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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 20, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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end of last month as there were rumors circulating that the icc might indeed issue or seek arrest warrants against top israeli leaders. we got a taste of what the israeli prime minister's reaction would be when he preempted effectively play this move saying that a decision by the icc to issue arrest warrants for israeli political officials or military commanders. he said would be a quote, scandal on a historic scale. he also called it, said it would be an indelible stain on all of humanity and an unprecedented anti-semitic hate crime. so that is the kind of language which that i think we will, we can expect to hear from the israeli prime minister as we expect reaction soon an unprecedented anti symmetric reality that's very, very strong language there. >> a jeremy diamond for us first of all, i'm jeremy. thank you for being here to share all of that reporting again, we're reporting here now at cnn at the icc is seeking arrest
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warrants for the leader of hamas, yahya sinwar and the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we're going to have much more continuing coverage of this coming up. i'm kasie hunt, cnn news central starts right now cnn. >> breaking news we are following this breaking news. >> the international criminal court moments ago announced it is seeking arrest warrants for the leaders of hamas for the october 7 terrorist attacks can israel and also seeking arrest warrants for the political and military leadership of the state of israel. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is really defenseman minister. yoav gallant hamas is top political and military leaders also being sought for crimes against humanity. all named just now, cnn's chief international anchor christiane amanpour, has this exclusive interview with a special prosecutor at the international criminal court, karim khan, who announced it to her just moments ago. and she's joining us right now from the hague
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christiane, tell me more tell us more about what you've learned we'll cage, we broke this earlier on cnn, some 20 minutes ago. it is an incredibly important turning point in this war since hamas invaded parts of israel's slaughtered so many people took so many hostages and in the aftermath, since israel went to war against hamas mars and has caused so many civilian casualties and what international officials say starvation and famine also impose. so these form the basis of the icc charges and they are now seeking warrants, seeking a rest warrants that will have to be approved by a annelle of independent judges here i am at the icc based on these things that i told you. and here are the crimes. there are some eight crimes charges alleged on both sides, starting with hamas because of the timeline, obviously, october 7 was what
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hamas did here's what what he told me we're here at the icc you are today announcing that you are applying for rest warrants for top military and political leadership in the israel gaza war since the october 7 events, first and foremost explained to me exactly what you're asking for and who you are charging today, christian, we've applied for warrants to the pre-trial chamber of the international criminal court in relation to three individuals that are hamas members sinwar, who's in charge on the ground. that's yahya sinwar. >> absolutely dave who's in charge of the accustom brigade and hernia who's one of the political bureau based in doha. >> what are the chart? edges? >> the charges are extermination, murder, taking
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of hostages, so rape and sexual assault in detention so these are the key crimes that are alleged to have been committed by these three individuals. the world was shocked on 7 october when people were ripped from their bedrooms, from their homes, from the different kibbutzim in israel and people have suffered enormously and we have a variety of evidence to support the applications that we've submitted to the judge's. >> you have also issued warrants against the top political and military leadership of the government of the state of israel we've applied for warrants. >> of course, the judges must determine whether or not to issue them, but we've applied today will apply for warrants for prime minister netanyahu and also minister of defense gland for the crimes of causing extermination causing starvation as a method of war,
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including the denial of humanitarian relief supplies deliberately targeting civilians in conflict so what you're hearing is the layout of the crimes. >> so it is crimes against humanity and war crimes. and in addition, the prosecutor has said just so that everybody understands that he has issued this request for arrest warrants based on the reasonable belief on grounds that these are criminal offenses that can meet a conviction standard. it's not just reasonable grounds that they could go to trial. this is higher the standard of conviction based on the evidence that he and his teams have collected so far, and that are in the public domain christiane sarah here, a couple of things. >> one, i wanted to ask you just about the unprecedented nature, but this is i think the first time that a democratic government has been brought under these potential warrants. and how they've gone about
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gathering evidence when getting into gaza off it's very, very difficult so on the first issue, i put that to prosecutor karim khan, obviously, and i said this is the first time that this has happened in a democratic situation when we're talking about the israeli sayyed and he said that is true. >> and if israel were to take this up or had taken it up, the judicial system when we first warned about this months ago, then they would have jurisdiction if they choose to do so. now, they will have jurisdiction so that is that's clear. he said that they have not chosen to do two such a thing, even though as he said to me and he said it publicly, that when i wanted all these international conferences, when i want in my face-to-face meetings with israeli officials that this is the warning aid is not getting through starvation is setting in. people are dying that don't complain if then my office does something about it. if you don't. so that's on
