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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 15, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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roger to we there yet so many ways to save life ready, while it happy. >> that's three, by whole foods market the showdown is set. president joe biden and former president donald trump had agreed to a debate next month, right here on cnn. everything we know about the upcoming face-off plus an unprecedented manhunt in france after armed men ambushed a prison van and freed the fugitive inside hundreds of officers are now searching for a criminal known as the fly and this is the first official portrait of king charles and it is getting mixed reviews. >> you might not be surprised with a very, very red picture here is meant to symbolize. we are following these major
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developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central the first 2024 presidential debate is set and you get to see it right here on cnn. president biden and former president trump of both accepted cnn's invitation to debate next month on june 27th, not long after they both accepted, abc news is invitation to debate on september 10 and this all started earlier today when biden kinda threw down a gauntlet period challenge trump to, two pre-election showdowns. here it is thought trump lost two debates to me 20 $0.20 said the hadn't shown up for debate. >> now he's acting like he wants to debate me again or make my day pal, i'll even do it twice so let's pick the dates, donald, i hear you're free on wednesdays biden taking a jab, they're needling the former president talking about
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wednesday, which is the fact, which is when the hush money trial is not in session. >> so an obvious reference to trump's ongoing legal woes with this now to discuss this, are cnn national corresponding kristen holmes and cnn's chief national affairs there's correspondent jeff zeleny. thank you both for joining us. christian. first, you trump has posted on social media that he's accepted the invitation to these debates. he's also been proposing more debates. so what more do we know about how this is going to play out? >> yeah, just moments ago, he posted that he was accepting a third debate invitation this time from fox news on october 2. just to be cleared, biden said he was going to do two debate. this is clearly donald trump trying to take control of the narrative here that really has been largely owned by president biden so far. but other than the number of debates donald trump is proposing four total biden is sticking with that two debates. most of what by i didn't laid out is what donald trump's team has been advocating for and what they were hoping for. they want it earlier debates
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citing early voting, they said that they wanted to have these debates before a single ballot was cast. they also wanted a one-on-one with joe biden. they didn't want a third-party candidate there. they think that donald trump is stronger if he's just going against joe biden and so other than just that number of debates, most of this laid out is exactly what donald trump's team has been calling for. and i just will remind you, both sides are going to say the same thing. but when i'm talking to trump advisers, they just believe that he is a stronger debater than joe biden, but that comes with him, usually just speaking off the cuff, not doing any kind of the preparation. so obviously, we're going to see how this plays out. >> yeah. no, we really are and it happened quickly. >> joe biden, trash talk, announcement of a debate. donald trump trash talk. how did we get here? >> well, look, i mean donald trump has been laying this out for weeks. i mean, as chris knows by going to rallies, he's been traveling with an empty podium kim next to him saying, anytime any place. so really the only missing piece of this puzzle was president biden, was he going to accept
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this or not? and behind the scenes, we've heard from biden advisers for weeks and more than that, a couple of months actually, that they knew that they had to debate. look, he's not in the strongest position in all these battleground states as we know. >> so they came to that conclusion hey, thought the idea of not debating would be the story for the rest of the campaign. >> so they came to that conclusion and anna wednesday when they could own the news a little bit today, that decided to come out early this morning with that taunting video. and then follow it up with accepting these debates, which of course all the networks had thrown out there because again, the only wildcard was, was president biden. when would he do it? good because the trump campaign is making no secret about the fact that they wanted to debate. so it came fast, yes. and i think even more important, these will be the earliest debates ever in the history of televised presidential debates. and that could have an impact on the race in some degree. i mean, the first ballots go out in september so it's not all that early when you think about it in that context, but they were going to be scheduled for starting in september, going
