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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 13, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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israel do whatever you have to do to survive as a jewish state? >> when you're being a good leader, he were often upsetting people on the right and the left and so president biden advertise himself when he ran for office as someone who would often play it down the middle i'm curious, charlie, what you thought both of graham's comments and of senator murphy's comments, there well, my immediate reaction is at joe biden is put himself in a situation where on the one hand he supports israel's right to respond to the horrific attacks by hamas from october 7 on what he supports that. >> on the other hand, he's trying to restrain israel's response to protect gaza civilians. >> he is pleasing no one. in fact, i think as john bolton said, the folks what i would call the axis of aggressive there's those folks in russia, tehran, and beijing are probably delighted with this
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conundrum that biden finds himself in. >> i get, i get the sense that i think graeme is right, that we need to stand by our allies. i don't think finding nuance in this case during war time is a very easy thing to do, particularly when you're a superpower sometimes wars like this force you to choose sides. and israel as our allies. and i can see why a number of democrats are upset with what biden has done. certainly republicans are, but biden is really trying to placate his base in this country, which is, which is obviously very split on this and particularly in the state of michigan. so i think a lot of the message it's like politics are entering into biden's thinking on how to manage this war charlie matt bennett. >> thank you so much. a new our have cnn news starts right now the crucial moment in the trump criminal trial, michael cohen takes the stand to testify against his former boss. >> the same michael cohen who once said he would take a
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bullet for donald trump. what is he going to say now? secretary state tony blinken warning and israeli ground invasion, ground invasion in rafah could leave a vacuum filled by chaos. that might be filled also once again by hamas and the long-awaited demolition of the collapsed key bridge begins. >> today. >> i'm kate baldwin with sara sidner and john berman. this cnn news central the breaking news this morning we have arrived at the critical moment in the criminal trial against donald trump. >> this is our special coverage as the key witness takes the stand. and you could see michael cohen as he left for the courthouse just a few minutes ago prosecutors will try to use his testimony to make a link between trump himself and the documents at the center of the case, trump is charged with falsifying documents to cover up hush money payments to an adult film actress, all to influence the
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2016 election. she does brynn june grass live outside the court where this testimony takes place today, brynn, a way it really adult come down to this it really has jen, listen, it's important to know these two men had been in the same courtroom before, right? michael cohen testified in the civil trial last year and was in front of donald trump. there was a lot of drama, but arguably the stakes are higher with a criminal conviction possible on the line here. so it is going to be eventful. few days with michael cohen on the stand. and as you just said, for prosecutors, the hope is that michael cohen is going to be able to connect the dots, be the narrator for the entire story that they have presented to jurors. they have laid out all the evidence, they have called all the witnesses trying to explain what they believe donald trump did to basically pay off these hush money payments and michael cohen is the person that can bring jurors in. to that room in the
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oval office in 2017 of february, where a prosecutor say the two of them hatched this plan to make the reimbursement payments and disguise them as legal fees on the books. so we'll see if he can do that for jurors. of course they've heard his name a lot, a lot of people had been calling them all different kinds of names. >> they've said he's aggressive. they said he's a jerk. we'll see how he is in front of jurors. and of course, when the defense gets there, turned to ask the questions. well, they're gonna be hammering at his credibility. they have argued that donald trump doesn't know what michael cohen does. these kind of a rogue player in his life. and donald trump's life. so certainly, like i said before, there's gonna be a lot of fireworks and it all gets started when court resumes today and nine, 30 pretty good. >> all begins today. >> all right. bringing grass. thank you very much for that. keep us posted. gate joining us right now is legal analyst and former us attorney, michael moore, it's good to see you, michael, how do you run this line of questioning? well, good morning. and i'm glad to be
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with you. >> this has gotta be an extra day that's a pivotal de, for the state. frankly, as well as the defense. i mean, they they've hitched their entire case. it basically hitch their wagon to mr. cohen to bring this together. the question at the end of the de would be whether or not, you know, they've hitched their wagon to a lame horse person. i think that's gonna be the question that we see going forward. i mean, the state is spirit essentially several weeks now trying to sort of pre rehabilitate and pre corroborate cohen's testimony. i mean, they've brought in witnesses to say, well, maybe don't pay to what he says. look at the documents, look at you know, what i saw versus what he saw all but the one piece of this case is remain missing has been whether or not trump had some specific information and direction and involvement in how the business records were recorded and so they're going to have to drill into that issue and their direct examination and quit dancing around it, quit talking about the fact that he may have signed a check and that was enough or whether or not he took a long time looking at the
