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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 27, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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don't even have worst put in inside my house that thank you enough auto. >> repeat back what you did. >> now, nearly 19 years after their life altering and counter honore time to celebrate the boy's achievement if facially referred to you as the katrina twins, because the world got to meet you that b. >> but your mariana mari after a lifetime made possible by the man in uniform are honouring honore each in his own way, who would first tamari and things see you. >> i'll be a future edition to the united states marine corps you got to learn how to say that word, who robbed. i chose to be in a marine's because how watched over the video and i kept watching and inspired me to want to help people a lot more than jamal murray. >> i would like. thank you so much for your bravery, your help. that were survive. >> i'm going to come blanche to do automotive engineering. >> how do you feel hearing that
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these two young men are pursuing these careers that have been inspired in part by you i feel so ratify. >> i mean, there's no greater service and the service to others the engineer that will change your world and the marine that's going to help protect freedom and democracy the twins now thriving after surviving hell and high water, thanks to an undeterred mother here today because he knew. >> and your tenacity and a compassionate commander that these young men will be game changers. i'm so proud of you god's agent was a perfect way describing general honore, a great story are thanks to stephanie eelam well new our of cnn news central starts right now tornadoes, large hail and damaging winds it's all part of
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the deadly, severe storms that have killed at least 19 people. >> and it's not over yet, millions more are now in the path of severe weather man under arrest i could have stabbing at least six people in massachusetts, including four girls at a movie theater, will have the latest on the investigation straight ahead, plus another case of terrifying term the lint and drink a dozen passengers this time on a qatar airways flight. what passengers were saying this morning? i'm a hell salma when bianna golodryga. and this cnn new central this morning, the death toll is rising after multiple tornadoes strike the central us and millions more americans are now on alert as the deadly storm system some had seats, at least 19 people are now dead, including four children after the violent storm outbreak lash four states widespread damage now being seen across texas,
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oklahoma, arkansas, and kentucky. >> in kentucky, brand new video is showing one reported tornado as it struck near edible overnight. one couple's home taking a direct hit yeah. >> how about we don't blow the door open still, no. >> or i'd put on there reinforced it so let zones it's. >> awful actually every time but at least my dogs. okay. my husband. okay the storms are not. >> done more than 120 million people today are facing a severe risk. cnn's adloun lab bandera standing by, but first meteorologist derek van dam is tracking the latest out of kentucky where the threat is the greatest right now, derek, what can we expect to see in the minutes and hours to come? >> interesting side story about that couple that was just on our tv screens moment ago from kentucky, they actually built a storm shelter because of a
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previous tornado that move through that region in december of 2021. so now to see another intense tornado move across the same area, being saved by that very tornadoes delta that they built. because of december 2021 storms. now this is the threat today it encompasses 120 million americans. the reason that population density is so high, it includes places like new york, dc all the way to philadelphia, stretching into atlanta, where a few tornadoes, damaging wind gusts and large hail are all possible. here's another look at that hopkins county dawson springs, kentucky tornado. this occurred again late last night, and you can see that the most customers without power are across the state of kentucky, but this is new to cnn. we're starting to see an uptick in numbers across alabama as well as a round of severe weather went through early this morning. this is all part of this larger storm system that has just rocked the us through this extended holiday periods. so new right
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now, we have a newly issued thunderstorm watch that is across central, georgia and into south carolina. this includes the atlanta metropolitan region where some rough weather is causing ground stops and ground delays at atlanta's hartsfield-jackson international airport. this is valid until about 2:00 p.m. you can see that line of training storms right across interstate 20 is 75 is going to be backlog today as people traveled north and south for this memorial day, you can see a few severe thunderstorm warnings, but no tornado warnings. that's the good news, but all that said this map is littered with severe weather reports from the weekend over 1,000 and counting as the system departs off the east coast today, we're going to recycle with a whole new storm system that will bring another round of severe weather tomorrow across the state of texas. they're already dealing with heat wave. that's impacting the central parts of the state this as well, bianna, a massive storm system impacting such a large part of the country. thank you so much, derek van dam, let's bring in
