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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 23, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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you. >> it will change your life. >> turn my life around. >> you can find peace. never thought i could feel this good. walk through those doors, take this step, go get help. it's the best and bravest thing you could
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those sport matt and wireless remote call. now it's thursday may 23, right now on cnn this morning, another controversial flag seen flying outside of a home, one by supreme court justice samuel alito. >> plus a strong gust of wind causes a stage to collapse in mexico. the death poll now rising and i will be voting for trump she said america wouldn't survive four more years of trump now, nikki haley is voting for him and the error is started with a
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taylor swift ticket debacle. >> now, the justice department is suing the owner of ticketmaster and the mooc, anthony scaramucci joins us. he wants to be your life coach? >> 6:00 a.m. here in washington here's a live look at capitol hill on this thursday morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to be with you another provocative, controversial flags seen flying outside of home owned by supreme court justice samuel alito, the new york times public this photo of the flag outside alito's new jersey beach home last summer. the flag which features a pine tree and the phrase, appeal to heaven, dates back to the revolutionary war. but today as the times wrote, the flag has become quote, a symbol of support for former president donald j. trump for a religious
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strand of the stop the steal campaign, and for a push to remake american government in christian terms this is video from the january 6 riot on the right of the screen amid the mob, forcing its way into the capitol to try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power you see the same pine tree flag flying just last week, the times published a photo of an upside-down american flag outside alito's virginia home. that is another symbol of the stop the steal pro-trump movement justice alito has not commented publicly on the pine tree flag. he did release a statement last week about the upside down flag. he claimed claimed his wife fluid after a fight with neighbors. john bolton, the former trump national security adviser talking to my colleague wolf blitzer last night about the pine tree flag and saying it's not a big deal. >> i think it is outrageous outrageous, and unacceptable for people to take a flag from
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the american revolution and say that because some january 6 protesters fluid that it's now unacceptable to fly that flag. and i'd like to hear a democratic party politician say that expressly all right, our panelists here, cnn legal analyst, former federal prosecutor elliot williams. >> it's got janning's former special assistant to president george w bush and cnn senior political analyst mark preston, elliott. i want to start with you. i want we'll get to the politics in a second in terms of why john bolton wants to see democratic politician saying this kind of thing. >> but the issue is, is that justice samuel alito isn't accountable to anybody. >> he's a supreme court justice who is supposed to be impartial shot in the face of the law. >> what our to the extent there are rules about this kind of thing. >> i mean, what is he supposed to be doing? what kind of signal does it sand. and do you view this monday view these two things also, i would say it's equally problematic. the upside-down american flag and this pine tree fly, you say
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something really important and to the extent there are rules because the rules governing the supreme court have no teeth last year, 2023, the screen court put out a code of conduct, but there's no enforcement mechanism. there's no way the public can bring a suit or raise a claim against the justice like you can against a lower-court justice, a lower court judge. and the language right here is justice should disqualify himself or herself proceeding in which the justice is impartiality might reasonably be questioned. now, this has nothing to do with the specifics of the flag and i think i will agree with my friend scott eventually here about a flag from the american revolution, okay, that's a great thing but right now, it has political significance. you can deny that there's a meaning assigned to that flag and hold on. and at the time, this was flying over the justices house the court was considering whether to take on january 6 cases. now whether you like the flag or not, the
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question is, might the justice's impartiality reasonably be? questioned leading to recusal. and of course, it does just look at the simple i mean, my my my honest question looking at that, if can we put those flags backup the alito flags, the three of them like isn't the american flag supposed to be flying at the top there by paul, i mean, well, like isn't that traditionally what where you would put it right? >> they were flying american flags that january 6. i mean, look, the work reasonably is doing a lot of work here in my opinion. no reasonable person would conclude that sam alito is somehow compromised because he's flying a flag that was commissioned by george washington himself. 98% of people who were outraged about this today didn't even know it existed. sure. 12 hours these another example for you imagine another one of the justices delicious, say elena kagan flies a flag right now in the midst of campus protests and all that's going in the middle east with a slice of watermelon on it right? >> now, you're looking puzzled because they were why does that matter? it's a delicious fruit, it's got like a and who
