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tv   Trump Hush Money Trial  CNN  May 21, 2024 10:00am-1:00pm PDT

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with the oraa ring more than liebermann at the pentagon and this cnn closed captioning brought to you by rule or law, iconic brands up to 70% off retail at roulette, at rubella you never faithful sees
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the deals on top before there job the defense has rested. testimony has wrapped, and donald trump notably did not take the stand of course, sanchez, alongside jessica dean in the nation's capital, and soon the judge and attorneys for both sides are expected to go back in court to go over jury instructions. in this historic criminal hush money trial of the former president. earlier today, jurors were dismissed for the week the judge telling them to be ready for closing arguments next tuesday it comes after the defense's second and final witness, attorney robert costello, took the stand for a second day, and once again, the former adviser to michael cohen face some tough cross-examinati on prosecutors, youth castellows, emails in an attempt to show he made several efforts to stop cohen from flipping and assured him that he had a back-channel to trump
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won email dated april 19, 2018, indicated trump's former lawyer, rudy giuliani, was joining trump's team and costello wrote to cohen, quote i'm sure you saw the news that rudy is joining the trump legal team. >> i told you my relationship with rudy, which could be very, very useful for you stella denied that he was pushing cohen to retain him because he could provide a back-channel to trump, cnn's kara scannell has been encouraged throughout this entire trial here at any reaction from the jury when the defense rested today there was no reaction at that moment when they rested, but this pattern that you were describing with the process khidr confronting robert costello with an email and then this prosecutor, susan hoffinger, would ask castello, citing words he used yesterday saying it speaks for itself, right? >> there was one moment where costello said, not quite and he went on to try to explain it. and the prosecutors that that's all right. we'll move on. that elicited some laughs in the courtroom and i saw some smiles cross the faces of some
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of the jurors. but for the most part part throughout this trial now and it's six feet, this jury has been poker face. they haven't revealed much about what they thought of the testimony and the judge playing them today, but they are going home for for a week and that they'd come back next tuesday for closing arguments. he warned them that that could go all day. it's possible could even go into wednesday. but he said he would expect them to work on wednesday this trial hello. is normally not sat on wednesdays. >> so they would hope that they would work and then they could begin deliberations in this historic case. guys so cara, what can we expect in the next? our so this afternoon session is very important. >> it's going to be in the weeds, it's very legally the lawyers are going to argue back can forth about what the judge should explain to the jury about the law in this case and this will be the instructions the judge gives a jury about what they need to find in order to decide if former president donald trump is guilty or if he is innocent. and the prosecution has not met its burden. so these words, these instructions are going to be very important. the judge has
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asked the parties, both the prosecutors, and trump's team for the past several days and weeks to come together to try to come up with some language they can agree on. today. going to be hammered. bring out those areas where they still do not have agreement on some of this language. key, key elements here. this is a case for trump is charged with falsifying business business records to commit or conceal another crime. and the issue here is what are those other crimes and what will the jury be told about them? the judge said the other day that he wanted to keep this simple as possible. he didn't think they needed to over-complicate it. and he ask the parties to come together and give submissions to him. he got them this morning. he thanked them for and we're going to get into the nitty pretty gritty of that this afternoon before. and this will be the makeup of what the judge charges the jury with just before they leave the room to begin deliberations next week all right kara scannell for us. thanks so much for that update and cnn senior legal analyst and former federal prosecutor elie honig is here with this now elie now with the defense's rested its case. can
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you walk us through some of the key moments of what has been and historic trial. >> well, jessica, as kara said, we are about to get into some weeds here, but the really important weeds, i think they're interesting weeds. let's just first take stock of where we are in the trial process. the defense case is done. they finished with bob costello. >> there was no prosecution rebuttal case. >> they can put one on, but they chose not to. >> and we're going to next week moving to the end. >> game, which will consist of closing arguments by the parties, followed by the judges instructions to the jury, file, followed finally by the jury deliberations. now, what's going to have to happen this afternoon is the parties are going to get together with the judge. no jury. they're and they're going to talk about what those jury instructions will be. this is a really important moment because it to it determines how the jury will deliberate. now, the first thing that the parties are going to do is have the judge define the actual crime. let me bring you back to the indictment itself. the charges here against donald trump falsifying business records in the first first-degree, there are 34 counts, one for each ledger entry check, an invoice
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in the case. now, there are two elements, two components of that crime that the judge is going to instruct the jury on. first of all, the prosecution has to prove that donald trump knowingly made or caused a false entry in the business records. each of those records will be its own count and to that extent the prosecution is going to point to the documents. here's the checks signed by donald trump. here's the invoices made out to retainer and the allegation is those were falsified because they were actually campaign related fees, not legal fees. the second element of the crime that the judge is going to instruct the jury is that the intent here was to commit aid or conceal another crime, this is really important because we don't quite know from the prosecution's point of view, what is that other crime we should find out this afternoon, the prosecution has alluded to federal campaign finance crimes, state-level campaign finance crimes, and in passing, tax fraud, i suspect that's going to fall away, so we should know by the end of today what that other crime is. a
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couple of other really important points that always get made during a jury instruction. first of all, the prosecution carries the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. that is the highest standard of proof in our entire legal system uncontroversial but important. the judge also will instruct the jurors when they come back next week that it is up to them to assess the credibility of each individual witness. most importantly, michael cohen, also, stormy daniels, david pecker, and the defense witness. robert costello. >> there also will be conversation later today about what does the judge told the jury about missing witnesses, important people? >> allen weisselberg, the cfo of the trump org keith schiller, the bodyguard who received some important calls from michael cohen. does the judge instruct the jury that you can hold it against either party or both parties, that they were not called as witnesses. and finally, jessica and boris, the judge, will instruct the jury that donald trump has a right not to testify. they cannot use that against him in any way. >> that is our fifth amendment. >> again, that part will be uncontroversial, but really important to the judge's
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instructions. so what we're going to see this afternoon is crucial and it will set the table for next week when we finally get our jury into that backroom to deliberate and then turner verdict la. thanks so much for breaking that down for us. we'll see you here at the desk in just a moment. let's bring in the rest of our panel now cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, elliot williams is with us, also so cnn senior political analyst, gloria borger, and cnn political director david chaldean gloria, i want to start with you because this question of assessing credibility by the jury specifically bob costello, he wrapped up his testimony today. he was asked about his relationship with michael cohen, his relationship with rudy giuliani, and he specifically pushed back on this idea that he was a back-channel to donald trump in defense was trying to get at wi think whatever they were trying to get at, they didn't succeed because he was trying to take down michael cohen and say that michael cohen was a liar but what some of these emails show
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owed in fact was that bob costello was trying to get michael cohen's business and was promoting himself as a back-channel to rudy giuliani. then aka good friend of donald trump and his attorney. and that stay within us, within the clan. you are loved, will protect you and so he came on the stand to discredit michael cohen. but instead, i think he just credited himself david prosecutors question costello about this pressure campaign on cohen from trump out and there are from trump allies back in 2018, about getting everyone on the same page, getting everyone in alignment. what does it say to you about what was happening at that moment in time? >> well, was saying that trump and his allies were concerned that michael cohen it was going to flip and he did. >> and i think that that was a real concern at the time and i think that's why the defense using this witnesses a little bizarre to me because it takes
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michael cohen and all of his flaws and facts and what have you, however, the jury is going to assess that though and it it reminds them, it seems to me that this was somebody who was once in donald trump's orbit and then flipped and had a story to tell for the prosecution here. >> i don't know that that's the reinforcing thing that the defense in this case wanted to put forward to the jury earlier. >> do you agree with that? >> i do. it prosecution is ultimately are doing cases ultimately an exercise and using a scalpel, not a hatchet. and this whole question of what did robert costello actually bring that hadn't already been brought over weeks of testimony. if the question were michael cohen's credibility and poking holes in it, and that's largely the purpose of why they call robert custody so on the first place, that had largely been done over the several days prior. now, you can make the argument that
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through robert costello, perhaps you heard about michael cohen stealing from the trial i'm organization or does that really add much to two weeks of testimony about this witnesses credibility? so it invites the question of what the defense actually gained from putting this witness on the stand, and i would make the argument that they actually lost a little bit because they number one, got under the judge's skin and number two, in front of the presence of the jury, actually saw a witness and it's disrespecting the judge. so in many respects, it just it wasn't a net positive for the defense to call this witness yeah, an ally. >> it does come back really to credibility wright, who do you who do these jurors believe? who do they think is telling the truth? who is the most credible, right? and so i'm curious what you think about costello and how he kinda falls in to that lineup of bonus is not credible. >> i think bob costello was not a credible witness for the reasons elliott sodomy first of all, he has motive. second, all his conduct that they brought out was really not good conduct. he's trying to keep michael cohen from coming into the government and choline
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operating. third of all, they contradicted bob costello with his own emails. i found them to be not at all a credible witness and thinking back to all of the witnesses in this case, i think the total number was 22 different witnesses. i really think in my view, at least understood. maybe what other people think. i only think there was two witnesses that i found with substantial credibility issues, costello, as i just said, and of course, michael cohen, whether one fully believes him or not the guy has serious credibility issues. maybe stormy daniels, but i didn't find anything to outrageous about what she said, but i think the jury is going to be focused on really michael cohen, about above and beyond all of us because let's be real. bob costello was a terrible way to as you leave a bad taste in the jury's mouth. but michael cohen's testimony is 100 times more important to this case. then bob costello's testimony that got i won't even rehash it. we know he lied to everyone. he made a bunch of money off this turns out he stole from the trump org. so the question is, can they live with it? can you live with it based on the other evidence, just to clarify, just for the non former prosecutors and the crowd, what we mean when we say
