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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 3, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. who can't. >> how we'd really happy with jesse l. martin sunday's at nine on cnn, close captioning brought to you by guilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands house the
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designers, like get your heart racing. had inside a prices new every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash design, a sales at up to 70% or shop today it's friday, may 3, right now on cnn this morning, donald trump back in court this morning for his criminal hush money trial, insisting he is very happy with how things are going president, biden making it clear he will not change his israel policy protests or not and heavy rain and flooding forcing mandatory evacuations in texas, residents told if they don't leave, there'll be stranded for dates i, am here in washington, dc. >> a live look at your capitol on this friday morning good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. happy friday. it's wonderful to have you with us, with donald trump's hush money trial. set to resume in just a few hours. we are waiting on the judge, juan merchan to rule on new allegations that the former president violated his
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gag order. again, in a pretrial hearing yesterday, prosecutors pointed to four of trump's comments since last monday, when the trial resumed, trump's attorneys tried to paint stormy daniels, former lawyer keith davidson, as a serial celebrity extortionist the day ended with the jury hearing a series of secret recordings that were made by michael cohen. >> and one of them was with cohen's former boss i need to open up a company for the transfer of water info regarding our friend david. so i'm going to do that right away. i've actually come up, i stopped me and i've spoken to allen weisselberg about how to set the whole thing up and i spoke to alan about it when it comes time for the final fancy, which will be what paton yourself getting old. i got no, no no, no check after court. >> trump address the gag order.
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he falsely claimed. it's the reason he won't testify in the trial well, i'm not allowed to testify. i'm under a gag idea i said i can know. we're gonna be appealing the games. >> i love to answer that question, but i'm not allowed to testify versus judge, it's totally conflicted has to be under a unconstitutional gag order. nobody has ever had that and we don't like it. and it's not fair all right. >> turn me now to discuss his stuff, kite politics reported for axios, steph. >> good morning. nice to see you. >> setting aside. he said this has never happened before. setting aside the fact that a criminal trial for a former president the united states is also never happened before trump. >> there basically trying to, and again, this is not true, right? he is free to testify in the trial in his own defense. it is up to him whether or not to do that, but it does look like he is looking for an excuse because it does seem like certainly every lawyer
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i've talked to has said that would be a really bad idea. but he doesn't seem to want to look weak by bowing out of that it feels like a very trump response, honestly, to hear him first saying things are going so well, i'm really happy with where this case is going. i feel like things are know where i want them to be. and then also to then say, this is very unfair. know they're preventing me from speaking, their prevented me from testifying, which again to your point is not is not true what you see trump trying to paint both narratives, both that he is a winner and he's strong, he's not week, but also continuing to put out this narrative of i am a victim of a justice system that is out to get me and hear all the ways that i'm being treated unfairly. >> yeah. what what stood out to you about what we saw in court yesterday? because i mean, it really is kind of dragging us all collectively down into the gutter, i guess they were they were trying to say that trump was the victim here. >> what were your takeaways? >> i mean, yeah, we are being dragged back into this case, which again was first the thing
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back before the 2016 election, we talk about, we don't want to rehash 2020 sometimes and now we're going back to 2016 time period. it really it's the details that we got out of yesterday that was really remarkable hearing the audio from these phone calls and how clear it is that there were real discussions about paying people back over over this whole situation. i think it really is a level of detail that we've seen here. we saw report reports of people in the courtroom. is that the jury seemed very interested in listening to the audio that trump seemed agitated. so it's really the level of specificity hearing things and being reminded of what actually went down on in a story line that many people maybe haven't really heard all the details on, right so as we go forward today, trump has been denying that he is sleeping during the proceedings. >> he says contrary to the news media, i don't fall asleep during the cricket das, which onto especially not today. i simply close my beautiful blue eyes sometimes listen intensely
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and take it all in we should know cnn has reported simply that trump has been observed to be closing his eyes in the courtroom but clearly he doesn't he's a little worried about the optics. yeah. again, back to this whole idea of he's trying to paint a certain image. he doesn't want to be seen as weak and you know, it's he was probably embarrassed by the reports that he was falling asleep in court and also, you know, he's always loved the sleepy joe tagline. he wants to push back against that. you always have to remember this is all in the context of a campaign. he knows that he has to take every moment of media coverage to try to spin it in his favor. in the middle of a closely contested election year, where joe biden is free to go to all the battleground states. and trump is not. and so every single moment he has to defend himself, defend his image. he is going to take all right. >> stuff quite for us, kicks off this morning. steph. thank you. i really appreciate it. >> all right. up next here, defense secretary austin, warning more civilian deaths in gaza on the horizon. >> plus significant flooding and destructive tornadoes in
