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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 27, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> more than liebermann at the pentagon. >> and this cnn iran's everywhere. >> it was all dark. it's really one of the things you'd never expect and until it actually happened, it's like a push to the stomach really, i mean, this is my community, this is the i mean, i know people that work here. >> the heartbreak of a family losing a hey, two-year-old and a five-year-old child. >> i think there's probably a feeling of fatalism, but not surrender or you can make a lot of arguments that you wouldn't buy a used car from this guy can face criminal verdict on it to president biden and to president sheet. we do not want the un charter to be burned guard down just like these books from london see cnn
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newsroom with max foster hello to warm, welcome to our viewers. join us from the us and all around the world. i, max foster, it's monday, may the 27th, 9:00 a.m. here in london, 6:00 p.m. in papua new guinea. new guinea, where the death toll from la this week's massive landslide now appears far worse than initially feared in the letter to the united nations. an emergency official says as many as 2000 people were buried alive soon as i've and watson joins us now from hong kong. i mean, it's taken us a while because of the scale of the devastation, but also access to the area that's right. i mean, two now be more than three days into this disaster and to see the projections or the estimates for the death toll to arisen so sharply two. now according to the papua new guinea government, more than 2000 dead that suggest a he, that the scale of this was much bigger than perhaps anybody had understood it first and b, how hard it has been to get people
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to the place, to the rescue and the salvage operation. we are starting to hear from some of the survivors of this disaster that took place at 3:00 in the morning local time on on friday. so that would have been when people were at home. that is when the sayyed of a mountain spilled down and landed on this remote village, take a listen to what one survivor had to say emily blunt me or have 18 of my family members buried under the debris and soil that i am standing on and a lot more family members and the village i cannot count i am the land owner here. thank you to all those who've come to help us. but i can not retrieve the bodies. so i'm standing here, helplessly so part of what the authorities are doing is they're estimates there that if if 100 houses may have been buried and each one could
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have had ten to 20 relatives in sayyed sleeping. >> that's where they're coming. we're hearing from some aid workers to perhaps these numbers have perhaps more than two thousand people having been killed in this landslide. and so you have the acting director of the disaster management center, who's written to the united nations and to the international aid community, asking for help and going on to write, quote, the situation remains unstable as the land slip continues to shift slowly, pulled posing ongoing danger to both rescue teams and survivors alike. an aid worker that we've spoken to has described this community. not only as rural, but most of the residents there would have been in the words of this aid worker subsistence farmers that they would, their homes would have been instructed as they described it, with bush materials. so not necessarily very sturdy when the side of an entire mountain comes down and one question
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here is we don't even know what truly caused this massive disaster. was it a tremor in earthquake prone area? was it the large amount of rain? the fall, or perhaps a combined combination of both or as one geologist put it you add possible deforestation which would have made things more unstable as well the road to the disaster area also cut off by the landslide, which is added to the challenges and the complication of trying to come to the aid of the stricken community. >> mac. i haven't. watson. thank you for that grim update. now, more than 120 million people across the united states face the risk of severe weather in the coming hours. on this memorial day holiday. and more than the half 1 million homes and businesses are without power and the least 18 have died in force say that includes four children in cooke county, texas, where a tornado hit overnight. texas governor greg abbott visited one of the hardest hit cities in cook
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county on sunday to survey the destruction we will piece our lives back together, get back to business. we will families that there's only one thing that cannot be rebuilt. and that's the loss of life. that's why we always stress to everybody whatever you do in any type of storm put life first, protect life. that whatever call she can because life is irreplaceable and st. >> louis, missouri, a major league baseball game has delayed by nearly two hours due to the severe storms in the area, arkansas along the texas and oklahoma. one of the hardest hit states following last night's severe storms which killed at least eight people and prompted governor sarah huckabee's panders to declare a state of emergency the worst maybe far from over as well, large portions of the country are bracing for possible damage and destruction on this memorial day, which saw a near record number of travelers over the holiday weekend reported amy, kylie has the latest storm system
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responsible for a number of deaths over the weekend is putting more than 120 million people at risk of severe weather today that could make memorial day perilous for people trying to get home and vr others not going anywhere. >> also, i could say through the whole thing is i'm glad that we're alive. >> the national weather service says it issued a rare kind of tornado watch last night for parts of arkansas, illinois, kentucky, missouri, and tennessee. it indicates high confidence of at least ef2 strength and long-lived tornadoes. >> we have been blessed with an outpouring of people stopping by calling and texting and all the help we can get. >> the fatalities are largely from storms that hit arkansas and texas that gouin saturday night and yesterday morning, a two-year-old and three other juveniles are dead in the lone star state, texas across the state are saddened by the tragic loss of life. >> officials also report more than 100 weather-related injuries in texas.