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cnn's ed lavandera, who is surveying the damage in texas and ed, as we heard there from derek and other system coming in and as residents, they're gonna be going and sifting through the rubble there. they're going to be dealing with massive heat as well oh, yeah, it's actually feels pretty good right now beyond it, but that is going to change drastically or in the hours ahead. >> and this is the aftermath that so many people here near the city of valley view and texas north of denton, texas are dealing with this morning the intensity of the storm was just simply ferocious. the national weather service says it was an ef-2 tornado that ripped through here with winds of up to 135 miles per hour. and this is the devastation and the what is left behind when a storm of that magnitude kind of rips through a neighborhood like this. and you just see a pile of cars here for cars and trucks but piled up against one another. but we have seen dozens of homes and residents who have spent the last 24
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hours cleaning up, essentially just starting to build piles of debris that will have to be hauled away. so it's been a very intense time here emergency officials say in this area of valley view, there were seven people who were killed. brianna, including four children and one of those was a mother who was with her two children. then there was a five-year-old and a two-year-old who were found. the sheriff told me, said they had they had found rescue teams, had found them in a field around here on atv machines. so just horrific stories that came out of this storm and many of the residents, we said that we had spoken to i'm trying to desperately figure out a way to protect themselves in a nearby convenience store. there were more than 100 people gathered inside walls collapsed. they had to be rescued out of there as well. so it's just a simply a devastating storm that we've seen rip through here in darkness on saturday night and treacherous seen in the cleanup continues here today. the ana
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just unimaginable destruction as we're looking at these images right now. >> and so heartbreaking to hear that among the victims are children as well, 11 dara. thank you for hell beyond in massachusetts, four girls are stopped and a movie theater. >> the suspect is now in custody and we have the latest details and what are these attacks may be connected to a murder? in another stage a former daytime soap actor is killed. police said that he was trying to stop dvz from stealing part of his car when he was shot to death? and closing arguments set for tomorrow and donald trump's hush money trial. we'll have a look at the last minute, perhaps for both sides the very back simons are going off and playing the tornado here. i'm thinking going to die. and i thought that was it. >> one when earth with liev schreiber premiere sunday at nine on cnn. >> you found it the feeling of
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the testimony has ended, but it's not over yet before the jury gets the final say. prosecutors trump's defense team get the final word, live coverage of closing arguments in the trump hush money trial tomorrow at nine eastern welcome back. >> after more than five weeks of dramatic turns, closing arguments are set to begin in donald trump's criminal hush money trial tomorrow. >> jurors have heard from 20 witnesses called to the stand byproducts peters, and two witnesses called by defense attorneys. >> now, tomorrow, prosecutors will again try to connect the dots and make it clear to jurors that they say that trump should be convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records. let's bring back cnn's kaitlan, poland's to explain what we can expect tomorrow. kaitlan rahel, it's going to be a full day in court for jurors to listen to the defense, give their closing arguments, and then the prosecutors give their closing arguments. >> this is the final act of this trial in its seventh week, the first criminal trial
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against the former president in this case, prosecutors there's are going to be pointing out to the jurors that they have seen all of those transactions of money to pay off stormy daniels to keep her quiet in the 2016 election and the prosecutors are going to try and convince the jury that they have proved beyond a reasonable doubt that donald trump wanted to hide those payments because of his political campaign in 2016. >> now the defense sayyed when they give their closing summation, they're going to be arguing that the case hasn't been proven that there just isn't enough evidence beyond circumstantial evidence. and then what michael cohen, donald trump's former lawyer, was saying on the witness stand the proved beyond a reasonable doubt, the donald trump had criminal intent to hide those payments to michael cohen to reimburse him for stormy daniels and the donald trump had the intent to help his campaign. what they say is a campaign finance violation. all
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of that comes together in these closing summations. they could go all day because there aren't any specific time limits on how long each side will present. there's not going to be a rebuttal, so it's the defense and then it's the prosecutors and then the judge instructs the jury, lays out for them what their job will be in deliberations and the standards under the law that they will have to find in order to convict or acquit the former president. remember there's two attorneys on that jury. jury deliberations. once the jury is instructed, we'll go for however long it takes. we expect that to begin on wednesday. rahel with jury instructions, according to some legal observers, already really critical part of this process. limpopo landslide by force and washington, caitlin, thank you. donald trump also facing in on friendly crowd as he courts the libertarian convention for their support will show you who the party did pick for their ballot. we now have images of the suspect in a disturbing stabbing spree that's spread
