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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 16, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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can measure you right now. i'm taylor on ios or android to play off presented by guy go around as the ranges daughters are starting to heat up. >> this is going to funny, isn't it? >> ranges? tomorrow with six, 30 on tnt tonight, manhunt, the escape of a notorious french inmate nicknamed the fly, caught on video. this is the unbelievable moment on your screen when masked and hooded gunman rammed a stolen car into the prison van and then i mean, as you see this all happened in broad daylight. >> the gunman are out in the open, two prison guards were murdered in this incident the fly inmate has an extensive rap sheet. he's a suspected international drug boss under investigation and homicide and kidnapping cases. and he was sentenced just last week to 18 months in prison for burglary, which is the least of the issues and it seems he tried to escape two days before the arm told up. and tonight, he and
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the gunman remain at large. thanks so much for joining us. we'll see you back here tomorrow. ac30 60 starts right now it's thursday, may 16, right now on cnn this morning it's on joe biden and donald trump signing off on do debates. >> the first one next month, right here on cnn plus trump's lawyers planning a new strategy with michael cohen former fixer, back on the stand this morning in the hush money trial, and two partners with a pledge, vladimir putin and xi jinping together in beijing vowing to deepen their ties. what does this mean for the west? >> all right. 5:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look at capitol hill on this thursday morning, we're almost there. good morning, everyone. i'm
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kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us. joe biden and donald trump will be face-to-face next month for the first presidential debate of this election cycle, the two presumptive nominees have accepted debate invitations from cnn and abc cnn's set to take place first, it's going to be june 27, in atlanta. both candidates have been engaged in this escalating feud. it came to a head yesterday when biden posted this trump lost two debates to me in 20 $0.20 said he hadn't shown up for debate. now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. well, make my day pal. i'll even do it twice. >> so let's pick the dates, donald, i hear you're free on wednesdays shortly thereafter, this was posted, trump responding on social media saying this quote, i am ready and willing to debate crooked joe biden at the two proposed times in june and september. just tell me when i'll be there. let's get ready to rumble joining me now is
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national race and politics reporter for the associated press matt brown, mack. good morning. thank you so much for being here. so this is what mark mckinnon wrote in the atlantic about this quote, i view the challenge, throw down as a strategic master stroke for biden shore, a debate could ensure his defeat at the president's unable to rise to the oratorical occasion. but i think that there's a strong argument. it's the only way he can win the election and most importantly, it shows confidence i know from experience, the most important asset of presidential candidate can have is the perception of strength and the worst thing they can have as a perception of weakness which is what biden was dealing with until this morning. it does also seem to potentially acknowledge that they needed this the biden campaign needed this, that they were, but they are national polling. we've got some new fox news pulling out this morning as well. the biden has been behind it. what what do you how do you think this is going to impact the race? >> well, i think that this shows that the biden campaign
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is and the democratic party really in general are entirely on biden here and there's not really seeing any significant downsides to debating trump at this point. when i think one of the striking things that we saw yesterday is that both donald trump and joe biden believed that they can highlight the strongest negative about their rival candidate in debates like this. and i think that that's something that they're going to be really stressing in. what's going to be the most the earliest debate in an a general election presidential election that we're going to have seen in years it really is a major shift in that the timing is so much earlier, right? >> it's it's gonna be in june and one of the arguments is, of course, that many americans now are making their decisions earlier in the process, right? that it would be too late. but of course the part of the reason why the biden team was reluctant to do it the way the commission wanted to do it is because the moderators in some cases, we saw in 2020, there
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was less control of the stage and it led to moments like this one where joe biden and donald trump went, went back and forth and part of this new format is that they're going to be able to cut off the microphone's, watch this moment from 2020 i'm going to pack to make sure you in fact, let people know. >> he doesn't want to senator russia. i'm not going to answer the question. did that because the question the question justice the rational left. >> would you will you shut up, man? so part of this is they weren't happy with how the commission was handling things they wanted to set the roles themselves, right? >> i think two of the things that we're talking about here are just fundamental changes to american democracy. we're looking at the demise of the committee on presidential debates in many ways and how the changes of how americans are getting their information and want to see their presidential candidates debate. and at the same time, we're also seeing changes in, as you said, early voting i mean, by remember a lot of americans are going to have the ability to cast their ballots in this election, which means that
