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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 23, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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experience for people along the way, the dogs treated to a lot of hampering, including, you see the pillars in blankets all over their coverage burden pheromones that make the dog more comfortable hugs, blank. it's covered in pheromones. wow, right now the flights are only between new york, london, and los angeles, and it's going to cost you more than a few biscuits. the price for a one-way international flight is eight thousand dollars for one dog and its owner, its 6,000 for a domestic trip. it does include toys, treats at an onboard doggy spots this is why people hate us. we've come a long way since snoopy, the world war i flying. this is my last flight i paid, i think $27 for a little bag of pretzels this dog is getting theorem late on you can't get it you put human blanket on an airplane and i love dogs and can i just say the owners wearing in ghana? thank you. hat. it's like to see really want to be hated by wright the
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way, they're more than ten to go for getting that about you all right. >> thanks, guys thank you for joining us as well. i'm casey. hi. don't go anywhere. cnn news central that's right now standing by to see donald trump take the stage in the brock's, will only have to say about nikki haley. >> he once called her a bird brain. does he still feel that way now that she is promising to vote for him? >> and is expected to be the busiest weekend for air travel and 14 years, what you and 18 million travelers can expect this memorial day, nine people our dad dozens more had been wounded after a stage collapses at a campaign rally in mexico, a presidential candidate taken to the hospital on kate to my john berman, amara walker is for sarah today. this is cnn news central this morning three
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new questions surrounding the surprise slash not surprising announcement from nikki haley that she is voting for donald trump despite saying he is tool to unhinged and too chaotic to be president. >> number one, what does it really mean for donald trump number two, what does it really mean for nikki haley supporters who keep casting a surprising number of votes for her long after she has dropped out in number three, what does it really mean for nikki haley? maybe a bonus extra credit question here. what answers might we get today? because today donald trump heads to the bronx where the yankees have not won a world series since 200091 of their longest droughts ever but i digress the bronx is political blue. so blue that president biden earned 83% of the vote there in 2020, in some worlds, this would be the perfect place for trump to take the stage and
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graciously accept the vote of nikki haley do we live in that world or even anywhere near that world? cnn chief national affairs correspondent jeff zeleny is with us this morning. in this world, our favorite world, jeff, what do we expected this trump rally later today? hey john, good morning. so many worlds. it is hard to know the trump world where he would graciously accept the vote of nikki haley. now, she did not give a full-throated endorsement in a speech yesterday here in washington. in fact, she didn't mention his name at all during the speech, but she talked about him in the q&a. but as for that bronze thanks, rally. the reason that donald trump is going there, he's not held in new york rally since 2016. it's because he thought he would be in court. he thought he would have to hold a rally close to the manhattan courtroom. of course, cord is not in session today but i digress. he is going to have a rally there. the campaign it says it is planning for a permit of some 3,500 people that would be a small rally by
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trump standards unclear if he can get that many republicans from the bronx. but as for nikki haley, this is something as you said, it's not exactly a surprise. she is a republican sharan and south carolina for a couple of terms as a conservative republican, yes, she had her differences vividly with donald trump in the primary campaign. but all that is over. but this is what she said yesterday. again, not exactly a full-throated endorsement trump has not been perfect on these policies. i've made that clear many, many times but biden has been a catastrophe so i will be voting for trump. trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me and not assume that they're just going to be with him and i genuinely hope he does that so that is her lesson.