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texas the severe threat not over yet. >> and just a few minutes from now, china's space race with ununited states heating up did you know that if you shave one-third, what you remove is skin? new dub deodorant helps repair it. so if you shave it debit new dub, replenish your skin after every shave. >> sometimes the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. >> with cap lighter, there's a chance to let in the light kept lighter is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar, one gets lighter traits. both bipolar one and
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strong cyp 3a4 inhibitors, allergic reactions to grow, they can happen most common side effects are nausea and sleepiness migraine pain relief starts with you good out you ralphie, learn her lab, you could help you save. >> i'm laura thoughts on capitol hill we've asked what we've highlighted the israeli users that it's really important to make sure that civilians that are in that battle space move, move, move out of the battle space before any activity is conducted. as a good chance that without taking the right measures that civilians will be civilians will see a lot more civilian casualties going forward all right, that was defense secretary lloyd austin, a short time ago talking about the potential ramifications of israel's expected ground invasion of rafah the
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population in southern gaza has swelled to 1.4 million people since the start of israel's war with hamas. >> many of them living in refugee camps. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has vowed to go ahead with an incursion into rafah. but sources inside the biden ministration tells cnn they don't believe in offensive is imminent. secretary austin also noting yesterday that quote right now the conditions are not favorable to any kind of operation. let's bring in ben wedeman. ben. good morning to you is netanyahu heating president biden's warnings about invading rafah? how is the israeli prime minister balancing the pressure that he's feeling from the international community on the one hand, and his own government and coalition on the other well, he's certainly seems to be speaking out of sort of two sides of his mouth on the one hand, he has said that the raffa operation is going to go ahead with or without a deal. >> the problem with that is if
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a deal is reached, an essential part of a deal for the release of hostages is a pause in the fighting. obviously, a rafat operation which would be a major military operation, can't happen under those circumstances now, as we heard, the united states has real profound reservations about any such operation in rafah and they've made it very clear to prime minister netanyahu and other members of his government that the united states believes that a, there needs to be a humanitarian planning in place of four people if they have to be moved to provide for them elsewhere, shelter sanitation, food, some sort of basic health care. and we've heard antony blinken, the secretary of state, saying that no plan is in place as far as the united states is concerned, the united
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states has also made it clear that they don't believe a major military operation is the kind of thing that israel should be doing in rafah. they are suggesting much more targeted military operations to avoid civilian casualties, major civilian casualties. but at this point, if we go by the record of the last 210 days of that war, one thing the israelis clearly do not excel out is avoiding civilian casualties tragic. and indeed, we heard from austin, of course, a warning about more on that score at ben. we also learned yesterday that hamas said in a statement that they're studying the latest ceasefire proposal they characterize it as saying a quote, positive spirit, end quote, what is the latest on the negotiations around a potential ceasefire and hostage deal well, the hamas seems to
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be changing its tune yesterday, we were reporting that a another hamas official, osama hamdan, who's based in beirut had told his bullet tv it hamas looked upon the egyptian proposal in a negative light. >> now we're hearing from its mine hernia, a more senior hamas official based in huc code that they're going to look at it in a positive spirits. so certainly there's a lot of pressure on hamas, on israel to somehow come to deal to release the hostages to at least temporarily halt the fighting. but both sides seemed to be dealing with internal divisions that prevent them from doing that. >> all right ben wedeman for us on the latest with the israel-gaza war. ben, thank you very much for your reporting. i really appreciate it all right any moment now, china will launch its mission to the moon, the unmanned rocket aims to go
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to the far side of the moon for the first time and bring back samples china hopes this will be the first step to taking their astronauts to the moon. >> they're shooting to do that by 2030. >> cnn's marc stewart is in china at their space launch center and he is standing by waiting for launch. >> mark, good morning to you. >> good morning. casey. let me just say right off the top, we begin this relatively up close view because of an invite by chinese government is such a big deal for china right now, chinese leader xi jinping calling it his eternal dream. so there are people from all over china who have gathered here around the space center on the beaches of hainan island to watch this lift off. in about 13 minutes or so from now, as you mentioned, it's immediate priority is to collect some moon samples from the far side of the moon but there is also this bigger goal of putting a human back on the moon sometime
