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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 23, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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510200, coventry direct redefining insurance it's i'm pete mundane at reagan national airport. this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelioma victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 the border bill battle is reignited on capitol hill democrats forcing a second vote on an immigration bill that already stalled once the moments ago, republicans blocked it. >> both sides know it it's going to be a potent issue for voters come november plus on the hill, it's all about immigration, but in the bronx, the focus is going to be on the economy. as donald trump tries to win over voters in an overwhelmingly democratic district. one day after getting a boost from one of his biggest
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critics. >> but president biden has some new ads blasting trump and his own relationship with a group of voters that could be the key to winning the white house in november, we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central hello i'm briana cuellar alongside boris sanchez jasmine. we do have some breaking news coming to us from capitol hill, the senate just rejected a bipartisan border bill for the second time this year, the first time it happened, you'll remember was in february after former president trump directed republicans to kill the bill so that he could keep the border as a campaign issue, the legislation would have been landmark border reform that would have included who did restricting border crossings. let's get to cnn anchor and chief congressional correspondent, manu raju. samantha, walk us through what happened today yeah. >> in fact, this bill did worse than it did back in february that time in february had
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failed on a 49 to 50 vote just moments ago, it failed on a 43 two 50 voting needed 60 to advance in the united states senate, some of the republicans, but previously backed. >> it were not in supportive of it this time, including senator james langford. and there were three additional democratic novo's glue cory booker, the fonts are butler and also kyrsten sinema, who is an independent who caucuses with democrats who else will cut this bipartisan border security deal after months of painstaking negotiations and it failed initially in february because donald trump before it was even released, came out and gets it urge republicans to kill it. republicans on the hill said it did not go far enough this time. cinema and others will rejected it because they believe democrats were using it for political reasons to try to deflect blame for what's happening on the border onto republicans now, undoubtedly, this is going to be a top tier issue for some of those democrats in key senate races. and that is a question i put today to the top, and chairman of the senate democratic campaign committee
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asked him how this will play in november with those key vulnerable democrats thank you. >> have to look at a republicans as basically being very hypocritical and are hypocrites. they, they just want to use this as a campaign issue, but they're not willing to actually debate these issues and vote on these issues, which is necessary for us to make sure we have a secure border into they forget who told them to vote against a perfectly good border security bill that would have secured the border for police liquor, for political reasons. >> really, there's no real interest in getting this bill done. he knows that he would have work to do in the house he has bleeding boats because of the failure at the border and he's using this is a shiny object to make people think that he's really trying to get it done now, this pro, one of overhauled asylum laws also empowered the homeland security department to instantly turn away migrants at the southern border after migrant crossing please reach a certain
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threshold. >> republican said it's simply did not go far enough and that was one argument why the speaker, the house came out against it, but underlying all of this, of course, is the policy it takes immigration such a key issue, one that down trump has been railing on campaigning against and what it was judged on. joe biden has been underwater on over the months months of this campaign season, why democrats have moved it actually to the republican position on a lot of ways on this bill. but republicans did not want to give joe biden victory here in this time democrats want to try to turn the issue back against republicans. but as a result, nothing getting done here. this issue of immigration. so complicated has just dogged capital for, you years and years and years. and particularly in this campaign season, this compromise going nowhere demonstrated by today's vote, which ferret out worse for democrats than it did back in february at this point, a generational issue. decades of inaction from congress. manu raju from capitol hill. thank you so much so donald trump has yet to even announce his vice
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presidential pick yet, but the biden campaign and the dnc are already going on the attack. their plan it's to spotlight some of the candidates on their policies in new ads by using a powerful weapon their own words. >> yeah, that one always works and then trump has long been auditioning candidates. he's testing their loyalties, testing their messaging as well. cnn's kayla tausche is live for us from the white house kayla, how does this strategy fit into biden's broader? for reelection message? >> well, breanna, we're seeing the very first glimmers of what this messaging strategy is going to look like with a rapid response release that was just blasted by the dnc on behalf of the biden campaign, slamming republicans for voting against that bipartisan border bill that manu was let's referencing calling them mega millions. and suggesting that they only voted that way against the bill because donald trump biden's gop opponent told them two. now, as far as the broader reelection message so far president biden has tried to establish a contrast between what he believes are