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what's going to happen in the election, say in october, i mean, an october surprise my it didn't matter that if millions of people have already voted for joe biden's campaign, who needs every single vote they can to rebuild that coalition that elected him to the white house they're very determined to change his perception as early as possible. on the flip side, donald trump's campaign is saying that they want every opportunity to be able to highlight what they perceive as joe biden's week this and that's why there are asking for more than just two debates. they want to be able to say that they've already saw that they've accepted a debate on fox, for instance, because they want every opportunity they can to have donald trump, their candidate out there right? >> and of course, part of this mckinnon alluded to the strength and weakness thing, and that often comes up with voters in terms of the age of the president at mostly, but we should note there are only three years apart. donald trump and joe biden. this led mitt romney to make this crack watch do we have that romney sayyed, okay. sorry about that. anyway, it's the muppets we have the
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muppets. i know we had the muppets because he was talking about the muppets let's look, let's just look at this. this is what romney said. hey, this debate is going to look like this. watch it looks like two ancient old guys sitting in a theater box watching television crazy. >> no one would watch junk like that. >> so romney, i suppose. okay, let's, let's watch romney able to where we're going to play in the other order. but i think they found this out. let's play with watch the image that comes to mind as those two old guys on the muppets, you know, that sat in the back that learned walgreens waldorf. >> all right. that's what comes to mind. but i actually think there'll be a huge audience for these debates so in seriousness, i mean, this is, these are seminal moments in our collective political history. >> we don't have a lot of opportunities to do that. and it is going to be striking, i think as well that it really reminded me going back and watching those clips. oh, this is a rematch. and that is a really remarkable thing. >> yeah, i think that the thing that the american, the american
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people are frustrated about in this election is that it's a rematch, but i also think that that's going to highlight the salience of what these two men stand for in this election. i mean, while we can make jokes about how these are two old men who were just waiting vlan each other and a lot of ways, this is really an election that is going to be about some of the most substantive policy differences that we've seen into presidential candidates in decades. i think that that's going to be something that these debates are going to highlight more than americans i think are at the moment really at wherever it really i appreciate it thus far all right. >> matt brown for a certain toughness morning, matt, thank you. very grateful to have you. >> all right. just ahead here, the decision made half a world away that triggered riots it's on a pacific island, will dig into this and why it's important plus senator bob menendez is legal team throws shade on his wife during his corruption trial. and another foot chase on capitol hill by our own manu raju. the time that is with the congressman, texas congressman indicted on bribery charges, show you that
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area cnn's international anchor max foster joins us now, live from london with more about this. >> max. >> good morning to you. this really does feel like a bit of a colonial throwback at what what is the story with the french are doing here. i don't want to say i thought we were passed this as the world generally, but that was kinda my initial reaction to it. what is really going on? >> well, they're all remnants of these empires all over the place. so there are lots of islands still belonging effectively to france as there are other places belonging to the uk and portugal. and it's becoming more and more contentious as you can imagine. so there's too broadly as this is a very simple way i'm looking at it, but you have see it was ireland ticket over by france. you have french residents there, many of them regard themselves as local. then you have the indigenous community who are largely
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pro-independence. they want to effectively get the island so they're the two sides of this argument. and then emmanuel macron announced that there are french residents who are living there who will be given a vote in local elections because there is some autonomy, there and that infuriated a lot of people. you're seeing on the screen right now, these protesters who basically say it will dilute the pressure for the island is a vote for independence. they say it's a tactic for france to keep hold of the island. so it's gone down really badly. >> there have been votes. it sounds like in recent years to secede from france, but those have been voted down. i'm curious why and how that played out. >> well, the french will tell you it's just a numbers game. so more people have voted to keep the status quo. there are, of course advantages to it in terms of economics. they're supported and defended by