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in the next decade by china as well as creating some kind of luder study station. but case as you know, this is not just about science, politics, and national pride certainly intervene. the chinese government maintains that their view towards space, toward the moon is peaceful. but as we have heard in recent weeks, nasa officials, including the administrator of nasa, bill nelson, there has been concern that pinup perhaps is going to use. it's civilian program for military reasons, even suggesting a takeover of the moon. but nonetheless, all of that aside, there is a lot of excitement always seen as space launch is exciting, and that is the anticipation and the thrill that people here in china all over the nation are looking forward to in the minutes ahead, casey, martin, we'll talk for a second about the significance of the far side of the moon. i mean, that was really what makes this particular launched unique. no one has done that right? so it
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is an area of the moon on the southern part, if my geography is correct, the southern part of the moon that is ripe for exploration. this is what is so interesting. once the launch happens, it will take about four or five days for this rover of sorts, this lunar lander to get into the moon's atmosphere, and that it has to basically spiral into the orbit. it could take as many weeks into early june and then it will be able to land. but this part of the moon, the dark side of the moon, it just does not get a lot of exposure. i mean, that's why why it's called that is just full of so much intrigue. i should also tell you were starting to hear some thunderstorms here. so i think fingers are crossed that this launched still moves forward. >> yeah, and it sounds like we've gotten a little bit of a delay here, so we're going to keep an eye on that, but we really appreciate you being there for us. mark, do keep us posted. thank you. >> all right ahead. here a state of emergency flooding forcing mandatory evacuations
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and parts of texas plus donald trump's shocking admission about the events of january 6, assignment with hadi cornish. listen wherever you get your podcasts arthritis pain, we say not today. >> tylenol, eight hour arthritis pain has two layers of relief. the first is passed the second is long-lasting. we give you your day bag so you can give it everything. tylenol. number one, doctor recommended for arthritis pain high. >> it's christina again, i'm here to tell you about an all new special offer from my friends at jacuzzi bathroom model that you don't want to make? if you already know jacuzzi has been making water-filled great for more than 65 years. and now they're bringing you this special tv offer. were waving all installation costs and postponing all payments for up to one year to cruzy bathroom model has a design you'll love at a price you can afford and best of all, they can install it. and as little as one day with no stress and no meds, are
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protecting people from lead pipe contamination. >> you just one of our nation's most ambitious water agendas ever rob grading all water man's treatment plants. some of them are zola was 100 years old here in america biden says that nearly 50% of the funding is going to go for disadvantaged communities. >> all right, we've got another round of severe storms set to hit texas after heavy rains and flash floods triggered evacuations and parts of the state take a look at this a tornado touching down in hawley that's northwest of abilene about 7 million. likes 7 million people are now under flood threats from texas to louisiana today, or meteorologist derek van dam is tracking all of it for us. >> derek, good morning. >> yeah. some of the river gauges within this area, specifically liberty county tax assessors just northeast of houston have never seen this much water since 2017, september 2017, if you do your
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math, that's the days of hurricane harvey. so that's really saying something. here's livingston, texas drones view. and this is from the trinity river. this is highway 59. obviously impossible and you can see some semi-trucks caught within this. i mean, the term record record levels holds a lot of weight, especially when you consider the history of flooding across southeast texas this but there are certainly some gauges that are forecast to reach an approach that record territory here they are. we have ten river gauges across southeast texas, just north of houston that are currently experiencing major flooding. several other dozens other that are currently in flood stage. look at these rainfall totals. this is over the past month, but this is impressive. we're topping two feet in many locations. that's got a cumulative effect and a downstream effect on all the tributaries. the by use and the rivers that lead into, let's say, the trinity river for instance. and that is why we
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are experiencing so much flooding across this area, not to mention the urban sprawl that is houston metropolitan. there's just so much pavement and on permeable surface that water has gotten nowhere to go, but up. and unfortunately causing the flooding might look at this. this is the center siento river and you're humble. forecast a crest at 62 feet currently at 53 feet, major flood stage for the next several days. and here's the trinity river at liberty that is approaching the record levels there. and just incredible stuff. here's a look at what's to come for houston and southeast texas. unfortunately, more rain, a marginal risk or i should say a slight risk that's a level two of three of flash flooding across this area where you see that shading in of yellow, by the way, it's not confined just a texas the flood threat extends into portions of central and southern louisiana at the moment. and look at this forecast rainfall. i mean, this is through the weekend. we need to take this seriously because rainfall totals here could
