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tv   Trump Hush Money Trial  CNN  May 7, 2024 6:30am-10:00am PDT

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et cetera. now, just a week or so later, donald trump's team learns about the allegations that stormy daniels is making about her alleged sexual tryst with donald trump. now, just a couple of weeks after that, she receives a $130,000 hush money payments from michael cohen. and then of course, november 8 is the election. so the prosecution's theory is, when the access hollywood tape shop, they had extra incentive to try to silence stormy daniels before the election. also important to understand exactly how that pay off worth michael cohen first paid stormy daniels $130,000 before the election and later. and this is really where the crime leinz, as paulo was saying, don't trump and the trump organization reimbursed michael cohen $420,000. now stormy daniels will know about that one 30 she's probably not going to know anything about the internal accounting behind the reimbursement. now, stormy daniels has given us a bit of a preview of what she might say today. she spoke with you,
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anderson cooper back in 2018. let's take a quick listen to what she said so you. >> signed and released a statement. it said i'm not denying this affair because i was paid and hush money. i'm denying it because it never happened that's a lie. >> yes. >> if it was untruthful why did you sign it because they made it sound like i had no choice. >> but the exact sentence used was they can make your life hell in many different ways. >> now, donald trump will have a different view, has expressed a different view of what happened between him and stormy daniels. let's just remind ourselves of some of the comments that donald trump has made about stormy daniels i have no idea who these women are. have no idea. i have no idea. the stories are total fiction there 100% made up they never happened. they never would happen, never met this
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person, these people, i don't know who they are i don't know who they are now whether they had sex are not in 2006 is not directly relevant to the crimes charged here, but it could be very relevant to the credibility of the parties, to how the jury assesses the credibility of the prosecution, and the defense, and looking ahead to stormy daniels, cross-examination, which we could get into later today. >> we got maybe a hint of where the defense will go when they examined her lawyer, keith davidson a few days ago, at one point, davidson testified that stormy daniels said, you better settle this god story because if he loses his election and he is going to lose, we lose all blanking leverage. so the prosecution is going to argue that stormy daniels was opportunistic here and was part of an effort essentially to shake down donald trump and the trump organization prosecutor's going to strongly disagree with that. so there's a look ahead expect jake want to take it from there. all right. thanks. elie honig, lets talk about this all with my panel. >> right now in the courtroom
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are reporters in there are sending us notes, updates every second that they can and mr. trump's defense attorney, susan, nicole's, is saying, quote, we're informed the second witness today will be stormy daniels. >> we want to renew our objection to her testifying particularly about any details of any sexual acts that is mr. trump's attorney. there do you mean more than just we had sex, judge merchan asks the defense attorney, susan nechele. your honor nechele says jasmine shovan, they're establishing that beyond we had sex is what they're talking about. the prosecutor, mr. often girl, i was arguing that the details of the accounts are important. so this is where we are right now the defense attorney and the prosecuting attorneys are arguing in court about what stormy daniels will be allowed to testify about. ha finger. the prosecutor says they're being careful to admit some details that are quote, too salacious again, this is where we are as a country right now
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that we're having this discussion in this debate in the courtroom and dana batch, i guess it's good that the prosecutor says that they're going to meet some details that are two salacious. the prosecutors is also saying it's also saying, quote, in terms of the sexual act, it will be very basic i can't believe i have to read this on television. >> it's not going to involve any disagreement or you than made it's not going to involve any descriptions of anything in particular so read it the idea of the detail of this and how humiliating or detailed it's going to be or needs to be is very much of being debated right now and i'm assuming the jury is not there. >> they're talking about this before a stormy daniels who will not be the first witness today. we're told at least according to the defense attorneys or the second witness, but it is this encounter between stormy daniel's, and donald trump alleged encounter, i should say because he still says it never happened. this is elijah encounter happened in 2006 he was married to melania trump is still married to him. she had
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just had their son baron, and it is this encounter that has prompted all of this, not necessarily getting counter itself but trying to hide this encounter allegedly from the american people in october 2016, right before the presidential election. right now, todd trump, attorney is whispering to trump as ha finger. the prosecutor talks about stormy daniel's on the witness stand dana coughing or says it's important for us to elicit how she came to have sex with him and how she felt about it. i'm not quite sure why it's important for them to elicit that knuckles nichols rather the trump's attorney, the susan nechele, reiterate this is a case about books and records, which is true. she's correct about that. dana well, maybe it's all true that look, this is by all accounts understandably the testimony that donald trump has been,
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most concerned about most worried about when it comes to everything at but probably most importantly, his family. and this is the kind of conversation are merchan says, it's fine to elicit that trump and daniels had sex. that's fine. but we don't need to know the details. the judge says, nope, we don't thank you. thank you, judge judges saying that he agrees with prompts attorneys. this stormy daniel says credibility issues, but that's why the prosecutors need to be given a chance to establish her credibility. the credibility issues we should say do not have to do with her line of work as an adult actress and director. it has to do with the fact that she has previously in statements denied that you had any sort of relationship with donald trump or that there was any sort of hush money payments. and now she is obviously changed her
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story. the jury has entered the courtroom. >> yeah. and i think it's really important to note that this conversation that we were just describing happened before the jury got in there? yes, they're trying to set the parameters of this conversation before other people who would decide the defendant's fate. well, we'll hear this discussion and that point that you just made about the credibility of stormer daniel's we're obviously going to hear a lot of that once the prosecution rests and the defense starts to come in, particularly what we heard, what they played earlier. but you played elly earlier about what storming daniel's said to anderson and anderson pressing on this issue of her not telling the truth. >> but look you go back in time to the access hollywood moment. yeah. and the sort of all of the salacious all of the the questions about behavior. >> and words that make made people feel uncomfortable and
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the question about whether or not that is going to have a political impact. i would just say on the politics as we wait for the jury to come in here that's all baked in yeah. >> kasie hunt. so stormy daniels. so this was the moment that i think the defense team was dreading. not necessarily because they think that her account is going to be so credible or damning. but just because this is embarrassing, to donald trump and it also makes it less easy for them to control their client. the prosecution right now is calling sally franklin to the stand. let me throw it to anderson cooper in new york for more on sally franklin the trade jake, it seems that from dante's lives going to be the second witness call today polar, you familiar with ali franklin? >> not and i know this case pretty well. so this appears to be one of the summary witnesses they need to get an evidence what's not clear to me is that this is going to be evidenced about stormy daniel's book or michael cohen i'm stuck because his book, revenge was also published by penguin
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random house. so right now, we just need to see, once they get into her, she worked for publishers. do we yes. sorry. so she is works at penguin random house. she's a senior vice president and executive managing editor for random house publishing group so clearly they're using her to get in something that was likely in one of these two books, either storm his book or potentially michael cohen's book, but it's also likely that this is going to be a pretty short witness because we also expect as a prosecutor indicated that she's also going to call stormy daniels today. so this should be brief. >> we should also point out that that converse station that jake was reading parts of about exactly what words you're going to be used, what description of sexual activity is going to be used? that was all happening without the jury in the room. it's important to point that out. >> that's right. and then they can and i was in court yesterday. and what really struck me is just how attentive this jury is, even. yes. look, look today, this is gonna be blockbuster it's kind of hard to turn away from this, but yesterday, it was drives the heart of the case, but at times it was deadly boring and i
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would look over to the jury is there we're seeing the 10th repetition of the same check being introduced. >> they were all watching so attentively, it's clear to me, i know you've been in there too. >> they're taking this task serous. >> it was the same way last week when it was the date of hope hicks was called standard, but before she was called to the stand, it was kind of very dried testimony and they were i mean, it was hard to stay awake at times for reading people in the court. the jury was very pre-attentive. >> two days one, it was that conversation about the former presidents genitalia was happening without the jury in the room. >> well, with him? >> very much in the room. so he heard that whole thing and just imagine what that must be like for him to have people discussing that just feet away from him. the other thing i want to point out, our friends in washington, they're discomfort in discussing the details of what was being talked about in the courtroom itself. the idea, the details of the sexual we will encounter. imagine if all that had come out. the week before the election in 2016 as uncomfortable, it is for all of
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them to talk about that now, imagine how big of a deal bill it would have been in october of 2016. franklin is testifying as a records custodian pursuant to a subpoena so she has been subpoenaed in order to be there. >> and i loved out another possibility that she is actually testifying right now about one of trump's books it's called trump how to get rich. i just googled it as number one national bestseller. one of his books. this appears to be what she is going to testify to know we've reported the defense team is refusing to stipulate to anything and stipulating assist agreeing that, yes. so this tweet was sent on this day right now, the prosecutor's asking her if she familiar with this title trump, how to get rich. and i think a lot of people are familiar with art of the deal. i'm guessing this is one of his lesser known titles, but still a best seller and there's some in here. the prosecutors clearly want to get in and defense attorneys likely refuse to stipulate to, which is why miss franklin has to take the stand this morning it was the former prison. >> it's sent out a tweet this
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morning or something, i i guess it was social saying that he had just learned who the witness was. then he removed that. >> is that correct? yeah. he didn't want to be traumas leaning backwards, size, close as franklin begins testifying when his book title was named, he looked over toward the witness. >> i don't want to be clear that the prosecution has no obligation to tell. >> let's put that through social posting up that he that he deleted. we should just do an informer. yeah, it'd be helpful to follow along. there you go. just recently we've been told he sent out this morning who the witnesses today. this is unprecedented. no time for lawyers to prepare. no judges ever run a trial. judge or bias and partisan way he is quick and highly conflicted, even take away my first amendment rights. now he's threatening me with jail. they have no case this according to virtually all legal scholars and experts, why is the fake news media reporting is conflict? another book, by the way, franklin says she is familiar with is trumped. think like 1 billionaire, i will say one of the reasons they may take this down as he puts the word witness in a social media post, if there is one word that is very dangerous for him with judge merchan, i think at this
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point, it is witness. the judge threatened him with jail time if he wants again, violence place the gag or he shouldn't be tweeting about the even the idea of a witness. >> yen two things. first of all, the prosecution is not under any obligation to talla defense who they're going to call yesterday? hey, in court, they said they would as soon as ct was over, they would tell the defense who they were going to cause they're giving them some time. they also new donnarumma, while that samr daniel's is going to be called in the course this case. now the prosecution right now, again, as we anticipated, it's using franklin just to introduce certain portions of these books into evidence. this is something that the defense could have agreed to saved everyone some time, but they are opting think a different strategy instead, they stipulate to nothing which drags, drags this out and forces a lot of folks to come in on the stand and help them introducing this, this evidence. but i think today really one of the greatest legal risks that stormy daniels poses to trump is prompting him to violate the gag order. now, of course that's on him, but this is something that as you said, it's personal, it's embarrassing and he's even before you, it's fine. $9,000. he had gotten a lot better about staying within the
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confines of the gag order. but today, this is going to be a real test. >> we should also point out that in many trials, defense team will know what witnesses would the order they're going to be called in the reason they don't in this is because the judge was concern that donald trump would attack the witnesses in advance of their testimony. and so in a sense, don't trump has actually heard his own case because of these repeated use of social media going after witnesses? >> yeah, absolutely. he has certainly made the job more difficult for his defense attorneys. now, look, the judge didn't make them share those. they're not london an obligation to they said it's a professional courtesy. we usually extend. >> but in this case, we're worried about the integrity of this process. if we tell you you're going to attack the witness now there he didn't say her by name but he walked up to the line and today watching him at the mics, watching him on social media. this is going to be a test for him. >> i will see if there was one witness. the defense was probably prepared four weeks ago. it would be stormy daniels, the idea that it was somehow sprung on them and they're not ready is hard to believe. >> that's where we danielson, michael cohen, they've known
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inside court, we expect prosecutors to call the adult film star in director to the san as the second witness today, you're watching senior special lab coverage room. take a short break and we'll be right back in the spotlight. >> 12th pioneers changing the world intimate, look at how these champions make the world a better place champions for change next week on cnn sponsored by charles schwab. >> so i went to experian. they actually helped lower my monthly bills, phone internet experience at the work also subscriptions i forgot about experian canceled them for me, helped me take control my money seal. >> you can do it slash safe now that at america's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way. thanks to you. we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic, new bottles made using no new plastic. >> you'll be seeing more of
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random house. the prosecution is using her as a vm vehicle through which to enter excerpts from a pair of trump books into evidence once franklin is done, we expect the government to call the days marquee witness to the stand. adult film star and director stormy daniels, with whom mr. trump allegedly have had a rendezvous, although he denies it, and that has created this entire basis of trial. trial. the alleged cover up of the hush money paid to stormy daniel's in october 2016, and the court right now, when somebody hurts, you, just go after them as viciously and as violently as you can. this is an excerpt from a book. i assume this is a book about trump. i'm just that sounds like mr. trump, of all people involved in this case it's by trump when somebody hurts, you, just go after them as viciously & as violently as you can. the previous excerpt was saying if the book is called, tromp, how to get rich? another book is
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trump. think like a billionaire and these are excerpts from books from mr. trump allegedly written by him or with him with a ghostwriter. the chapter title of the excerpt is sometimes you still have to screw them. so this is just trying to get into the mindset of donald trump according to the prosecution, according to his own words. yeah. casey, i just wondering what contexts screw is being used in this potential it's a rhetorical screw. >> it is, it is somebody does you wrong. then you have to do wrong back to them. presumably, although many i'm. not. sure, that that was the true intention. they're not mutually exclusive. >> right? i guess that's fair enough. >> another excerpt from the book, 3pm. alan yslow burg, my cfo comes in for a meeting he's been with me for 30 years and keeps a handle on everything. again, these are
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books published by penguin random house books by mr. trump, one called trump, how to get rich. >> the other one called trump. >> think like a billionaire and these excerpts are being read into the record yesterday. >> well, and this seems to tie in two. they have to make it all come back to donald trump, right? it seems like one of the toughest things they have to prove is the extent of donald trump's knowledge about what michael cohen was doing, all the women, here's another excerpt case you'd sorry to interrupt. this is this is another one, quote, all the women on the apprentice, the tv show flirted with me consciously or unconsciously, that's to be expected sexual dynamic is always present between people unless you are a sexual acts, which is a curious way to view the world. yeah, so what's going on here, i think is two things. first of all, as casey was saying, a big point of dispute yesterday was to what extent is donald trump aware of what's going on within his organization? defenses? this is all happening behind his back. and now they're showing excerpts when donald trump or his ghost writer, but it's attributable to donald trump said in a book, i was on
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top of everything. alan weisberg, everything he did was under my command and control it looks like the second thing they're that they're going for with this book is his comments about the way he viewed women sexual dynamic is always present. i do want to point out a bit of a tactical mistake here, i think by trump's defense, they could have stipulated to this, meaning you just sign a piece of paper saying these are the books he wrote. these books. he wrote these books these are the books and then they go in and sort of dry form. they go in and book form. now what's happening because he refused to stipulate is there as a human being on the stand, sally franklin, and she's reading these excerpts out loud to the jury that they might have avoided this? yes. if they had stipulated, then what would have happened is the books would have come into evidence. a prosecutor would have probably gotten up and read it dry to the to the jury, but instead, they're seeing from a normal human beings, sally franklin, who presumably is relatable and it professional and she's reading these sort of awkward excerpts to the jury. it's gonna hit harder that way. >> also, she's a woman and she's not a hostile hostile
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witness in the whole thing just to the point of trump running everything it is going to come up over and over again. how many ceos actually sign every check, right? i'm not a ceo, but i can't remember the last time i wrote a check anymore and signed a chat, jamie, this is a little different because i don't think the public realizes that the trump organization is really a mom companies and steroids. it is a privately held company its assets are substantial, but it is a privately held company is not fair to really compare it to say, gee, are ibm. i mean, it's, it's he signs the checks when he's the president because the checksum, his personal account, he's only guy the can i guess. i guess the point that jamie's making is that that shows the extent to which he'd be involved and he would know everything he has been throughout this trial from witnesses who are not hostile, been presented as the brain behind everything that he
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micro-managed which is that he cares. >> that if alan wise hilberg sent him a check to sign and he didn't like it, which i think happened oven with him. he has no not to pay up always. he would put voigt and send it back there is i think a very clear pattern that donald trump was running this bissan really is a key that we need to remember throughout this day. in particular, as we anticipate hearing from starmer, daniel's, and we're already hearing is saying i'm pretty salacious rhetoric that underneath it all the the core of the prosecution's case is dry is about payments and cooking allegedly cook in the books exactly. >> that's that's the key zero point here. how much did donald trump no. was this being done with his knowledge without his knowledge, they're blaming michael kohler. and so the prosecution theory is all of this was done with trump's knowledge in blessing right now in the court, the prosecution