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from a movie theater to a fast food restaurant. what we know about the four girls hurt in the attack, i'll do right back at morgan stanley old school, hard work meets bold new thinking to help you see he untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you to make them real you got better things to do than clean out clog gutters calling filter today, and never clean out clog gutters again, we filters technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed colleague three, three lee filter today or physically power e trades award winning trading app makes trading easier with it's customizable options chain, easy to use tools and pay for trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. >> e-trade from morgan stanley power. ea trades easy to use tools make complex trading less
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rec we won one series dallas stars gain three of the western conference final presented by geico. coverage begins tonight, a sudden 30 on tnt this morning, a suspect is in custody after to stabbing incidents. police say are likely connected. four young girls were stabbed at a movie theatre in braintree saturday night, just an hour later, two others were stabbed at a plymouth mcdonalds cnn's joins, joins me now, you know what
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more we learning about these two horrific incidents good morning, bianna. >> a scary incidents occurring in massachusetts over the weekend. >> please say these four girls between the ages of nine and 17 were attacked without warning, unprovoked at this amc movie theatre in braintree. >> they were taken to the hospital with non-life-threaten ing injuries and are being treated. there at hospitals in the boston area. are affiliate wbz spoke with a witness. here's what he had to say. that person had to say call it a quick glimpse like a guy like he ran into a du number two and apparently established apparently he's sad, but a couple of little girls their notes, excuse me, in a large tree and over so it's trench coat sunglasses a long blonde wig so very, very frightening. about an hour later, a 21 year-old woman and a 29 year-old man were stabbed at a mcdonald's in plymouth, which is about a half hour drive south of braintree. they were also taken to hospital with
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non-life threatening injuries. now, a suspect in the mcdonald's stabbings, 26 year-old jared ravid saw was arrested 15 minutes after fleeing the scene. he's now facing multiple charges according to plymouth county district attorney's office, including assault with intent to murder, and two counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. he was also being treated at a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries and is expected to appear in court on tuesday. but some of the details of this incident are really frightening. prosecutors allege rebates are arrived at the scene of the mcdonald's stabbings in a black porsche mechan suv. this was similar to a vehicle that had been seen at the site of the moon the theater surveillance footage from the mcdonald's appears to show reveal reach are the drive-through window and stab the male victim with a large knife. then the video shows this aspect, park his car enter the restaurant and stabbed the female victim before fleeing in the car police said that while the two attacks happened about an hour apart, it appears for is as though the crimes are related preliminary investigation is showing that,
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but this investigation is active and ongoing according to state and local police meanwhile, there was more violence in connecticut. state police there say a suspect linked to a death in the town of deep river has been taken into custody in massachusetts. now, police in neither state have confirmed whether the connecticut death investigation was connected to these stabbings in massachusetts, but still a series of scary events occurring the weekend. we following this closely for us, theta jones. thank you so much. >> we're hell well now, sorry, excuse me. >> a new and frightening story of mid-flight turbulence that injured a dozen passengers. and since several to the hospital and round after round of severe storms leaves many people facing dangerous heat without any electricity the oxidase new album is breaking records gets
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to hire it. >> was a busy. weekend for donald trump making a campaign stop to try to court libertarian voters. he gave one of his shortest campaign speeches to date at the libertarian national convention on saturday. and after he walked on stage to mix of boos and cheers he spoke for just 34 minutes. cnn's steve contorno was at the convention as steve. first of all, why was even critical for the former president to win over this crowd will be on donald trump has his campaign. there's an intensifying urgency over some of these interests that's lingering and throughout the country for third-party candidates his campaign has been working aggressively to try to stave off this energy for third-party candidates, especially robert f. kennedy jr. and that is why he made this track to washington, dc to speak to this convention. i have to tell you, i have been attending trump campaign events since 2015. i have not