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that issue and then on the other issue of evidence, part of it is in the public domain. part of it is what's been reported over and again, part of it is what's been said and i'm talking about israel now. obviously we're going to get to the hamas. it's important to know that the prosecutors timeline in his indictment sheet and you'll see on the press release, they listed the crimes that they are charging hamas with on october 7, and we'll get to that in a second. but since you're asking me about the unprecedented nature of a democracy being so charged? this they go back to you, have golan, because don't forget, you have golan defense minister of israel, has also been charged and they, among others, seek as oc is intent, his statement on october the 9th. we are imposing a complete siege. there will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel, everything is closed because we have fighting human animals and we will act accordingly netanyahu, october 13th, we will exact a price that will be remembered by them. and israel's other
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enemies for decades to come now, that's part of it. the other part is all the physical and other testimony by us officials let's say usa id by international aid organizations, the un and all the others by the very fact that the united states has had to build some pier on the side of gaza and, and some countries have had to drop aid in that the aid, the demand for aid going in is not happening. and this is the basis of the majority he of the case against israel at the moment that this is no matter, as he explained israel, of course, has the right under any statute to defend itself from attack. but has to protect civilians. and this is something the united states has been calling for from the very beginning, as well as many, many others israel's allies. so they believe that that has not been adhere to that. aid has not gone in that famine in enough bulk that famine is there in
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some parts. and that there have been deaths by starvation and malnutrition related diseases now. and they've had many conversations the prosecutor tells me with officials inside israel on this now, on the other side, regarding hamas, the prosecutor has been to the areas inside israel which were attacked by hamas. the keyboard seem the site of the rave party, the nova party he has been there. he's talked to people, talked about, and to hostage families. and he also has seen the evidence that was on all sorts of videos, all sorts of body cams that has been provided. certainly in the public domain, but also by the israeli government regarding the crimes committed by hamas on october the seventh. so they have that amount of evidence that has been sufficient. they say for this round of arrest
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warrants and charges, and they say that you delay will continue to investigate. and this may not be the end of it. so let's just again sum up. on the homicide, yahya sinwar, the head of hamas, mostly military. mohammed on mastery, who's better known as mohammed dave, his deputy head of the military wing of hamas, the alpha sam brigades, and ismail haniyeh, the head of political arm of hamas, who frankly is involved in negotiate creations, currently indirect negotiations between hamas and israel regarding the release of israeli hostages and the capture of israeli hostages, these sexual offenses and violations and rapes by hamas also form part of these crimes against humanity that are being sought on arrest warrants. four, 400 like to you. personally and we're going to have much more on this in a little bit, including the us reaction. i think it is worth noting that national security adviser jake sullivan an hour ago, was meeting with israeli
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defense minister yoav gallant, who is listed here as someone they are seeking an arrest warrant four, so that obviously has huge international implications, but i do want to quickly ask you about the death of the iranian president ebrahim raisi in what you see as the immediate implications, there well, put this aside, although not the, not the war in the middle east, but put this event aside let's just be totally clear. the iranian president is an works at the behest of what they call the supreme leader ayatollah. how many 0s and more and more? of, the iranian revolutionary guard corps so the iranian president is not an independent actor. this particular therefore, not much is expected to change in terms of style of leadership and in terms of direction of the iranian regime the foreign minister also was killed along with others in that helicopter crash they will apparently have emergency elections in some 50
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days. we assume that much of iran's focus will be internal right now is it tries to deal with this. let's not forget that ebrahim raisi, the prime, the president is one of the most hard line leaders in recent iranian history he is known not just for the crackdown on the protests against the death of mahsa amini and the real grassroots protests all across iran for months by people who just wanted freedom and democracy. women who wanted to dress the way they wanted to dress he was known for that. that's his most recent legacy before that, years ago, he was part of a judicial part of a judicial panel that signed off on death warrants have some 5,000 so-called iranian dissidents after the iran-iraq war, he has been the vanguard of hardline politics following the iranian supreme leader for decades it
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is true that the united states and iran were trying to de-escalate tensions, right now, certainly tried to prevent a wider war, given what's going on between israel and hamas and the surrounding nations the iaea, the un new clear agencies said last week that there was some indications that iran may be going back into a more strict observation of their nuclear program, which is escalated since donald trump pulled the united states out of the iran nuclear deal. so all of that is going on and then the last thing, race he did really he was at the helm when there was the for tat military open conflict between israel and hamas last sorry, israel and iran last month christiane. thank you so much. we're going to have much more of cristian's exclusive interview with a special prosecutor of the icc on this breaking news, the icc bringing charges seeking arrest warrants against the political military leadership of hamas, as well as