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credibility issues, every witness has credibility issues and even do you remember the thing you saw when you said you saw the robber running down the street? three, is itself a question about the witnesses credibility because you're poking holes in what they saw and can testify to you at the time, anything like a prior conviction, prior instances of lying on the stand? and prior instance of lying de or wife can be credibility issues. they're not insurmountable. people are convicted all the time over the testimony of witnesses who have credibility issues. but it's not this binary. michael cohen's credible and costello was not. it's every we're human and have a jumble of things in our backgrounds that could be used to poke holes in what we say under oath. >> if it were up to attorneys, to donald trump's attorneys alone about whether they were going to make their witness bob costello, at the end of the trial i think if you took a poll of his attorneys, the answer would be no. we don't wanna do this i think it was
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directed by the client donald trump, and costello has appeared on fox news dumping all over michael cohen, the president is known to watch some television and i think it was his idea all the way. i can't prove that 100%, but those lawyers are two good. >> i think to say, oh, yeah it's a great idea we can chuckle about donald trump in his donald trump venus at the end of the day, it is the client's decision about how to proceed in any litigation. now reasonable attorneys. will advise a client to say that is a bad idea and against your own legal interest to proceed in that way. but it really is his decision and perhaps they did that if trump actually did want to testify he said publicly things that would indicate that he was eager to maybe not as much behind closed doors. do you think this was a compromise between he and his attorneys, david, donald trump has a history of say his litigation
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efforts here that he is eager to testify and he hasn't testified all that much. so i'm a little dubious about taking trump at his word that he really wanted to testify in this case. but there's no doubt we've seen in it's not just in this example. we have seen time and again where the trump legal team and the client are not on the same page and their needs and there's some massaging there that goes on and as you just pointed out, the client at the end of the day is the one that's going to win that battle there if they're paying the fees, well, just about that that is a conversation for another panel, david gloria elliot elly, appreciate the perspective. thank you all for being with us. we're going to stay on top of this trial and bring you updates as they happen still ahead, this hour on cnn news central his both sides rest, we're going to talk to a former attorney for donald trump about the defense's decision to coal. just two witnesses plus
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one person is dead, dozens more injured, some critically after a flight from london to singapore hit severe turbulence. >> we've gotten your details about how it happened as video from inside the plane reveals the chaos time for growth funding from bus do breaded makes it possible? >> are easy and convenient process makes it simple to take the next step on your journey bus to credit funding. what's next imagine a trip that's personalized just for you with an experienced private gun who works only the queue, no crowds or groups with exclusive good access to the very best of your destination and exceptional
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their heads on the baggage cabins overhead. and dented it. they hit the places where lights and masks or and broke straight through it. the boeing triple seven was heading from london to singapore when the turbulence hit cnn's gabe cohen joins us now with the details gave the turbulence hit just as people were starting to eat breakfast. >> yeah, that's right. this was near the end of the flight. the plane was making its way over me and mar where we know the were some thunderstorms in the area. we don't know if that was the cause at this point. what we do have some flight data from the plane that indicates that shows it was making these really violence sudden maneuvers as this was playing out, we see the plane drop and then suddenly climb and then drop again and then climb again. all of that within about 90 seconds or so. and then you can see the plane start to reroute and make its way toward bangkok, where it made that emergency landing. and then they're those images that we're now seeing that you made mentioned that show the significant damage inside the cabin and the plane parts of the ceiling and the luggage
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compartments that collapsed. objects that were thrown about the cabinet of course, the passengers who flew out of their seats, as you described before, we've also seen medics, a carrying passengers out on stretchers. this was not just a violent scene, but quite he didn't emotional scene according to the testimony from the head of bangkok's airport, let's take a listen. here's a little bit of what he told us about what happened nima deployed out the plane landed at the airport and the medical team was sent to the cme. >> many injuries occurred. so the airport had the issue and emergency plan or teams went to help and also found one man had died micah, goodbye. next, this kind of incident rarely happens where there is death after a plane has hit severe turbulence. >> and that means and so now guys, there's an investigation underway. of course it is being led at this point by the single a poor ministry of transport, presumably because this was a singapore airlines flight. we also know, as you mentioned,
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this was a boeing plane, a triple seven boeing has been under the microscope. of course, because of safety issues in recent months. to be clear at this point, there is no indication that this was any sort of boeing issue, but the company has already said they're in touch with the airlines fine. and they're ready to assist in any way needed. >> it is such a sobering reminder, just 90 seconds causing that much damage that many injuries imagine what people went through. must have felt like like forever that it was happening. >> but we know this one gentleman died as a result, and many others were injured. >> do we know the extent of the other injuries as well? >> yes. so 71 people were injured, including at least this one american who was on the plane. six of those injuries were considered critical injuries according to the hospital where they were taken. there's reports of broken bones. you mentioned head injuries. we know a lot of cuts and bruises. we will certainly no more in the coming hours about the extent of those injuries. and look to be clear, turbulence is really common. it's the number one cause of
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injuries on flights, but this type of the severe injuries are extremely rare. there is only been one other person killed because of turbulence on it commercial flight since 2016, that according to the international civil aviation organization. so they're going to be a lot of questions as to why this, in this case, there was such an extent stream impact get going. >> thanks so much for those details we want to turn it now to miles o'brien. he's a cnn aviation analyst. he's now the science correspondent for pbs newshour as well. majles, thanks so much for being with us. what do you think happened here? and what could have caused this turbulence? >> to seemingly come from out of nowhere while boris, we could be talking about what is known as clear air turbulence. and it's an insidious thing because as the name implies, it's invisible. what we're talking about is aircraft flying up in what we call the jet stream. these there are rivers of air that can flow what hundreds of miles per hour. and frequently what
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happens is there's, it's kinda like a layer cake and one layer is going one direction and the other layer is goh in another direction and as the aircraft flies through it, there's a significant drop in lift which causes what we call it turbulence. the problem is there's no sensor on the aircraft or any weather forecasting that can predict this. we do know if we see cumulus clouds and thunderstorms. pilots will thread your way around it. but unless you get what's known as a pie rep. a pilot report from somebody ahead that abuse saying, hey, there's turbulence here, don't fly at this altitude you don't have much warning in many cases obviously, everyone's instructed when they get on a plane to buckle their seatbelts the seat belt sign is on. >> that's a very familiar refrain. and there's a reason for that is we see right now, but is there anything else a person can do to help protect themselves should they encounter violent turbulence like this?
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>> well, that's right there at the top of the list. when you're in your seat please. by all means buckle up the individuals who are seated just sitting there watching a movie and who weren't buckled in we're making an assumption that they were on their couch and their living room and you are after all, five or six miles above the planet in a metal tube approaching the speed of sound, you have to respect the technology in physics have where you are and at least buckle your seat belt other than that, tried to watch out for those signs when the pilot puts on that buckle your seat belt sign, do your best not to get up, but sometimes nature calls, especially on a 12-hour flight statistically, you gotta go when you gotta go, there's no question but statistically, it's kind of like worrying about getting hit by lightning. but you can at least increase your chances of getting through this by staying buckled in your seat.
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>> that such important contexts you're in a middle to five to six miles above the earth going at the speed of sound important to keep your seat belt on, myles what happens next in the investigation well, the first thing they're going to do is we're going to check this aircraft out very thoroughly anytime in aircrafts like this goes through what we call severe turbulence, which clearly this was they need to make sure there hasn't been significant fatigue to the structure. >> it's possible the aircraft will be a total loss in this case, if it was enough stress on it marching forward, i think the industry has to get pushed for technological solutions better forecasting, better ways of identifying this. it should be noted that there is a climate change component to this. scientists have been looking at this issue of clear are turbulence over the past decade or so and the numbers of incidences of severe term be lends over the north atlantic
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are up 55% and this has something to do with the jet stream flows changing, causing more wind shear, which is what causes that turbulence. so it's a difficult thing to predict for but i think more study needs to be done clearly. all right, majles and brian always ready to have you on. thanks so much. >> former president donald trump didn't testify in his criminal trial, but he should have went to talk to one of his one more attorneys as both sides rest their cases riyadh saves new album is breaking records gets to say what? country is colby country bianna, say a nashville's renaissance monday, but aid on cnn. >> getting your dream kitchen is easier than you think cabinets to go can design a beautiful, high-quality and affordable kitchen make over. that is sure wow, choose from
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portion of that money call when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 any minute, former president donald trump is arriving back at chord for a meeting on jury instructions. earlier today, his legal team rested after calling just to witnesses neither of them, the former president. instead, we saw a familiar seen play out outside the courthouse where trump allies have gathered daily to make claims seems that trump cannot, due to a gag order, let some of this the star witness in this case, there's a what? nine times convicted liar in now. >> now, in admitted thief, that is who they're hanging, the entire case on. the other one happens to be a porn star not exactly not exactly. the ultimate form of jurisprudence here i want to bring in a former trump attorney, tim parlatore. >> tim. thank you so much for being with us first to that
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comment from the son of former president donald trump does this case in your mind totally rest on michael cohen's testimony? >> it does. i mean, what we have here is we've got a lot of business records. we've got a lot of corroboration, but what we have corroboration on are things that are not the crime yeah. i believe that the prosecution has proved beyond a reasonable doubt that there was catching killed, that there was hush money payments made, that michael comas pay back all of that is undisputed. but that's not what he's charged with. he's charged with these false business record entries. and in order to tie him personally to the knowledge of how those checks were put the books you need michael cohen's testimony or allen weisselberg's testimony, who neither side called. so without weisselberg, you only have michael cohen, the defense did call bob kohn costello somebody who described as a friend moments ago when we were in the commercial break folks that we've talked to have been split about his testimony, whether it did, more to distract the jury from cohen's
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at times difficult testimony or whether it actually helped the defense make their argument. >> what did you think of his contentious moments with judge juan merchan it's very difficult to tell from outside the courtroom because we're looking at a flat transcript and so much of it is going to be the non-verbal things that the jury witnesses. >> you here. what judge merchan says about are you staring me down now? is that because bob costello, this old man, is threatening him or is he just turning around to look at him and it was judge merchan a little bit hair trigger. i don't know. it's difficult to tell when you're not in the room the thing that i find interesting about bob costello is that there were so many objections from the prosecution which can go both ways. on one hand, that can limit what the jury hears from him. but on the other hand, it can backfire and have the jury sit there and say, okay, clearly this guy has a lot more information. why won't they let us hear it? >> you think it benefits the defense to see him?