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experienced one quite like this take a listen to the reception he received from this crowd we want libertarian votes because you stand for what we stand for. >> if we unite, we are unstoppable i will be a true friend to libertarians in the white house the libertarian party should nominate trump for president of the united states. >> no surprise, the libertarian party did not nominate trump for presidents. in fact, he didn't even appear on the ballot. he says that he never wanted to and the party says that it was he never submitted the paperwork and said that distinction will go to chase oliver. he was a us senate candidate in georgia on the libertarian ticket, got about 2% of the vote and was potentially a spoiler. and one of the runoff races there. so but but donald trump's outreach was not necessarily well received as you heard in
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those boos and talking to people at the convention people who, who got the nominee and oliver himself. they said that looked donald trump may be saying things that sound good to libertarians now. but why didn't he do those things when he was in office? >> yeah. and not the reception the former president is used are getting at all. >> you mentioned rfk jr. and trump attacked him and that truth social post, as well. talk more about the increased concern that we're seeing from the former president with regards to rfk's candidate let's see here yeah rfk jr. in donald trump's sort of trading attacks through, through social media over the weekend and rfk jr. also addressed the convention on friday night, and he is he was not attempting to be the libertarian party's nominee, but he has been aggressively courting their support as well, and he has some people who have been interested in him in some of these states is that is a concern to trump particularly
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in the swing states that are going to be decided by just tens of thousands of votes. and so you are seeing a more aggressive posture by trump towards rfk because they believed that while some of rfk support is going to come potentially from biden, it could be coming from him as well. >> yeah. concern from both the biden camp and the trump cramp increasingly about the role of rfk jr. in this election as steve contorno. thank you. >> were hell. >> all right. let's discuss this further. joining me now, is republican strategist for maital singleton. and democratic strategists, joe trippy. good to see you both. joe, let me start with you. we just heard from steve contorno for unknown his reporting there that this appearance by trump signals the campaign's concern about third-party candidates. he called it an intensifying urgency within the camp. >> what do you make of that? >> look the trump campaign i think really messed up by going out there this was not his
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reese libertarian candidate. we've had since the party was formed in 1971 he? got six right in boats five more write-in votes than porn star stormy daniel's got because she got one right invoked. so this is like it's not going to fly for him. what he is worried about. i agree is rfk junior, who now is relegated to being a spoiler, the region he isn't it? as he only on an eight states, he needed the libertarian nomination to be to get the access to 46, 47 states. they won't even be on 50 states this year, which means he won't be able to get 270 electoral votes and be illegitimate candidate for president he will be relegated to spoiler status given his failure i think he got 19 votes at this thing and the only win was tastes oliver, who it's the first time i think that the nomination for the libertarian party has been spoken about on
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cable tv news it since maybe 2016 let me, let me switch gears here. >> from michael, republican congressman byron donalds defending his appearance and trump's rally in the bronx after msnbc hosts joy reid's, she shared her thoughts. so i'm going to play for you what she said, and then his response and we'll discuss that guy. >> the one black guy that republicans love to roll out as fake proof that black people, the blacks are just maga, their mega it's a joke just because i have a different viewpoint different way of looking at the world, different politics. now, all of a sudden i'm being used. you can make an argument that emits msnbc's using her, but i'm a move on. the rally in the bronx was amazing. >> okay. so let's put this in context. so then 2020 election results according to cnn exit polls, biden received 87% of the black vote, trump 12%. sure. michael, your response to the exchange we just saw? >> regret. i know jewelry personally. i knew the
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congressman personally, so i want to try to be careful with this raw hail but you know, look, i don't think anyone could really deny the facts that from 2016 to 2020, you did see a 4% increase with black men for donald trump in many individuals, republican strategists and even some democratic strategist believe it's very well possible for the former president to at least get 14 of 15% potentially. this november, i think african american people, just like any other demographic group in this country are not monolithic. and people should have the ability to showcase their political leanings by their vote with whomever they ultimately decide to choose this, this november. so again, i get the point, but but i think we should just be more open-minded to how people of color think broadly speaking well, while speaking of the point joe, i want, i want to show for you something that democratic strategist james carville said coming after the biden campaign saying, we keep