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the leadership of the state of israel and more on the breaking news, the president of iran killed in a helicopter crash, much one ahead simons are going on. and the tornado here i'm thinking language die. >> and i thought that was it. >> earth with liev schreiber premieres june 2 had nine on cnn. >> i kept the cabin for three days so that what i'm trove our short on weekends what's that necessary? >> no neither is a blonde weekend would pay calm employees do their own payroll. >> so you can fix problems before they become problems get pay calm, and make the unnecessary unnecessary see you
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netanyahu, as well as another israeli leader and hamas leader, yahya sinwar and a few other hamas leaders in this is on charges stemming from obviously the invasion into israel and then the israeli response, cnn's jeremy diamond is alive in jerusalem, are white house correspondent are left side thanks. is that the white house? there are obviously major international national implications here. jeremy first, eu has israel spotted yet no. >> response yet we have reached out, of course, city israeli prime minister's office, the defense minister, both of the individuals named in this seeking of arrest warrants by the international criminal court, as well as to hamas. >> we did, however, late last month get a taste of what the israeli prime minister's reaction would be. two, arrest warrants by the international criminal court as he sought to kind of preempt this step that had been floating around as a possibility. and the israeli prime minister in late april, so that if the icc sought
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arrest warrants against israel's political or military leaders, he said that it would be a quote scandal on a historic scale. he said it would be an indelible stain on all of humanity and a quote, unprecedented anti-semitic hate crime. and we should know that the israeli prime minister and other officials in the israeli government have of course, repeatedly rebuffed the notion that israel is committing war crimes in gaza. but the report here by the prosecutor, karim khan and seeking these arrest warrants lays out a series of alleged crimes that he is charging or a ce is seeking to charge the israeli prime minister and the defense minister with including starvation of civilians as a method of warfare willful killing, contrary to with the, an article of the of the, of international law, other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity. and then of course, there are the hamas leaders who are also being the karim khan is also seeking to charge yahya sinwar, the leader of hamas in
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gaza is smile janiot. hamas's political leader who is based in qatar as well as mohammed dave, a hamas is a military commander. and on that front karim khan is seeking to charge them with extermination as a crime against humanity, rape, and other acts of sexual violence. and of course, the taking of hostages and the treatment of the hostages is also critical to the charges that karim khan is seeking here. so there's no doubt that these are immense steps being taken by the international criminal court. and certainly ones that will have enormous reverberations inside of israel, inside of gaza. and of course, across the world particularly on the notion of the israeli officials here, the question is, how will this impact their ability to travel? for example, we have seen with vladimir putin, for example, when he was charged last year by the international criminal court, it didn't altogether restrict his travel, but it did pose some problems. two countries that are parties to
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the rome statute, which established the international criminal court. there's some indication and that he canceled a trip to south africa, for example, of for that very reason. so it will be interesting to see how that impacts the israeli prime minister's ability to travel in the future? >> jeremy thank you so much i want to go now to arlette saenz. she's at the white house. this is coming out at an interesting moment is 48 hours after the national security adviser jake sullivan was meeting with netanyahu telling him that he needed to go four with a political strategy in the war with hamas, not just warfare. what? you hearing from the white house now that this has come out from the icc well, sarah, we've reached out to the white house. >> we've reached out to the state department and still are awaiting reaction, but we likely will at some point receive a very strong response from the us top us officials here at the white house and state department have repeatedly express their opposition to this ice do you investigation. they've done so from the podium with korean john pierre and oraa state department with matt miller was
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saying that the icc the us does not believe that the icc has jurisdiction in this case, so we will see how exactly the us a decides to respond as the icc is moving forward with targeting for the very first time, a top ally of the united states. now this does come as you note, national security adviser jake sullivan was in israel yesterday and today meeting with netanyahu and also just hours ago, a sitting down to meet with golan two one of the main topics of their conversation was the tenth until operation into rafah at a time when the us has repeatedly been trying to warn israel against going into rafah in a major way without a plan in place to secure the safety and evacuation of the civilians on the ground there. now president biden currently is up at his home in wilmington, delaware. he will be traveling back to the white house this afternoon. and anticipate a hearing from him for the very first time when he speaks at a jewish american heritage celebration here at the white house, which will also be attended by the second gentleman, doug emhoff.