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france. so there are lots of people i think they're making a very sort of practice scott decision about how would i be better off under local government or the one that i know, which is big and powerful, even though it's a very long way away and how much of macron let's focus on this has to do with the geopolitics and trying to maintain french influence in the indo-pacific. so he's built up this whole strategy that he wants to build inference in the indo-pacific because of the threat from china. and that also ties up with us. so it becomes part of this bigger, powerful alliance. he needs these islands arguably to have that influence can station troops there, for example. and also john let's have influenced there, but it's backfiring to some extent with certain parts of the community. his solution was to say, we want to speak to the local independence campaigners and invited them to paris to do that, which obviously doesn't match their vibe. they think you should go to them for sure. >> all right. max foster for us
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in london, max really appreciate having you talking about everything under the sun. shall we say, honore show, i really appreciate it. >> all right. coming up next here at slovakia's prime minister is out of surgery after he was shot five times by a would-be assassins will bring you the latest on that. play. >> the trump legal team, looking for that. gotcha. moment from michael cohen when he returns to the stand for more cross-examination the trump hush money trial gavel to gavel coverage. the way only cnn can bring it to you, legal insight expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows. cn when mario needs to be at his best, de nice protection that goes beyond doug men with 72 hour protection and one-quarter moisturizer. so he can forget his underarms and focus on being unforgettable dove men forgettable under arms, unforgettable. you, nothing dems my light, like a
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he was shot five times a politically motivated attempt on his life his security team rushed him to the hospital and he is expected to survive, but he remains in serious condition. >> the alleged gunman is also in somewhat incredibly, no one else was injured in the attack fito is a kremlin sympathizer who won a third term after criticizing western support for ukraine. cnn's clare sebastian joins us now, live from london claire, we do know that fito's expected to survive, but what can you tell us about his condition today? >> yeah we've got an update gacy a couple of hours ago, the defense ministers saying that the adult is worked on him all night to stabilize him. there are still some measures being undertaken to improve his health, but health that's after a surgery that according to the hospital director, lasted some five hours and involve two teams, a team of trauma doctors and team of surgeons, a deputy prime minister, also filled in
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some details on wednesday saying that he was shot in the stomach and the joints. so these are really serious injuries i think he's he's now in icu and presumably will stay there for a while. and this is being treated in slack it as an assassination attempt. we know that special meeting of the government security council and the government itself is taking place as we speak so there are, of course, questions about the political motive motivation here and here's another top slovak official talking about what happened. >> watch me it a little bit of pizza. >> i am shocked. >> we are all shocked by the terrible and malicious attack on prime minister robert don't overdo something serious has happened that we can't even realize yet a physical attack on the prime minister is primarily an attack on a person, but it is also an attack on democracy what else do we know about the dynamics of the political dynamics here yeah, this is a really important part of the context. >> casey robot pizza is a veteran so if i in politics,
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this is the third time he's been prime minister. he's really been prime minister off and on since 2006. so a total of at ten plus years, he it is a man who despite the fact that only 31 years old as an independent country has spent two decades of that time in the eu. and in nato. he has been shifted the country away from those sort of pro-west and policies, as we said, here, is a kremlin sympathizer. he's stopped government aid for ukraine, even suggested they should give up territory. so this is a country that is just gone through a major political about ten all right, clare sebastian, for us live in london. clare, thanks very much for that. >> all right. 23 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. lawyers for senator bob menendez trying to shift the blame for his alleged corruption on to his wife in opening statements that his bribery trial on wednesday, the defense claimed nadine menendez kept her husband in the dark on financial matters nurse severe
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storms, raising the risk of dangerous flooding from and the already soaked south heavy rain is forecast for today and tomorrow and it could trigger flash flooding think from eastern texas through louisiana and into western mississippi. so watch out for that and caitlin clark's professional debut drawing a lot purchased wnba audience in two decades, meeting the nhl playoffs head-to-head, the season opener between the indiana fever and the connecticut sun. >> drew an average of 2.1 million million viewers on tuesday night. >> you love to see it all right, coming up next here historically, early, no live audience. >> how next month's president? >> central debate is breaking norms plus cnn's on the fly interview with indicted democratic congressman henry cuellar russia for trying to spy on us we were spying on them. >> i'm sorry, frank this is a