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bills that came across in a fedex envelope, whether or not that was enough that they're not going to have to really say, look, tell me what happened, tell me what it said. tell me what the plan was. tell me was there some specific decision made by you, cohen and pecker? maybe to label this in a weird way. >> and there having to overcome some of the witness testimony has already been out there, and one of those things being from this account, a person who says, look, our system has a drop-down menu and one of those things says legal expenses and that's what that's what we put it on and we also know the trunk. >> this somewhat from the day-to-day management during about the time of this alleged criminal conduct. so those are the holes they've got to fill it. i'm not saying they can't do it. i'm certainly not here as a defender of the defense. i've got good lawyers. through that on their own, but these are real things that they hangout these jurors and it only takes one juror to hang a case up and to create a mistrial. and so they've got to
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answer questions and if he is the only person, we're about whether or not somebody else, i'll front with a sharpie and actually drill end of what was said and what decision was made as a group on how these business records would be labeled as expenses would be labeled in that state records pre rehabilitation on someone's reputation is something i am excited to learn more about it haven't, we often don't hear about you laid out what they need to hit on with him, how explicitly does michael cohen need to sit like, say the words connect the dots between the documents and trump and falsifying the documents and trump yeah. i don't we won't have as much explicit testimony as we had from another witness in the case. here or elicit testimony, but we have to really nail down, but this issue was i mean, he needs to say you know, we discussed this this was an
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intentional thing to influence the election. we decided we would list these as business records so that we could essentially mislead the public so that we could mislead anybody who looked at these state records. this is how we did it. this was this was this was our plan are or our intention was to violate that another law that's what this case is really is that they did this with the intention of violating another law. and that'd be in the federal election law. and that means that they would have been a campaign contribution limit expenditures and all those things have to be listed accurately. and so he's going to need to talk about decisions around that, not just the fact that the payment was made didn't mean that sort of given at this point, right? i mean, everybody is going to make sense. yeah. he paid and the question is, why did he do it? how did they calculate it and what was the purpose for why they listed it that way on those business records we're going to see a question to begin shortly. >> we'll watch it play out together. listen to it, play out together. read the transcript as it plays out together. it's good exactly
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good to see you, sir. >> all right. >> before we before we get to that today crew set to start to the collapsed key bridge in baltimore, but there is an enormous cargo ship tracks of course, under that records the difficult tasks ahead. and for the second time in less than a week, a church service interrupted by someone armed with a gun. this time is a great children were about to get their first communion here, how worshippers jumped into action to try and stop the teenage suspect and wildfires raging out of control in canada the smoke is affecting the air quality in several states here in the, we will discuss all this. i had like a fat tallies street. >> you told me there going to be like wow, it's cavaliers thunder mavericks coverage begins tonight at 6:30. >> india play was presented by google pixel. what's conference semifinals coverage presented by weighing stop on tnt fashion moves fast setting
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stolen me, saw what turned out to be thank is not heist in history. >> you can't help but wonder if this was some sort of fee inside job. >> how would really happy with jesse? l. martin sunday at nine on cnn? >> all right. happening today, parts of baltimore's francis scott key bridge is set to be demolished. finally, crews will use explosives to break apart a massive chunk of the bridge and remove debris from the dali cargo ship remember that dali rammed into the bridge's pillars in march, causing the entire bridge to collapse. it ended up killing six workers who were on the bridge at the time and get this the crew of that ship is still onboard. they've been there since the accident happened. cnn's gabe cohen is joining us now, gave this was supposed to begin on saturday. it is now happening today. why the delay? storms sara bad weather in baltimore just made it to difficult to end dangerous for cruz to do this over the weekend, but they are expecting they're going to have a much better window late this afternoon to finally do
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this, controlled demolition, which the coast guard is saying is really the quickest and the safest way to remove that huge piece of the bridge. we are talking thousands of tons of steel still sitting on and really weighing down the bow of the dali. and once they do that, they can finally to the ship away. it's been too heavy over these past seven weeks, and that is the next critical step toward finally clearing and reopening the channel we want to show you an animation that we have that really gives you a much clearer sense of how they are going to do this later today. so we know that crews are making these precision cuts only millimeters. you can see it right there in the steel in specific spots on the bridge, then they're going to insert those charges, the explosive since and cover them up essentially with a big piece of tape, but adhesive that's going to keep it in there. and the plan is later today. they're going to detonate those charges separating rapidly. all of that still and thrusting it away