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is trying to use donald trump's own words against him from his bestselling books among the quotes, quote, if you don't no, every aspect of what you're doing down to the paperclips. you're setting yourself up for some unwelcome surprises, unquote the prosecution using his own words from these books are published under donald trump's name should suggesting he really was a very hands-on ceo. we're going to have much more from inside cord after this quick break, you're watching suh special live coverage how we'd really happen with jesse you, martin, sunday's at nine on with fast sides signage that gets you noticed. >> it turns hot, lots into homes that's signs. >> make your statement and the furniture, business, things move fast. ziprecruiter helps us hire qualified candidates who keep up. we needed a project manager yesterday we've posted a job on ziprecruiter and had our guy on-site and five days, he was qualified and everyone zip recruiter finds
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montgomery in tokyo and this is cnn
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that the foreign president makes it his business to know every detail, big and small about his business this affairs, the government trying to convince the jury that they should not believe the defense when they suggest trump did not know about the alleged scheme to sallet, daniel's. you're washington and special live coverage. amanda scooper, new york. today we hear from the adult film star and director under oath we already heard lawyer for the prosecution and defense litigate just how descriptive daniel's would be about her lead sexual counter with the former president right now, this notes from our folks inside the courtroom setting, there's an xor being read now to prosecution attorneys saying from the witness, sally franklin worked for a publisher, the excerpt from the book is i told them i didn't want excuses and i thought he was doing a lousy job managing my cash. again, sally franklin is reading these excerpts on the witness stand from trump's
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books and other one says always question invoices, never accept a contractor's first bid negotiate, negotiate, or get out, paulo, this is all about just amplifying the message which we have heard now, several times that drunk when it comes to his money, he is signing all the checks he will voigt a check if he doesn't want to pay, which he often does not want to pay or wants do in this words, always question invoices, never accept a contractor's first bid, negotiate negotiate that. are untold number of stories of him stuffing contractors who have done work for his various enterprises to try to basically him just refusing to pay. >> yeah, absolutely. another update, todd blanche and started his cross-examination is first question is asking if the coauthor was a ghost writer, meaning did don trump actually write this book, which is i think the perfect first question for the defense. but sally franklin, certainly not a household name, nowhere near the block. mr. we're about to hear from, but she's reading in some significant details here. now, this is trapped slashes goes hoarder, writer's own
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words. now, it's franklin saying she's not sure how much the ghostwriter contributed, but what prosecutors are getting at here is how trump has been espousing this theory that you should always know down to the paper clips, what is going on with your business. and this is something that we've heard david packard testified to how detail-oriented trump was going to say. all i know is that she helped our primary author in some way, a ghost writer sometimes we'll write the entire book as perhaps isn't the case of the governor of of noem. we've seen this past week amperes genome or they work closely with the author, both writing different things. >> yeah, we've heard several witnesses testified and what franklin is reading in this book here about how detail oriented trump was definitely connie talked about yesterday, right? trump is involved in everything. the problem for prosecutors is money though, put a stop and he said, but in 2017, when trump went to the white house, a lot of his daily involvement changed the process. or even getting check sign everything changed. so prosecutors have to overcome that. but sally franklin and unexpected ways who's bringing
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in some really helpful excerpts from trump's books here. >> i want to bring in somebody who is central to this hush money trial, michel roth felt he is a former reporter for the wall street journal, currently within new york times. he helped break both the karen mcdougal storing 2016 and the stormy daniel story in 2018, michael is now an investigative reporter for the new york times, mycologist will be occasionally reading excerpts from her people right now. again, franklin is just that all i know is that she helped her primary author in some ways what do you think? >> stormy daniels helps the prosecution with today well, she's at the center of the trial, so her hush money deal as what led ultimately to the charges that trump is accused of covering up these business records that his company. >> so if she were not to testify i think the jurors would would reasonably ask, well, why hasn't she come here and the defense would definitely make an issue of it. so i think the prosecution didn't really have too much
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choice about bringing her just to show her, hey, here she is. there's nothing to hide. >> in your reporting initially, i mean, how much involvement did stormy daniels have with the mechanics of the deal? do we know? >> she wasn't directly involved in negotiating the deal with michael cohen when she definitely didn't deal with donald trump. so she's not gonna be able to testify about that. she really won't be able to testify about his motives. what she will potentially be able to testify about is the context i mean, first of all, she can testify and the judges ruled that she can talk about the fact that they had a sexual encounter. his lawyers objected to that, but the judge is going to allow some details of that, so that will potentially combat the argument by trump's lawyers that she was trying to shake him down none of this ever happened and then she could also talk about the context
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that when access hollywood tape came out in early october, that's when michael cohen she'll know that's when the negotiations started in earnest to sell her story thai blanche is asking you about the book covers and how they're chosen. both bookshelf in court feature photos of trump when you broke this story, you were with the wall street journal. how long were you working on it and i was just rereading the story. i mean, the denials by the white house where we're quite, quite strong well, we worked on, i mean, we we had broken the karen mcdougal story right before the election in 2016. that was the national enquirer paid her $150,000 and then the stormy daniel story took us like another year to really figure out. we suspected she had been paid because we knew she was out there talking, trying to sell her story, but it took us another year to actually figure out it was michael cohen and that he had
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paid are $130,000 through a shell company so it was it was a long time of just sort of painstaking reporting to get to that point. then niles that you mentioned, i mean, her lawyer michael cohen, basically commandeer, sorry, let me just jump across exam. sorry. let me just jump into cross-examinatio n is over now. there's a redirect by the prosecution, the gross rider works for the author franklin says, the prosecution is just following up with a few redirected questions to make some clarifications, i'm sorry. sorry for interrupting michael no, that's okay. >> no, i was just going to tell you that when she denied it, michael cohen essentially got a denial from her to give to us and her lawyer or former leuser keep davidson, testify last week that those denials were like carefully crafted two, essentially not be technically untrue. like she said, that she
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didn't have an affair with trump, but in fact, she only had sex with him one time. so there was a lot of like, sort of careful wording there in terms of stormy daniels the relationship between her and keith davidson what was that like do you know? they actually did not really have a relationships, so she had an agent named gina rodriguez at the time who was herself a former porn actress, who represented a lot of sort of like third tier celebrities who wanted to. they had essentially dirt like tiger woods. mr. says, and people who had relationships with other celebrities like charlie sheen. and so gina rodriguez was representing stormy and she was the link between stormy and keep davidson her her lawyer and keith davidson also had had
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some dealings with the national enquirer or so there was a group of people that were working together in this of hollywood scandal paparazzi industry. and that's sort of how stormy got connected to michael cohen in the end micro-rough felt. >> thank you so much for talking to us this morning. i appreciate a lot to watch four with stormy daniels when she comes on the trump to speaking length, gesturing with his hands to his attorney as he whispers to her, he also wrote a note moments ago on a pad on his desk the attorneys now handle no to a colleague. we've seen this a lot. naaf look what this feels like to me. >> do you a sports metaphor, anderson, you'll forgive me is what must be like to ice the kicker here. everyone in that room except for the jury noem the stormy daniels is up next i'm not saying this is in franklin, isn't interesting witness. she's adding some credibility to what we heard yesterday from getting connie. what stormy daniels is
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lingering out there right now. so everything you're seeing right now, i think is done with this extra added level of tension. they all know what's coming and it's going to be excruciating and trump is we understand sitting at the desk, it was speaking at length, gesturing with his hands, but i have to believe that's what's going through his head. as well. >> yeah. i think that's right because yesterday we really didn't see them do too much. i mean, he's sort of paid attention the one time he was really at rapt attention was watching his defense attorney, todd blanche, do your cross-examination of an official from the accounting department. we know that trump is at times frustrated with his defense attorneys because they're not putting on more of a show. right? that's what he likes people who played to that audience. the answer one. >> but as you've seen in the recent civil trials, that does not always work well in front of a judge or in front of a jury. >> so i will say that overall has decorum has been much better. that wasn't a civil cases. but his lawyer, todd blanche is taking a very different approach than for example, alina harb and case, and it was interesting to watch him the one time he was really paying attention, he turned his the entire body and he was fixed on todd blanche while he
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was doing an otherwise pretty inconsequential cross-examinati on. >> it also be interesting to see windstorm daniel's does take the stand and when the defense is able to cross-examine or who actually does that, isn't going to be tod blanche, is it gonna be a meal beauvais? >> yeah, it's a great question because nobody has done most of the cross examinations now i expect that todd blanche is really laser-focused on michael cohen and perhaps stormy daniels as well, because they know that this case is going to be make or break on a few specific witnesses. and i would expect that's where todd blanches attention has been throughout this case while and the above as been doing all the other crosses, the judges accepting some exhibits into evidence. this judge has been very careful. i mean, i saw this when i was in the court last week looking at each piece of evidence that the prosecution wants to wants to have a witness testified to, and they really listen to the defense is objections on that i obviously, the form prison is going after this, judge. i think anybody who has sat in
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this courtroom is impressed by how the judge interacts with the defense and how cautious he seems to be to try to be fair to both sides. >> i think that's exactly right. and another place where is the evidence of this trump's attorney todd blanches, whispering to tromp after he came back to the fence table well, they were arguing. that's something that prosecutors in front of the judge. but if you look at the gag order decision yesterday, obviously not a good day when you're found in criminal contempt, not a good day when you're threatened with jail. but if you look more closely, the judge said if you did not find beyond a reasonable doubt that trump's comments about michael cohen were not protected political speech. they have been making a political speech argument since this case. >> began. >> so i think it's significant that the judge really conceded that he could respond to michael cohen and then also took an ambiguous statement that trump made about david packers testimony being a nice guy, being a good guy, and let that slide as well. so it does appear that this judge really does listen to the defense and the times a times sides of that and epilogue from a book as being shown in the corner, franklin, it bears a quote from
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mary trump, trump's mother, trust in god and be true to yourself. i am struck by how hard the defense is fighting to keep some of this information from these books out of the case right now, you would think it would be very mundane, but it does seem to be something that they're at least a look little bit nervous over. >> they don't want to be part of this. >> well, i think anytime you have donald trump saying things that indicate he is micro managing that he's aware of every paper clip, every everything that spans and the importance of alan yslow berg& their long relationship. i mean, that's one of the things i'll weisberg is not going to be testifying in this alawites berg people say, who know the trump organization in their history will say he knows where all the bodies are buried. he has done a big favor for donald trump in numerous cases. >> but of all the things you would think donald trump would be nervous about in this case, was stormy. daniel looming a few minutes away, books that he took some part in writing, you would think might be the type of thing that is less nerve rakus right now, prosecutors
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are using trumps bestselling books as evidenced against him. another quote, when i look back, that was great advice, concise and why is it once i didn't really get it at first, but because it sounded good, i stuck to it approach from d reads a lot more ahead. you're watching cnn special coverage of it hush money trial. we'll be right back all scope is stories was at the absolute peak of his celebrity in olympic heroes, xhaka murder trial, we learned much darker individual how would really happen with jesse l. >> martin sunday at nine on cnn? >> not flossing well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is five times more effective than floss ever reducing plaque above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth? this three, feel the world. >> see idp disrupts the idp derails. let's be honest sucks
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real name, stephanie clifford as the second witness of the day right now the woman named rebecca mangled, who is with the prosecutor's office, is questioning sally franklin, who is with a penguin random house publishers, talking about books that were ghost written with donald trump proclaiming his business acumen and getting into details from those books about how hands-on he was, a right now, they're talking about meredith mecole over who is the ghostwriter in question sally franklin is saying, as you know, my door is always open. this is i'm sorry. for donald trump says, as you know, my door is always open, so meredith heard everything and she's taken good good notes. this is about how meredith worked on these books with mr. trump. i guess they're trying to get to the bottom of how much of these proclamations in the book our him, how much are the ghostwriter she's done a remarkable job of helping me put my thoughts and experiences on paper. i am tremendously grateful to her, mr. trump,
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rhoad, fun fact is that meredith macabre, the ghostwriter in question here. it also helped alanine trump, right? her 2016 republican national convention speech and later took some blame for lifting portions that speech from a speech previously given by michelle obama. the jury is being shown and then additional additional quotes from a page including one from trump's fathers, mangled has turned to the trump had to be a billionaire book. know everything you can about what you're doing. the quote from fred trump, donald trump's father reads, so bill, what, what are they doing here? they're just trying to get to the bottom of like, how many of these quotes in which donald trump talks about how in the weeds years on everything are our him versus how much we're made up or concocted by the ghostwriter jake, that's what it appears to me that they're doing, but i know it's a little bit of overkill i understand there's no stipulations and they have to call this witness, but they console on the ball here in the bowl please. is it in furtherance of another crime coming up with quotes from the
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president, it's late father and the president's late mother. i mean, it's interesting, i guess it's it's it shows a little bit about his upbringing, but i don't see how that gets the prosecution for the felony i don't know why they're duking it out like this, but they are but i don't think it advances the bowl at all. i mean, i think the defense gets up there and closing in a week or two. it is big deal i don't another quote here kerrey, something else about god that any billionaire knows. this is attributed to mr. trump. he is in the details and you need to be there, too. i couldn't run a business any other way. this is again, ms franklin sallet with penguin random house. and the idea, i guess elie is there. i mean, i take bill's point that this doesn't actually prove the commission of the crime, but it does seem to suggest that he is a details guy. i actually think this is quite important evidenced the prosecution. >> i think it helps their case a lot when it comes to how in the weeds wasn't mean here are some of the excerpts. here's the one we just saw he is in
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the details and you need to be there to earlier quotes that the jury heard. where you need to know everything quote, down to the paper clips that's a memorable leyen, you need to know how to pinch pennies. always question invoices. that's kind the heart of the case here. data no other voices were for another excerpt, when you sign a check yourself, you're seeing what's really going on inside your business. and laura coates live, they're trying to use this, presumably the prosecutor has to prove that mr. trump knew the checks he was cutting to michael cohen, that they were in fact reimbursements for hush money payments as is being alleged. >> i mean, this is a man who signed his checks with a sharp you couldn't mistake that for anyone else's. but remember about how this works in the overall trial. it's been several weeks now, but primacy and recency still rings true for juror is what they heard first, what they'll her last let's go. we're going to hear a lot they're going to hear last a summation by the prosecution. we have excerpt as well saying and if people see your signature at the bottom of the check and they know you're watching them and they screw you less. these are just
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statements as well. and so you think about how these nodes, the summation part of things is what you're focused on. the prosecution is going to use bits and pieces of every little thing they gather from the witnesses and beyond. now, they ended their redirect and they're going to summarize it at the end. that last punch for that. they're going to have bits and pieces from the catch and kill to what has been said for the by up for store, we nails and other is trump's turned his back up for re-cross as well, going to talk about a particular point, and maybe try to undermine what's happening. and we hear that jurors are actually writing on their notepads some of the quotes that ellie probably already pointed out, but all this is going to go towards that overall puzzle they want the very last thing that jurors to hear to be a summation of all these points, having a connective tissue thread that will include this person you're telling me this guy who wrote these books, who was a mom and pop owner, who ran the company is named from the wall on the door on the building, had no one i do that $420,000 went out with his control combine. >> well, so that's that's
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definitely the argument. the process is going to make allow me to pause it what the defense might say jaime gan girl and that is first of all, this is a book. this is donald trump trying to project an image to the world. this is not necessarily day-to-day, minute-to-minute. fact. it is image, right? that's one thing that might say. the second thing that might say is yeah, sure. that was the case in 2010 or whenever these books were being written but in 2016, he was running for president in 2017, he was president so maybe he was a little less in the weeds when it came to the day-to-day operation of trump, the trump organization, judge merchan inside the core for him is called the lawyers to the benas, jamie, but they have presented all of these witnesses who are not hostile. hope hicks, rhoad, people who worked for the trump organization, who back this up, who say this is exactly how he ran the business. that donald trump knew everything down to the paper for clips. as we've reported before, his children, who worked in the company with
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him were known. they did not make a decision without going to him. it's setting up between the book and the other witnesses, shelly franklin is off the stand by the way, the penguin random house editor, which would seem to suggest that the second witness of the day that we expect stormy daniels will be called suh just this speaks to countering the argument that michael cohen went rogue that's where it does seem pretty it does seem effective in a way that the way that they have laid this out, as you were saying, elie it seems to be very important and i also think any of us who've ever, if you, if you do deal with donald trump, obviously they have to prove this to the jury, but certainly my experience reporting on him was similar in terms of how he paid attention to everything that was said about him. >> and he remembered it. he would bring it back up in conversations with you this was not a guy who allowed things like this, especially if it's so personal is something like this to kind of go unnoticed
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and i obviously it's on the prosecutors to prove that to the jury, but on the cusp of getting to the moment that you referred to jamie couple of weeks ago, which is when we get to the big witnesses everything that we have focused on and witnessed in the hearing room. >> we'll look smaller in the rearview mirror because of how important this witness is coming up, this coming again, this pending what does trump right now is whispering to one of his attorneys or at least a franklin is off this stand. >> we're expecting stormy daniels to come and testify any moment. dao i'm sure that cristy cornell and jane rosenberg, the courtroom artists, are sharpening their pastels preparing changing the page, getting ready for the big moment. it's still, i have to say remarkable that we're not allowed to televise you're. courtrooms don't televise this incredibly historic moment. so we're bringing you these dribs and drabs from our reporters inside. and the only images or select few photographs and some