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into october, and they're going before obviously the conventions, before their the official nominees are going around. the the commission. but geoff, we understand that there also going to be in a studio audience with no audiences i'm sorry, in a studio with no audiences. exactly. studio audience knows. rain, which is strange, but that is how debates began back in the first televised debate in a presidential campaign in 1960 the nixon kennedy debate famously was in a studio, right? >> so even i don't remember that the oldest person at the table here, but look history will show that there were obviously no members of the audience there. >> but after that, once they resumed and 76, there have been audiences that every debate. so we'll see, and we've heard a lot of complaining from the trump campaign and from the former president himself. he loves an audience as we all know, he feeds off an audience. so but the rules for the first it's one at least are no audience. and he agreed to it. >> yeah. >> so often he plays to that crowd. we just said we're speaking with chris wallace last hour and he was saying
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that he hopes that the mics will get turned turned off when the when the other candidate is speaking. so it remains to be seen what the rules are. >> but certainly a lot coalescing around these, around these various jeff zeleny kristen holmes. >> thank you both so much. >> drawing now is fully brain estes, a former adviser to hillary clinton actually played the former president donald trump during hillary clinton's debate prep in 2016, fleet, thanks so much for joining me. >> so you have played the former president in 2016, he was still just businessman. donald trump, but in this prep for biden and we understand that ron klain is former chief of staff, is actually going to be helping out with that now, is there something that you would coach president biden to zero in on when it comes to trump? >> well, i think you should remember that the only two people in the world who have debated donald trump, one-on-one and the first one was hillary clinton at the time, no one had done it. and the second one is joe biden. >> then he did it for years ago. and i think by all
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accounts, certainly by mine, he was scored to have one both of those debates. >> and the great common denominator between the two of them is ron klain. ron klain headed up both of those debate preps and for anyone who's been in the room or knows, run, guy knows what he's doing, he knows how to really pinpoint in what's tough with donald trump is simultaneously easy and incredibly tough. it's easy because the guy i just repeats himself 100 times. we can all kind of script what he's going to say because sees the most predictable creature on earth what's a little tougher is that you don't know what he's going to say. you don't know what sort of frame of mind he's going to show up in more specifically, what, what ark of his frame of mind he's going to follow? so what's a little difficult to predict on what's a lot tougher to practice is to be ready for anything. i know that sounds trite, but when you're debating mitt romney or when you're debating joe john
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mccain, are president obama, they're not going to just blow their top in the middle love it. so you know, if you're debating social security, it's going to be about social security. you can ask donald trump a question about social security. and the next thing you know, you're talking about fire and fury are talking about windmills, killing birds. so to the extent that you want to make sure that you're limiting as few surprises possible amino, the candidate has but through different scenarios, it gotta go through a lot. and i know that ron is doing that. i believe that bob bauer played down trump in 2020 and i will say he did a good job of that and we saw the current president coming out swinging this morning saying, you know, make my day and very quickly agreeing to these two debates on cnn and then on abc. but obviously, now the other side, you probably just heard kristen holmes. they're talking about how trump campaign wants more than two debates. they've agreed to a third do you think more debates will work to biden's advantage? i don't really know a frankly, you
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know, what we all know about politics. >> you don't have to be a professional, is that expectations is half the battle. and boy, has donald trump and the republican party done a pretty bad job of setting expectations high for joe biden. they keep making it out like he's done to show up and fall over and look what happened for the state of the union. he gave a great speech and energetic speech. and what was their response? donald trump said, well, i want him drug tested for the debates because i think he was on cocaine. what else would explain it? so i think they have to be careful and that was at play 2022 excuse me, 2021 of the moments that i remember is people always say joe biden is not a great debater, but one of the moments that stuck out was when donald trump said about the proud boys stand back and standby, and that was really searing moment. that wasn't because lester holt s the question. that was because when lester holt said, are you something about white nationalists? donald trump's said, well, who, who talking about joe biden interjected and said the proud boys and that's what got donald trump to say,