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from the ship to be clear, sarah, it is not going to be some sort of big fireball officials or at least it shouldn't be officials say, this is really going to look like small puffs of smoke like little fireworks going off. and if all goes well official cmo hopeful that they can still reopen the channel in the next couple of weeks. but the timeline has been so fluid over the past couple of months as we continue to wait for the fet for federal investigators to put out their preliminary a report outlining why the ship lost power. we still don't really know what happened that night that caused it to barrel into the bridge speaking of which the crew still on the boat, the ship, will they remain there as this? these explosions are going to happen yeah, that's the plan, sarah, the crew of the dali, as you mentioned, they have been on board for the past seven weeks and they are going to remain there as this unfolds but of course, remember this is a massive container ship close to 1,000 feet long, about the size of the eiffel tower just turned
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on its side and so officials have said, this is going to be perfectly safe. there is space for them to shelter in place where they will be secure as all of this is unfolding. >> yes. again, we can see where the bridge has crushed down on the shipping. it's the very, very front. so there's hopefully some safe space for them. gabe cohen. thank you so much for that update. john all right. >> chaos at a church mass for children, new video shows the moment a teenager walked into a service armed with a gun. and then flat amir putin replaces one of his closest military advisors, just as russia is making a new alarming advances. and ukrainian territory russia is, we're trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them. this is a secret, war. secrets and spies, premier sunday, june 2, but ten hey, with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. you don't
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pain-free absorb been pro adrenaline. >> just like every turn can't stand up, play all words, shot of adrenaline right to the heart all right, this morning, a terrifying scene and
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louisiana church, a service was interrupted when an arm teenager walked in. police say he opened the back door of the church, then parishioners immediately confronted the 16 year-old when they saw the weapon, seen as isabel rosales is with us now, what do we know about what happened here? >> john? good morning. this is the last place and occasion where anyone should have to worry about a gunmen, this all happening at a mass celebrating children's first communion at st. mary magdalene church. and abby ville, louisiana police say that a 16-year-old male armed with it the gun was spotted inside of the church at the same time, we have video here. a service was being livestreamed online and in it we can see the priest right here leading the congregation after someone whispered and his ear what was going on leading the congregation into prayer. but then slowly, you can see folks looking toward the back of the room, that back door where that teenager came from, they're worried they're
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starting to panic. >> and then we will see the priests urine the deacon actually duck underneath the altar and later on, ultra boys running around through the sanctuary. >> so clearly they're in a panic. they see something that has worried paying them. and then shortly after these terrifying moments in here, this pa announcement. >> so guys get a hold of your child, go slowly we did apprehend a young man. he is in custody. he is in the police custody calm down, and just get next to your child and go slow. we according to police parishioners ended up confronting that teen and escorting the teenager outside. >> we're police were called and later arrested him. we know from a police statement that that teenager was transported to a local hospital to be medically evaluated by the behavioral unit clearly,
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terrifying moments here by these parishioners during such an innocent event celebrating again, the first communion of their children. here's the reaction from one of those parishioners i'm hurt. angered. i'm disappointed. but this has a society problem, not a local problem. we have to be away there we have to be prepared for these events. >> we will prefer repaired for this today. >> and that's why it didn't end terribly and a very serious situation that teenager has been charged with terrorizing and two counts of possession of a gun by a juvenile, john. well, certainly glad that everyone got out safely. isabel, thank you so much for that report. >> okay secretary of state, tony blinken says, quote, a lot of armed hamas will be left no matter what they do in rafah, his new warning to israel against a full ground an operation in southern gaza and a new look at the presidential
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race with new polling out this morning, the five swing states trump is leaving, right now we're here to get your, side of the store. a fares library, prostitution why do we keep ending up? >> you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. now on max he there, brenda. it's carroll actually. >> so which like every operating on you mean arm? >> it's all connected, asking the right question can greatly impact your future. >> you share your an orthopedist actually, i'm a sagittarius specially when it comes to your finances, give a question are you a certified financial planner? >> yes. i'm a cfp professional. >> cop professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's gotta be a cfp bind your cfp professional, and let's make a plan doubt or a perfect day for a family outing. >> shingles doesn't care, but