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cares? it's also a sign of the palestinian resistance. now we might think that sky, i think i actually think if alito wanted to be popular in the new york times, he would fly that he'd fly hezbollah flags this is crazy well? >> is, there anything in any of those instances if the if the court look at the rules, if the court has business involving national security or hezbollah or policy he should recuse from those cases too. so i think we're in agreement here that because the me corridor, you'd be call, i don't care about the land escaping choices of sam alito. i don't i don't and i think this is part of a years-long effort to delegitimize this branch of government. what we did that to themselves what to murray? the big story is one political party has been conditioned to believe that because trump was illegitimate, the supreme court is illegitimate because he put three people on it and everything that flows from it as illegitimate. and there is a
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concerted campaign to delegitimize all these people. and it has, it has come now down to critiquing the choices me are out. it's not. okay. here's another example. i care deeply about the boy scouts of america, as you know, i know your boys are cub scouts two, if i carve the scout florida lee in my lawn, fine. if i'm a supreme court justice and the boy scouts have litigation in front of me. that is a sign of bias under the supreme court's rules. and so it i think we're conflating a bunch of things the left versus the right. and what democrats say about the supreme court and what the rules that he signed last year governing his own conduct say and plainly, that it's a political symbol, even if it's one says, stock, there's people flag it as a says who an american flag? no, i'm talking about the pine tree before either of them though, which no one which is not a popularly known symbol. but you're ascribing a meaning to it. >> a look by the way, i worked
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on leto's confirmation. >> i'm the only person here that didn't. i know him a little. yeah. >> i there is no conceivable way in my opinion that he's flying a flag to give anyone a reasonable idea that he is about to take my eight does underscore his position in our political system. >> he is using that symbol to allied himself with other people who fly, who also present the symbol. and what i think eliot is saying is that that's not right for adjust this to do regardless. >> keep putting these out there. it's got a black lives matter flag, but justice glides that over their home. is that there are racial justice or police brutality issues coming for the core. is that not assign a bias or but it says it's a non-profit. >> but that but that but that flag has been created in the moment to make a political stay kind of like why didn't know the flag. >> the flag that you're criticizing was created by george washington to flow over frigates in the revolution you can't see the difference in that.
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>> it's got unbelievable. no, it's not unbelievable. it's this is these are all reasonable. all of the examples i gave your old boss way before the supreme court and said they would reap the whirlwind if they don't start out and write all, i understand how you all view it. i just know i'm not going to be be i'm just i'm just literally reading the rules that these folks wrote and giving you examples live things that like the american revolutionary, but your equation, george washington's flag with the blm flag, i'm acute. >> i'm equating different example, but they don't matter. >> that is my point, but they do. >> but they they literally are all things that don't themselves have the boy scouts of america logo was also political symbol. it is if they've got scott it's not, it's not a question of the political symbol. it's the question of matters that could come before the supreme court. they were weighing issues related to that very protest that people were talking about here is necessarily i mean, that's the right, like they still are they have before them
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this massive question of immunity right? now, it all relates to the flying of this and why shouldn't he does he need to fly it, right? >> like we couldn't you look at it that way like this. >> how about this, right? >> why do to fly it? i mean, he does this man not live under the same first amendment as the rescue does, but he also looked at ease because i'm all right. >> so so let me put in a couple of things in perspective. >> i actually live near the justice knew nothing about this flag. okay. >> a year ago. in fact the neighborhood didn't necessarily know about flags, so somebody kliger, you're talking about the one in virginia. one of virginia, yes. yes. which which scott, by the way, happens to be on george washington's farm. george washington used to. are you still on that land if they're okay. >> here's here's the issue in washington dc. there are many couples in washington dc who have conflicted relationships in the sense, the husband or the wife works for something, works for somebody where there could be a conflict where they're supposed to work it's
