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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 15, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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activity. if the russians try the same against the ukrainians if they have the patient arms, they will be able to hold the line we have 35 seconds left, center. >> president biden just challenged donald trump to two debates. the first one as soon as june, just want to know your reaction to perhaps general election debates four months before election day listen, i think that would be a i'm glad the president has stepped up and said that. >> i think when the vast majority of american to have not focused on the elections really at this point, start to realize it's the kind of really incredibly bitter grievance written language that president trump has been using. he doesn't lay out any vision for future of the country. it's all about him and his his enemies real and imagined. and i think the more that gets out there and in a debate would be a good format. i think that would be good professor and biden senator mark warner from
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virginia. mr. chairman, thank you so much for being with us this morning. come back again soon. >> we are getting some new information about donald trump's response to this debate challenge and newhour of new central begins right now make my day pal president biden, challenging former president trump to a debate. maybe even to donald trump has just accepted what he saying about the challenge. court, of course, is dark today for donald trump as a defense gears up for round two of the contentious cross-examination of michael cohen, the explosive testimony so far, and what we could learn tomorrow from trump's former attorney and fixer. also tiktok creators fighting back, ready? to wage a legal battle against the us government to stop the app from being banned, will speak with one of the tiktok influencers involved in that lawsuit. i'm
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sarah sayyed, number on bourbon. kate is on assignment this is cnn news central a challenge. i hear you're free on wednesdays. president biden throwing a big political punch this morning and challenging donald trump two debates, but with a condition, and trump just accepted, but with a few other choice words, cnn's arlette saenz and alayna treene is joining us now for more. first to you or let what are the biden campaign's conditions? and again, we will he talking about how donald trump just responded online to this challenge yes. >> era, president joe biden's campaign is presenting a major shakeup to the way these debates are conducted with the president saying the, he is ready to debate trump two times, and the campaign saying
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that they will forego the traditional debates held by the commission on presidential debates. jen o'malley, dillon, the biden campaign chair, sent a letter to the commission today informing them that they will not participate in the three debates currently scheduled in the fall. and instead, the biden campaign is proposing to dates for debates one in late june and another in early september. biden spoke a little bit about his challenge to trump in a video posted on social media, take a listen trump lost two debates to me in 2020, it sends sunday, i shown up for debate. now he's acting like he wants to debate me again we'll make my day pal? i'll even do it twice plus pick the dates down. i hear you're free. i'm wednesday's now just to run through some of the details of biden's proposal, the campaign is proposing that there'll be two debates one in late june after former president donald trump's criminal trial in new york city concludes. >> and then another in early september, they also are proposing a vice presidential
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debates in late july after the republican national convention takes place, they want these debates to be one-on-one, in essence, eliminating the prospect of a third-party candidate like robert f. kennedy jr. potentially participating in a debate. and importantly, they are foregoing this commission on presidential debates format. instead, they want to organize these debates with the broadcast networks. one argument they're making is that there should be a broadcast network who conducted a debate in the 2016 republican primary. and the 2020 democratic primary, so that both candidates have participated in those debates. potentially to eliminate any opposition to organizations that could propose a debates going forward. now, one of the campaign's arguments is that they believe that they need to have these earlier debates because early voting is already getting underway when the cpj dd debates are currently scheduled to be held in this letter to the campaign, to the
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commission on presidential debates. jen o'malley, dillon also talks about how some of these debates have turned into entertainment spectacles. they want to eliminate that possibility. instead, going back to models where these debates are taking place between two candidates in a moderator, in a television studio studio, of course, all of these details are simply just a proposal from the biden campaign and its still something that trump's campaign would need to agree to. but the biden campaign is laying out their terms for what they are hoping will be two debates by quickstart in just a matter of weeks all right literally in a matter of weeks in june, i think is what the president said. >> all right. alaina treene what are you hearing from trump's campaign? i know he has just gone online and respond to this, but those were some pretty tough words and some shade thrown at him saying, i'm sure you're free on wednesday here, you're free on wednesdays, which by the way play is the day when court is dark in his criminal case that's all right. >> and donald trump had some pretty tough words, for joe