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>> we're off with the judge. >> i mean, it seems like you think the judge may have been sensitive. do you think the jury would feel that way? >> it's not helpful to be squaring off with the judge generally in front of the jury but i think that what the jury saw because remember, they were out of the room when a lot of that happened. what the jury saw was questions and then answers that he was not allowed to finish the answers on. and then him getting frustrated that every time he is trying to answer the prosecution's objecting and it's sustained. and it gets frustrated with it. >> yes one important thing here is they had the hearing right before his testimony on what he could and could not testify to, as opposed to a week before so when bob gets stolen, walks in the room, the judge has said he's allowed to talk about this. >> he's not allowed to talk about this. the lawyers know it. >> bob costello doesn't and so when the lawyer has to ask them open-ended questions, tell us what was said in the meeting. >> bob doesn't know which parts he's allowed to say which parts is not not allowed to say. and so he's naturally going to say things that the prosecution is going to interrupt the month. he
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doesn't know what the script is because he he doesn't know the pretrial ruling. >> someone of his emails that came to light during testimony revealed this frustration with michael cohen, that michael cohen, according to his emails, wasn't taking his advice he denied that. he offered michael cohen this back-channel to donald trump. how do you think the jury sees those emails in light of his testimony denying some of that behavior. >> i think that emails obviously speak for themselves, but they do need context. and so if you can explain a lot of the other things around i'm that of is the back-channel because casella and giuliani are trying to keep them on the straight narrow, or is it because michael cohen is one sitting there begging for for a pardon one of the major problems here that i saw come out through these emails is if the media is reporting that michael cohen is cooperating and if they're reporting that trump and julian are speaking bad about them that type of thing, whether it's from the
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media or whether it's from prosecutors false information being put out, can have a tendency to cause somebody to want to cooperate and so i've seen this before. we're prosecutors will paint somebody as if they were a cooperator when they're not forced them into his organization is correct it's something that they did a lot and organized crime cases. >> and so i think that those emails can also be put in the context of, hey, michael, let's make sure that you understand the full context before you make a decision. >> and don't forget the first thing bob was trying to do with michael cohen was to get him to cooperate against donald trump is that right? >> yeah. it was the very first thing because he bobs sat with him and said, look, clearly you're not the target here. we know who the target is. i can make all because cohen's sitting there saying swear to god, bob, i'll do whatever i have to do. i won't spend a day in jail. he says, i can make your legal problems go away. >> is it also possible that that was an avenue to see what
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he had on donald trump? >> no because that would be completely unethical bob costello had no relationship with donald trump at the time. >> the only person who had a relationship with was the man sitting in front of them, michael cohen. and so at that time his sole legal and ethical responsibility was to the man sitting in front of them and michael cohen's best route out of it at that time was to cooperate against donald trump. that that's what he explored. >> we'll see how the jury feels about it quickly before we go. was it a good idea to have donald trump avoid the witness stand? >> absolutely no question. >> tim parlatore, we've got to leave the conversation. they're very much appreciate your time. thanks. it's being with us. thank you. >> still to come. america's top diplomat is testifying on capitol hill right now, the ultimatum that secretary of state antony blinken just says the israel was now facing stay with it us, didn't check. >> we hear nothing a spatial
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initiative to try and bumped curates all around the world. but
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healthier. >> with the oraa ring i'm sara marie and washington and this is cnn secretary of state anthony blinken is testifying on capitol hill today, facing criticism criticism from both sides of the aisle. he is their discussed the state department its budget, but the israel-hamas war quickly became front and center. and during his opening statement, blinken was interrupted by demonstrato r let's bring in cnn's alex mark ward, alex blinken, face some forceful questions about the prospect of israel normalizing relations with
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saudi arabia, about the situation in gaza. >> an array of different issues. and specifically, he was asked about the ice you see warning that were issued not only for israeli leadership, but also for the leadership of hamas as well, just yesterday. and we've heard this full-throated rejection of the icc seeking these warrants for hamas and israeli leadership from both president biden and secretary blinken in a blinken yesterday saying that they fundamentally reject this equivalence between hamas and israel. so blinken was asked today about potential legislation for punishing the icc de for what many, especially republican see as overreach what's interesting is that the trump administration had put sanctions and visa restrictions on members of the icc that were then lift did when biden came into office so this is what secretary blinken had to say when the ranking member of the senate foreign relations committee, senator risch asked him about the icc sticking its nose in the business of countries like israel, take a listen we want to work with you
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on a bipartisan basis to find inappropriate response i'm committed to doing that. as you say, the devil's in the details. so let's see what you got. and we can take from there. but given the events of yesterday i think we have to look at the appropriate steps to take to deal with, again, what is a profoundly wrongheaded decision so profoundly wrongheaded decision. >> he talked about the appropriate steps and said he is willing to look at what congress sends the administration. so not ruling it out, i just want to note that in the case of russia's war in ukraine, the us has been supportive of helping the icc uncover russian war crimes and said that the warrants by the sec against vladimir putin was justified now, blinken was also asked about this prospect of normal formalizing relations with saudi arabia, which kind of looms over the deal. >> the hostage yield, all of it right at the cdc's fire, what did he say about that? because jake sullivan was overseas this weekend he was. >> and what we understand is that the us and saudi arabia
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are all but done with agreeing to the terms of between the us and saudi arabia. but that's just one part of it. the other part of course, is what would go on between saudi arabia and israel and saudi arabia is required during peace to return to gaza and a credit credible pathway to a palestinian state. and that is something that prime minister benjamin netanyahu and other israeli leaders have so far rejected what the us has been saying is that without that part, without that hathaway to statehood for palestine, there will be no normalization and there will be no defense pact between saudi arabia and the united states. so blinken, not terribly optimistic today saying that in this moment is here, you may not be able or willing to proceed down that pathway. and that israel now has to decide where to come on. >> that alex mark, right? always good to see you. thanks so much. just in to cnn, rudy giuliani the one and several other trump allies arraigned in arizona for their alleged roles in the fake electors scheme. details and please, they
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coventry direct redefining insurance the russians were trying to spy on us. we were spying on them. >> i was frightened this is a war, but secret war parts and spies. a nuclear game premier sunday, june 2 at ten on cnn. close captioning brought to you by meso our firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now we're breaking news for you now out of arizona, rudy giuliani and ten other trump allies pleading not guilty to charges of conspiring to overturn the state's 2020 election results. the former new york mayor was ordered to post $10,000 there's some bond after evading efforts to serve him with a summons. let's bring in cnn's killing law who has been following this young, what
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are you learning this afternoon well it was quite quite the arraignment. >> i haven't actually been inside a felony criminal court like that for an arraignment. ever before in hertz heard quite a lot from one of the defendants but basically what we began with when it became down for rudy giuliani is churn. he was the 11th out of 11 who were scheduled to appear either virtually or in person. he dialed in over the telephone and the assistant attorney general clearly was fed up saying that it was three weeks of back-and-forth where giuliani was talking about this on his podcast, appearing on tv shows, even sending out a taunting tweet. so so that the attorney general's agents followed him from new york and then it finally served him notice of this arrangement that was helped scheduled for today to where he would finally serve notice but it happened at his 80th birthday party after he had finished singing. new york, new york on his front lawn when
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giuliani was leaving that party. that's when you serve notice. so it was three weeks of this sort of a chase. and so what the attorney general roles office has requested is that he appear in person within the next 30 days and that he has to pay a secured bond of $10,000 the lawyer for the prosecution did explain exactly what their philosophy was behind this request. take a listen ready? >> giuliani has made numerous statements over the path, past month discussing the indictment, his co-defendants, and quite frankly mocking the justice it's a system in arizona given his latest twitter posts and then his lie about communicating with our office, we decided to be appropriate to ask for some police conditions to ensure his appearance in arizona so in court, giuliani deny that he was ducking the authorities. >> he said to the judge that,
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look, this is a completely political case. let's see what we can do to destroy donald trump is how we characterize the charges against him that he went on and on for so long even talking about their iranian government at one point, that the judge said, i don't want to mute you, but we have to move on. he did plead not guilty or is jessica qiang law with the latest out of phoenix? >> quite a story there and they all right. thanks so much so very soon, attorneys donald trump and judge juan merchan will be back in new york courtroom. >> hammering out what jury instructions will be for his hush money case. why that is so important as we head into this next phase of the trial. so they would cnn with fast sides
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moore dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmers dog. made by vets. and delivered right to your door precisely? from your dog's needs. >> it's an idea whose time has come we had to take out our old gas heating that wasn't huge project. i was so overwhelmed. so i started contacting people off with anjie to work with people that knew what they were doing. it was a game changer gets started today at >> i'm learned thoughts on capitol hill and this the defense rests and now we're just minutes away from another pivotal moment in the criminal hush money trial of former president donald trump prosecutor there's and trump's defense attorneys will soon returned to the manhattan
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courtroom where judge juan is played out over the last five weeks earlier today for costello testifying for just over an hour today discussing his connections with former trump lawyer, rudy giuliani, and his efforts in 2018 to represent the prosecutor prosecutors star witness, michael cohen, notably the former president, did not take the witness stand in his own defense as a reminder, he faces 34 counts of falsifying business records related to a hush money payment to adult film actress stormy daniel's during the final stages of the 2016 presidential campaign. he's pleaded not guilty and he's denied any affair with daniels so jurors have been dismissed for the week closing arguments are expected to begin on tuesday.
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cnn's brynn grass is live outside of the courtroom for us brynn, before we get to closing arguments a week from today, another major moment of the trial is set to begin in just moments, walk us through what's happening there yeah, well, boards you just mentioned that donald trump didn't take the stand, so that will be part of jury instructions. >> jurors cannot use that against donald trump when they learn that from the judge. but during instructions are in extremely important part of this process, though they are very dense and defined and legalities and essentially what it is, is the lawyers negotiating with the judge about what he will say to the jurors when they are given the case after closing arguments next week, this will serve as a roadmap for the jurors as they basically figure out how to interpret the law and apply the law when it comes to these charges with all the witnesses and all the testimony that they have heard in the last two, four-and-a-half, five weeks or so. so it's a very important part, although it is a very dense part, so it's going to
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take some time though it is expected to wrap up up. and this is done without the presence of the jurors that they actually went home earlier this morning. they were able to get home in time for lunch and like you said, they will not be back here until next week when those closing arguments began, and the judge picking next week so that there will be basically a clear runway for these jurors to deliberate and decide hi, the verdict in this historic case. >> all right. brynn gingras four is outside the courtroom. they are in new york. thanks so much. let's bring in cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutors, elie honig and elliot williams. great to have both of you ellie, we're about to go into this part of the trial. >> that seems like it's gonna get pretty in the weeds, legally speaking, but i guess my question question to you is, is how much control or influence will the attorneys actually haven't shaping these instructions? >> it'll be the old push and paul, there will be certain things on which the parties agree in the judge said, i want your briefs by today, so they submitted them this morning. usually you can get to at 90% consensus things that you agree
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on. >> but there definitely will be certain areas in contention. >> i think one of the areas where i'm watching it's really important to is what is going to be the other crime, right? one of the things that prosecutors have to show is that they false donald trump falsified business records or had them falsified to commit another crime. and this is a really unusual feature of this case because ordinarily in the federal system, you left the laid off and the indictment that's what an indictment is. your notice. find that offense what the charge here here they've just left it out here we are. the evidence is closed and all that the prosecution has said is some other crime tbd. well, today they're going to have to get pinned down on what that is. and then just how much detail does the judge give the jury about that other crime elliott, in a sense, what elie laid out there is the biggest weakness in the prosecution's case, right relying on this other crime, this allegation of election fraud, that trump wasn't actually charged with. >> how can they try to influence the jury instructions to help them bridge that gap in different ways. well, your
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phone focusing on just one of three potential crimes that could be the underlying crime. there's also potentially federal campaign law, but also tax law. and the big question is how does the judge defined to the jury number one, what these crimes are? and number two, what the prosecution needs to have established in order to convict you you're now again, the prosecution does not have to. i believe prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this crime was committed merely that the actions taken by the former president were done to cover up a crime, whatever that crime is, and that's tricky. and that's the kind of thing that is very legally sensitive. and in the weeds that they're fighting about right now, but i thank clarity on that point. clarity on reasonable doubt and what even the definition is varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and probably even within different new york courtrooms. >> and that's the kinds of stuff that certainly prosecutors are keenly trying to make sure that the judge shapes in a way that helps them. in the meantime, these
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there's are gonna go home for about six days and have this to think on this last defense witness, robert costello repeatedly denied that he was pushing michael cohen to provide a bet that he would provide this back-channel to trump, even as the prosecutor shared emails that seemed to indicate otherwise how do you think that kind of marinate in the jurors had thank you. >> add it because it's the last thing they saw. and more than anything else, those emails undermine such a key part of why he was called as a witness. had he been able to come forth and unquestioned or unchallenged, make the point that michael cohen's has credibility issues or some of these points about the pardon an issue that would've been great for the defense because it would have undermined a key part of michael cohen's testimony. the problem is that the star defense witness had huge holes blown his testimony with these his own emails that undermine them. and unfortunately, it's for the defense, it's the last thing that the jury saw. they will have these five days is rather than an embarrassing pressing
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moment for the defense being the last thing they saw to be thinking about this, this context. costello testimony. now is the case going to rise and fall on any one witness testimony? probably not. but you really want to leave people with a final point that they can latch onto eleia. i spoke with tim parlatore of former trump attorney in the last hour and he was making the case that bob costs hello. his testimony didn't completely hurt the defense. he made the argument that his first approach to michael cohen was telling cohen to comply with investigators to work with investigators. >> do by what you're saying as a celebratory fact that it didn't completely thank your witness. not a great sign i disagree with him on this. i think costello's testimony was useless on the one hand, and if anything, undermine the defense. i mean, all the good stuff that he might given to the defense while there was this moment in time when michael cohen said, i don't really have anything on donald trump, i did this on my own.