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okay. >> so that happened called hartle and mary madeline were married to each other. i don't know if that follows it, but anyway, well, right look, the reality is he should have been flown the flag. know scott, he shouldn't have flown the flag, should he be allowed to fly the flag? >> like there's nothing stopping him from doing it. but he's a supreme court justice. he answers to no one why would you want to put the flag of i mean, that's it. i agree with you that it's an issue that is blowing up and it's going to be made of something maybe making something out of nothing basically. but the reality is, he shouldn't have done it anyway, because this is what is going to have. >> i got to wrap this up, scott i just want to just nail down something. you do see a distinction between the upside-down american flag and this george washington flank no, i don't really, i don't personally believe that the flag choices at alito's house have anything to do with his impartiality or ability to render his duties as a supreme court justice. so you're cool with him flying an upside-down american flag. because again, even lins agree i'm looked at that and said like mine, your suffering part justice. i
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don't care. and i think his and i have no reason to disbelieve his explanation. everybody seems to think he's lying about his explanation. do i have do i believe that his wife had a dispute with a neighbor? yeah. i think he's an honest person and if that's what he says happened, i believe my luck if he's blaming his wife and it's not true. i mean, i'd like to see it with let's dinner table conversation is like but okay. >> all right. on that note, we're going to move on next to this tornadoes tear through the midwest, but threat there's not over yet. >> we'll show you what's up plus brand new polling on the biden trump race and the impact of a third party candidate, plus the mooc is here. he lasted, we can happen. the white house now wants to be your life coach assignments are going off and playing the tornado here i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it. >> finally, earth with the liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cnn sometimes investing can feel like you're going at it alone especially when it
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standard every turn can't stand microplate shot of adrenaline right to the heart welcome back. another 2024 presidential poll revealing the race is too close to call former president, former president biden, and former president trump separated by a single percentage point. of course, while we within the margin of error in this new polling from quinnipiac university. but one thing we did notice is that it looks different from this cube whole back in january, which had biden at 50 and trump at 44%. and you can see that donald trump's support does seem to be growing here in this particular survey panel. those back mark preston, i wanted that graph because i don't like to put too much stock in any single poll. but when you map it out, you can see some of the changes here we've seen this reporting that president biden doesn't believe the polls and that's why they want to just stay the course here but when you look at this, it just seems to me hard to deny that
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in the last a few months. and let's remember this polling did come out as the country's been absorbing the trump trial, this latest qp hole is there. what do you make of this? and how concerned you think the biden team should be? >> well, two things. one, i i think that the country is obviously divided in almost evenly divided at this point. and i do wonder if this manhattan court case has caused exhaustion for voters in there looking in at some point, donald trump coming out every day in talking about how he has been a victim and having the speaker of the house come up and speak on his behalf. i do wonder if that is hurting the biden campaign a little bit. i really do. >> it's got, it's closer. i don't know who's going to win. i don't have a stroke i let some things i wake up feeling one way and some days i wake up feeling the other. i do think this that a tide, effectively a tight race nationally probably means donald trump wins the
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electoral college. just as what happened in 2016. i mean, i know some democrat operatives who believe biden's got to women national popular vote by a couple of three points in order to be assured of a electoral college bigger. so if i were by now it'd be very worried about that. >> yes. and again, i mean, to your point, it's the swing states right? that really matter. the most recent swing-state polling we have eliot looked at. it was from the new york times. see on a pole and it came out a couple of weeks ago. one thing that i was really interested in in that was actually the disparity between the biden trump number and some of these senate race this is because the biden trump number was really close. the senate wasn't look at the pennsylvania numbers. it had biden up at 44 and trumpet 47. so biden's trailing in this poll trump. but then look at that, but it's bob, casey and dave mccormick. bob casey, the democratic incumbent, sitting at 46, right? he's running well ahead of time now we looked let's look at arizona. same thing, biden 42 and arizona trump 49. ruben gallego, the democrat 45, kari lake, 41. >> the difference almost.