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biden as well. we just got a response from him on truth social, i'm going to quickly read for you just some of what he said, but the crux of it is that he accepts, he wrote quote crooked joe biden is the worst debater i have ever faced. the post goes on to say, i am ready and willing to debate crooked joe at the two proposed times in june and september, i would strongly recommend more than two debates and for excitement purposes, a very large venue, it goes on to say they just tell me when i'll be there. let's get ready to rumble. now, i also spoke with a senior advisor shortly after this proposal was publicized, sara and they said there's still going over the terms. obviously, they need to work out the exact details of this, but they are very eager to have this matchup between donald trump and joe biden it's interesting because some of the things that joe biden and his team are pushing for in this proposal are the same things that the trump campaign has argued for. one is they also want earlier debates. they think that they need to have these sooner before voters can
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actually start going to the poll and counting for early voting. the other thing is they argue that they don't really care from michael conversations with them. who is the one holding these debates, whether it's the commission for presidential debates, or whether it's a network. they are eager to have this matchup on stage between the two men. now, i also want to point out that, remember back in 2020, we saw donald trump and joe biden on the debate stage. then and if you remember, donald trump was very aggressive so if he repeatedly cut joe biden off, barely let him get a word in and we saw shortly after that debate, the polls actually fell for donald trump. it boosted joe biden's poll numbers. however, when i talk to donald trump's campaign and this is something that both campaign managers, chris lacivita and susie wiles believe is that they think it's entirely different type of scenario this time around, they think that joe biden is a much weaker debater. they think he's more feeble now and they're hoping that having these two men on stage, will show that contrast. so from all of my conversations with the trump campaign, they
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are genuine and sincere in their desire to have these debates. they think that joe biden will appear like the weaker candidate if they can get these two men on stage it's just, it's interesting the language that is being used. >> let's get ready to rumble make my day pal. >> this is like wwe speak in these debates, we will have to wait and see, but it has been proposed and accepted by the two candidates. >> who are the front runners at this point. so we'll have to wait and see allometry and thank you so much for your porting their john somehow, i think it might be more complicated than just this we will see that a whole bring you more information as it comes in as president biden just noted, there donald trump is free on wednesdays, at least right now. that's because his criminal trial here in new york is dark on wednesdays, but tomorrow tomorrow morning, michael cohen will be back on the stand facing cross-examination from trump's lawyers in this case with me now a cnn brynn, cnn's brynn grass. thank you so much
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for being here and taking me so seriously look, we left with todd blanche, donald trump's lawyer midway through his cross-examined of michael cohen, what more does he have to do tomorrow? >> i think is actually even just getting started. we're hearing the he actually will probably be doing his cross even into tomorrow afternoon when court resumes. we really heard him use michael cohen's own words to attack donald trump. we heard some really interesting color inside the courtroom, things like boris cartoon, misogynist is what? cohen has called trot or cheeto-dusted cartoon villain. and michael cohen's response to all that was, yeah, sounds like something i would say didn't really get flustered on the stand essentially, the defense trying to hey, michael cohen as someone who wants revenge against the former president, but also has made a lot of money because of the president got him to admit that he uses his name in every single podcast. he sells merchandise. >> so that was just again, the start. >> we really didn't get into the crux of the keys which you have pointed out with our legal experts. i mean, when are we going to get to that? that is the question however, on the
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prosecution sayyed, they wrapped up their case and a bit of a bow and they started to question him about his flip-flopping in the past, about his feelings about trump, about him lying to congress all the criminal his guilty pleas, everything that they expect the defense, we'll get to. i want to bring up a point when after michael cohen's a home got rated, that was a pivotal moment in michael cohen's life a address, that i'm prosecution he said after that happened in 2018 he received a phone call from president trump in response to me leaving a message for him to call me i wanted obviously him to know what was taking place and he said to me, don't worry, i am the president of the united states. there is no, there is nothing here. everything is going to be okay. stay tough. you are going to be okay. and obviously that was a big deal because we've heard the president described as a mafia boss sending signals that don't flip on me. of course that's not what happened. michael cohen's that he had a moral compass and he finally went about his way. so there
