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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 8, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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all at night relieves allergies while you sleep so you wake refreshed for more productive day 24 hour continuous relief that does not fade. >> he all take xyz all at night you're calling some people find there's at an early age, others later in life no matter when you find it, you consider yourself lucky because it becomes your everything. are calling was to build trucks. and that's why trucks are what we do we put our everything and every truck. >> so that when you find your calling nothing can stop you from answering feeling from a backed up god mirror lacks what's naturally with the water in your body to help you go for your gut and your mood
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you see? my first step is this tries stay positive, or positive. he didn't win a ring oh, my we are falling developments in multiple criminal cases against donald trump, including the hush money trial in new york, the election interference case in georgia, and the classified documents investigation in florida. >> we've got all the updates plus the us pauses is shipment of bombs to israel over fears, they could be used in raffa as international outrage grows over, prime minister benjamin netanyahu is military operation plus a bizarre headline today, a new report where robert kennedy jr. claims a parasitic worm part of his brain before dying inside of his head. we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn, new central a strategy
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shift. we're told that when former president trump's hush money trial resumes tomorrow, he's defense team is planning to intensify its questioning i've adult fill macro stormy daniels& the cross-examination will now go longer than originally planned. trump's attorneys are adjusting their strategy. we have learned to help protect trump's reputation or try to restore some of it. after daniels took the stand yesterday and were counted sometimes in graphic detail. their alleged sexual encounter in two thousands, six, cnn's kara skin al has been in the courtroom every day of this trial and kara daniels faced a pretty scorching cross-examination yesterday. it appears that we may be seeing more of that tomorrow. >> yeah. i think we will need prompts, lawyer susan nechele came out, heparin daniels with questions and one of the first things she sees don as part of this strategy of looking for
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the motivations and to undermine daniels is credibility is she went straight to the heart of this issue. she had asked stormy daniels am i correct that you hate president trump? daniels replied, yes. she said, and you want them to go to jail, right? daniel said, i want to i want him to be held accountable and necklace preska, you we want him to go to jail. am i correct? and daniel said, if he's found guilty, absolutely. so this is part of the strategy to say that stormy daniels is telling this story now because she wants donald trump to go to jail, because she hates donald trump. and they're looking to try to undermine her credibility and focus in on what her motivations are, which they say was to make money to try to sell this story. any story, a story, but involving donald trump in sex to the highest bidder. and that is what the defense is focusing on yesterday, the judge in the case had asked them at the end of the de how much longer they would need& susan nicholas had said she if they were going to go later today, she intended to go late enough so the judge
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said, you guys can all come back tomorrow and continue the cross then. and part of the reason is because on the direct examination, stormy daniels went into a lot of detail about her interactions with donald trump, and that is something that trump's lawyers and the judge said. that's a lot of fodder for cross-examination. so i think we're going to see lot of that continued tomorrow when when stormy daniels is back on the witness stand also, kara, we saw that the judge warned the defense team about something the judge had seen trump doing in court. >> what happened? >> yeah. so this was during stormy daniels direct examination when she was asked by prosecutors are about her interact actions of donald trump in the sexual encounter at the hotel in 2006. and it was at that moment that the judge had it was after that moment that the judge had during a break called up trump's attorneys to the sidebar and the prosecution and spoke to them privately. it was recorded on the transcript, which is how many know about it. but what the judge had said then was i understand that your client is upset at this point,
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but he is cursing audibly and he is shaking his head visually and that's contemptuous. it has the potential to intimidate the witness and the jury can see that the judge giving a warning to trump's leuser telling him to speak to your client and tell him to not make any of these audible words or like any physical gestures that could threaten the integrity of this trial. guys. >> yeah. well, he's been spoken tool. we'll have to see if trump sticks to that because the judge knows that he is aware he should care u.s. thank you so much for that. we appreciate it. >> so while former president trump was attending that trial, the manhattan hush money trial yesterday of judge in florida handed him eat pretty big win and is classified documents case judge, aileen cannon postponing that trial indefinitely, signing significant issues around classified evidence that would need to be resolved before the federal criminal case can go to a jury. cnn's justice corresponding jessica schneider is joining u.s. now and it seems to appear this is not going to get underway before the election.