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wondering why these young people are not coming home to the democrats. >> why are blacks not coming home to the democrats? because democrat messaging is full of bleep that's why does the party have a messaging problem when it comes to people of color, when it comes to young people, this time around look, i think the contrast will become clear as we get closer to the election. lot of people aren't really paying a lot of attention right now. and i do think the trump campaign has been reaching out and doing events and things and making the case, trying to make the case, but eventually it's going to get to how does he marry the white supremacy and the, and the white christian nationalists in his base with trump and his now basic agenda to put, stop and frisk, make that a priority. and a mandatory for federal funding
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and other things. and it government that are going to impact these, these these communities house he square that and that contrast will be very difficult for him to hold between now and november and last time in 2020, we had a similar thing where a lot of the democratic base voters, there was, there were softness there, but they all came back as that contrast between trump and biden became clearer and more intense as she got closer to election day. i don't not saying that biden will necessarily get back to that at 87 are or the peak number for for him, but he's going to gain i think that when we're in a dead heat right now, the games with blacks, latinos, young people, then this things over and donald trump's in big trouble. i think that's why you see him trying to do this outreach to the black community? >> yeah. sure. michael, i want you to comment on this, too, because to be fair, i mean, we are seeing biden also try to reach these same communities
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you think about his commencement at morehouse, you think about his ad spent on different different radio stations around the country. and yet it doesn't seem to be showing up, at least not yet in the polls. i mean, what isn't he getting? do you think? >> yeah. i mean, look, i think a lot of young voters are incredibly concerned and frankly angry about what they're seeing in the middle east and the treatment of the palestinian people with the conflict between israel and hamas. i think a lot of younger people are concerned about graduating college and not been able to afford rent because most departments in big cities, three, $4,000 a month. imagine paying that while also trying to pay back your student loans. i think a lot of young people are realizing that they're going to have to start families later on in life so that there's a huge disconnect. i believe rahel with a lot of younger people entering into the workforce millennials like my so to the message coming from the biden reelection campaign and for voters of color, generally speaking, specifically, men. i think a
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lot of them realize that despite the fact that the economy has improved somewhat, we still see that the wages have only increased 25% while inflation is around 31, 32%. so there's still still a divide there. i think a lot of men feel that they have not heard the proper messaging from some of their concerns coming from democrats as a lot of the messages appear to be targeted more towards women. so there are some things that i think the president needs to focus on now, i would agree with joe. we're months away from november. there is still an opportunity for president biden to change things, and i do suspect that many of those voters will come around, but, but i think both candidates, the president and donald trump, have to make appeals to these very, very key constituencies, which i think ultimately will make a difference this november yeah, every vote counts for michael singleton, joe treppe. good to see you both. thank you. biada. right. >> well, if memorial day isn't enough of an unofficial start to the summer for you, the heat certainly will be today millions of americans are under
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heat alerts and places like texas, louisiana, and mississippi, the warm weather could create very dangerous situations across, the country with projected temperatures in some areas to top 110 degrees. >> cnn's rosa flores is joining us live in houston for more. i see some runners behind you trying to get in there, run before that heat actually starts to impact? so much of that city we heard from ed lavandera earlier about the concerns. tell us what we can expect to see today well, beyond when it comes to extreme heat, it can be a public health issue, especially when millions of americans are impacted at one point in time i want to start with the big picture here across the country. >> take a look at this map of the heat risk across the united states and you'll see that americans are being impacted today from coast to coast. the colors on that map, you can see that they range from a light tanno to a dark red that shows