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lovely pastels buy cristy cornell and jane rosenberg, my two favorite courtrooms, getchar to s1 lawyer has consistently stated the defense table with trump, while the other two lawyers go to the bench or what what are they talking? think about now, do you think laura because obviously they're done with ms franklin, the publisher all of that all those quotes, it could have been stipulated, but donald trump wants stipulate to anything. so they read those and now they're preparing for stormy daniel. and this will likely be very contentious i would say so. >> and remember, first of all, this is a little bit if a change because we've seen time and time again donald trump being alone at that defense table while all the lawyers go up and i was in the courtroom when they approach the band, you're talking seven lawyers go up to the bench, jagan with five from the prosecution, sayyed, and you've got to going up the band. and so the jury seeing this, it's quite a thing to see, but they're going to refocus this is where else is getting ready to come out they already began the morning talking about what would be the parameters of her discussion would they go into the more salacious details? and by the
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way, keep in mind, i want to go to my tablet for a second because, you know, i love my tablet on this whole thing and just think about what you actually have to prove. you have to prove that there is an intent to defraud that there was a false business entry that the number one thing here, none of this has to do with whether or not an actual sexual affair or interaction took place. that's important because the only purpose of having swami daniel's is to talk about the nda, how it all went down, how that all was transpiring. but really, it doesn't actually matter for the prosecution's case whether or not they actually did have a sexual liaison all that matters is the reason for the intent where you trying to commit another crime and they're incense it alleges to be an issue in terms of campaign finance. but then look at this, this breakdowns important here. remember we're going to hear more about this testimony. the uh, hundred and $3,000 hush money payments to daniel's is lawyer that was made to her. we've already heard from that attorney. then you have everything else that goes into here, but this is the meat of the matter when you're talking about what's happening
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here. and remember it's not just a one-off. you're talking about every time you see this red square that happens to be an instance of another falsified records. so all of this, they have to have her up there to suggest there was in fact, this payment made, but it doesn't actually matter the details of sexual affair at all. all that matters. this he believed that happened. >> so jagan, how is stormy daniels preparing for this? because she's not going to wing it and i'm sure that prosecutors i mean, one of the things that the defenses has been drilling at with some of the witnesses, including david packard for the tablet magnate is you went over this with the prosecutors as if that that is abnormal& it's nefarious i'm sure that prosecutors had to go over a lot of the stuff with her as well. >> so three were the three lawyers their words, trial prep, sound sound familiar. call it rehearsing color preparation would every day's worth their is what is murder board? murder boys? yeah. there's no question that she has been prepared not just for
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the questions the prosecutors are going to ask her, but for what the defense is going to do, and they will attack her. i think it goes without saying that stormy daniels isn't entertainer. she is a performer. she knows how to command a room. we should be watching how the jury watches her and also have the jury looks at her and donald trump, and just minutes adult film star and directors stormy daniels takes the witness stand inside that manhattan courtrooms stick right here. you watching cnn special but coverage of donald trump's hush money cover of trial, we going to squeeze in a quick break. we'll be right back it's odd how in an instant things can transform the fan out of balance & a free fall this is happening people were there so few certainties as we navigate
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think it was strategic to have susan do this. now, a lot of curiosity about trump's reaction. he's right now whispering to his lawyer as you said, when she walks in and she's going to walk in behind the defendant as table. we're told that trump's son, eric trump, who is sitting in the gallery, would be able to see her, did watch her as she walked across to the witness stand. unclear what trump's reaction was. but this is a challenging witness. you want to get out the information you need, but you're dealing with sex you're dealing with a former porn star. it's an incredibly delicate task. this isn't often your ads in front of her right now. >> what a strange historic moment. this is what, 18 years in the making, the legend encounter was 2006, 2007. yeah. all the way back then, 2016, the hush money payments are made. anderson 20 what was it? 2018 when all of a sudden the interview you conduct trump hooks facing forward as she walked past them and then turn to look toward her as she stepped up to the witness stand. >> and i have to believe whatever happened in that room allegedly back in 2006, 2007, donald trump never thought he'd be in a courtroom facing
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criminal charges with things connected to it right now, but just trump has repeatedly glancing and stormy daniels direction, which is interesting. i mean, just given it's the where everybody is seeded kaitlan, collins was talking yesterday saying she talked to a former witness who said that when you're actually on the witness stand, it is very difficult to see donald trump when you're testifying order to see him because of the makeup of the courtroom and the the size of the judge's bench, you actually have to kinda lean forward to perfectly look at donald trump if you wanted to. >> that's exactly right, but it'll be easy for trump. i mean, he only needs to turn his head just a little bit to be able to type a pretty pretty good chances spotting hurt in order to the prosecutors or his leuser, he has to turn behind him. it's a pretty crowded courtroom. but it's interesting. she's introducing herself as stormy daniels. we know are there any stephanie clifford? we're also hearing that she's speaking very quickly. not surprisingly, likely very nervous during during this historic appearance in this trial, this is different than sitting down even with you, anderson for an interview or what jimmy kimmel, which he did also. i mean, now
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she is under oath both really recounting parts of the story for the first time. >> in trump repeatedly glycines from again, those direction. i mean, this is anybody, no matter how confident you are, no matter how much experience you have in front of the cameras, daniel says she's testifying because she was was subpoenaed. actually sitting in a witness box, testifying in front of a jury when you are there, it is a very daunting thing. >> it is incredibly daunting. and this is someone who's been through a lot. she recently released a documentary. so daniel's is speaking as i just said, she's speaking quickly. she's turning her head toward the jury as she answered questions. that's probably the safest space in this courtroom, right? don't may not necessarily i really want to look at the prosecutors. they can be intimidating. certainly the defense table. looking at the jurors, it's a really diverse cross-section. manhattan. it would be immediately to her left, probably the easiest thing in the courtroom for her to look at actually tells her story and answers these questions. >> it's also something that prosecutors often counsel a witness to do to make. it is
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the jurors who are going to be making these decisions. you want to have the jury connect with the person on the witness stand. so there's much as the as the witness can talk to the jurors actually make eye contact can be effected. the prosecutor begins by asking daniels about her background. >> this is already come everything to this point has come in an enormous expense to stormy daniels. she's on the hook for what, 600 plus thousand dollars right now for violations of the non-disclosure agreement. so this is all really taken over her life. >> it hasn't and it's a reminder so many people in proximity to trump, right? if you sit right outside the oval office, if you're his secretary terry, if you are a lawyer, these people wind up in these extraordinary situations, testify in court, testifying in congress possibly even being indicted, and the prosecutor is beginning asking what clubs and hobbies daniel's was involved in during high school. now, we also do have some color about how daniel's is presenting herself in court for today. a daniel's interestingly, she says she was editor of our high school paper and in the four h
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club because of course is is pretty well known about her. she really loves horses. she bought a horse farm and that's actually at risk because of all the legal money that she owes trump daniels is speaking quickly during the court reporter a bit of trouble. >> the prosecutor asked her to slow down. we've seen this with the number of witnesses this is where they will be speaking fast in court reporter will actually sometimes say like, stop and ask for the person to really say what they said. >> she loves horses. also, horses were part of one of the slurs that donald trump publicly hurled at her. i'm just gonna repeat it. so people know what i'm talking about. stormy daniel says my mother was very neglectful. >> should we disappearing for days at a time it does seem like they're trying to make her into a person with dementia. and the four h the school newspaper, the relationship with her mother from 17 when she says when she moved out of her home, yeah, they want to make her more than just an adult film actors and director daniel says she got into exotic dancing by accident. >> and in her documentary, she talks about how exotic dancing and then eventually her career in porn without was her ticket out of what you said was a very
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difficult life. this is a way for her to support herself, to make money and move beyond the situation that she was born into. our colleagues and sayyed, they described daniel's it's wearing her hair tied back. i sort of a messy bun. she's wearing black glasses when she has an outfit that they said is a pretty high neck top falls just below her collarbone and paired with a pretty loosely fitting jacket. i think there are a lot of people were curious about exactly how she would present herself in court today. there's been a cross-section in terms of all the witnesses in terms of the formality of dress but that's how she's chosen to present herself as she sits on this witness stand and answer some difficult questions again, i mean, you referenced this, john, but just an extraordinary moment. >> the former president united states, sitting there and according to people in the court, he has been repeatedly glancing over her friend, told her she was a dancer, which he thought referred to the same styles that she did what must be going through donald trump's mont'e to see this, daniel says, which was ballet, jazz, and tapper, i was wrong. she was an exotic dancer, different than ballet, jazz,
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and tab in this case, i think what's going through dollars spine is again, how how did i get here? >> this is what he wanted to avoid. >> now granted for dancing, daniel says she could make more in tonight's and i can shoveling manure eight hours a day, bunch of whispered something to trump and he smiled. trump, did not smile. >> all this is information donald trump did not want out there in 2016, days before the election. now, it is getting out there obviously much different timing. >> daniel says she started nude modeling at 21. trump is no longer looking in that direction. section with the witness stand, but at the monitor instead, explain to monitor situation because it out until you're actually in the court, it's sort of confusing. >> is daniel says that while she's working with the club, they had traveling entertainers come in and she decided she wanted to do that. she wanted to take her show as it were on the road so she said you have to have a reason to be the headline or the way to do that is to pose for a magazine or to do competitions or adult movies. and we know japonica is really all of the above, but inside the court, there are monitors because there's like a concert, not every view is a great one. so you have a little
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monitors and sayyed, so he is a force that is 21 when she started posing for magazines. >> and so he can see you can see her on the screen. he can see a different parts of the court on that monitor. it's just a lot easier to see because it's a large courtroom, not terribly well laid out, but i think the concert analogy is the easiest. it's usually easier to see on the screen unless you're sitting really up close and you'll says you can either do contests, they're there a real thing, you can literally when miss new north american, she's talking about essentially how she became a headline entertainer. did there come a time when you also worked with the adult film industry, having your saying yes, daniel says there's a lot of nudity, there's a lot of adult film, there's a lot on opposing a lot of exotic dancing. the jury is hearing all of this also rapid-fire. to what extent has she practiced this with prosecutors? >> i would expect it to be extensive preparation. she's not someone who is really ever done this. she's been involved in litigation related to trump, certainly. but this is not someone who's likely been called into many different cases. it's intimidating if you've got it if you want her
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documentary, her version of events is that this is really destroyed her light and this may are difficult for her to earn a living. this is a really traumatic experience that's how she kinda lead he's off the end of the documentary again, this is her presentation of events, but this is incredibly stressful. so i would imagine prosecutors have coached her extensively, gone through all the things that they want to talk about, and then of course, the things that they expect that they'll bring up on redirect and direct as kroos that is going to be a very uncomfortable cross-examination . >> she actually owes money to donald thousands of dollars. your houses at risk, and that obviously it's going up with interests jurors are taking notes alternately watching daniel's & the prosecutor want to bring in karan friedman egg niccolo as well. she's the former chief assistant attorney in manhattan, da's office. karen is of course, council for a firm that represents michael cohen. she has no contact with cohen, does not work on his case and there are no restrictions and what you can say about this case. first of all, what are your thoughts about stormy daniels now on the stand, the importance of this its moment i think this is a
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good call for the prosecutors to really redirect the jury about what this case is really about. >> it's really about trying to silence stormy daniels and not have the information that she has come out before the election and so much so that they went through great pains to hide the source of this money so that these facts would not come out. so i think it's really good that the prosecution is where you are at the heart of the case right now is stormy daniels? >> karen a drift want to say is from daniel saying they're talking about how she got into the adults industry. she says i was honestly kind of scared you do it. a friend said, i'll do it with you just doing one, you can say you've done it and old bump you up and pay grade. you're saying by doing adult films, she could make more as an exotic dancer boring random various clubs. daniel says she want 11 best director awards in two best screenplays any adult film industry, daniel pure is very relaxed on the stand
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according to our reporters inside the courtroom, leaning on the chair arm gesturing or she speaks, laughing casually as she recounts her work variance, i'll cut out a lot of the details. daniel says with a laugh and probably great relief to many in the court karen, how long do you think she this will go on for it because it's stormy. delos does not necessarily have direct knowledge about she hadn't direct contact with donald trump in terms of negotiating this payment, the prosecutor is danielson slowed down again because she's speaking very quickly. so what's happening right now is the prosecutor is trying to get her comfortable. >> they have a woman prosecutor talking to her because they're going to talk about intimate personal things, right? i think you'll also, i expect that susan necklace, who is on the defense team, who we haven't really seen yet do any thing in court. i suspect she is going to be the one cross-examining her based on the fact that she
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was the one earlier today asking that certain details about the sex. she asked the court that that not come in. and so what the prosecutors are doing today is they're going to show all the contact that donald trump had was stormy daniels and it's more than once? yes, they only had sex wads, but there were multiple times that they would meet up, that they would talk on the phone, and that there was promises that should be on the apprentice, but then she wasn't on. they had dinner at some point, so they're going to talk about all the different times they had contact and then later when they there came a time to negotiate this nda, she'll talk about how she tried to sell the story years before, but there was no market for it. but then around the time of the election that's when it became much more valuable to her to trump or to be able to sell her story. so i think it's key yeah. >> kevin starmer, dan, he was
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on the stand as she's written one book called full disclosure. so she's in the process of finishing up to other books sent to come out next year, she was also giving testimony about some of the more mainstream movies she's been in 40 year-old virgin and knocked up among two of them as well as appearing in a music videos daniel says she also had a podcast called beyond the norm, quote, it's everything that is beyond the norm. she says while looking at the jury, jake, let's get back to you. >> thanks anderson. so yeah, we have a stormy daniels on the stand right now in donald trump's hush money cover up case. and she's talking about how she got into the world of adult films. and also as you mentioned, anderson talking about some of the more mainstream entertainment projects she's been in the jury. we're told is not reacting to her laughs. and at time her at times her blunt testimony and what is the purpose bill brennan of the prosecutors, eliciting from her the information not only about how she got into the world of adult films pornographic films, but also that she'd been in a
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maroon five video that she'd been in a rob zombie video that she'd been in at least two works by by altar jot apa town. the knocked up in the four-year-old verjee and asked if she discussed trumping connection with politics and our podcast now she says yes, of course. she no longer hosts the podcast because she was fired what is the purpose of all this from? because the prosecution is doing this, jagan, i think the prosecutor mousavi, trying to human eyes stormy daniels before this jury, but the latest reports say that they don't seem to be reacting to her labs are not living he with her. >> i mean, it seems like a lot of information that's irrelevant to what we're looking for in this trial. >> and if she comes across as glib, it's going to backfire. >> yeah. vascular. she said, i was reluctant to just continue talking about that one narrative. this case, daniel says, so i guess elie honig suggesting that the reason she no longer hosts the podcast, she was fired from it is because she wanted to move on from this one issue and the podcast or probably i'm
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guessing here, thought, well, that's really what you're known for. so we want you to talk about that trump pulled is leaning back in his chair. it's shifting a little in his seat. i think a couple of things are happening here. i agree with bill. i think they're trying to humanize her for the jury not actually worried from the prosecutor's point of view about what the jury is going to make of the adult film business and her involvement in it. this is a manhattan jerry, i've tried cases in front of manhattan juries involving strip clubs and shakedown of pornography industry. so they're fine. they're all grown up right now. >> she's talking about the draft stormy campaign for senate and louisiana, even though she wasn't serious about running for senate david vidar never actually would debate me she says david bidder was the incumbent republican senator in louisiana. no longer in public life. >> the other thing, and this is a perfect example. the other thing i think prosecutors are trying to do is sort of front the fact that she has made a career of sorts out of this between her podcast hence to run for office, her books, they don't want that coming out on cross. they want to show the jury right up front. look, she's essentially made a living
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off this. we're giving it to you, jerry, right up front. i write some updates and the prosecution is moving on to the alleged interlude that stormy daniels had with mr. comp, the prosecutor is directing her to july 2000 and six month in question, just to perhaps be captain obvious here i think it bears all of us are taking a moment wicked, sponsored one of the holes on the golf course, which yes, i know is very funny, where an adult film company sponsoring one of the holes, she's as well not laugh. >> did i but yeah. >> but the whole hair whole entire reason for this case? is because donald trump didn't want any of this to come out. >> yeah. >> and here we are all these years later with it not just coming out, but him actually being face-to-face. with this woman who he had to quote you and encounter with and him being a defendant in a criminal
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trial. and it being not only front-page news, it being this unbelievable moment in american history now that he's a former president and current candidate, you know, i've been in front of so majors, particularly jurors who i know are not overwhelmingly prudish mean there are there's reality the best way to prep this witness to me, daniel's is to have her own the fact this was a transactional encounter. she's not professing to and jean, she's alleging this has happened if true. she's not professing there was a love affair that there is somehow a long-standing relationship. he talks about having met him at the golf course in july of 2006. it was a very brief encounters. she says, she comes in today saying, call me stormy daniels, not stephanie clifford. she's not running from her background at all, nor should she. this is something that she has been proud of throughout her career. and i think that as for the juror sake, the more that she leans into the fact that i am going to tell you what it is. here's what happened. here's what went down and here's what i was