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>> or perhaps bit of homework for donald trump. is he going to reach out to those nikki haley voters if past is prologue, he will not he has previously said he does not need her voters first, we will see her campaign, however, her strategists are very interested in her voters, but john, that is the point there is donald trump going to change as posture toward her or her supporters? will we'll find out potentially tonight in the bronx. yeah, i'm not sure how donald trump feels about homework in general, jeff, how about the biden campaign because president biden and his team, they have made an oh vert effort to reach out to haley voters they absolutely have john and i've learned that they've been actually studying some of these results, particularly in the suburbs of philadelphia where she got about 25% of the vote in chester county in delaware county, right outside philadelphia, also in indiana. she got one in five republicans votes earlier this month in the republican primary there. so the biden campaign has been studying these voters to see what it means for them, sort of writ large in the suburbs. can they really win over some of these? they've been advertising president biden,
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the biden campaign has been sort of reminding some of these voters of what donald trump said about nikki haley. but look at the end of the day, most of these voters other republicans at least will put on their jerseys and vote republican. however, on the margins, we do not know if that's the case. so the biden campaign, i'm told is still going to be trying to reach out to some of those voters, still open to trying to block donald trump from going back to the white house. john jeff zeleny, always great to see you. >> thanks so much for being with us this morning okay. >> to to my friend it was a really terrifying scene at a presidential campaign rally in mexico. watch this a moment stage collapsed in mexico last night, a strong gust of wind cause the structure and a large screen as you saw right there to fall onto the audience, nine people were killed, 54 people were injured for hearing rescue
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operations. >> we're going going on late into the night to save people trapped underneath the structures. cnn stefano pozzebon has more on this. he's been watching this clearly, whether a huge factor, the wind gusts looks terrifying. but what are you hearing about what happened? >> yes. gates, just like you said, i mean, some of the scenes and nothing short of a terrifying for both the people on the stage but also for the thousands who were attending that political rally late last night in north eastern mexico. and you can imagine the scenes of chaos in all that will leave through on that stage as the these winds, this wind gusts started hitting the structure up to the point that it collapsed. and one of the people that talked to the media straight after that trial do you was hockey alvarez minus the presidential candidates, who was holding that rally. and here is how he described the chaos three through on that stage you'll be in metal that
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first saw that the drums of the musicians who are about to play, we're going to get blown away when the others noticed they ran in different directions. >> some jumped to the sayyed. and i jumped back so calles on that stage, but keita alvarez minus possibility is already been scrutinized because it has since come to light that the mexican measure logical service had forecasted wind gusts of up to 40 miles per hour as well as heavy rain and lightning storms are just a few hours before that rally. >> so many people in mexico this morning are asking themselves, how could these rally? go ahead and being held with that forecast that he himself address those questions late into the night, cater saying that next video, that extreme weather went was sudden and could not be forecasting,
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but of course, he will have to face those questions time and again between now and the election section, which is scheduled for june the second terrifying and so sad. >> stefano. thank you so much for bringing us the details much more to come amara another controversial flags spotted outside a home of supreme court justice samuel alito that flag also on display during the january 6, the attack on the us capitol. what we are learning this morning also new video overnight of the destruction from a tornado that touched down and temple, texas. >> a local emergency he is in place right now as first responders respond to calls and a brand new study shows that eating more ultraprocessed foods like sodas and ships bleed too much higher risk of some very serious health problems simons are going on and firing the tornado here.
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score with free rent reporting, download self today check. we hear nothing but space shuttle accident. it's usually not one it's a series of events. >> is that part of the wing coming apart space shuttle columbia, the final flight, now streaming on max well, this is a moral day travel weekend is expected to be the busiest in 14 years. >> the faa says there should be more than 53,000 flights in the air today alone cnn aviation correspondent pete monday and joining us now live from dc this morning, pete what, should we be bracing for huge weekend, the rush officially starts today according to aaa, five days of bumper to bumper traffic in some spots. >> and that gridlock really extends to the air and on airport tarmac, as you mentioned, the faa says today
