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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 9, 2024 6:00am-6:31am PDT

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but if the united states did pause, artillery deliveries to the israelis, could they still go into population centers in rafah israel need that artillery now for a full-scale ground incursion into those population centers to do it the way they want to do it, the answer would be yes, they would need that kind of artillery capability to go into these areas and to basically soften them up as we would say in the military. >> but they can mount certain specific operations without artillery shells, as long as they have the precise in elegance that they would need to go after specific targets. so like let's say hamas is leadership and specific tunnel areas, things like that. they could do it. but it's really a very tough thing for them to do if they're not able to soften up the targets before they go in and conduct those kinds of operations. >> colonel set of lightened great to see you this morning stormy daniels, about to get back on the witness stand and
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the criminal trial of donald trump, a new our have cnn news central starts right now these cnn's breaking news and happening right now, we are looking at a live look once again inside the courthouse in manhattan, were any mina donald trump is going to arrive and head back into the courtroom. >> his criminal trial resumes with stormy daniels heading back on the stand for more cross-examined my nation, this is after she told the world and the jury most more importantly, a lot about the alleged sexual encounter with donald trump sources tells cnn this morning, trump's lawyers still have a wild ago is how it's being described when it comes to questioning the cross-examinati on of stormy daniels, the defense planning to add new questions to their crops across. now, cnn's brynn jane grass is outside the court for us once again, brynn, what are you learning about what the what the defense team is planning now, what's in what changes? >> yeah. so when stormy daniels
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was being questioned by defense attorneys on tuesday, when we last tab court, she had been on the stand for about 90 minutes it's and we were told from sources that the defense really didn't have much more questioning to do. however, after the prosecution has asked its questions and basically according to the fence stormy daniels alleged that the relationship between donald trump and/or insinuated, i should say that the relationship between donald trump and stormy daniels was not exactly i click consensual apparently, the defense didn't like that. and so now they're going to fire a lot more questions at her. so that's why we're learning from sources. they now say they have a while to go in there cross-examinatio n with stormy daniels. of course, in that 90 minutes that they've covered so far, they really attacked her credibility. they questioned her motives with coming forward with her story, and they really were hammering home questions one after another with her. so it's going to certainly be another eventful day in chord with stormy daniels on the stand but, again, we don't know how much longer they're going to take, but after that, we will see prosecution most
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likely have a redirect of stormy daniels as well. so it's possible the whole de will be filled with stormy daniels then of course, we don't know who's up next after that and brynn, is there just word coming now from inside court? >> the judgment? making a decision or changing some rules as it relates to photography and core yeah. >> so remember all those pictures here's what we get of donald trump at the defense table with his lawyers. we get them every morning long we show them to the viewers. that is no longer going to happen according, according to a pair up pool reporters apparently they're person the pool photographer who is doing that job. their job is to go into this particular well to get that shots apparently they tried to take a picture of donald trump as they were getting to that. well, so in the aisle of the courtroom and the judge did not like that, apparently, judge merchan is saying there will no longer urbi pictures taken of donald trump now, inside the courtroom. so that means we
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won't see that photo. all we will be able to have from inside our courts sketches. now the video so that you were just showing up outside of that courtroom. that is still going to be allowed and that is fine. but it appears for now, there will be no more photos inside the courtroom, so we won't get those every morning as we have been doing for this course. and that is apparently for the rest of this trial and brynn, donald trump and his team are also still trying to fight those gag order. >> where do things stand with that right now? >> yeah yes. >> so they made a filing remember previously saying this gag order was unconstitutional. remember this is the gag order that bars bars donald trump from talking about witnesses, jurors, family members of the judge, and prosecutors and he violated at according to judge merchan, ten times he had said that this was unconstitutional. they asked earlier that the appeals court in new york stop this trial until they made a ruling on that basically on their on their argument there,
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that rowling has not been made. so essentially they just now filed a new filing that is asking the court to hurry up with a process, hurry up with a decision on whether or not what they believe this gag order is unconstitutional. so that's what the filing was made in the court of appeals in new york yesterday. so we're still waiting to see where that lands fully brynn thing thank you so much. >> already getting some news coming out of court. we're going to say right on top of that sir. >> all right. thank you. donald trump reportedly seething last time stormy daniels was on the stand, so how might this go today? cnn's alayna treene has been doing some digging joining us now, we know that while she was on the stand was shaking his head the judge admonished his attorneys telling him to tell him to stop because they could hear him cursing audibly what are you learning about today? >> well, it hasn't really changed. sarah donald trump is still angry and i think you can anticipate similar activity from him in the courtroom, at least regarding this luck, this