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the levels of heat risk. >> and again, you can see that americans are impacted from coast to coast. >> now, you were just talking about those dangerous storms over the weekend. if you look at these heat risk conditions and we're though weather storms hit, there is an overlap, so hundreds of thousands of people who are impacted by those storms are now without power and also could be an heat advisories, which of course makes it very dangerous. now, back to that map that shows the heat risk from coast to coast. here in the state of texas, that's where you see the deep red portions especially in south texas. some of those cities impacted are on the border with mexico. you can see that some of those cities and we have multiple cities today, either matching their record temperatures or exceed eating record temperatures. some of those take a look, include del
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rio at 110, will radio at 109 san antonio, one o2. you keep going and you see houston at 98 and bianna, number might not seem very high and i love my dear houston, but we are a bit of a swamp peer. if you add the humidity, the heat index that's expected today during peak hours could range from 108 to 100, 113. so imagine that an excuse me for doing this, but it is really hot out here today. you can see the sum of the runners trying to run an early that's what authorities recommend. get your exercise in the morning because it's going to be very, very hot today and drink a lot of water. i know that heat very well. and my beloved houston as well, rosa flores reporting to us. thank you. i believe from memorial park, if i'm not mistaken. thank you so much. so over to you all right, beyond on this morning and new technology is being used just outside of seattle that could change the
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way law enforcement response to emergency calls. >> cnn's nick watt got a first-hand look at the new invention test flight in the wet woods outside seattle brand new to the market they call this one the respondent nearby redmond pd, among the first to deploy such drones on actual 911 calls, we can get from here to the other side of the city in just under two minutes. >> this is definitely the future of law enforcement suspicious person call this drone, gets their person isn't suspicious or isn't there. you just don't have to send officers anymore nine one call comes in for a drug overdose, drone autonomously launches. then when it arrives, it has a dropper, it would deliver narcan break drones, hq and seattle, a test flight for a specialized indoor version. lemur to designed to get eyes and ears and dangerous places. so the drone can actually fly up to a window, shatter it out
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the whole for itself to enter a building as a drone is flying around, is actually drawing a floor plan of the structure that first responders might have to enter the camera and the thermal imager can find victims hostages, people, just immediately pop out course that got the drone has a cell phone number. we just called it so now i can talk through the drum uh, now you can try and talk me out of this terrible situation. >> i've got myself and other people so that's really what it's designed to do. >> how long is this company been around for years and you are how old? 24 it's been a weird few years that began in 2017 when he was 17. and so in his hometown of las vegas, the worst mass shooting and modern american it's 60 people slot the october 1 shootings. >> what got me thinking about public safety technology? >> will hudner who now works with blake, was a swat team commander that night is 30 day
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on the job. he had to send his team blind. dayana hotel corridor towards the gunman. >> what we had in common is that seminal event, the demo pilot and blake, we're getting really, really confident on the demo. so i texted my crisis negotiation team leader to knock it out of the sky hi, someone grabbed a towel and slap my first prototype. >> so they with the solution. >> the bad guy is kicked it over. it's slid on its back along the ground. >> yeah misha, huge dimitri nice. this is going to save lives, right? it has you pick your, the faces that are on the wall, the memorial wall at these police departments? and you can name folks who would still be here if we had that tool. >> brink has made a pledge never to weaponize their drones. >> but is it sort of big brother? >> we've got these things flying over you know, it really depends how they're used. >> i think if these things are responding to nine one calls people asking for help and they can provide aid or even stop
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crimes and progress. i don't think it has to make walt cnn, seattle all right thanks to nick there while passengers and flight crew share hugs after a very rough flight, where at least 12 people were hurt by severe turbulence, we have the details and fans of bruce springsteen disappointed as vocal issues forced the boss to take a break from his tour, operate back beyond the call of duty, brought to you by a place for mom, the place for a senior living advice talk to an x spurred advisor today at no cost to your fan. >> i thought we had a plan for dan. he was set to go to the senior living community, right by my house, then a friend suggested i talk to a place for mom. they really opened my eyes. >> my advisor and listened and understood his needs and showed us options that were still nearby. >> but a better fit for dad now, he in a warm, engaging community with the pick group
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pro 80 years after d-day, jake tapper talks to tom general's about the state of democracy we protecting what we fought to save. >> their has been democratic backsliding around the world. >> are you concerned? the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at aid on cnn violin birth with the liev schreiber premiere sunday at nine on cnn welcome back. >> this morning, police are searching for suspects after former general hospital actor johnny wactor was shot and killed. it happened while interrupting a catalytic converter theft and downtown los angeles over the weekend his mother told are affiliate