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will be the biggest of the holiday we can in terms of the number for a flight scheduled 53,000 flights scheduled in the us today takes a bit of a dip over the weekend. american airlines says 6,200 of those flights will be its own metal lot of people clearly getting an early start to the holiday, which matches the trend of this post pandemic era. work schedules, a lot more flexible than they were before 2020. in fact, the psa, he says of the four of the top ten traveled days of all time happened this month, notably last friday and this past sunday were huge more than 2.8 million people screened at airports nationwide. the tsa says, we'll probably see a similarly huge de today. >> hey, and even more people tomorrow when tsh the tsa says checkpoints will hit their peak of the holiday weekend. >> here's the big dip from tsa, get to the airport two hours early, i should probably followed this advice. i got a little close sometimes, especially if you're flying in the morning when it's supposed to be very busy. here is what
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tsa in a straighter. david pekoske said about that if you're traveling in the early morning hours or in the mid to late afternoon into the early evening. >> those are peak travel times in any airport we're across the country. if you can schedule your travel around those times. you would likely find the wait times to be a little bit less even still, so much of a driving holiday, especially to those top destinations like beaches, aaa says 38 million people well travel 50 miles or more over the next five days up 4% from last year up to percent from 2019 pre-pandemic the biggest year for road trips. >> that is what aaa is projecting since the year 2000 when the top hit was from in-sync and the tub alt it was from three doors down a kryptonite. what were you doing in 2000 amara i was a baby. >> i was just being born i
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remember i was only 11. >> i was young whip or snap was doing exactly that. we weren't thanks so much. >> pick monday and good to see you. and of course, as you said, getting there early, don't want to cut a code john. >> the best thing ever be deceived. pete montane doing an in-sync routine right? this morning, we are standing by for new information about the arrest of. the world's number one golfer, scottie scheffler, a news conference scheduled with new video to be released in new reports that the officer involved is being investigated and then just how deep into flag play in supreme court justice samuel alito, a new report that a flag like some seen flying on january 6, was over his beach house russia is
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differently i miss this adrenaline well. good boy shot of adrenaline right to the heart today, we'll we will police are releasing new video from a traffic cameras of the world. number one golfer scottie scheffler's arrest. >> the video that we're going to show you. you will see right here this video is taken by an espn reported just after that moment, additional jolie sources tell cnn top police officials in louisville are privately voicing concerns saying the charges that scottie scheffler is facing should be reduced cnn's gabe cohen is following this for us. >> he's joining us now game, what are you learning? >> yes. okay. you mentioned are new reporting. this is significant because it's really the first indication that at least some top brass at
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louisville's police department believe that the charges against scottie scheffler should be reduced? i've learned from a source that during a recent meeting that included a multiple high-ranking officials from louisville metro police department there was general consensus that the felony second-degree assault charge that scheffler is facing is excessive. it is the most serious by far of the four charges he faces. now, it's unclear at this point if police have shared any of those opinions with the county attorney's office, remember they are the ones actually prosecuting the case. but it's going to be interesting to see now that we're hearing more of those opinions that feel like the felony charge might be excessive here, we should also learn much more kait during that press conference that you mentioned later, this morning, 11:30 a.m. eastern time inside that building, this government building behind me, we're going to hear from louisville's police chief and there may are they say they are going to provide the complete findings of their investigation into this, as well as release some of that additional video
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captured on a traffic pole camera in the area of the officer who had that encounter? norwood scheffler, his body camera was not turned on, so we don't know at this point if there is any video of the actual initial encounter between scheffler and the police officer that led to that arrest of but we do believe we are going to learn much more from those officials a little bit later today and to be clear, scheffler, he is not here in louisville. he's going to be teeing off the net next pga tour event in fort worth, texas just a couple hours after that but we should be able to bring you a lot more. we don't know. again, what is in that video of scheffler's arrest? that's being expected. that's expected to be released we have heard from his attorney that it should line up with they they're the events that they have laid out that it is this bag misunderstanding between scheffler and the officer, but we're going to bring in that video as soon as we have it, hopefully later this morning all right. >> well, wait for that, gabe cohen. thank you very much, gabe really appreciate the reporting. amara. all right. still ahead. punishment drills by china, what taiwan is facing
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today as chinese warships and aircraft it's around the island and super bowl champ patrick mahomes weighing in on his kicker, harrison. butker is controversial commencement address. what the quarterback saying this morning and in sports central brought to you by safe flight, your auto glass experts did a quote and scheduled today. >> it's safe, likely place. >> does your worst sort have a crack trust safe flight? this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home so he's got to a safe flight in just a few clicks. we came to his house. >> then we got some work. we replaced his windshield and install new wipers to protect his new glad it's great. >> thank you. >> my pleasure we come to you for free, scheduled now for free mobile service as safe flight deselect the