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paid for. the more she tries to suggest that this was on bow, longer or more than it was is different. of course t appears to be staring straight ahead to watching her on the camera feed in front of him as opposed to watching her directly. >> i want to bring in brian skelter, who is a contributing writer of two vanity fair longtime media correspondent, obviously, how to celebrate who we are here at cnn. bryan, this is a bizarre moment in, for sure, stormy daniel's on the stand as donald trump is also in the courtroom. he's staring straight ahead, appearing to watch her on the camera feed in front of him instead of watching her in-person, stormy daniel said all she knew about trump at the time that they met in july 2006 at this celebrity golf tournament, is that he was a golfer and had a reality showed that she had never seen called celebrity apprentice. remember this is 2006. so that is actually not so unusual that that's all she would know about him. brian. >> yeah. i think that's a great moment to think about 2006. who was donald trump in 2006? because all of this is a blast
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from the past. we're getting a little bit of a reality tv history lesson right here. jake in 2006 when let me for one second, brian and i'm going to be doing this throughout because of the reports from inside the courtroom stormy daniel says she was 27 at the time of their meeting in july 2006, quote, he was his old or older than my father, daniel says of trump adding that her father was 60. >> i think trump was about 16 he at the time as well, but he was at the height of his powers as a reality tv star at the time the apprentice was one of the biggest shows on tv, huge, absolutely huge. >> and daniel said she was introduced to trump as a director, which is an interesting way to introduce stormy daniels, i guess she was technically a stormy a director, a starmer, daniel's, although not necessarily of any sort of film that mr. trump i would want to do a cameo in as he did in home alone to you, direct to you must be the smart one. trump told her according and this gets yes, this is good. >> now, the two are introduced into each other. >> they're getting to know each other. donald trump, the apprentice is interesting, jake, because it resembles the
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popularity approval ratings for donald trump won in office. he starts out pretty high. the apprentice was one of them the biggest shows on tv. and as the seasons go on, it gets less and less popular. the ratings decline over time, but back into those and six, he was a huge television star and i think that's important context, what we're talking about here is he has the billionaire real estate portfolio, but he's a tv star and that's how stormy knows him. >> daniel says she later ran into trump at the gift shop at this golf tournament. so this is all just the narrative of how this encounter came to be. people who have been following the story probably know most of the details already from her book or her interview with anderson cooper or the new stories at the time when they broke later at the gift shop, daniel's a trump remembered her he remembered me specifically that i was the smart one. she said, putting your hands in quotes attorney susan hoffman the prosecution asks daniel is to identify trump in the courtroom. wow, this is really like an actual scene in a movie. can you identify the defendant here in the courtroom as if who is it you could
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possibly be talking about what a mystery. i'm sure nobody in that room has any idea who she is talking about. the 45th president of the united states. >> this has to be given him flashbacks as well. 2006, he's newly married two millennia. he has a new brand new son named barren and he's ofir this golf tournament, maybe taking a little bit of a break from the family. >> daniel's looks around the courtroom and she spots him. and i'm sure she is going to point him out to the prosecution attorneys suh it susan, a half-inch here. let me just take one break from you for a second to turn to our attorneys here. daniel's points and says he's the one in the navy blue jacket. laura, is this i mean, you have to do this. can you do? i mean, because obviously there isn't anybody on planet earth who doesn't know who donald trump is. of course. >> and yet you have to sort of check off the box of the formalise. this is the defendant. you're talking about. this is the person we're at issue. and so just kind of checking that box, there's no issue. >> one other five. yeah. are you kidding me? >> daniel's looks around the courtroom spots oh various, she
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walked by, she knew where he was. i mean, this is this is she's performing right now. >> she's can't see him from where she's sitting. are understanding is that what she did is she leans around me. >> i spent weeks in that courtroom. there is a visibility obstacle, right. but when she walked up that center aisle, she saw where he was sitting. she could just go age right there. >> well, not not oh, there is a performer donald trump appears to look in her direction as she pointed to him, but made visible reaction. >> the jury's seating is seeing the photo of daniel's next to trump. and the photo he's wearing a yellow golf short shirt and a red hat. there it is. we know that photograph well, i'm sure trump is shuffling through papers in front of them as the photo is shown on the screen for jurors casey, i just one thing that i've been sort of noticing as this has gone on, is that there have been a couple of times where she seems to be cracking a joke, trying to get a reaction from the jury& our reporters in the room have noted that the jury hasn't seemed to respond our job series. i mean, we make of
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that humor is risky in the courtroom especially if you go in with leinz, it looks like starmer something happens spontaneously if an easel falls over people will laugh. they're human, but it's never going to work if you go in there like i'm going to amuse the jury. i'm going to sort of say this clever thing. that said, i think permutations from what we've seen, i think is relatable and i don't think the jury's horrified by her, but yes, it's risky to do that. well because she's 45 years old. >> she's been living in the world of adult film and video for more than 20 years. she's probably a little bit nervous, just making some jokes and look, she's there as a witness. their jury, as by all accounts is taking this case very seriously. every reporter in that room says, they're completely attentive, even when the most boring details are being described. they are taking notes, they are watching witnesses. it doesn't surprise me at all that they wouldn't laugh. they thought it was funny. no. >> green and that witness box, if you're the lawyer, but you know this isn't a question and
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answer it. right? i keep it for the lounge. >> sorry. i were in the courtroom and when you heard ladder during hope hicks is testimony, it came from the people in the audience. it did not come from the jurors. she was nervously laughing. people recognize the idea of the nervous tic, the nervous giggle, and we've seen tore me actually be interviewed and she has sort of a smart going to laugh easily at the end of every sentence. you also, this is a photo of a mission, but the golf course, she's pointing to. so the idea of the jurors& again, the jurors themselves are gonna be self-conscious. so trumps bodyguard. asieh. >> this is according to stormy daniels trump's body guard asked if she would have dinner with mr. trump and her response was, according to her f no probably with less acronym, but she actually did say f according to our team. oh, she gets on this on the stand just now. she used the letter l for no, no, no, i get it. but but at the time in real life, you probably didn't say f know, but the point is she was nine interested in having dinner with him. the bodyguard coming in to see if she would have
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dinner with mr. trump. >> but this tells me though there is i mean, i know it's a slight thing, but there is a level of decorum that happens in a courtroom that you're trained to say that you would be a little self-conscious about dropping the f bomb that jurors would not want to be laughing because they have been told and instructing them detected again, not to show your hand. listen to all of the evidence. they are self-conscious about how they are on display when they walked into the courtroom, you've got an audience full of recognizable reporters and journalists who were sitting there watching you trying to figure out who you are. there were self-conscious. they would often look back to the audience and wonder who staring back at them. would they be identified? remember a juror the very first day after being in panel said my anonymity is compromised. >> so she just identified this body guard as keith schiller. and for those of you at home keith schiller was the former director of security for the trump organization. mr. trump, unlike with michael cohen, did bring keith shiller with him to the white house. he's a former law enforcement officer. he served as deputy assistant to
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us president trump and director of oval office operations. though in this telling, he's a serving a different role. >> later. later he called me, right? yes. for the letter to yeah. >> but it's a period of time you could not encountered donald trump without encountering keith schiller, basically at the same time, they went everywhere together, like if you covered when trump went down the golden escalator that was another instance where i had actually been covering trump for several years. >> you shall are by the way, that happened at this moment if shiller takes her cell phone number and then messages her later. right. and if you wanted to get in touch with trump during this period of time, remember, he started engaging in politics well before the 2016 election, i had encountered him at various times and built a relationship with his team as he appeared at these kind of conservative kohn fabs. and what she's describing is how you would get in touch with donald trump right? you would make a connection with keith. he shiller. he would give you you give him your number. he would
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take yours. and then if if donald trump wanted to get in touch with you, that's what would happen if also, stormy the jury is now seeing a photograph keith schiller's entry in stormy daniels phone. teeth trump. it's called she said this because she didn't know keith. she'll those last name, but she knew he worked for donald trump so i guess that makes sense. kind of a mundane detail. i do that a lot to help identify contacts she says she said she had another dinner but are published encourage her to go to dinner with trump? >> yeah. and again, this all kind of go i think it does actually go to the credibility of stormy daniels in terms of her interaction here and in providing these granular details, or at least it's relevant for me as someone who understands how this would work. >> so at this point anderson, daniel you'll said she had another dinner, but her publicist is encouraging her to go to dinner with donald trump, which is brian start to sell reminded us earlier in 2006, was really at the height of his
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fame when it came to the apprentice sallet and celebrity apprentice to come on nbc, hugely popular show doing very, very well and the ratings and of course, or publicist is go to dinner with his popular man what could possibly go wrong? were his words to stormy daniels that she recounts with a laugh indeed, what could possibly go wrong, henderson yeah, if nothing else, you'd get a great storage. recalled her publicist saying prophetic words in di, back here with hala in john berman as well i mean, she started out on the stand laying the groundwork of her background and it's sort of humanized her talking about her interests and now they're getting obviously to the time that stormy daniels comes to the hotel i'll room according to her of trauma and the very least you'd probably have some interesting advice. daniel's recalls her publicist telling her. >> so it isn't just because she'll talk later on, i think in this narrative about it how lot of her interest in trump
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was just the possibility of being on celebrity apprentice. she was approaching this since we're transactional way, she's trying to build her brand, get more exposure. and one of the reasons she keeps in touch with him is because she holds out hope that maybe she can get on celebrity apprentice even though she is skeptical that at that time and bc would've allowed an adult film star on his shirt so she says that he told her that every season he gets one pick that they can argue it. so it's interesting right now, they're setting up her reasons for meeting with him. >> and again, it's step-by-step forgive me to the sex. we are getting a step-by-step account of how she went to that golf tournament, the interactions that took place, and what brought her inside that room where the encounter took place and the jury is hearing all of this. >> yeah, we haven't gotten any and i don't expect in the next couple hours any evidence that will support the actual charges on applying this case, which are the falsifying of business records, 34 counts. she's not going to be able to speak to that where she will offer something a building block for the prosecutor's case is one
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she can say that they had sex which contradicts what the defendant has said. and then also talk about how interested in her story years later, well over a decade later after the access hollywood tape suddenly escalates, she said, so i arrived and i went upstairs, keep had given me very specific instructions to take a certain elevator to the penthouse floor describing this first encounter with and what it does is it provides color for all of that, which donald trump wanted to suppress prior to the 2016 election. >> that's where i met keith, who was waiting for me outside the door. daniel said keeps driller trump's a long time bodyguard is now retired essentially italy, waiting outside the door. this seems to be obviously the practice. keith schiller as others have talked about what sort of the go-between giving out his cell phone number as the point of contact? >> yeah. and in a post mi to world, i mean, meeting someone you don't know that well in their hotel room under these circumstances, right? so people might think twice now the hotel room door was cracked open she. got there daniel said so she
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walked right in and shiller told her trunk was waiting for her and is a story she is told many times and leave to you as well about this first encounter in the hotel. >> this is under oh, no. >> yeah. >> into germany room before jerry, when i didn't really have any expectations. keith had said, just meet up here and you guys can go downstairs. daniel said the idea that they were gonna go out for dinner. i think in the end they do not actually go off and they're not going out. it doesn't sound like where this is headed yeah. that's right. that's she's she's told you it's just told a story publicly before, but domestic good point. this verse time, she's telling this under oath because all of these folks have allied or misled at one point in this saga. but you can lie to the press. you can live your friends, but he can't lie in a court of law. so here daniel's notes that there were restaurants at the hotel and she said that was my only expectation and we know they don't end up with the question also will become how does the defense handle stormy daniel, i was just thinking about that. they're getting this detailed
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account of how this encounter took place. are they going to bother to try to undercut that? >> how often do her again, ask daniels to slow down for the court reporter? she continues to talk quickly. she's recounting her story i think instead they're going to come at this again, you have to be, you have to be sensitive. you don't want to attack her on the stand, but you're going to come at this arguing that she was indeed an opportunists in her own words, her interests and even returning trump's calls after this alleged encounter because she wanted this will be on celebrity apprentice. they're also going to talk about how she went back at him after access hollywood, knowing that her story was more valuable, knowing that he would need to suppress the story and noting that her lawyer they have they have tried to frame him as a professional external portunus. so that's i think how they're going to attack or an argument. but what did or did not happen in the hotel room? that's not really going to make or break the case, but getting at her incentive to get this hush money might help them a little it was right there inside the doorway by the table with flowers like call his name. i said hello and he came out. a trump is wording sadden pajamas. daniel says adding she
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immediately made funded him. does mr. hefner know you stole her? as the jomon she said she told donald trump sat and pyjamas, the man who would become president of the united states and was supposedly going out to about to go out to dinner but apparently not. daniel says she told trump to change. he returned or in a dress shirt and dress pants it is a difficult i mean, does the defense tried to i mean, impugn her character. >> do they go after her hard or do they? sort of tried to limit whatever damage she may have given. >> again, i think they have to focus on october 2016 and the fact that she went back at them post access hollywood, write the prosecutors arguing that trump was incentivized to suppressor story daniel's is describing the hotel suite with black and white tile floors. she said it was bigger than my first three houses is to get to the crew credibility as she has vivid memories of this scene. again, describing the encounter right now and just to reiterate, this is the encounter that it's the heart
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of all this case. all heavy, beautiful furniture. daniel's were calls. this is the story that donald trump, the prosecution argues, was trying to suppress before the 2016 election. >> and an intimidating environment, right? you have an asymmetrical power dynamic here. so someone has come from a lower because background. she finds herself in this position in her documentary towards the end, she revisits this and talks about how she certainly didn't say no, this was not great, but she wasn't sure what her other options were. so it's interesting to hear her describe this encounter now, this is also, remember, this is in 2006 and on trump has married melania trump in 2005. she has just given birth for their son baron, and don't trump has gone off to this golf tournament. that's sort of the background here. i think they're going to i think she will talk about them sitting down and the conversation that ensued before she says yeah, they actually had sex the
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prosecution is having daniel's discuss the hotel room detail to help establish the cheat she really had been there. >> yeah, this is important. to establish her credibility. give all of these details. >> now, our friends are reporting inside the core. >> this is still speaking very fast. >> she's using her hands expressively as she describes the setting where things were in the hotel. >> now, it's hard to remember something i'm quite that far back, but again, this was a pivotal event in her life. she's described it many times, so that may make it more easy for her to recall details about the hotel room if you are the defense on cross-examination do even bother to say donald trump refutes this encounter. can you even say that? because again, he's describing in vivid detail here something that she says took place that no one is going to testify to the fact or the suggestion that it didn't take place. >> again, adultery, right. >> is not a crime, has not been charged with sexual assault, is being charged with falsifying business records because he tried to cover up a payment to
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stormy daniels to help him get elected in 2016? i'm not sure it really benefits them to go back to the hotel room at all. instead, i would focus really squarely on 2016 and then the entire year of 2017. and the fact that stormy daniels has no interaction with the folks who actually created those checks & those invoices trump appears to be engaged with the testimony watching daniels again, he's watching her on the screen in front of him. >> which is going to be the easiest way for him to watch her. >> and i was with him for hours yesterday. his eyes were closed for most of it, while former trump organization officials were testifying, he he really just was not as attentive asieh as now told them where i grew up. he asked about my family. do i have brothers and sisters? i don't. daniel said it is important to one of the things that defense is clearly going to go after her on is the fact that she signed and release a statement in 2018 denying an affair. she said, i'm not denying as a fair because i was paid in hush money. i'm denying it because it never happened. i talked to her about that i said that was a lot. she says yes. i said if it was untruthful, why
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do you sign it? she said because they made it sound like i had no choice she said the exact sentence use was they can make your life hell in many different ways. did he talk to him at all about the conditions of your childhood? the prosecutor's asking absolutely. daniel said there's an objection and the judges stains it. let's go back to jail all right. anderson. thank you so much. there is an objection. the judge is at daniel said that trump asked her whether she had children was married, or had a boyfriend and she says, she did not. and again the point of all, this is just to lay out the narrative. so as to provide to enhance theoretically her credibility because lest we forget, donald trump denies that any of this happened. he says that he never had any relationship with her and i do wonder how much of this case is going to be her credibility versus his credibility. daniel said trump asked about for work, asking how she got involved in the adult
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entertainment business, making conversation. he was very interested in how i segue segue from just being a porn star to writing and directing. daniel says, well, jake, credibility is everything in a child, especially when it comes down to the defendant, even if he doesn't take the stand, the jury's assessing they've heard him statements. they're hearing stories about him, and prosecutors love details because details support credibility. i mean, if stormy daniels had just taken the stand and said, i met this guy at a golf course in 20 in 2006, we had sex. that's it. >> the jury will be thinking, is that a real story? >> but all of these details, certainly someone can fabricate details, but all these specifics about keith chiller and the contact and they were able to backup by the way, the contact keith trump, they have a screenshot of that entry in our context with his actual folt, because actual result presumably. right. so all of that bolsters or credibility, are there any work ends? these are the questions that donald trump was asking. are there any unions you get residuals? are people, hey, you get health insurance? what about testing? are you worried about stds, these questions she recalls mr.