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yourself lucky because it becomes your everything are calling was to build trucks. >> and that's why trucks or what we do we put our everything in every truck so that when you find your calling nothing can stop you from answering it. >> i'm dr. sanjay gupta in london. >> and this is cnn all right, welcome back. >> just before five 30 here on the east coast look at capitol hills two 30 out west. >> good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us of what chase on capitol hill, of course, caught live on camera. that's it's the point. our very own manu raju conducting an on-the-fly interview with democratic texas congressman henry cuellar, who was recently indicted on federal bribery charges. just yesterday, a third-person pleaded guilty in connection to the investigation into cuellar and his wife. here this is what cuellar told cnn
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as a light jake, i want to pause right here because i'm not trying to ask councilman henry cuellar, who has been indicted on federal charges, served out that go for it comes to clara three three of your people? >> ties to just pleaded guilty in this bribery case against you. what's the reaction to that we're not afraid of the truth what's that's what i mean, two of them where you're one's a consultant and a campaign chairman who said but the funneling bribes two years. >> like i said, we're not afraid of the truth. what about the $600,000 in payments? well, how did that get in your bank account when he was will resign. >> well, you're resign well, he resigned know, joining me now bling set of allegations for him in a district that republicans have tried to win in the past, but seem not to be necessarily being as aggressive
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about this time. >> let's go down here so yes, we have seen that that very similarly play out. i will say his gait wasn't as fast as i'm used to remember the congress running away from mother and one has tough questions. >> but that said yes, these are close close campaign aides that are associated with cuellar who aren't pleading out in this case. >> and your whether or not he's saying he is innocent of taking i think it's like $600,000 in bribes and that will play out a legal sayyed on the political sayyed republicans. they may not be going after him in his district, which is quite frankly very surprising because that is one of those districts the republicans have been trying to win for cycles and cycles. they are using it to attack other democrats in the state and in washington, they're using it's a muddy the waters to say they're not as pure as the, as the newly fallen snow look at, they have problems in their caucus guess as well, right? so whenever you have that, when i mean, i think you see this in a lot of cycles ones one party thinks they have the high ground, just wait
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because there's always someone who's some problems, but this certainly isn't looking great for congress and i think the phrase is there, but for the grace of god very try so this. >> there is also of course, we mentioned it briefly earlier in the show senator bob menendez, whose trial is beginning, and we're getting a little bit of a look at his legal strategy, which seems to be to blame his wife i'm not sure exactly how the marriage is going to go once that legal strategy comes to full fruition, but basically they're arguing that she did some of this without his knowledge. what are the dynamics around menendez? because a good about half of senate democrats have called for for him to step down as he has refused to do that. and the democratic leadership is not pushing him out, but what's next for him here in this, in this fight, when you talk about any senator, particularly senators, right now, you just got to look at the makeup of this senate there. anyone who, any democrat they lose could be
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problematic for keeping hold on the senate. >> i think that's some of the strategy are seeing on that sayyed and yeah, but they're also tried to keep their distance from it because again, like what's happening with congressman cuellar, they're watching republicans tried to take advantage of this and paint the paint all democrats with this broad brush and muddy the water. so republicans haven't even stronger hand going into the senate elections because as we know, the map is very much in their favor, right? >> well, and you can tell who exactly they kinda go in order of how tough is there race in terms of how they make me hundred percent senators from places like montana and arizona going first and then there is following. it's unusual right. >> so jackie, let's talk about the big news. >> this morning, which is of course yesterday the debates were announced. there's going to be one here, right here on cnn on june 27. it's going to be the earliest debate in television history basically in terms of when in the cycle it's going to take place, the biden team making the argument, a lot of people make up their
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minds well before but late, september, october now they're able to vote early in many states and that this makes a lot more sense. what's your view of why the biden team did this? because i will say i've talked to some people who think it's an acknowledgment that he's behind. will write they need to change the narrative. they need to start a different pace. he's here and he's not breaking through for whatever reason in a debate is an opportunity to do that, but it's not without risks for both of these candidates. the trump campaign, things that they can go out there and show that biden is not who biden was in 2020 and that he's missing a step, that he is diminished but the biden campaign thinks that they can show who trump is and who he was. >> i mean, let's remember in 2016, didn't work out for hillary clinton, but trump was not great at debates and he wasn't great at debates in 2020 either. he just kinda yelled. so i mean it truly, i mean, what was the biden like, shut up, man or whatever. >> that's just remind everyone