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but all of this comes as the us has repeatedly in say that they are opposed to this icc investigation, but it also while it has very wide ranging global implications, this also could have additional political ramifications for president biden, there is still a lot of banks, especially among young voters of the us's continued support for israel as its waged its campaign. so this is something that could also factor into the politics of this moment. but as we are still awaiting the us response to this decision from the icc arlette. >> thank you. get much more to come from the white house referred jeremy diamond as well in jerusalem for us. thank you guys. both are going to be following this very closely many more details to come on. all of this. we're also watching this today, a very big day back in new york we courtroom michael cohen going to be back on the stand very soon, facing more cross-examination and then how much clean up to prosecutors have planned with your back
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flavanoid russia for trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them. >> i was already friday this is a the secret was secrets and spies. a nuclear game premier sunday, june 2, that ten on cnn. >> did i, donald trump returning to court as his criminal hush money trial resumed with his former fixer, michael cohen back on the stand. one of the big questions that they can prosecutors overcome the hip to cohen's credibility during cross-examination? during that cross last week, the defense use cohen's own text messages against him, hoping to point to inconsistencies for the jury and his story, adding to the drama this week, still unclear what the defense case looks like. an if donald trump will take the stand in his own defense, cnn's brynn grasses joining us now, a brynn cohen's cross-examination resumes this morning. so more of a grilling. what can we expect throughout the day yes. >> there are a look five weeks of this trial so far he are nearing the end of it. if you can believe that, of course
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jurors were left to sit with the weekend that crucial moment in the cross-examination that happened last thursday, where depending as attorney todd blanche essentially accused michael cohen a lying about that crucial conversation that he says he had with donald trump regarding those hush money payments to stormy daniel's, what we can expect is when cohen goes back to the stand today about an hour, an hour and a half or so or understanding more of cross-examination. will see if todd blanche sort of hammers home more of that point and then we expect the prosecution, of course, to redirect. now, the thinking is at some point today, the prosecution is going to rest its case. and then of course it's the defense's turn to bring its case that part is still unclear as you just indicated right there. we don't know if any witnesses this is will be called to the stand for the defense. it's possible we might hear from a campaign finance witness and it's also possible they have left that door open if the former president will take the stand, so we will see, however, the judge did say last week that he wants both sides hi to
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be ready for closing arguments to happen at some point tomorrow. now, if that happens, we will see, but certainly that is a possibility. so listen guys three days of the court this week, there is no court on wednesday. there's no core on friday because the jury requested the day off before the holiday so it's very possible this case could go to jurors by the end of this short week, or it's possible we might see them back here next week, but a lot in store as the prosecution will wrap up, it's case with that key witness, michael cohen, back on the stand when court resumes resumes nine 30 this morning. >> in this case, the end is nine a brynn reporting there live from new york outside of court, john. >> all right. the breaking news and a cnn exclusive, the international criminal court seeks arrest warrants against the hamas leader and israeli leader benjamin netanyahu yahoo, this will have few diplomatic inke, implications especially here in the united states. we have brand new reporting the omaha steaks
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now up to 50% off and ako this before in the stanley cup fairclough life is on the line right now to now to distractions good serious still feel sky high we are following the breaking news out of the hague this morning. >> the international criminal court exclusively be telling cnn's christiane amanpour prosecutors are seeking arrest warrants for top hamas and israeli leaders, on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity over the october 7 attacks on israel and israel's subsequent war in gaza. joining me now, nic robertson from london mic first of all, can you just explain the role of the icc? see and how it was
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formed yeah. >> typically, the icc goes off to, if you will, tries to prosecute leaders. the icj prosecutes countries. so that's why we're hearing the specific names today of prime minister benjamin netanyahu you have go on defense minister yahya sinwar, political head of hamas, mohammed deif, the military head of hamas, ismail haniyeh, their political leader outside of the country so it is an institution that came into being in 2002. and the reason it was created was following the wars, for example, in the former yugoslavia and rwanda, the genocide there that the un recognized that there was a space for an international body to be created that would, that would prosecute individuals rather than an ad hoc basis that had happened previously, per genocide, per war. so this
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was created and 125 countries now total have signed up to what's known as the rome statute. and if you're a signatory to the rome statute, then for any person charged charged or at least an arrest warrant is requested for that individual be at benjamin netanyahu or whomever, you as that country, those 125 countries would be obliged to arrest that person neither israel though, nor the united states are members of the icc. >> they're not part of that 120 group of countries that joined. so how, how will this work? >> i think if we look at the case of vladimir putin, the russian president, it's a recent example. the most high-profile example of the icc doing what karim khan that the chief prosecutor did today. he's now asked a panel of judges to decide if his evidence is strong enough for
