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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 20, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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every weekend join me at i had to montgomery and tokyo. and this is cnn cnn breaking news good morning. i'm kasie hunt in washington. this is cnn this morning. it's 5:00 a.m. here on the east coast and we begin with breaking news. a helicopter carrying iranian president ebrahim raisi crashing early sunday morning in a remote area of the country. iranian state media reporting overnight that he is dead, the foreign minister and other government officials were also onboard after attending an event near a ron's border with azerbaijan rescuers reached the crash site overnight. there are no survivors prompting or ron's government to convene an emergency meeting. cnn's paula hancocks is tracking the latest developments for us from abu dhabi polo. good morning to you. what is the latest here? >> okc. we know at this point that the conditions at the time of the helicopter crash were
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bad. we know that the weather was challenging. we have been told that the fog and low cloud reduced visibility significantly. so this is certainly being looked into by investigators now this happened in a remote northwestern parts of the country. it is very mountainous. it is inhospitable terrain and it took rescue teams about 16 hours to be able to reach the area where this helicopter went down. they were unable themselves house to put a helicopter up to try and find the location quicker. they said because the conditions were too dangerous, so that really speaks to what the weather was like at the time of this crash. now we know that there has been this urgent meeting of the iranian cabinets. we also know that the iranian government has a their condolences saying it's a great loss for the iranian nation that from the guardian council. and we know from the supreme leader
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himself, ayatollah ali khamenei, they will now be five days of mourning in a run following this crash, he has expressed his condolences there's as well. interesting though, all the iranian officials, including the supreme leader, who have expressed condolences, also point out that there will not be any disruption with this accident to the running of iran, really trying to push forward a message of stability. certainly an important wouldn't message. they feel they need to give. now we know also that they have already made moves in the political scene. we know that the vice president has been now promoted to acting president and there will be 50 days before there are elections called to replace that position we also know that the deputy foreign minister has now taken the position of acting foreign minister. and this is a man who was known to
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the united states its ali bagheri qani, he was the top negotiator in those indirect negotiations with the united states when it came to the, iranian nuclear deal. and also hostage, she transfers and negotiations. so what we're seeing at this point from the iranian political sphere here is a message of stability. at the same time as we are seeing the bodies being transferred from this crash site on the side of a mountain to the closest city to the area of but to brace so a five day morning period now in iran and we are seeing signs of that morning starting already. we see on state media the television anchors wearing black, we see prayers within the news bulletins themselves and certainly this is a shock for many waking up in a run or a paula hancocks for us with this
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breaking news this morning, paula, thank you. i want to go now to cnn senior international correspondent ivan watson. ivan, good morning to you. what has been the reaction so foreign, what happens next in iran right? >> well, i mean this is coming at a difficult time for iran because it has economic woes. it has been dealing with domestic unrest from two years ago, from the death of a young woman in police custody that triggered a nationwide protests that were crushed brutally in result resulted in the deaths of hundreds of protesters and the ongoing tensions with israel. it was just last month that iran and israel were literally taking shots at each other. so now you have this shock to the political system inside iran of course, the president is not the most senior figure in the iranian system of government. that is the supreme leader. but yet not only as polo was mentioning, is
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there an effort to show a sign of stability? but there are messages of condolences coming in primarily from iran's allies across the region, for instance, the russian foreign minister person condolences the different militant groups that iran has long supported the houthis in yemen. hamas locked in this death spiral of violence with the israeli military in gaza, the lebanese shape movement has bulla expressing condolences, his bullet putting out a statement calling calling the slain president raisi of iran, a big brother, a strong supporter and a staunch defender of our interests the lebanese caretaker prime minister has declared three days of mourning in lebanon, as well. and another country that has reached out is iran's neighbor to the way first, turkey, which isn't necessarily a closed military ally of iran. however tehran reached out to the turkish government and meet required asked for help with a