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that's important is not even the guy ego versus lake difference. it's that you're seeing gallego run ahead of biden here. usually. i mean, often in times the trend that's not the trend. the trend can be reversed why do you think that is the time said it was actually gen z and voters of color that's a big part of it also, i was wondering, at least in the kc race of name recognition as part of it. and if voters simply are not aware of who david mccormick is yet now, the arizona numbers throw that off well, but because kari lake has been a statewide figure for quite some time we also saw this in nevada too. i will say, and there was another race as well. >> the lake result that if i were late, may know where she's sitting, know her atrial sitting that low. i mean, i think you're right on some of the other races that name, it could be an issue campaigns. i haven't really started yet, but for lake that was pretty troubling firm all, right i head here, florida senator rick scott, the latest senate republican trying to succeed mitch mcconnell. plus deadly stage collapsed at a campaign event in mexico. it's one of our five things you've got to
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bronchi by meso her firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. >> if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ms ophelie oma call us now all right. >> 25 minutes past the hour, five things you have to see this morning now, a mexican presidential candidate briefly hospitalized after a deadly stage collapse at a campaign event. nine people were killed and at least 15 others injured when a powerful wind gusts brought the stage down a tornado touchdown just south of waco, texas, causing widespread damage and leaving roads impassable. this video taken outside asian shopping mall shows the aftermath, no fatalities were reported stunning video of a russian drone dropping explosives on a police car that was on its way to evacuate civilians it's in ukraine's kharkiv region. ukraine has been evacuating civilians from the border areas
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since russia launched an offensive two weeks ago and a florida sheriff's deputy shattering a car window in a walmart parking lot. >> this is actually a good story. he was saving a toddler from intense heat. the mother had told the officer that she accidentally locked the child and her keys inside the vehicle in 80 degree heat and we're grateful to report the child is okay a vigilant homeowner and a quick police response foils to birth burglars caught on tape trying to break into a brookline, massachusetts home. one suspect literally slips right into the officer's grip god the second was arrested moments later all right. coming up next, she said america can't survive four more years of trump's. so why isn't it? get daily voting for him plus, imagine your own car hogging at you for speeding, where that could become law. we're going
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nikki haley declaring that she will vote for her onetime rival, donald trump after months of silence about trump following the end of her presidential bid she says she's going to do this despite promises like this i feel no need to kiss the ring and let's remember what the primary race between them looked and sounded like we then that america keeps losing is because of donald trump and when i watched here in the fancy dress, that probably wasn't so fancy you must really hate her. >> there is no way that the american people are going to vote for convicted criminal honestly, she's not tough enough. she's not tough enough. >> i don't want trump got out there and just through a temper tantrum, wears her husband. oh, he's a way he's away. what happened to her husband, donald trump's never been near a uniform. he's never laid on the ground the closest he's come to harm's way as a golf
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ball hitting them on the golf course bird brand. yet, herbert bryan is right. nicky i think i missed that golf ball bite at the time has got jennings. wow. >> and now she's saying she's gonna vote for him anyway, despite all that, were the biden outreach to disaffected republicans is going great. >> i mean, that to me was my takeaway of here. if you're someone who thought that people like nikki haley, we're going to somehow migrate over to joe biden this was i'm just there's a lot of non trump republicans around, didn't vote for him, lighter saw her as an avatar to try to get him out of the party who today, just like nikki haley, you're saying they're making their driving me back to trump. >> that's what i heard in her answer. i think there's a huge warning sign for the biden babies looking ahead, she wants to see to have a role in the party. had she not done it this year, she would be out of the republican party. she did it before memorial day because it will always come back. that will look she endorsed before memorial day. she is going to