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that's in there. that's in there from emails that's in there from other witness testimony. cohen himself essentially admitted that he there was a point in time when he was saying that. on the other hand, i just feel like costello was such a distasteful witness that had his own credibility undermined i would not look, this is a long gap to go a week essentially between mean the end of evidence and closing arguments. i think it was the right move by the judge to push it all off until after memorial day. >> that's a long time, but we all remember from psych one-to-one primacy and recency, right. >> i'm in the first and last things you hear tend to resonate. >> the greatest. and i think it was real misstep yeah. >> why is 30 years? >> what about trump not taking the stand that the right thing, it's absolutely positively mathematical certainty without question, the right thing it is. i think it's incredibly rare that a defendant ever takes the stand. you have to have a really good reason and a really tight scope of testimony for a defendant to ever i want to take the stand because number one, his whole all of
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his words can be used against him prior statements can be used to impeach him. the gag order could potentially come in. that was there was some question about that. all of and then he can be cross-examined. it would have been disastrous in most cases, and cataclysmic mushroom cloud level, bad had he taken the stand this case given who he is and given what his history isn't this case totally bad. >> i do not to mention you could be asked about any of the other cases, the civil fraud trial, the e. jean carroll case, et cetera, et cetera, they would spend more time debating beforehand what could come in because there's so many cases, so many, so much prior testimony so much bad behavior. he did not appear on the witness stand, but he is appearing outside the courtroom right now. here's the former president, just moments ago we have a great there is no crime. >> in fact, i just almost every
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reviewed the case known far as they say, there is no crime never been brought it should be dismissed before you even but rejection is extremely let's say, complicated. >> but let's also say conflicted it's complicated and kids and it's first very to to her she nobody who's never stated the judge can try and manufacturer one where he goes from a misdemeanor which doesn't exist because of the statue of limitations, doesn't exist and they tried to bring it into a validate, but he can't do it because the proof and you see what's happened and water remember, on gag, i'm not allowed to say what i'd like to really say. >> you'd be very addressed.
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>> but i'm so why would i take the chance but we do want to defend our constitution. so at some point, maybe i will take a chance it's a very serious situation where a republican nominee for president, the republican nominee, somebody that one easily and quickly in record time. it gets number one gagged and number two is before a democratic pointed judge and you're playing with fire like this. it's very sad. >> but the good news is not proven. >> there is no crime, not really read all of these experts and you know, the ones that have to go over the names again, but all experts, legal scholars talented people are smart people and there is no crime so maybe they'll try and devise one right. >> as the judge, she'll help them out with the suggestion has been very helpful to the other side that she'd never been and should never be in our
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country. >> now, on another node, biden is releasing one million barrels of oil from the north police reserved a bit to lower prices at the top just because you're listening to former president donald trump outside the courtroom there, elie, let's just start first. >> he's saying we know well, they're going into hash out jury instructions. he saying they're going to create a create a crime there. they're going to make something up. that's not what's going. >> yeah, it's not accurate. it's a little echoey, a little harb here. definitely did say no crimes times. this is a crime. if prove that's up to the jury, what i think he's talking about in an artful way, not to explain on his the half is the way this case is charged is unusual. the da started with a misdemeanor charge of falsification of business records, which if charged alone would be out the door because it's the statute of limitations too much time has passed, but there's a longer statute of limitations. if you can make it a felony. and the way they make it a felony here is what we were just talking about that other crime. what is the other crime that they
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falsified records took promote or to commit. so it's not your most straightforward charges, not like well, i charge you jury on the elements of robbery. here are the elements of even fraud can be straightforward it's complicated, but it's been tested thus far in this core. and i think it's i don't think an appeals court is going to save this as an illegal way to charge a crime, but there is a bit of uncertainty and it isn't unusual way to construct an indictment. i would just clarify one point that on the statute of limitations question with respect to the misdemeanor, there might be an open question. >> there because of the fact that he the statute of limitations is seen to be told or paused if the defendant is not in the jurisdiction during the statute of limitations period because he's lived in florida, in washington, dc the whole time. prosecutors can make the argument, may be that you could still charge him with a misdemeanor because the fact that he wasn't continuously in the state in new york during the period of the statute of limitations. now, that's an open legal question, or at least one that they'd fight about. i'm not saying it's a winter one way or the other, but it's just not something
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prosecutors might watch it now, to be clear, prosecutors do not want to charge a misdemeanor here. this may come up in the jury instructions that perhaps they could also convict on a misdemeanor i would think prosecutors don't want that at all. yeah. mr. if there is an interesting strategic decision coming up for the defense here, which is this. if the defense wants it, they can ask the judge. okay. i want you to instruct a jury on the felony falsifying business records for some other crime, but also the lesser included the misdemeanor, just falsifying business records that's it. so if you're the defense du you want to give the jury this sort of middle ground fallback? if i had to guess, i would think trump's team is not going to ask for that. they're going to say give them the all or nothing. i don't think they want to give them a safe space to land, but look, a misdemeanor conviction, i think at least let me try to be political for a second. would probably be a win for trump to only get victory of a fairly petty misdemeanor, and prosecutors could request it to. now the calculus on there and as well, if we're less likely to get the felony that involves this campaign
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question, or maybe a tax question, we could just get him on the misdemeanor. it would be a conviction, not the one we want. you probably not much i do we are no known dura. >> all right. elie honig and elliot williams, we will see you all again soon. thank you so much. i want to bring in jury consultant and attorney robert hirshhorn on all of this. robert, nice to see you. thanks for joining us. let's start first with what they're about these jury instructions. why are these so important? >> well, they're the recipe for the jury, right? it's the law that's going to guide them on this very monumental, historic decision. they're about to make. >> and this isn't a normal criminal case where you have some idea what the elements of the offense are. >> this one is really a lot more complicated. now here's what's different about this one. jessica, there's two lawyers on the jury. they have to law professor type. they're not law professors are lawyers. but the point is, there's two
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legal experts in the jury room with them. >> i that are going to be able to explain to the jurors than nuances of some of the more a complicated parts of this jury charge. >> and i wanted to say one other thing. we may need to check with your pundits. i don't know what the law is in state court in new york. but a lot of quartz only give one copy of the jury charge to the entire jury one. there's only one cafe. right? no. no, no, that's wrong. sorry. >> this isn't sorry, robert, let me just answer your question because i happen to be sitting here a lot of courts, federal, a lot of judges in the federal system will send a written copy of the charge back in new york state. they don't send a written copy back with the jury at all. so the jury may take notes, but they're going to basically be left with their own recollection. okay. wow, we're just doing this in real time. all right. back robert, continue your thought, please. >> even worse jessica this is even worse because now the jurors, all they have is their recollection of what the judge
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said, the elements of the crime four. >> and it's so where do you see how long this jury charges there is no way the jurors being able to keep all that information in their head. it's gonna be a mess if the defense were smart, they would ask that each member of the jury be b, given a written copy of this charge. >> and we talked a little bit in the last segment about bob costello as that last witness. and how it would sit in the jury's minds just as they have these many days, five, six days until they're going to be back together. as somebody who is an expert in juries talk about that last thing that they here and now this time, how does that all go together and fit together? >> yeah normally, it would be a really big problem for the defense because castello was a disaster okay. i am convinced that it was trump that insisted he be a witness, and i am now convinced that trump was looking out for number one by calling him as a witness.