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drone to help find the crash site of iran's president and recall, it took more than 16 hours officially for the iranian rescuers to reach their president. they needed the help of a neighboring country and it's drone in those difficult weather conditions because their own president went missing for more than 16 hours. >> casey it just an absolutely remarkable situation here i've been watson for us in hong kong, starting us off this morning. i've thank you very much for that. are coming up next here at michael cohen is back on the stand. can trump's attorney du more damage to his own credibility? i guess we'll see a british court about to decide whether julian assange will be extradited to the united states assignments are going off the tornado here. i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it
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could help you save i'm dr. sanjay gupta in london and this is cnn welcome back today, michael cohen returns to the witness stand in donald trump's hush money trial. >> after an intense few days of testimony last week over the weekend trump spent his time away from the court on the campaign trail. the president headlining a dinner friday hosted by the minnesota republican party and he has chorus falsely claimed that he won the state in both 2016 and 2020. he took this jab at president biden i used to treat by with a little respect, not a lot, but a little. now i say he's the worst president. he's incompetent he's not a smart person president biden was also in the midwest over the weekend. >> he spoke in detroit on sunday and said this about donald trump it's clear what
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he lost the 2020 and i mean, it certainly something snapped and trump. he's not only obsessed with about losing 2020 currently on hand all right. >> trying to me now, national political reporter for the hill, julia manchester. julia, good morning. always wonderful to see you. so both of these guys out on the trail in the midwest, it really underscores the importance of that region. but this, of course, all comes as donald trump heads back to court, this week with michael cohen back on the stand and the big looming question is trump going to testify or is he not going to test it? absolutely. and legal experts have essentially says me, it would probably not be the best idea. for donald trump to testify. we don't know what he's going to say. we know that he's oftentimes a loose it's cannon with these kinds of things. and i think right now prosecutor or excuse me, the defense attorneys are feeling confident that michael cohen's testimony in a way makes their case for them supporters of the prosecution would say, look,
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michael cohen is putting all the pieces they're all of the evidence, but there's still this underlying question of can we trust michael cohen? it's so easy for todd blanche and the defense to say, look, this is someone who lied under oath and congress, he'll do it again. what's stopping him now? he's also someone who could have vendetta against donald trump. so even though this risk of michael cohen could play for the defense team, the idea of trump testifying could also be risk key for them, right? >> well, and i think that the question is, how quickly is this? is this all trial going to wrap up and to your point about legal experts saying, i mean, risky, i think doesn't even begin to quite capture what could happen for donald trump here on the stand, we've only gotten to see him in his life despite his involvement in so many court cases, he's only testified under oath kind of a handful of times in these instances. joy, let's talk a little bit too about what we saw from president biden over the weekend. he gave an address at morehouse college. he's of course, been trying to focus on
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getting black voters in particular to be as excited about them as they were in 2020. and that's proven to be an uphill battle for him. i think we have a little bit of what he said in that morehouse speech over the weekend. let's watch but let's talk about what happened at the speech, because people did turn their back on the president in protest about gaza. >> otherwise, it was relatively calm, still striking scene striking can it was something that the president's team was obviously prepared for. this is not the first time he's had to deal with these protests. other political figures have had to deal with these protests, but i think he probably hit the right notes with calling for a cease by era and saying, you know, a return for these rayleigh hostages as well but look, this is striking because we know that it's only black voters that seem to be not as enthusiastic about the president compared to pass
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democratic candidates. but it's also young black voters, young voters in general in this issue that plays for that voting block is really starting to hurt biden. so this is a chance for him to get out there and make his case directly to the youth vote julia, how do you see i mean, we're obviously covering breaking news this morning with the leader of iran dying in this helicopter crash at this point, we've had the senate majority leader, chuck schumer out there saying, no, no indication at all a foul play. >> we're not hearing any anything along those lines. but of course this comes at an incredibly tense moment. for iran and israel actually engaged in a shooting war. it's a hot, hot war. in the last couple of weeks that prompted american negotiators to do some shuttle diplomacy with the omani is over the weekend. and of course this likely to further inflame tensions here in washington you had at least a phonic boeing