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joining me now from the white house, are let the biden administration has for weeks been putting pressure on israel, revealing to our erin burnett that they're going to biden says he's going to stop sending bombs some bombs to israel. if it goes into rafah how is the administration responding now that you're seeing some more movement by israel towards rafah well sarah, top us officials continue to sound the alarm about a potential israeli ground invasion into rafah. and chief concern for them is the more than 1 million people who have a found refuge in that area as this war, it's continued. that is why the administration has been pushing israel to so adopt some type of credible plan to evacuate the civilians who are there. and it's also part of the reason why president biden decided to pause a shipment of some major weapons to israel, including about 3,500 bombs and as well
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as well as a warning about the potential that they could withhold further weaponry going forward. but secretary of state antony blinken over the weekend really issued some of his sharpest criticism yet of israel's handling of the war, of their considerations regarding what rafah saying that there isn't a plan in place to evacuated civilians, but also there's no plan for what happens in gaza once this war ends, take a listen we believe two things. >> one, you have to have a clear, credible plan to protect civilians, which we haven't seen. second, we also need to see a plan for, what happens after this conflict in gaza open is over and we still haven't seen that now, one of blinken's warnings over the weekend is that an israeli invasion into rafah could potentially lead to an insurgence hamas and potentially create a power vacuum in the area as well. >> now, both blinken and national security adviser jake sullivan, over the past 24
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hours, have held phone calls with some of their israeli counterparts in sullivan's call a width israel. israel's national security adviser. he wants against. once again, warned about going into rafah, warning that there needs to be some type of credible plans and in place, the white house readout of the call said that the israelis assured sullivan that they were taking us concerns into consideration as they are. then mapping out their next plans. but certainly the white house is watching all of this incredibly closely as they have great concern about what could happen to the civilians and rafah, if israel were to launch a major operation there, the white house watching, of course, the world watching as well, or let science thank you so much for your reporting their from the white house. kate and harry is being this being one of the one big issue in the election as well. and i say that because we are just 176 days away from the presidential election now, there's new polling out this morning from the new york times showing donald trump with an edge over president biden in some key battleground states,
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cnn's harry enten obviously is to integrate here, staring at all, if you here with me now you you are a terrifying man. okay. talk to me about the new pulling up from the new york times. what is it telling you? yeah, i think it's essentially saying that we have a divide between the sunbelt and great like battleground states, all right, these are all six states that joe biden won last time around. >> they wouldn't buy the closest mark march of entities states he want look, these sun belt battleground states, frankly for the joe biden campaign, these numbers are an absolute disaster. the smallest leaders in arizona for donald trump, he is up six. look at this nine and georgia 13 and nevada, my goodness, gracious, my god. that is a hugely no democrat is lost that states since john kerry lost it back in 2004, how about these great light battleground states? this is something that the joe biden campaign can work with. look, pennsylvania, donald trump up three, but that's well within the margin of error. wisconsin donald trump up one. well within the margin of error, and actually a joe biden lead. well within the margin cover up a point here. this they can work
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with the joe biden campaign. this the donald campaign, donald trump campaign absolutely loves and it looks like a lot of the other polling on the sunbelt battle when you're looking into the numbers, why do you think biden is doing better in the great lakes and trump? i'm just doing so much better than sunbelt. yeah. the trunk coalition is changing. that's basically what's cooking here. this is at least one of the big reasons why. so this is among likely voters in these and all these battleground states we just spoke about back in 2020, 84% of the trump campaigns, the trump coalition was white look where it is now. it's 78%. the non-white portion of the trump coalition. it was 13% in 2020. look at this now, it's 19%. so the trump coalition is becoming more diverse. and of course those sun belt battleground states are more diverse than the great lake battlegrounds. >> you're looking into the nevada and arizona you look at nevada, arizona heavy hispanic population, georgia heavily african-american population with the michigan does have some black voters in it, but