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of because this this moment, this moment that jackie references is really, it helps explain everything that we've seen unfold in the last 24 hours in terms of the biden campaign and the trump campaign, i mean, jackie, it's remarkable that they can agree on anything at all. i mean, truly like the depth of the hatred for the commission on presidential debates seems to be such that it can bridge some serious design and for different reasons, yeah, let's show that that moment. watch i'm going back to what you are. >> you in fact, let people know. he doesn't want to senator russia. i'm not going to answer the question because the question justice the left, would you i mean, that moment is driving so much of this, right? exactly because they think that that will remind people of the chaos of the trump years and really cut this trump nostalgia that we're seeing reflect an impulse. and frankly, we're seeing, we're hearing from voters on the campaign trail that things were bad so really whatever comes to pass we'll have to see, but
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we've seen biden meet the moment as he did in the state of the union. and we've also seen him not so make the moment so gamble on both sides here. >> all right. jackie, christina first this morning, jackie always great to have you. thank you so much all right. liar. liar, pants on fire. that about sums up today's strategy for donald trump's defense team. when michael cohen returns to the witness stand in need, former president's hush money trial later today sources telling cnn they plan to drive home, the point that cohen is a convicted liar because they were not able to produce a gotcha moment during tuesday's cross-examination trump attorney todd blanche did try on tuesday, he brought up lies that cohen had told to special counsel, robert mueller's investigators when they interviewed him back in 2018 blanche asking cohen if molars team questioned him about the trump moscow project saying you lied to them, right? cohen replied, yes. the information i gave was not accurate. blanche responding. so is not accurate information. ally cohen. sure.
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blanche then asks, do you recall lying about anything else? >> or were you only lying about that or being inaccurate, whatever word cohen i don't know also maybe worth noting that rudy giuliani, who of course was once a prosecutor, was calling for this liar, liar strategy against cohen, six years ago, and this was even before molars team interrogated him he's destroyed himself. chris, as a witness, i prosecuted 5,000 cases. >> i'd never prosecuted case on this guy's testimony. he's contradicted so many times that i mean, you begin your cross-examination by saying which set of eyes you're going to tell us today, michael let's go through them now. >> that of course took place as there were questions about whether or not michael cohen was gonna flip on donald trump, which he ultimately did about a month later when he pled guilty. all right. our next cast defense attorney shan woo thanks, the trump lawyer, todd blanche may be in over his head. shan. good morning. wonderful to have you here. why do you think this about blanche? well, blanche's
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background is a good pedigree, but he actually has not done much work as a criminal defense attorney and working in a big law firm, working on complex quite colleges very different than being in the nitty-gritty of manhattan courtroom against a seasoned district attorney's team that's used to this type of slog through sort of warfare and it showed in his cross-examined actually rudy giuliani whatever it situation may be nowadays, that was a much better idea of opening with that first question to kinda like trying knock, going well as he'll some than what blanche open with which was to say, hey, you're making his personal judge, amelie shutting down here about him right in we're first question was, hey, michael cohen, you are insulting me. >> todd blanche hey, do that. >> well, he was looking for something to get under cohen's skin. the rabble him a little bit. i don't think that would are rattled cone very much those big mistake because the lawyer is not a witness. >> how the witness we feel about the lawyer that's not something you want to bring out. if over the time the cross the witness is really nasty
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towards you, you just kinda let that be and what the jury think. oh, this witnesses squirly, they don't like the lawyer, but you don't start out by saying you don't like me very much de like, why are you so important do you think that we might see a switch in terms of who is doing the cross-examination here because obviously we saw a pretty aggressive cross-examination of stormy daniels probably not. i think they've been planning for awhile to have blanche do it so a it would look bad to the jury to switch up because it seemed like he wasn't doing a good job and b would probably mess up their strategy to okay. >> so one of you mentioned that blanche was trying to get under cohen's skin. what do you think is if you're the defense team, what is the best strategy to do that? i mean, we we had lanny davis on with us as we were covering this throughout the day this week. and he noted that he was cohen's attorney when he testified before congress, he was sitting behind him and he said that his biggest fear was that cohen was going to get angry. so clearly this is a a concern. >> well, they shouldn't be