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the rights and benefits fits that donald trump would take away from voters and focusing on the rights and benefits that he says his campaign or his next administration would intain or restore among those four categories that they're going to be focusing on the 2020 election abortion health care and benefits for working families. now, admittedly, there are still several contenders for donald trump's vice presidential candidate. so the challenge for the biden campaign and the dnc is that this messaging could get quite messy, which is why they're not planning exactly at this point the nascent stages of this effort to be cherry picking specific individuals, words, and positions instead to be painting them as a group together with broad brushstrokes. although as it evolves and as the field narrows, we could see the dnc taking a billboards or paid media in states or on the road where any of these candidates or lawmakers are going to be. so it's still in its very early stages, but it's quite
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clear that a d&c is going on attack and trying to highlight these differences. all of course, culminating in the selection of trump's vp and the eventual debate. between that person and current vice president kamala harris guys all right. >> kayla, thank you so much for that report. kayla tausche, life-force from the white house and happening today, former president trump trump is heading to one of the most democratic counties in the nation. the former president will be holding a rally in the south bronx in the borough of the bronx in the south bronx, where he's expected to attack president biden's record on the economy as part of a push to win over black and hispanic voters are we have to point out, this is a county that biden won by nearly two 190,000 votes in 2020 by even more in 2016, democrats won that district. cnn's kristen holmes is in the bronx for us. kristen, what is the strategy for the trump campaign in choosing what is a democratic stronghold? >> well, for us two things can be true at once. one, we know the donald trump and his
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campaign believed that they see an opening with minority voters, particularly black and his spanish men and the polling supports that. we've seen a time and time again, a shift towards republicans and towards donald trump's something democrats have been increasingly concerned about now, why they have chosen one of the most blue counties in all of new york. well, the other part of this that is true is that donald trump was supposed to still be in court as of the planning for this rally. they were looking for different kinds of events around the state to keep them occupied on the campaign trail while he was that to be import month monday, tuesday, thursdays, and friday is now for us. now, we know that court has wrapped on tuesday, but he did come back to do this rally and it will tell you the reaction that we have seen from voters here, from residents here has been completely mixed. there was a large line people, so they were excited. i talked to one voter who said that they voted for biden. biden last time around, but they didn't feel like they had anything to lose. they could vote for donald trump this time, we also talked to somebody who said the die now, trump didn't belong in the bronx and you should get the s out. so it's been a completely mixed reaction, but
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there is still a long line of people here who want to hear what donald trump has to say kristen holmes live force from the bronx. >> thank you so much it's gonna be an interesting one. >> we have cnn political director david channeling with us to discuss this okay. >> it's not, it's not the first time we've seen trump do something, although it's kind of a smaller commitment on his partly going to a bodega or something like that. >> here is in the bronx when you think about this, well, again, i think as kristen rightly noted the geographic component of this largely due to his thinking he was going to have to be in court, but trying to make lemonade out of lemons here, and that is hey, we do want to make a strategic case here and a play for blackness spanning voters. >> we do see an opening here. there's clearly some softening of support in these groups for joe biden and so let's go to a place where that is a dominant demographic and, and make the case so whether or not it is
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well received, your her kristin saying that you've got mixed reaction. there is a whole other matter but i think, you know, whether it's in the bronx today, which again, i don't think bronx county is gonna be a battleground county here, but milwaukee detroit implant, i mean, we can go to all these places where it will potentially make a difference. and so, you know, working this kind of message out. i think it's a wise decision the trump campaign of the biden campaign is taking that softening that you're describing seriously, they put out an ad before this rally ahead of the rally showing comments that trump has made in the past about african-american specifically, they sayyed his calling for executions of the central park five the birth are controversy, his comments around that racist riot in charlottesville, virginia i spoken the last hour to bryan lanza, someone who had worked on a trump campaign back in 2016. >> he essentially said that the past doesn't really matter. he tried to equivocate some comments, took them out of context that president biden made in the 80s and he