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stand back and standby. joe biden knows what he's doing and what you're saying about this morning that joe biden is great, the feisty joe biden, the fields in his gut that knows that this is an existential threat that guy is itching to get into the ring with donald trump. but look, i have friends this morning who said, i hate this mano, mano macho stuff from joe biden but that brings out the absolute best in him. i think they could debate ten times and joe by mood when seven, eight, or nine times, i think donald trump is not a good debater. but because he's not focused, all he does is complaint about everyone picking on him. that's not what people want to hear. they want to hear about what you're going to do for them. not what has been done to you a good reminder, you can have some very, very important moment. some of the most important moments during campaign on that debate stage, just a few short weeks before that, june 27th first match up rematch right here on cnn. i'm sure philippe
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at raina's, we'll be speaking to more than that, by the way yeah. it's it's quite a cool. thank you very much for joining us today. >> so you guys, need to buckle up because donald trump is going to threaten to cancel probably five times you're doing now and then i'm sure our moderators can be ready for whatever comes. >> thank you very much ahead this hour on cnn news central mandatory evacuations and ukraine as russian forces make significant advances us promises that more help is on the way plus the justice department says it may prosecute boeing for crashes involving the 7307 max. >> why now we'll talk about that. and a fugitive is on the run and france, after his prisoner transport van was ambushed amazing pictures, terrible terrifying pictures here the scene played out like a movie. we'll have the latest on the man ahead for russia is we're trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them in this frank this is a war. >> but secret war, secrets and
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honore, less work, more kliger by $20, get five back through may 31st, closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial mv victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 donald trump's defense team has one job tomorrow and that is to whittle away at the credibility of the prosecution's star witness, former trump fixer, might michael cohen. >> court is dark today, but back in session tomorrow morning and we'll be back on the stand for more cross-examination. former trump attorney tim parlatore is joining us now to talk about what is ahead. first, tim, let's look back a little bit and see how it's gone so far. how has cohen come across as he been credible? in your opinion i think it's difficult for somebody with that history to generally come across as credible, but from, from what i hear he has been connecting with the jury and really kinda
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telling them the story. >> so it is something that they've done a good job of trying to corroborate the pieces that they can and hope that the jury will connect with them on the pieces that they can't he has kept his cool as well, which i think has worked in his favor does todd blanche need to approach this a different way or change strategies to try to effectively ding cohen's credibility yeah, if if all you do is just focus on things that people have said before and just attack their character you're not really getting to the heart of his testimony. >> and so i think what todd blanche really needs to do is to refocus on inconsistencies within the testimony itself. take things that he said on direct, and if you can show the jury yeah, really that he lied about anything during the questioning by the prosecutors. i think that that's going to be much more effective than
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just simply saying you said this on tiktok about donald trump, you said this on tiktok about about me or something like that. >> cohen tawfeeq that he does have some good things to go after yeah. >> there's certainly he did do it a little bit. we saw that or we read that. cohen cohen talked a little bit about how he still lives in a trump building, how he had read art of the deal twice, had deep admiration for i'll trump those were all revealed actually in cross-examination by trump's lawyer and cohen said is well, that he had been under the spell of the cult of trump i was just reading it because obviously there's no camera numbers in there. we can't see it on video, but i sort of wondered if that didn't make him appear sympathetic to the jury rather than the opposite. what did you think? >> i think it does because he has to explain why the massive change of heart he has two, there are so many inconsistent statements in his past from the time when he was loyal to trump
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to the time that he was antagonistic to trump. so he really has to explain why that is. and i think that that's something that todd blanche should go into much more detail on cross-examination, getting a lot more deep than just simply saying that i was very loyal to him and then i said that with my family and i changed my mind i think there's a lot more to it that he's got to unpack and explain the dichotomy there. >> so much of what's happening. it doesn't actually have anything to do with what the jury is seeing. you had the house speaker writing the court with trump along with vivek ramaswamy on tuesday, the day before it was senators vance and tuberville i'm sure there's going to be more who's who tomorrow what does it say to you about where the republican party historically, the party of law and order is at the moment where you have top leaders accompanying trump to his criminal proceedings. >> well, i don't know how effective that's going to be
