want to show you this over here. just
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because right now we can see this group of people. i believe they were just pushed out of the they were pushed out from inside the encampment law enforcement, i'll making this fine here that you can see. these are law enforcement officers from different agencies locally, cahps is in beverly hills police. i see lapd, so they're all here and they've been making this line. there, holding this line now. and as i can see now, they're also starting to build up this barricade here. what we saw overnight was very different. i can tell you that we did here some chanting not too long ago and last hour, but that chanting seems to have stopped now. it does seem that the energy has changed here compared to what it looked like overnight when it was just devolving and it just seemed like there was just different sides going at each other. and again, we're not clear on what caused everything to degrade in the way that it did overnight, i was out here all day
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yesterday. and you saw some people yelling at each other, but it was nothing anything to the scale that we've seen at other campuses. what happened from then to overnight, not clear what led to the agitation that we saw overnight. the breaking down of the barriers. and one thing i also want to explain to you is just how they've done it here, where we are standing. if you're familiar with ucla's campus would be closer to the eastern side of the city. >> this side, it would be the pro israeli demonstrators. >> once you go beyond that, there is a barricade and then there's a walkway that they have barricaded use he's security in there and then another wall of barricade and all that other side is where you would see that in kammen of the pro-palestinian supporters. so they tried to keep people apart from both sides. and every now and then you would see a flare up. you see people yelling at each other over those barriers yesterday but what we saw in the last few hours is a much more aggressive posture. but i can tell you now on campus, police officers, law enforcement officers are all
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around here and it does seem that there's a forced move to keep people away from the center of this encampment and keep pushing people further, further out here, sarah stephanie, you have been watching this whole thing unfold four days now. >> thank you so much to you and your photographer. they are giving us the scene of what is happening on ucla and anything changes. we will certainly be getting back to you throughout the hour sorry. i appreciate it. >> joining me now is anadalou she is a reported for the school newspaper, the daily bruyne and can you give me some sense? were you out last night or what can you tell me about what happened last night and how the violence ended up happening if it was one side being attacked by the other yeah. >> so the protests activity here at ucla has ben sort of constant throughout the days encounter has existed. there was some activity earlier today, but i would say a little
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before 11:00 p.m. last night, all of a sudden, many more people appeared and so they began pushing it's the barricades. i was out there a few minutes after this weekend and i would say around 11 fireworks were fired, tear gas was sprayed. >> we have reporters who were gassed and reporters who were assaulted. >> so it has been a rather chaotic day of events that ucla we're not quite sure either as to how it escalated to this degree. it's not something that we obviously have seen yet on campus, but it is definitely violent and ways that previous demonstrations by the counter protesters weren't. our senses that it was. we are hearing from sources on the ground, but it was largely to one-sided it's a bit difficult for us to ascertain, obviously, among the chaos this still going on. >> but that is what sources told us and we're still not clear as to the exact offense that unfolded over the past few hours okay so you said there were fireworks that were fired
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you said that there was tear gas and we should be clear that wasn't the police. this is between the counter protesters and the pro-palestinian protesters and the pro-israeli protesters on the other side can you get let me a sense? >> you said that you reporters were also gassed and also faced some violence. which site where they were the inside the encampment, or was this on the pro is rarely sayyed the counter processor side we were all standing on the counter-protester site is currently unclear as to who released the tear gas. >> there's also been reports of pepper spray and bear spray as of the moment it's very difficult for us to confirm which sides these sprays are coming from. although we're hearing it's more the counter-protester side, but we have not been allowed him seeing cabinet since it began. so we were all reporting from outside okay. let me also ask you about you said that a group of people appeared and it this
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is something a little bit different than what you've been seeing on a daily basis since the encampment began? as far as the counter-protests was coming on, did it appear that these were students that came together? i noticed, you tell me what kind of weapons were used. i noticed that looked like there were potentially some pipes or something that we're being hit at the at the counter. protestors, can you give me a sense of who this group is or if you know who this group is yeah, it's obviously very difficult for us to confirm whether or not their students, students obviously come from a range of a khuza'a backgrounds. so it's difficult for us to confirm. we do know for sure that there are non ucla students, community members who are present. they have been present at previous counterprotester and months as well. there, have been reports of pipes, as i've mentioned, i believe people were hit in the head reports of tasers potentially. i'm not too sure on that yet, but i've seen video footage and i'm not sure what other weapons have been