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them to issue arrest warrants and that happened with vladimir putin within the past couple of years. but look, vladimir putin is still president of russia. he still has power. russia is not a signatory to the rome statute. neither is china neither is india however, when putin thought that he would attend the big brics summit in south africa last year he decided not to go because there was a potential than in south africa, he could be detained because that would be a request of south africa as a signatory to the rome statute. so there are implications around real world implications, but it doesn't rip somebody from power and stop them from doing their day job. >> yeah. interesting to note, because benjamin netanyahu also had plans to travel and i think has canceled those plans in light of this potentially nic robertson. thank you so much. really appreciate you explaining how the icc works and why it was created and joining us right now to talk
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about the political implications of all of this that's political commentator and democratic strategist, maria cardona and republican strategist doug hi guys. >> a lot of breaking news this morning happening, happening internationally, but with real political ramifications that are going to be felt here in the united states were what kind of position does this put president biden in? these charges being sought by the icc against the leadership of the state of israel. we know that the united states has been firmly opposed to the any charges being brought and the investigation. but now that we see this, what position does this put biden in? >> well, i suspect kate that this will be another challenge for president biden because as you can imagine, this determination will probably be something that a lot of the protesters that we have seen around the country who are pro-palestinian and want to focus on the right rights of palestinians are going to applaud this and are going to think that this is actually good news. we know that the
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united states does not support this decision. we also know that president biden and the administration will not waver in their support of israel, and therefore in their support of benjamin netanyahu who while at the same time though kate and i think this is critical to underscore and i'm sure the administration will underscore it publicly, and definitely privately that stalwart support for israel will continue to give them the ability to publicly and privately push netanyahu to execute the war in gaza. gaza a lot more carefully with a focus on making sure that food and aid and medicine gets to innocent palestinians and to make sure they focus on pushing them to secure and protect innocent palestinians as much as they can. we know that has been a friction and attention personally, frankly, between president biden and netanyahu, i think that will continue, but overall, i do
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think it adds an overlay of complication to what has been a challenge for president biden here domestically. >> yeah, and we've seen it in the point and we've seen it in the protests across college campuses across the country as well. marina, a great point there and dug as the icc has been investigating and rumors of, if you will, and the possibility of charges having been floated, republican lawmakers had been ready to raise hell. i mean, they've been threatening sanctions against even the chief prosecutor himself of the icc. what does this do? to that effort? what are we going to hear from republicans on this i think you're going to hear outrage from republicans. >> and the only reason we haven't heard it yet is it's because it's before 9:00 a.m. on a monday. but those statements in those tweets are being drafted. we will see press conferences as well, not just necessarily today, but throughout the coming days. and that's for two reasons. one, obviously, what's going on overseas and in israel and in gaza to the political ramifications. so when i say kate, political ramifications, i don't just mean about joe
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biden vs donald trump. that's very real. it was interesting to me. you had christiane in the hague. you had nic in london. this is a global situation that we're in. i was in london last week, just just returned yesterday. every conversation that i had wasn't just trump versus biden, but also about the tories versus labor, also about other international elections and how, what's happening in gaza, how what's happening? in iran. and i obviously what's happening in ukraine all play into this. we're in a very complicated place. >> your complicated even before this, right? i mean, we were in a tenuous add your adjective, but a tenuous situation in the middle east for the first time, the years long shadow war between iran and israel burst into the open then, and now we have the death of the iranian president. >> what does this do to the politics of ron policy and the turmoil in the middle east. >> and again, with regard to president biden and his approach to this, maria so
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certainly it continues that sort of complication and the view globally that things are really tough things are happening everywhere. >> but kate, i think this is a real opportunity for the biden administration and their allies and their supporters to underscore that this is exactly why president biden should be. >> it is president and why he should continue to be president for another four years. because this is an incredibly complicated global situation where you need a leader that has the extensive, unparalleled, unmatched experience on foreign policy that president biden brings thanks to his leadership position as well as the focus on the relationships the personal relationships that he has around the world and the nuanced understanding of those complications, which trump goes in at this with a hammer and that is not what we need right now. we need some somebody who was thoughtful, who measured, who is nuanced, who is decent.