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trump asking, by the way, all of them perfectly reasonable questions way if you're just having a conversation with somebody who is an adult film star. >> and i think what the prosecution is hoping the jury gets out of this as she could she be making up these mundane details, which kind of makes sense. so it goes to credibility fill why is donald trump let? me let me rephrase this question. >> would it make more sense for him to if it did actually happen, acknowledged that this happened as opposed to denying because i don't know if there's polling on this, but my guess is a lot of people in that courtroom think that actually something did happen daniel says other people wanna know the sexy stuff, the dirty stuff, but trumps questions were very thought out. business questions, which sounds like donald trump, he's a businessman. jagan, your question? yeah. if if it happened absolutely. embrace it. plus davidson was splitting hairs on semantics the other day. this was not a relationship. this was we were talking earlier about where does an md broglie you a tryst and encounter? yeah. dalliance.
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if there's a photo of the two together, so they must have encountered each other at one point. he may be holding back because of the the pressure he's still getting from his wife and family. i don't know. >> so stormy daniels says she volunteered to mr. trump that she had not tested positive for any sexually transmitted diseases, which is an interesting thing to volunteer, although the, although he did ask if they tested for stds, she said she would chose to work for wicked pictures, which i presume is a wanted graphic film company, because it was a quote, condom mandatory company at the time you had to be tested every 30 days. she says, i assume she's referring to the gamut of stds this makes if he's getting i'm sorry. no i mean, i'm john is now telling starmer a daniels to slow down a little bit. she's a lot of information coming at the jury at once. just corroborates for many people the questions you would ask before you engage in sexual activity with someone. there is a lot of people who i
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mean, yes, i know may he bought a married woman that is not where i'd write over here. >> i do care somewhat of men. the point is when you're getting ready to there are a lot of people who have sexual encounters, who they're asking for your aids test or hiv tests are negative, et cetera. your std tests. this has happened and so she's talking about all these things in frankly, we look maybe perhaps are coming across is looking down our nose at the conversation, but again, she is talking about a transactional relationship where he's asking her questions prior to going a sexual act let me let me let me just add that. >> first of all, donald trump is a german job so that might have been something he was interested in, but also there's an interview that he gave in 1997 in which he said he was a brave soldier for avoiding stds during his single years in the late 90s, he said, it's amazing. i can't even believe it. i've been so lucky in terms of that whole world it's a dangerous world out there. it's like vietnam. it's my personal vietnam. i i feel like a great and very brave soldier. trump said this
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is after howard stern, 1977, asked how he handled making sure he was in contract was not contracting stds from the woman with whom he was sleeping. this is during his single years. i should note, i want to bring an anthony scare movie right now, former trump white house communications director, anthony. what do you think's going through trump's mind today? as he listens to this testimony well, listen, jake, the central question is she believable or not and so i've i've met whether i was on the bill maher show. were their spend time are there at the after party and she's very credible. so whatever her profession may be the question is, is she credible or not? >> we're showing a picture right now. is you and with with storming handles, is that is that i'm not sure if that's nikki glazer or izzat, your wife? i'm not sure the photograph. >> so that's my wife on the right, jake, want me on the left the after party, but okay.
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but the point being is what's going on in trump's mind? >> look, i know all of this stuff is true, but i've got to i've got a triple down on the lie here for a number of different reasons. and i guess the real question is, there's 12 jurors. will they think she's credible? >> and i will tell you in a face-to-face meeting whether she comes across very credible. so starmer, daniel's just shrugged set yet intrepid, a very brief conversation about his wife, melania. do you think you said that mr. trump is doubling down on i think he said the lie that he and starmer daniels had not had a relationship. daniel's right now is saying that she asked trump about melania trump, and said she was very beautiful. so do you think it is? you think that she starmer daniels and mr. trump did have this encounter why is he not telling the truth about it in your view, given the fact that it would only enhance his credibility if he if he admitted it well, i think there's a number of different reasons. it's probably some
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personal reasons. there's political reasons you'll have to explain to me some de, why the hard christian right, has a love affair with donald trump, but i think there's a whole gamut of reasons why he's going to sit in, the lie? but again, if you're looking at evidence in a case and you're sitting there as a juror who's lying, who's telling the truth. this woman has no reason not to tell the truth. so in addition to those details, she's often been asked well, was there anything on toward done or anything sexually aggressive done. and she admits that there was and she said that she was a willing participant. >> can recall of those for just for a quick interruption, dan stormy day analysts just recalling the trump said, we don't sleep in the same room about him and melania trump again, this is back in 2006 trump close desires at the defense table trunk closed his eyes and shook his head and murmured to his attorneys that she responded, sorry, please please continue hey listen i mean this type of detail and
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her look, sometimes you got to say to yourself, what is the motivation for somebody lying? it's five years after this thing sort of mushroom down, everybody, there's absolutely no reason for her to be lying and she's under oath with the risk of perjury in a case like this so then you have to ask yourself if you're meeting her, is she or is she not credible? and i believe she is credible hey, anthony, it's dan abashed and i should tell you that as you were talking to jake or hearing more from starmer, daniel's on the stand. at the then businessman donald trump showed a photo, photo of himself on the cover of a magazine, asked if she had seen it and he said, no not that i have i didn't watch a look at magazines like that as 27 year-old film star. now, daniel says she's snapped at trump. are you always this rude or you always as arrogant and pompous? you don't even know how to have a conversation. she recalls, i'm guessing, even
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back then assuming that this is true since she's her oath that's not the way a lot of people talked to donald trump even before he was in politics. >> but anthony, i want to ask you about the melania trump of it all. >> there was just a reference to her when starmer daniel's just testified that trump told farmer daniels that the two of them don't sleep in the same room. and this goes back to one of the core questions of this case which is whether or not he was only trying to protect his family and marriage, or whether he was also trying to protect his political viability. and before you answer that, i'm going to read one more update from our reporters. daniel's says, she told trump of the magazine somewhat should spank you. with that. i'm sorry, anthony well i mean, listen, i mean, there's there's there's a simple answer i remember dana when the windows open and you hear clipping clop outside.
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it's a horse, it's not zeroes, so the obvious answer is the answer. and so he had two things going on in his mind. one, you didn't want the exposure personally as it related to family life. and secondarily, he knew that this could be a big bomb that blew up on him politically. and i think that's the big issue for the jury. did you do this too interfere with that election& did you in properly use money? in put it into your campaign in a way that was illegal. so listen, everybody is innocent until proven guilty. it's a criminal case. but i can speak to the facts and then it's up to the jury to decide if they want to convict him on it. >> and anthony daniels said that she recalls trump tower pulling her, that she should go on his television show. daniel says she told them it would never happen to have an adult film star, a star on nbc. she says she told him, quote, even you don't have that much power, that probably is
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something that's things more than anything for donald trump in here. but as somebody i know you've famously, we're only in your community the cations job at the white house for ten days, but you knew donald trump for many, many years beforehand. can you just take us inside his head right now and being in this position, this unbelievable position of sitting in this courtroom as we speak as a defendant with stormy daniels on the stand saying that things that she's saying well, i think a couple of things are happening, but the first thing dana is he did a lot of things not expecting to run for president. >> and so when he ran for president, i think he was startled that all the things that other politicians could not get away with for whatever reason he was allowed to get away with. and i think this was a crucible moment for him. i think he looked at this and said, okay, this interaction with an adult film star, this
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could be over the leyen, even for me and so i think that's ultimately what's going on in his head right now, that all of this thing has mushroom don him and he can't get away from the yoke of it. and even though he paid the money he wasn't able to get away from it. i think that's what's frustrating them the most i'm sorry that we keep interrupting you, but this testimony is coming in faster periods at she testified i said she's told you that even you don't have that power. >> but then at a different point, he said that he reminds me of your daughter because she's smart blonde, and beautiful and people underestimate her. >> that's what trump. so that's what trump said. the stormy daniels. so trump is telling stormy daniels that she reminds him of ivanka trump, the way he framed it. it did actually make perfect sense. do you want to comment on that? >> well, i mean, listen, i want
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to i want to be fair to him as well in a one-on-one setting. i certainly don't want them to return to the presidency for so many different reasons. but on one-on-one setting, he tries to be charming and he tries to melt the ice in the situation. so i could totally see him saying something like that and i think even people that he goes after because he's a little insecure when he meets them face-to-face. he turns up the charm. so all of that is indicative. two is personality. so again, what she's saying comes across very true to me. and i don't think you have makeup details like that. dana so anthony, let me ask you, what do you think of the case in general? >> do you think that prosecutors are doing an effective job of proving the actual crime that they're alleging forgot the encounter with stormy daniels we've got the hush money payments to stormy daniels. neither of which are transgressions of the
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law. the question is whether or not he falsified business records in order to hide the hush money payments. and in doing so, was trying to interfere with the 2016 election. do you think the prosecutors have gotten that met that hurdle beyond a reasonable doubt okay. >> so from the transcripts that i've read and the case that they've built i believe that they've met that hurdle but jayyab and i've been around a long time and we know there could be one or two people on the jury matter what the prosecutors say? they'll say that he hasn't met the hurdle. go go back to the oj case and the 95 time periods. so we'll have to see the impartiality of this jury. and we'll have to see what the rebuttal will be from the defense. mr. trump deserves his right to defend themselves in court but if you're just looking at the facts of the case and you're asking yourself the question
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was there an election interference in this case? and was there in fraud that induce that an election interference? >> i think that stuff is prime aphasia. >> and so it'll be up to that jury to decide that. of course, mr. trump is entitled to the right hi, to have a jury of his peers decide that. but since you're asking me my opinion, i'll share with you. yes, i do think this is beyond a reasonable doubt so the jury has been excused for brief morning break. >> it is 11, 23 in east coast time. anthony scaravilli. you thank you so much for your time today. we've been getting updates from inside the court in, new york as stormy daniels were counted to the jury, her version of the events leading up to this encounter with donald trump, including conversations that she had about her life in adult film, about melania trump, about her possible appearance on celebrity apprentice. how she reminded trump of his daughter, ivanka much more. cnns so coverage of donald trump's hush money cover up trouble ahead
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trump hush money trial. >> gavel to gavel coverage. the weight only cnn can bring it to you. legal insight expert analysis, and real-time updates leyen from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows cnn, the temperate pedigrees makes sleep feel cool. so no more sweating all night or blasting the air conditioning because the temper breeze feels up to ten degrees cooler all night long. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tebor peta adjustable mattress sets missing out on the things you love because of asthma get back to better breathing with the sandra, an add-on treatment for eosin like asthma that is taken once every eight weeks for sandra is not presented breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur, don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor tell your doctor if your asna headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection, step back out there with his nra as your doctor if
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make your first move with battery power, made by spiel right now, save $50 colors on the fsa 57 battery trimmers said real still find yours i'm on rajan capital hill. >> this is sienna welcome back to tina special live coverage in minutes, we expect to hear directly from the prisoner i say joe biden, he's slated to deliver a keynote address. >> the united states capitals, the country marks the holocaust museum's annual day of remembrance will take those remarks live. the second that they happen but first, we are waiting for the jurors to
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retake their seeds inside a courtroom in the building behind me, they've spent the morning listening to testimony from the woman at the center for the criminal case against donald trump adult film star stormy daniels. here with a team in new york, polo read and john berman i mean, they have set the stage where now at the point where she is recounting the runner. she now in the hotel room of the hotel suite of donald trump and now they have taken a break. >> yeah. the judge by knows what's coming after this. they will talk about this alleged sexual encounter and it's also the time that they usually take a break now one of my takeaways here is, of course, the defense has argued that trump made this hush money payments not to help his chances of getting into the white house, but instead to protect his family throughout this case, though prosecutors done a pretty good job of bringing in evidence, including hope hicks testimony that trump told her that he was happy the store is suppressed ahead of the election over-counting that, but i want to remind people that eric trump, he's in court today. he's sitting in
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the front row listening to this. now, our colleagues report that he's pretty much just looking down at his phone. not really engaging, but he's the only one of trump's five adult children who has shown up to this trial. he was there yesterday. he's been here before, but you think thank again, the impact that this story, even if that wasn't why he suppressed it or an, or they're arguing over why he suppressed it. how uncomfortable this is for eric trump right now what we're seeing in you can talk more about this police were not seeing the how donald trump allegedly falsified business records to cover up a hush money payment, but we are absolutely absolutely seeing the world hi, he allegedly did that. >> and what he was allegedly covering up, she is going step by step into this sexual encounter. we're about to get to that moment after the break here and the jury might be sitting there thinking, okay, now i get i get the issue that is at play here, whether or not the documents were falling also five that's another thing, but at least here we have what i think we see on tv as a motive.
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the motive behind doing it and why he would do one or the thing i want to point out is i think the defense only objected wants so far since stormy daniels has actually been on the stand, if it was more than that, it was only a little bit. we've seen a lot of contentious action between the defensive prosecution witnesses understand the defense seems to be sitting back and just taking its medicine here, at least so far? >> that is correct. trump's certainly much more attentive than it usually is. but if you remember at the beginning of the day before the jury came in, they did argue specifically, they didn't want this to get too detailed. there was that whole back-and-forth about genitalia outside of the presence of the jury? three and the prosecutor said that they weren't going to get too specific about this encounter beyond the fact that physical act of having sex has been in the room though. yeah. they backed off backed off because anytime you object, that makes something a lot more interesting to the jury. >> they're curious. well, what are you trying to hide? what are you trying to keep as important as her testimony about a meeting? of donald trump is it's also important for the jury to hear the
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negotiations that occurred. her perspective on the signing of an agreement in which she's that this encounter never actually did take place. so there's a lot for her to actually cover once they get past what happened in that hotels, like act i feel like this has been act one until the break right now how they met the lead up to the sexual encounter. that's act two. we'll see how long that goes on for in the courtroom itself. but then act three, anderson, i suspect you're right. is very much about the alleged cover up and hush money. >> i want to bring in a while. in criminal defense attorney ron coogee, ron, i'm wondering what you make so far of stormy daniels testimony and what is the importance of having her for the prosecution? >> well, having her actually testify about the sexual relationship that he had with trump isn't thing that gave rise to the case. in a different universe with a different client, the defense would have admitted upfront. yes. he had a fling with an
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adult film star? yes. now, he was twice her age& yes. use another rich and powerful man promising are suggesting influence in exchange for sex for a poor. and younger woman. that's an old narrative that's nothing outrageous. four more, nothing new in any case. >> and that would have been the end of it, but it's been donald trump's insistence over the years that this is all a lie, that she's lying. >> there was no relationship that really gives me prosecution the opportunity to put her on the witness stand. and the problem with that from the defense perspective, is you only want one liar sure pur case and the liar the personally have to show is leyen in order win this case is michael cohn. once you have michael calm leyen, and stormy daniels lying and hope hicks leyen, it looks like everybody is conspiring against you, which i know has been trumps narrative. but juries don't accept upset. you need one liar. so i think if i'm the
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defense here, i don't want to put myself in an enviable position, but i ask some perfunctory questions. i point out that she had previously denied this relationship ever took place a couple of those other denials and just just move away. i think they're only doing all of this because it's donald trump driving the case if if the if the jury believes that donnarumma lied about the having sex was for me daniel's. if you were his attorney, you would be concerned that the jury would then just brand him a liar and that would influence i mean, his credibility for the entire trial completely and that's of course, one of the problems with the hole rhoad trump has gone down in terms of his criminal case and as criminal defense branding her a liar the jury is likely to
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believe her. >> it's not so much a question of credibility in the sense that what does she have to be credible about that? she had a 92nd sexual encounter with donald trump. nobody is going to find that like unbelievable or odd or bizarre, or really the question that that took place, the only person who's been questioning it and denying it has been donald trump and some of his supporters if you were defending the form of president, how aggressive would you be with stormy daniels on the stand? >> you talk about she did sign two documents in 2018 denying that this incident occurred at all. she then later said that she was essentially coerced or pressure you're going to doing that because she was told that by her representatives that they can make life really difficult. for her. how hard would you go go after her a little bit, but not too hard.