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doris, i mean, i'll just say you're gonna vote for him. >> it's not the same. that's the honestly, it's basically the same thing. >> but she wants to run again. >> and this was a mean, look if she putting aside some of like chorman, her her morals that she had said earlier, perhaps, but in order to to survive in politics now, it promises just don't they don't matter. >> yeah, i'm curious about this question of where are the voters because really it seems like it's just somebody who wants to pay attention to her future. she wants to ensure that she has a future in the republican party. i would think if i had to pop psychologized here. and the way to do it is to kiss the ring literally. she said she wouldn't do. i its it'll be really interesting for six years to see where folks based on where republicans were on trump, how they thrive in whatever becomes the republican. but, well, this is really absolve her though. i mean, she's called down 12 everything but a good milk cow. i mean, i mean, that does not say no with enough republicans at will and anybody that thinks, by the way that nikki
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haley, by saying when a vote for donald trump is going to have this these a throng million people behind her marching to the polls barring barring convention speech that she won't give where she genuflects before the altar of trump and speaks for 20 minutes, singing his praises. >> no, it's not going to change anything means i think people, you're what you're talking about. yeah. i mean, if she were to do something like that, like a convention which which doesn't i mean, saying that she's gonna vote for him as a very far cry from getting up on a convention stage and say like i loved this man. >> there's got to be, i think some of these people who voted for haley are never-trumper in public and party. it was obvious in the exit polling. i mean, there were a bunch of people who voted for her who had a positive view of joe biden job approval i mean, i think like half of her voters in virginia, my recollection is thought biden was doing a good job. that is just not a position that's held by any usual republican voters. i think she got a lot of votes from people who never had, and never intend to vote for trump. however, one issue, national security, there are some national security voters who
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believe in her view of the reagan sort of national security view of the republican party. they are not happy with joe biden right now. they may be looking around. i don't think it's all of her people, but there may be a cohort of national security voters who were so upset with biden they migrate. >> yeah. i mean, one thing about this david from his friend of the show wrote about this in the atlantic and the issue of course is that this election is going to be trump versus biden from makes the argument that voting for biden isn't actually vote for biden. it's a vote for the system he writes quote from the point of view of trump, skeptical republicans. this election is no more about joe biden than a fire and a children's hospital is about a fire extinguisher. they don't think gee, i wish this extinguisher were newer, so i'll let the children burn to death. they think i hope there's still an answer to a flame retardant foam left in this old thing. and if there is, i'll be grateful for it. >> is that because that is the argument that the biden i mean, some people make the president can't really do it in public, but in private they're saying like vote for me because that
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other guy is so awful and i guess i'm not sure that at the end of the day voters at the end of that, i have to vote for a person. >> they have to pick one or the other. >> yeah. and i also think that that's sliver of voters that scott's talking about, that will go for trump. they were going to go for trump anyway, regardless of if nikki haley in endorsed him, were ice would say indoor subset, she's going to vote for him. but again, i just keep going back to what she said before in the months previously and the fact that matter is she wants to be in the republican party. she wants to be the nominee. she was the last person in like realistically acute can make that argument. you need next time around, look at i ran a campaign, i ran a solid campaign. i i can win in 2028 and these pictures that are playing in the not that one. it's a good way to put it. yeah, all right. >> let's go down to this republican senator rick scott announcing that he is entering the race to replace mitch mcconnell as the gop's senate
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leader. and this bid turns the contest into a three-way race between scott, who was a first-term senator, minority whip, john thune and the former whip john cornyn scott saying he wants to quote, append the status quo according to the wall street journal. here's what he said last night about his motivation for running we need to see change. i talked to trump about this today he said he's excited. i'm getting into the race. we're going to be the senate that helps donald trump okay. >> scott, this one's for you because i sleep. >> mcconnell is outgoing. there is no love lost between rick scott and mitch mcconnell. and i do have to think mcconnell's kind of voice in terms of who we think should be a successor is going to be something people pay attention to. do you think scott's got a chance? >> i don't believe he would be the front runner in this group. i also don't know if other people could emerge. only. mcconnell has expressed any preferences here. i think he has good relationships with both foun and cournot. i think scott was so roundly defeated by mcconnell after his term at