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pennsylvania and wisconsin are heavily, heavily whites are inching, okay, add it all up. what does it say about where the race stands right now, we're talking electoral college and the race to two seven. >> yeah, the race to two 70. its advantage donald trump, but he's not over the two 70. marc just yet. all right. so if we flip nevada, arizona in georgia here on your lighter shades of pink, you add them to the states. and of course the second congressional district up in maine, which donald trump one last time around, that gets him to 268 electoral votes. if we keep wisconsin, michigan get in pennsylvania, and the too close to call category along with the brassica second congressional district, joe biden, the 2205. so it's advantaged donald trump, but joe biden does at this point, have a path to 270? yeah. right now, as you're pointing out, neither. neither their now, neither there and we have a long road to its yes, we thank you, harry. thank you, john. >> all right. with me now, seen an senior political commentator, van jones and republican strategist matt gorman, making his debut on the morning edition jan of cnn news
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central madness, taking you so long to come on. i'm going to make you wait. so this first question is for you van that coal from the new york times. let me read you a section of their write-up there. it says mr. trump and mr. biden are essentially tied among 18 to 29 year olds and annika voters, even though each group gave mr. biden more than 60% of their vote in 2020, mr. trump also wins more than 20% of black voters, a tally that would be the highest level of black support for any republican presidential candidates since the enactment of the civil rights act in 1964. that's some paragraph about swing-state polls. a few months before the election, van yeah. >> i mean, it's it should be a wakeup call young people are upset and it's not just the situation in gaza. the economic prospects for young people are miserable. it's not, and that's been building under obama has been building out a trompe, it's building under biden we just do not have a pathway for young people to be able to pay off their student
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debt get a house. people will look at this ai wave and are worried about what job, what career path. and so that pain has to be spoken to directly and specifically, and i think that we're not yet feeling hearing a full-throated approach to the young people. there's a symbolic piece around student loans that's not gonna be enough for joe biden very quickly, van because i want it do want to get to matt here who's been waiting patiently. >> what is biden done, right and done wrong. so far in your mind to address this group? >> well, i mean, look, if it doesn't want harry said, the way i translate what here he says is detroit is going to matter a lot and michigan pennsylvania is going to matter a lot and wisconsin milwaukee is going to matter a lot. in other words, those core black cities in those swing states in the great lakes area, they're going to matter a bunch and you're going to have to, it's not just about the mentoring people out so much stock on.
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well, what's biden gonna say? what's this ad going to be? you've got to get at the grassroots level in those core, a black cities and make sure that people are heard from by surrogates, heard from by the campaign and responded to. it's going to be a pitch on the ground battle in those great lakes states, in those black cities. and that's where he's gotta go. >> all right. matt gorman now and i really do mean it. thank you. and it is nice to see you today if you are the republicans and you see these polls, how much do you trust that you can keep these younger in ethylene diverse voters in your camp into november. and how do you maybe try to bring them over more? is it perhaps picking a running mate like senator tim scott, the guy you were for for a little bit yeah. >> i mean, it could be i think look, i think immigration also you can't discount the importance of that and s2, that especially in the sun belt as well. i mean, this is something that the trump cold she has been ancient for a while and i think look, right after trump lost or would announce his
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presidency about a year-and-a-half ago or so, there was a question, who for the pv those people that didn't vote for trump in 2020 or 2016, they're going to vote for him in 2024. we now know that answer at least in theory, is going to be the folks african-american men, latinos in those areas. one thing to note, there is an abortion referendum, as we know, possibly in some of these states, does that affect your not the other way we have to keep that lead above the margin of error. >> well, talk about abortion a little bit more here, because one of the brights there to probably bright spots in this poll for president biden. one is that in the rust belt states, he's within the margin of error are slightly ahead there and there is a path to two 70 just with michigan, wisconsin that's it in pennsylvania. the other bright spot for him is his lead on the issue of abortion and how salient it's still is donald trump leaving for court today? we may get to that in a second here. >> but abortion, how much of a block is that on republicans mad i mean, it's proven that it's historically helpful for democrats of the last couple of years. >> now, one question i would have is, we look, we talk about
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this biden called trump unhinged the other day. i mean, i work for jeb bush in 2015 and 2016. those jeb bush is talking points. abortion is one of the few issues that has been baked in with trump over the last decade. a lot of those democratic attacks are so it's a silly, it's a little bit newer and again, in those areas that are a little bit more urban, little bit more upper income. does that swing even more? women or other folks over? that's one question i would have, and that's one worry i would have. >> so i talked about potential dates for donald trump in this is to both you van and and matt here, listen in because they've been going on the sunday shows basically dancing around the issue of accepting the election results in 2024, listened to a little mish-mash of non answers to the question of will you accept the election results? >> but what about contraceptive four, what about 20:24? we will see if this is a legal and valid election was just simply yes or no i expect i expect