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>> you can take that testimony and simply turn it around. you denied that you had this relationship a few years back? yes. you did so because so she thought that they could make trouble for you? yes. that's right. and the prosecution can make trouble for you too, isn't that right? and you've had a lawyer here as well, consulting you with the case? yes, i have and you want to make sure you tell the prosecution what they want to hear isn't that right? and what they want to hear is that you were lying before, but you're telling the truth now. i understand. thank you. good bye the fact that storming daniel's owes money. >> a court judgment says that she owes money to donald trump is that something that they will bring up to impugn her motives i wouldn't go there. >> i because look, whether he had a fling with stormy daniels or not that's what generated the case, but that's not
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really at the heart of the case. the heart of the case is the falsified documents and to spend too much time attacking storming daniel's makes it more difficult to attack somebody like michael cohn who really is the person who is going to tie all of this together. because if everybody's a liar, you're either the victim of the most elaborate conspiracy that has ever bedeviled the defendant in the history of the universe? >> or you are in fact guilty on qbi. it's good to talk to you. thank you so much, ron we've seen the former president now of going back into the courtroom, so they should resume quite shortly. >> yeah, i what is quite the resume? they take their lunch break at 1:00, so we have about an hour and a half seems like stormy daniels will probably be on the stand throughout today, tomorrow. core is not in session and then likely back on the stand thursday to either continue direct or for across i think when she comes back to
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the stand, we can move along more quickly there. the judge in gorging the prosecution to move things along, he does like things can be quickly he admonishes lawyers when they don't come back. i swiftly enough from break, so he's obviously trying to keep this keep this on track yesterday, he asked prosecutors daniel's is now back on the stand. how much longer they have in their case. and they said two weeks to today, which prompted a real explosive reaction from trump. he threw himself back in his chair and threw up his arms but that, that kinda makes sense. you have stormy daniels. interesting, daniel did not look at trump when approaching the stand. michael cohen could last a whole week between direct examination on cross and there might be one or two other witnesses trump is looking at papers in front of him with one of his lawyers, isn't nicholas as daniel centered, let's go back to jagan ndcg. >> all right. anderson, thanks so much. and we are preparing for president biden to deliver an address on anti-semitism in the united states. and we will bring that to life when it happens. we will also continue to bring you updates from the court as they happen. but right
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now, let us talk about what is going on inside that courtroom because the jury has returned. and i think we should just take a breath and take take trying to make sense of what we heard from stormy daniels today in terms of what was achieved anything by the prosecution laura, briefly, if you could like, what do you think that they achieved just the credibility of her story that this actually did happen, this encounter with donald trump, they're trying to establish her as a person who can connect the actual from the paper we've seen about the stories around it to this as the person is it transactional occurrence that she had this particular encounter and that she puts herself in the room where the essentially happens. now that's not going to be enough because we're talking about falsification of business records. but this is the underlying substance of the also eleia, we should point out, like at no point during her narrative about this alleged encounter, and we should again, remind people to donald trump denies that this happened but as i think it was senator mitt romney said, i've
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never paid $130,000 to somebody to not have sex with them. but in any case, i think one of the issues is like at no point did we hear anything about a non-disclosure agreement before this encounter? and it actually is not all that surprising given the givens that if somebody were to have sex with a porn star in 2006 and a decade later, maybe her career is fading a little bit in terms of on-screen that individual is now the republican presidential nominee. it's not really all that surprising in which you would want to sell that story. >> this isn't necessary part of the prosecution story. i think it's come across as credible from what we can see. of course, the jurors are the ones there in person making that judgment. i also think the cross-examination of her is going to focus only on her later rejection of this or later denials of this. but i don't think the prosecution needs to do much more with her and just establish the baseline because this gets us to the actual crime. it's not the crime having sex with stormy daniels is not the crime. the crime becomes a cover up. the
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payment of hush money, and then the falsely mislabeling that hush money as attorneys fees. so she's a necessary part of the story. she gives the prosecutor's a human face on it in a way that thus far i think has come across as credible so what they do on cross, they don't front do what the defense is going to do. >> they're an and they will get to so sure. they we'll get to that. yes. bill is it not actually a huge mistake by donald trump if this encounter actually happened to admit it, because if his credibility is also at stake, right. i've obviously the burdens on the prosecution. they have to prove this beyond a reasonable doubt. but if the jury is like this sounds credible right now, inside the courtroom stormy daniels returning to that hotel interaction, so she drank a couple of bottles of water while they were talking, noting that that's all they were drinking. donald trump, a famous t total are by the way daniel said she walked through the bedroom to go to the bathroom. these are gifted occurred if it occurred, that's a condition precedent on your hypothetical, but let's look at it. but my point is, if his credibility is
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important because he is going to deny that he knew anything about this, right? would if you're a juror and you're like, you know what, i think something happened between them and maybe i'd be willing to thank that donald trump is telling the truth and he didn't know the details and he didn't sign off on this. but again hypothetical. but this is a juror says but he's lying about the encounter. i think that happened. >> he still as the rip cord of his wife and his family, he can have his lawyers look at that jury and say, look, did it happen? i don't know, but he did it for the wife and family and that's going to connect with jurors. let's say let's take this case and put it on the shelf for a minute. hypothetically, somebody he's accused of building a bomb and they're going to blow up a bridge. okay. and they say, i don't know anything about a bomb and they bring in all the evidence to show that it was a bomb and juries believe it was a bomb. but then they find out that the person that built the bomb was going to blow up a stump and their backyard there's no crime there. that's what this case is. all
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of this may be salacious, may be titillating, but unless they can tie it to election fraud or election fraud finance. there's no felony dana, that's really interesting that's a that analogy because it brings us back to the central question despite the fact that just to play the greek chorus here, again, we are watching a former president candidate for president in a courtroom across from some stormy daniels admitting now that she when she was in the bathroom going to the bathroom at this hotel in lake tahoe or whether it's golf tournament was going on. >> she went to the restroom while she was in hotel with donald trump and she looked for donald trump toiletry bag. she now she's credit stuff now she's graduated. >> and i'm not proud of, but she said mr. trump had come into the bedroom and was on the bed and starmer, daniel said trump, she says was wearing boxers and a t-shirt. >> and this makes my point and will be boxers and a t-shirt, remove these. it's not the so
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pajamas, but it this is continuing to make the point and it probably will be even more so as we see in here. the description of the events as they unfold it from the perspective of stormy daniels right now this is the as paulo read was saying, the blockbuster, the show stopper testimony. the question, it does become what does the jury think of this as it relates to the your line prosecutions allegations as stormy daniels saying she was trying to call her friend when she was in the bathroom. but the call was going straight to voicemail and she has said in the interview with anderson cooper several years ago that she didn't really know. she wasn't really happy about how this all came about and how she ended up in this room. but once she was there, she is think, well, i guess i got to go through with this kind of thing, quote. i felt like the room spawn in slow motion and i felt the blood leaves my hands and my feet almost like if you sort of too fast, daniel said i thought, oh, my god. what did i misread to get here? she says
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that's a little odd. she went to a hotel room of of gentlemen and she surprised that he expects the intention was pretty clear. somebody stripped down to their underwear. it is posing for you. daniel's said, i'm not sure how that's going to play. >> what i mean, look, jake, i think that especially when remember, he's an older, powerful man. she's a young woman who right. >> but i'm i know. but it's you stood up between me and the door not in a threatening manner. he didn't come at me. he didn't rush it mean nothing like that. daniel says from so she has been invited to his room. she goes to his room, they talked for a couple hours. she goes to the restroom. she comes back and he expects sex the judge, according to her, the judge has sustained an objection related to daniel's upbringing. this is the second time. >> okay. interesting, related. that means related to somethings daniel's broke up, right? >> where they're likely still try like trying to buttress her credibility as someone who found herself in this situation four, reasons that are perhaps understandable to the jury.
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>> i mean, look, when you are a young woman and you are dealing with powerful men, she thinks she's a dinner invitation. >> it turns out it's the hotel room in these situations honestly, they play out all the time. yeah. i think if you are a woman in that jury box, you may very well recognize what is happening here as unfortunate as that may be. and you have to look out for yourself in those kinds of situations and she clearly made a set of decisions going on from this point that is led us to where we are today. there's no denying that but i also don't think it's necessarily fair to her to try and say, hey, this is she should have had this should have just no, no, no. i'm not saying that. i'm just like when you go back to the original when she told anderson cooper, she said are realized exactly what i'd gotten myself into and i was like, again, here we go, and i just felt like maybe it was sort of iyad to coming for making the bad decision for going to someone's room alone. and i heard the voice of my head. well, you put yourself in a bad situation and bad things. so
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you deserve this. i'm not saying that she should have felt that way. i'm not saying i mean, that's how a lot of women feel. yeah. i mean, when you heard about harvey weinstein kinds of situations, i mean, you do end up blaming yourself and i think a lot of the conversation we had around that as as a as a country was. okay. how do we change the culture that has women blaming themselves? i mean, i think that's kinda where, where we are here in norman, daniel says she blacked out at that point, clarifying, i was not drugged. i would never insinuate i was drugged. so i'm not sure which she's driving on here, but blacking out. this was obviously she seems to be describing it as rather traumatic experience increasing your credibility before a jury because they're going to try to on cross-examination, they're going to try to suggest that she is suggesting that she's was forced and compelled physically. she is distinguishing that from the allegations that she is sure to be confronted with. she's saying i was not drugged. i would never insinuate it. she talks about what her calling someone from the bathroom, a
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friend that she had tried to curl call earlier in the de and put on speaker phone as well. i think she talked about all this is really talking about her clarity and remembering the events i one of the problems as you just read from her own statement to anderson cooper, is that the more that she has spoken about this issue and others, whether it's the podcast, whether it's books or interviews, the more opportunities on cross-examination she will be confronted with all of these things. and if you are a smart cross examiner it can be i beauvais and blanche grew animated. defense table and trump hit necklace. that's the attorney who is a woman on his team to get her attention, then she objected daniel's then said to the point that you'd raised, i can see there was an imbalance of power for sure he was bigger and blocking the way i was not threatened verbally or physically again, the more she has spoken on this issue, you have got fodder for the defense team, and of course, trump now hitting an attorney to say say something because they will compare and contrast and again, it does not matter if it actually happened to try what's called impeach her credibility, which means show
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her to be a liar or try it all matters to show the jury. there are inconsistent and c's and we have an update here. she said she had my i had my clothes and my shoes off. i removed my a brar. we were in missionary position now, remember, we should just underline the fact that she hasn't she has said and at the end of that exchange with anderson, she's saying, i'm not a victim and she agrees it was entirely consensual. that's an important that's an a important part of that she feels kind of i don't know if that coerced is the right way. she found herself in this situation. but none of this is really germane to to the payments, the hush money payments, while the defense is suggested through earlier statements if this was a kind of a shakedown. right. and what would be an enticing shakedown motivation? if you are claiming not only that you've had sex with somebody in an extramarital affair. but during a year when the person has a wife with a newborn, you're running for president now. but also that would add to the inclination to pay someone to be quiet if it was asserted
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that was physical or compelled and non-consensual in some way, but she is but she's not exactly correct what she's not saying that she's right. >> the judge is trying to move this along and trying to find a middle ground here. remember at the break, the judge said, i think we're going into unnecessary detail, but of course details matter if you're a prosecutor, you do want some level of detail and the judge just the screen right now. >> right. i mean, this well, that's a very important detail. the judge also sustained an objection. a few questions ago we don't know exactly what it was, but it means you owe to her family background or upbringing. so the judge is trying to keep it focused. it does matter whether they had sex or not. it doesn't matter when you list out the technical legal elements, but it absolutely matters when it comes to the credibility of the parties and be as laura said, let's remember, one of the defenses that we've heard is this idea that he was essentially trying to shoot she was trying to shake down donald trump. if this never happened, that lends credibility to the shakedown theory. if it did undermines it, we are trying to continue to crack testimony from don trump's hush money trial. but right now, president biden is delivering remarks at the us capital. so we're going
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to listen to thank you. >> thank you. thank thank you, stu. >> i just after that reduction for your leadership, united states holocaust memorial museum are true scholar, statesman and a dear friend speaker johnson either jeffrey's members of congress especially the survivors of the holocaust. my mother, hershey, look at j, god love you all god's love you all a fox. and all other survivors who embody absolute courage and dignity and grace are here as well during these sacred days of remembrance we agree. we give voice to the 6 million jews who were systematically targeted, murdered by the nazis. and their collaborators during world war ii we honor a memory of victims a pain of survivors,
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the bravery of heroes who stood up to hitler's unspeakable evil and we recommit heading and heating the lessons one of the darkest chapters in human history to revitalize and realize the responsibility of never again never again, simply translated from me, means never forget. never forget never forgetting means you must keep telling the story most keep teaching the truth. moshe, keep teaching our children and our grandchildren and the truth is, we at risk of people not knowing the truth that's why growing up, my dad taught me and my siblings about the harb of the shower at our family dinner table that's why visited a job a sham with my family as a senator, as vice president was president and
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that's why i took my grandchildren to dachau so they could see and bear witness to the perils of indifference the complicity of silence in the face of evil that they knew was happening germany 1933 hitler and his nazi party rise to power by rekindling one of the world's oldest forms of prejudice and hate anti-semitism as role didn't begin with mass murder get started slowly across economic, political, social, and cultural life propaganda demonizing jews boycott of jewish businesses synagogues to face with swastikas harassment of jews in the street and the schools anti-semitic demonstrations, pogroms, organized rise with the indifference of the world hitler knew he could expand his
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reign of terror by eliminating jews from germany to annihilate jews across europe through genocide. the notches call the final solution concentration camps gas can mass shootings by the time the war ended, 6 million jews. one are very three jews in the entire world were murdered this ancient. hatred of jews didn't begin with the holocaust didn't end with the holocaust either. are after, even after our victory, world war ii this hatred continues to lie, deepen the hearts of too many people in the world and requires are continued vigilance and outspokenness that hatred was brought to life in october 7th and 2023 on a sacred jewish holiday to terrorist group hamas unleashed a deadliest de,
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of the jewish people. since the holocaust. driven by ancient desire to wipe out the jewish people off the face of the earth over 1,200 innocent people babies parents, grandparents slaughtered in their kibbutz massacred at abusing festival brutally raped mutilated and sexually assaulted thousands more carrying wounds bullet some shrapnel from the memory of that terrible day they endured hundreds taken hostage, including survivors of the shoah now, here we are not 75 years later, but just 7.5 months later and people who already forgetting already forgetting that hamas on beach
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this terror so maas, a brutalize israelis there are a mass it took him continue the whole hostages i have not forgotten nor have you and we will not forget zeros around the world still cope with the atrocities and trauma of that day ms we've seen a ferocious surge of anti-semitism in america. >> and around the world fishes propaganda on social media jews for us to keep their hides or keep us under baseball hats, tucked her j20 stars into the shirts on college campuses. >> jewish students blocked
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harass, attack while walking to class antisemitism as poacher slogans calling for the neurulation of israel the world's only jewish state too many people denying downplaying rationalizing, ignoring the harb, the holocaust i'm october 7 including hamas is a poly use of sexual violence to torture and terrorized use it's absolutely despicable and it must stop silence silence and i'll can hide march, but it can erase nothing some adjusted are so heinous so roofing, so grevy's it cannot
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be married, buried no matter how hard people try in my view, major lesson to holocaust is as mentioned earlier, is not, was not inevitable we know hate never goes away. it only hides given little oxygen that comes out from one of the rocks we also know what stops hate. one thing all of us the late rabbi jonathan sacks described antisemitism as a virus survived and mutated over time together we cannot continue to let that happen we have to remember our basic principles of the nation. >> we have an obligation we have an obligation to learn the lessons of history. so you don't surrender our future to the harb of the past we must give hate, no safe harbor against anyone anyone in the
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very founding are very found in jewish americans, represented only about 2% of the us population have helped lead cause of freedom for everyone in our nation from that experience, we know scapegoating and demonizing any minority is a threat to every minority. and the very foundation of our democracy some almost like this. i have to put these principles. are we talking about into action i understand people have strong beliefs and deep convictions about the world in america or respect and protect the fundamental right to free speech to debate, disagree the protest, peacefully and make our voices heard i understand. that's amerik but there's no place on any campus on america, any place in america for
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anti-semitism or hate speech or threats of violence of any kind whether against jews or anyone else? >> while as the tax destroying property, there's not peaceful protest it's against the law and we are not a lawless country. >> we're civil society we uphold the rule of law and no one should have to hide or be brave gesture, be themselves the jewish community and watching to know i see your fear. you're hurting your pain let me reassure you as your president, you're not alone you belong you always have and you always will my commitment
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to the safety of the jewish people, the security of israel, and its right to exist as an independent jewish state is iron clad even when we disagree my administration is working around the clock to free remaining hostages gesture we have freed hostages already and will not rest until we bring them all home. my administration was our second genitals leadership has launched our nation's first national security good strategy to counter anti-semitism. that's mobilized with the full force of the federal government to protect jewish community. but what we know this is not the work of government alone, or juice alone that's why i'm
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calling on all americans to stand united against anti-semitism and hate in all its forms. my dear friend who became a friend, the late elie y's said, quote one person of integrity can make a difference you have to remember that. now, more than ever here in emancipation hall, do you guys capital among the towering stature the history is a bronze bust enroll wallenberg born in sweden as a lutheran, he was a businessman, a diplomat all station and hungry during world war ii use diplomatic covered a hide and rescue about 100,000 jews over six month period. among them was a 16-year-old jewish boy who escaped nazi labor camp after the war ended at board received a scholarship
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from the hilal foundation to study in america he came to new york city penalties but determined to turn this pain into purpose along with his wife, also a holocaust survivor he became a renowned economist and foreign policy thinker i've actually making his way to this very capital on the staff of the first-term senator that juries refugee was tawam launch os and that's senator was me tawam and his wife, annette, and their family became dear friends to me and my family. tom and go on and become the only holocaust survivor ever elected to congress or became a leading voice on civil rights and human rights around the world. tom never met raul through tom's efforts roles, busters here in the capital he was also given honore or us sit
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and sub one. of the second person ever after winston churchill the holocaust for you, here, in washington there's located in a roll of rhoad in rawls name the story of the power of a single person to put a our differences to see our common humanity, to stand up to hey, and its ancient story of resilience from immense pain persecution to find hope, purpose, and meaning in life we try to live and share with one another that store in doors let me close with this i know these days remembers fall on difficult times we all do well to remember these days also fall during the month we celebrate jewish american heritage heritage, the stretcher, some earliest days turn rich every single part of american life.