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was a lot that the prosecution got you. i still think there's a lot the defense has to get to we expect again them to take all day tomorrow, then we'll see some direct and then it's possible prosecution rest yep. >> the prosecution said they don't have any more witnesses here, so we could get a real sense of the timeline. the rest of the timeline, very, very soon the brynn gingras. thank you so much for being here this morning, sir. all right. joining us now, cnn senior legal analyst and former assistant us attorney for the southern district of new york, elie honig elie, i know you've been watching all of these details very closely. how has cross-examination gone so far? the way it began was startling because it wasn't about donald trump. it was actually the attorney asking michael cohen about what he thought about the attorney himself. >> yes, i think so far the cross exam has been lackluster. i think it's lacked direction and i think it's lack punch and that's a perfect example. the first two questions that todd blanche asked right out of
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the gate, we're both objection. sustained. the first one, as you said, was it relevant what michael cohen thinks about the lawyer has nothing to do with this case. well, michael cohen one thinks about the defendant, donald trump, is very relevant to this case. and then todd blanche asked the question about some comments and bizarre comments michael cohen had made publicly about the jury, which was also sustained. so you never want to stumble out of the block going oh, for two, i re-read the transcript last night, sara, there are some important points that are starting to shine through that we're not really hammered home, that i think they're going to need to focus on tomorrow, but there are long stretches of that cross that i think are more or less pointless. the whole thing about you used to really like and respect donald trump. okay? fine. do it in a couple of questions, but it goes on for pages and pages. so i think todd blanche needs to focus up here and hit the high points. >> i'm curious about timing. what you would change about the cross for tomorrow. and if you would go long because we were expecting that they may go a lot longer.
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>> here's what i would do. there are two huge areas that you want to drive home to the jury. one, this guy hates donald trump with every fiber of his being wants to see him brought in prison. now, they did do some of that yesterday, but really only in passing, i would drive that home. i would want the jury to think this is a person who is obsessed and possessed with taking down donald trump and to all the lies and we, michael cohen has lied to congress to doj to the fec, to banks, to the irs, to his family, to everyone. you can name up. now, i suspect they haven't gotten there yet to be there are definitely going to spend a lot of time tomorrow on the lives. but again, that was only sort of loosely brushed by. so i would be thematic. every question on my mouth would be, he's a liar. he hates the defendant. you cannot take his word as for how long it takes. i don't think longer is necessarily better. i would take as much time as it took to drive that home. i mean, a full day across is a lot. sara, obviously, this is the key moment of the trial. we do expect toddlers thanks to take most or all of the day and
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then there will be redirect and we will have to see if that is when the prosecution rests but a lot more to go for tomorrow. >> i know you will be sticking around for that and watching every detail. elie honig. thank you so much for joining us this morning. i really appreciate it. >> john. all right. happening now, us secretary of state, antony blinken is leaving ukraine after promising more us weapons. his trip comes as russia is making king significant games around the second most populous city in ukraine tiktok creator suing the us government trying to stop a ban on the popular app russia were trying to spy on us we were spying on them. i'm sorry, frank this is a war, but secret was secrets and spies. >> a nuclear game here sunday, june 2, that ten on cnn, i'm not here to tell when people how they can save money with
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me subscriptions. i'm paying for even the ones i don't remember then any i don't want experienced cancers from forming easy seal. >> you can do it slash safe. >> now this before in the stanley cup playoffs fairclough life is on the line right now. >> two now if the distractions goodness serious still feel high guy and i all right, the breaking news this morning, president biden moments ago challenged donald trump to debate as soon as next month. >> this would be by four the earliest general election debate in history. >> the biden campaign released this video donald trump lost two debates to me in 20 the sense that he hadn't shown up for debate. now he's acting like he wants to debate me again or make my day pal, i'll even do it twice. first, pick the de down. i hear you're free. i'm wednesday's all right. >> this has been playing out in real time since we've been on
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the air and just a short time ago, donald trump responded. he posted on social media quote, i am ready, willing to debate who he calls crooked joe. at the two proposed times in june and september, i would strongly recommend more than in two debates and for excitement purposes, a very large venue, although blindness supposedly afraid of large crowds, that's only because he doesn't get them with this now a cnn political commentator, karen finney and former deputy communications director for the trump campaign. brian lanza. a lot going on this morning karen, can you explain to me why you think this is happening now yes. >> in fact, i just hearing from the biden-harris campaign, a couple of things. number one in the press, the commission on presidential debates has had a challenge. actually enforcing their own rules. and so, given that donald trump has a shaky history when it comes to debate, is going to show up. he's not going to show up. we