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for the jury. i mean, i heard that there is an incident where a couple of elected officials walked in make kind of a bustle, not waiting for a break. and so i think that when you do that kind of thing, it does have the potential for negative impact on the jury again, i'm i'm a lawyer. i'm not a political guy. so what what effect does that have on the party is something for somebody else to comment on, but i don't think that doing that kind of theatrical within the courtroom is going to necessarily be helpful, especially when you have the judge who apparently was visibly annoyed by that as well that also has an effect on the jury do you think that trump might testify? do you think he should testify i think it's a possibility. >> i think he should not, though there is no benefit to him testifying here because the single thing everybody talks about the hush money payments and everything else, but the reality is what he's charged
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with is these false business records, whether those checks the annotation on them for legal fees, whether that was knowingly false by him. >> and i think that that is one of the key pieces of michael cohen's testimony. >> that's not corroborated. >> so do you really need donald trump to get on to say, i didn't know that. >> is that really going to help him? especially on balance of all the potential negative and unpredictable effects of him doing that. so if i were there, i would be telling him, please do not testify yeah. >> i think we'll all be very surprised if it does happen, but sometimes with donald trump, anything can happen. so we'll wait to see how this all goes. tim. thank you so much, really appreciate your insights. >> thank you next, after withholding a shipment of large 502,000 pound bombs over concerns about how they'd be used in populated areas. >> the white house is now taking steps to sell israel $1 billion in new weapons and so
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blocky is prime minister, is said to be any fight for his life. he was shot multiple times in an assassination attempt will have the latest on his condition ahead i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. >> now, they're sky rosie things are looking up. i've got some control means i've feel significant symptom relief at four weeks with sky rosie, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements sky rosie is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improved damage of the intestinal lining. >> and the majority of people
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with the oraa ring adrenaline like every turn migrant play shot of adrenaline right to the heart we are following the latest developments in two major wars. >> one between israel and hamas in gaza and the other, of course, in you crane where russia is making significant advances in the northeast kharkiv region. today, russian troops launched another round of ground and air attacks, the
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fighting. so intense that it has forced ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy to cancel all of his foreign trips that were planned in the coming days. us secretary of state antony blinken has just wrapped up his trip to kyiv where he announced a two foreign military aid package for ukraine and reaffirmed us support for ukraine. >> let's go back to israel where military officials say they have intensified operations in northern gaza and parts of rafah, which is southern part of the gaza strip. >> the united nations agency for palestinian refugees now estimates that 600,000 palestinians have fled southern rafat since last monday. sources now tell cnn that the white house is in the early stages. of a potential deal to sell $1 billion worth of weapons to israel, which could include tank munition, mtar rounds, armored vehicles, among other weapons. but just last week, we learned that the biden administration had put a pause on a large shipment of bombs, 2,500 pound bombs destined for israel amid concerns that
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israel could use them in rafah let's talk about all of this with retired us army colonel peter months were colonel. thank you so much for joining us lots to get to on asked you first about this news that the us is looking at a potential new shipment of military aid for israel, around $1 tank ammunition, mortars, armored vehicles, and of course that's a bit of whiplash after the president just it's threatened to cut off offensive weapons. if israel goes into rafah in a major way. so what do you make this news well, i think what we're seeing is the biden administration is committed to giving israel what it needs to replenish its stockpiles of ammunition that it's used in the gaza war. >> but it wants to prevent extreme damage to the infrastructure of gaza and the buildings there and so the bigger munitions to 2000 pound bombs, especially are being withheld so that israel won't have those available when they attacker off if they do we
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should note those bombs are on the cusp of being sent over while this latest shipment that is being discussed, it could take still some time for that to get there longer-term though, the number to the state department just told are our kylis atwood earlier this week that israel's goal of a total victory as they've been calling an over hamas isn't likely or possible. and when you see israel now, again, fighting against hamas in areas that they claim to previously cleared in central gaza, in northern gaza do you agree with that assessment oh, absolutely. >> so during the surgeon or general petraeus and multinational force or aka, which i was a part had a clear hold and build strategy. but the emphasis was on holding and building israel has a strategy of clearing and then leaving and that just means that hamas can reoccupied their positions and israel, israeli troops have to go in and clear them again, which is what exactly what's