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essentially said this is about the future. this isn't about comments that were made in the past. how big are those comments going to play? >> well, i think if you're supporting trump and you're trying to respond to that ad, you do want to make about future, not the past, because the past may not look so good. i mean, listen, i think the biden team here can't give an inch, right? so the fact that there is this potential opening because guys were talking margins here, right? i'm not suggesting donald trump is going to win the african american vote or when the hispanic-owned necessarily, but it's all about margins in these close elections. and so the biden campaign is, i would say, rightly, justice, right for trump to go and make the case. they got to make sure they tried to slam that door of potential opportunity for an aggressively take the case that he's not a real advocate for these communities. and so they're doing their attempt at that. if yeah, because listen, in november, if biden loses and part of it is because these voting blocs did not come out for him the way they did in the last election will be looking back at this is one of the moment it's important to remember that. let's talk a little bit about nikki haley,
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right? because what did she call trump? unhinged. she called him unqualified. she had all kinds of adjectives for him, and now she has endorsed him i mean, politicians are flexible. we know that this was quite a turnaround from her rhetoric before. >> no doubt about it. dramatically so, because she was talking in many cases as the primary was heating up about his fitness for the office a little different than some sort of pass critiques that you would see within a primary field. >> nonetheless, she did tell dana bash in january, new hampshire, joe biden and donald trump, they're equally bad. that is not what she said yesterday. she said joe biden is a catastrophe and donald trump is less than perfect on some of these issues that i care about. so her calculation and her assessment of these candidates moved. she announced that she is going to perform, which i think should surprise nobody because nikki haley wants a future in republican party politics and as this
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primary season that she just lost out and to donald trump prove this is donald trump's republican party. and she understood to have a future in that party. she was going to have to sort of land in this place, potentially another run for the white house for potential future. we know that the biden campaign hosted a call with haley supporters in eight different states last night. what do they need to do to keep those republicans and an independent voters from shifting to trump. some of those republicans from going home yeah. >> so we know if you look inside these primary, some of them were closed available only to republicans voted, but nikki haley did really well also where there were open primaries, independent. >> so these suburban independent voters, biden would be talking to them even if nikki haley wasn't a factor. but the fact that they showed in the context of the primary that they are trump resistant is an opening think to the biden campaign to say, we should be in communication with you guys. i don't think nikki haley saying i'm voting for donald trump means that those people are walled off from potentially being open to a conversation with joe biden and supporting joe biden. but remember, joe biden doesn't
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need all of them, right? he needs a slice of them and that so again, if they weren't doing it, i would say it's sort of political malpractice. >> yeah, it's all about the margin. well, that's given sheline keeps reminding us. >> thank you so much. thank you, guys. >> so ahead. israel's negotiating team i'm told to resume ceasefire and hostage talks as pressure on the netanyahu government continues to mount, plus norfolk southern will be forking over hundreds of millions of dollars to settle that loss dude, over its toxic train derailment in east palestine, ohio. >> and if there's one thing we can all agree on its hating crazy high fees on top of tickets prices. now, the doj is trying to do something about it russia were trying to spy on us we were for spying on them. >> i was huddie friday this is a war, but secret war. >> secrets and spies, a nuclear game premier sunday, june 2,
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call now violin earth with the liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cnn israel's war cabinet has now directed the country's negotiate getting team to resume talks in an effort to secure the release of israeli hostages held in gaza. >> no word on when negotiations are going to begin again. but just yesterday, the families of seven female israeli soldiers captured by hamas released graphic footage of their abduction. the families are hoping to pile the pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his cabinet to make progress on bringing hostages home. >> let's take you now, live with the recent on with cnn's jeremy diamond and jeremy, these talks have installed over several weeks now how likely is it that we'll see some progress well, it's very difficult to tell at this stage, boris, i mean, we have watched these talks start and stop so many times now, so many times where it seems that we were on the precipice of a deal between israel and hamas. >> and then those talks falling apart. again, most recently,