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the nrsc that i have a hard time believing these senators are going to forget that i mean, the last time they gave them leadership job, it was a disaster so you're going get a promotion to a different leadership job. i mean, i don't i don't personally may not have weighed in, but scott jennings just kept like really thinks about what he was a disaster how did we do how did it go? >> not very well. so for the records, scott was responsible for electing republicans to the senate for those who were not exactly who's in charge of it today schumer setting the bar high for eye rolls on we're not having breakfast after yeah. >> i mean, look, i i guess i'm interested in how the view is among one thing too, about scott that i think democrats would seize on is that he had in the plan when he was i believe it was when he was running the nrsc that they were
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going to sunset social security, medicare, and medicare. and he ultimately had to revise it, saying all federal legislation, sunsets and five years specific exceptions of social security, medicare, national security veterans benefits, and other essential services. the previous version of the proposal had included no such exemption and instead to glared if a law is worth keeping, congress can pass it again this of course, democrat is on, yeah, so problematic pr moments so fair enough. >> all right. >> coming up next here. taylor swift tickets snafu leading to a justice department lawsuit against the parent company of ticketmaster plus life lessons from the mooc, anthony scaramucci. here, stick around
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guilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, it has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day curry, there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% off shop today all right. 45 minutes past the hour. here's the morning roundup, hunter biden's trial on tax fraud charges postponed until september 5, it was. set to begin next month. a judge in the case also made biden's lawyer promise not to seek any further delays shares of buzzfeed stock, gaining about 20% after former republican presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy realize revealed that he had acquired a 7.7% activist stake in the company on wednesday and not everybody dry hey, everybody drinks sweetie country star brad paisley head into the white house tonight. >> paisley and the howard gospel choir will provide the
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entertainment at a glitzy black-tie state dinner it's president biden rolls out the red carpet for the president of kenya california driver's could eventually be alerted by their car every time they speed a bill in the state legislature would require all new cars sold in california by 2032 to beep at their speeding drivers. apparently similar to the wake cars alert you when you where your seat belts scott jennings i have to say i'm very really like, look, california regulations basically set the standards for the whole car industry. like are we getting to that point where your car is basically because cars really can't spy on you. now. >> yeah, like it should be aggressive. we should have appeal to heaven for more same regulations california, i'm going to know i just haven't 1989. >> kevin shape to drive so that i do believe bring it's to save me it was made in bowling
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green, kentucky says so right on the engine that's incredible by the way. >> what this is one step away from them, just saying, well, we're going to just put every technology and a car that limits how if you can't go past a certain speed, i mean, they could do that, obviously some cars already have that actually, i mean troubling nanny state. all right. >> let's get to our next guest, who is a former white house staffer of course, he was only a staffer for 11 days in a new interview with salon, anthony scaramucci described his tenure as donald trump's communications chief. he said, quote, i got blasted out of white house after 11 days. it was unceremoniously. they skin me alive. they rolled me in margarita salt, unquote. now salt free mooc. once for your life coach and his new book is called from wall street to the white house and back the scaramucci guide to unbreakable resilience moj here is live from long island. thank you so much for being here. >> well, if i'm going to be like coach, i'm going to
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suggest to regular coca-cola as and when you're driving in a corvette, not one coca-cola, casey, i caught that fair enough. >> i will say i'm i'm not a diet coke girl. i have to say it's like if you're gonna do it, you've gotta, you gotta have the real thing the, so my favorite lesson, your buck. i won't ask you about politics to but i think for people who know you as the guy who got fired after 11 days are like really, but i think you bring so much to the table here and you're set, you're 17th lesson is treat everyone like they're the most important person in the room because they might be and i have to say this is lesson. i feel like i have learned in this town of washington so many times over tell us about how you learned it and why you put it in there. >> well, basically learned from my grandmother and when she came to the country being an italian american at that time in the early 1920s, she couldn't get a job, so she ended up as a maid turning people's beds. and so every