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>> no. i mean, this trial is now indefinitely delayed. it was supposed to go to trial may 20, just about what? ten days from now but the judge has completely put this on hold. she says that she has eight pending motions, that she has to go through. she says those will take her until at least the and of july. so it's very unlikely. we're going to see this trial start even before the election. so here's how judge can and put it in her most recent orders. she said the court also determines that finalization of a trial date at this juncture before resolution of the myriad and interconnected pretrial and sepah issues. those are classified document issues. were remaining and forthcoming would be imprudent and an inconsistent with the court's duty to fully and fairly consider the various pending pretrial motions before the court. and i don't have to say it to you guys. this is a big win for donald trump, but not only with the delay of this trial, but as part of this order, judge cannon is also granting or shall here two big
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motions that donald trump's team has put forward longshot motions, controversial motions. the first one we will be heard on june 21. this is an effort to disqualify the special counsel, jack smith, saying that he was unlawfully appointed then there's a second motion that will be heard over the course of three days starting on june 24th. >> that's actually to get a number of records from the biden white house and the biden administration. >> trump's team is putting forth this theory that various agencies within the administration have been acting as part of the prosecution, again, a longshot motion, but judge, can and we'll be hearing this so these are all things that are further delaying this trial. and of course with the january 6 trial also being put on hold indefinitely while the supreme court decides that immunity issue, it looks like the hush money case that we're currently in will be the only one to go to trial before the election. >> all right. jessica schneider with that update. thanks so much. >> as we just detailed court not in session for donald
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trump's criminal hush money trial today. but even though the former president has repeatedly complained that his courtroom commitments are keeping it off the campaign trail. he has no scheduled campaign events today. yeah. his opponent, of course, president biden, is stumping today in the critical state of wisconsin however, he is rather busy today we've seen endline to train with u.s. and elena any insight into why trump is not taking advantage of the trials off day? >> it's so fascinating, brown and jessica, because i remember right when this trial was kicking off, his team had been telling me repeatedly that they were going to use these days off from trial. he has wednesday's, saturdays and sundays that he is allowed to campaign. he isn't required to be in the courtroom too aggressively campaign, but we really haven't seen much of that we're told today that donald trump is back at his merrill logo resort in palm beach. and tonight, he's actually going to be dining with some of his supporters who have spent thousands of dollars on what they're calling trump mug shot and is essentially.
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and if t's they're not associated with his tram pain with his campaign, but there's been a lot of these trump related nft is related to his time when he visited the fulton county jail last year and had to get his mug shot taken. some other nfv ties with 11 of donald trump. people have spent thousands of dollars, dollars for these are going to be dining with him tonight. and this is in keeping with what we've seen from the former president on the sidelines of this trial, he's used a lot of his free time to fund raise and focus on money. we saw him do that this weekend when he was in palm beach this past weekend, i should say, when he was there for he held a big fundraiser at merrill logo with wealthy donors and other rnc members. he did campaign last week in michigan and wisconsin and he does have a an upcoming rally on saturday, but this saturday rally is actually going to be in wild, wood, new jersey at a place really are in a state, i should say that his campaign doesn't think is very winnable. and so i think it's very interesting that even though donald trump continues
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to rail against the drudge, say that he can't be on the campaign trail. he's not necessarily using his days away from for it to do that campaigning. >> if to look at what his actions are versus what he's saying. >> how is the campaign alina reacting to yesterday's testimony from stormy daniels? >> a lot of it with salacious that's right. >> i think i mean, from our great reporters who were in the courtroom, it was very clear that donald trump was uncomfortable. stormy daniels are sharing a lot of salacious details. you could see donald trump scowling at some points, particularly when she brought up melania trump's name and a noted that at least according to stormy daniels, that trump had said at the time that they slept in different different bedrooms. he had leaned over and talk to his lawyers. are reporters in the room again saying that he was very engaged while unlike another testimony where he would close his eyes at some point, he was very engaged in what she was saying. i think that all speaks to how uncomfortable this is. it's for donald trump now, when i talked to his campaign they argue that
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a lot of this, that she was making, a lot of this up. you've heard donald trump's attorney say the same thing in the courtroom. they're going to continue their cross-examinatio n tomorrow and really try to push back on her testimony, try to get at her credibility. those are the same things we're hearing as well, but i think luck when you take take a step back and you look at the timing of this, these are the type of details that we know the former president does not want to be out there in the public especially when he's looking forward to a general election campaign yeah, certainly elana trini. >> thank you so much for that report. let's go now to wisconsin, where president biden just folk, trying to draw an economic contrast with trump in a critical state cnn senior white house correspondent mj lee is on the trail. no coincidence. mj, this is already biden's fourth trip to wisconsin this year. no coincidence where he chose to make this one today. >> that's right. we are at a technical college some 30, 40 minutes south of milwaukee and we heard the president making