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exceed another half a foot so you add that on the extremely saturated grounds you saw the rainfall totals a moment ago, approaching 30 inches in some locations that is going to have disastrous effects on the ground. here's a look at that tornado that spawn and holly texas case. he's so much going on, really tough stuff. all right. derek van dam, army urologist for us on this friday, derrick, thank you. >> okay. all right. up next here. donald trump heads back to court this morning with the judge ways to decide whether he violated his gag order. dan plus president biden finally, breaking his silence after a week of unrest on college campuses across the country we're here to get your side of the store. >> affairs, bribery prostitution. >> why do we keep ending up here? >> you. can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper now streaming on macs lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. now going like enjoying the call one while
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functionality you want from your scrubs set, but made with movement in mind right now, you can get your first scrub set for just $19 i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this just a few seconds ago, china launched its lunar probe. there it goes. the unmanned rocket is a key milestone for china's push to become a dominant space power. >> the 53 day mission plans to take the rocket to the far side of the moon where it will collect samples to bring back. china would be the only country to ever land there. and they hope to take astronauts to the moon by 2030 epic journey look at that all right, let's go now to our big news today and just a few hours, donald trump's hush money trial resumes with the judge considering whether to hold the former president in contempt again, for allegedly violating his gag order. again yesterday, jurors heard trump's team attack stormy daniel's former attorney, keith davidson trying to paint
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him as someone with a long history of extracting money from celebrities insinuating he was extorting them they also listened to a series of phone calls between michael cohen and davidson about where the two can be heard discussing the deal trump was asked yesterday whether he still plans to testify at his trial. listen to this well, i'm not allowed to test if i am under a gag i get now we're going to be appealing the game i'd love to answer that question a very easy question. the easiest questions so far but i'm not allowed to testify, persist, judge, who's totally conflicted has been under a unconstitutional gag order very trumpian. and of course, that that is nonsense. the gag order does not prevent him from taking the stand in his own defense, joining me now is cnn legal analyst joey jackson at joey. good morning. >> this does seem to be a continuation of the reality
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that. >> donald trump doesn't want to be seen as i don't know, chicken, chicken out of taking the stand. i'm interested to know what you think about that, but the reality is, this gag order does nothing whatsoever to prevent him from getting up there it does not. casey. good morning to you. and so the gag order relates to conduct he engages in outside of the courtroom. right. with respect to as we very well know, not chastising are mentioning witnesses not mentioning jurors, not mentioning family members, et cetera. he is permitted, of course first to attack alvin bragg, the district attorney has been hatton. these permitted to attack identities permitted to attack the judge as he regularly does. but with regard to his in court conduct, of course, he has the right to testify. so fundamental right. i believe at the end of the trial. right. when we get there, the judge will ask him whether he wants to test two fbi. he will be given that opportunity. you will be given time to assess whether that's in his interest which apparently he's already
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assessed, which is why he's spinning that he cannot. and so yes, in the event that he wanted to testify and tell his story, he has the full and fair opportunity to do so and to suggest otherwise is just a blatant misread presentation so joey, what do you expect to see on these additional gag order questions? >> the judge, again, did not did not make a decision yesterday about these for additional violations that a prosecutor say trump made. there was some i thought interesting back-and-forth around the difference between the jury and michael cohen, because one of these instances, unlike the previous nine, that he was hit with evolves his claim that the jury is made up of 95% democrats. but the judge seems much less credulous around michael cohen and sort of told the prosecutor or the defense like, okay, yeah, i move on. i get it. michael cohen's an issue so i think
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there's a couple of ways to parse it out. the first way is that you can look at the issue. let's start with the jury as just this generic rendition of this liberal according to him, jury that is not going to be fair, that though can be looked at the other way, which is, you know, there has to be copied put into an system in order for what that system decides to be credited and taken seriously. that's number one. and number two, in the event that you're waxing poetic about how unfair they are. and if a jury verdict is rendered, that's adverse to you and find you guilty that can cause significant problems for jurors if yours are outed, right? good. i know they're working anonymously now. that doesn't always work. and the public becomes, they become known to the public. they are in danger particularly if a person who has a bully pulpit like the former president, and there's 70 million people who arrived up. it could represent a danger. so whether you're specifically targeting a juror or a number of jurors targeting them blankly because of the