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>> and he ended up stepping in number two. all right. so would normally be a real big problem for the defense. but here's the difference this one week is going to work as a reset. >> it's going to let you know everybody's to calm down, right? >> everybody maintain their cullum, everybody to kinda think about other things other than this trial. and when they come back next week, that's when they're going to get fired backup about the case. i think it's actually going to help the defense more than the prosecution. this one week off, believed as a reset. all right. robert hirshhorn, always good to see you. thanks so much for your insight. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> telecom, the body of a ron's president arrives in the country's capital as funeral ceremonies get underway. this is investigator take a closer look at what's what caused the president's helicopter crash. >> plus president biden expressing outrage over the international criminal court's decision to seek an arrest warrant for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu netanyahu for his parts is that he rejects the move with
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reverse the four signs of early gum disease a new toothpaste from periodontics, the dom experts can the riva support your brain health? very janice, hey eddie, now frazer, franck. franck bread. how are you fran add fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory joined the neretva brain health challenge, time do print let's rewind with neutrogena rapid regal repair. >> it has derm proven retinol, expertly formulated to target stem cell turnover and fight not one but five signs of aging, physical results in just one week, neutrogena this making you uncomfortable good. >> when you've got type two diabetes like me, you have up to four times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or worse death even when meeting your a1c goal. this comfort can help you act i'm not trying to scare you. i'm empowering you to get real with your health care provider talk to them about lowering your risk of
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>> capital it can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicide so it'll thoughts right away antidepressants may increase these risks and young adults, elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke and capitalize has not approved for dementia-related psychosis report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles which may be life-threatening or uncontrolled muscle movements which may be permanent. common side effects include sleepiness dizziness, nausea, and try mouth these aren't all the side effects. >> and the darkness of bipolar one and two depression kept later can help you. let in the light and ask your doctor about capillary, find savings and support a capital i'm dr. sanjay gupta in london. and this is cnn a quick update for you out of new york. >> were that meeting on jury instructions in donald trump's hush money trial is underway. lawyers are discussing what those instructions should say with the judge right now are reported there's are in the courtroom and we're following every update as you can see on your screen, turning to other
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news though right now, crowds of mourners have gathered into iran as funeral ceremonies are observed for iran's president ebrahim raisi he along with the country's foreign minister and seven other people were killed when their helicopter crashed on sunday today is still unclear what caused that crash and why so many senior iranian government officials were traveling on one single helicopter. cnn's have been wiedemann joins us now, been any more new information about this? >> not new information, but the basic facts certainly would hint at why perhaps this helicopter went down. first of all, let's keep in mind it's a bell to 12 helicopter that is a helicopter that went into production in 1968. basically think we have vietnam era helicopter and keep in mind that iran has been under us sanctions. going back decades. and therefore, the country has been suffering from a lack of
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spare parts. and in addition to that, this helicopter actually three helicopters, but on the one that crashed, there was the foreign minister, the president, and other senior officials they were flying over a mountainous area in very bad weather. there was a late spring storm coming through. it was very foggy and we've heard heard, for instance, from the turkish transport minister suggesting that they were monitoring the flight because it wasn't far from the turkish border and it appears that perhaps the signal, the transponder perhaps wasn't working in this case. now, in addition to that, we are hearing, for instance comment from bell helicopters who have put out a statement saying that bell does not conduct any business in iran or support their helicopter fleet, and we do not have knowledge about the active state of the helicopter
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involved in this accident. now, the chief of staff of the ronny and army has formed a committee of technical and military experts to try to ascertain the precise cause of this crash. it until now they're talking about a quote, unquote technical failure and so if we put our faith in this investigation will have to wait and see what comes out of it or it's jessica, ben wiedemann. >> thank you so much for the update israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is hitting back at the international criminal court for its decision to request arrest warrants for the israel-hamas war the icc's top prosecutor, karim khan, telling cnn's christiane amanpour in an exclusive interview this week, he seeking arrest warrants against netanyahu, israel's defense minister, and three top hamas leaders, khan also claimed israel is using starvation as a weapon of war here's how
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netanyahu responded today well, i think this absurd, this is beyond outrageous. this guy is out to demonize israel. he's doing a hit job. he is created a false symmetry between the democratically elected leaders of visual and the terrorists chieftains. that's like saying in after nine, 11, well misha and arrest warrants for for george bush, but also for bin laden or after in world war ii. well, i'm issuing arrest warrants for fdr, but also for hitler. it's a hijab it's not serious. he's out to defame as well. >> president biden is also a blasting the icc yesterday, he called the court's efforts, quote, outrageous. and said there is no equivalence between israel and hamas. let's turn now to cnn's jeremy diamond, who's life force in jerusalem, jeremy, what more can you tell us about? israel's reaction to the icc well, you're hearing a lot of outrage and a lot of defiance from the israeli prime minister, his allies, but even his rivals, all of whom across
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the israeli political spectrum are slamming the icc's decision to seek arrest warrants for these really prime minister and the defense minister particular because of the fact that they are doing so in the same breath as they are seeking arrest warrants for hamas is leaders. >> a lot of criticism of what israelis view as this moral equivalency that they think the icc is drawing between israel and hamas. we've heard the israeli prime minister has, as you're just played that soundbite of him speaking, they're talking about how outraged he is and what a problem he sees these move by the icc as being, but he's also responding to some of the specific charges, notably on the use of starvation as a weapon of war. the israeli prime minister is talking about the tons of humanitarian aid that israel has allowed into gaza. but of course what he isn't talking about is the specific amounts of aid versus what humanitarian aid official say is required and multiple humanitarian aid agencies over
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the course of several months now have been arguing that the israeli government is restricting the flow of aid into gaza, not allowing enough aid into meet the needs of the palestinian people, calling that collective punishments and that is indeed what the icc's top prosecutor is picking up on here netanyahu also said that kohn is arguing that israel doesn't have a right to sell the defense in his statement, said that israel does have a right to self-defense. but in his view, according to the evidence that he is relying upon, he is seeking these arrest warrants because he believes that the means israel has used to defend itself are criminal i also want to ask you about the associated press, who's saying that the israeli government has shut down its live camera feed and seized its equipment. what more do we know about this? >> yeah that's right. the israeli government confirming that it did indeed not only shut down the associated press's live feed of northern gaza, this is from a position that they have in southern
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israel looking into the gaza strip, mostly showing smoke billowing above gaza. some of the airstrikes that happened, they shut down that live feed. they also sees the camera equipment that the associated press was using and the communications ministry and israel says that they are relying on this new foreign broadcasts or law that earlier this month empowered them to shut down al jazeera from broadcasting insight, and operating inside of israel, the israeli communications ministry says that the associated press was providing this live broadcast to al jazeera, which has one of its clients that's what the associated press does. they provide these feeds to other news outlets and agencies and the communications ministry saying that because of that, they use this foreign broadcasts or law to seize this equipment. they said that they had previously warned the associated press to stop providing this material to al jazeera, but we should note what, what is just the latest crackdown? on press freedoms inside of israel following the
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shutdown of al-jazeera or earlier this month. and it is something that the israeli opposition leader yair lapid, is indeed also seizing on. he said in a statement, this is not al-jazeera. we're talking about. this as an american award-winning media outlet. and he said that this move by the israeli government is contributing to making israel an outcast saying that he believes this government has gone mad. jessica jeremy diamond, life for us from jerusalem. >> thank you so much. we do have a quick programming note to share with you is really prime minister benjamin. and now who will actually be on the lead with jake tapper today. that's coming up at 4:00 p.m. eastern only on cnn so both sides of rested in the criminal hush money trial of donald trump, the former president, not taking the stand and testifying. >> what kind of impact could that have, if any, on jurors plus two of the central figures in the georgia election? >> version case will soon learn if they get to keep their jobs ahead, what voters have to say about de a fani willis and judge scott mcafee tate made
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>> with the oraa ring i'm zachary cohen and washington and this is cnn right, now, former president donald trump is back in court for his hush money criminal trial. >> the defense rested its case earlier today without calling the former president to the witness stand. and now the judge and attorneys for both sides are working through a critical issue. jury instructions essentially, how the judge will instruct the jury to apply the law while they deliberate. closing
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arguments are set to begin one week from today on tuesday. i want to talk more about this with former new york state supreme court justice jill cannes visor. first, we should note that she is a longtime friend of judge juan. were sean jill. thank you so much for being with us from that vantage point. how do you assess his handling of the trial so far well, as i've said, on the show before, this is an extremely difficult kait case. >> everyone knows that there are so many moving parts and any trial and this one has the added added imprimatur of having a former president the united states, making it that much more of a fish ball, he has called balls and strikes as is his job. he calls them down the middle. from my perspective, he's trying to keep control of the courtroom as best he can. and i think he's done that fairly well. >> how do you think he's done just as a friend when that former president goes out as he did moments ago and lambaste
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him and says that he's crooked. i think he described them is compromised as well earlier i guess sticks and stones can break your bones. i mean, he's gagged with respect to witnesses to protect the integrity of the system. and the judge has said, you could say whatever you want about me because it's not going to affect the way i rule or what i do, or the fair trial that i am going to give you mr. trump? so he can say what he likes. it's not going to change anything. i'm sure that on a personal level it's no fun. i've had you know, name-calling as well, although not to this degree, it's shameful from my perspective, but it's not ultimately going to affect the bottom line of this trial at all. >> a joy i want to break down that dramatic final witness and robert costello, the judge, ordering the jury to leave the room. soon after things got tense with the former attorney
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why do you think judges remove the jury from situations like these? does it really do a job of sort of separating them from what could be a contentious moment between a witness and a judge, something that's fairly uncommon. >> yes, there's a knee-jerk reaction to always protect the process and the way you do that is to take the jury out of the room so that they don't witness anything that could affect them, that that shouldn't affect them. so the truth is by removing that jury when he did how he did, he was actually protecting the defendant because this was a defense witness. if they saw the judge dress him down as the judge did, and should there was a cheer from my colleagues for the way he handled that had that been seen by the jury that could sway them and appropriately. so he did the right thank took them out and then took out the witness. forgive the pun yeah.
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>> judgment or merchan and the legal teams are meeting right now as we just mentioned, to discuss jury instructions, both sides of discussed the need for instructions about for instance, the absence of allen weisselberg's testimony, the former trump organization cfo what do you predict the instructions to the jury might be from judge merchan i think that's an interesting question so the reason why someone asks for a missing witness charge was is because they believe the information should have been brought before the jury. so if the defense is arguing they are entitled to a missing witness charge because of allen weisselberg that argument will fail. it will fail for two reasons. one, it will fail because it wasn't made timely. that request must be made before the people rest their case to give them an opportunity to call that witness, but it will also feel fell from a legal perspective
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because there is one of the prongs that's required before someone is entitled to a missing witness charge is that the defendant b. does that the witness rather beginning favorable information to the side, calling it there's no question here that mr. weisselberg's is not going to give favorable information to the people. this is a man who went to jail rather than cooperate with them. so then the question becomes whether the people would make that request and they can't really write the defendant has no burden. so i don't know that he will say much about it. certainly there will not be a standard missing witness charge as a result of that. it's not appropriate here. >> judge joel kahn visor, great to get your perspective. thanks for being with us thank you coming up, it is primary de in both fulton county or rather in georgia. i should say. and both fulton county district attorney fani willis and judge scott mcafee are now up for reelection. we'll discuss the impact this could have on the
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just thought i'd let you know that when consumer cellular, you can get the same exact coverage as the leading carriers but for up to half the price can the riva support your brain health? >> very janet hey, eddie, know fraser, franck, frank bred. >> how are you? >> fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory joined the neretva brain health challenge closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law reza oma victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 today, georgia voters are deciding on the future of two key players in the state's election subversion case against former president donald trump, fulton county district attorney fani willis and judge scott mcafee, both on the ballot for today's primary. >> soon as nick valencia is live for us outside the fulton county courthouse in atlanta, nick de willis has been speaking out today. what are we
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hearing from her well, bores, this is just a primary, but because it's fani willis, it's getting a lot of attention and perhaps because what's at stake if she loses? she would have to hand over her very high high-profile case against the former president and his remaining allies. but let me be clear, there's zero expectation that willis is going to lose this primary even though she faced that controversy earlier this year. in fact, if you talked to her allies, they say because of her popularity in this very blue county and because she's somewhat of a household name here that she could perhaps be de here until she's 100. but she's not taking any chances she was out at polling stations earlier today, even though her competitor is only polling in the single digits, we caught up with her and from her message to us, it's clear that as the de as she believes, she's just getting warmed up i'll put together a dream team. >> i'm if i haven't done anything else right. i've done that right. i have put together a team of just competent lawyers and a professionals and investigators and they're doing amazing seeing work. and we're doing it as a team. the
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backlog, if you remember when we got here, was 18,000 unindicted cases going back seven years, it doesn't exist any longer. >> i'm a fighter and you know, in the famous words at the power jay-z add was brushing my shoulders off it and we don't keep going so willis feeling loose joking with us, this is a bit of an election your oddity not only is willis on the ballots, so is the presiding judge over the trump case. judge scott mcafee, for him, it's an actual election and it's a bit of a high wire balancing act for both of them. not only are they juggling their campaigning, but also there busy court schedules. >> if willis wins this primary as she is expected, she will face off against gop attorney courtney kramer, who served in the trump white house. >> and if mcafee wins his election, not a primary for him, but an actual election, he'll keep his seat and very likely stay on residing over the trump case. polls closed at 7:00 p.m. tonight. >> boris, jessica got to say it was kind of odd to see him without the robes are so used to seeing with all the judges wrote nick valencia live from
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outside the courthouse. thank you so much happening now, a legal battle over elvis presley's graceland, his granddaughter now fighting a foreclosure sale in that historic palm up next we'll tell you why she's alleging fraud in the case russia for trying to spy on us we were spying on them i'm just adding friday this is a war the secret was secrets and spies, a nuclear game premier sunday, june 2 at ten on seat good job. we dietary supplements from volterra for healthy joints pods, spring moving sale has been extended, save up to 25% on moving in storage until june 10, and cbi pods, it's been entrusted with over 6 million moves down weight, use promo code 25. now to save, look at
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legal consultation. again, that's one 18071238 hundred. >> this situation with blitzer didn't knighted six once cnn fighting for graceland, elvis presley, his granddaughter, is suing to stop a foreclosure sale set to happen in a matter of days of the late singers iconic home in memphis, rarely go is alleging fraud and says that the purported company behind the sail doesn't exist and has no rights to the property. cnn's dian gallagher has been following this story for us. so diane, what happens next?