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happening in the northern part of the strip. so until israel changes its strategy, no matter how much military force it uses in gaza, it will not when this conflict. >> and there has been a us criticism that they're not focusing enough on the diplomatic and political sayyed of things. i do want to switch gears and ask you about ukraine when you look at these russian advances in the northeastern part of the country around harkey of the second big city there. how worried are you that russia will be able to seriously advancing it? in a significant way i'm actually very worried unfortunately, they've got enough troops and munitions to attack at different parts of the front making ukraine commit its reserves to vary these various assaults and then hold back enough forces that they could potentially break through. >> in another part of the line ukraine really cannot wait for these us munitions to arrive. the $61 billion in aid they are
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in a real hurt box right now and they need to get the reinforcements and the munitions so that they can defend against these, these assaults. >> how much damage do you think was done to your cranes forces and their efforts to keep russia at bay with that delay in the aid the, they've lost a lot of manpower especially the fact that they didn't have a lot of air defense missiles to defend against a russian areas hill assaults and missile attacks. >> they didn't have enough artillery fire to protect their troops who are defending against these russian incursions. and so this is really a treated their army substantially and forced them actually to lower the conscription age to get more troops to the front. but this is all going to take time and it's time. i'm afraid that ukraine, it doesn't have right now. it's not on its side as
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unsophisticated as the russian sayyed may be in comparison what they do have is a lot of troops and they do have a lot of artillery, ammunition, kernel peter months or thank you so much for your he thought today i appreciate it thank you. graham slovakia's interior minister says, the prime pardon me. >> slovakia's interior minister says the prime minister is in critical condition after being shot five times in an assassination attempt today, there was video that shows here it is the chaos unfold holding aids rushing the pm into a car. they took him to the hospital. then he was transferred by helicopter to a major trauma center officials say the suspected gunman is now in police custody. we have cnn senior international diplomatic editor, nic robertson following this story i mean, this is just horrific. what we see this aftermath of this assassination attempt. one more key tell us about how this unfolded. nick. >> yeah, an unprecedented and slovakia that the prime
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minister would be shot and this has put the country and trauma, but of course they're all focused on the prime minister. and i think it was very telling for the first press conference france, we have that took place outside the hospital where he is still in surgery fighting for his life is how the officials explained it. it was very telling that it was the interior minister and the defense minister who were appealing to the public for calm. they really wouldn't get into details about the prime minister's condition they did say and confirm what we'd heard on videotape that there were five shots fired at close range. >> video of the incident itself shows the prime minister doing what he often does, coming out of a meeting walking up to the fence where the public we're waiting on the on the other side to shake people's hands and pretty much as we get to the fence, the gunman, you see him pull out a handgun and shoot the prime minister close range and essentially point-blank range, the prime
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minister tumbles backwards before his security detail man handle them into the car, but the prime concern of the country tonight this first security is for stability, is for com, is neither side, neither political faction in the country to up the rhetoric and that's what coming from the defense minister in interior minister, who effectively at the moment with the prime minister out of commission, really seem to be taking charge of the situation but why is a situation so divisive? >> this is a very divisive prime minister robert fits. so isn't his third term as prime minister. he is, he is very anti-immigration, very anti-muslim, very anti-lgbtq very pro-putin, very against giving happens to ukraine. he is a political outlier in europe and divisive at home. and i think this is why these politicians, these ministers are so worried about what could happen next because they say