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visit ai or download the app this before in the stanley cup playoffs, fairclough wipers on the line right now to now to distractions i got serious still feel hi, sky high kansas city chiefs quarterback patrick mahomes is defending his teammates, harrison butker this morning but for came under fire for a commencement speech where he called pride month, a deadly sin and left some feeling he was saying that a woman's accomplishments at home are more valuable than or academic or professional goals mahomes told reporters at bucher is a good person despite not necessarily agreeing with his comments seven people are dead, 23 injured in the ukrainian city of kharkiv, that is ukraine second-largest city president's unless he called it an extremely brutal russian attack, all ten strikes hit civilian infrastructure. >> are nick paton, walsh was there pre-filled building, shake around and mixing and give us an update very shortly
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and the title of the best album ever goes to the miseducation of lauryn hill, at least it's according to apple music, they counted down what they believe to be the top ten albums of all time. actually the top hundred albums of all time. the 1998 album lauren hill landed at the number one spot. the five-time grammy winning record took the title over thriller by michael jackson and the beatles abbey road. i will note sgt pepper is not in the top ten dark side of the moon and the top ten martin motley crew, shared with the devil not in the top ten. so this list is highly controversial. >> amara all right, this morning, the new york times is reporting another controversial flag used by january 6. >> rioters was spotted at a property owned by supreme court justice samuel alito. three photographs obtained by the time show the appeal to heaven flag flying above alito's beach house in new jersey last summer. the flag dates back to the revolutionary war, but as recently been used by trump's
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supporters and was carried by some rioters in the january 6 attack on the capitol now, just last week, alito was criticized after the times reported an upside-down american flag was flown at his virginia home in 2021. that flag was also seen during the january 6 attack, joining us now a cnn senior supreme court analyst, joan biskupic a joan, as you know, there has been a lot of pressure, a lot of calls growing louder and louder for justice alito to recuse himself from trump's case having to do with january 6. but have you seen any signs that he wouldn't recuse himself? >> good morning, amara. >> you're right. this has ramped up calls, especially from democrats and from progressive activists for justice alito to recuse from important cases involving the january 6 events but he has shown no sign of having any interest in disqualifying himself. now, the supreme court's code of conduct that they just adopted last november after a lot of pressure says
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that justices are supposed to promote confidence in the impartiality of the judiciary and the code specifically states that a justice should disqualify himself or herself in a case when the justice's impartiality might reasonably be questioned. that is where an unbiased and reasonable person who is aware of all the relevant circumstances would doubt that the justice could fairly discharge his or her duties but amara, the justices themselves are judges, so to speak, of their own cases. it's up to them as individuals to decide whether there's a availing conflict of interest. there is no way to file a formal complaint with the supreme court and have it aired. these justices are appointed for life. the only the way to have them removed is through impeachment. and obviously that's not going to happen at this point. so it's a very tricky proposition of what kind of pressure the justices, even feeling. and let me just
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stress the important time in the court's calendar right now, beginning this morning, amara, and running through the end of june the justices will be issuing opinions in their most closely watched cases and two of them involve former president donald trump and his supporters who write the capitol on january 6. one of those cases involves whether donald trump should be immune from criminal trial on the four election subversion charges that have been brought by special counsel jack smith on behalf of the justice department against donald trump and the other one that feels even more salient to these issues of flags that were carried at the january 6 riot involves whether defendants from january 6 can be charged with an obstruction criminal provision that penalizes anyone who obstructing an official proceeding. that case doesn't involve donald trump, but some of the charges against donald trump are involved there. and
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one last thing, amara, during the oral arguments in that case involving january 6, the court majority definitely seems sympathetic to those defendants and justice alito was at the forefront of that sympathy. amara will watch this closely with you because as you know, these calls for recusal will not go away quickly. john biskupic, good to have you. thank you so much. >> joining us right now is former clinton white house press secretary joe lockhart, and republican strategists and publisher of the bulwark, sara long welds. good to see you guys. let's start there. sarah mountain or mole hill politically and what you are seeing here with justice alito, the pressure on the justice, the backlash for hearing about it. what do you think? >> mountain this is the point that was being made earlier about the confidence in the court is so key here we have a situation in this country now where trust in our institutions is at an all time low. >> and we already very recently
