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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 22, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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of cnn news central starts right now donald trump's classified documents, case back before the judge and florida today and new evidence in that case. >> being released. >> devastation as far as the eye can see, communities and iowa left in just shreds after at least 17 tornadoes touched down. >> look at that path of destruction and a guilty plea for one of five americans facing prison for bringing ammunition into turks and caicos another american charged will be joining us from turks and caicos what's this hour i'm kate bolduan with john berman, sara is out this is seen a new central this morning major developments in new evidence that we have not seen in donald trump's closet. five documents, case we're standing
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by as trump-appointed judge aileen cannon is expected to hold two hearings where she will consider motions to dismiss the case is from what defendant walt nauta including from co-defendants. walt nauta, trump aide. >> this comes as never before seen photos have been revealed from june 2022 to showing nauta moving boxes around mar-a-lago. prosecutors say the nauta move the boxes shortly before a trump attorney was going to look through them after getting a subpoena to turn over classified material. cnn's evan perez is in fort pierce, florida today to watch these hearings as they develop. ivan, what to expect to see well, john, look, i mean, a lot of these motions that the defendants are making are usually handled by by briefings by the lawyers in this case, a judge, aileen cannon is having hearings are pretty much every single motion, which is why this case is moving so slowly. >> what today, we're going to here, emotions from walt nauta this morning. this is a
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codefendant of the former president's still works for him he is arguing vindictive prosecution. trump in his case. on the other co-defendants are going to his lawyers are going to be in court this afternoon and they're arguing for the suppression of evidence. trump wants all evidence from the fbi's search of mar-a-lago to be to be to be suppressed. he also wants testimony from his former lawyer evan corcoran. he wants that kept out of this case. now, here's the deal. what we saw with he's new documents you're seeing some of the evidence that what the prosecution says support their case. first of all, you saw those images of walt nauta, according to prosecutors, this is from surveillance video this is where he is moving boxes before corcoran and other lawyers were doing a search of mar-a-lago to be able to return those documents? as ordered under a lawful subpoena. what we're also seeing john is one of the reasons the major reasons why judge beryl howell
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ordered corcoran to provide testimony. a very unusual thing, as you know, he was a lawyer for the former president and he was claiming, of course, attorney-client privilege. but here's what she wrote as part part of the reasoning for ordering that she said the government has profited it, proffered enough evidence that the former president was using person 18. and this case does that's evan corcoran as an instrument and oraa front man to obstruct the government investigation or to conceal the documents. again, that he was ordered to produce john alright. >> evan perez, obviously, a lot of developments down there this morning to keep us posted. thank you very much. okay. >> and joining us right now, a cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor jennifer rodgers for more on this. let's start with one of the motions that she needs to consider today. jennifer, which is the evan spoke to that that won't not trying to get those charges dismissed. because vindictive prosecution, one, what would they need to show to have a case thrown out because of that? and do you think that
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that's going to happen? >> i do not. so you've heard of selective prosecution, which is the more common motion basically saying, i'm be treated differently from any other defendant like me on the facts. this is even and harder to prove. this is saying prosecutors are active vindictively. so it basically is the defendant is exercising a right and prosecutors are trying to punish him for that. so it's very, very high burden to get over and i don't think there's and you can tell mediator i haven't even seen really what his arguments are. >> yeah. to that point seeing the images that were part of the evidence of his release of him carrying boxes, it kinda speak that speak. is that what will speak to that here's why you are being prosecuted like this week exactly we've also learned that donald trump is seeking to get thrown out all of the evidence gathered by the fbi searches of mar-a-lago wouldn't that be crippling to the special counsel's case if that happened? oh, absolutely. i've been voted the everything
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that they got some of its mind you right there. yeah. >> that's basically automatic argument in any search warrant case, they always challenge the warrant is really what they're doing. they're saying there was no probable cause for the warrant or there was bad faith when they got the warrant. and so you have to throw out all the fruits of the sort of talk through this. but so many times b it's not tried to get document cummins return. they said that they reached the point of meeting to do get this warrant because of the resistance to returning documents and they had evidenced that they're the probable cause. there are still classified documents at mar-a-lago, so often what happens is they'll find some sort of mistake in the warrant itself and they'll say, oh, you know, they lie to the court and they got the warrant under false pretenses. >> and so it all should get thrown out. but there's a good faith exception for law enforcement. you can make a mistake in the warrant as you list out the facts that you know and so on. but as long as you're acting in good faith and it wasn't core to the search warrant. it won't get thrown out and i don't expect it'll get thrown out here. so we're going to see some of this play out today. that's why evan evans. evan is there and he's going to be seeing this