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>> you see you see videos about tornadoes, you see people retelling them. just like how i'm retelling them now. but it's really one of the things you've now ever expect until it actually happens. >> i made me kylie reporting donald trump says he could have one libertarian endorsement if he wanted it based on what he describes as the enthusiasm showed him at the party's convention to be clear, this is the enthusiasm that he's describing those all boos mixed with some of the cheers as the former president took to the stage on saturday and washington, in fact, he faced heckling throughout his his relatively short 34 minute campaign speech, including when he tried to sell attendees with this approach the libertarian
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party should nominate trump for president of the united states only do that if you want to win. if you want to lose, don't do that keep getting your 3% every four years in fact chase, oliver, who got just over 2% of the vote when he ran for governor of georgia, won the nomination. >> he beat out both trump and independent candidate robert f. kennedy jr. meanwhile, we're nearing the end of trump's historic criminal hush money trial. closing arguments are set tuesday, starting with the former president's attorneys, followed by the prosecution. afterwards that the judge will instruct the members of the jury on the charges they must consider then they'll begin their deliberations lightly on wednesday trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up a payment to adult film star stormy daniels bills before the 2016 election. cnn spoke with one of
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his former attorney's attorneys on whether he believes trump's team is prepared for the possibility of a guilty verdict. >> i think so because it's a manhattan jury pool. i mean, the reality is that the numbers don't favor. i'm only taking three days and three-and-a-half days to pick a jury on something this high profile is very worrisome, even having a couple of attorneys on the jury could cut wildly in either direction. so i think there's probably a feeling of hey, elysium, but not of surrender. i mean, again, you can their stuff to attack in terms of whether the entries are even in false when it says legal services rendered. but beyond that, to go into cohen as the star witness is just you can make a lot of arguments that if you wouldn't buy a used car from this guy, you can't base a criminal verdict on him thomas gift is the founding director of the center on us politics at university college london. thank you so much for joining us on this public holiday here in the uk and in the us, of course, we're going into this probably be the final
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week when when do you think we would get a verdict? because i know it's hard to answer, this question the many people will be asking but great to see you, max, i do think that we could get a verdict as soon as this week, but it could be a couple of weeks. >> it ultimately just depends on how convinced the jury is or not of the facts that they've seen over the last few weeks. so could be just something that's very, very quick, but i expect that it's going to take more deliberation because they're 34 felony counts here. there's a lot for the jurors to go through, and so i don't think that it's going to be something that is immediate in terms of how these processes work. >> obviously, you're not a lawyer, you're not working on the case but what's the tree expected to consider that to be precise about the evidence which obviously trump's team was quite successful in knocking along the way or is it
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the overall picture that they come away with? >> well, i think that it's really details and the devil is in the details. he paces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records falsifying business records in new york state can be considered a misdemeanor. but essentially what you had was a democrat district attorney, alvin bragg, linking this to a federal campaign finance law. >> so it's all both going to be whether trump technically violated these different issues. of course you're going to be looking at it. the jury is going to be looking at it in the context of the entire case but they are going to have to go count by count and what's it mean for trump? >> if he wins or loses? mean how do you think it will affect his campaign well, max, i really do think that this trial is kind of background noise for most voters, it's not shaping public opinion very much as much as it's just reinforcing preexisting perceptions of trump. >> this was supposed to be a blockbuster trial with
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personalities and the salacious details and a president whose political future was on the line and some ways, it's actually delivered inside the courtroom with some of the drama. but i do think that it hasn't really captured the attention of americans. recent polling showed that just one in six voters were following the trial closely. and of course, those voters are the ones who are already most interested in politics and foreign most likely to happen their opinion on trump. i think of trump's guilty. his voters will frame it as a witch hunt if he's innocent, they'll frame it as an exoneration. and if it's a hung jury, it'll be met with him difference. so i'm not sure if it's going to fundamentally change the dynamics of this race. >> and what about stormy daniel's obviously so much of the focus is on donald trump, but do you think the american perception? let's have changed about her. how do you think this would affect her going forward well, i think that she's going to be eager to put this behind her. >> americans, i think whether it's michael cohen or stormy daniel's or any of the other personalities who actually stood on trial? i think people