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this big announcement about microsoft spending some 3.3 billion to build a brand new artificial intelligence facility here in the community this is a pretty hefty investment according to the white house, who said that some 2,300 construction union jobs would be created initially, and then some 1,000 people would get the training, the it training that they need to work at a facility like this, and that ultimately there would be some 2000 permanent jobs that are created. and what's politically noteworthy here is that the site where microsoft would build all of this is the very site where donald trump's some years ago had promised that foxconn, a taiwanese electronics company, would also up poor some billions of dollars in investments and create thousands of jobs this was a promise that basically was never materialize. it left the community extremely disappointed. the complex has been sitting largely vacant. and when we heard the president
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talking about this, he basically said to the crowd, look, the former president up, fooled this community. here's what with your senator ron johnson literally holding a golden shovel promising to build the eighth wonder of the world you kidding me look what happened they dug a hole those golden shovels and then they fell into it they didn't show all other girt they did shovel some dirt. >> 100 homes are boat were bulldozed they ways has hundreds of millions of dollars. your state and local tax dollars to promise a project that never happened foxconn turned out to be just that a calm go figure now, the second stop that the president is going to be making here is a campaign organizing stop where we're told the campaign is going to be training volunteers
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on voter outreach and specifically the president at this stop is going to be speaking to a black voters that is. >> a demographic group that could really help to determine which way the state goes. keep in mind in 2016, the state voted for donald trump& in 2020, the president won that state back. but by a very narrow margin. and so this this is a group that the campaign is going to want to make sure is not feeling unmotivated and can have some amount of enthusiasm so that they are turning up to the poles come november and voting for president biden such a small margin there and wisconsin aren't mj lee for u.s. on the ground. thanks so much and a quick programming node tonight on out front. erin burnett exclusive one-on-one interview with president biden. he sits down with our colleague to talk about the economy and his plans for a second term if he's reelected, again, that interview airing tonight at seven eastern i'm here on cnn. >> i had this hour on cnn news central. >> we are learning more about a high-stakes meeting between the cia, the cia director, and
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israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu as the us pauses a major bombs shipment to israel, plus and alarming new heat warning by experts say, this year is whether is already raising serious red flags. >> and robert kennedy jr. says, a parasitic worm eight part of the brain, and then died inside of his head that is the bizarre headline today. out of that camp, dr. sanjay gupta will join u.s. to explain how this could happen and how a complete recovery would be possible. >> cnn news central brought to you by stanley steamer from carpet upholstery, air ducks in more. it's not clean until it's stanley steamer clean right now, pet dander in sales mold spores, pollen, and dirt are being sucked into your air ducts, get cleaner air and system efficiency. now, with stanley steamer, your air ducts are clean until they're stanley steamer clean with powerful,
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8085920400 today the director of the cia met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu trying to secure a ceasefire deal in the israel hamas war. >> and it's not known yet if the two spoke about the us pausing this shipment of thousands of rather large bombs to israel defense secretary lloyd austin confirmed the delay he said, quote, in the context of unfolding events in rafah, israel launched a new military operation in eastern ra for this week, and it has killed dozens according to hospital officials, australia, germany, the african union, and other nations are urging israel against any further military action. there cnn chief international correspondent clarissa ward is joining u.s. now from jerusalem course at how is israel responded to the pressure that it's facing from so many countries? >> well, publicly israel is trying not to make a big deal out of this pause in the
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shipment of weapons, we did hear from the israeli ambassador to the u.n who described it as quote, a frustrating and disappointing decision, but went on to say that israel is grateful to the biden administration that they understand the political pressures that biden is facing, but that israel is fighting for its life so you have that and then on the other front, you have what's happening in raffa where they they continue to push ahead with what they are calling a very surgical anti-terrorist operation, but which is really having a dramatic impact on the ground for a number of reasons, partly because there is so much fear about broader, larger, offensive and raffa, where 1.4 million when people are hunkered down, briana and partly of course, because the two main border crossings where aid has been going through, raffa and kerem shalom have effectively been blocked. now, today, israel said that kerem