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just over two weeks ago when there was that egyptian framework on the table which israel had tacitly agreed to. hamas then saying that they had agreed to a framework, but it turned out both of those frameworks were actually very different from one another in the opposite sickles between israel and hamas were not able to be overcome. but last night the israeli war cabinet convening once again this time directing those the israeli negotiating team lead by mossad director david barnea to resume negotiations and to go into those talks with an expanded mandate. it's not clear exactly what has changed in terms of what israel is willing to agree to at this stage versus last time around, we know of course that the principal sticking point between these two sought still remains. hamas is demand that israel agreed to an end to the war altogether in order to even get to a first phase of an agreement that could see several dozen hostages is released. there's no question though that there is increased pressure in israel for the
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israeli government to agree to a deal yesterday. of course, we saw the family of five of those of female israeli soldiers who were taken captive on october 7, at least that graphic really a very difficult to watch footage. the fear in their eyes that was palpable as you watch that footage, that footage released in order to try and put more pressure on the israeli government. so we will just have to wait and see when exactly those talks it's resume and whether or not it takes us to a different place just horrific pictures from that video, there. >> and jeremy the israeli military says dozens of aid trucks have now gotten into gaza from that temporary pier that us installed the outstanding counting question is, has that actually gotten to the people who need it? what can you tell us? >> yeah, and not only that, but when we talk about dozens were actually just talking about just over two dozen trucks, 27 aid trucks that entered gaza through that floating pier yesterday, according to the
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israeli military, that's far short of the 90 aid trucks per day that the us military had expected to be able to very quickly ramp up to well short of the hundred and 50 kind of optimal capacity that they are hoping to get to at some point. and a lot of that has to do with security conditions on the ground according to humanitarian aid groups as and there's also the question of course, of those land crossings, the israeli military says that yesterday, 281 trucks got through kerem shalom and erez crossing crossing going into the northern part of the gaza strip. but there's a lot of dispute over those numbers. and also humanitarian aid agencies saying that even if those trucks are getting through the security checks now onto the other side of the border, that doesn't mean they're necessarily able to collect them and to move that aid to their warehouses and ultimately distribute them. and that's because of the security conditions, because of the israeli military ramped up military activity very close to those crossings, active battles with hamas militants, and also
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of course, the fact that that rafat border crossing has been closed now for over three weeks brown jeremy diamonds live for us from jerusalem. thank you so much, jeremy still to come are a tragedy at a presidential campaign rally in mexico nine people were killed there, more than 70 hurt after strong winds caused the stage to suddenly collapse. video on social media shows the stages in screen and metal structure coming apart, setting politicians on the stage and supporters in the crowd running for safety, rescue operations went on late into the night to save people who are trapped. >> one witness told reporters he'd never in his life experience such a dramatic change in weather conditions. the leader of turks and caicos is defending his country after a us lawmaker accused the
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island of targeting americans on monday, a group of bipartisan lawmakers traveled to the island. they were pressing for the release of five americans who've been held on ammunition charges. they say they were met with resistance and were unable to convince island officials to free the suspects. one of those lawmakers, republican congressman guy, rescind taller of pennsylvania and accused island officials of specifically targeting us citizens. >> and this morning, the island's premiere call those accusations, quote, diabolic falsehoods and defended his country listening we do not target us citizens or any other nationality. and contrary statements any contrary statements are without merit independent justice system upholds the rights and freedoms of all individuals regardless of nationality. whilst maintaining the security and integrity of our islands five american thinkings have been
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arrested in recent months. each of them facing at least, at least 12 years in prison. three of the defendants have already pleaded guilty of fourth is due in court next week, and a fifth remains in custody. today. a court date forum is scheduled in july and if you had bought a concert or maybe a sports ticket over the past few years or weeks in my case, you know, it's not keep and the fed say that is no accident. >> it is very expensive if, say you want to go see alanis morissette now anyways ahead, the potentially groundbreaking new lawsuit against ticketmaster's parent company and gentlemen just like well, good boy shot of adrenaline, right to the heart you hope we don't ever family moves at their own pace it's not the snow that's why we have you