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around. i can just know it has been lard a lot of hitting physical contact, violence anadalou, just one more question. do you expect with the police presence on campus today that this encampment will be cleared wow. is that what you're hearing it's rather difficult for us to decide. >> we were told that police were not intervene until things unless things became violent. obviously, that happened today. it is very difficult for us to know and we have not heard anything from the university or the uc as of yet okay. >> anna dilute. thank you so much. they are reported for the school newspaper, the daily bruyne, joining us as well as our stephanie eelam, who is still on let's where there is an active police presence on the ucla campus after violence broke out overnight between counter protestors in pro palestinian protesters. here at columbia, there is still a scene here with a heavy police
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presence around the school. we will bring you updates as soon as we get them out. i'm touching back to you, john all. >> right thanks so much, sarah florida's six-week abortion ban goes into effect a morning. >> we've got new reporting on the impact on women today and what president biden just said about a boring donald trump and harvey weinstein back in court today for the first time since it's new york rape conviction was overturned. we've got details on what a new trial could look like a florida man is hospitalized, infected with anthrax sunday this came to bureaus number one, crying to solve how would really happen with jesse l. >> martin sunday at nine on cnn buys helping me get my money rights to achieve my ambitions. >> like earning more money on my money's ahead, shop, ready for service thank with sofi two hi. >> or apy and an epic welcome bonus what is the most noxious
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moments ago at ucla in los angeles. you can see people still standing around those barriers there there have been violent clashes between police and protesters and amongst some of the protesters overnight, we continue to watch that throughout the morning. the meantime, floridians are waking up to a new reality and your total ban on abortion in the state after six weeks. the law goes into effect today. now, six weeks before many women even know they're pregnant. cnn medical correspondent meg tirrell is in jacksonville, florida this morning. what are you seeing so far? >> well, john, it's a very quiet morning outside an abortion clinic here in jacksonville, florida. this clinic was telling they were scheduling two to four times as many patients over the last couple of days as they normally would schedule leading up to this new law, taking effect that brings the limit on abortion in florida down six weeks from what had been 15 weeks. now, when we got here yesterday morning, this parking lot was completely full. of
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course, it is before 8:00 a.m. so many people are not in office as yet here, but it is expected to be a much quieter day. >> this is going to be a dramatic shift for the state of florida, where about 7,000 abortions took place per month throughout 2023. >> that's about one in 12 of abortions nationwide and one in three across the south. we spoke with a patient yesterday here at this clinic who was in the process of getting a medication, abortion. she was comfortable only sharing her first name, candace and showing her hands on camera. she's already the mother of two. here's what she said about the effects of this ban on her you know, i feel relieved. >> i'm able to get in and i feel lucky that right now, i do have a voice and i have a right over my own body. but we can up tomorrow is devastating knowing that my daughter and myself, the waking up tomorrow with less rights than we do today. it's devastating now this has an impact, not just on florida,
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but really across the south because a lot of people from states with stricter laws had tried traveled to florida to access abortion in increasing numbers since the dobbs decision that overturned roe v. >> wade, increasing to more than our approximating 8,000 last year who traveled across state lines to florida. now the closest states that will have accessible abortion beyond six weeks will be north carolina, where it's available up to 12 weeks or virginia for accessibility after that. so really this change here in florida affecting the entire region, guys refuse change for people they are facing this morning. in reality, for women, they're different. all of us than it was yesterday. make sure well, thank you very much for that. >> okay so harvey weinstein is back in court now after his sex crimes conviction in new york was vacated and get details on what's about to happen and we're continuing to follow what's happening at campuses across the country, especially in california police around the scene after violent clashes between protesters at ucla overnight, more than 200 protests there's now arrested in new york for live at
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pictures out of ucla in these early morning hours out west violence erupted between rival protest groups overnight, the became violent clash now, police, lapd is on the scene trying to calm things down and to settle things down. >> we're going to continue to monitor this as this has good definitely going to develop throughout this morning today at the very same time, we're watching this disgraced and convicted former hollywood producer harvey weinstein is expected in a new york courtroom today it was just last week and appeals court vacated his sex crimes conviction and now the manhattan district attorney's office says it's going to take it is going to take him to trial. once again, cnn's jean casarez is outside the courthouse and gene, after the shock of the new york conviction being overturned last week what's expected to happen today in court well, first of all, i think the big question is, are they actually going to retry this case again because they're actual words were we are going to do everything in our power to