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fact that it could instill a lack of confidence in your supported could say, hey, you just did it because he was trump. >> it's intimidation for the jury and it could be threatening to the jury. >> what so that's a problem. right. and the judge can assess it that way. the other thing is it relates to cohen. that's well known, right? obviously, collin likes to attack kim though he stopped his credit. the president certainly likes to attack him back, though he must stop. and if you've doesn't, know, continue to be fine. but i think overall cases the judges needs to an end is right, seemingly getting this under control because trump has tampered down the rhetoric. he had a rally as we know on wednesday, didn't seem to be any violations of the gag rule what are their and so maybe it's working and i just think in terms of what the judge does, i think the judge will assess additional fines. i don't see jail in this instance. right. because of the timing of these potential violations. but if we move forward and trump continues to challenge the judge, we might see something far different very interesting. all right. joey jackson for us on this friday morning. joey. thank
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you. i really appreciate it. have a good weekend all right. >> president biden, finally weighing in on the nationwide campus protest after he stayed silent mostly for weeks we are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent the american people are heard. in fact, a peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues but, but neither are we a lawless country threatening people, intimidating people instilling fear in people is not peaceful protest. it's against the law dissent is essential to democracy, but to set must never lead to disorder the president went on to say there's no place for hate of any kind in america. >> and also made it clear. the demonstrations we're not going to change his policies toward israel joining us now to discuss is washington post white house reporter tyler pager who has been chronicling at this president for them for quite some time. tyler. good morning. thank you for being
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here so you kind of you wrote a piece come detailing just how careful president biden has been around these protests can you help us understand? why it took them so long to get to what we saw yesterday and what finally pushed him over the edge. >> yeah. i think there's been discussions with the president and his aides for weeks about these protests. and we've seen the white house not the president himself, but the presence aides come down pretty hard against the violence that has spawned from these protests. releasing statements, but we haven't seen that same sort of statement from the president until yesterday. and what's remarkable about this as given the purchase have been going on for weeks. it was an unscheduled appearance. the white house alerted the press that he was going to be speaking just minutes before he actually did showing that this wasn't something that was in the works for a while, but telling that sort of came at the last minute or in the last few hours before he made that speech. and so i think ultimately they felt the
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president felt that these were protests that were consuming the nation mostly taking place on college campuses, but saying that everyone was consuming and watching and seeing that images from columbia university to ucla across the country. this was something that was impacting the country. and i think they felt the president as the leader of the nation needed to come out and interests. but as you said, there, he's been really careful to toe the line between reaffirming americans rights to protest, while also being clear that he does not support any sort of violence that we've seen breaking out on college campuses. >> how does the white house look at, i mean, obviously the president is running for reelection, right? and his opponent, likely opponent donald presumptive opponent donald trump, is out there attacking him about this and saying this is further evidence of a lack of law and order in the country. how does the biden campaign view these images? listening to his speech, the decision to put them out there suggests to me, they see it as
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something that is going to damage their general election prospects in the fall. of course, their base it's honestly very much behind these protesters. that seems like a really tough place to be. >> and that's why he's trying to toe that line really carefully, right trying to be clear that he supports the right for people to protest. but condemns any sort of violence that we're seeing. and that is one of the challenges of being an incumbent running for president. is that your challenge? hunter is able to throw anything that's happening in the country at your feet and say, this is your fault the white house, the campaign is trying to make very clear where the president stands. >> but, but you're right. any any scenes of disorder, of chaos are complicating for the president whether or not he's directly involved in what's happening. he's a leader of the nation. and so people vote based on how they're feeling how they looked direction the country is headed, and the president has often blamed rightly or wrongly for that. and so they're very conscious
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of that and trying to strike that balance very carefully. yeah, i've also heard the white house say this isn't an issue that people vote on. it's not in their top top set of issues. they still believe that? >> yes. so what were you here is very interesting. they are largely saying when they look at polls, particularly of young people, this is not the most animating issue for them. they say abortion, the economy those issues are what are going to drive people to make the decision when it comes to november. but that's not the case in every state, in every community. and when you look at the map, there are states the president needs to win a chief among them being michigan. and michigan is a state with huge arab american and muslim american population. there are some concerns that this issue is more salient for those voters, where the margins are really small and so writ large, the biden campaign and democrats fill confident that this is not the most animating issue for their base of voters, but they don't deny that this is an issue that does matter to people who could make the difference at the margins are sure. all right. tyler pedro for us. tyler. thank you. thanks. appreciate it. >> i come up next here. donald