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in court. the hearing today is the first before the judge since the announcement that she was delaying and definitely the start of the trial, it had been scheduled, i believe, to begin as early as this week if they're going to move ahead. so what do what do all of these motions that some of which were just talking about, but all of that that she is now considered during basically individually, what does that suggest about the overall timing of this ever getting to try? >> well, nothing good for people who want to see this trial, right? so there are all these motions outstanding because judge cannon has not moved to them along and has it's not ruled on them. and some of them honestly like the ones you're talking about today, keep wouldn't even normally worn the hearing. you would decide them on the paper because there's nothing there. and so we have others in the queue that are the same that she really should have decided months ago on the papers some more complicated things like the classified information patient procedures act matters which do require hearings and should have gotten going months ago, but some that really should have been dismissed. >> this is unreasonable. you
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think i do. it's great to see you, john, for thank you for coming. thanks, john. >> alright, this morning, basically, nothing left after a string of deadly storms tore through several states in the midwest overnight, wind gusts of up to 100 miles per hour 17 reported tornadoes touching down and the thread is not over more than 75 million people from texas to vermont are facing the risk of severe storms today. seniors wouldn't wild is in greenfield, iowa, which was one of the hardest hit areas when you what are you seeing there this morning well john even from about a half a mile to a mile away, you can see the damage here. >> i'll give you a look over my shoulder here where to staging area at the outskirts of greenfield police are very reluctant to let anyone inside and for obvious reasons, i mean, this district deduction is just a massive if you look here, you can see quite a bit of damage. buildings that are crushed pieces of aluminum. john vet are crumpled up and thrown about like they're simply confetti. this is just
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one town. this is one of the areas in iowa, southwest iowa, which was one of the hardest hit locations from this massive storm system that ripped through illinois wisconsin, iowa. here in greenfield, this is a small town. there's 2000 people who live here that the actual town john, is just under two square miles. so a storm this massive just decimates really a huge chunk of this very small town. and of course it's not just here, as i said, southwest iowa very hard hit and neighboring montgomery county, 28 homes were hit. that's according to officials out there. and then i'll take you to carbon iowa where stormed team was there just moments after a tornado? they came right upon a home that had been impacted by that storm. here is the moment those storm chasers trying to figure out if everyone inside this home was okay? >> there's down here.
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>> all right a lot of people so grateful for their lives this morning, john, but it's heartbreakingly. >> we do know that there were some fatalities associated with this storm here in greenfield. we don't yet know how many people may have died in this storm we don't yet know even close to $1 amount of this damage. what we do know is that later today, governor kim reynolds is going to come out here. she's going to survey the damage as well. and as you mentioned, that emergency declaration is four, at least 15 counties and ios. so at this point, john, this is a continues to be a, a search mission or rescue mission and a cleanup mission back to you. >> all right. whitney wild for us in greenfield is concerning all we've heard as multiple fatalities, but we still do not i know the exact number. thank you so much for your reporting there are also new this
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morning, the white house is pushing back against the move. was just announced from ireland, spain in a norway, the country's announcing they will soon formerly recognize a palestinian state. one of the five americans charged with bringing ammunition into turks and caicos has pleaded guilty, just as us lawmakers traveled to the, to the ireland to plead for all of their release. >> so what this means now for the other four americans facing jail time, one of them will be joining us and a nightmare at 37,000 feet one passengers describing people hitting the ceiling after their flight. >> it's sudden and severe turbulence. i looked one passenger dead and now the ntsb is jumping into the get investigation russia is we're trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them i miss it friday this is a war, but secret was secrets and spies, a nuclear game, premier sunday, june 2 at ten bonds so