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had a situation where justice justice thomas, wife was texting the chief staff, the president's chief of staff during the insurrection, telling them to go harder that the election was stolen this now, with alito having multiple flags showing sympathy with the insurrectionist some people who said that the election was stolen this is getting to a place that i think if you'd asked us five years ago if we'd be here, we would have been shocked to think that this was happening, that this level of overt political position and not just the political side, but citing directly with activists who are trying to overthrow the results of the election. >> i can't think of a situation that would be more serious and more worthy of recusal don't the reason i pose the question that way is because we hear from some some bold name republicans, they basically are saying mole hill,
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john bolton thinks it says that it's wrong to be even suggests it's wrong, even be making a thing of it, saying it's outrageous that people are taking a flag from the american revolution and now saying it's unacceptable because it was seen at the january 6 riot, ted cruz was on cnn and he says that he thinks it's a concert. >> this is actually a concerted effort driven by senate democrats to try to delegitimize the supreme court what do you think well, i think if terms of you expecting something to happen at some mole hill and as sarah was saying that's exactly why it's a mountain i mean, if you took the supreme court, one of the three branches of our government and applied it to the executive branch. >> this is, this is an autocratic regime. they get to decide what the laws are. they get to interpret what the laws are. and there's nothing to stop them from doing what clarence thomas is doing that with samuel alito's doing things that have been happening since bush vigour and 2000. and this goes beyond perception. >> i mean, they, they have
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agreed that perception matters and then they ignored what they agreed to. >> it goes beyond that. it goes it shows that the independent branch of our government that we've depended on for 250 years is no longer independent they become a part of the republican party doing their bidding. >> so there's no surprise that republican leaders come out and say, it's outrageous. >> we're having this conversation. >> it is outrageous. we're having this conversation, but not for the reasons they're said let me ask you about some other headlines. i know sarah, i saw, you were putting out a lot of statements about this. nikki haley announcing yesterday that she is going to be voting for donald trump and just remind folks, this is after, which was a pretty brutal primary eventually between those two. listen to this at some point, maybe we should say the reason that america keeps losing is because of donald trump. i feel no need to kiss the ring. when trump got out there and just through a temper tantrum, we lost in
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2018. we lost in 2020. we lost in 2022 in donald trump's fingerprints were on all of it. how much more losing do we have to do before we realize maybe donald trump is the problem? >> and she she called him on hinged. she's called him unfit. she called him unstable, i think is another word that popped up during conversations and sarah you were you were scathing in your criticism of nikki haley for her position on this. now that we know that in politics, people have such short memories. why did this review so wrong? >> this is just so disappointing and here's the thing nikki haley didn't just talk about. donald trump being a loser like she did in those clips she talked about the fact that he was he should not be present. he was unfit to be president, that he would side with putin in certain areas that he was destroying the republican party also, donald trump, she said, when she
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conceded when she got out of the race, she said he's going to have to earn my vote and the support of my voters. >> he has done zero in that regard he has treated them. >> in fact like garbage and so i just look, nikki haley when, i was, a republican for my entire career, i've always admired nikki haley. i always hoped that she would be president someday. i sort of look forward to supporting her and i did support her in this primary against donald trump and i thought that as her criticism got more pointed throughout the primary, i thought that she meant it did for this isn't saying like the other guys tax plan is bad she was saying he was unfit that january 6 was going to be that he was going to be judged for that. she seemed to understand what we were grappling with in terms of donald trump. and so to turnaround and say that she's going to support him, creates permission structure for a lot of other republicans who think what he did was
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really bad but we're thinking maybe i can't vote for this guy and now she's basically saying no, no, no, we can go ahead and vote for him because pure tribal partisanship. and this is what's destroying this country. it shows a lack of character. it shows cow florida's on her part, and i'm deeply disappointed in her thank you for being candid about that, joe, we're going to continue the conversation a little later about what impact this could have on joe biden's attempts? >> to try to pull over those nikki haley voters as we've seen them, cutting adds about this. we're going to continue this conversation a little later. it's good to see you both. thank you. john all right. >> this morning and extremely tense situation and taiwan just hours ago china launched a huge two day military drill all around taiwan at this moment taiwan is surrounded by dozens of chinese warships and aircraft. china calls it a strong punishment against the self-governing island. oh, rural ripley is live in taipei