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time i'm in a hotel room, i think of my grandmother, the person how we put gratuities somewhere in the room because person could be somebody's grandmother, but second-story, which is also important, i was a member of one of the club's here in new york for many years, i need to take clients to the club and one of the service people, four years into this leaned over to me and said, hey, mr. anthony, could you help me with something my family just came into a 35 $35,000,000 settlement on on a lawsuit. and i looked at him why? and he said, yeah, i have 35 million. i know you're in the money management business could you help me with it? >> and so there i was offending people in the restaurant at the club, but it was the bus boy that had the money. and i tell that story in the book buck and a very happy ending to that story. i didn't run their money because i didn't have the capability. i refer to the somebody that's under an amazing job for them, but but you gotta be nice to people
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because it's just good. at it will make you happier and you, and i both know that's one of the rougher things about washington and then so if people are shooting at you left and right, you don't even know who shooting at you. >> and by the way, one thing donald trump said to me in the white house case, it was on a wednesday. >> i know it was on a wednesday because i was only there for one wednesday and we were sitting in a study it off the oval office and he said it's unbelievable down here. i thought i was a killer being a real estate billionaire he said, but the assistance down here are tougher and rougher than some of the billionaires in new york city real estate and he was right about that. and so i think if we calm things down a little bit and learn to be nicer to each other and learn that we can be a little bit less transactional and non-linear and our relationships that just the end of a better place. >> yeah, it's it's it's so interesting. you say that and i completely agree with you and it's something that i i don't always live up to you, but i
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try my very, very hardest. to live up to and i am grateful to have you talking through that today. let's talk politics for a second. because nikki haley, of course, came out and said that she's gonna vote for donald trump after all of the things that she said about him, including saying there's no way people would vote for a convicted criminal in we played some of the other insults she had for him a little bit earlier in the show. >> what do you like? >> what do you have to say to hurt? >> it does seem like the political inevitability for her, but i have to think for a lot of people who voted for it might also be disappointing. >> what's your take? >> well, i mean, the consultants are running the republican party and i would say it's the maga consultants are running and they're in her ear saying that your career as a republican is over. unless you do this trump and her have bad blood between them right now, he would have been waste mortar to have them together there in some kind of unity picture or something like that,
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but they're not gonna do that because of trump's ego. so i don't really know what she gained by endorsing him or tacitly endorsing him by saying she's going to vote for him and the moral leadership and the courage would have been. here is my group of people in the party that are with me. there's 144 million people that don't vote in this society, casey, that's the entrepreneurial moment for a candidate. i'm going to reach out to those people and try to pull them into the party and someday you'll come around to me, not to the nonsense that donald trump represents, but she didn't have the moral courage or the political will to do that. somebody like winston churchill would have done that he spoke very directly and the 1930s and people put them on the back bench and he rose to be the prime minister. so she doesn't have that moral courage. kevin mccarthy, obviously it doesn't have that moral courage. you could have put trump lights out on january 7 after the insurrection you had the votes to do it, and we wouldn't be
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dealing with donald trump right now and he probably still be speaker because he would have flexed on people some level of moral courage and people want moral courage she doesn't have it. it's frustrating to see and there's a lot of cynical people watching and saying, oh no, he's wrong. she has to fall in line with donald trump, but i don't i don't think she asked to do that. paul ryan didn't do that. he said, you know what, this does work for me. i'm getting an ad here yeah, although there are plenty of people willing to criticize paul ryan for what they view as karatay from him, but i do take your point i mean, on the flip side and you can be criticized, casey, i worked for donald trump. >> i can be criticized and i can accept the criticism but when you do something wrong or you make a bad decision, you have to own it and you have to explain to people what happened. and then people can throw stones that have never made a bad decision in her life. that's cool. but i find when you get to a certain age, if you make some rough decisions, sometimes yeah. >> on the flip side, you've said that you would raise money for joe biden this time around.