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shalom was open, but as recently as just a few minutes ago, the state department spokesperson said that in fact, they did not not see any trucks going in through a kerem shalom today, the who, the world health organization is warning that hospitals have three days to operate in southern gaza before they will completely run out of fuel. you have already seen according to the u.n. some 50,000 people evacuating from southern rafah. they are being pushed into areas where there is not enough space and not enough infrastructure to support them. and so that's why you are seeing this crushing pressure from the international community and from some of israel's closest allies, including the us two sort of take their foot off the gas with any kind of rafah operation and put the focus back on the negotiating table. briana? >> yeah. and what are the positive it feels clarissa that we have been at this place so many times where there has been some hope for potentially in
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and then it just turns out that the two sides are so far apart what is the calculus for israel when it comes to looking at a potential hostage deal and how it is approaching this raffa offensive, at least a limited offensive, right? >> now well, there's sort of a conflict in the way israel even views this. >> they say the goal are benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister says the goal is to get back the hostages. and to eliminate hamas but those two goals are very different. if israel wants to sincerely convinced to getting back the hostages, then obviously that needs to take place through the mechanisms of negotiations& have some kind of a ceasefire deal which really felt to be almost within grasp. just a few days ago if israel, on the other hand, wants to commit to this idea of completely eliminating hamas, which many military analysts have been incredibly skeptical as to whether that is even possible
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or not, then that would entail an entirely different approach. now, there is, of course, a school of thought as well, briana, that what we're seeing and raffa over the course of the last 48 hours is a tactic that israel is doing to apply pressure to try to get more leverage at the negotiating table. we know there's still an israeli team of negotiators and cairo with a team as well of hamas negotiators. they're those efforts are ongoing and despite this sort of chasm between the two sides on the public phase of it, you also hear from people like the white house saying, we believe that it is possible to close the gaps. so nobody yet is throwing in the towel. there are still huge efforts going on and there is still some optimism that it may be possible to try to put this deal together though, at this stage, no sense of what the timeline for that would be or what the mechanism would be for overcoming these final hurdles. are these existing
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gaps that exist for him? >> of course a critical point in this conflict. and we're very glad to have your reporting on it. clarissa ward joining u.s. from jerusalem. thank you so israel has maintained that rafah is where members of hamas are right now. >> but remember, over 1 million palestinians have been moving to rafah to get away from the military bombardments. and now the only functioning hospital there there's a four month old baby is among the 35 body since they're in the last 24 hours. we also know world central kitchen has stopped operating their and raffa duty. israel's evacuation order it's defense forces have ordered an estimated 100,000 people to get out of that area. the idf has closed the critical crossing in rafah that goes into egypt after taking over the palestinian sayyed. and right now the state department has just said that they do not see trucks crossing through a kerem shalom. the other entryway for aid into that area, joining
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u.s. now is deep mala me hala, the chief humanitarian officer for humanitarian organizational care thanks so much for being with u.s. today, you have been clear that you believe a military operation rafah would be devastating to the over 1 million civilians who have gathered there help people understand why we have been very clear and we have been saying it for months. we are talking about more than one million people crammed in a really small geographical area. when we talk rough, are raffa, a quarter of baltimore, let's say most of these people, most of them do not have enough to eat. they are facing malnutrition. some are even near starvation. the health system has completely collapsed. people are living in tents with situations where there is no clean water, no toilets, no facilities for women to deliver their babies or nurse their children. and all this has been happening
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over the past few months so the scale of humanitarian crisis the absence of basic services, and the overcrowding also, disease outbreak in a situation if a military offensive happens, it would be a disaster. >> of monumental proportions. >> and as it is happening now, there is an absolute sense of panic, disbelief,& shear palpebral hotter among the people living there and. >> i want to quote a gausian who actually just left rafah who evacuated raffa. he told cnn, quote, that his family had it's been displaced several times and has been forced to eat animal food and walk on streets littered with dead bodies you have colleagues who were there, who are witnessing this is well, what are you hearing from them about what they're seeing on the ground so the sayyed is part is this
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hugely sad gold is not a single story. >> there are many millions of people have these stories. we have heard of things like women trying to mix expired soda water into baby food to prepare it for their children people having to drink water from the teacher's, not changing clothes even once over a span of three to four times. now, we are hearing people are trying to leave raffa on foot, on foot. baby is getting babies with whatever belongings they have and that is stylish should be no or starvation related deaths. but let me say one thing, as sad as it sounds between starvation and death. there is usually disease that is nothing left, nothing left to address that disease. and give the any sort of medical aid it absolutely horrific when we talk to our colleagues and partners on the ground, it's sadly so common to hear whales and screams of children, women.