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ended up with two lines time the biden campaign, i think decided. okay. let's put our cards on the table. you say you'll debate anywhere anytime anyhow let's do it. let's do two. and let's have those debates before people start voting with early vote so that people can see these two men have this conversation about i think what we'll see is revenge and retribution. and then we'll see president biden talking about the future. so i think they're saying a call-in trump's block basically you know, brian, it is interesting for all the strange words, not strange caustic, or getting on both sides from president biden and then donald trump here. there actually is a grain of agreement here, which is both campaigns saying they want to debate early, as soon as next month in both camps payne saying they want to do it outside of the confines of the presidential debate commission, basically throwing that out and starting something new. am i being naive here or is there actual agreement first of all thank you for having me. yeah,
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i listened. there's huge agreement that you have. i mean, first of all, i'd say that this is a huge win for president trump in his campaign, drawing out joe biden early remember early on joe biden even questioned whether he was going to do any debate. now, joe biden saying i'll debate in june, so that's a huge win sort of strategically for the campaign showing that the trump is leading the conversation in joe biden is following. the second thing, two debates. without an audience that you, it's bad for biden is sort of demonstrates weakness if it shows people, it shows the voters. he doesn't want to be in front of them, be held accountable for his inflation economy. i mean, let's be honest, these debates are going to be primarily about inflation because that's what the people, the american people are looking at in thank you for years with trump, four years with biden, the economic numbers are pretty clear that if you want prosperity, you have to vote for president trump in 2024. >> now, is it just again, i get the both of you support the candidates, us support. and so there are part arguments we made on both sides, but still what i'm hearing through a non-partisan leinz as we could get the bateson a few weeks. i mean, we could get debates in a few weeks and i'm still trying
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to digest karen, the impact of that will have on the election yeah, it's huge. and look i think i'll and to answer your other question, yes, there is some agreement and there are concerns about the way that the commission on presidential debates, the spectacle that those events have become. although i think pretty much anything with donald trump is going to end up being a spectacle, but we'll put that aside. and just the idea of having i get in the proposal that the campaign put forward is the two men in a studio with a moderator answering the tough questions. and i think if that actually can happen and if donald trump can actually answer those questions, then we will have an opportunity to really see where these two months and what their visions for the future of the country are. and i think that's a good thing for the american people especially given that early vote, as we know it's such an important part but now of how we vote in america as far as i
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know, neither of you are doing the negotiations from the campaign on how this debate will actually take place. i will issue an invitation right now. we are willing to do it right here. you're on cnn news central. have a morning debate, get it out of the way three hours in the morning will host it here. brian, one notable thing from president biden's challenge is he wanted to be just the two of them president trump, former present trump didn't address that in his response. >> but what about robert kennedy? >> what if at some point between now and election day, he's at 15%, which would be a pretty high number for a third party candidate. do you think he deserves to be on the stage to brian oh, absolutely. i mean, listen, this is not an accident that joe biden wanted to exclude fellow democrat rfk from the from the debate. i mean, it's, it's pretty clear that they're fearful of them. it's pretty clear that they tried doing everything they can to get them off the ballot. it's almost as though the biden campaign is scared of democracy taking its course with respect to rfk been on the ballot. so i'm not surprised
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rfk sort of provides a safety valve for its safety valve for, for democrats who are just tired of joe biden's empty promises. and i think that's what it is he's going, he's having trouble reconstructing his coalition and it doesn't want to show the general population at those alternative to his failed coalition i will say that many of the recent polls show robert kennedy drawing more from donald trump and trump is actually gone pretty hard against robert kennedy recently brian lands and karen, funny, i really do appreciate you both being with us and i hope people actually cut through some of the discussion you to realize there is agreement that people want debate soon. i guess this could happen, that would be stunning. thank you both. >> the commission is bad here of the commission debate. let's get a debate. >> everyone agrees if everyone agrees, the debate is gonna go. john, and i'm going back to sarah the debate is going to be like this back-and-forth, back-and-forth. all right. thank you so much, john fierce fighting in ukraine as russia has made significant gains in the north thousands they are forced to evacuate. we are