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that her son was leaving work early saturday morning and thought that his car was being towed. what he approached the person to ask what was going on, the suspect looked up an open fire general hospital co-star remembered him as a genuine, hard working person with a huge heart cruise ship set sail out of the port of baltimore this weekend for the first time since the francis scott key bridge collapsed, royal caribbean's vision of the seas set sail saturday and carnival cruise lines resumed operations at a port on sunday the force is expected to be fully operational by the end of this legendary rocker bruce springsteen postponing shows and three european cities. after experiencing vocal issues according to a post on his official instagram account doctors advised him to hold off on performing for the next ten days, the 74 year-old is now resting. bruce springsteen and the e street band are set to resume touring on june 12. >> yana wishing the boss a speedy recovery there meantime,
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to this story, there were some terrifying moments for passengers on board if qatar airlines flights sunday, authorities said the plane experienced extreme turbulence that injured 12 people, eight of them were taken to a hospital after landing at dublin airport. that incident happening just one week after more than 100 passengers were injured and a man and with a heart condition died after a singapore airlines flight ran into rough air cnn, sebastian shukla joins us live from berlin with the latest sebastian water passenger saying about sunday's incident well beyond, it's incredibly rare to begin with that you have to incidents to do with turbulence within the space of a week particularly in an industry that prides itself so much on its safety, the difference obviously between the singapore airlines flight and the qatar airways flight is that obviously the people were there were, far fewer injuries with only 12 being injured and eight being hospitalized. >> but the difference as well is that the singapore airlines flight had to be diverted to
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bangkok. this one continued to dublin where it landed even ahead of time, five minutes ahead of time. but what we know about the incident was that it seemed to take place sometime during the meal service, which is when a time where people may have on done their seat belts, they've been going to the bathroom, walking around, stretching stretching their legs but take a listen to what some of them had to say about what it was like when the moment that it hit we had we had our seat belts on just from watching the episode that happened last week was just it was there in your mind? >> it was so scary at the time. you just don't know as they say grenache, like what the staff were, amazing like to actually get up and have to look after us and they're going around to benches on their hands and bloodied faces like and they have to serve us as well and so these incidents are happening more and more frequently and with climate change, bianna, i
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think there we're going to see this a little bit more frequently. >> and also, i should say anecdotally, i will there's on a flight yesterday. i had some far milder turbulence than what we're talking about here, but it has crept into the psyche now of travelers, there will some screaming, some people were genuinely worried about what was happening. so the airlines themselves will have to start taking a think about how they combat this i'm not sure there's a huge amount they could do except keep reassuring their passengers. turbulence is not dangerous bianna. >> sebastian shukla. thank you so much all right. >> russia's ongoing assault on ukraine, claiming even more lives as puett and seeks to tie up ukrainian forces and tip the balance in his favor. one of the worst attacks over the weekend by russia was on a busy hardware store in kharkiv at least 16 people were killed. their including a 12-year-old girl. it's going to cnn's melissa bell who joins us now, melissa, what more can you share with us about this was brutal attack how this is a
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death toll that continues to rise because of the ferocity of the attack itself. but of course the fact that you're talking about a large hardware store in kharkiv where people were just milling around, going about their business, doing their shopping on saturday. and what the ukrainians have done in response to russian claims that the strike was targeting military areas, is to release the videos, the cctv footage from inside that hardware store to give an idea of what this obviously civilians structure went through as it was hit. a brutal strike that has killed at least 16. we now know including a 12-year-old girl, but the fear is were held at that death toll will continue to rise. we've been hearing from ukrainian officials about the hellish first few hours that followed the strike, trying to retrieve people from the rubble and they're remain people that have still not yet been found one door identified now, this strike came of course, as russia continues to try to press, it's what appears to be its advantage, not just