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retry this case again. >> so is that a yes? is that, uh, maybe is that a no? they could announce this in the course courtroom today. their intentions and if so, the judge could actually start to lay out a discovery schedule to proceed to trial again. but it was the highest court in new york that determined there was abuse of discretion in this case by the trial judge that a defendant, harvey weinstein, in this circumstance, had this cloak of innocence as a presumption of innocence but so much was led into the trial that by the time he got to the jury for the consideration, he didn't have that cloak of innocence anymore. now, the major conviction here in new york was sexual act in the first degree so the prosecution witness was mimi haley. she was that accuser that said he sexually assaulted me. she spoke out after the verdict was overturned. without coming back to this courthouse. and doing it all over again people really
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don't know what i had to go through and what the other women had to go through in preparation for this and all the fears surrounding it and all of the different things. it's it's like insane, like it's ruling, it's hard, it's your living in fear for years you know, this, this whole process took years and then you're getting harassed. >> i wish it was as easy as going shore. i'm going to do it again, but it's like, wow, you have no idea very difficult decision. harvey weinstein will be in that courtroom today. he was brought up from mohak institutional facilities and upstate new york on friday. he actually went to bellevue hospital because a medical issues. but attorneys for harvey weinstein say he is expected in this courtroom at 2:15 this afternoon jane. >> thanks. thank you so much.
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the update kinky zara's will be there for us. john. >> all right. we are watching the ucla campus. these are live pictures, right now. violent clashes there overnight get an update on the situation this morning, and then donald trump, in his own words, will not disavow violence if he loses the election. again how will he addressed the new column? >> menchu on the campaign trail today would you have chronic kidney disease places you'd like to be like here and here not so much here far seeker reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis are sega can cause serious his side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood
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>> try three at so this playoffs, great qiwei's trust each other. >> we're gonna do a trust falls, stand up, trust. >> what you're we up told him he was a dummy all right. >> we are here continuing with our breaking news this morning. police you're surrounding columbia university and larger numbers than yesterday after they went into hamilton hall, the police going in and several different areas to take
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pro-palestinian protesters occupying that building out, dozens of arrests here. but we also have been watching the protests happening as we speak right now. now on the ucla campus were overnight violence erupted there and now there is a huge police presence with multiple different agencies on campus. there the university saying that the encampment as unlawful, we will see what happens in the next few minutes and go live two ucla as well. but first we are joined by our john miller. he is our law enforcement and intelligence analyst, a senior analysts for us john, can you give me some sense? first of all, how this happened? because as i understand it, the police cannot just come onto campus in a place like colombia so after the building was taken over, about 48 hours ago, hamilton hall police were police were in contact with the university and they talked to the university about what is it takes to get
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this building back. >> what does it take to clear that people outside? what does it take to get the non-students who were on the grounds off the campus again. and they came up up with a plan. columbia gave them a letter authorizing them to come onto campus and to take police action. and what they did was they showed up with an overwhelming force literally hundreds and hundreds of officers and every kind of piece of equipment they could possibly need. on the idea that their theory was, if we bring a whole lot of people, we probably won't have a whole lot of resistance. and that's what they had. they were able to make arrests without any injuries they were able to breach the barricades that had been built by the students holding the building and others interested about 45 or 50 people inside the first floor cleared the rest of the building, which was barricaded on every floor, but basically empty. and you've got 234 arrests from colombia last night another 45 up the street
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at city college was a busy and long evening yeah. >> they were they were two different things happening. police starting at city college going there and making a rest and then coming in with force. as you mentioned, we noticed that they came into windows, they came in through doors, they update, they use pliers here is two to the right in, so that they could get to the protesters who had already broken window just give me one second here because this is normal with the sirens going that had nothing to do with columbia and what's going on campus now, i want to ask you what, what's happening at the ucla campus? as we have just seen, the scene overnight of violence breaking out between counter protesters that were pro-israeli and the folks that are propel sitting inside of the encampment. and now you've got police on the ground how do they go forward here and try to keep it similar to what