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view it through the lens of partisan politics. obviously, there's a lot of hoopla, there's a lot of sort of bias in terms of that. so i'm not sure how it's going to affect perceptions of storm and daniel's my guess is that we're probably not going to be hearing much from her anyway, in terms of american politics. so most of the focus is gonna be on trump and he's seize opportunities, doesn't everywhere. >> what's the opportunity in this for him, even if he does get found guilty, is it that familiar argument that the mainstream or the establishment is out to get him what we have to recognize that trump is not a typical politician, whether that's the cult of personality or something else. he's really not damaged by misconduct the way that other elected officials are. i think in large part that's because trump is able to effectively leveraged this grant. a grievance politics. there have been so many scandals, big scandals, small scandals, medium-sized scandals, everything from the access hollywood tape to multiple impeachments. voters really knew what they were getting with trump day, know
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what they're getting with trump at now. and there's been ample opportunity for public and to distance themselves from his unethical behavior. but the maga base is stuck with him. he's been able to effectively frame this as a witch hunt. and i don't expect that we're going to be anything different here than what we've seen with every other scandal that trump has encountered all the cases coming up. >> this there are others, obviously, which you think should be more concerning to him i do max, i think timing wise trump really couldn't have asked for more and having this case first, it was always substantively the weakest. i think it was a bit of a stretch for the district attorney to put this into a federal case. prosecution's case base is predicated almost entirely on the testimony of michael cohen, who's since essentially admitted to larceny. and then there are all these questions that the jury is going to have to sift through about whether the hush money was paid to shield trump's family from the allegations to deflect criticism on the campaign trail
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or both. i think regardless of whether you think trump is guilty or not, it's a complex case. it's not a slam dunk and i think whenever you look at some of the other cases, georgia case where trump is actually on recording saying, find me so many more votes, or what january 6, where americans conceive very vividly all the events that unfolded. this is just a little bit more ambiguous i think trump is exploiting that ambiguity to his political benefit. >> okay lots most cover, but we'll be coming back to thomas gift. thank you so much. up next. so what israel is saying about a deadly strike on the southern gaza city? but rather we'll have a live report for you just ahead. plus another harrowing ordeal for passengers as turbulence hits, a qatar airways flight. this time, we'll look at why these incidents appear to be the on the rise and what's causing them later despite an hours-long rain delay, racing fans were treated to a thrilling finish. at the indianapolis 500 how do i love
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redefining insurance how far would you go? >> does that the ambiance of your space, try the air wick way with air essential miss infused with natural essential oils, to fill your little bit with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days now, that's a breath of fresh air wacc long after guests leave viruses and bacteria lingers. air fresheners at ascent, but only lysol air sanitizer helps erase the trace eliminating odor and killing 99.9% of viruses and bacteria in the air sent can't sanitizer lysol can what is circle? surplus, appeal to take flight circle is the energy that gets you to the next level circled is which holt for life tosses limited way so available at walmart and drinks the gaza health ministry says at least 35 people have been killed in an israeli strike in the southern
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city of rafah, gaza officials say the strike hit a camp filled with tense for those displaced by the war and caused a fire that left many people injured with burns. the israeli military claims it was targeting a hamas compound and killed two senior hamas officials. that has been looking at that, but particularly the video and you're unable to show most of it. >> absolutely some of the video that we have de and coming out of the strike in rafah had simply too graphic to distressing to show it as some of the most horrifying video i have personally seen over the last seven months of covering this war, as you mentioned, at least 35 people killed, dozens more have been injured following the strike around the teller sultan neighborhood in rafah. this is an area which was known to be filled with civilians who had been sheltering in these tents, as we know, more than 1 million people were displaced to the southern city of rafah per the orders of the israeli military, who told civilians to move south. as we saw in the last few weeks, they have been
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evacuation orders from the israeli military telling people in parts of eastern to evacuate towards the coastal area of gaza. but this was not one of those neighborhoods that came under an evacuation order. this was supposed to be a safe zone for civilians. clearly, that is not the case. we've heard from the health ministry saying that there are no hospitals left with capacity to treat all those injured and all the casualties. we've heard from me as national committee for the red cross. they've said that they've seen an influx of patients with severe burns. it is a deeply distressing situation. now, as you mentioned, the israeli military has said that it struck what it has described as hamas compound. they said they killed two senior hamas leaders. but as we know, this wasn't area densely populated with civilians, including women and children who are among the casualties. the doctors without borders organization has said, it is horrified by what took place yesterday. again reiterating it's cool for a ceasefire and we have heard for the criticism from both the palestinian authority and hamas, not only of the israeli government and military, but also crucially of the united