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new bottles made using no new plastic, you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. and when we get more of them back, we can use less new plastic our bottles are made to be remade i miss this adrenaline flown just like well good my way shot of adrenaline right to the heart new this morning, the white house responding for the first time to the announcement coming from ireland, spain, and norway overnight that the name that those nations will soon formally recognize a palestinian state. cnn's priscilla alvarez at the white house. what more you learning now priscilla okay. the white house this morning is pushing back on this saying that this needs to be done through negotiations, not through quote, unilateral recognition. >> let me read you a statement from the national security council spokesperson that says the following quote, the
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president is a strong supporter of a two-state solution and has been throughout his career, goes on to say he believes a palestinian state should be realized through direct negotiations between the parties, not through unilateral recognition. of course, the president has been vocal about his support for a two-state solution and even weighed in on this during his commencement address at morehouse college over the weekend i'm working to make sure we finally get a two-state solution. the only solution to people live in peace 30, dignity because one of the hardest most complicated problems in the world, and there's nothing easy about it i know that angry and frustrated many of you, including my family but most of all, i know it breaks your heart breaks mind as well now you heard it there from the president. this is a complicated endeavor. that is what we often hear from senior administration officials who put it in their own words, say it's different ideas in israel, different ideas and arab capitals and it's trying
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to find the middle ground and all of that. these are discussions that are underway and have been underway and that again, the administration believes needs to be done through negotiations with all of the relevant partners here. so again, the white house is pushing back on this roof by spain, norway, and ireland for this unilateral recognition because from the white house is perspective, this does need to come can you to be a discussion with everyone that's involved in a diplomatic negotiation to that end cape. but of course the conflict in gaza needs to recede for this to really move forward in earnest. priscilla. thank you so much for the update from the white house today. john heard this morning that trump campaign cleaning up its messaging on contraceptives after an interview that trump did with a local pittsburgh station, listen do you support any restrictions on a person's right to contraception but we're looking at that and i'm going to have a policy on that very shortly.
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>> and i think it's something you you'll find interesting. well, that's suggests that they, you may want to support some restrict frictions like the morning after pill or some er and we are also things really do have a lot to do with the states so later on, social media, trump wrote, quote, i have never and will never advocate imposing restrictions on birth control or other contraceptives in the statement went on with us now, is democratic strategist and former white house aide for president clinton, keith boy and cnn political commentator, republican strategist. sure. michael singleton i think it's really interesting to listen to that exchange for a few reasons. and keith, let me just start with you because the way i see it, they're probably three options for what happened. their number one, trump heard and understood the question, how do you feel about contraceptives? and then basically made up that his campaign was going to come out with some kind of a statement, a new policy over the next two weeks on it because we don't believe any one is coming. the
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second option is that he confused contraceptives with abortion and again, made up some kind of statement that the campaign was going to come out within the next two weeks because no, we have to reporting that's going to happen or c didn't understand the question at all? >> and just made up that the campaign was gonna come out with a statement that next few weeks because we have no reporting. >> that's actually going to happen there. i'm not sure any of those possibilities reflect that. well on him, but what do you think happened there? >> may be de he just made up a statement because that's what trump is does this sad reality is that this was a softball question, john, any political neophytes who has been able to answer that question. >> and for trump to say, we're looking at that and we're going to have a policy on that very shortly. that is an unacceptable answer for man who was the president of the united states for four years, has been running for president for the past two years and wants to be present again for another four years. he's got he's the same guy who has been out there bragging that he's responsible for appointing the three supreme court justices who overturned roe versus wade. but
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when arizona, because of that overturning of a law when arizona width back in enacted this 18, 64 draconian law banning abortion in almost all instances, trump had to come out and say, oh well, no, i didn't really mean that this guy who has set claims, he's the best president ever seems to have no knowledge of basic public policy. and the idea that anyone would take kim seriously is disturbing in and of itself. i don't know if it's embarrassing or if it's dangerous, but either way, he's not a credible candidate for president in united states issue, michael, before we dig into the actual policy issue, a contraceptive, what do you think actually happened? there in that exchange? >> hello guys. i think the former president probably just gave a response that he thought many of his supporters would probably want to hear. and i think that's perhaps a part of this strategic problem. there needs to be a coherent strategy on this particular issue. john, this is a perilous front for republicans. we have two years worth of electric pro data that showcases republicans continue