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alex marc board in washington and this is cnn all right. we're following some breaking news there. you see that number down 600 points. we are watching the dow, right? now. it's really tumbling. >> yeah, cnn's matt egan joins us now. he's been watching the markets. matt, how much of this has to do with fretting about a potential rate cut well. abortion, brianna, that's right. >> it really is all about concerns about what the fed is going to do next. what's interesting here is that it was just six days ago that the dow closed above 40,000 for the first time ever now you can see it's much closer to 39,000. but the mood can change very quickly on wall street and we are we're seeing that play out today. >> not that long ago. there were a lot of people on wall street who thought the fed was going to be able to cut interest rates as many as six
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times this year because there were all these hopes that inflation was going to be moving right back to 2%. of course, inflation has proven to be a lot more stubborn than people had anticipated. in the jobs market and the economy at large has been more resilient than anticipated. and so now there are these growing concerns that maybe the fed won't be able to lower interest rates this summer. maybe not even in the fall. and that e is raising some worry among investors are one of the triggers here. we're minutes it's that were released just yesterday from the most recent fed meeting and it showed that some officials remain worried about inflation and some of them even left open the possibility that they could have two raise interest rates. now, that is not to consensus at this point, but just the fact that fed officials were talking about that was enough to investors and so we are seeing the dow down 600 points, about one-and-a-half percent with 29 minutes left in trading, us stocks are basically at the lows of the day. boston, boris and briana.
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>> i'm at its climbed back up about five, six points since you started your head, i attribute that solely to you, matt egan thanks so much for the reports all map. >> thanks. boris alma so you've likely experienced it sky high ticket prices and then those extra nebulous fees. >> now the justice department is doing something about it along with dozens of states, the doj is suing live nation, the company that owns ticketmaster. >> this is an antitrust lawsuit that he uses live nation of abusing its monopoly power over live events in the us and driving up ticket prices cnn senior crime and justice reporter katelyn polantz is following this story for us, and we been awaiting this, i think, but tell us what you're learning here. >> since the era of taylor swift's tour last summer, right? >> that's right. >> we were everyone was so angry when they couldn't get tickets because of glitches in the system this is about more than consumers. that was the message from the justice department. >> this morning. attorney general merrick garland spoke, spoke extensively about the
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service fees that consumers do pay when they buy tickets through ticket ticketmaster, the largest seller of tickets through live nation venues. that's their parent company in the country. >> but they also the justice department also takes issue with how artists and venues it's are locked in to their system. >> they believe that the company retaliates against concert venues that work with their rivals. they have contracts that make things problematic. but general garland did talk quite a lot about the fees associated with tickets, even in a personal sense, he can you talk about a concert he went too long ago, bruce springsteen and body rate. here's a little bit more from general garland with exclusive agreements that cover more than 70% of concert ticket sales at major concert venues across the country ticketmaster can impose a seemingly endless list of fees on fans. those include ticketing fees, service
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fees, convenience fees platinum fees, price master fees, per order fees handling fees, and payment processing fees. among others a senior justice department official also told us that with this lawsuit are finally it in manhattan's federal court, they want a jury to look at it for it to go to trial and that a breakup of live nation ticket master, having control over these concert ticket sales. >> that is something that is on the table here. >> how is live nation responding? >> well, they have put out a lot of information. they say that the farm and has ignored the data. this wouldn't ultimately lower concert fees for people who are buying tickets an also say that other things contribute to these service fees that stack up production costs that get higher and higher artists popular. clarity online i'm scalping because itis something that they have been very proud
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to say previously that they have defended cutting that out by controlling the resale of tickets as well. their final quote they talk about the merger between the two companies, live nation, the concert promoter and ticketmaster, the ticket sales company, back in 2010, the obama administration approved it. >> they say the world is a better place because of that merger, not a worse one. >> and they are ready to go to trial while they're getting the lawyers lined up to fight the justice department on this. >> it's so interesting, but just as a consumer, you think you're looking at one kind of price. and then by the time all those fees get on what looked like a reasonable oh concert ticket prices, new longer for sure. caitlin, thanks so much. we'll keep an eye on this with you. and it had the new settlement between the feds and norfolk southern more than a year after this trend rain derailment here put tons of hazardous materials into one ohio towns, air, water, and soil you didn't live this