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on the front lines down in donetsk, but of course this new front line in kharkiv region, we've been hearing from moscow this afternoon. they're claiming the gain of two new villages, one in the donetsk region, but one in kharkiv. and it is here of course that ukrainian forces are under extreme pressure, even as civilians are targeted, as we saw in that saturday strike more strikes on sunday that targeted the areas of kharkiv, but also donetsk can further south. in her song, as russia tries to press his advantage in this leading to present zelenskyy in madrid. this hour pleading once again for more military equipment, spanish just pledge an extra billion euros and military support to kyiv presence, zelenskyy according on western allies to do far more to help him shore up his defenses. >> yeah, it's a message he continues to reiterate melissa bell, life force in paris. melissa, thank you. for joining us now seen and military analysts and retired lieutenant general mark hertling at general always great to see you. thanks so much for joining us. if we can just go back to
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this horrific video. that we have of the moment where a hardware store in kharkiv is bombed by the russians. you get a sense again, that this is a civilian target and ukrainians point out that there was no military target or around this hardware store in the vicinity of it? >> you couple that with the concerns about the shortage of manpower for ukrainians right now that are finally, finally getting that military aid and weaponry that they've been waiting for for so long how dangerous is the situation? in the kharkiv area right now well, good morning bianna rahel, first of all, it's extremely dangerous there in an inflection point, right now, it's in my counting its face seven of this campaign. russia continues to strike civilian targets. this is not something that's changed over the last two plus years. the russian government, under direction of mr. putin has conducted their
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way of war, which they've done in syria and chechnya. and in so many other places where it's striking civilians in an attempt to make them come under the thumb of russia. that's why mr. zelenskyy has added another objective strategically to this war of seeing mr. putin before the hag, which i think is appropriate. but what you're talking about now from the ukrainian side is as they've passed the bill to mobilize more soldiers up to 500,000 according to that bill. and also is there waiting for the supply chains to come back into effect? that have been disrupted. due to seven months of political wrangling that they're at a very difficult time as they try and spread their frontline to protect against all russian attacks, both through the air and on the ground. >> yeah, they've recently lowered the mobilization age from 27. now to 25. it's worth noting that the russian glides i'd bombs that were used to attack that hardware store were sent from an airfield, which is
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within striking range for the ukrainians to attack if they have the opportunity and if they have the green light specifically from the united states to use us weapons to do so, it is currently us policy not to use us provided weapons to target inside russia proper, you, crimea, notwithstanding, there are many more people were if york times had a piece just last week about debate within the biden administration of those arguing that perhaps it's time to revisit and change that policy. do you agree with that i do bianna, there's much discussion within the biden administration about this. >> there are very complex reasons. we don't have enough time to discuss them. it's more than just a hesitation on the part part of some and the biden administration are very good political and military reasons for not doing this. but i think based on just the dastardly deeds that russia has
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conducted and targeting this civilian infrastructure. we're probably going to see a lowering of the standards for using that hi military equipment on specific russian targeted. now you're going to have to be worried as soon as that happened, russia is going to say or mr. putin is going to say, see we told you so this is the united states attacking inside of russia with their proxy forces of ukraine. that is going to be the argument for putin's domestic argument audience and it's going to be something that has to be overcome by the policy. and i'm messaging campaign associated with it. >> yeah, which is why president biden has long said he wants to avoid a world war three type of scenario. many would agree with disagree with him though on that front in terms of how latimer putin would react ultimately if the us weapons were used inside of russia, let me finally ask you specifically on this de is we honor our fallen military heroes, aside from your annual tradition of
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watching, saving private ryan, what else will you be reflecting upon today? >> well, you know, i wrote an article, a bianna were cited both segments of the film, saving private ryan, not only the phrase of captain miller, to private ryan of earn this but the ending seen that movie where an old private ryan goes to the cemetery and tells his wife, tell me i've been a good man tell me that i lead a good life. that's what a lot of veterans who come home from the war. so think about when they're remembering their fallen comrades. it's not only an earning that, but it's making it matter as i say, in an article so that i wrote a term that my boss general marty dempsey use. we have to make it mattered that we've lived and that they've sacrificed and we have to help them by not only remembering their memories and what great people they were, but


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