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to lose elections even close elections, even counties that former president one and 2020, we have seen in some states, i have voted with democratic counties to protect reproductive rights. and when you actually speak with many republican voters, including conservative ones and even some evangelicals of course they will limit that they recognize that this is not electorally beneficial to the republican party, and they are willing to give the former president almost unilateral movement on this particular issue. so i think his campaign needs to figure out if you're going to say this is a state's issue than it should be a state issue that should be on the ballot via back ballot initiatives that people should be able to vote on. and what we're seeing when voters are able to vote on this issue, they're choosing to protect reproductive rights again, we're talking about contraception. >> here. >> we're not even necessarily mean we're not talking about abortion here in before. >> i know there are people out there who will say, oh, it's not even an issue anymore. but clarence thomas in his concurring opinion in dobbs open the door, he said the
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court should go back and review supreme court decisions, including griswold, which had to do with contraception. so it is in theory, ensure michael, i'll put this to you, an issue that is out there, correct? >> i don't think this is an issue that's out there for most americans and i know a lot of times we only focus on it from the guise of people who may be on the left end of the political spectrum, only being concerned about whether it's abortion or contraception for that matter that's not the case. i think a lot of republicans also firmly believe that this is an issue that people should have access to it. this is an issue as it pertains to abortion for women and their doctors and their health care providers. i think there's a very small percent john, of republicans who are really far right. that's what i want to push the needle on this issue, which i don't think is representative of most americans. and again, i think that's why republicans have to figure out a way to message properly on this, which is
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where most americans are and they're saying, look, we want to protect reproductive rights. we want to maintain a contraception. and i think that is probably the best option for donald trump in keith just quickly can i just present go ahead. >> go ahead i just want to push back on a couple of quick points about the two reasons why i'm suspicious the griswold decision was in 1967, roe versus wade decision was in 1973. the voting rights act was passed in 19 6052 of those things have already been overturned by the current supreme court in that same generation, the voting rights act, although it hasn't been overturned, is being gutted by the supreme court and the shelby county holder decision in 2013, roe versus wade was guided by the supreme court and could put each overturn just a couple of years ago. >> and so i'm not competent that grid as well will survive either because because not just because it will clarence thomas said, but because donald trump has followed the federal
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society policy of employing the nominating these conservative right-wing justices who are determined to overturn all of these precedents that are 50 or 60 years old. so nothing is safe if donald trump is allowed let's continued to appoint more right-wing justices and federal judges to the bench either you want to weigh in and what would have happened at president biden had this exchange with a local newscaster caught on video can we know exactly what would, what would happen every republican on fox news would be yelling and screaming about how biden is in competent. >> biden can't remember basic facts. the same thing they were saying when when when the her report came out, that biden biden doesn't have the ability to be able to form a sentence. so i think we're judging the two candidates and a different standard. biden is 80 years old or 81 years old, and trump is 77 years old. they're both elderly men. but the idea that trump is somehow mentally stable is not clearly evident. >> sure. michael respond to that. >> well, john john john, i would just say quickly, look again, this goes back to my initial point you have to have
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a coherent strategy of message on this issue, a keith and i have discussed this before. i've seen keith discussed this issue on other shows. republicans just aren't winning on this, and most voters, when you look at all survey data, you look at our polling data. even a plethora, a majority of republicans are saying, we don't really want politicians touching any of these issues. and i think that's why you continue to see republicans struggle at the ballot box. this is going to be a close election. this is an issue republicans to completely leave alone i appreciate you being here. i do not recognize the existence of other shows. please come back to cnn new center after months of dysfunction on capitol hill, new reporting on the rising power of democratic house minority leader hakeem jeffries freeze and new this morning, the ntsb is joining the investigation and the singapore airlines flight, the hit turbulence. so severe that one passenger died the assignments