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happened here, whereas there is no injury, keep things calm. but do the business that the university wants them to do so, sarah, that's a real challenge. >> and i know you spent a lot of time on the west coast governing law enforcement. so you know, the difference, but new york city is 35,000 police officers. and if you need 1,000 police officers for an operation, you can amass that many. and if you need another thousand, you can have them there soon enough very different situation in los angeles. there's a place where you have 9,000 cops patrolling a city that's a third larger in terms of geography with half the population. so they weren't on-campus. they have to wait in the same way that new york does to be asked to come on by the campus. ucla has its own police department as do most of the universities out there. but they're very small. so what you're going to see out there is a mix of cops from the california highway patrol,
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from beverly hills, from from santa monica, put together as a mutual aid team. and the question is, do they stay and separate these protesters and counter protestors, or do they handle the situation? leave the campus and then of course, you run the risk of this coming back. even at columbia where you are the administration from the university sent another letter saying could the police leave a holding force behind a smaller force obviously, until after graduation because they don't want to have to clear this building, clear that quad, and then have that come back and have to clear it again yeah. john miller. thank you so much for tall he goes through the big differences between what happened here with the police force here in new york and what is happening on in california, on the ucla campus thank you so much for being
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here and i do want to let people know that at 9:00, we are expecting here from the mayor of new york, again, on this situation, we are also just now and this just came into us. that the nypd has not yet determined to how long they will be on campus, but we are certainly seeing a much larger presence of police and barricades around this part of columbia's campus after the reign of hamilton hall yesterday, were dozens of arrest and the protesters have been taken out. john yeah. >> initial houseman was they would be on campus through may 17 after the columbia graduation. we'll see how that plays out. sarah. thank you so much. so the day after a stunning interview where he would not disavow violence if he loses an election. again, donald trump e is hitting the campaign trail today in wisconsin and michigan. so this interview with time magazine previewed what a new trump term would look like cnn's steve contorno is with us now see what's the latest well, donald trump has not spent much time on the campaign trail.
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johnson's this trial started. in fact, he hasn't even made appearances on the days where he's not required to be in new york, but he will make his held his first campaign rallies today in the critical swing states of michigan and wisconsin. these are states that he won in 2016 but lost in 20 20, and they're focusing on, again, this go around and this will be our really our first chance to see how trump manages to balance the trial and the trail with these appearances today, we will get a glimpse into his strategy as well for navigating the gag order that has been a problem for him in recent weeks. obviously, yesterday, the judge ruled that he had to pay a $9,000 fine we will be closely watching to see how he responds to that today on the campaign trail, it's worth noting that he did remove about a half dozen truth social post tied to the gag order that we're under that were raised as a concern by the prosecutor. so we'll see
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how he responds on the campaign trail. but as you mentioned, this appearance is also coming after this remarkable lengthy interview with time magazine, where trump sort of gave a preview into what you could expect into his next term is present. i want to run through a few of those things. he said he suggested that states could punish women for getting an abortion, and they could monitor their pregnancies. he wants to leave all these abortion access decisions up to the states he would mobilize the military and local police to remove the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the united states. >> he also said he would pardon every person accused in the january 6 violence, including those already convicted, are those who have pled guilty. >> these are a hundreds of people who have been found guilty or have pled guilty he to violence in charges related to the riots that day. and then he was asked, as you mentioned, about what the political violence we saw on that day and whether he thinks that could
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happen again, he was somewhat invasive and not committal to preventing violence. let me read you his exact quote. i think we're going to win. and if we don't win, you know, it depends on the fairness of an election. i don't believe there'll be able to do the things that they did last time. so clearly, leaning on the conspiracies around the 2020 election and not committing to preventing violence or calling down his supporters in 2024, john, yeah, look, he's choosing those words carefully. >> there. obviously refusing to disavow the possibility of future violence if he loses again, steve contorno, thanks so much for your reporting on this. >> appreciate get it to african painting and wisconsin and michigan today, donald trump will be back in court in new york tomorrow as the hush money trial continues. >> first up, a new hearing on more allegations that trump violated the judge's gag order and judge merchan and just yesterday, slapped a fine on the former president, $9,000