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that this was a politically motivated assassination attempt we'll much more to learn, nick. thank you so much are breaking all of that down for us. >> a frantic manhunt is underway after a dramatic and deadly attack to breakout a prisoner in an armed convoy. >> now a notorious criminal nicknamed the fly, is on the loose. the latest on his brazen escape ahead on cnn news central what's it like to hear from the people actually living the head? >> minds i'm adi cornish, might cnn podcast. we'll talk to the people behind the trending stories i've got a lot of questions. >> your assignment with body cornish. listen wherever you get your podcasts. >> there's not the belly in a subway serious foot-long, except when you add on all new foot-long zach kick, we're talking about $2 foot-long to row $3 foot-long pretzel kind of $5 footlong cookie. every effort foot-long deserts or
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up to 70% off designer brands has the designers like you're heart racing had inside a prices new every day curry, there'll be gone in a flash. >> designer sales at up to 70% or so of today new developments involving boeing. >> boeing could now facebook possible criminal charges. the justice department says the troubled aircraft manufacturer has breached the terms of a 2021 safety agreement. >> that's right. in that agreement allowed boeing to avoid criminal i'll charges after two deadly crashes involving its 7307 max jets. cnn senior justice correspond to evan perez is here with us. so why is doj making this move now? >> well, it's a series of issues that boeing has had safety issues that have come to the forefront. of course, that most recent was that door plug that fluid out of an aircraft operated by alaska airlines earlier this year and which cause people to ask new questions about the safety issues at boeing, the justice department notified the company
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by filing a letter to the judge overseeing this 2021 deferred prosecution agreement and in this they tell the judge this, they say that this is what they've notified boeing. they said for failing to fulfill completely the terms of an obligations under the deferred prosecution agreement. boeing is subject to prosecution by the united states for any federal criminal violation of which the united states has knowledge. so that means that the justice department has the option guys to go back to all of the previous issues that boeing has had and for which they had settled that we can put up just a list of some of those issues going back k to 208 that lion air crash 2019 crash over ethiopian airlines 7307 max aircraft the 2021. they had this deferred prosecution agreement. of course, earlier this year, you had that alaska airlines incident with that now infamous video of people sitting there when or where this door-plug got pulled out. now the terms of that deal
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we're that boeing paid 2.5 billion there's no and they agreed to all of these new restrictions to make sure that their safety programs we're up to par what the justice department is saying now is that clearly that did not work boeing for its part, by the way, says that they believe they have lived up to that agreement. and so now we have about 30 days before we see what boeing has to say in court. and the justice department doesn't say exactly what they're going to do. but clearly, this means that they could prosecute the company fully. >> wow. >> yeah, huge and very important proceedings. evan perez to details. appreciate you bringing that down for us. >> now, a convicted gangster is on the loose in france after a really brazen ambush on a prison transport van, the attack was caught on video and it really is just extraordinary, looks like something that we've all seen in action movies. yeah, the suspects man is just bring a criminal dubbed the fly. cnn
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saas given dorne is in paris with the latest the ambush has sent shockwaves throughout france because of its violent and bloody nature with the perpetrators still at large the escaped inmate, mohamed amara, nicknamed i mush, or the flight. he is 30 years old and has over a dozen convictions. the paris prosecutor says are mostly related to theft according to bfmtv, amara had tried to escape from prison two days before the ambush by soaring of the bars of herself video on social media shows the moment after gunmen ambushed a prison convoy that was transporting amhara, they kill two prison guards and wounded three others. interpol have put out a red notice requesting law enforcement around the world to look for amhara and provisionally arrest him. and an unprecedented manhunt is ongoing in france with hundreds of police officers taking part in the search engine that a
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determination of the magistrates and investigators is will be equal to this outburst of violence prison staff across france spent wednesday protesting, calling for improvements to their security and work conditions they held a minute silence. >> this morning in memory of the killed prison officers, one of whom leaves the spouse behind, who is five months pregnant fas give and on cnn, paris incredible store, thanks. so saskia there. king, charles has unveiled his first portrait since becoming king. and i don't know what else to say. >> it's red, it's really, really red. >> so needless to say some very mixed reactions, not just in uk, but all around the world will have that next from tried
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protection, more sun, more joy. neutrogena that's not the bell in a subway series, foot-long, except when you add on all new foot-long zach kick, we're talking about $2 footlong to row 3,000 foot long pretzel cl