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he was humane, who understands not just the political complications of, of everything that's going on, but the humanity of it, and how it affects everyone around the world. and especially here in the united states. >> and doug, you're not have talked about this many time over the years, which is the fact of the matter is international crises, especially when it occurs in the midst of a presidential election, it can work to the benefit of the president in office right now because it offers that opportunity to, for them to show they are, commander in chief, something that donald trump cannot do in this moment no, no, he can't. >> and one of the questions i heard repeatedly in london from former number ten downing street aids was what is american foreign policy going to be over the next few years? well, we see a strong american foreign policy on america in treat and that speaks to, i think we're a lot of voters are right now, a lot of them don't like donald trump and
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don't like joe biden. and if you're looking at these two candidates and say what we need right now is a steady hand. a lot of voters have very real concerns that there are no steady hands in this situation. and that's a problem for both of them. but politically can be an opportunity for either one of them to try and define the other, whether it's sleepy or whatever biden wants to say about trump on a given day, that they're not the steady hand and you have to trust me we're at doug. >> thank you, guys both for jumping on in the minutes of this breaking news. i really appreciate you john. thanks sean diddy combs tries to apologize after a video surfaces showing him beating his then girlfriend in 2016 you will here her response get on which you're bad cells sun week govern have you heard him? >> how many such daily show
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traveler, learn more at we want to share a little good stuff with you this morning, more than 60 years after he was chosen by president john f. >> kennedy to be the country's first black astronaut. nine year-old edward dwight has finally made it to space. he and five other people were onboard the blue origin spaceflight of the new shepard rocket. it lifted off yesterday for a 90 minutes, 53 second history-making journey. he is also now the oldest person to ever go into space thought are really didn't need this in my life no needed oh, my god, all those kids is looking. >> he has its tongue out. he just enjoyed himself. dr. dwight's trial marked the culmination of a journey that began over six decades ago when he was handpicked to break the color barrier, house of the american first black astronaut.
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but despite the presidential backing, he received even 1961, his dreams were ultimately derailed by racism and politics that space program would have to wait until 1983 to see its first black astronaut into space for mr. dwight this was more than just a flight. it was the ultimate vindication of an ambition differed, but ultimately not denied. amazing john. >> that is wonderful, that lovely. >> alright, we are standing by to see michael cohen back on the witness stand in the criminal trial of donald trump. >> he is charged with trump is charged with falsifying documents to cover up hush money payments to adult film actress, all to influence the 2016 election. the jury could get the case as soon as two farro with us now cnn legal analyst and former us attorney michael moore also see an illegal commentator and former trump white house lawyer jim scholtz michael first to you look, we begin the day with michael cohen back on the stand still in his cross-examination, the defense attorneys want a
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little bit more with him after me getting them up. >> pretty good on thursday last time we saw him. >> what do you expect that wants rockin' him still yell. >> i'm glad to be with those every you know, they really run a risk today. >> not ending strong. >> are they had such a good week last week at the end of the testimony they had done so much damage mr. cohen's credibility. they had called him basically at least a half truth as it related to a telephone call that pushing too far this morning could be a problem. so hopefully, they've got something very targeted. they have something that is significant. they have something that really expresses an exposes him to move for criticism as it relates to his credibility. i mean, they ended his testimony sorta with the gang, the banging of assemble, the crash into that symbol. you don't want to come back now and he and on tinkling with the wind chime i mean, you know, you've ended the song with some gusto. and so i think
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that's really what they need to do today. otherwise, they need to do what is harbor trial lawyers to do? that is just to learn when to keep your mouth shut and sit down. and then take your chances on redirect if if the state tries there. so that's the best the balance i've got a strike to them. >> brevity, never a problem for television anchors, just so you know, now in gmt, you the prosecution has had the weekend to plan. it's redirect. we just saw michael cohen, by the way, leaving his apartment with his personal attorney, danya perry, who has been prepping him. the prosecution. i imagined separately, has been preparing for a redirect to try to clean things up so that phone call that michael referenced was kind of a key moment in the cross-examination where there's an october phone call that indirect examination, michael cohen had said he spoke with trump about the payments. >> turns out the text messages shoot showed that that call was actually the keys schiller and that it was in response to text a text message. we're keys