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giving this kind of fiery address to the israeli knesset how do you see the events, the breaking news at playing out in terms of the conversation here in washington. >> look, i think it underscores how very carefully american officials are moving on the situation i mean, obviously, the middle east is a powder keg in any sort of, even if there wasn't foul play involved, any sort of event like this could sort of spark a chain reaction, especially play at a time when you have iran allied with hezbollah and hamas obviously in the israel-gaza war. >> so i think american officials are going to move very, are the administration i should say are going to be think very carefully, but i think the administration will also get a lot of pressure still from people like elise stefanik from republicans to take an even more hard line stance on iran all right, truly manchester for us, julia. thank you very much for being here this morning are coming up next. >> we're going to continue to follow this breaking news out of iran where they're president has been confirmed dead after a hell welcome to crash. plus,
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plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! checkout for in brynn for certain i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this get cnn breaking now, iran has confirmed that it's president ebrahim raisi was killed in a helicopter crash in a remote part of the country. >> the chopper was also carrying foreign minister and a number of other passengers there's their bodies now being transported to a nearby city. cnn's matthew chance looks back on who were uc was where she was a staunch critic of the west and seen as a possible successor to the iranian supreme leader behemoth racy came to power in 2021, winning an election with a record low turnout. and for three years enacting policies that made him a polarizing figure at home and
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abroad his presidency saw a dangerous escalation and tensions with israel in april, he supported a major attack against the country in an unprecedented response to a suspected israeli strike on the iranian consulate in syria, which killed several iranian commanders throughout races presidency, it preska ahead with its nuclear program violating an, international agreement. while blaming the us for withdrawing and european states for not living up to their end of the deal to run also supplied lethal drone technology to russia fueling the conflicts in ukraine allowing moscow to strike deep behind the front lines meanwhile, at home raisi oversaw a brutal crackdown on dissent, suppressing a 2022 uprising sparked by the death of mahsa amini, a young woman
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in the custody of a religious morality please. it will cemented his status as a loyal hard liner, potentially in line to succeed iran's 85-year-old supreme leader president races sudden death plunges that succession into chaos racy died along with his minister of foreign affairs has seen a mere abdolrahim the top iranian diplomat, took office in 2021 after a long career with the foreign ministry all right. >> that was our matthew chance. we're going to have much more still ahead on this story. are 23 minutes past the hour. here's your morning round up. any minute now, a british court will well the side of julian assange should be extradited to the us. wikileaks founder faces trial in this country after his company published highly classified material on its website the us will remove its military forces from new share
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by september 15th, the agreement came after several days of talks between the defense department and mujeres military guy government fewer than 1,000 american troops are still in the country a wildfire and arizona has scorched nearly 5,000 acres of the tanno national forest just north of phoenix. it began saturday and at last check was 0% contained with also had severe weather in america's heartland overnight damage watching winds and tornadoes tearing through parts of kansas and oklahoma with more dangerous storms possibly today from colorado to michigan. let's get straight to meteorologist derek van dam at derek. good morning to you. what are you seeing? >> yeah, good morning. it's just incredible to see the lightning illuminate that large funnel cloud that struck the western suburbs of oklahoma city overnight that was roughly about 10:30 in the evening local time. and this is some of the footage driving through the severe weather that moved through oklahoma homa city. right now, we've got several rounds of thunderstorms across the northern portions of the
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country and throughout the planes, we stretch into the northeastern sections of oklahoma. we have a severe thunderstorm. watch. this includes tulsa, but excludes oklahoma city. this morning because the greatest threat of severe weather is actually going to shift a little further to the north today. and the reason being is that we've got many of the factors driving the severe weather from warmth, instability to some sort of lift which is a dry by-line or a cold front that's moving through. so here it is greatest chances of severe weather including chicago suburbs. we've got a level two of five for you, but you can see are enhanced risk, including portions of nebraska with damaging winds and can't rule out a tornado for the afternoon across many of these locations. so we'll keep an eye to the sky. there are several days of severe weather ahead of us across the nations midsection. casey all right. >> derek van dam for us lots to watch out for derek. thanks very much. i really appreciate it coming up here. lawyers for donald trump hoping to continue to try to hammer michael cohen's credibility when he returns to the stand in just