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this morning with the very latest on this is is deliberately provocative by china will it is, and it comes john, just two days after the inauguration of taiwan's new president, light-chain god, who gave his speech using language about taiwanese sovereignty that beijing perceived condemned as highly provocative because he essentially said that china needs to recognize the existence of if taiwan self-governing democracy of almost 24 million people that helped holds democratic elections every four years, like the united states. >> so just in the first days of this, presidents new term, we now have this operation joint sword 2024, as the eastern theater command of trump china's people's liberation army is calling it. and this thing is not even halfway done yet. it's scheduled to last for two days. let me break down what's been observed so far in the waters in circling taiwan, 42, at least warplanes,
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including 28 that crossed in to taiwan's self-declared air defense identification zone, at least 15 naval vessels. these are warships, not an aircraft carrier, at least not yet, but also at least 16 coast guard vessels that have been patrolling very close to and into restricted waters near taiwan's outlying islands. the spokesperson for the chinese military, the pla naval kernel, lee, she put out a statement earlier. i'm going to read you a portion of it. it says these exercises are quote, a strong punishment for the separatist acts of taiwan, independence forces and a serious warning against interference and provocation by external forces. that is a not so veiled warning towards the united states. john, taiwan's presidential spokeswoman, karen quo. she also put out a statement earlier today here in taipei saying that we will continue to defend democracy and we are confident and capable of defending taiwan's national security it is 7:42 p.m. thursday evening here in
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taipei. john, we're getting constant updates on where this thing stands, but clearly very high tensions in this corner of the world right now yeah, look, i can only imagine as we said, deliberately provocative from china will ripley, it's great to have you there and taiwan, this morning. thank you very much. emma another dangerous tornado overnight as a string of extreme storm sweeps across the country tracy and n is on the ground and greenfield, iowa, as people they're picking up the pieces after the deadliest tornadoes so far this year and new details on the health risks of eating a diet with ultra processed foods sirens are going off and the tornado here. i'm thinking, i'm going to die and i thought that was it. >> one when earth with liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cnn bleeding gums are
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normal for your cat is interesting. >> but if your cat isn't there, corky self, lately, they may have pain from a common condition called osteoarthritis. now there. so when cia solon cia is a once monthly injection to control your cats by wiping veterinary professionals, administering silane cia, who are pregnant, giant to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid self injection. self injection could cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis, ask your bet about cylance yet, and help get your cat back to their normal the source. >> but kaitlan collins, tonight at nine 1 million people are under threat of severe weather today, large hail tornadoes and wind gusts of 85 miles an hour are expected across parts of the central us. >> now it comes one day after a tornado touched down south of waco, texas the storm system left thousands of people without power unblocked major roads in the meantime, iowa residents are recovering after deadly storms and tornadoes
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killed at least five people and injured dozens more in group greenfield, which is a small city, and that is where cnn's whitney wild is joining us whitney, the scene behind you is just devastating. i know you've been talking to the residents who live there. what are they telling you about what they went through? >> now, i spoke with one woman yesterday, amara, who had mentioned that as this tornado was starting to bear down on her, she was in complete panic. i mean, she truly thought that that was going to be the last moment for her on earth. and then when she when the tornado passed and she came out of her house and she saw all the destruction. she just started crying. there was so much fear over the last two days because it was not clear how many people had died, how many people were missing. we now know four people died, 35 people were injured. there is a massive cleanup effort underway here, but it is a state of shock here, a state of sadness, and it's easy to see why amara, i'm in what as a
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neighborhood here in greenfield. if you take a look behind me, you can see this house was absolutely destroyed. this was someone's living around. this was someone's home. and now it has been ripped apart. it looks like a doll house amara, it is really it is extremely shocking when you come out here and see that destruction. and this is just one house. i mean, this it goes on for several blocks we were all around town yesterday and it looks just like this amara, as you can see here, this vehicle crushed, it looks like a toy the debris here stretches so far. i mean, there are piles of debris throughout downtown greenfield, but even when you're driving around here, even as far out as i'll you can see debris had been strewn all over it. that's amara, because this this tornado that hit greenfield was just massive. it was an ef-3. >> those are rare, but they are typically the deadliest tornado that hit communities, light greenfield and amara, just to give you a sense of the type of