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schiller's office was complaining about harassment and asked them the call. so it does look like that was a very strong moment because it shows inconsistencies and perhaps a half truth, as michael said, or even ally, relating to that phone call and where that happens? jury can get instructed to say where they believe that a that a defendant has, where i'm sorry, we're witnesses lied. they can then believe all part or none of that testimony and that will be very telling because this michael cohen's testimony on direct was the only thing tying trump to those business records? and if they don't believe cohen's testimony trump's not getting convicted. that's for sure to be clear. >> it was a phone call, it wasn't the phone call between michael cohen allegedly and donald trump about the hush money payments. there were more, several more clearly one, two days after that had many more details connected to it it may be much more incriminating for donald trump. i do imagine that's what prosecutors will try to go back to during
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redirect today suggesting even if there's one conversation which is fuzzy, there are all these others which are not. that's what you should pay attention to. gentlemen in women of the jury, michael moore. look, we're very close to what could be the pivotal moment in this trial, which jury instructions here? what are you looking for in these jury instructions well, i do think they'll get the standard charged about whether or not taking believe a witness and credibility is solely within their province. >> i get to decide which you have are going to accept and believe i think we're going to hear a unique charge bill built around the missing witness of weisselberg there's a question on whether or not it's actually the missing witness charge or something like that. but i think the judge will have to structure something to that effect and one thing that is always important, a criminal case and that is this distinction between what's a civil case and what's a criminal case. and so lay jurors sometimes mixed up and confused exactly what the burden of proof is. and here
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you use the word, it may be fuzzy. we don't convict people because of fuzzy right? i mean, they have to actually the state is asked to come in and prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he did this. and so the jury is going to have to be charged on that duty and that burden that the state carriers at all times and of course, you're going to have the standard chars telling them that trump doesn't have to testify. no criminal defendant has to testified. in fact, they don't have to put on a single piece of evidence that's solely the state's job as they come forward. so the missing witness the credibility staff, that burden of proof of those are going to be the key charges that are very standard and expectable here in detail and don't prompt just left for korde himself, jim, sorry, we only have about 20 seconds left. >> your thoughts on jury instructions? >> look, i also think that going back to what we talked about earlier, though, apart from the jury instructions that where he talked about, he wanted donald trump to rot and for what he did to him and his family and where he wanted were vengeance and he wanted to get
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back at donald trump. that testimony no one is very, very important and something that's going to carry in terms of the jury, and something that will come up and closing. no doubt. all right. jim shields, michael moore. great to see both you. thank you so much, guys. >> is there? >> i had hip hop mogul, sean diddy combs, both admitted and then apologized for his appalling behavior after video obtained by cnn showed him mercilessly beating his then-girlfriend, cassie ventura in the hallway of a hotel in 2016 i take full responsibility for my actions in that video disgusted was discussing then when i did it, i'm just discussing now. i'm not asking for forgiveness truly. sorry cnn's elizabeth wagmeister in the la team originally broke the story on friday, just joining us now to discuss the latest development wow, this
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was and both of admission and an apology, but only after this video came out, there has been >> a settlement, even with cassie. and yet this is when he decided to do it, give us some details. >> that's absolutely right, sarah. and cassius team. we were first to get a statement from them and they are calling this a pathetic attempt at an apology that's the word they use. now let me read you the statement from castillo's attorney. this is what they told me. they say combs most recent statement is more about himself than the many people he has heard when cassian, multiple other women came forward, he denied everything and suggested that his victims were looking for a pane de that he was only compelled to quote, apologize, once his repeated denials were proven false shows his pathetic desperation in no one will be swayed aid by his disingenuous word. so very strong statement from castillo's team. and as they
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have referenced and as you referenced sarah, this apology only came after we hear exposed this tape of him violently beating her in a hotel hallway back in 2016. now, of course, this comes after months and months of denials. diddy gave a blanket statement back in december 2023, where he denied, quote, sickening allegations against him for many people. and at the time of the settlement, which one this case, once when this complaint was filed, it was settled within 24 hours and attorney for diddy this is what he said. he said, quote, a decision to settle a lawsuit especially in 2023, is in no way an admission of wrongdoing. he said mr. combs vehemently denies these offensive and outrageous allegations so again, we have denial after denial, both from diddy and from his attorneys. and now, after the video comes out that's when we get this apology. sara. elizabeth, we should


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