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president jumped to win the next election. >> i'm not going to ask you answer your hypothetical question. >> so and certainly if we have a free and fair election, i'll accept the results. >> yeah, i'll accept them via think. yeah. >> there's no massive cheating. >> if you have state officials who were violating the election law in their states because of emergency without going through the legislative process, which is by constant, by our constitutional, by every law in our states, that no i would not whole lot of ifs and maybes their van yeah, you know, this is this is failing kindergarten when it comes to politics like yes, you accept the election results and you don't insult the integrity of the american democratic process, which is the envy of the world. it has been the envy of the world. there is no evidence of any it needs significant cheating at all 0.001% and none of it affecting the outcome of the election. but these are the termites that you unleash into
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the foundation of a democracy. that later on can come back and crash the whole house when you have people who no longer believe in the integrity of our elections, they're playing with bayer, they're playing with matches or playing with nitroglycerin this is one of the more despicable impacts of donald trump on the american body politic, this sort of nonsense from otherwise, in some cases, good, decent folks matt no look, i think i wouldn't expect honestly, to see a lot of folks that want to be his vice presidency. >> some states may have diametrically opposite on whether this or really any issue on trump, there's a spectrum and you saw kinda jd vance is precessing to pretty clear there are other ones that aren't as clear, but i think that's just something if you want to be as vice president, there regard rails and things you have to stay within. i wouldn't expect to see folks say them. that's diametrically opposite than what the top of the ticket saying yeah. >> well, let's speaks volumes in and of itself. mecole, a great to see you, van jones has always appreciate it. thank you. sir. all right. >> a major shakeup in russia's
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top military leadership. >> russian president vladimir putin has replaced his longtime defense minister with a civilian. the reshuffle comes at a crucial moment this morning. we're learning ukrainian officials warning that russian forces have success in the kharkiv region. cnn's nick paton walsh has joining us now. first of all, what are you learning about these changes? >> yeah, it's a curious time to lose the man who to some degree has been leading the war effort. sergei shoigu, the defense minister, had a chief of staff below him. certainly. but now, he has been moved to what seems to be a slightly more ceremony. neil role as head of the national security council will still be close to vladimir putin, but he certainly won't be as close to having his hands on the war effort. some analysts are saying, well, maybe this was a result of his poor performance. now, the campus pain appears to be doing slightly better or perhaps they're getting his hands away from what you might call the cookie jar. his deputy was recently arrested on charges of accepting a bribe and its place is an economist, andrey belousov and the
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suggestions potentially this is all about the longer-term prospects for russia integrating the war effort into its wider economy. they see a long-term here and they need to be sure there is efficient as possible. but it comes, i say, at a particularly bad time for ukraine on the battlefield, we see new personnel certainly are moscow side, but we're seeing also a renewed war effort, quite a startling one since friday, russian forces have moved across the border. some court at their third invasion heading towards kharkiv, ukraine. second city, they seem to have gotten nearly five miles in according to solve i'm accounts if not further, and some key towns in those border areas have been under pressure from russian forces and russia's forces claim they've taken nine villages substantial advance, i'm saying it's the fastest, frankly, since the early days of the war. and they could potentially soon leave the second city of kharkiv under threat of russia russian artillery that's a big move certainly. and it comes to
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with concerted pressure in those same days all along the front line in the south and in key areas to in the east where we've also seen russian advances over the past month or so. this smacks of what us officials, ukrainian officials have long been warning about, which is a russian offensive. they've got the resources now and they're going to use them and they were on the clock as well because in about a month, six weeks, we're going to start seeing that long-delayed 61 billion dollars worth of american aid translate into weapons on the front line, ukraine has long been starved and desperate for them. and i think moscow wants to make use of the window while still sees ukraine struggling to field forces, ammunition in the right places. they want to use that window to make as many games as they possibly can. and that's what we're seeing right now. make no mistake, sarah, we are seeing a significant new phase of the war and it comes at a time where i think it's fair to say some of the focus in washington has ebbed and there's a lot of statements in their support. but certainly the focus is on the middle east
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elsewhere. now, a very vital and dangerous time for ukrainian and indeed european security sarah, i can't be understated how many villages russia has now gone into, and it has secured near the kharkiv region really, really, really important reporting that you're giving us there in a war that has sort of been on the back burner because of what's happening in gaza. >> nick paton walsh. thank you so much. appreciate it so horrible wildfires in canada or once again prompting air quality alerts in the united states, the flames right now said to be raging out of control. >> and actor steve bush, me, the latest victim of random violence new york city, punched in the face out of the blue police are now asking for the public's help. to find the suspect he was trump's former lawyer and fixer now, michael cohen is expected to testify against his old boss. will we hear any new bombs? sales from