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and i must say one thing, jessica, i never thought in my life, i've used these two words together but it is a reality in gaza pediatric amputees hey, dad, trick amputees the highest error number ever recorded in history and you told cnn that you believe israel's military operation is obstructing aid into gaza, as i just mentioned, we did have a new update that the state department is saying but it still is not seen aid trucks or trucks crossing into the reopened kerem shalom crossing and gaza due to logistical and security concerns. >> what do you think can be done to get more aid into gaza right now? >> that is only one answer there is only one answer open the border crossing, lead the hundreds and thousands of trucks, which are enqueues loaded with lifesaving
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assistance, waiting to get in a raffa is not only a boarding process traffic is light flash, it is a lifeline for millions of people. so joking that off and joking karim shalom in the last few months, most of the aid has gone through raffa and kerem shalom has helped. and when these are joked which means everything is blocked, no aid comes in, no aid workers come in no military sorry, no magical workers come in and no medical evacuations happened? >> yes. >> the news about karam opening is welcome, but it is not clear if aid will flow because we have not heard of any update about drugs slash aid coming in from you, should know, even if that happens regardless, the lifeline is a raffa, because the scale at which drugs and medical aid and humanitarian aid is needed, we need an opening like a raffa, and then on several other crossings the northern part of gaza is on the brink of famine. people are
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dying due to starvation, dying as we are speaking, kids are dying. new one gaetz a die. >> i have a lot of stories about when a child was born and then died before any registration could be done. >> as if the baby never, ever existed in the north of gaza. there's a crossing quon which means we have the possibility of bringing it into gaza to save lives through the erase crossing. but that is blocked. open the border crossings. leather a1, don't kill humanitarian workers, protect civilians, and civilian infrastructure, and release the hostages the mama, hello, can we save all the lights which are on the brink of sorry. the thing. >> do they still have the time left to save all the all the lights which are on the brink now, perhaps not, because things have reached that far. so i say this to convey how urgent the situation in is
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foetuses via fall, letting aid in for releasing hostages. >> thank you so much for your update, their and for speaking with u.s. we appreciate it thanks for having me up next dozens of arrests overnight at george washington university after police cleared a pro-palestinian encampment it's the officials take action because they were about to face a congressional grilling. >> that's next trump hush money trial. >> gavel to gavel coverage. the weight only cnn can bring it to you. legal insight, expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom. follow the facts, follow the testimony follows cnn, not flossing well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows. listerine is five times more effective than plus ev reducing plaque above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier this three, feel the world. >> today at america's beverage
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of now cleared out a pro-palestinian and camp minute george washington university officers moving in early this morning arresting dozens people. >> the school is just one of a number of colleges across the country that have faced these protests in recent weeks as people rally against the israel hamas war. let's go live now to cnn's gabe cohen at george washington university, gave this particular and kammen had been set up there for, for about two weeks. tell u.s. why police finally decided to take action after they hadn't when they had had some requests from the school yeah, briana, that's been a really unique aspect about this and came meant that the university has repeatedly over the last couple of weeks, as the police department to come in and clear the camp. >> but the city has declined to do so, essentially saying they didn't want the optics of arresting protesters at what they saw as a relatively peaceful and contained protests. but clearly something changed leading to that dramatic scene overnight, 33 people arrested, a sum facing
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charges for trespassing others for assault on police officers and police using tear gas on some pepper spray, i should say, on some of those protesters not far from where we're standing. and if you look back there, you can see the yard where there were dozens of tents in over the past couple of weeks. now, entirely gone. so you ask what changed what we heard from dc's police chief a little earlier today, who laid that out and said that she believed the protests had become too volatile to continue he gave a couple of examples saying that a campus police officer had been allegedly assaulted in recent days of that protesters in the camp had been gathering items that could be used as weapons, although the police department hasn't clarified exactly what those items were. >> and i should say, and that protesters were occupying were found inside one of the campus buildings multiple of them, and potentially probing to occupy one of the spaces similar to
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what we saw at columbia up in new york and so all of that led the police department to make this decision. >> going as far back as monday, that they were going to clear this camp. but of course, so much frustration from these students who have been involved in these protests. take a listen to what one told me a little bit earlier. >> here we are strong. they can make u.s. they can brutalize u.s they can pepper spray but the movement is here there it is stronger than ever. our energy has not dissipated as a matter of fact this comeback and just brianna, what remains to be seen as what those protests actions will look like later tonight and into the days ahead. all right. game. thank you so much for that report from gw and coming up, robert kennedy jr. says the doctors found a dead parasitic worm inside of his head. this was years ago, but not before. it had eaten part of his brain and
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died. it turns out this can actually happen obviously so many questions about this particular story. we have dr. sanjay gupta with u.s to talk about that and answer these questions. he's going to join u.s. now here's to getting better with age here's the beat least to every thursday help fuel today with boost type protein completely attrition, you need without the stuff you don't so here's two now. all these games on directv, uh, no satellite on the roof, think about this blue jays cardinals, orioles. what's missing? the andean condor know, walnut brain pigeons. >> they'd rather de, but cim, at the psaki be fair, we're not very athletic. >> my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back. now with skype rizzi, i'm all in with clear skin. >> thanks again we've.