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is very uncomfortable for the former president and from what i cover the politics of this, this is something really that his campaign and his team and donald trump do not know how this is going to play out in a general election. and this is really one of the key testimonies that they were worried about, about hearing from stormy daniels and remember, she is a woman who has alleged that she had an affair with donald trump. these are very salacious details that she is describing on the stand. details that they do not want playing out in the public. and yet that is what we're seeing. and so when i talk to donald trump's team behind the scenes, they're telling me the same thing that you're hearing his attorney say in court, which is that they think that she's making this up, that they think that they really want to try and undermine her credibility with this second day of cross examination. i think you'll see that play out out in court today, but from my conversations, again, this is embarrassing for donald trump and that's really, this entire trial. unlike some of the other criminal indictments, he is facing i consistently been told
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by his team that they actually think this case is the weakest of the criminal indictments. however, it's also the most personally embarrassing for donald trump. and this testimony from stormy daniels is really the pinnacle of that. her sharing these details, things that donald trump does not one out there that's why you're seeing him scowl in the courtroom, shake his head, talk to attorneys and one other thing that i found really interesting and of course this is according to our great reporters who have been inside the courtroom bringing us these details house is that donald trump has been at times not as engaged and other testimony he's closed his eyes as he's listened to other people on the stand. he has been very engaged when stormy daniels has been testified he's been paying very much attention. and as you mentioned, again, leaning over to talk to his reporters, cursing at times, shaking his head at times being admonished from judge merchan. so i think that really just speaks to how important this is and how really damaging this could be for his public image. >> yeah, and a lot of analysts
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said, look, this is kind of the run, the litter of all the cases that are facing on truck. but here's the thing. it is the only one that may be going before the election, making it a really, really important case. i do want to ask you because donald trump has consistently complain that he can't campaign, although he did not go on the trail when he had a day off but now the campaign has been coming to the court, correct. who is supposed to show up with him today yes. >> so we actually ever were told to that senator rick scott is planning he joined donald trump at trump tower this morning and is traveling with him to the courthouse today. he will be inside the courtroom and this is really interesting this is actually the first member of congress that we've seen appear with donald trump, who will be inside with him today. but luck from my conversations with a lot of trump's allies and the trump campaign, they tell me that many people like senator rick scott have offered to appear with donald trump kind of show that they support him, stand in solidarity with him. we know that we saw eric trump, one of his sons, were appear with him. >> last week. we know that
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david mcintosh, the president of club for growth, a conservative fiscal organization, also attended court one de so we're seeing his allies want to come and appear with donald trump and show solidarity. and so that's kind of what we're seeing play out this morning. it'll be interesting to see if more people people try to do this, to come to new york, travel with the former president stand with them and really, again, just saying, i'm with donald trump, i'm going to stay in the courtroom. i'm going to show that we support him and we know. i mean, we've seen a lot of his other allies repeatedly, even though donald trump has this gag order, his allies don't. we seen, we've seen them kind of a pac people that donald trump can attack. and i think we'll see some of that from rick scott today. >> sarah, you of course, also have the vip stakes that is happening as well. so it'll be interesting to see who shows up. a lot of tree and thank you so much for all your reporting. their john has been interesting. eric trump, the only family members so far to being court we've got new reaction from inside israel after president binds exclusive interview with cnn in response to the president's comments, one official says, quote, it is
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amazing discover that the world has forgotten what happened in israel on october 7 group is torres was the absolute peak of his celebrity in olympic heroes, shocking murder trial we learned of a much darker individual power would really happen with jesse l martin sunday at nine on cnn with fast sides, signage that gets you noticed. it turns hot lots into homes that's signs. >> make your statement this is the most powerful pen holder eliminator in the world it's safe for people, pets, and the planets powerful enough to eliminate this stake from organic, older sure. >> yeah, it's safe enough to use. are there even so why waste money on any product that