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states who they say have facilitated israel's actions in rafah, despite the fact that we saw the icj ruling is that it last week ordering israel not to push for that then in sort of military offensive in there for i mean, that's what's happening on the ground. obviously, that's also exactly what the americans and other allies have been saying. they're worried about, isn't it the fact that there's a targeted operation, but it's not targeted effectively enough because so many civilians are being caught up in it. >> yeah, absolutely. and we did hear from president biden, he told cnn and in that if israel does plan to go into rafah, if indeed that does take place, then the us will not be supplying the weapons for that. whether this counts as a red line for biden, whether we see tougher action from the us administration remains to be seen. of course, we haven't seen that full scale ground offensive, but we are now seeing these civilian areas, these shut tents, these shelters established for those displaced in gaza, for those civilians, being targeted and
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struck by shelling and airstrikes. so this could be a red line for the us, but that remains to be seen. >> i just quickly any hope for ceasefire talks, amendment talks continued to store. we are expecting to whereas resume in cairo on tuesday, but again, that back-and-forth is ongoing. we've heard again from the israeli prime minister netanyahu saying that they will not accept any sort of deal that calls for a full withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza, that calls for a full ceasefire until they have succeeded in eradicating hamas. but of course, hamas continues to push for that full withdrawal role. at this stage, it seems those talks continued to stall despite official segment, there has been some progress. >> okay. nada bashir. thank you at least 16 people are dead after russia bond a crowded hardware store in kharkiv on saturday. but that number could still rise we have new video from inside the store, but a warning, it is disturbing officials have said there were nearly 200 people in the building when it was hit. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy says, hundreds of first responders rush to the
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scene after saturday's attack. the remains of ten people have been identified, but eight others are still missing, leaving some family committee members desperate for answers through my papa, i'm looking for my mother and sister, my dad managed to crawl to the other side. >> i was in the toilet. i came out a minute later and there was fire everywhere i think it was impossible to survive there. they were laying there almost deserts. he gave his condolences to those who lost loved ones. he also urged the us and china to attend a peace summit in switzerland next month to president biden the leader of the united states. and to president xi, the leader of china we do not want the un charter to be burned down just like these books. >> and i hope you don't want to either please show your
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leadership in advancing the peace. >> the real peace. not just a pause between the strikes slutsky went on to say that more than 80 countries have already agreed to attend the summit now, three asian powers held their first summer ten years on monday will tell you about the meeting between the leaders of japan, south korea, and china ahead in a live report and it was a chaotic start to the monaco grand prix. with the race ended with one driver finally winning on home grounds details thanks i'm
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make. >> decisions. you won't physicians, mutual. >> i'm evan perez and washington. and this is cnn what about sin and use? you my max false if you're just joining us here, are some of today's top stories. >> the death toll from last week's massive landslide in papua new guinea now appears far worse than initially feared. an emergency official says up to 2000 people were buried alive under mud and debris rescue efforts are ongoing in the remote region with a landslide occurred more than 120 million people across the us facing the threat of severe weather in the coming hours. this follows an outbreak of deadly tornadoes over the weekend and us president joe biden will take part in several
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memorial day ceremonies throughout the day. that includes laying a wreath of the tube of the unknown soldier in arlington national the cemetery us house foreign affairs committee chairman michael mecole, and a bipartisan delegation of lawmakers arrived in taiwan on sunday. the sixth congress members are set to meet with taiwan's new president, who was inaugurated last week. lai ching-te has been rebuked as a dangerous by separately this by beijing here's election triggered the largest military exercises and more than a year, around the self-governing ireland, china saying that show of force was designed to test its ability to seize power. leaders from china, japan, and south korea wrapped up their trilateral summit in the last few hours as chinese president premier li chang and japanese prime minister fumio kishida and south korean president yoon suk yeol held talks in seoul aimed at boosting dialogue, trade,