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using that as the major strategy just to get them angry, what you wanna do on crosses, you need to have a theory, a theory theme you want to work obviously their theme should be finding inconsistency is but most importantly finding a lack of a solid nexus. so cohen's the best thing the prosecution biden has to really tying trump into approving this whole strategy, approving it as a reimbursement may wedding be covered up as reimbursement. yeah. >> now, that has an invoice rather reimbursement, they should really try and focus on that that cohen can't give a complete rock solid proof of that issue along the way, when you find them assistance, these are great, but putting your entire defense on the idea of this liar, liar pants on fire thing just won't fly if he is consistent on the basic story. >> all right, can move forward this morning, shannon. thanks very much. i really appreciate it. >> all right. still ahead. here are the leaders of russia and china's celebrate their close ties as the ukraine war intensifies plus the celtics
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dominate cleveland to advance to the eastern conference finals. bleacher report's up next today at america's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way. thanks to you. we're getting bottles back and we've done developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic, new bottles made using no new plastic. >> you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get more welcome back, we can use less new plastic bottles are made to be remade okay? we our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition. for strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune health and insurance her complete with 30 grams of protein it's coming ready i
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closed captioning is brought to you by skechers massage fit sandals check these out. skechers massage that sandals. they give you a foot massage with every step is secret is skechers patented a wave technology that gently massage is your foot with every step skechers massage that sand welcome back. >> the russian president vladimir putin is in china right now for a two-day state visit. the trip officially meant to strengthen foreign policy coordination, but it comes as both leaders have faced increased tensions with the west, russian troops have pushed into ukraine this week, and the country faces international sanctions joining me now to discuss a cnn national security analysts and the author of the book, the new cold war, china's rise, russia's invasion and america struggle to defend the west. david sanger is here david, of course, the best person possible to talk about this. i mean, the images that are coming out of this trip are, are pretty stark. the two men inspecting troops together and
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there they are at this table together russia has been increasingly isolated from the west, and his economy it's increasingly reliant on china what is going on here and how should we be viewing this? how should we be concerned about this here in the west? >> okc? good morning and i think this is the most interesting. and for the us, the most important geopolitical relationship that has developed in the past few years it was underway during the trump administration. it was underway during the obama administration. >> these two men have met 43 or 44 times so far. >> pardon me. that's quite a that's quite a number by comparison, president biden has met putin as president. one that's and handful of times
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with president tree it's easy to come to the conclusion that this is sort of an alliance that is coming together, that the alliance of resistance to the united states, and there was some of that going on but at this moment, i would say it's more like an uneasy partnership. >> these are two countries with very different interests i'm sure that president xi is not all that interested in seeing the ukraine war continue along these lines he's perfectly happy to have the united states distracted with it. but it poses certain challenges to him, particularly as he tries to build this relationship with the europeans she was just in europe two weeks ago so for president putin china has become the number one relationship they have taken the oil. >> he can no longer ship to europe they have been providing him with technology and parts,
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but not arms he's using those parts to bring back as 20 his fighter jets much of the equipment that he lost in the early days of the ukraine war so they're an absolutely critical partner how do you sort of mentioned that their interests kristen, some ways compete and one theme for china has typically been stability. how does that play into this relationship and affect it? >> if that's kind of the way the chinese are thinking about it because putin is clearly a force of instability right now, no that's right. >> and i think casey, you put your finger on which is china's power, is one of creation and expansion. write them. and so why are we worried about china? >> because of ai, because of semiconductors, because of this flood of new electric vehicles that they're putting into europe. >> and that president biden put
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the tariffs on the other day for fear that they would come to the united states putin by contrast, is just how has only one power. and that is disruption. >> he superb at it, right world-class but that's what completely what his power is. so let me give you an example of an area where the us might be able to get in the way of this as you've read in our stories in the times and elsewhere, the us government believes that putin is getting ready sometime in the next two months to a year due to put a nuclear weapon into space one that would be able to threaten to take out american satellites if we were in a conflict with them. >> and basically turn off a lot of our communications and i'm military communications well, there's no way to do that without also taking out chinese satellites. >> so it's a great opportunity for the us to be able to step