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president is doing here is capitulated because of electoral politics, because he's concerned about the vote in michigan and minnesota and that is taking precedent over eliminating a terroristic threat. and to me that's unconscionable. i don't care how many ways he tries to spin this cnn's senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche is with us now, kayla, always great to have you on cnn news central. there was a lot in this interview with aaron last night there was a lot in the interview last night and a lot that was very newsworthy. in particular, those comments about aid to israel, where the president appeared to be more willing than he has been in the past to embrace the conditioning of military aid and outlining what the white house is position has been, which is if there is a major incursion into rafah, then that aid will be the withheld, but with such an incursion still possible, the us doesn't want to be seen as supplying large bombs that could cause mash,
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mass casualties or even supply artillery that's viewed as less precise and more indiscriminate, especially when used in large urban areas. now, i'm told that despite the fact that the white house it has been saying publicly that the operation in rafah, as it stands now, is limited. that's what israel has said. that's what national security spokesman john kirby has said. the us believes as well. >> that of course can change at any instant. >> and so the us wants to make sure that it's own policy is prepared. john fisher to the discussion about israel, there was also a fulsome discussion about the taught me as well came there. >> was, and it's an important point because it's so critical to voters in the blue wall, which of course is very important for biden seeking reelection. and they're generally giving him widespread disapproval on the economy. here's how the president explained it though he said that generally consumers, or at least starting to feel better with less than six months to go to election day. are you worried that you're running
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out of time to turn that around? >> we've already turned it around. look you look at the the michigan survey for 65% american people think they're in good shape economically, i think the nation's not in good shape, but they're personally good shape. >> the polling data has been wrong all along. we have the strongest economy in the world. >> me say it again in the world now while it is true that consumers generally feel better than they did say two years ago when inflation peaked. >> that's when considering and we're sentiment hit absolute rock bottom and that trend is moving upward. it is also true that biden still significantly lags how consumers felt under his predecessor donald trump with some of that sentiment peaking back in 2018 and 2019. so john when voters say that they don't feel good about the economy, they can in some senses look back at how the economy was an end point to some of that data. and the data showed that they felt a lot
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better than which could be a problem for vitamix. >> indeed. all right, kayla tausche, great to see you this morning. thank you very much for all all that. sarah. all right. we've got live pictures now appear to be from inside the courthouse where stormy daniels expected to take the stand, get again, and donald trump's criminal hush money for ellis. he makes his way to court, live special coverage is coming up and we're just minutes away from the opening bell on wall street. wall street is coming off of mixed session. if you take a look here, the dow extended its winning streak it's a six days while the s&p 500 closed lower for the first time in five days. today, investors waiting for quarterly earnings reports from warner brothers discovery parent company of cnn, the results come one day after warner brothers discovery announced it is teaming up with disney to ofir, new streaming bundle deal would bring max disney plus and hulu. all together in a bundle for the very first time. >> that's ahead before the bell brought to you by cfp professionals, find your cfp
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apy joined today and get your first 30 days. >> three we're here to get your side of the store affairs, bribery, prostitution. why do we keep ending up here you can't write this stuff. united states of scandal with jake tapper. now streaming on max thank you very much one line is doing with respect to israel, disgraceful if any jewish person voted for joe biden issue vitiate zelensky's totally abandoned israel nobody can believe it. i guess he feels good about it. so get it as a political decision, you have to do the right decision not to political decision, but he did they're very bad thing. i just want to let you know that just filed major motion the appellate division
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concerning donald trump responding there to the president biden's interview with cnn's erin burnett that played out last night and the fallout from it is hey, the impact of it and the fallout from as being felt today as he called, any jewish person who would now vote for joe biden does. it would be shameful is what he said. this is donald trump heading into court, taking his time to make political any political statement in campaign before he he heads in. and when he does head in, court will get back in full swing. stormy daniels will soon be reached taking the stand and cross-examination will continue. >> the judge has already though, made an announcement this morning that there will no longer be photographs taken inside the courtroom. >> those official photos you're looking at one of them right there? and this is after the judge says the court photographer took a photo of trump at a time when he was not supposed to as he was moving towards the location where he takes the photograph regardless, that is now the decision from judge merchan,