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allied in kharkiv is facing this big battle. there will be when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back, but you can repair it with pronoun will repair it penetrates deep into the two to actively repair acid weakened enamel, i recommend from enamel repair with new pronominal repair mouthwash, you can hans that repair beyond brushing. >> they were great together. >> choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be like quality end for the dad that gets every dollar and minute out of this family road trip the de is upon us. book at choice, how working with the experience that your credit it's going to look so money from checking your fico
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morning, a critical moment in the war in ukraine overnight, russia launched another round of ground and air attacks on northern kharkiv as it expanded its surprise cross-border offensive official say about 8,000 people have now been evacuated from the area, joining me now is petro porter shank go, former president of ukraine sir, thank you so much for joining us. >> i know you're there near the front lines in kharkiv you had been certain that ukraine could win the war. but with this loss of territory and with this barrage coming from russia do you still believe that ukraine can win this war? >> undoubtedly and not only me, all ukrainian people older people of the free world don't have any doubts wow dollars i just want to have an evidence that the russia, having the efforts to gain more territory
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progress for two years one kilometer, two kilometer. this is completely ruin all put in plan and this is really difficulties. big difficulties for ukrainian people, for our company, for our society, for the whole world this morning, couple hours ago, i would turn back to kyiv from both charts now, this is the town same famous like previously avdiivka mood, bucha, marian this is a disaster. there the town is completely destroyed before the war. it was almost 20,000 people leave their. now the finish, the evacuation people from there and i was in there have chance communitaria. i have a meeting with our soldiers. they're definitely need more air defense, more
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artillery. moderator, electronic warfare system unfortunately, the delay in december 2023 2038 definitely has its consequences and ukraine pay for that already with the life of our soldiers and kilometers per hour ukraine cannot tell brand russia, but together together, we definitely get outgoing wash. >> and mr. porsche enco, you spoke about the aid there was a long delay while congress fought over the sum of the congress members of the far-right republic, of the republican party, trying to stop at ukraine when you see what happened, that it was eventually passed. but many, many months later can you count on usaa? do you think for the rest of this war because i know that president volodymyr zelenskyy has asked for more. tony blinken, the secretary of state, was there in kyiv, a promising that more aid would come, but do you think you can count on the united states?
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it's for the rest of the war that's the full i don't agree that either ukraine has been zelenskyy asked to eight this is not an aide this is investment in your security and the security of every american citizen, no matter if it is republican or democrat this is the investment for storming, stopping that crazy maniac pucci and if we do not destroy him in ukraine tomorrow russian missile can be anywhere in the world that's why this is the fact together shoulder to shoulder. we? >> should stop and the visit of the secretary blinken now is definitely very important the message that we will have 2 for
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air defense for the system of patrick this is divided and we welcoming secretary and i hope that this visit was just in preparation for the next reason. this visit, we wait in the president biden, i know him very well because when i was a president, we have a very close cooperation and the role of president biden was extremely important. and i want to thank him for the great leadership then. and now. and i think that would be extremely symbolic if biden can visit here before or immediately after the jubilee 75th anniversary side? let me tough mater, where we definitely think that it is vital thing for your brain, including possible invitation you claim to me because everybody should know without ukraine and membership in mate would be definitely no peace it
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would be indefinitely, no stop of the war. and this is the investment of all need to member states in the sustainable security situation on the continent. and sustainable security station in the world, no victory against russia would be final without ukraine joining nate so it sounds like you would really like to see president biden there in ukraine at some zero point. >> and also the, as you called it, the help from the united states as well petro poorer shan't go. thank you so much. i appreciate you speaking to us. they're from kharkiv, which has lost some ground to russia in the recent fighting john. >> all right. the breaking news this morning, president biden challenges donald trump to debates as soon as june donald trump responds. he says he is get what is the campaign calculus here every.