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call a33 leaf filter, visit lee today this before in the stanley cup fairclough life is on the line right now to now for distractions goodness serious still feel high king charles is first official portrait since this coordination is to save the very least surprising a lot of people. >> it was unveiled this morning at buckingham palace, revealing the king with a sword on in his hand and a butterfly over his shoulder and then he's covered in broad red brushstrokes. so many red brushstrokes read
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after read, brushstroke, the artist jonathan yeo says he wanted to reference the history of royal portraits and the modern monarchy. will show him the king's deep humanity, evoking sort of the color of the welsh guards as we imagined. or as he said but here's what some locals i think it's nice, it's different. so what you see normally in a rural portrait it's a bit more modern. i would say it's very artistic and i don't it's kind of ghoulish thank you, madam speaking for all of us. >> we have cnn royal historian kate williams with us now. >> i will say it's just so untraditional i wonder what you make of this portrait well, charles himself seen both a surprise when we saw him unveiling it this morning at buckingham palace. his seem to stand back in shock and partly
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he did think it was var, the vibrant. but i what i think we have here is possibly another royal pr disaster on our hands because we've seen some verb is at pr disasters this year this portrait, it's modern. he's captured. charles is face very well. that's very well done, but the redness, i think it's caused a lot of criticism and some other words i've seen from critics and journalists and people online, disturbing sinister poster for a horror film. i mean, it is problematic. i think a key question let's gin here. >> is that a lot of what i've been seeing? >> a lot of commentary about is we are in the zone nine which were questioning the history of the monarchy the british empire, slavery, the monocles involvement in slavery and for some of those whose ancestors suffered in the empire, suffered in slavery, i've seen them say, what is very apt. we see king surrounded by this red, which really evokes terrible history of oppression, which we see in the british empire in slavery. i do not
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think this is a success. this is not the modern monarchy that charles wants to show. i think a different color, blue, green because we know that charles likes ecological concerns blue-green. it would have been fine. it's just the red. it does ask that person said, look a bit like a poster for a horror film kate, the artist has been working on this long time since well before charles was actually king. >> so he clearly had a certain vision in mind. but at the same time, this is a very controlling royal family, very aware of there are there public image. do we know whether the king and queen knew what this was going to look like before it was unveiled publicly well, what we know is that charles had four sittings. >> he has sittings before he became king, and then afterwards, and then after he had his cancer diagnosis earlier this year, he no longer had the time plenty more settings. and so he's seen early drafts, early version. but today, when is it was in veiled? when when charles saw it for the first time and camilla apparently said, yes, you've got him, you've got the likeness, and i do think she's
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correct. it does look like charles's face but certainly this is not i think what a lot of people expected for charles's it's first portrait and the monarch butterfly on his shoulder is an interesting touch in a party that's what charles wanted. but also i've already seen people commenting saying, well, the monarch butterfly, which is particularly in north america, it's very endangered. and like all butterflies, it, it has quite a short span of adults. adults experience i think that this portrait is not going to be seen as one of the most successful of charles's. it's certainly radical, it's certainly more than, yes, he wants to pay tribute to his position in the welsh guards, which is very important to him. but i don't think this is going to go down in history as one of the great portraits of charles, like say, hans holbein and henry the eighth. i don't think people have thousand years time are going to be saying this is the great, the great vision that they have a child yes. >> time will tell. i will say the artist did capture his hands. he has very distinctive hands as well, and the artist and captures hands but no
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one's going to focus on that with all that red their stand out in buckingham palace. >> well, that is great to talk to you. >> thank you so much. >> thank it's wow. isn't it? it really isn't i mean, so after miss usa and miss teen usa both give up crowns, the beauty pageant is facing some pretty ugly questions. >> also speak to ms colorado, who resigned for rule in here. what the contest needs to do to make things right spotlights 12th time in years changing the world internet, look at how these champions league the world a better place. >> champions for change this week on cnn, sponsored by charles schwab can the riva support your brain health? mary janet, hey eddie, know, fraser, franck. >> franck bred. >> how are you? >> brad fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including
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