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the area, this is this is a small town. >> it's 2000 people. the town is less than two square miles, but this is a very resilient town. this is a town that is coming together to try to rebuild after mass tragedy i'm also amara, i want to share an anecdote with you that i think really highlights how dire the situation was here in greenfield were right by the hospitals. you can see behind me there's it says hospital emergencies as ambulance that hospital was directly impacted and then if you swing this way, i'll show you they had to actually take patients out of the hospital and they were triaging them. right over here about you know, about 50 yards from where i'm standing because the situation was that dire. again, let's hear directly from that woman. i spoke with yesterday, who had mentioned how terrifying it wasn't this tornado came down i was born or to hospital it's a horrible thing to see here house at least he's got
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insurance and we're all safe. >> we've done so much work on this little house was so cute or and every time you work hard and then it's done, i think they said it was about seven seconds that it came through and it was done amara, the cleanup effort is well underway here we are expecting an update from governor kim reynolds later today and will share the very latest with you back to you, a small town of just 2000 people, obviously they'll believe getting on each other as they go through this recovery. >> whitney wild. thank you very much. kate, who was morning senate democrats are bringing the bipartisan border security bill to the senate floor. once again, it was blocked by republicans last time around at the urging of donald trump, you'll recall this time. democrats are losing democrats on this vote. it appears cnn's lauren fox is tracking this one for us, or what is going on yeah. if you remember the last time they brought this bill up a couple of months ago one of the things that was attached to
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it was additional funding for ukraine and for israel. and the fact that that has now passed in a separate package means that there are some demos he crowds who are arguing that this package does not do enough for immigrants. you have to remember that over the course of the last decade when there have been negotiations, these huge bipartisan negotiations over immigration oftentimes additional border security meant changes to ensuring that people who were already here living in this country who may not have had a legal status, were able to stay in some way that is not part of this bill. this bill is obviously very different than that in a lot of democrats and others who i'm talking to in the senate say that that is a reason for them not to support it. now, i talked to a couple of members who are on the fence yesterday, including ben ray lewis khan, who said he was still looking at this legislation. bernie sanders says he still looking at this legislation. so those are some people to keep an eye on. but obviously kait, we're going to be watching closely when this vote happens around 2:00 this afternoon okay.
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>> lauren, thank you so much john all right. >> with me now, is democratic congressman tom suozzi from long island in the state of new york. congressman, thanks so much for being with us. i was really in punchbowl this morning that you are taking the lead of the border security task force even though congressman henry cuellar from texas, who has been indicted, is still technically the co-chair punchbowl reports. there are a lot of democrats, part of this caucus who were uncomfortable and say it's awkward that cuellar is still the co-chair. how do you feel about that? >> i mean, the bottom line is i'm taking the lead and i'm setting up a meeting for early june and we've got to get moving on this. the democrats have to come out with a unified message that says very clearly was for strong border security we need to fix the broken asylum system, and we need to treat people who mainly so we can do all those things. we can be tough and we can be fair and we did it bring all the different factions in the democratic party together with a strong message because the
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people care about the border right now, it's been a little quieter, but we're going to see a surge again as soon as the mexico elections are over, we're going to see people at the border again and people going to start worrying what's going on? we need to bring order at the border how similar is that message from you to the message that you are hearing from president biden i think the president gets it. the president realizes you've got to be tougher and he's got to be humane. you've got do both things. i did a bipartisan letter or we could go saying, listen, mr. president, if we can't get the senate to pass the bill that everybody agreed would work was endorsed by the wall street journal, was endorsed by the us chamber of commerce, was endorsed by the union president of the trump of the border patrol. that was a big trump supporter. and the senate killed it because donald trump came in and said why don't wanna give biden a victory? i want to run on the chaos. >> if we can't get a bill passed on a bipartisan basis than the president has to take executive action that executive action should be to try and secure the border. >> number one and number two,
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treat people like human beings just back to my first question very quickly here you are in a seat now that was vacant because you, george santos was booted from congress after getting indicted. i'm asking you about n require who is also indicted, but still part of this effort, urine. you don't think that's a conflict at all? >> i mean, henry cuellar has been involved in border issues for a long time. he was originally the guy who came up with the idea of a democratic border security task force and when the indictment came out, he came to me and he said, listen, i need you to take the lead on this, so i'm taking the lead going forward george santos. i don't know if you still want to talk about george santos. i really don't. >> all right. i'll take that for an answer. right there sometimes in some places, if you gaze across long island sound from your district in certain places, you can see the bronx we're president trump will be today what does he need to know when your mind about new york voters, the people who will be near his rally later.