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i'm ready and willing to debate he says he'd rather have it at a large venue and he wants more than two debates with us now is the communications director for the biden campaign, michael tyler. michael great to see you. so i think donald trump just said, yes to president biden's proposal. so what now? >> yeah. i mean, donald trump says a lot of things will see if he actually shows up what the president communicated this morning what this campaign is proposing is that we have a two debates, one in june and one in september. i think we're ready to go the american people deserve to see both of these candidates argue their case on the merits. well before people actually go and cast their ballots, we believe that when people see joe biden vs donald trump, there'll be able to see the very stark choice between the president who has been fighting for the american people since the day he took office in donald trump, who's campaign and revenge and retribution will be on full display for the american people to seem reject once again we're excited to get this going.
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>> so you say no, live audience, you want it in a television studio without an audience, does that mean if the trump campaign and assist so an audience, no deal? >> listen i think the trump campaign made their proposal very clear when donald trump said he'd be willing to debate anytime, anywhere, any place and so what we want and what we have laid out is we want to do this sooner rather than later. we should do it in june after his criminal child's likely to have concluded and after the president returns from the g7 summit, it should be yes in studio with no audience, so that the candidates can clearly articulate their bodies for the country freezing audience a deal breaker and the audience is an audience a deal breaker for you? >> listen. it's donald trump who said he would do this anytime, anywhere, any place. so i don't think that they should have any problems with what we have proposed. he's the one who said he's ready to go. so we should be set to go once we have proposals and from networks. so we're excited to debate the question is, will
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donald trump accepted? >> i just issued a proposal right here. we'll do it right here on cnn new central. happy that happy to oblige. no third party candidate what if rfk is 15%? robert kennedy jr. at 15% in september, you still don't think it should be on the stage? >> now listen the reality here is that there are two candidates with a pathway to 270 electoral votes. that's president joe biden, and that's donald trump and the american people deserve to hear from them because that is the reality that we're facing. that is the choice in this election. so we should have a debate between the two candidates on the issues. joe biden will articulate his historic record of accomplishment, his vision for the future in donald trump will go out here and try to explain why he's bragging about overturning roe v. wade, why he's trying to rebuild an economy that only works for rich people like himself. why he's trying to rules that dictator on day one. that's the debate that the american people deserve to see prime time. and that's what we're proposing so in the video that at president biden released of president biden talking one of the last things he said to donald trump was i hear you're
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free on wednesdays. >> what was that that's a statement of fact, donald trump is free on wednesdays and if he wants to do it on a wednesday in june after his trial has concluded or even before, like we are ready to go. >> and so the question for donald trump is like, will you accept the terms? and that's what we're prepared to do. >> has president biden begun debate prep yet don't have anything to read you out on. and so far as any prep, i can say right now that we are ready to debate in june, we are ready to debate in september because the american people deserve to see this. so we are ready to go. we're waiting for proposals and we will accept them when we have some that fit what we've laid out this morning do you have a negotiator assigned yet again, i don't have too many details to read out what we have clearly articulated in the letter from jen o'malley dillon to the debate commission that we've shared widely with folks. >> and so those are the metrics that we have laid out that we're prepared to go forward with. i think the question now
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becomes will well the trump campaign agree to these specific proposals that we have laid out with. if so, we are ready to go. >> all right. well, we are standing by for more information on this. perhaps changing some of our calendars for the month of june. michael tyler great to see you. thank you very much. >> thanks for having sarah. >> all right. coming up next her tiktok content, god are invited to the white house, but now she, among other creators are suing the government over that potential ban of the app free speech is not just being able to say what we want, but it's being able to access whatever information you want. >> an a tiktok ban will silenced if you're shopping for
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>> so give it a try. visit pretty today this before in the stanley cup their life is on the line right now to now to distraction good still feel hot. >> guy and i this morning, a new development in a legal battle of the wildly popular app tiktok, eight content creators are now suing the government saying the new bipartisan law that threatens to ban the app is unconstitutional. that is on top of the lawsuit, social media company itself filed after president biden signed that bill into law last month, one of the conduct content creators taking her case to court is cure span, who gained a following while in college posting about women's rights and politics. she even began in was invited to the white house because of her activism on tiktok. but now she's up against the biden administration over this new law.