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>> boris graceland is part of american history. it's the second most visited home in the entire country behind only the white house. and tomorrow morning and attention because he chancery court. well, there's a hearing that could determine in part if that iconic memphis properties stays in elvis presley's family. his granddaughter first riley kiyo, is suing a company to stop a scheduled foreclosure for later this week, she now owns the property after her mother, lisa maree, present lee died last year now, in her lawsuit, kiyo states that last year, noss any investments and private lending, llc presented documents claimed her mother had borrowed $3.8 million from the company and use the trust the deed of trust on graceland as collateral for that as security. >> now, the firm claims that lisa maree defaulted on that loan and therefore graceland is now their property, but kill says, none of this happened in
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her lawsuit questions whether the company even really exist, saying, quote, these dogs humans are fraudulent. >> lisa marie presley never borrowed money from north funny investments and never gave a deed of trust to north funny investments. but the court documents goh even further identifying florida notary whose name is on that paperwork presented by the company. but the notaries says that she never met least some marie presley nor did she notarized any documents from her. now, let's cnn has tried to reach out to noss any investments we sent an email to their addresses and got out of office, replied that says i'll be back next week. >> the phone number attached to them in the lawsuit doesn't work and the lawsuit says they're missouri based company funny, but we couldn't find any company matching that name with the missouri secretary of state or in our search across the nation at this point. >> now we did receive a statement from grace plan dba, elvis presley enterprises that said to cnn, quote, elvis
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presley enterprises can confirm that these claims are fraudulent. there is no foreclosure sale. simply put, the counter lawsuit has been filed to stop the fraud. there was a temporary restraining order that says they can't sell the property until there was a hearing on her application for injunction here and look, boris, jessica, this isn't just americana to kiyo and her family. this is where elvis this is very, this is where at least the maree is buried. her great grandparents and her brother. so this is a family property, even though many people in america find it's special in a place that they want to go and see what a bizarre story. dan gallagher, thanks so much. >> the update. >> so happening right now, as you can tell on this side of your screen, attorneys and donald trump's hush money trial are working with the judge and jury instructions. >> we're gonna get the latest from inside the courtroom. and just moments assignments are going on. and the tornado here
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target stem cell turnover and stronger, healthier. with the
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oraa ring i, hanako montgomery and tokyo. >> and this is cnn closed, captioning brought to you by meso are firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. >> if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call us now right now, the judge attorneys and former president donald trump's hush money trial are working through some critical issues. >> how the judge will instruct the jury to apply the law while they deliberate closing arguments now set to begin next. tuesday after the defense rested its case earlier today without calling trump to the stand, senior national correspond to brand gen. grass is joining us now. she's outside the courtroom. brynn, what's the latest?
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>> yeah, guys. we've had some very intense, dramatic testimony over the last 5.5 weeks or so. >> this is a little bit more dry and dense, and this is without the jury, this is where both sides the prosecution and the defense can basically negotiate the wording details with the judge about how those jury instructions are going to sound when the judge actually gives him to the jury next week after closing arguments, it's a critical cool part of this entire process. >> it does take time, but again, it is very dense, really steeped in the legalities, but it serves really as a roadmap for jurors when they go back and deliberates a sort of have the way to interpret the law and apply it to all of that testimony that they have been hearing over this entire trial. so it's extremely important. so that's what's happening right now. we do fully expect that to wrap up by the end of today. and then there is no court for the rest of the week. in fact, the judge told jurors earlier today after the defense rested did that they don't need to come back like you guys said, until next week on
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tuesday, the day after memorial day, when they are going to begin hearing closing arguments that could bleed into wednesday. but the judge fully expects and wants the jury to return to court on what is usually a dark day here at the trial to continue their deliberations. and of course, then we all wait to see what the verdict is on these 34 counts are charges rather against the former president in historic trial. guys are brynn grass live from outside the courthouse in new york. >> thanks so much. let's discuss more now with our legal experts, elie honig and elliot williams join us once more. elliott, let's start with getting into the weeds feeds about some of the language that the judge is going to have to decide on. there's a dispute that came up in the last few moments where the defense wants a sentence in the jury instructions to read that the former president allegedly participated in a crime crime singular, the prosecution wants participated in and was convicted of two crimes. crimes plural.
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>> i think they're talking about like oh, forgive me. michael cohen. yeah, walk us through the significance of that and that very significant. >> this is the kind of thing that is at the heart of jury instructions. and what parties are going back and forth about now, the question is, do you identify by the number of crimes that he has convictions for du just say broadly speaking, he has a criminal record or do you just say crimes generically? and each of those has pitfalls in either direction, including if if if the judge really just makes a huge error here, it could have problems on appeal. you can really mess up the whole case. now, i think the concern is if the judge doesn't properly and fairly characterize this witnesses criminal history, it may be it may put a thumb on the scale in either direction and so they're debating it. i believe they let's mentally ended up on crimes plural but you're going to see much more of this over the course of the day. it's bickering about plural, shall versus may. and
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so on and stuff that makes people's eyes glaze over, but are legally so important speaking of just following the update, here, they're having a discussion right now about what does it mean to cause someone to make false entries, false business documents, and now apparently, the defense's objecting to prosecutors language saying it would be causing the cause are causing the cause her to do some things. >> so you know what it's like, what is the meaning of is, is what does it mean to call but you will see judges, you sort of long strings of synonyms that means to cause, make compelled encouraged, blah, blah, blah, aid and that kind of thing. but we are past the most contentious part of this, which had to do with how much depth is the judge going to go into on the nuances of campaign finance law, generally speaking, trump's team, the defense wanted to make it sound like this big confusing messy area, which it is. and the prosecution team wanted to sort of streamline it. my sense generally from our updates here is that the judge, as he has done throughout this trial, is trying to find a middle path all right.
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>> and just zoom out for everyone watching for a second. >> l8 the importance of all this stuff that we're talking about that can be a little dry, a little crunchy. >> but what this how this case is going to play out? >> these instructions that this jury gets very important. >> this is it, this is the gospel that the jury will be given whatever the judge tells them is how they will conduct their deliberations. so what happens? a lot of times we talked about in the segment earlier, last hour with the jury consultant new york state is unusual in that the judge is going to read this 50, 60, whatever it is, page instruction to the jury. a lot of judges send it back. so the jurors can go. >> oh, i think page 34 is what he told us. >> yes. let's read it together. >> in new york state judges do not send the written instruction back. >> now, how are they supposed to remember all this? it's impossible, but what they can do, the jury it's come out in the middle of deliberation, send a note saying we would like to hear again the instruction on reasonable doubt. we would like to hear again the instruction on causing the cause or whatever but this is it. >> this is what will guide them lead them towards their verdict
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or if they don't reach a verdict. but this isn't what you'll find, is that every time the jury has a question on something like we want to hear this instruction again, the judge will call both sides back the attorneys for both sides, and debate. should i read it? should i provide it to them? and you can't do that in the state of new york can i do i provide them a sheet of paper due i just say no. do i give them some other instruction and that comes up all the time and it also provides the parties and frankly, folks like us an opportunity to read between the lines and try to divide, well, what's the jury thinking right now? what do they have questions on? next week? next week is going to be a lot of tea leaf reading by all of us. what does that mean? is that good? is that a convoluted process to say the least confusing, but we appreciate having you guys here to walk us through it. thank you both so much. i'll even allele so let's go which is cnn's alayna treene now, because she's focused on the trump team's reaction now that both sides have rested their case you also have some interesting news. alaimo, what do you hearing?