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hours plus iran confirming the death of president ebrahim raisi head, we'll discuss what this could mean for the stability of the region can to riva support your brain health mary janet, hey, hey eddie. know, fraser, franck, franck, bread. how are you fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health, luma phi. it's kind of amazing wow, luma phi drops dramatically, reduce redness in one minute and look at the difference. my eyes look brighter and wider for up to eight hours. >> luma phi, it really worked see for yourself if you were stationed, working or living at campbell as yoon between 1953 and 1987, and you or a loved one of suffered from severe illness, you may be eligible for a settlement offer as a veteran, morgan and morgan really advocated for me number the grave for the morgan. >> morgan are there. they helped me because these guys de i couldn't do a mound morgan
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he held an extraordinary meeting this morning with the legislative and judiciary branches of government. their cnn, senior national security analyst juliet km, is here with me now. juliet. good morning to you. this obviously comes at a time of heightened tensions in the region. how do you think this impacts? all of the various forces at play here, including what has been an escalating set of tensions between israel and iran. that of course, ties in with what's going on here in the i think rants desire to quickly add both acknowledged the death of the president and then put in the vice president's suggests that they don't want turmoil our they also lost their foreign minister and that's for a couple of reasons. >> one of course, is the tensions in israel and they're supportive hamas and then also hezbollah, but also their support of the yemen terrorist base terrorists, the hutus who are causing havoc in the suez
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canal. so basically we the way to read this from the us perspective is their foreign policy is not changing whatsoever. that this will be a consistent trajectory for around for the foreseeable future and not to anticipate any changes, any awakenings, any liberalization it's going to be the status quo. i think the only variable for me looking at it from the us perspective is is the cause of the crash. they the rantisi have been leaning very forward on the weather, which is good. i mean, there's been no state-sponsored conspiracy theories about the cause of the crash. everyone seems to be acknowledging it was whether fog, rain-related. and that is good if there were any suspicion that there was some nefarious activity that would be the scenario that would make me very nervous so speaking of that, we actually heard from the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, who, whose importance here is that he is a
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member of the gang of eight, which receives particularly high level intelligence briefings from the us government. >> here's what schumer had to say yesterday about whether or not foul play was suspected. he said it was not white yes. >> now i ran, this is on, as you know, there was a helicopter crash okay. and this is late news. okay so i've just spoken to the intelligence authorities at this point there is no evidence of foul play it looks like an accident that was very bad, foggy weather in northwestern ran where the copter crashed so it looks like an accident, but it's still being fully investigated so clearly, showing that to just illustrate that, what us intelligence is picking up right now is what you indicated. >> but to that broader point, i mean, it it does seem noteworthy and it almost ties your two points together. this idea that they want to show nothing this is going to change. they're stable to acknowledge that it was whether
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here instead of trying to insinuate something more nefarious that's exactly right. >> that's strikes me as good from the radium perspective and suggests that they needed to get that story line out very quickly because it's probably factual. we know this because there are two other helicopters who said that they lost that helicopter, presumably there were eyewitness accounts of what happened to the helicopter that had racy on it and then also look, the european union and other countries were supportive of helping around find the helicopter. this was key so that the transition could be announced, but also part of this consistency, the stability aspect it is because of their own internal domestic unrest. i have to say in a racing was was the president he's a horrible, horrible human being. anyone who knows the history of his not just his attacks on sort of popular protest a women who were
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protesting a year ago, but well before that, he became famous as a judge who basically executed everyone like a meeting. he is his history is horrible and i think what what the rainy and leadership wants to show to people is that brutality, that clamp down on iranian unrest will continue. this is as much about their what they're saying to the outside. i'd world as what they're saying to their own population. >> it really remarkable and i think look the people that we've heard from in the wake of this announcement, there's a statement from hamas, a statement from hezbollah a statement from russia underscores who in the world as viewing this in this tragic way. julia km for us, juliet very grateful to have your perspective this morning. thank you very much thank you. all right. are other news today, michael cohen, back on the witness stand for more cross-examination in donald trump's hush money trial last week, trump's lawyer zeroed in on cohen's conflicting