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this key player witness testimony in the trump hush money trial. next, on cnn how long have you been tracking or car's value with corona? just like seven months. should we sell it? we hold old silver vans are going for more right now. should we are low mileage is paying off you think we should all depreciations really heating up we just did already sold the car. >> vaughn go to car ivana and track your car's value today from i alluded to an art bottom
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tokyo. >> and this is cnn 30 is now saying a man who shot and killed a police officer in euclid, ohio has been found dead up the stand off with police please, this weekend, officials say 23-year-old officer jacob derbin is responding to a disturbance call on saturday when he was shot and killed during what police say was an ambush us marshals say the heavily armed suspect then fled to a nearby town before being found dead in a resident's. this was after an hours-long standoff with law enforcement wildfires are raging across western canada. look at those pictures. officials say the first major fires this season have spread across nearly 25,000 acres thousands of people have been ordered to evacuate their canadian officials have also issued air quality warnings from british columbia, two on top how are smoke from the fire
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has also begun to blow into the us, prompting and alert across minnesota due to unhealthy air quality and the duke and duchess of stuff all six have left nigeria following their private visit to the west african nation and official tells cnn it was their first, the couple met with wounded soldiers and visited local charities during their three-day visit. they were there at the invitation that i jeran, chief of defense staff, which wants to be involved further, and prince harry's invictus games the nypd is asking for the public's help right now to help find this ban will show you he's accused of randomly walking up to actress steve buscemi and punching him in the face. >> it happened last week in midtown manhattan to shimmies team just now putting out a statement about at all here's the latest victim of random violence are seeing in new york city last month, cnn spoke to several women who said that basically the same thing happened to them. they were hitting the face out of nowhere on the streets of new york. cnn's omar jimenez is taking a look at it. he's joining us now. omar, what are you hearing from? what's the nypd saying?
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what is michelle me saying about this? >> yeah. well, for starters, steve buscemi does seem to be okay. but he was transported by ems to a nearby hospital for bruising, swelling, and bleeding in his left eye or for his left die according to the new york police department down the call that they got was just before noon this past wednesday. that is 66 year-old man bamboo semi was punched in the face, attacked by an unidentified individual now, but seven, his team put out a statement saying, quote, cbo semi was assaulted in midtown manhattan. another victim of a random act of violence in the city. he is. okay. and appreciate everyone's well-wishes though incredibly sad for everyone that this is happened to, while also walking the streets of new york. and you know, last month cnn spoke to half a dozen women who reported similar incidents of randomly being punched in the face. now, it's unclear what the motivation is or wasn't those cases and it doesn't seem to be the same person going around and randomly punching
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people on the streets of new york dork. but still a very concerning dynamic nonetheless. and as you showed just a few minutes ago and steve buscemi case, the new york police department, has put out these photos that you're seeing on your screen, right there of an individual that they want connected to this case, no arrests so far as the investigation continues, according to the nypd, but ts is the image they are putting out right now. and then overall, while police have reported major major declines in shootings and murders in new york compared to last year. in the two years before small misdemeanor assault or up this year compared to last year and the year before by 7% and 12% respectively. so all the more reasons remain vigilant. but of course this case in particular, very serious and concerning as they all are okay. >> omar, thank you so much all right. >> we are standing by for what could be the critical de in the criminal trial of donald trump? michael cohen, trump's one time fixer, pitbull, insert phrase here on the witness
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stand, really just minutes from now, his testimony will be crucial. trump is charged with falsifying documents to cover up hush money payments to an adult film actress all to influence the 2016 election. michael cohen is the guy who prosecutors need to testify about the falsification of the documents with us now, cnn legal analyst jennifer rodgers, and joey jackson so we're like t -30, 35 minutes til michael cohen taking the stand maybe a little bit more. what's going on behind the scenes? danya perry as his personal attorney, who has been helping him prepare. what are they doing right now? >> well, they've probably done their preparation then probably actually just sitting around to be honest, they've talked for so long about all of this, but what they will have done to prep them, of course it's to talk through what his direct examination will entail and then to prepare him for cross including by very aggressive mock cross-examinations joey, i'm i have a question for you. >> so when because you're here and we love that you're here when they have him on the stand due process peters nail, every