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hamas applauded the three countries and called an other countries to follow saying quote, we call on countries around the world to recognize are legitimate national rights support the struggle of our people for liberation independence, and end design is occupation of our land with this now, congressman ro khanna, democrat from california, cars when we appreciate you being with us this morning, spain, ireland, norway. what's your view of what they decided and the israeli response. do you think this shows that terrorism pays no, it doesn't. >> we should recognize a palestinian state that has been the united states policy, a two-state solution, 143 countries please, at the united nations voted for it. nelson mandela called for a palestinian state when he was in the united states in 1990 and it is time that we recognize that. i don't believe hamas should have any role in a palestinian in state, but recognizing the self-determinat ion of the palestinian people
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and a palestinian state is in no way saying that hamas should be involved. >> do you think the timing of it as it comes following october 7 during the israeli war with hamas, do you think the timing sends the wrong message? >> no, i don't think it's ever the wrong time to recognize the self-determination of people. you've had. me, my grandfather was part of india's struggle against british colonialism. and every year during that period, they would say, well, as the timing right, to give india freedom. but we need to recognize a palestinian state that has been the us policy. and we need to recognize that secure israel estate, the jewish state democratic states, right to exist though that is us policy and we should make it official if i'm not wrong, your grandfather is actually imprisoned for a time for his work in that movement congressman, you travel the country brian, you're doing on behalf of the biden campaign, i think charged largely with
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meeting with younger people and perhaps more progressive groups. i mean, what are you hearing from them on this subject? >> well, i'm hearing that we need a end to the war a release of the hostages, but they want a shift in policy. i mean, they want to make sure that we're not in any way encouraging netanyahu to go into rafah that we're bringing a close to this war. and then they ultimately want to states, but they had been very upset the understandably so but what's happening in gaza and the loss of life, do you approve of the icc decision, the international criminal court, to seek arrest warrants on benjamin nina netanyahu and the israeli defense minister i don't think they should arrest prime minister netanyahu, and i've been very critical of prime minister netanyahu, but there's no equivalent in mind view between the hamas terrorist organization and a democratic state. >> even though i have deep,
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deep disagreements with netanyahu, but i also don't think that the united states should be sanctioning the icc and we should allow them to do their work and figure out what laws were broken and into two have a report that doesn't mean that they should go arresting israeli leaders. i just don't think that that's going to help get to a two-state solution or a peace process. i will look at the truth and reconciliation commission in south africa, which in my view is a much better model shifting gears, you are a california representative silicon valley. >> you hosted a forum on ai and a group called the tech transparency project, the washington post reported this, noted that some two-thirds of the people you invited to have this what was supposed to be i think independent discussion on the implications of ai had ties to the industry. what's your reaction to that? reform these were leading scholars from harvard and duke and stanford
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and they understand ai now are some of them doing consulting work? >> for a technology company? probably, but there's still the people who've written the leading books and the leading scholars on technology. so my whole purpose was to get the academic boys in there. it's almost impossible to go to the leading scholars and then them not have some connections. i think it's fine for that to be out there, but the criteria was the leading scholars in the field. >> so congressman, i came across an article this morning and i want to make sure i have this right. but you were meeting with the group you are on a forum, the group of other indian american members of congress on stage and there was a discussion about the future and your colleagues were asked and i think i have this right? they said, is ro khanna running for president? and i think all of that according to this article said, yes can you verify that this actually happened well, i'd focus is on
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reelecting president biden, so we can have future elections, but so john afternoon friday, i'm in the greek americans loved it when to caucus ran and ethnic communities are proud, have pride when i was growing up my parents couldn't get a meeting with a staff member to member of congress today. >> they're five indian americans and it was wonderful that we're seeing more representation of different communities i don't think they were saying you're running now, per say, i think they were suggesting that the long game, but this actually happened, right. all of your colleagues were like right on rokhaya is running for president there were they were encouraging and i i'm flattered by my colleagues. but like i said, the most important thing right now is to reelect the president john. here's what i'm excited about after this election with two people from a different era, the freshmen and new classes of congress and senate are incredible people from all different backgrounds, all different ways of life and i'm