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trump are using to say whether he will accept the outcome of the 2024 election plus the new york knicks advancing to round two of the nba playoffs will get the bleacher report ahead can the riva support your brain health? married janet. hey eddy know appraiser, franck. >> franck. franck how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health char biggest challenge uncertainty, hidden fee surcharges. who knows what to expect turned shipping to your advantage. >> keep it simple with clear upfront pricing with usps ground advantage lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. now, unlike and joined the call one while watching the game who's willing? >> we are my friend. we are every night is the same thing
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disputed, but central part of the january 6 committees findings on the president's actions that de a day that trump seems to be suggesting could be in the cards. >> again, if he doesn't win in the fall this is what he told them. a walkie journal sentinel in an interview this week, quote, if everything's honest, i'll gladly accept the results. if, if, if everything's honest i don't change on that. if it's not, you have to fight for the right of the country. >> joining me now understand a national political reporter, daniel strauss, daniel, good morning to you. morning. >> this is a signal we begin admission from the president, but he did want to go down to the capitol on that de, and it is part of a sort of sea change in how he is trying to get or how he is talking to his followers about what happened. that day. he now has embraced the people who were there as the january 6 hostages. he opens some of his route please, with the national anthem tribute to those people and now this plus these interviews where he is essentially saying,
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sure, if i win, it will be a fair election and there will be no political violence. >> what do you see in these words? >> because i do have this sense that before january 6, there was not enough weight given to the word that we were hearing from donald trump that led to what we actually saw unfold that day. >> yeah, look, it's a herald of 2020 where we are probably going to be in a situation november where if donald trump does not win or does not see the election results, that he's looking for on election night, there'll be sort of gray period where he won't admit defeat and his followers will still concede that are still argue that the election is rigged or somehow tainted in their four, once again, we'll be in this sort of like electoral purgatory, where it's not really clear who as
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tradition usually dictates who the winner of the 2024 elections are. >> i mean, one critical difference if in fact biden were to win is that he is the one that actually holds the offices of the presidency, controls the levers of power including access and discussions with the pentagon, for example, which became a critical question mark around the response or lack thereof for those interminable hours, frankly, if you were up on the hill, that no one came after the mob stormed the capitol. >> let's, let's i'll just remind everyone of what donald trump told time magazine also in an interview that was conducted last month, released earlier this week, the reporter asked mr. president, you said you weren't worried about political violence in connection with the number november election, you said i think we're going to win and there won't be violence. what if you don't win, sir? the reporter asks, trump says, well, i do think we're going to win. and if we don't win, you know, it depends. it always depends on the fairness of an election. i don't believe
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they'll be able to do the things they did the last time. i don't think there'll be able to get away with it in terms of the things they did last time. i just think we should underscore that donald trump took these claims two courts across the country and the courts rejected the idea that there was a sufficient level of fraud to change the outcome of the 2020 election. he it does seem like he's already saying it will not be fair if i lose. right? right. >> and look, this is this is classic trump. he says the quiet part out loud. he makes clear of his intentions at any given moment in time. there is no sort of secret plan here. it's pretty clear that he wants to or with these comments, he's suggesting that he's going to encourage his supporters to act out in some way. if he does not win this election. >> what's your sense of kind of where some of these people are right now in terms of the people who were specifically
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motivated around january 6 included some of the farthest fringe members, right? because there are plenty of run day-to-day trump's supporters, americans who voted for trump, who maybe they showed up on the mall to see the president speak. that de but we know that there were elements inside that were organized. they showed up with zip ties. these groups like the proud boys at the oath keepers what is your understanding of how those groups are interacting with the current trump campaign? >> i mean, it's it isn't as visible as i've seen with other campaigns, like marjorie taylor greene. in when she was running for congress, she would she would often be escorted to events with the three percenters, which is a far-right group. >> but i think it all falls in line with the larger base trump voter i've talked to a lot of pollsters about this.