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>> that's why when my colleague, kristen holmes and i are told that overall, when they're looking forward to this whatever the verdict may be, and whenever it may come we're told that the former president is preparing for a potential conviction, at least on some of the counts, and that's largely because donald trump personally believes that the jury is biased. he has long believed, even before the trial began, that he could not get a fair trial in manhattan. mostly democratic city. and so he's preparing for that potential option now, i'm also told that some of his attorneys are still considering, you know, maybe this could be a hung jury. of course, this is all speculation. >> but as for the former president, he is preparing for that potential outcome. >> now, i also just want to speak about the overall performance of his defense team. so we've been told that donald trump has been actually pretty pleased with todd blanche, his lead defense attorney in this, especially when it comes to his cross-examination of michael cohen. and again, i think we have to play point out that donald trump is a very tough client. he expects his lawyers to be very aggressive, to be
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bulldogs in the courtroom. and from our conversations with donald trump's campaign and his team, they believe that the former president thinks that blanche was effective and then there's two instances that they point to. one is when blanche tried to undermine michael cohen its credibility when he pointed out that 92nd phone call that he had that he brought up the stormy daniels payment and blanche had said this was a call with keith schiller, donald trump's then body man, and he actually brought up prank phone calls from a 14-year-old and that was something that donald trump was very pleased with, were told the other thing that they point to is the moment when blanche got michael cohen to admit that he had stolen from the trump campaign, we're told that that was really a very clear moment that in donald trump's view shows that michael cohen was lying. now i also want to dress. robert costello's testimony now, obviously, he exploded on the stand are deployed it i should say but that came together because donald trump had really liked castellows testimony before
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congress and what he wanted costello to do on the stand was to say, in very clear terms that michael cohen is a liar and that's exactly what costello did. now of course, he did some other things as well, and it's still very unclear whether or not donald trump's team believes that that was actually helpful to the defense or whether that was damaging to them, but that was something that donald trump had really pushed for. and so i think overall, it's unclear where this is heading. his team knows that obviously they're not sure of what the outcome will be. but again, donald trump is preparing for a potential conviction in this case. >> alayna treene, some fascinating reporting there. thank you so much. we're staying on top of the trial and this meaning, of course, we're going to bring you any new developments as they happen. there's still plenty more to come on. cnn he was central, including some terrifying moments on a singapore airlines flight from london. after the plane had severe turbulence, at least one person was killed dozens more hurt. we have detailed straight ahead when
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>> how and when you want him reserve today at, row sparks engineered for the spontaneous a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra and sialic faster acting and long-lasting grad, the moment get started at row slash sparks, i'm arlette saenz at the white house. and this is cnn thing for airlines is one person is dead and six others critically injured after one of their flights hit severe turbulence, that plane was in route from one into singapore when this all happened and then made an emergency do landing. >> and bangkok, thailand with us now cnn's richard quest and cnn's gabe cohen gave it, can't be overstated. >> how severe this turbulence was albeit very rare. it apparently led to the death of one man and dozens of others injured yeah, it's tragic. we know that a 73 year-old british man died from injuries, or we don't know the cause at this
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point, but from something related to the turbulence, we know we had a heart condition but at this point, we're waiting to find out what the cause of death was. but as you said, 71 other people injured, including at least one american six of those people are in critical condition according to the hospital where they were taken, it was a violent scene, an emotional scene, and you can see some of the images that show the aftermath, these significant damage inside the cabin and the plane. parts of the ceiling luggage compartments collapsed. there were objects thrown about during the incident and now we are just starting to learn more about how those people are doing. but again, one person did die richard urine aviation expert this kind of turbulence is rare. this extreme turbulence like this, but it does seem just to me the casual, all of us, the casual observers or hearing about it more often is that true? >> yes there is more office in a sense because it's climate change is doing that. to the
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point that gave was saying, if you don't need to look at the numbers in too much detail, but the yellow line shows me basically how the plane moved. the red line shows me the ferocity and velocity in other words, the vertical rate of a central d said, so you've got the plane which has coming along and then it enters this storm and it starts moving around like this. now, if you have true the actual altitude changes are not massive there are two or 300 feet in either direction, goes up andre down, 50, up 75 down 200. but it is doing so at a vertical rate of ascent, descend in the hundreds. so the, the dramatic movements that cause this is going up with a rate of 800. it's coming down i can make about thousand. it's going up, but the rate of odd and that is why this was so dangerous and so difficult. it wasn't the plane dropped 6,000 or anything like that. it was the fact that
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in these storms, there are weather patterns that push the airframe in different directions. and those it's forces hit the passengers particularly of course, if they're not strapped in, right? >> if they don't have those seat belts on and gave what singapore airlines saying about all this, what we've just learned that the airline now has a team that's arrived in bangkok to assist their crews that are still there as well as the local authorities. they've they've also put out this statement offering their deepest condolences to the family of the deceased, that 73 year-old british mann saying we deeply apologize for the traumatic experience that our passengers and crew members suffered on this flight richard, is there much that pilots can do? >> due to avoid or get out of situations like this? >> yes. and they're doing it every minute of every day and that's why we don't have more of these incidents. number one, they have rate they fly that their allied will give them a meet your logical map of where they're going. so they plan
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ahead the airline knows what the weather's going to be downward number two, on board radar, they can see the weather patterns ahead of them. number three, air traffic control will tell them a number for the plane in front. we'll give a ride report. we've got turbulence at flight level 330, in which case the pilot will request a different area. but in this part of the world in southeast asia, at this time of the year, there are massive storms that are very out to go around. are there are cloud formations you can't go over. think of it this way. >> landing in the summer, washington reagan, or atlanta hartfield, the weather, the summer storms, they will create thermal movements and the plane will bounce around as it's coming into land. >> what happened here was on a much grander scale as it hit this summer, this storm in southeast asia are fortunate that it is a rare occurrence, but it's unsettling to hear that it's happened.
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>> they would have gone round it it native known more about it they would have obviously gone rounded or strapped everybody in much more tightly wright, richard quest, keep going. >> thank you both so much so right now, in a courtroom in new york, judge juan nmr, sean is working on jury instructions in donald trump's criminal hush money trial after the defense and prosecution rested their cases. and just moments, we're going to speak to a former trump attorney about all of this start your day with nature. >> me. the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin supplement brand when you get a
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melies nonna in washington and this is cnn we are continuing to vol a new developments in the criminal hush money trial of former president donald trump. and right now, prosecutors and trump's defense attorneys are meeting with judge juan merchan to work on jury instructions, which will set key guidelines with the juror as they deliberate a verdict. the defense rested its case earlier today after calling just to witnesses, neither were the former president and now closing arguments are scheduled to begin next tuesday, we're joined by michael vanderveer's. he's a former attorney for the former press president who represented him during his second impeach trump impeachment trial michael, it's great to have you here with us just first, you kind of your thoughts on how the former president likes to guide his attorneys, how involved he typically, we had that reporting from our colleague, alayna treene talking about the former president's thoughts on castellows testimony. >> how involved is he liked to
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be he likes to be very involved. >> he keeps up to date not only on the news, but in constant contact with his lawyers. the last case that i tried for one of his companies, i talked to him every morning. i talked to him every night. we would talk a couple of times a day. he isn't a very, very intelligent guy. so he wants to know details. he wants to make his own arguments which you take with a grain of salt to a certain extent because it's, you know, it's tough being the defendant or the owner of a company that is a defendant. and you know, try to look at it abstractly rather than getting really personal about it, feeling emotions. i'll give anybody. yeah, sure. >> and so he he he really wants to let you know what his arguments are. >> he really wants you to know what points he thinks is important and what's really interesting is this is back two or three years ago in a case
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that i did for him, he he wants you to know what he wants to nobody. he'll listen to you. he'll let you know what it's important to him and what's important to him is not just the legal case, but it's politics as well. and so it's really the first time i've had a client where they were equally concerned, if not more concerned with their political future. rather than the underlying case itself. we've talked about that a lot in how he really is trying this in the court of opinion outside of the courtroom. >> but for him as the republican will likely republican nominee that he there's so much politically that's at stake what else is he going to do you're limited in the time now? >> yeah, i can campaign you're limited in the things that you can say while you're not in the courtroom and so i think he's strategically taking the
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best that he can in a bad situation patient for him and with them, a lot of things that don't look good turn out okay? so i think he's probably hopeful that he wins this and just rides into the white house. >> they have five or six days before they're back in court and is it hard do you think it'll be hard for him tukey's he's maintained the gag order now since he's been told he could go to jail if you kept violating it you we've seen moments where he's gotten very frustrated at people as they, as they are testifying. >> do you think he has that he can sustain that through the next several days? yeah. i think he can sustain that through the next several days. what i don't understand is there's just this long delay. they should have closed today. they should have been doing jury instructions over this past weekend and they should deliberated thursday and friday. you probably would've had a verdict before the week is out. so i'm interested in
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the reasoning to delay the trial, but certainly it gives him time to slip up and i don't think he will, but, you know just that amount of time. i don't think it's going to be terribly good for the prosecution. frankly, the delay because a lot of the prosecution's best case was in the beginning and you want that with a jury, you want the jury some, some people think that jury makes their mind up really quick. and so you want your best self forward, but now you've got these elongated cross-examinations. he got delays, she got the de off days off on wednesday. now you got the holiday weekend. and so all of that good stuff is now for weeks removed from their knowledge base. i know they're taking notes and whatnot, but, primacy and recency i think that it's probably better for the defense of the delay if at
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all, then for the prosecution. >> all right. michael van der been. thank you so much for being here. we really appreciate it. thanks. yeah. thanks. >> i still come. >> why researchers that say trump's unprecedented. oh, hang on one second for proposals could cause a middle-class families at least $1,700 a year and coming up in the night next. is that our israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, joins jake tapper to respond to news that an international criminal court prosecutors said he seeking a warrant for his arrest. we've got believe what jake tapper live at four right here on cnn riyadh saves new album is hey breaking records gets to say what country is colby country bianna, say a nashville's. just renaissance monday, but aid on cnn every day, dirt and grind settles deep within your tiles grout leinz, staley steamers, powerful, custom-made equipment removes the do you
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victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with ms ophelie noma call us now president biden is back on the campaign trail just moments ago, he arrived in boston where he said to hold a pair of fundraisers after seeing a big dip and donations last month earlier today, the president campaigned in new hampshire where he talked to veterans at avf wwe hall about his support for the pact act. that's a law that expands health care and benefits to veterans who were exposed to burn pits and other toxic cnn's mj lee is joining us now. and mj, that pact act and the burn pits that is a topic that hits very close to home for president biden yeah, that's absolutely right. the president is spending some time up in new england today and we just heard him delivering remarks in new hampshire about this so-called pac dr. this is legislation that the president signed into law back in 2022 that expanded health care services available to veterans that were exposed to toxic six
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substances like burn pits and like agent orange and what the president announced app this event was that more than 1 million claims have now been granted to veterans since that act became law. now, this issue, as you say, is of deep personal significance for this president. the president has often talked about his belief that burn pits were responsible for the brain cancer that ultimately took the life of his late son, beau, who of course served in iraq and we heard the president talking a little bit about that in new hampshire, take a listen my son, beau was one of those veterans so this is person to me and my family and to his family and his children. >> so until many viewers so i took office. i determined that come hell or high water, we're going to protect the heroes and protect our nation. we learned a terminal lesson after vietnam as those harmful effects of age and aren't took years to manifest and left too many