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and mutual cooperation the three nations haven't held this kind of meeting and more than four years cnn's mike valeriia has been following developments and joins us live from hong kong and you've been noting how positive actually the messages were coming out of this. meeting max, that's right. >> i think that all the three liters here are certainly trying to strike an optimistic cord since the last time we talked to you, max, over the past hour, we've been reading through the joint statement issued by all three countries, and i'm struck by how they want to have this summit on the rag. they want to make this a regular occurrence in the name of promoting stability when tensions here in asia are so high. and that really max is the point of this summit here to minimize the chances of miscommunication. to minimize the chances of misunderstanding or any sort of escalator, escalatory incident that could unfold through a confrontation from any of of these three
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nations. so it's certainly striking that the leaders of all three nations are present use suk yeol from south korea, prime minister kishida from japan, and premier chung from, from china think that they need to speak at a senior level and certainly testing that and the need for cooperation it was north korea as soon as this summit started, max north korea signal that it would be launching what eight calls a new satellite between now and next tuesday. so on that front here is the japanese prime minister kishida speaking about that. listen bam last night, north korea, once again gave notice of its intention to launch another satellite. but even if it were to successfully launch it, it would be a breach of united nations resolutions. and we strongly urge north korea to cancel so i know that diplomatic summits max, are certainly hard to read, but in terms of the deliverables already, china and south korea
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are scheduling high-level diplomatic talks and security talks for the middle of next year. >> and that certainly is a concrete step in terms of regional stability, the country's also agreeing to strengthen free trade and come up with a new free trade framework between south korea, china, and japan. so it's little steps max that hopefully can lead to something bigger. no real policy reversed missiles or breakthroughs, but certainly encouraging, again, when tensions are so high the very sensitive issue of taiwan, did that come up yeah, i did. >> the japanese prime minister brought it up specifically with the premier of china and they talked about it late last night. >> the japanese government said et no country can utilize utterly challenged the status quo. >> so that of course, is squarely aimed at china, as we have this us delegation that we're talking about. >> a few minutes visiting the island. so again, the name of
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the game here is stability keeping the status quo, bringing tensions down that certainly he seems to be what japan is conveying here, max okay, mike, in hong kong really appreciate that. >> thank you. can't airway says it'll investigators turbulence incident on a flight from doha to dublin which injured a dozen people. eight were taken to hospital when they landed in the irish capital on sunday. the flights ran into turbulence every turkey, but it's unclear exactly what caused it. this comes less than a week after more than 100 passengers were injured and a man died of a suspected heart attack. when a singapore airlines flight encountered severe turbulence, serve has been looking at this from berlin. first of all, just explain what happened here yeah, it's, it's not uncommon for error aeroplanes, two encountered turbulence. >> what is more rare is the fact that two incidents like this have happened in the space of a week that first flight, you were over 100 people were injured on one person died between london and singapore
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had to be diverted to bangkok. this new incident, a qatar airways flight this time between doha and dublin had far fewer injuries, but nevertheless injuries all the same. 12 people in total, eight of them had to be had to be hospitalized. but this flight didn't divert. it landed a pretty much on schedule actually. but what was interesting is having heard from the people who were onboard that fly is that it happened very suddenly and it didn't last that long. we're talking between 15 to 25 seconds and it happened somewhere over turkey. and that was around four hours before the flight was due to land. and it appeared to happen during a meal service where you may expect people not to be wearing their seat belts as vociferously as they would be on take-off or landing and appears to be if you have encountered turbulence like that, not wearing your seat belt is going to affect you more than other times. but also vaccine. this is this appears to be a more common trend and a
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study done by a university in the uk suggested that with global warming increasingly becoming an issue that we're seeing in our day-to-day lives turbulence may well become a more common phenomena that we start to feel in airline travel. it may increase by two to three times. to what we're already experiencing, which poses a dilemma to the airlines themselves. how do they keep their passengers comfortable on these, on these journeys, short haul or long-haul. and how do they how do they counteract it? there is almost no way to counter clear-air turbulence or less the plane in front of you it tells you about it and often the fluctuations in airflow and pressure you can't tell when that's going to hit. it's very different to flying through a cloud, for example, where you may expect there to be to be turbulence, but what it is doing is whether you are an anxious flyer or not, it does create now seeping into your