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accounts of a key phone call that happened back in 2016. previously, cohen had testified he spoke with trump to discuss the stormy daniels matter and on thursday, trump attorney todd blanche revealed text messages from just minutes before that call revealing the cohen was concerned about a teenager who had been prank calling him trump's lawyer, press cohen saying, quote, when you testified on tuesday that you had a specific recollection that you called keith schiller and he passed the phone to president trump. you finalize the deal with stormy daniel's and you said, we're going to move forward in. he said, yes, because you've them informed all the time that was your testimony, right? cohen said that's correct. and blanche responded. that was a lie, joining me now, criminal defense attorney andra tarkovsky andrew good morning to you. here's what cnn stephen collinson are kind of big picture painter here, writes about what we're going to see and what we are seeing today. defense lawyers say, he says they expect to complete their bruising cross-examination of
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cohen, trump's former lawyer and enforcer on monday morning. prosecutors will then use their second chance to question cohen to try to patch up any doubts the ex-president's team may have sown in the minds of jurors about his version of events. my question for you is, what does the prosecution need to do when they get their chance to try to repair some of this damage well, i think that michael cohen's testimony obviously is very damaging to the prosecution in terms of the cross-examination that took place with all of these pieces that came out, but what the prosecution needs to do is focus on that, which is corroborated. that's what they need to do in their closing argument. they need to piece apart everything that michael cohen said that has somebody else who said the same thing. and that way they can show that those things, they'll claim are not lies, are not fabrications. the things that are uncorroborated, i think they have a lot of difficulties with andrew.
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>> one piece of this conversation that we've kind of been consumed with over the weekend, is this question about whether or not donald trump is going to tend testify in his own defense. he seems to want to say yes, he will the overwhelming consensus from basically every lawyer that has come through this studio in the course of the past few weeks of covering this trial has said that that would be a terrible idea. what say you and what do you think? he's gonna do? >> well, he doesn't need to testify. and i think that the attorneys who are advising him have to talk about why i think that it's because what he's already had to say is out. so the ideas of his defense that this was because he wanted to protect his image or protect his family. those are statements that have already come wow, that's exactly what i tell my clients when they're debating whether s5 juries want to hear from the defendant. but if the defendant's statements or their version of events is already something that was put forth before them. there's no need to engage in the extra risk of a brutal
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cross-examination. so here we're donald trump's statements we're brought out many different ways by the prosecution themselves often to help the prosecution. there's also ways in which that would help the defense. so i don't think he needs to testify because he's already been heard by the jury. >> where do you think this case stands overall in terms of proving that a felony was committed because there does seem to be a pile of information about records. and the potential falsification of the records. but i just think it's worth repeating as we have, but they also have to show that there was a reason for doing that. that was also a crime, which in this new york case is defrauding the voters of new york. >> how, how well do you think the prosecution has made this case? >> because we do expect michael cohen to be their last witness. >> when we say defrauding the the voters of new york, they have to prove some sort of underlying secondary crime took place. now, michael cohen
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actually, i thought i did a good job of putting forward that he was engaging in additional criminal act next and knew that the president was that the president knew that he was part of michael cohen's cover up. the real problem for the prosecution is more on the misdemeanor in my estimation. i think that that focus on the idea of the underlying element of whether the business record entry of it being a legal expense that has to be wrong hong are fraudulent in its own right. so there's many different elements both on the underlying misdemeanor, the fraud itself, and the escalating front itself, as well as the idea that michael cones escalating fraud or his crime is part of what donald trump was bringing into that. so there's a really big pile of elements that all have to come together. i think the defense is going to pick apart each the prosecution certainly has their argument judge merchan is likely to get a motion from the defense to dismiss, saying that there are certain elements for which