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veterans without the care they deserve because they had to prove that every illness they had was a consequence of agent orange, which is often too hard to do just a quick note about the state of new hampshire ahead of november, the state doesn't necessarily fall in the category gory for the biden campaign of the toughest and most competitive battleground states. >> but i think biden allies would certainly argue that the fact that he is making this trip up there goes to show that the biden campaign is reticent to take any state for granted granted at this point, i will also note the president has now arrived in boston where he's going to be participating in two separate fund raisers coming of course, after the biden campaign's april fundraising numbers showed that it lagged behind the march numbers. the biden campaign's war chest is still significantly greater and bigger than the trump campaigns. that is a cash advantage that the biden campaign certainly hopes to continue having as we head closer to november mj, the
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white house says that president biden is going to address a video that donald trump shared, referencing a united reich if trump is re-elected as biden said, anything about that post yet yeah the president is expected to address that video and some form at these two fundraisers that i just mentioned up in boston, a reporter did ask him about that earlier today and he's sort of laughed it off and said it would take too long for him to address that in great detail. >> we do have the white house and the biden campaign have both address the posting of this video. the biden campaign, for example, saying in a new statement that this video is part part of a pattern of trump's up praise for dictators and echoing anti-semitic tropes. he is a threat to our democracy. the statement says americans must reject him and stand up for our democracy come this november this statement actually came after the video was finally removed from online and the
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campaign i think is asking the question of why was it posted in the first place? >> all right. mj lee force at the white house. thanks so much for that reporting foreign president donald trump meantime, is tripling down on the trade war he started with china and during his first term in office with a plan that calls for aggressive new tariffs. the former president saying his proposal is a way to protect the working class. >> but a new report out this week suggests it would actually do the opposite as soon as matt egan has more on this new research, mountain walk us through what's in the report well, porous and jessica, remember donald trump loves tariffs so much that he nicknamed himself the tariff man. and he is vowing to go even bigger if he gets reelected, he's floated 60% tariff on chinese imports. that is massively everything from toys and furniture two iphones, he's also wants a 10% tariff on all us imports, all of them now, new research from the peterson institute finds that really consumers would be the ones paying the price that there'd be $500 billion in
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annual consumer cost that is 1.8% of gdp. some contexts, it's almost five times the size of the costs from the last trade war. and for a typical family, this would amount to at least $1,700 a year in additional cost. now, i say at least because the researchers say that this is really just the tip of the iceberg. >> it doesn't even an account for almost definite retaliation from our trading partners. do you recall during the last trading war everything from american crops and harley davidson motorcycles to kentucky bourbon was hit in retaliation. there's no reason to think that our trading partners would take it lying down this time now we should know that president biden is relying on tariffs to writing. he just announced tariffs on steel, aluminum, computer chips, electric vehicles, and solar cells. all of that from china, the difference though is that biden is targeting $18 billion of chinese goods and
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trump trump is targeting all $3 of us imports. so by just taking a surgical approach, trump's would be more of a sledgehammer, reach out to the trump campaign about this research. they're pushing back there saying, americans don't need to hear from so-called experts and research to know that bidenomics has failed and that they'd have more money in their pockets if trump is returned to the white house listen, i do think that the end of the day, what is clear is that tariffs are not going anywhere. republicans and democrats, they don't agree on much. trump and biden don't agree on much, but they do agree on using tariffs to stand up to china and to show voters that they are tough on china. that's despite the fact that a lot of economists warn that it's actually consumers that would be paying the price and matt new data shows inflation made things worse for most americans last year. >> even though it actually please slowed down in 2023 how does that all square? >> that's very jessica. this is a new research from the federal reserve with finds that about two-thirds of adults say
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that their financial situation was made worse by the cost of living. 31% said no impact, 4% said just 4% said that their situation was made better another telling finding is that about one in six adults say that they could not pay their bills in the prior month in full. and the problem of course is that people are spending more than they're making only 48% less than half say that they spent less than they made in the prior month. that's pretty low 32%, about a third, say they broke even. of course, if you break even, that leaves nothing left to save for a rainy day or save up for retirement. and 19% said that they spend more than they made. of course that is not sustainable and that speaks to the increased use of credit cards. i think at the end of de these findings do speak to the gloomy mood that we hear on main street and also to the cumulative impact of inflation mean prices are no longer
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skyrocketing, but there is this snowballing effect after three years of high rice's. and clearly, americans are still feeling that impact that egan, thanks so much for the update. thanks. >> just in to cnn in the nfl making a big push with diversity, equity and and inclusion. but it says the initiative is in no way related to that controversial speech by chiefs kicker harrison butker. the details straight ahead houston check. we hear nothing. >> the space shuttle accidents, usually not one thing. it's a series dense is that part of the wing coming apart space shuttle columbia, the final flight, now streaming on max. hi, i'm chris and i lost 57 pounds angola goh isn't complicated. i don't have to follow or restrictive diet and i don't have to spend a lot of time making meals using gold was truly transformative. it was easy and inexpensive prices are going up everywhere. did
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violin earth with the liev schreiber, premieres june 2 at nine on cnn right now in donald trump's criminal trial, layer hashing out what is going to be the jury instructions. >> and that means both sides,
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the defense and the prosecution are arguing over many fine points. >> yes. fine points. indeed. let's get with elliot williams and get some perspective. elliott, right now, the parties are debating language about the jury's requirement to find prosecutors proved trump was part of a conspiracy. this ties back to that meeting in 2015 between trump, david pecker, and others about how they were going to handle potentially negative news about donald trump going into the presidential election as jessica alluded to these very fine points. so we're getting into the weeds on this. how does this fit into the broader context of the case of the weeds, but also to use stormy weather because it starts getting a little bit tricky here because the question is, are you accusing the defendant of an additional crime by saying he's part of a conspiracy. and this this is the kind of area that all parties need to be careful about what they do. now the question is, as they're debating, was trump a part of a conspiracy at the time that he
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engaged in allegedly engaged in these acts. and how you instruct the jury as to what his actions were. now, the judge's question is, if there's nothing criminal at all, which is what he puts let's to the defense. why does it matter if put it in an instruction or not? and my gut here reading this is the judge probably let's this and because this is a question for the jury to decide whether you think he committed a crime, are engaged in something on lawful so it's hard to see where they're going to land on this, but it's really big picture jury instructions become fraught with peril when you start assigning or accusing the defendant of additional things, that's where you start running into trouble on appeal because the words that the judge gives the jurors might suggest more for criminality events actually that underscores why this is so important. we're also getting this update. >> the judge merchan said to the defense attorneys, what you're asking me to do is change the law and i'm not going to do that so just to give everybody kinda clue them and i'll just read what are
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reporting has been, which is that arguing for another deviation from the standard criminal jury instructions language, the defense attorney emil bove asked the judge, juan, were sean be as specific as possible when describing the statutes as they applied in this case, noting the importance of the case, and that there's not much of a precedent for the way these statues are being used in this case. and that's when the judge and she said to him, what you're asking me to do strange things happening here. so when we speak about this standard jury instructions, just about every state has model or standard instructions for everything, whether it's reasonable doubt, the role of the jury, the role of the judge, the role of your notes, and so on. their standard, and they can modify them based on what the parties in a given case. thank if a case is truly unique now, something many viewers may not know is that the law is very ambiguous in most areas including particularly in saying for a month this one. now the question is, how much additional language they put in now the judge has made clear several times during these proceedings thanks. today, we have standard instructions on
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most things and every single thing you asked me to add tampers with a century of new york state law. so please make a compelling case to me as to why ada deviate from that so again, he doesn't seem to really want to i wanted you to expand on something we were discussing earlier about the way that jury instructions work in new york state i'm hearing there. we just got a live feed of donald trump walking out of the courtroom. it appears that the proceedings may have come to a pause, if not a conclusion, unclear right now, i'm waiting to get clarity on that. they're taking a quick break. a producer just mentioned the way that jury instructions are handled in new york. the jury doesn't actually get documented instructions from the judge. they would have to come back out and basically ask the judge for clarity on these fine points so surprising that are that are confusing to say the least how does that affect the dynamic of deliberations i'm selfish.
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>> i'm sure it's incredibly challenging. so when we speak about jury instructions, they can take hours to read. i think on i believe it's tuesday when we hear them. yeah. we don't hear them yeah. it could be half the de where the judge it's not just saying this is what your job is. it's you have anything from a paragraph of text to several pages of text on each legal ends, almost factual point that are incredibly critical the question again was just how it affects the process over liberation. so dynamics inside that some, many jurisdictions allow jurors to get a printed copy of the durians instructions. and really, there's no reason not to their blog there voluminous and the law in them isn't going to change. new york doesn't allow that. what the judge would have to do is call them back into the courtroom. first debate with the attorneys outside of the jury's presence as to what should i instruct them on? should i modify the jury instructions to give them a little more or a little less information or simply we say no and say just rely on your memory here. it doesn't really
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benefit anybody to not give the jury this big stack of paper as they might. another juror just actions to a degree you could argue it benefits us because we get to find out what the jury's pondering, right? right. every single question that jurors come back with, gives both attorneys, but also people in our position of having to divine what's happening. those questions provide valuable insight because it shows where they don't understand the law, where they're leaning in terms of convenience fiction or acquittal or hanging you'll see at the end, invariably they will come back with a question that says, we can't come to an agreement. and the judge will say, invariably go back and come to an agreement and after a few times they will give them an opportunity to come to consensus. but virtually every jury, i've ever worked on worked with came back at one point saying we think we're going to hang we just can't come back with a consensus, so you can read what they're thinking because they're clearly fighting with each other in that room. >> just before we let you go, there are these two attorneys that sit on this jury and we keep talking about who knows
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how much of a role it's going? thank to play that's theirs to decide. but but when you are talking about some of this, what is rather complicated, legal ease doesn't help it. i'll go with the jury. i'll go with a really hot taking you're really look, it is a jury of your peers, all citizens have a right necessarily right, but can sit on a jury. attorneys don't really help because people in the jury room, we'll defer to their experience and often they're not prosecutors are defense attorneys are judges or they can be food and drug administration, right somebody went to war i'll school totally years ago, but they have an air of authority and people want to follow them and listen to them, which may not help. >> that is interesting. all right, la william, thanks so much. and as we've mentioned, court is on a break right now. we will stay on top of this trial. you'll see all the updates on your screen. and we'll have more next hour on the lead with jake tapper. we'll be right back. >> when the competition is a nuclear competition, spying is
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biggest dei initiative to date, cnn's jones joining us now and a thena, this announcement follows a firestorm of controversy over kicker harrison butker is commencement speak, but the leak is insisting this is not related. so tell us what the new initiatives about hi jessica, that's right. the league says that this has been something that's been in the work four years, the works for years working on the issue of supplier diversity. as you mentioned, this new program is being called the most expansive dei initiative to date by the league, because it covers the whole ecosystem of the national football league at the league level, at the club level. and it's going to allow underrepresented businesses more have a chance to compete for these big, lucrative contracts for things like the super bowl, the draft, as well as year-round. we're talking about businesses owned by minorities, by women, by veterans, by people who have disabilities, as well as by people who are lgbtq plus. and so up until now, a lot of these, these kinds of businesses had to rely on having connection to a team anymore to the league office in order to get access to bid for contracts at these big events
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and year round, this is going to change that. it's going to it's a new initiative called nfl source. it'll be a centralized website where businesses can go and learn about how they can work with the nfl. it's a way to increase access to these money-making events at this centralized website, there'll be one set of standards and procedures for how teams deal with procurement, how they, how they deal with selecting people to supply goods and services. there's even a list on this new website that says exactly what sort of services and goods the nfl is looking for. and i should say that there may be some people who are who may be against this, this sort of dei, initiative trying to make this change. but the nfl says they remain committed to this. they think it's good business and they say they want to lead in this area. they want to set the benchmark across the sports industry, but eventually across all companies to show that they're there they are paying attention to the need to expand opportunity here i think jones. >> thank you so much for


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