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just for them. another step to make sure that the people of east palestine are taken care of and that norfolk southern continue can use to foot the cost of any cleanup that may come up in the future. so what happened was the doj filed a lawsuit on behalf of the epa, and there's 310 million settlement is the result of all that. and here's part of what it entails 235 million for past and future cleanup costs, 25 million to establish a community health program that so that folks there in east policy and in that affected area can go and have their health check for a period of up to 20 years 15 million for long-term water monitoring. that includes groundwater and surface water checking up on that for a period of ten years. in addition to paying 15 million for violations of the clean waters act. now, norfolk southern for its part, it ceo allen shaw, saying the following in a statement saying
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we are pleased, we are, we were able to reach a timely resolution of these investigations that recognizes our conference preemptive response to the community's needs, and our mission to be the gold standard of safety in the rail industry. and just to give you an example of how important monitoring is, it was just last month that the epa out there checking some of the water that goes through east palestine, found a number of dc of deceased fish in the area and we'll just just goes to show you the importance of the need to have increased testing, their increased monitoring of the waterways. we should also tell you that in addition to this lawsuit and a separate lawsuit, norfolk southern agreed to pay 600 million in a settlement that were resolved. many of the lawsuits they're from residents and businesses in the affected area, but i also have to tell you after just going through and texting some folks out there, including one businessman who has a
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warehouse right next to the site of the derailment. he's says he's not going to be part of any of these lawsuits. he does not still trust the government here, does not trust norfolk southern. so there are folks out there are still pursuing their own lawsuits, guys back to you wow. >> jason carroll. thanks so much. >> still ahead. >> super bowl champ patrick mahomes is weighing in on his teammates, harrison butker is contrary virtual commencement address up next with the quarterback and the nfl commissioner are saying about so they wouldn't a heart attack. >> do they have life insurance? >> no but we have life insurance john, i'm trying to find something we can afford fortunately it only. a few minutes, select poke down john, a $500,000 policy for only $29
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and spinning. take back control with lipo flavanoid. >> i learned box on capitol hill and this one of the biggest stars in the nfl quarterback patrick mahomes, now playing defense for his teammates, kicker harrison
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butker bucher has been in the spotlight over a controversial commencement speech one where he said that a woman's accomplishments in the home are more valuable than any academic or professional goals he also called pride month a deadly sin, among other things. >> still, mahomes is standing by his kicker i judge them by the character that he shows every single day and that's a good person. >> that's at someone who cares about the people around them, cares about his family on it wants to make a good impact in society. when you're in the locker there's a lot of people from a lot of different areas of life and they have a lot of different views on everything. and we're not always going to agree, but there's certain things that you said that i don't necessarily agree with, but i understand the person that he is chiefs coach andy reed also defended butker saying that he didn't think he was speaking ill to women. he went on to say bucher has his opinions and we all respect that. cnn sports analyst christine brennan is with us now on this story the one
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person that can christine put this whole controversy to bed is hurricane harrison butker. i mean, maybe he can he did not speak to the media yesterday. what did you think about that and should the chiefs sent him out to talk to people? >> well, i think so riana, i mean, the comments were not just normal comments. everyone's when we hear well, someone's gotten opinion, i respect their opinion now, this is this is a man who said women are being told diabolical lies. and basically told women to not have careers and to stay home and have children, which means you do. and i would not be doing what we're doing right now and nor millions and millions of american women and women around the world that is an incendiary comment that's not your normal graduation speech. >> and that is worthy of our attention especially a league, the nfl, we saw with the swiftie these we saw with taylor swift by the way, i can't wait to hear from the swifties on all of this. >> they may take care of themselves. but the nfl cares so much about women, about 45%
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of the fan base of the nfl, breanna is female. they even have flag football that they're promoting for girls in high school to keep girls and women interested in the nfl. so that piece so this conversation we're really not looking at how that impacts is because this is a terrible look. if you are trying to attract women and girls to your game, to be fans, to be players of flag football, and to be there for the next 30-40, 50 years, the fan base at the nfl desperately needs yeah, it could be a big issue for the league as it tries to complete that outreach following his speech, butker hit the number one selling chiefs jersey at one point, even selling out of women's version of a women's version of that jersey do you think good del read and mahomes are sort of permitting him using this language being less critical than i guess they could be because they're reading the room and they're