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there was no evidence produced. now, it's not likely, judge for shot will grant that, but we have that all of that is going to start to unravel here in the next few days all right. >> andrew tarkovsky for it on this monday morning, andrew. thank you very much for being with us. i appreciate it. thanks. thank you all right. >> coming up next here. arounds president and foreign minister dead in a helicopter crash. how this will impact tensions in the region, plus the nba champs, do are bleacher report's ahead this product change my skin forever. >> polys choice 2% vha, 71,000 five-star reviews and over 30 beauty awards great skin begins with exfoliation available a polish, and so forth if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with parsi because their places you'd like to be for seeker can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may
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gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. available now on the apple app store, android and m. >> i'm sara marie and washington. and this is cnn close captioning is brought to you by skechers massage fit sandals. >> check these out. skechers massage that sandals. they give you what massage with every step the secret is skechers patented a wave technology that gently massage is your foot with every step sketching this massage that sandals welcome back. >> we're going to turn back now to our breaking news overnight or wrong confirmed its president and foreign minister were killed in a helicopter crash. reaction has been coming in from a ron's allies in the region, including lebanon. they have announced three days of mourning. their cnn military analysts and retired air force colonel cedric latent with me
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now as cedric, good morning to you. very grateful to have you here. what are the ramifications of raisi's death across a region that has been extraordinarily tents and two months good morning, casey. >> well, i think there was ramifications are going to be many and varied so the big aspect of this is racy was a very aggressive person would know the only domestically within iran, but also from a foreign policy standpoint, he although normally the president doesn't have as much foreign, i'll see responsibility and iran, he did take you on a lot of that and he was able to in essence, along with the supreme leader, ayatollah, how many he was able to really manifested radian power within the persian gulf region and also so the beyond including the relationship with hamas, with the hoodies. >> i certainly with hezbollah in lebanon. >> and so the aspects that
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we're having to deal with here is in essence the what comes next part of it. and it's really, i think stands to reason that too, based on the way the reagan government is setting and very ideological bent of all the different players within iran. it seems as if the iranians are going to probably have a similar kind of approach to foreign policy. but there's one glimmer hopefully if, you will in the us and the radius have had some discussions through intermediaries in oman that were confirmed just just very recently with the idea of reducing tensions in the region. so yes, there is the move within certain aspects of the foreign policy tapestry, if you will, in the middle east but on the other side of it is they are trying to tamp down as some of the excesses of what what they've done is have done in the past. so the hope is that that will continue. but
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whether or not it does, of course, depends on how the radians perceive this accident. they see it as an accident, really see it as something else right? >> well, and it does seem as though they, that is the narrative that they are sticking with right now. and actually i'm interested kernel in understanding a little bit more of about how this could happen. and i know you have retired from the air force, the helicopter that they were flying. obviously the weather is very bad. but what kind of helicopter wasn't why might it have been more prone to crash then helicopters that hey you know, our military flies yes. >> so we actually do fly, you can fit flown in the past, similar to look coppery to this in military and say it's very similar in design. i was basically based on the ue helicopters that were used as far back as vietnam. this is a bell to 12 which was designed
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back in the 1960s and it is an opera, was an operation both civilian and military uses of from the vietnam era into the present production of this particular variant stopped in the late 90s but the iranians basically inherited this helicopter from the time of the shas. so before the 1979 revolution, and as a result of that, would be spare parts that will be necessary to maintain a helicopter like this. we're probably limited because of sanctions that iran has been under over quite. here is really decades. so they weren't able to maintain this particular helicopter. they had that's i think the supposition that we have and the part of it is is that the iranians really lacked the kind of avionics that we have on model helicopters, both military and
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civilian the ability for their radar systems to discern mountains, other terrain features may have been limited and given the weather that existed at that particular moment in time when this crash occurred that could have significantly impacted the ability of the pilot to fly the helicopter. >> really, really remarkable decades old helicopter without enough parts for the president and the country colonel cedric latent. kernel, always grateful to have you. thank you very much you bet casey. all right. turn-off for sports golf, second major of the year comes down to the last show dot on the last whole. carolyn manning mano has this morning's bleacher report karatay. good morning. >> hey, good morning. casey xander schauffele, you had long been the highest scoring player without a major title to his name, but none not anymore after winning the pga championship in dramatic style, like you said, the tournament coming down to the very last hole here when schauffele needed a birdie to avoid a playoff? his tee shot actually