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>> thousands of people in our communities showing up in huge numbers. and because of that, we were able to change safety lights on my campus, create new safety initiatives for fraternities and sororities on my campus introduce new title nine legislation into my state, starts survivor support groups, all of which never would have happened without an application like tiktok cure span is joining us now. >> thank you so much for taking the time this morning. cara, i do want to ask you why are you going after the us government over this potential van? it's only of tiktok doesn't sell which they say they won't why are you going after them? and what is the argument that you are making here? >> well the first thing i want to say, thank you for having me on is that this definitely isn't condiment about tiktok potentially being sold. it's not a divestment bill. >> the authors of the bill have said multiple times that this is about tiktok being banned. >> they don't have enough time to potentially sell. and if
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they were to who sell the app just wouldn't be the same. there's something about tiktok that it is controlled by the people. it's one of the only applications where politicians aren't able to promote the people control the algorithm. so my community would be completely shifted. i've created a community of sexual assault survivors and domestic violence survivors on my page, it's something that can't be replicated on other any other social media platform. >> and it would just be completely devastated if this app was changed. >> and so that's what i'm fighting for. i'm not fighting for myself. i'm fighting for that community that i've cultivated i want to ask you about what lawmakers have said about tiktok. do you worry at all about lawmaker saying, look, there are some risks of using tiktok. number one that it collects an excessive amount of information from its users and that tiktok could be used by the chinese government to spy on you and to surveil you.
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if you use the app, of course, tiktok denies those things. but what do you what do you do worry about that at all? >> i'm absolutely an advocate for a data privacy bill. if it were to cover all social media applications and platforms. i mean, we had an issue with mega back in 2016 where we know they sold data to foreign agencies. we had cambridge analytica, right? tiktok has invested billions of dollars in a project texas all over un's data is stored here in the united states. so if it's an issue of data privacy, i would fully support an application that covered all social media is that when adjust targets, one platform it is not a concern enough for me that covers our free speech rights when it's taking away my hi, free speech, it's taking away all of my followers and all of americans free speech rights to access information, to consume information, to share information freely when it's just targeting tiktok to me that is not enough of a concern when i'm more concerned about my data being sold on
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applications that has already proven that they have sold their data to foreign agencies in the past and you're making the argument there that this is information that should be a free and available at which is what the lawsuit is all about. >> can you tell me how you started using tiktok as a tool? >> i know you started using it as a student at the university of delaware yes. >> i was a college. i studied political science in school and i realized that the information that i was receiving and school was a lot less biased than all of the information that was out during the 2020 election. and so i wanted to use my platform to educate people about what i was learning and let people be informed and mobilize voters. and i mobilized tens of thousands of people to vote in the 2020 election was hugely important for both people that are currently in congress. and our current walking is president i'm mobilized people to vote for him and i also currently use it to educate people. it's a hugely
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important platform for education. and then on my college campus, there was a very brutal domestic violence incident and i use tiktok to bring awareness to that incident into swept under the rug by my university and in doing so, we were able to bring huge changes to my college community is all my tiktok talk video that you showed a minute ago. we changed ifc fraternity laws and changes in greek life. we brought support groups to my campus and none of that we would've been able to do without tiktok. so it's a hugely important platform. >> i just have a very, very quick question. will you, again? go and try to get people to vote for biden after what has happened here that's a great question. i think that campaigns in general are going to be hurting because of this election, not even just specifically biden, but people use tiktok to share information about elections. >> they use information to share about policies and specifics about elections in general. so i think that not so
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