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excited about the next generation of voices and i think a lot of the country wants the next-generation as well. >> listen i've interviewed a lot of people who are considering running for president one day who get very much the same answer that you just gave me here, cogs and roca. thanks for playing this point. really appreciate your time. thank you, john coming up for us it started as a vacation to turks and caicos for 40th birthday party. >> now in oklahoma, man is facing charges one a five americans facing 12 years potentially in prison, having him because they had me happy because he had ammunition in his bag when he got onto the island. it congressional delegation just went there to try and secure his release. ryan watson joins us live from turks and caicos next what's it like to hear from the people actually living the headlines? >> i'm audie cornish might cnn podcast we'll talk to the people behind the trending stories. >> i've got a lot of questions. your assignment with body corners. listen wherever you get your podcasts, luma
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31st compared with other choose one verb ecto tube protects from fleas and ticks for 12 weeks nearly three times longer. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurological disorders, protection that last longer bravo recto bravo, the nba playoffs. i always get emotional. you more concerned about what's going on inside the nba and what's going on inside of you, you know, doc, right? >> and that's all the time we have. thanks for watching. are you cutting to a commercial western conference finals presented by at&t began tonight on t enter a family vacation. and as a nightmare, ryan watson is from oklahoma and he is now waiting in turks and caicos to learn his fate really after authorities there allegedly found ammunition and his luggage. what he and his wife have said wasn't innocent mistake ryan was arrested on april 12th. his next hearing is next week, and he is one of five americans now facing the possibility of a 12 year prison sentence each because of the country's strict laws on
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firearms and ammunition. one of the others charge tyler wenrich, you're seeing his face right there. he just pleaded guilty to charges yesterday today, and will now await sentencing. ryan watson and his wife, valerie, their joining us now, ryan, of course, from turks and caicos, and valerie who's back home in oklahoma with their children. thank you both for being hit. ryan, how are you doing? >> just rely pretty heavily on prayer right now it's it's a difficult situation. it's impossible to understand and i try on a daily basis to get my head wrapped around it and i still yeah. >> i mean, you were arrested as i mentioned, you were arrested on the 12th of april. >> you've been out on bail for about a month and i read that you in tyler, who i was just talking about are actually had been staying together during all of during all of this. >> he just pleaded guilty yesterday to two counts. >> of. >> ammunition, possession. >> what does his plea mean for
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you? >> ryan right. actually, i it's brian hagerich from pennsylvania is the one that's living with us. sorry about that. >> as well as sharitta no, it's all good. sharitta grier from florida. we moved her in this past weekend as well. so i gave up my bed and i started sleep on the couch. so she'd have a place to say you know, we're all in this together. we are in the most unique, uniquely woven quilt to exist, i believe at this point, but we are here to support one another. and there's, there are nuances to each and every case, however, there's so many similarities through these five cases that we're all watching. very closely each other's cases next one up is on friday with bryan hagar, just sentencing yeah i want to talk about your case and the details of it in just a second. >> but valerie, i mean, you were allowed to return home on api in late april what has this been like for you being backlit
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in oklahoma with you're two young kids and we were talking our kids are the same age. what does it been like for you? waiting you know, i we take it day by day. >> it's really challenging to be able to answer some of the kids questions, you know, when they say, is it going to be home the day after tomorrow are seven year-old has more of those questions are nine year-old so much doesn't he is he internalizes a lot, doesn't ask a ton. he's really smart and just i think he understands a lot of what's going on. but are seven year-old, she asks every night is daddy going to be home tomorrow? will he be home? and i'm a second grade. what about third grade? because my answers right now are just i don't know. we just have to wait we have to be patient and just see where what god's plan is for us. and we just we pray and we're trusting in his plan and but it is it's hard. i don't i don't have answers
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for their questions and i wish that i did ryan airport security found ammunition in your bag at the airport why was there ammunition in your bag what what what did you tell them? >> how you got where you are in this moment, explain this yeah to be completely honest, i never recall putting that ammunition in my bag. that bag was with me on a hunting trip that i took in the fall where i was using the rifle that uses that type of ammunition which is a very, very specific type of hunting ammunition that is largest source. frankly i don't ever recall having that in my ammunition i never saw it whenever i got the bag off the shelf. i did a quick check of the bag, gave it will shake off. we went we went through gsa in oklahoma city. it was never discovered there. and on our way out of gci the customs