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donald trump's lawyers were told this morning are plenty, just shake up their strategy a bit, going to spend more time asked me more questions of stormy daniels when their cross-examination than had been originally planned, joining us right now, a cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, jennifer rodgers and cnn legal commentator and former trump white house lawyer, jim. jim schultz, jen jennifer, what do you think? what do you think of this decision? what do you think it says of the defense team? they're picking back up and this is going to get in full swing in a second that they are now planning to spend longer and ask more questions of stormy daniels. what does it say? are the risks? associated with it yeah, i think it's a mistake, kate, i mean, they i thought would stay clear of the details of the actual tryst itself. >> it's incredibly embarrassing to the former president and the more detail she gives, the more likely it is that the jurors think that she's telling the truth, right? details are a sign of truth the telling and this gives her an opportunity now to
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go over those facts again and to reiterate, listen, i didn't want this. he is not attractive to me. he's old, you know, all of, these things it also potentially gives the prosecution the opportunity to call another witness who can corroborate that she told them at the time that this that happened, there was a friend of hers, keith, i think his name was that she identified as someone that she had told. so i think this is very risky for them. i'm surprised that they're doing it. i think it's gonna backfire. >> it is interesting. can you bring up during her testimony, she did keep leaving these i guess we call them easter eggs. the kids call them easter eggs about people she had given contemporaneous accounts two of the events of that de and it made me think that oh, if she needs to corroborate it, they always could jim, to the point that jennifer was making right there. i know that trump people are telling us that yes, they're going to go hard after stormy daniels. maybe the audience for that is donald trump, at least right now, because i have a hard time believing they're going to want to talk much more about the sex stuff yeah.
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>> i have a hard time believing they're going to go at her on the tryst, if you will. i think it's more likely that they go after some of things that can attack her credibility as a witness, right? not so much related to her direct testimony as it relates to know. the facts and circumstances surrounded. i would be surprised that they give her an opportunity to repeat herself. that would be a big mistake, but i do think they're going to try to impugn her credibility with a number of items that they probably have in their arsenal relating to how she's conducted herself and her business life, how she's an inconsistency see, she's made & in statement. she's made both publicly. there's a huge amount of information out there from her television show and other things that they can draw from. i think that's probably where they go if they delve into those facts, that's a big mistake. >> jennifer, i just i want to go to you and see pushing forward. she's going to be on the stand. we don't know how long today, but there are two
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other blockbuster type of witnesses you've got michael cohen that's still has not testified. you've got helped me out here. karen mcdougal, the former playmate play with playboy playmate that has not testified. what do you see happening next? the prosecution has done this thing where they've done someone who is known to the public pretty exciting and then putting someone else who is like a little more boring, talking about about the details of the bookkeeping. how do you see them proceeding yeah. >> that's a great question, sarah, because i don't know who else they have left. i do expect that someone likely will testify about how michael cohen was normally paid he certainly wasn't paid and personal checks by donald trump when he was working for trump org so someone may come on to explain that. that may be what we will see next. as you said, it's kind of been a back-and-forth between the big blockbuster witnesses and the more boring stuff. but they do have to get to michael cohen before this thing is over. they don't want him to be the last witness because it's going to be so
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contentious in the cross is going to be so hard hitting. so if they're running out the people we may see him sooner than later so that they don't end on that note we have two more minutes, right? >> we get we're getting conflicting messages from a high on up above. all right. we're going to keep going then go ahead please continue. i grant you permission to use i lose my train jim, do you think stormy daniels now going forward becomes a more significant witness than maybe people thought that or he had in terms of legal teams, thought she was going to be going in the unring the bell thing kind of sticks with me. do you think she now is more of an important witness then they may be at people that may be anticipated going in i'll take that one. >> i don't i don't think so. i think the prosecution got their point across that this was likely very, very important
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to donald trump, that this be kept quiet and right. that was the reason for kind of getting into all those details. they may have taken a little bit too much of a risk on that, but that was the reason for those details. i don't think that it becomes all that much more important beyond that, likely because they still need to make that connection or more inferences if you will, of how this business record was recorded. >> and and how that transpired. if they can't make that showing and people don't believe michael cohen and he's the key to it. then they're going to have a problem with the jury 15 seconds, jen and redirect with stormy, daniel's. >> what does the prosecution want to clean up? >> i think they want to clean up the motive around this money that she owes him with the lawsuit that was a little bit muddy and then otherwise, just again, that she's been consistent over time in what she said about him and he's attacked her as much as she's attacked him. they may bring out some of those horse face tweets all right. jennifer rodgers, jim feels great to see


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