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quote is from new reporting by the new york times. >> yeah, the time says that kennedy made the statement during a deposition as part of his divorce proceeding back in 2012, he was describing experiencing severe memory loss and mental fogginess a couple of years before that, he said that he is fully he says that he's fully recovered from the parasite and that he has no after effects. of course, a lot of questions about this. we have cnn's chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta joining u.s. you're a neurosurgeon, sanjay, you've actually operated on these kinds of cases when it comes to these parents there are acidic worms and the removal tell u.s. about this. it's not that common. >> it's not that common, although it does happen typically it starts off people that may have eaten pork that is under cooked and the little eggs or larvae, they can get into the food supply ultimately, those get into your bloodstream, they can travel all over the body. and this does happen, especially in places where those types of
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eating habits are more common let me show you an image of this. so just so you have a visual of what we're talking about here. you imagine this tiny little ag, little larvae gets into areas of the body. in this case the brain. and they may grow a little bit. those are the purple spartz. you're seeing there in the brain. sometimes they won't cause any symptoms at all. people won't even know that they have them. sometimes people might have headaches. sometimes people could develop seizures. >> it's not really associated with brain fog or memory problems per say, but they can be problematic. >> a lot of times there's nothing to do about it. they're not causing symptoms. sometimes there's medications parasitic medications, or sometimes you have to do an operation as, as you mentioned, and here's a brain model here. so you can imagine that sort of near the surface of the brain if you had one of these cysts you'd make a little bony opening in the skull and basically remove that cyst, which, which sort of represents this, this parasite. and that is sometimes necessary
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as well. so it does happen. it is rare. i think you don't really describe it as having eaten the brain as much as sort of living there in the brain. and possibly causing these problems kennedy also says he was diagnosed with mercury poisoning at one point? >> yeah. how concerning is that? and what kind of impact would that have yeah. >> and again, we're just going on these records from this deposition, so i had i don't know, mercury poisoning sometimes the term is a bit of a vague term, sounds like as mercury levels when he tested it, were much higher than what the epa considers safe and i'll tell you that the symptoms that i think sort of prompted all of this for rfk jr. the cognitive issues, memory issues more likely to be caused by mercury than, for example, that parasite we were just talking about. typically in, i think he noted this that you can get it from potentially being exposed to chemicals or in his case, eating too much of these predatory fish. generally, the advice is to just basically cut
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back on the amount of these fish that you're eating. pregnant women think about this a lot, but you can get very high levels of mercury even through your diet as he seems to be suggesting yeah. >> and then there is something else in here because he had said about with the mercury that he'd had cognitive problems. this was during the deposition, so 12 years ago, i've short-term memory loss. i have longer-term memory loss that affects me. >> he said also as well that he had suffered for decades from atrial fibrillation, which is something of course that can obviously increase the risk of stroke or heart failure. he said he'd been hospitalized four times for episodes. but did he not had an incident more than a decade and he believed that condition had disappeared accordingly. to the times. tell u.s. about that. and if aphid really can just disappear yeah. >> so it sounds like it was pretty serious, obviously decades that he dealt with this hospitalized for four four separate instances the answer to your question is yes, it can resolve even on its own. but
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more typically, what happens is you're given certain medications to try and address the atrial fibrillation. but to also reduce the chance that you're going to develop blood clots, which are often associated with afib. and those blood clots are really what can lead to problems like stroke another thing that can happen, especially if someone is hospitalized as they can do something known as cardioversion well essentially it's placing a little bit of electrical shock on the heart to try and take the heart rhythm out of atrial fibrillation. so any of those things are possible. it is possible that it resolves on its own more likely that he took medications that maybe help that resolve may still be on those medications and then finally, the the the more aggressive procedure actually applying electricity to the heart is something that's done as well it's all very interesting. >> thank you so much for the context. dr. sanjay gupta. got it. thanks so much. >> still ahead. could popular weight loss drugs help women who are trying to conceive? we've got new data that's coming up all new tebor fidic