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i'm curious. >> do you think that the biden and his team have done enough to reach out to not just nikki haley voters, but to people like nikki haley and chris christie and others in the republican party, who they could potentially have do real work for them well i think they're afraid to do that. >> i think that they are still catering to the hard left and the aggressive wing of the party. and whether you like donald trump or dislike them, he's trying to moderate positions like things on ivf and abortion the hard-right doesn't want ivf for abortion in the country. i think that's one of the main reasons why donald trump's going to lose the election, but i think the biden administration's afraid to come to me or governor kristi and they're afraid to moderate great some of these positions now, this week, it seems like crypto regulation and signals from the administration. so hopefully they will at some point sorry,
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your mic cut out a little bit there, so we were worried we were losing you, but thank you so much. the mooc, anthony scaramucci. i really appreciate your time. i hope you'll come back soon. new author of from wall street to the white house and back, that's the new book. see you soon. i hope thanks all right. let's turn now to this it just thinks with these huge laughed when i bought tickets to nobody's going to pay 100% service charge as a policy that ensures a healthy mix of the rich and the ignorance or the justice department. and several states are expected to go after a ticketmaster's parent company live nation in an antitrust lawsuit, a source tells cnn the lawsuit could be filed as soon as two today. a successful case could lead to sweeping changes in the live events market that is an industry that came under intense scrutiny because of who else taylor swift back.
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>> in 2022, glitches, it ticketmaster blocked millions from purchasing tickets to swift's era's tour and even resulted in a congressional hearing while the bots failed to penetrate our systems require any tickets, the attack requires to slow down and even pause our sales this is what led to a terrible consumer experience. >> we deeply regret we apologize to the fans. we apologize to ms swept we apologize to ms swift. >> whoops, those are words you don't ever want to have to be saying. >> and today's america, but i worked with the anti-trust division of the justice department in both parties for quite some time. i think general rule is competition. good monopolies bad, and that tends to be the mission of the organization. but across years now, it's when the behavior of an institution starts getting in the way of price innovation competition, then you have a problem and it seems based on what we're seeing here that this is what ticketmaster and
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live nation are running into. >> yeah. >> i mean, the fees are insane i find it you're insane. whenever i tried to buy tickets to something and you see, you just type that i want to take us to like you get so many different. there is competition, but i also find it extremely, so i find myself spending a lot of time bouncing back and forth looking for better prices. but then you're trying, well, is this the real price or is this the price with the fee or without the fee? >> it's the question there'll be just approximately asking is is the competition meaningful? right? right. so there's ticketmaster and then joe's tickets and elliott and scott's ticket show or whatever else it might be a lot more that well, i know we're what to say. there's these startups that simply don't have the same negotiating juice when it comes to venues and sales four concerts and tours and so on. so they're onto something i would all depends on what they put in the lawsuit yeah. >> i mean led, you you have a swift fan and your family. we all are swifties deep down on his america pandering.
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>> does shoot. the light that i mean, the i know i think i think as as miss swift would say, you need to calm down oh take it off. how do you talk you through this morning yeah. >> i think we're going to need to go to the dog kicker sooner than we thought guys i got a blank slate let us pitch are podd gateway belly and i for years have have decided if thought we should have a podcast called elliott and ivory. we thought you guys are definitely never grouped together. okay. i'll leave you with this some. >> flights have literally gone to the dogs bark air is a new luxury airline that is just for our canine friends, flying dogs and their human companions in. wow, this has gotta be so expensive style and comfort first-class experience for the
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dog, a business class experience for people along the way, the dogs treated to a lot of hampering, including, you see the pillars in blankets all over their coverage burden pheromones that make the dog more comfortable hugs, blank. it's covered in pheromones. wow, right now the flights are only between new york, london, and los angeles, and it's going to cost you more than a few biscuits. the price for a one-way international flight is eight thousand dollars for one dog and its owner, its 6,000 for a domestic trip. it does include toys, treats at an onboard doggy spots this is why people hate us. we've come a long way since snoopy, the world war i flying. this is my last flight i paid, i think $27 for a little bag of pretzels this dog is getting theorem late on you can't get it you put human blanket on an airplane and i love dogs and can i just say the owners wearing in ghana? thank you. hat. it's like to see really want to be hated by wright the


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