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landed right on the lip of a fairway bunker, which put them in a really precarious spot. it actually force him to stand in the city and for a really awkward second shot with the olympic gold medalist coming up pledge, knocking the ball just off the green and the fairway. and then from there, draining is six foot plot to secure the milestone when i'm finishing 21 under for the tournament, the lowest total at a major championship and gulf history edging out bryson dechambeau by just one shot to claim the wanamaker trophy become very patient, not, not, not knocking off anyone's in last couple of years. the people closest to me know how stubborn i can be so when it because winning. i said earlier it is a result. i mean, this is awesome. it's super sweet. i just kept telling myself i need to earn this earn this, and being be in the moment and i was able to do that meantime, the top women's golfer doing what she does best, nelly korda celebrating for the sixth time and her last seven starts yet yesterday, the
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one stroke victory making her the first lpga tour golfer to win six or more times in a season since 2013, the nba is going to cram a new champion here are the timberwolves pulling off the largest game seven, come back in a quarter-century rallying from a 20 point deficit, karl-anthony towns and jaden mcdaniels scoring 23 points he's in a thrilling 9089 when to lift minnesota to the franchise's first western conference finals in 20 years. >> so minnesota will now face luka doncic and the mavericks that begins on wednesday. the pacers making some history of their own meeting, the knicks and a game seven here in new york, indiana, setting a playoff record by shooting 67 1% from the field in the 13109 when and new york who was already just decimated by injuries lost their star jalen brunson in a second half of this game him to a broken hand, tyrese haliburton, leaving the way 26 points for an indiana team that had all its starter score, at least 17. this was the first day in nba history
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that two rho teams won a game set. and how about that? >> and the pacers will now face the top-seeded celtics in the eastern conference finals that starts tomorrow night. >> and lastly for you this morning, casey tensions flaring after nascar there's all star re saturday night, kyle bush and ricky sin house junior, ending the evening and a physical altercation. you can see sandhaus throwing the first punch. this is on pit road, both teams trying to separate the pair, the two drivers make contact with one another early in the race that ultimately led to bush pushing sent house into the wall and ending his night joy legato ended up winning, but but things getting very fiery at the end after the race, just crazy video yikes. >> ix. >> not great. currently, we are talking about the knicks for a second. >> i got a lot of disappointed friends. >> what happened there let is appointed friends and a lot of people that really shelled out for high price tickets to watch this team go, a lot of people are saying there were running then to the ground, but you have to think about what they're able to do without julius randle. >> it's, it's just it's remarkable that they made it this far. i think ultimately
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they ran out of gas. the pacer said so much it's more depth, but i know it's a bummer. i live here in manhattan and i was pulling for him to jalen brunson had an incredible season what to play or what a group shirt it. all right? carolyn, thank you very much. really appreciate it. >> or coming up next year, michael cohen back in the hotseat in a matter of hours as lawyers for donald trump tried to tear him down even more for plus breaking news this morning, the president, number on killed and a helicopter crash. >> we'll bring you the latest developments ahead think that our mom procedure is at risk. >> we have to be very concerned why do you think he's doing this in can he be talked out of do you think he's guilty? >> with jake tapper weekdays it for unseat salon pass lidocaine flux are super thin, flexible paths with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right? whereas hertz and did we mention it really, really sticks salon pass. it's good medicine okay.
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ebrahim raisi killed in a helicopter crash. new developments ahead michael cohen returning to the stand, lawyers for donald trump, trying to convey ten you to discredit him. and attempts to refloat the cargo ship that collided with the key bridge in baltimore are underway right now all right. >> 6:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look at the white house on this monday morning good morning, everyone. and kasie hunt. wonderful to have you with us. it is just before 6:00 a.m. here on the east coast. and we're going to start with breaking news out of iran this morning. matt nations, president ebrahim raisi killed sunday morning when his helicopter crashed in a remote area, or ron's foreign minister and other government officials were also on board after an event near the border with azerbaijan, rescuers reached the crash site overnight there
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were no


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