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>> a lot of republican pollsters who say they, that his base support does not move. they will not move no matter what they will do. what he says and they will follow only his assessment of a situation. so in this situation, like if he it shouldn't be much of a surprise that there were a large group of trump's supporters who gathered on january 6 and it wouldn't be a surprise if he again encouraged his voters to come to dc round the election or right after daniel strauss for us on this friday, cheerful conversation, but thank you for being here for it. >> i appreciate it. >> all right, how now for sports, the new york knicks moving on to the next round of the nba playoffs after they took down the 70 sixers and philadelphia carolyn mano has this morning's police report. carolyn, good morning. hey, good morning. well, a lot it has been made of knicks fans invading the wells fargo center in philadelphia for games three and four of this series, sixers owner michael rubin went as far as to buy more than 2000
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tickets to give them wait to sixers fans for last night's game, but none of that seems to face york star jalen brunson, who played in that very same arena in college at villanova. he was a man the mission, scoring 14 of his 41 points in the fourth quarter, brunson also had 12 assists for the game, getting josh hart for the last one in what became the game winning three with 24 seconds left to play new york is on to the second round with a thrilling 118115. when renew that. >> this wasn't going to be easy i mean, even with the lead that we had, now, we tried to obviously play with the lead, but we knew that ever going to be fighting i mean, every game has been like this, so it doesn't matter really high your started does not tell you finish just damian lillard back in the lineup for the buffs against the pacers. he put up a game-high 28, but that was not enough. indiana got a total team effort in this one op top in gave them 21 t.j. mcconnell's adding 20 moore's the pacers win games am six, to
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98, sending them to their first eastern conference semifinal in a decade which just wanted to win you know what i mean? i think that was our biggest thing is welcome on here with some urgency obviously, they're playing desperate, but we had to buy desperate to, we didn't want to go back to my walk. you want to win tonight, so we're able to do that. a lot of guys took to emotions, looked to have gotten the better of bucks guard patrick beverly late in the game cameras catching him, shucking a ball at a pacers fans in the stands. not clear exactly what led up to this moment, but you can be sure that league office will be asking a lot of questions about it. two more playoff games on the schedule tonight, the cavaliers can close out the magic at 70, then his game six between the clippers and the maths at 9:30 in hockey toronto clawing their way back from being down three games to want again since boston, the maple leaves gold sending outstanding, they also got a pair of goals from william nine land or in the two one when who had to actually sit the first three games of the series due to an undisclosed illness he was back on fire toronto, now heading back to boston for
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tomorrow. nice decisive game seven, the florida panthers awaiting the winter sierra, and that's the same team that boston fluid three one lead against him last year's first round after their record setting season and tiger woods is going to play in the us open for the first time since 20 the 48 year-old, accepted a special exemption to play at the famed pinehurst in north carolina in june. his five-year exemption for that major, which was earned with his 2019 masters when expired this year, but he does have a lifetime exemption for the masters and the pga championship. was she it says he plans to play later in the month. he only has two starts this year. casey, the latest being at the masters. he did make that record-breaking 24th consecutive cut that we're all following, unfortunately, couldn't do much more than that, but still, considering to play this year all respond to watch are at carolyn. thank you very much. have a great weekend coming up next here, day 11 of the trump hush money trial as the judge considers whether the former president violated his gag order. again, plus
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