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for nine violations. and he also ordered trump to remove the offending social media posts, and there was also a warning attached that basically came down to if trump keeps violating the gag order, he risks ending up behind bars joining me right now, a cnn legal analyst, joey jackson, and criminal defense attorney, bill brennan. he represented donald trump and his payroll. donald trump's payroll corporation in a 2022 ks it's great to see you guys. thank you for being here. joey let's first go inside the courtroom. and what kind of played out yesterday? reporters seen in reporters inside the courtroom they noted how intently and closely the jurors were paying attention to the witnesses that were on the stand. >> and i to me, if you have to read the body language obviously you can't speak to them, but it's always so interesting and important to kinda try to read into that. what does it tell you? >> yes. so you know, it's often difficult, kate, right? because
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you're reading tea leaves, however, here's what i like about that. what i like about that is it it shows their engagement and that's significant, right? if you have a jury that has their mind made up, why are they so wrapped and why they having being so attentive to the questions and the answers. so if anything that tells you that you have a jury that wants to learn information patient that wants to do the right thing and ultimately wants to render the proper determination and so to me, it's important, you know, erin burnett said less that she was she was when she was in the courtroom. it was interesting. it was almost like a tennis volley. the question, the answer, the question, the answer, and they didn't look at trump and to me that's important too. he's not testifying. he's sitting there as a defendant in the case. so don't know which way they're leaning, don't know how they absorbing or processing the formation, but we do know based upon that, that they are paying close attention and bill donald trump's attorneys is they've been trying to definitely paint michael cohen has an unreliable witness. he has yet to come be. obviously take the stand when we are hearing from other
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witnesses about their interactions with michael cohen. this is a choice by the prosecution. how do you think he is being painted even before he takes a stand and how do you think the jury will perceive perceives him already? >> well, good morning, kate. thanks for having me i agree with jelly. you want those jurors have that wimbledon neck, you know, watch him back-and-forth. the volley of the question and the answers and i don't think we have to guess how he's being painted or perceived. the witness on the stand yesterday, i think it was davidson said, you know, i didn't trust cohen. and cohen is a pollutant good source. he's going to take the stand being convicted of lying to congress, a convicted felon, and he's gotten an active grind with the defendant he went from a sycophant to donald trump two now somebody who's kind of out to get them and jurors pick up on that. jurors pick up when a witness seems to have skin in the game so i think cohen could be a disaster for the prosecution and if you take it so far, if you take the
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witnesses that we've heard from so far, all you've really heard is that cohen went out and got a home equity loan on cohen's house without telling cohen's wife and cohen negotiated a deal with davidson. and the ami people and cohen form a corporation. the banker said he never spoke to the defendant, he never heard from the defendant there's a strong narrative here that the defense could craft the colon went rogue and he was looking for a little pat on the head from his boss and he came up with this scheme on his own. it might sell davidson just forever for everyone to get, get up to speed. >> he was basically laying out the origins of this hush money payments to stormy daniels and karen mcdougal because he worked with them. what do you think of what you just heard from bill? what do you think? how do you think keith davidson that attorney came across i thought very well. >> right. and i thought certainly laying the foundation as to the deal. what deal? the
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deal as it relates to stormy daniels and paying her the deals that relates to karen mcdougal to bill's point though, the deal that was as between cohen. now, what jurors are also instructed is that you can draw a reasonable inferences from facts and they're going to be asked to draw the reasonable inference that this was about cohen who was the fixer fixing things for his boss at the behest? at the direction of and because he was involved in trying to he being trump had full knowledge of what was happening. there's the argument right. to bill's point. certainly the defense is going to try to distance trump from that and saying he did go rogue. however, the prosecution will say all of you use your common sense and good judgment who's the person running for president, who's the person who serves to benefit, who's the person who worked for the president, whose job it was to ensure that the president became the president, right? and so that is michael cohen's. so if they make that connection, i think the prosecution and good shape and build real quick on the gag order and gotten a new hearing
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coming tomorrow on the four additional alleged violations, $9,000 and a real and a warning from the judge as a penalty yesterday, what do you think of the penalty? what do you think happens tomorrow well, i think judge merchan is in a very difficult position. >> joey knows he was a prosecutor in that office and, you know, it's a tough spot to have a former president as the defendants you know, it's a first, time in, history. so i think the dej probably will just impose another monetary sanction kind of on the theory that these allegations he's additional four were made while the decision on the first were pending. but i think there'll be another stern order and i spent seven weeks in that courtroom with judge john. i wouldn't call his bluff he could easily say, here's what we're gonna do. there's been repeated violations. the thousand dollars cap is a joke if the end of the trial win or lose, the defendant is going to