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today great american great jewish-american i'm tom ontos use the phrase, the veneer of civilization is paper thin we are, it's guardians and we can never rest my fellow americans we must we must be the exhaust guardians. we must never rest most rhie against hate. made across the divide see our common humanity. and god bless the victims and survivors of the show as a resilient hearts, the courageous spirit and you turn a flame of faith of the jewish people forever shine their light on america and around the world. >> pray god. thank you all
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president biden on capitol hill, giving an address about the unacceptability of anti-semitism on college campuses and throughout the united states dates he said that people already seem to be forgetting what happened on october 7 when hamas terrorists attacked and killed more than 1,200 israelis and kidnapped 200 plus moore. >> he said hamas unleashed this terror and they continue to hold hostages. he decried the ferocious, ferocious surge of anti-semitism in america& around the world. talking about how the propaganda against jews has caused many to hide who they are hiding their jewish star is hiding. the yamanaka's. they wear under baseball hats. he said there was no place for scapegoating and demonizing of any minority in america for hate speech or violence of any kind. and then he told the personal anecdote about the holocaust survivor who went on to work on his staff and then
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become a congressman. i believe from the state of california, tom lando is congressman tom land tos and this is the second time that he has addressed a anti-semitism on college campuses in the last week, dan, a batch although to be honest, we've seen it since october 7 or eighth this unleashing of antisemitism on college campuses and around the world. >> and this was specifically to mark the what is known as you must show the day of remembrance about the holocaust, which was officially yesterday. and it was really striking the way that the president did not shy away, leaned into lessons from the holocaust, connecting to the rise in anti-semitism that he is seeing in the country that he is president of right now. he said, quote, the holocaust was not inevitable. he said that hate hides. and if you give it oxygen, it continues, but we will stop at the other
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thing that i think that many things that he said, we're really noteworthy remember why he said he ran for president because of what he saw in charlottesville. when you heard the people and watch the people with tiki torch torches saying the jews will not replace us. that comes from the replacement theory. it is a conspiracy theory. it take that comes from the right what he clearly was addressing today with something that is coming from the progressive left in his party as part of that is popping up inside these protests. >> and when he said that jewish community, i want you to know, i see your fear, your hurt, and your pain. you're not alone that will go a long way so the trial of course, of donald trump is continuing and we're going to continue to talk about the speech the president biden gave. >> but because the trial is continuing, we are going to continue to bring you updates from the trial right here in this box on your screen and we
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will go back to coverage of the trial in just a second. casey khan to one of the things that has been so surprising you went to american or gw? i went to george washington and w are your campus gw has been the site where there have been so many protests and so many outsiders joining the protests that the president of gw has asked for help. that's one of the things that happens. i think there are very few people in this country who would say that college students don't have a right to protest. and if they see injustice and gaza, they're certainly not alone, but one of the questions here's how are people protesting? are they protesting in such a way? so as to create a climate of fear or hatred on their own campus against a different group in the name of social justice? >> yes. and i will say there are quite a few. there's a sizable jewish population at george washington university, for example, where i attended and and i remember it was a
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very i'm not jewish, but it was a very enriching part of my experience at gw. and so it made it particularly stunning to see in particular photo that came off the campus that had someone was carrying that said final solution on it, which was obviously alluding to the holocaust and two, at what some people are calling for today, that president biden clearly was stepping out and trying to say, no, this is not acceptable. in other words, someone who appeared to be closer to the age of most of the students at uw than the person who is carrying that photo and he wasn't holding his sign up. it said something along the lines of jews, jewish students since for piece, right? there are certainly elements on these college campuses that are protesting and trying to advocate for children in gaza in an entirely appropriate way. >> probably most of them, most of the students, i don't doubt that, but i think what you've heard from the president today, i am actually interested to see we spoke with congressman jake aacn clause on my show. >> this morning, and he had a pretty strong message for the
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president. he said, don't try to both sides this call out. what is going on the left and i think that that's kinda what you saw clearly from president biden today. i am interested to see how how it is received in the party. >> i think it's critical that he didn't both sides. it also because big picture 30,000 feet. this has a political cost for him with the left of his party, with people who might support him. you've had congresswoman debbie dingell on from michigan, i think are both of your shows there is a real concern that in battleground states, this could make a difference for joe biden complement november i'm sure calling out anti-semitism has a political cost. i don't think it's weighing in any way on this issue. so let's toss about to anderson. obviously a trial of a former president is also huge news. anderson yes, stormy daniels because it's
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continuing her testimony. >> data says that the trump i asked her if she had plans that night. this is another time that they met at a an event that don't trumpet invited her to. she said she said she lied and said the inner friends were flying out on a girls trip that night. >> what she is testifying about is basically a continued effort. >> she says on her part interests to pretend potentially beyond the apprentice, something that she says on from dangled in front of her at in that hotel room before they had sex? >> yes. just laying out why she could can you their relationship after this encounter that she describes. now, at this point, this is january 2007 and she was in new york city for something else at the time and she didn't fly to new york just to meet trump. >> and she explains that she continued meeting trump because there was a possibility of being on the apprentice. >> now, she says she invited trump to come to a show where she was performing. >> it was a public place, so lots of witnesses. now she repeated should we emphasize is
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how the subsequent meetings with trauma for all in public places and the defense team does not like that. they continue to object. there you go. nechele objective. the judge sustained. it to any insinuation that she was in any way pressured into the sexual encounter or issue was in any way on safe, but things also notable that the defendant here, trump has been actively pleat involved in this direct examination. daniel says, when she arrived at trump tower she met with rhoad, run a graph, of course, testified that she and her assistant we're brought into trump's office. trump, though, he has been directing his lawyers to make objections, really like tapping are whacking one of his attorneys, susan nechele, interrupt. he's been far more involved in this direct examination than any other witness. >> there were a lot of objections during the actual like description of the sexual encounter. >> i also want to bring it around and pharaoh contributing writer for the new yorker, and author of the book catching kylian ronin, as you no doubt know, i may be interrupting with a dates from the court. the meeting was very fast. she said trump told her again, i'm still working in the apprentice
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thing. i got some pushback. i pushed back. >> she recalls a later he will call her and tell her according to our prior interviews that he says it's a no-go danielson resistance of selfies in his office when he left the room at one point, daniel said, what do you make of stroke? for me, daniels testimony thus far well, it's important to note that she really can't make or break the case in terms of the underlying charges. >> she doesn't have any knowledge of the cover off that happened with michael cohen and the salacious details we're hearing today that prosecutors no doubt are very happy to get in, don't really go to the core of what the case is about and what she can establish for prosecutors is the context of when the payments that were allegedly covered up happened donald trump, through michael cohen, seemed to not want to pay her initially before the election, there was a series of delays and then finally, her lawyer, who i also interviewed for catching kill actually
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objected and threatened that she was going to go public and then in haste, michael cohen sets up shell company and pacer. so getting that piece of context that this all happened in an electoral charged environment and with an intent that was related to getting him in office without this knows this news opening up wide. that's going to help prosecutors daniel's while you were talking about in testified that come had left tickets for her and we'll call at a pageant event he's also just saying now, if she met again with trump in the summer of 2007 in los angeles, which if my memory serves the crack, she says was meeting in a hotel room where they ended up watching television. >> i believe it was shark week that the don trump was watching. and i think that's what she's about to testify to. >> how how hard i mean, just running your not just a journalist, you're also
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jaroun, a lawyer as well if you were the defense here, how how would you approach stormy daniels? >> because clearly, their client is very eager for them to be objecting over the last ten or 15 minutes i think struggling with that very question, anderson actually before the trial commenced today trump hosted on truth social, an outrage statement saying he had just learned to the witness today was gonna be and is legal team didn't have time to prepare and this was terribly unfair. >> so i think this does go to a potential appeals process where trump and his attorneys claim that the trial and the approach to it by prosecutors was prejudicial i doubt they'll have much prospect of success in that daniel's is at the heart of this case. she can speak to the intent of these transactions. she can speak to the electoral timing. she is also someone, who has a history
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of engaging in these kinds of deals, right she he signed onto this nda initially before a later challenging it and i think that her general professional background and those facts about what she was willing to do in the context of this deal might be thrown at her. i think that there's going to be an effort, almost certainly to impeach her credibility here. >> in picture as what a possible extortionist& picture because she did sign documents saying that there was no hush money paid she signed these documents before later, challenging that in court she was someone who was actively trying to sell this story. >> so all of the things that actually would impeach donald trump's credibility get on this matter that he was orchestrating this deal behind the scenes can also potentially
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be thrown at her she's now saying that this meeting that he kept trying to make sexual advances, putting his hand on my legs, scooting closer, giving it complements. >> daniel said adding that she told trump i was on my period and the there had been some questionable but karen mcdougal would be called into tesla, daniel's went to be trumping his bungalow with the hotel while her boyfriend waited outside she said, clearly it seems like they are now as bringing karen mcdougal it does seem to be that they've moved on from the important foundational context of the scheme with ami and the intent to have a series of stories, kotb and killed and suppress during the election now they're going into the heart of the matter, which is much more related to these payments to stormy and whether they were covered up i do think karan story remains at the heart of
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this. >> and the pieces of evidence about that, that had been led in. remember, the lawyer that represented both stormy daniels and and karen mcdougal. it has already testified in this case so all of those facts about karen's role in this remain pretty salient and in terms of the wider context these pieces of information that are somewhat salacious about how donald trump behaves with women in these contexts. that are being led in, and that trump's team is clearly unhappy with clearly finds prejudicial to the jury there is a commonality there to the prosecutors are incidentally to their main case going out of their way to paint a picture of donald trump as someone who verges on the coercive in these interactions with women in their testimony just now, stormy daniels talked about emerging from a bathroom and being sort of shocked to find donald trump on the bed not being wholehearted and
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wanting to go all the way through with the sexual encounter. but then doing it anyway, and then it being brief and on sas satisfactory. these are all details that line up with karen mcdougal account of her affair with donald trump. and it is salacious stuff and it's not totally irrelevant to the charges and doubtless, his attorneys are going to push back on that basis, but this is all character information that the jury is is absorbing& it does paint a cohesive picture ronan farrow, good to talk to you. >> thank you so much daniel's has been talking saying that dan said from floods should be mad, that jenna jamison and other adult film actress had been on the apprentice. daniel says, i didn't care. she said that basically she had the meeting and the bungalow that trump had made advances to her there she declined she still was interested in being on it the apprentice, then eventually
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she says that he called him and said that nbc wouldn't allow it. that was the last time she spoke to trump when trump called her digestion famous and prosecutors also gotten daniels to say that to point out that many of these encounters, there were other people that hearing on speaker phone or other people present and it didn't seem like trump was trying to keep this secret. daniel describes your life from then on. it's awesome and said she had horses and bought a house in bought a house. daniel was talking about becoming nationally ranked. your question rider from attorney objected, but judge merchan set that he would wow, this is interesting by getting the testimony about the fact that trump never seem to want to keep it a secret back in 2007 and the years after it seems to be establishing a predicate for all of a sudden in 2016, hi karan, a about keeping it a secret, i guess the idea that it was the election at the base of it yeah, that's a really great point here. this is the
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end of act, why we've learned about the encounter, the extent of their relationship, and then it ends. now, it is likely that the half-hour they have before the london sprague prosecutors are going to start to ask her about what happened in the next eight years from 2008, where she says here she ended any contact with trauma. her life was awesome too, when they get this hush money. now she's describing how she ended up doing an interview and in touch. notice hopefully trump is apparently yawning. she was supposed to be paid. she said $15,000 for this article and publicly what has been said before is that in touch contacted the trump organization trying to get some sort of a comment and michael cohen had threatened the in touch with with a lawsuit in that article is never published, we'll see exactly how she testifies to this on, on the stand in touch, never ran the story in 2011, a lot of what we've seen over the last half hour will president pipe misspeaking? >> so things were going on is the defense objecting to different things in touch
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number randa story in 2011, the defense has been objecting to moments were stormy daniels seem to suggest oh, she felt safe in certain cities tuition's with donald trump because other people around the defense objective and mostly getting sustained in that case, the jury has heard a lot of it, which mic is played at some of their sensitivities about, about how sometimes women deal with men and powerful positions right there. but those i've been objections, objections that have been sustained. >> they've also been some touch points that have been in part of the testimony. >> this has to do key schiller, for instance, to be able to see the photograph of her iphone contact for keith schiller to be reminded that rona graph, donald trump's assistance assistant, has a stormy daniels content back in her contact list. issa pieces that are now in evidence and prosecution seems to be trying to bring stormy daniels back to these concrete facts that have already been submitted. >> it's anything obviously, the idea of her being paid $15,000 in 2011 for a story about having a liaison with trump the prosecutor is asking
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to approach and attorneys rather right now, i'm just speaking with attorney a meal beauvais $15,000, a relatively low amount. it would ultimately be the $130,000 or 150,000 with from michael cone? >> yeah, hundred and 30. and it was 150 for karen mcdougal. so but i think that the judge is getting frustrated here. right. we're deep in the weeds on her trying on a super bowl ring on where she met him, what she was doing or horses. the judge has admonish them several times and ask them to move this along so that they can continue to get through her story. but i think she's come across as credible unclear if the jury finds her as charming as i think she get hope because she's laughing a lot, they're not laughing back, but her story, the details that prosecutors have gotten out of her through their questioning, the narrative that she has put forth, it does come come across is credible if she hasn't given the jury any reason not to believe her story so far, it's gonna be very interested to hear from the reporters in the courtroom, just some of the atmospherics
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that can't really be portrayed in quick text messages to us on the outside, how the juror, individual jurors were reacting, are watching how engaged they fell when you're in the courtroom, there is a vot i mean, it's human beings in a small room interacting and so there are things which you can't get over text. >> yeah, absolutely. when you're talking about such sensitive things, right? this woman being on her period, right objection to missionary position. everyone in that box comes from a different walk of life. they're all going to have a different reaction. but what's important is that they're listening into the facts that she's putting forward, paying attention to the exhibits and following along as prosecutors tried to walk her, particularly through october 2016 and try to get this small building link for their case. >> it is interesting. they are approaching part of the testimony now that is perhaps the legally most most significant legally which has to do with how she was paid by michael cohen. >> also, some of the more problematic testimony for the prosecution why did you deny
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that this sexual encounter happen? why did you sign these documents? i'm beginning to feel a little bit like what the prosecution it's trying to do is stretch, as we say in the television business, stretch in chill the lunch break, let's stay on. this theme that we're at right now. we'll deal with the difficult stuff after lunch, so the jury can sit on this moment that we've established while they're eating. >> yeah, hopefully, i'm sure they're hoping i think we talked about this earlier tomorrow. there's no coins i'm sure they'd love to leave their narrative. they're directive stormy daniels in the minds of the jurors throughout that off day and wait until thursday to offer it up to the defendants were worried again, what starmer daniel's told me back in 2018 about why she signed a release saying that i'm not denying this a fair because i was taking hush money. i'm denying because isn't happened she said she acknowledged that was untruthful. she said she signed it because they made it sound like i had no choice. i said to her no one was putting a gun to your head. she said not physical violence. no. i said you thought there would be some legal repercussions if you didn't sign it, correct? the