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single thing that they know. the defense is going to bring up first sort of preempt the defense from looking like they brought something that surprises a jury. yeah. >> sarah, it's a great question and the answer is absolutely right? smart move of course a two things. first of all, you want to take michael cohen through the entirety of the story. jury has heard the story. of course, we've had a lot of witnesses that have really given testimony one, that he will give that service corroboration to him, and that's to take the pressure off him, obviously, but also to prove their case without him because they know he'll be savage. but oftentimes times most of the time, right? what prosecutors will do. and in fact, we'll do the same for their witnesses anything and everything that's derogatory, that'll come up. you bring out initially, right? yes. you've lived before cars tell us about that. i lie to protect the president at that particular time. what else you are wearing? a shirt, you hate them the president? yes, but i'm here to tell the truth. and so it lessens the sting somewhat because you know, when cross-examination he's going to be savage not only because of the nature of this case prior
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statement that he made earning consistent, but because president trump, for president trump is telling just like stormy daniel's, i want his lawyers i want you to embarrass him, humiliate him and annihilate him. so without question, they'll lay the foundation to allow him to testify as to some of the adverse and derogatory things that'll come out. >> we're looking right now at donald trump's motorcade arriving to court as we have seen. and so he'll be heading in and then we'll get that inside high highway know hallway shot if it goes to gamers the way what joy was just describing, michael moore tobi earlier in the so it's like pre rehabilitation is what they need. >> some of what they need to focus on what are their risks? >> what are the downsides of bringing michael cohen to the stand? considering, it seems inevitable that needed to be on the stamp. >> yeah. the downsides are that it kind of sucks the oxygen out of the room, right? it makes them focus on michael cohen and his misdeeds it's more than the defendant, donald trump in
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his misdeeds, right? which of course is what they're actually there to, judge. so that's the problem. it just ends up taking over everything else. being sideshow really, that's what they have to contend with. the problem is, he gives them direct evidence of the thing that we haven't yet seen fully proven, which is of course there's that donald trump knew about the illegality with respect to the documents. so they really do have to call them and then just hope that all of this drawing the sting and so on. well, we'll make get okay. >> you don't use the word hope for the prosecution here and there's an unusual element here, which is that the prosecution, the state has given michael cohen nothing here, and no deal. there's no leniency deal. michael cohen already been sentenced serve time. he's out. he wasn't able to reach a deal with the feds or this de, here, how much of a wildcard does that make him? so actually john, that ignores to the prosecution chins benefit, right. why? because of the fence all the time. you're here because you have an agreement, it correct. you're getting immunity. right. and it's in
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your interests to say what the prosecutor today's want you to say isn't that right? so that's something that they're not that is the prosecution. right? there. they didn't offer deal, so the defense is not gonna be able to draw that out. now, there'll be able to draw out a whole bunch of other things in terms of his credibility or lack thereof. but i think the prosecution's play has been through out to tell their story through other witnesses catch and kill pecker, right? access hollywood and what it did to the campaign. hope hicks people who were inside the white house with the envelopes, the sharpie depends, et cetera, the oval office meeting, the text messages, the phone calls, et cetera. why? because they want that story told by anyone and everyone but michael cohen, because they know he, he, he has credibility issues for real. >> yeah. i think they brought up the immunity deal that pecker had as well during that. so to your point, i do we want to ask you about michael common outside of court. he had said that he was not going to talk anymore about the case. he's all over tiktok. he is talking
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about it. he's making statements he's a well, now a former lawyer disbarred lawyer, but he knows how this works. can they use all of that? and is it a mistake? >> well, they can certainly use all of it. i think the point is, he has said so much that's true mean they have a wealth of material, right? it's not, it's not any different that they now have a couple of things from recent days. i mean, the judge did ask him to refrain from i'm speaking about the case and if he's been on in the last couple of days, he hasn't done that. but as far as what they're going to use, they have so much but one of the keys here is there are two people that we know of who were trusted enough to deal with this not donald trump's children. i'm not an allen weisselberg and michael cohen. and so what the the jury is going to hear in additional all the facts is that he's one of those people that's a problem for donald trump. >> and all begins very, very shortly. this is the case aks that people are you talking about in law school for some time, the gum joey jackson, jennifer rodgers. thank you both very much. and thank you all so much for joining us today. thi


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