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spend a day or two in jail just kind of just more form over substance. so i really would take judge on pretty seriously. and if i i've represented the former president a couple of times, i would say to him, knock it off. let's focus on the trial. this is a distraction. this is the tail wagging the dog and it also then the question of does your client listen to your strategic advice? it's good to see you thank you very much as john mckay. quite this morning. you are never too old to have fun. that is the advice from 82 year-old ice dancer donald mcdonald. she and her at four-year-old, she and 84 year-old stand case are attorney heads that a mall ice rink in edmonton in canada. donna was inspired by seeing if skater at the mall and decided to pick up a pair of skates herself. stan says that he learned how to ice dance from watching youtube videos, like the rest of us. they have now been ice-t dancing partners for about four years now, donna
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would like it noted, they are not married. they just ice dance together though as an aside, i will say we all know where ice dancing can lead all right, the brand new message from president biden this morning on donald trump and abortion rights bites and standing by for any kind of message from the fed on when we might get a cut in interest rates good. stuff brought to you by viking read number one for rivers, oceans, and expeditions by condi nast traveler, learn more at sail through the heart of historic cities, an unforgettable scenery with faking, unpack once, and get closer two iconic landmarks, loca life and cultural treasures because when you experienced europe on a viking long ship, you they'll spend less time getting there and more time being that viking
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with more than 6 million moves, save up to 25%. now now it's all right, it is decision day for the federal reserve this afternoon, they will announce whether they are keeping interest rates steady for the sixth time in a row. >> or if a cut in rates is coming as they continue to deal with stubborn inflation with me now is a smile luck. she is the federal reserve and economy reported for the new york times, janet, thanks so much for being with us. i think i frame that the wrong way. i think 0% of people are expecting an interest rate cut today. so what will you be watching four from the fed, what words, what guidance? >> yeah, this meeting is all about what comes next. so coming into this year, we all expected that the fed would be making interest rate cuts really already they had predicted that they were going to make three cuts over the course of 2024. that has obviously had a big curveball thrown in it by the fact that inflation has been unexpectedly severed in recent months so, what we're watching for today is any signal from the fed
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chair jerome powell about how they're thinking about that stubbornness and what that's going to mean for the trajectory for rate cuts. are they still going to be able to make the three cuts? it seems like that's less than less likely with each passing move, is it possible that they could start considering a rate increase if things continue going in the wrong direction. what, is the standard for making that change? i think those are really important details that will all be watching for today. >> that would be a doozy if somehow jerome powell open the door to interest rate hikes and look, i'm not ruling it out. anything could happen given where things have been going, but that's why people are going to paying such close attention to the sort of the body language he gives one, the announcement comes out today. you wrote a piece in the times titled high fed rates are not crushing growth. wealthier people help explain why. so what do you mean by that yeah. >> i think we typically expect a couple of things to happen when you have interest rates as high as they are now, they're currently at about 5.3% and typically in an environment like this where we have mortgage rates up above 7% as a
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result of those high fed raise, you would expect home prices to be really cooling pretty dramatically. you would expect the stock market it's really be suffering dramatically. and what we really seen april stock performance notwithstanding, is the asset prices just aren't suffering that way. stocks remain pretty close to all-time highs. we've seen home prices actually yesterday and a surprise outcome from the home price data that we all watch actually ticked up, which is not what you would expect in an invite. i haven't like this. >> and so people who have those assets, people who hold that wealth are really feeling a lot better than they usually would at this point in the cycle. >> they're not optimistic about the economy, but they do feel they tell us and surveys they feel pretty good about their personal finances. they expect to see their incomes rise over the next year and so those, those sorts of positives for richer people are really sort of muted thank the impact of these fed interest rate increases. and that, that opens a big question for the fed is our policy rate is high enough to really weigh on the economy and if they are, how long are they going to have to stay here in order to really wrestle down growth way that will cool
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inflation these are tough decisions to fed has to make. and along with the rest of us, i know you'll be watching very, very closely later today. thanks so much, janice, myelin. appreciate it. >> okay. >> so the biden campaign has just put out a new video this morning. joe biden responding directly to donald trump's new interview with time magazine attacking, attacking trump over where he says he now stands on abortion rights, abortion bans specifically, when asked if he, donald trump would be comfortable if states moved to prosecute women for violating the state bands. we see take a look at what donald trump said. i don't have to be comfortable or uncomfortable. the states are going to make that decision. decision. the state it's are going the states are going to have to be comfortable or uncomfortable, not me. so the reality in the state of florida today very different than it was yesterday, a six-week abortion ban setting in right now cnn's arlette sciences at the white house with much more on this. and arlette vice president kamala