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exact sentence she said use was that they can make they can make their life hell in many different when is she didn't specify exactly who was i was asking that implied michael cohen and she said yes, at the time or karan friedman, agnes, hello, has also been watching along fusion is continuing i'm karan, i'm wondering what you make, what we've heard over the last hour or so, daniel said she was approaching the parking lot of a shopping center when she was with her infant. this this is she's a story, she is told me in 2018 she claims she was threatened by somebody in this parking lot karen this is really the effort for the prosecution to bring out all the details of their various counters in the relationship trump has denied any relationship whatsoever, but this is a long term. >> they talk on the phone a lot. they would see each other a bunch of times. they'll only had sex one time, but there were a lot of detail that's what struck me about her
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testimony. i also thought it was interesting that the other way terrence stormy daniels is saying that on the stand, somebody approach are in this parking lot. he approached me and threatened me not to tell the story about who the problem let's keep her, ask about my encounter with mr. trump. daniel says, sorry, go ahead, karen yeah. >> so that's her explaining why it is that she was afraid and why she denied it. and she's told that story before. but the reason prosecutors are listening, eliciting such level of detail about everything including that encounter is just show that it's true. things like she remembers the furniture, she remembers what floor of the hotel room was onto your members. the location that something happened. so all of those small details i have the ring of truth and are things that you can prove like through her phone, she had the trump's bodyguard as keith trump or trump rona the assistant, those sorts of things to show that what she's
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saying is truthful, but it's interesting that the defense is trying to keep the details of the second because out because you would think if it didn't happen, they would want to go into the details and ask a question like, was there anything unusual? was there a birthmark? was there something on his body that only she would know if she had seen him in that situation and they're not going there, which i find curious in some ways. i think it almost makes it seem like they're admitting it happened daniel's is confirming she did not tell law enforcement or her daughter's father about this alleged threatening interaction with somebody in the parking lot of the prosecutor's asking daniel's about also a 2011 blog post. >> daniel said that she never heard of the website sayyed, and she wanted the post taken down. again, daniel's has told the story about being threatened in the parking lot before she doesn't have when he evidence that it occurs, she
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hasn't not anybody who has come forward saying oh, yes, she told me this at the time she said she went into an exercise studio right after this. what she had told me in 2018 and she's gone to an exercise studio right afterward but again, there's she has not having documentation on this. she said she did not go to the please because she was concerned daniel says she was told about the post from gina rodriguez, one of her representatives. she century was concerned about it because she had been threatened. jake so let's get back to you. >> all right. anderson. thanks so much. and one of the things that's striking about the last hour or so of testimony is the degree of detail that the prosecution has elicited from stormy daniel's and at the beginning of the day judge merchan made it clear that he didn't think there should be much more beyond the fact that there was a sexual encounter according to stormy daniels, bill brynn, they've gone far beyond that. i'm not gonna go into the details that stormy
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daniels has provided at the instruction of prosecution attorney susan hoffman, juror but but what possible ramification does this create for the defense jagan, good lead to a mistrial. i don't think a will in this case, but the judge, before this session started today in front of the jury made it clear that the prosecution had put guardrails on its inquiry and he limited to if i understood is ruling she can say they had six. that's it. we can talk about the sausage, but not how it's made. and this prosecutor with impunity has violated that order. all morning and now into the afternoon long the defense psu naturalists objected numerous times. i believe most of those objections since we're sustained, but i predicted some point, maybe it's sidebar that they will go to judge merchan and create a record moved from his trial in the hopes of getting one, but you have to move for that mistrial in case this doesn't go the defendant's way to protect a record on appeal if you if you
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snooze, you lose if you if you don't move for the mr. al, now, you wave it. >> so ally honig, brought out a lot of elicited, a lot of details, including stormy daniels feeling intense regret that she didn't say no including all sorts of intimate details again, that i'm not going to share why why why would she do that just for credibility, for just to create a narrative that this actually happened. what, what purpose i think that's exactly what prosecutors were going for there. they want details, they want specific nuances so that she's more credible. i do agree with bill. i think we might see a miss trial motion. it will not be granted to be clear, but yes, for the appeal record, they do need to raise is it i mean, the judge made clear right up front. he said, i don't want excessive details here we are two hours later. it took about two hours to get through that hole encounter and there were several objection. sustained. and prosecutors look where we're used to looking at trump's lawyers and the way they've compromise their credibility with the jury.
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prosecutors are not angels either. i've done this. i've gone a little beyond what judges hasn't been an angel. no, i have not. there have been times when i've asked things that we're probably on the border, leyen maybe a little over from what the judge had approved. >> and because why? because you want the jury to know them. >> yeah. because even though the judge didn't want you to write, i mean, there's gray area here and you would never cross a line, but you can step into that gray area. >> i do think the prosecutor here has gone a little too far on the level of detail. i don't think it's going to cause a reversal. and now only now are they getting to the really relevant part about how she shopped her story around how she was paid, what she knew about those things. so what's what's why is it worth the risk for the prosecutor in this particular case? >> because i think the consequences will be very minimal. >> i think the judge may admonish the prosecutor, you know, that happens. it's not going to cause a miss trial, and it could be the half-inch has made the calculation maybe incorrectly, that it's more important to get those details if there is not relevant to the underlying hi it's nice, isn't is it because they want this
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whole thing to seem disgusting? >> yes. and take it out on trump ultimate, because juror jurors care the visceral gut reaction to the people and the parties. absolutely matter. the jury is not a bunch of automatons. they're not robots who just mechanically take inputs and spit out a result. they're 12 human beings for 12 new yorkers, it matters who they like, it matters who they're disgusted by. it matters who they believe in that they don't let me excuse me, but that's exactly why the judge is always engaged in a balancing test between what is probative and prejudicial probative, meaning what's going to inform your decision about the elements of the charges. the other being prejudicial now, every time they were objecting they were objecting because they did not want any insinuation that donald trump had engaged in a non consensual, forceful, sexual act with stormy daniels that's why they were on their feet objecting about these issues, time and time again, not just about her upbringing, but because there is this is a case about whether there was the intent to defraud and falsified documents the judge said weeks ago, he does not want to try within a trial and having
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prejudicial insinuation that he engaged in a non-conceptual non consensual or a forest sexual affair is prama mac. now of course, daniel's, it's already described the conditions by russian. sustained. objection to that answer. again, because it's going outside of where they want to be so right now, stormy daniels is on the stand. she's being led through direct examination by the prosecutor prosecution attorneys stick with us. we're going to squeeze in a quick break much more cnn special, i've coverage, you have every weekday morning, cnn five things has what you need to get going with. >> you're de it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less, cnn's 5,000 kate bolduan, streaming weekdays exclusively on macs feeling from a backed up god mere lax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go for your gut and your mood will
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with etsy this is cnn. >> the world's news and welcome back to cnn special lab coverage of donald trump's hush money cover up prowl. >> our reporters have been giving live updates from inside the courtroom as the jury is listening intently to stormy daniels had all thumps darn director who alleges she had a tryst with donald trump in 2006. and who? michael cohen paid off. >> he says to keep her quiet in the final stretch of the 2016 presidential campaign, i want to bring in alyssa farah griffin right now, a cnn political commentator, who is the former white house communications director for donald trump, soilless. >> uh, you joined the white house after the stormy daniels scandal had happened after the story had broken. and the like. but you have said that you think this is nonetheless embarrassing for donald trump. what must it be like for him in that courtroom hearing, these explicit details listen,
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trump's gonna be furious. >> i would not want to be his attorneys after this, that he has to sit there, listen, not be able to respond in real time. it's not something he's used to. this is a person who's used to being in control and who reacts very quickly when he feels like something's being said to impugn him. but what i was thinking about is there's the courtroom and then there's the court of public opinion. so what's happening in midtown manhattan, manhattan right now, it matters we should see how we'll see how much stormy can actually make this connection to the hush money payments but the court of public opinion, if you're a voter sitting at home, who's on the fence, they're tired of the trump noise. they don't love joe biden, but they're hearing the salacious details that goes a lot further than what we learned when this fort story first broke. you've got to wonder if you're just, you're just don't like the ick factor of it on top of that, the split screen of joe biden i didn't calling out campus anti-semitism. maybe it was late, but he did the right thing and he spoke the right words. trump's not talking about voters issues. he's in a
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courtroom and you're having to hear about these nitty-gritty details that honestly no americans want to hear about. >> so right now, in court, they're talking about the hush money payment and the non-disclosure agreement email, an email specifically addressing expressing dissatisfaction with the delay of funding. the agreement. stormy daniels saying that she wanted this agreement done quickly because she was concerned about the threat. she also testified in court today, stormy daniels, that during her meeting and your conversation with donald trump, trump shoulder or photograph of melania and stormy daniel said she was beautiful he said not to worry, we don't even sleep in the same room. this is back in 2006 our report on the courtroom says trump shook his head and muttered something to his legal team. he does appear according to our reporters in the quorum increasingly irritated one question i have is it is notable that melania
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trump has not come to court eric trump has come to court. i think he's there today. i think he was there last week as well, melania trump has never come was this ever discussed at the white house her feelings about this accusation so not in my time, but i stephanie grisham, who was a close advisor to melania trump, has talked about it openly. >> this was something that she was incredibly embarrassed by understandably, so she was incredibly outraged by and actually kind of took some distance from the former president after the story broke in 2018 i have i'm not surprised at all that she's not there today, but watch watch what donald trump is going to do after he gets out of this today. he is going to try to flip it and say, i was trying to protect my wife from these salacious baseless allegations. he's going to try to flip the script and say, this actually we plays into my argument that this was in fact about protecting my family, not about the campaign. so that's something that i think the prosecution has to be very, very prepared to show that the campaign was also an aspect of it. but he knows how to flip
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narratives on their head to benefit him. and i just i can't underscore enough. i mean, i can imagine he's outraged right now. his attorneys not objecting as much as he wants to. i could see that even being something where he considers replacing one of them at the at the trump white house when you were there, was the consensus that this allegation from story daniel's was a lie or did people think it was true? >> i think there were mixed feelings when i was working for vice president pence when karen mcdougal, kay mao and spoke about their ongoing affair. and i think for many people that felt very credible they believed it. but listen, republican voters, a lot of republicans made peace with these allegations back when they heard about them i don't know that i think it majorly changes the way that voters perceive him unless they are able to show that this specific payment of was made and falsified to try to withhold it from voters in the public ahead of the election. but the
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details i certainly think affect people who are on the margins about him and they're not really sure if they want to be with them because it's not the kind of thing that you want to see from a president. it's not the kind of thing you want to explain to your children. you know, why this is in the news, why the potential future leader of the free world was engaging in this behavior. >> all right, i'll, it's a fair grip and thanks so much for your time. stormy daniels on the stand right now explaining her knowledge of this hush money deal, which is at the center of the alleged trump scheme for which he's on trial. much more from corta head, you're watching cnn special live coverage. we're going to squeeze in a quick break. we'll be right back. >> every piece of evidence tells a story how would really happy jesse l. >> martin sunday's at night on cnn okay. >> everyone our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition are strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for
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healthier. with the oraa ring i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon.& this is cnf and welcome back to the united special lob coverage of don films, hush money in a trial, the judge just excusing the jury for a lunch break at very busy morning of testimony here in new york are also just getting new sketches you're seeing them here. >> stormy daniels on the stance has fine as the prosecution led her through direct examination, which he detailed a sexual encounter with the former president of the united states here with paula read. and also as you must, john berman there are certainly a lot that prosecutors accomplish this morning. what stands out to you the most obviously they're doing something here that is getting the defendant's attention and even if legally what she has said so far is not going to make or break the case right now. >> they're getting into the hush money payments, which again helps the prosecutors established that she was paid and that payment was covered it out to help his chances in the
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election up till now, there has not been anything that's going to really, truly help the prosecutors, but trump has been so active. he's been tapping his defense attorneys, prompting them to object, watching everything, which is much different than his behavior over the last several days with his defense. >> i was i was with a master day and for most of the few hours that i was in there, he was leaning back with his eyes closed. i'm not saying him sleeping, but he was not intensely watching the monitor so she clearly has the defendant's attention. he is watching everything that's going on. and as i said earlier, i think one of the biggest legal risks for him right now is that he is triggered by her testimony and does something to violate the on offense all morning long so far what we've seen from them isn't trying to mitigate the
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cross-examination, isn't trying to mitigate how the defense lawyers will question stormy daniels later. >> i think we're going to get that after the break, but everything up until this point was looking this is what donald trump was trying to hide. this is the sexual encounter that we've been talking about till now from the eyes of stormy daniel, listen to her, describe it and they pushed the limits very clearly of what judge merchan and wanted to allow. and in some cases, they went over those limits, but it didn't feel like they were doing it somewhat intentionally to plant some seeds with the jury about the behavior that they say. donald trump performed we are one day come back from lunch. >> how long do you anticipate her testimony to continue with for prosecutors, obviously, defense will then take over. >> so the question is, what case are they going to move? i mean, they move very slowly much to the aggravation of the judge this morning getting too detailed, just had nothing to do with nothing. right. trying on the super well rings i calling it the her friend and the friend not picking up here. if they move at a more
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traditional clip, they could wrap this up in an hour or so. they need to get through october 20, hey, 16, they knit that need to get through the story coming out at public or denials have her explain that. >> they could finish this up by the end of the day. >> they could also stretch this out what does they did this morning and leave this in the minds of jurors for the day off, you know, the defense's already been said nothing to do with the election. this was about protecting melania trump protecting froms family, making in this hush money dl clearly for stormy daniels& the people around her the election was front and center. they knew that suddenly she had tried to sell her story according to your testimony, to in-touch magazine in 2011, i think it was for $15,000. gina rodriguez in an associate of hers, tells her in advance of the election that she has an opportunity to sell or story probably for much more. >> yeah. because clearly post access hollywood tape, they are under enormous pressure not to let any stories about elicit conduct with women get out ahead of the election. >> she knows that keith davidson knows that michael
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cohen knows that donald trump knows that. so she clearly saw her opportunity today. the jury, listening to the story of a sexual encounter straight from the woman who says she lived it soon, stormy daniels resumes her testimony or reporters be inside core to bring you every month. >> important moment what's more senior special coverage in minutes, we'll be right back trump hush money. >> trial, gavel to gavel coverage for weight only. cnn can bring it to you. legal insight expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom. follow the facts follow the testimony, follows cnn. >> right now, you can get a free foot august of weight just by foot login to app and get
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