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into the psyche of what is this turbulence going to do and what is going to happen? and it, and it creates a degree of uncertainty for, for travelers i was on a flight yesterday and there were a few lumps and bumps and that moment where you're stomach lurches into your chest? is an unpleasant one, but it creates it does create a little feeling of anxiousness amongst flyers. max? yeah, absolutely. >> in berlin. thank you taiwan working on an ambitious plans, create a new satellite system to keep people online in case of a disaster the self-governing ireland currently relies on a series of vulnerable under cables for us communications. senior international correspondent will ripley has more on the problem and taiwan's proposed solution deep beneath the waters around taiwan are fragile digital lifeline. >> some call shockingly vulnerable to a chinese his attack 15 undersea internet cables connecting taiwan to the
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rest of the world, vital strategic assets. and potential military targets cut the cables, you cut off the internet, plunging 24 million people into digital darkness, leaving this island democracy dangerously exposed elon musk spent years and billions developing starlink using low orbit communication satellites to provide high-speed internet. >> here in taiwan, people have plenty of reasons to doubt the reliability of starlink. >> elon musk controls it and he has deep business ties with china in september, musk made comments seen as signing with beijing over taipei the policy has been to serve re reunites psi firewall of china from this end point. >> maybe this valgus to like hawaii, taiwan's foreign minister quickly fired back
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posting on musk's x platform listen up. >> taiwan is not part of the people's republic of china, and certainly not for sale. >> three two to protect itself taiwan is turning to space, investing billions to develop and launch its own low orbit communication satellites to ensure uninterrupted internet connectivity in times of crisis a program spearheaded by ooh zhong xin, director general of tasa taiwan's space agency, the communication center ai is very important for our communication resilience during urgent periods starlink, developed by spacex crucial in conflict zone like ukraine and gaza. tasa is racing to develop a similar system in space. the satellite you're developing, if the internet or the communication lines were cut and taiwan could go into the dark, right? now, write out this. yeah, i think so, so it has very important for us we
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take it very, very serious, chilling case study of taiwan's digital vulnerability on its outlying matsu island's last year taipei accused to chinese ships of severing underwater cables without providing direct evidence. >> the only backup sluggish microwave radio transmission calls dropped, texting, took hours. online videos on watchable taiwan is cooperating with nasa in the us excelled grading its space program in the face of rising threats, china is rising up in space. for example, have this political difficulty in traditional, as you know, but in space there's no country. the vision, or there's no boundary and back on earth, rising cross-strait tensions adding urgency to taiwan's space race will ripley cnn, taipei form a soap opera star,
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is murdered in los angeles, was trying to stop thieves details on the fatal attack after the break check. we hear nothing but space shuttle accidents usually not one thing. it's a series is that part of the wing coming apart space shuttle columbia, the final flight now streaming on max its terms de, but neutrogena, ultra your sunscreen is still on the clock. >> vital sun protection goes six layers deep, blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it's light, but it's working hard he liked me neutrogena, ultra your sunscreen how far would you go? >> does that the ambiance of your space, try the air wick way with airway essential missed, infused with natural essential oils to fill your low bit with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days now that's a breath of fresh air wick. >> what is circle? circle is which hope hopeful line toss limited way so-called digital
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and ask about the bosley guarantee i'm not the best known for his role in daytime soap opera general hospital was fatally shot in los angeles on saturday 37 year-old johnny wactor died after interrupting thieves who were trying to steal the catalytic converter from his car his mother told cnn affiliate kabc, as son was leaving work when he saw what he thought was his car being towed, he approached one of the suspects who opened fire the three suspects drove off back. >> there, was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead or affiliate reports that police haven't yet arrested anyone six people were stabbed in separate attacks in massachusetts. and please say they'll likely connected four young girls were attacked at a movie theater before to other people were stabbed at a mcdonald's. in ends. polo
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sandoval has details well, this weekend, police releasing limited information about this series of stabbings, but still enough to help us build a timeline, albeit a disturbing one, that paints a clearer picture of the events from saturday, police said that all started at 6:00 p.m. on saturday the one a suspect without a ticket walked into a movie theater into town of braintree, massachusetts, which is about 30 miles south of boston. >> police say he proceeded to to stab four young females, their ages ranging from nine to 17 years old. their injuries non-life-threatening. so they're expected to survive here. police say that this seemed to be an unprovoked attack that without saying anything, without any warning at the suspect and started stabbing these young women and then fled it was a short time later that police say that he made his way to plymouth, massachusetts it's where he stabbed two additional individuals, a man and a woman, each in their 20s. they also suffered non-life-threatening