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harris is heading to florida today in light of all of this, what's expected? >> the biden campaign is eager to once again put the fight for reproductive rights front and center today, and they will do so by deploying vice president kamala harris to jacksonville, florida just hours after that new law went into effect, that band's most abortions after six weeks, the campaign officials tell us this morning the vice president harris is expected to directly blamed former president donald trump for the overturning of roe v. wade. she's expected to call out this new law and other states with restrictive abortion laws, as trump, abortion bans she will say in her speech later today, quote, this ban applies to many women before they even know they're pregnant, which tell us the extremist who wrote this ban, don't even know how a woman's body works, or they just don't care. she will also say florida, the contrast could not be clearer under donald trump, it would be fair game for women
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to be monitored and punished by the government. it comes, as you noted, the biden campaign has really, in the last 24 hours, try to seize on those comments from the former president in an interview with time magazine, when he deflected, when he was asked whether he would be comfortable with states punishing women who undergo abortions in states where that procedure is banned. he ultimately said that is something that he would leave up to the states. now, president biden in his video released today, criticised that statement, trying to paint the former president as extreme. that is something harris wall so lean into in her remarks today. but this all comes as new cnn polling has shown that the majority of voters still a believe that the overturning of roe v. wade what had happened by the supreme court. but americans are still split about how to proceed in this new reality. if you take a look at this polling 49% want abortion access protected nationwide, while 37% want stays to the
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side. abortion laws, and 14% want to see nationwide restrictions. now biden campaign is really hoping the issue of abortion will be a galvanizing force for voters heading into november's elections. that is why you continually see them trying to push this issue as they're trying to paint the former president as extreme and trying to show that they are defenders a reproductive rights are at the white house. >> thank you so much. are lep john white with us now is dr. chelsea daniel see is an abortion care provider in florida and a member of the committee to protect health care and reproductive freedom taskforce, doctor, thank you so much for being with us. the ban after six weeks and florida goes into effect today. and just so we can establish this, what's your estimate of the percentage of women who come in after six weeks? >> yeah thank you so much for having me. this is obviously so important and so near and dear to my heart. i can say with confidence that it is the minority of patients that we see who are under six weeks of
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pregnancy. the reason for that being simple, it is very, very early in pregnancy and it's difficult to know that you are pregnant even though most abortion care occurs in the first trimester, i'd say the average is about eight to 11 weeks, which is still very early in pregnancy. so trying to capture people under six weeks is really, really challenging. >> so this will cut off the procedure for the majority of patients that you've been seeing? so what's the plan for you? what is your plan and the plan that you're hearing among other providers yeah, it will cut off the access to this basic essential medical care for the vast majority of patients as we have already seen, happen in other states that have opposed restrictive bans plan for us is to keep fighting and working as hard as we can because abortion care exists on a spectrum of all pregnancy-related and reproductive health care and we want to serve patients as best
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as we can. >> we are also extremely, extremely motivated and hopeful for november we know that floridians support the notion that government should not be interfering and personal medical decisions between a patient and provider. and so we're really optimistic that we're going to have the opportunity to tell government to stay out of the exam room. >> and that would be in november when there is a ballot measure and floridians, it will vote on that you said that this ban is like a punch in the gut. what do you mean by that is? >> on so many levels on a personal level, on a professional level, i have spent decades in training to do this job in education and in school and residency and i have the skills and i have the knowledge, and i have the expertise to be able to help patients get this essential care. >> and i'm being legally told that i cannot do so, which is
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insulting on so many levels and it also feels insulting to patients who have come to make medical decisions thoughtfully. >> and in consultation with loved ones and after a lot of thinking and talking and decisions like this, essentially tell patients and they tell me as a physician that we are no longer seen as qualified to make these decisions on our own. and we are being required to run these decisions by politicians who are not medical providers. >> what is i'm sorry, i didn't mean to interrupt, but the women who've been coming in the last few days as as this ban has been an approaching, what have you been hearing from women in the last few days? in. the last few days i mean, excuse me, the band goes into effect today. but in florida, there is a 24 hour waiting period, which means that you have to have two physician visits, at least 24 hours apart in order to


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