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so scream buddy, you still got a land leyen, your house auto noun to subway out maria and julio thought their life would never slow down then one day it's finally you will mate to find inner peace we will to track fl1807123800 when the
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jinx came out, i thought, oh, my god, what bob has a friend, he expects blind loyalty going to be surprises of suffices president biden is in wisconsin today trying to win over voters who may have grown frustrated with the economy, but are whitney wild found out that's not the only issue driving voters in that swing state in rural whitewater, wisconsin, more than 3,000 miles from her homeland of nicaragua, maria avi less has finally found a sense of calm, but in kilo, it's quiet. >> she says, we don't have to worry she ended up in this
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college town of around 15,600 people because her two adult children hildreth, live here. one i forgot shelf and one open it at a local charity. >> she and other migrants pick up free food and clothing. abi less is among the roughly thousand migrants who've arrived here over the last two-and-a-half years from venezuela and nicaragua, what okay. >> now, i'm a single mother. she says things are very rough over there. i want to have a better life. brianne brown is a member of the cities common council. she said most of the migrants who make their way to whitewater learn about it through word of mouth, about 20:21 is when the police started noticing that they were finding families in barnes, right? and overcrowding. they were finding like five or six families in one apartment and that's never have afforded never happened before. >> she says the population influx is straining police resources. what are police officers do with the most right now is pull people over and explain to them that they shouldn't be driving if they don't have driver's license, they ended up getting a translation service. was very,
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very helpful, but very, very expensive. white waters police chief wrote a letter to state and federal officials, including president joe biden in december asking for funding to manage what he called a critical humanitarian issue. >> chief daniel myers said, no matter what their legal status is or what brought them here, these people need resources like anyone else, police are struggling to meet their needs. while also serving longtime residents, meyer wrote, citing the surgeon, unlicensed drivers and overcrowding living situations as serious concerns. he also describes some crimes linked to migrants, including the death of an infant, sexual assaults, and a kitten napping. myers letter received a bipartisan support, including from democratic senator thani bolduan and republican congressman brian style, who represents whitewater. >> what the national media has often focused on is our nation's largest cities. the impact that this has having a smaller communities like whitewater, wisconsin is equal cooley significant, if not more so, styles, district leans read with spots of bright blue. he says immigration has quickly
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become a top issue this year. >> i hear it from everyone across all political stripes, and i suspect people from all over the world. >> okay? let's just change different luis east los is a whitewater resident who migrated from mexico decades ago. >> he's built a business here and just frustrated by the situation. >> like how about brother respect in mexico. okay. and care about eight times per year? thank you. it's been tonight. >> does it make you angry not angry fans? >> just unfair. >> how much part of the conversation is bracing here right now. i mean, is that really top of mind for people who are living in whitewater? yeah, i think so. yeah. i mean, i think most of them are paying really close attention and they really were a small town with one journey behind alveolus another begins while two of her adult children are here. >> she left her to other children 12 and 15 years old back in nicaragua, i wanted to say, i don't have any money now, she says, i'd like to work
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and hopefully bring them here. >> whitney wild, cnn, whitewater, wisconsin whitney. thank you. and be sure to watch erin burnett with her exclusive one-on-one interview with president biden tonight at seven eastern eight is only on cnn. >> we'll be right back not. >> flossing well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows. listerine is five times more effective than plus ev reducing plaque above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth this three, feel the whoa allergies with allegro. >> they won't stop me. nothing beats allegro. it's the fastest non drought how's it you 24 hour allergy relief live, your greatness, write down, you'd get a free foot locker sap. >> wait, just by foot login to add to get one free, just a qr code the promo code, fal pogo. it only worked on the other side of the screen. buddy, you
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healthier with the oraa ring we're here to get your side of the story this guy who was a crusader against human sex trafficking is actually a customer it's someone at the white house blow the cover of a cia operative. >> this is horrifying. she's still endangered the staff sai


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