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seeing what the audience for his speeches saying with their wallets boris, as we know, michael jordan saibls by sneakers two. and there certainly is an element of that and that makes sense, right? i mean, there are views all over the place. i guess the difference here is that he was so forceful and when you give a commencement speech and i i've been honored to give a few ideas to uplift and to encourage and not diminish as he did the women in the room and their goals and their hopes and their dreams. so that's exactly what's happening. and to patrick mahomes, credit and any other teammates he has, they want to keep the locker room chemistry together. if you have patrick mahomes come out and say maybe what he wanted to say, his wife, britney, very accomplished they're in business together. there's a lot more going on with the mahomes family, then having kids, which by the way, it's wonderful if you want to have kids and be a mom, of course. but i think patrick mahomes probably realized if he had
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come out strongly against his teammate that will send a signal through the locker room that made have been very difficult not only for right now and in the springtime, but heading into the fall as well yeah. >> what did you think because it is a change from what goodell said last week about this not reflecting the views of the nfl. so what do you think about kind of the adjustment and just how they're trying to figure out exactly where the center of gravity is on these culture war kind of thing. thanks briana. absolutely league is a business. >> they want to sell a product. they care very much. but this was same league that realize the power of taylor swift and women and girls and empowering those young kids. those young women and girls. and of course older women as well, to come and watch the nfl. they saw the nfl, you would have thought would be the only league that didn't need any more help to have more viewers and tv ratings. and it did, and it was taylor swift, a woman is strong, woman, complete opposite of the caricature that
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or the model, so to speak, that harrison butker wants for a woman. i mean, you couldn't have someone further than that away from that taylor swift. so i think they're trying to play up proud to play both sides against the middle. but at the end of the de, i think it's a controversy to stick with this team and with butker for a very long time. >> all right. i think maybe right about that. christine brennan, as you usually are, i will say thank you so much for being with us. we're gonna be right back when you want to laugh, can ban eric. >> i want to be world heavyweight champion and be with my family the iron claw now streaming exclusively on macs in the world, poorest places children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame. they're shunned outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that takes as
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290 8358 the lead with jake tapper next on cnn closed, captioning. >> is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 bora. >> so we're finally hanging out again. it's been a minute after busy couple of weeks where we've been doing some stuff. most you've mostly been doing this. >> you took like a whirlwind
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trip to the middle east and came back and taurus has been on assignment and part of it is involved swimming more on that to come. it's very cool, but i don't want to spoil it and also, you recently spoke here from a mater syracuse university, and we want to play a small portion of the speech i always knew that i wanted to be a journalist ever since i was a little kid. >> i was inspired in part by my mom as a child in cuba. she had a passion for writing and she aspired to one day, be a journalist and write for a newspaper. but of course communism she was forced into menial labor and that dream was deferred authoritarians don't like a free press or people expressing themselves freely case in point, my grandfather was sentenced to 20 years in prison simply for trying to speak the truth about a brutal dictator who executed thousands of his people for their beliefs and 25 years after deciding
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that i wanted to be a journalist after hearing my grandfather's story incarcerated and tortured for questioning power, i had the opportunity to walk into the white house as a correspondent with the most powerful person in the world standing in front of me, pointing at me, inviting me to question him. the very thing that costs money a weight-loss so much of his life and no other country in the world would my story even be possible? because the outcome may offered by the soil is unrivaled all of the information and creativity technology, the produce and people and things that we have access it's a suit, a potential that seems limitless. and i see the strength of it in this room right now in you i do appreciate you guys playing the speech, but i have to say, when you all played the most somber and serious, there were a lot of jokes i spent so much time, right? >> you but some of that online. yes, you can so get on message.
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yeah. absolute


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