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in and say to the chinese hey, you really need to have a chat with your new partner. >> because his partnership without limits is going to take out your multi-billion dollar investment in your satellite networks just as it's going to take hours and that's basically the strategy that nixon and kissinger add by opening number relationship between the united states and china, which was all intended to cut off the flourishing of relationship with the then soviet union. >> really interesting. all right, cnn, national security analyst david sanger. david always grateful to have you. thanks very much for being here great to be with you. all time now for sports, the celtics close out the cavaliers to advance to the eastern conference finals for the third straight season. carolyn mano has this morning's bleacher report. carolyn, good morning good morning. >> casey. this is familiar territory for boston. they've now made it to the conference finals six times in eight years, but they still haven't gotten over the hump to win a
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title in that span, the odors of the nba's best regular season record, putting away the cavaliers for the resounding once 17, 98 when on their home court last night ending the series in five games and jayson tatum leaving the way 25 points, ten boards, and afterwards, she said focus right now is on, wheat and not me right now this point in the season auto was a voted are only thing that matters is getting that big trophy we can worry about the individual was later down my career, but this year the saga championship the mavericks are now one went away from punching them their ticket to the western conference finals, dallas silencing the oklahoma city thunder one to take a 3-2 series lead. >> they got a monster game from luka doncic. he finished to the 31.11 assists, ten rebound, triple doubles. so the maths can close out the series of the winning game six in dallas on saturday he's got one more. >> we got one more to win out of two games that's it. three,
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two, that shall nothing. we've got to finish it and go with the same mentality home only one game on the scheduled tonight, put it is a big one. >> the defending nba champion nuggets can advance with a win against minnesota to bob set for eight 30 eastern for that in the nhl playoffs, the avalanche, snapping a three-game skid, beating the stars five, three and game five of their western conference semifinal, managing to stave off elimination colorado superstar defenseman kale mcar scoring twice in a gutsy road when including the eventual game winner, less than five minutes into the third period. so dallas still in the driver's seat with a 3-2 series lead there, but now the series shifting back to denver for game six on friday friday night, and nfl teams casey unveiling their schedules for the upcoming season tennessee titans fans can now prepare for their opponents, even if they still aren't sure exactly who they are owe. the bank goals. i
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loved the bangles, love the banjo, love joe burrow yeah peaked in 1970 okay, boyfriend dallas cowboys that prescott i. wouldn't want to be a table around them you will go on board every time he just don't care, right? >> he's like we have so my phone noted that used to kick the super bowls book has second of light, maybe like three to four years straight with tom brady. >> and then what happened? >> so this is actually an improved effort, i would say from fans since the titans marketing team tried this last season, i think it went viral. what are the fans? it's been called the falcons are red
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stallions, but teams getting very creative with their schedule releases yeah, they sure our eye i'm learning more about boyd's the boyfriend campbell, i really yeah. >> admit i only know one or two you can guess new carolyn mano. thank you. i really appreciate it. see you soon. >> all right. coming up here, senator john fetterman is going to join us to talk about his fight for for america's mental health after his battle with depression and next dates are set for the biden trump debates president biden challenge former president trump to two debates and trump accepted trump agreed to the debate. >> he said other, there's something it's okay my parole officer the first debate will be next month, which is the earliest presidential debate has ever been. and if we're being honest in early bird debate feels right for these guns i brought in a ceu or max
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3:00 am in brynn certain i've hanako montgomery and tokyo and this is cnn it's thursday, may 16, right now on santa ana swing left, the debates begin. joe biden and donald trump agreeing so face off twice. round one, less than six weeks away, right here on cnn and michael cohen returns to the witness stand, ready to be branded? why are again, by donald trump's defense team plus why don't we, putin and xi jinping are together in beijing pledging to deepen their partnership. >> who need two more all right, 6:00 a.m. here in washington wide look, the white house on this thursday morning, we're almost a friday, everyone. >> good morning. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us it's on joe biden


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