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injuries. and then he tried to lee the suspect, did police then engage that suspect and a chase which ended in a crash and ultimately, they were able to detain that suspect should mention though, that there is no specific if a board on any possible motive, they are still investigating. we should also mention that police in deep river, connecticut on saturday also investigating a homicide after they located a body while responding to a call of a disturbance police there and connecticut will only say that they're suspect was arrested in massachusetts, but they stopped short of directly linking it to those two other stab so still a lot of information here that should be coming up, coming forward from investigators, but at least we do have enough to understand that series of events of two provoke stabbings at a movie theater. and also at a fast food restaurant over the holiday weekend. polo sandoval, cnn new york the parents saw pro golfer grayson murray have confirmed their son died by
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suicide. >> the pga tour announced murray's death on saturday. our team drew from a tournament in texas don riddell has more they were trying to play golf on the pga tour in dallas this weekend, but it was so very difficult after the news that one of the men who had been playing in the tournament had taken his own life on sunday, grayson mary's parents, eric and terry, released a statement through the pga tour, and their shock and heartbreak was just palpable. >> they said, quote, we have spent the last 24 hours trying to come to terms with the fact that our son is gone. it's surreal that we not only have to admit it to ourselves, but that we also have to acknowledge it to the world. it's a nightmare life wasn't always easy for grayson. they went on and although he took his own life we know he rests peacefully now. please, honor, grace. and by being kind to one another, if that becomes his legacy, we could ask for nothing else. grayson murray was just 30 years old, a talented golfer who publicly battled his demons when he was
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22 here and his pga tour card and quickly won his first pga tour event just a few weeks later. he later said that such rapid success was both a blessing and a curse. despite his phenomenal talent, he struggled both on and off the course with anxiety, mental health issues, and alcohol abuse but he never tried to hide his challenges from the world everyone has the rattles and sometimes they're people are able to hide them and function and some times so you're not and i think our society now is getting better about accepting that. >> it's okay to not be okay. type deal and had brace that type mentality and not ashamed that i go through depression, anxiety, and i know i've helped people out in the past just through my social media dmz, people message me in i think part of i can use by platform
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to do, to continue to help with things like that in recent times, grayson seems to be getting better. >> he returned to the pga tour this year. and in january. he want again the sony open in hawaii is sudden death has absolutely stunned the hole golf community. i'm one of his playing partners in dallas, peter malnati tried to find the worst that describe how so many of feeling so funny. >> we get so worked up out here about a bad break here. good break there. >> look hey, so hard to imagine how anybody could play on after something like this pga tour, commissioner jay monahan says that grief counselors were made available to the players and staff, and many of the players on sunday wore red and black ribbons. >> to remember grayson, those other colors, he used to wear
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on sundays because of his love of the carolina hurricanes ice hockey team. surely going to be some time before they can all process and make sense of such an utterly sad and tragic loss. back to you. >> well, if you know someone considering suicide or is in crisis please. please do seek out some help and many countries have lifelines and resources available for that will be right back writer team wider teeth in just two weeks, guaranteed. if male actors, my teeth are the widest, they have ever been. my teeth are sensitive i'm most at-home whitening kit made my teeth hurt. >> mile active is designed to whiten teeth without causing painful sensitivity using file actives couldn't be any easier. just add smile actives, whitening gel to your favorite toothpaste and then brush like normal morning and night smile
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range shorten coca-cola 600 at the charlotte motor speedway in north carolina. last night's race was called early with just over 150 laps to go to inclement weather and high humidity and nascar said, this marks bells second victory of the season and the eighth of his career, republican presidential candidate donald trump attended the race north carolina could be a key state and this year's presidential election. and the indianapolis 500 may have started late, but the ending was no less 30 shows if newgarden won the prestigious race on sunday for the second straight year he made a stunning pass on the final lap to take the victory by about three tenths of a second. the start of the race was delayed by for hours du to extreme weather. organises had to pause the pre-race festivities and evacuated fans until the reign past some attract could be dried as well
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the pbs national memorial day concert took place on the west lawn of the us capitol on sunday night. a host of performers and celebrities took part in the annual event, which bills itself as a national night of rebel the concert honore us service members, their families, and all those who gave their lives for their country is showing me here on cnn newsroom imax also in london. cnn this morning because up after the break russia is we're trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them. >> this is a secret, war. secrets and spies from your sunday at ten now, adt
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