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agents get doing multiple scans of the bag, they basically disassembled the bag in order to find where they had slipped down in between the lining and they extracted at the moment they extracted it, i recognized it and i apologize. i did not i've never traveled with ammunition before, but i've heard stories of some of my hunting buddies that have had certain mishaps in the states and i thought, oh my gosh, my my mistake. i figured they would just dispose of them and we would beyond our way. but unfortunately, it's not been the case you're facing possibility of 12 years in prison for this i mean, valerie what would a 12-year sentence mean for your family? every time i hear it, it's really difficult to hear it would uproot us it would be very hard
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i can't i haven't tried to let my thoughts go there yet because i'm just so hopeful that it can be resolved in a different way and that 12 years is not what they're going to sentence it's gonna be really hard the kids growing up without their dad. i that's not ever something we've ever even imagined not something i want for them again, god has a plan for us and we're just prayerful that he continues to guide us through it all in sustain us through it all and ryan, we actually had on earlier in the show of virginia congressman who was one of the congressional delegation who was just in turks and caicos to try and secure your release center, markwayne mullin of oklahoma, was there as well? >> it didn't work, i guess is one way one way to put it. but do you think the visit was helpful? has the federal government has it has the us federal government been
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helpful? has the state department been helpful? >> i hope it has an impact, and i hope that i hope that it motivates other delegation to continue to get involved i hope that it motivates our state department to take a a stronger action. possibly even our president to pick up the phone and make a phone call right? >> you like to never been more proud to be an oval same biden was actually listening right now, what would you say to him? >> please please pick up the phone i feel like cool heads could prevail in this situation there are much easier ways to handle this situation. in fact, since bryan hagerich, his arrest on february 13, there have been three other individuals that we know of that that we're just charged under the customs act they were caught with ammunition at the same airport that we were and they were just charged under
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the customs act. they paid a fine and off they went however, for some reason five of us, this is our brian. >> thank you so much. >> yeah. >> your next hearing as next week, we will be watching it very closely. valerie i can see the pain on your face and what its the strain and stress of what it's doing to you and your family. thank you so much for joining us guys will stay in close touch. >> you so much for hamlet. >> thank you. thank you we'll be right back if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, put it in check with rin folk, a once-daily pill when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief and reduced fatigue with brin vote. >> when flares kept trying to slow me down, i got lasting steroid free remission with rinpoche when my doctor saw damage, grin vote helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining, check for both uc and crohn's rapid
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>> get super beta prostate adrenaline just like every turn kim my cup play. shot of adrenaline right to the heart this is one of the ntsb is joining authorities and singapore to look into what causes severe turbulence that killed one person and injured more than 100 people right now,
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20 are still in the icu see you after the singapore airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing in thailand, seen in aviation correspondent, piedmont teen is with us now, pete, what he alerting this morning well there's investigation is just beginning and we know the national transportation safety board from here in the us will help those authorities in singapore who are investigating this. now, the big question they will want to look at is the weather at the time of this incident. we know that there's all one down about ten hours into this flight from london to singapore over myanmar this is the radar image of the rapidly developing thunderstorms to start a monsoon season there, just to give you an idea of how quickly these developed over about an hour's time, according to cnn's whether it's a team, these thunderstorms went from 20,000 feet tops. that's the top of the storm cell, to 50,000 i was in feet. so we're talking a lot of difference over a very short period of time. the problem here is that
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this may have just been the ingredients of a thunderstorm, but have not been seen by the pilots, not only with their eyeballs, but also on the radar, causing a lot of up and down drafts that led to this aftermath. on board this boeing triple seven. of course, the thing now is what people think of turbulence. and that is something that so many people are asking me. it's something that is often very, very invisible. two pilots. and it's often caused by thunderstorms that could be a cause. also, things like mt mountain wave that's a win, that's hitting the side of a mountain. and then there's something called wind shear, which is two layers of wind. we've heard from passengers who have said that they understand that this is not really something that pilots could do or avoid here, but this is something that so many people are wondering about. it seems like over and over again, these turbulence incidents happened, john. >> all right. p. mateen. thank you so much for this. >> absolutely. and thank you all so much for joining us. this has seen a new central cnn newsroom a jim acosta is up
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