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>> i think it's gonna be a surprising. it's gonna depend on the weather and how things turn out. he'll have supporters, it'll be there because people that live in the bronx, african americans, latinos italians, who live there, are concerned about the border like everybody else they're concerned about cost of living. the same issues that we hear talked about in the top of the news are concerns of the people who live in the bronx and the people in the bronx want us to address these very, very real issues. but i don't think that people in the bronx should fall for what donald trump is selling if there's one thing is clear, joe biden cares about people donald trump cares about himself. and that's been clear throughout his entire time in the public eye. so we can't be fooled by what donald trump is trying to sell. he didn't address the border when he was in office neither did the president's before him as well. and we finally had a bipartisan deal to address the border and trump sabotage. the whole thing by saying, i don't want to give biden victory was
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mitt romney said, that's appalling, that he would be so political on such an important issue. but he says, it's a problem, it's a problem it's a problem. and then they say, oh, no, we're not going to do it now we want to, we want to get through this politics first can i ask you in your times is reporting that justice samuel alito over is beach house in new jersey. let's keep this in the tristate here. >> had a flag and appeal to heaven flag. >> yes, george washington flu this flag was a revolutionary error. flag. >> but lately it has come to be associated with flying on january 6, in some places, there are some people on the far right. >> you take it, whether or not it's a january 6 flag or not, what are your feelings about a supreme court justice flying politically motivated flags from his house? maybe he didn't do it, maybe it's his wife, but should these slides be over his house at all? >> it's very upsetting. i want to get more facts like everybody else does. i'm an attorney. i went to law school in the 19 are big concern when we were talking about law school in those days is we don't want to see the politicisation of the judiciary and especially of the supreme court and i'm getting very
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worried about the political possession of the supreme court. we people need to trust the rule of law. they need to feel that the judges are going to be acting in a fair way and just trying to follow precedent and follow the law when we saw the overturning of roe versus wade that didn't make sense because it was an undoing of precedence of 50 years. and people are more and more concerned that the supreme court is acting politically. and that's bad for america. that's bad for all of us. we don't want our supreme court judges acting politically. we want them to follow the law, and we want everybody to be treated equally under the eyes of the law. that's something we should all we worried about and we as a country have to work together and the idea of the judge flying a flag that's politically motivated over his house or as he did, we know what the upside down flag it is home here in washington is very, very disconcerting and we should all be watching this very, very carefully. >> carlson, tom suozzi, great to see you this morning. thanks so much so no matter how
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healthy you are eating, a new study says that adding in even a small amount of ultraprocessed foods means you're still facing increased risks of serious disease, seen as meg tirrell has more detail on this. >> meg, what are you learning? >> okay. this morning this study focuses on neurological issues associated with ultraprocessed foods. they look to add to simply what folks aid they looked at more than 14,000 people over a decade. they filled out surveys about what they were eating and what they find is that a ten 10% increase in ultraprocessed food consumption i was associated with the 16% raised risk of cognitive impairment and an 8% increased risk of stroke. and that risk was higher for black participants in this study than for white participants, 15% for black participants. and of course, we know that ultraprocessed foods are really everywhere in our food supply, right now, if you don't not identify them, it's really when you turn over for the label on your food and you can identify the ingredients included there include ingredients ou


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