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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 28, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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future cnn this morning with kasie hunt. >> next it's tuesday, may 28, right now on cnn this morning, donald trump's defense team preparing for closing argument since in the hush money trial, they plan to keep attacking the prosecution's star witness, plus i have never prayed so hard in my whole life. >> at least 23 people, including four children killed by severe storms during a deadly holiday weekend and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling an attack on rafah that killed 45 people tragic error all right, 5:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look at capitol hill on this
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tuesday morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. >> it's wonderful to have you with us. we are nearing the conclusion of the first criminal trial ever brought against a former us president. today, closing arguments begin in donald trump's historic criminal hush money trial prosecutors from the manhattan da's office will have to weave together weeks of evidence and salacious testimony as they tried to prove that trump falsified business records in an attempt to silence porn star during the lead up to his 2016 election victory. but first, it's the defense. cnn has learned they are expected to focus on the credibility of michael cohen during closing arguments we have a great case. the case is no primes the exact
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timeline after today's closing arguments remains up in the air, but the jury could conceivably reach a verdict by the end of this week and with delays in trump's other criminal cases in dc and florida this could be the only trial to reach a verdict before the november election. the former president used the day before closing to send out this rant on truth, social, happy morrill day to all including the human scum that is working so hard to destroy our once-great country. trump then goes on to trash the new york judge that presided over a pair of civil defamation cases and involving the writer e. jean carroll joining me now to discuss nicholas johnson, the publisher of axios at night. good morning. >> good morning to have you. >> so historic day today, we expect these closing arguments to get underway and look the conversation didn't really seems to be around. okay how is this going to matter at the end of the day in terms of the election in november, there has
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been some reporting that trump's team has been tracking public opinion throughout. they haven't seen it. move very much, but a conviction could potentially change that an acquittal so yeah, absolutely. >> i mean, one of the pieces of the polling i'm looking at a lot this summer. the one number that really trump dato some new york times-siena polling earlier in the spring, which said that a conviction, one of these trials really would move them needle for some voters. now again, let look, we've seen lots of times before, or maybe this would be the thing that really changes people's minds about trump. and we've guessed wrong about that previously, but that is a piece of information that is kinda stuck out with me to feel like if race is going to change very fundamentally, a conviction might be the thing to do it, but of course that's not a foregone conclusion. new reporting out this morning from the bulwark shows that the trump campaign is looking at one specific barry jury on older by former financial professional, who they say is reacted favorably to some of the trump campaigns, that trump the defense's witnesses who have come in, they think he is someone who is new in a manner, just one viewer in this row. hung jury. president gets off.
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>> yeah. and that's i mean, it's it's really fascinating. the wall street journal put it this way, quote, a conviction would be an ignominious first for a former president threatening trump's standing with some voters and handing president biden new ammunition to portray his rivals unfit for office. and then they write this about an acquittal or even a hung jury, as you note, could be a career defining moment for trump who likely would cast himself as having vanquished and improper political prosecution that really is what he is setting up to do, right? >> right. let me what trump will do. i think regardless declare victory. somehow he's already to mean the judge, you the mean the prosecutors. he's been not subject to gag orders on way. he's talked about this trial. if he is convicted and this, he will call it illegitimate. i think he will use it it's only roused up his base even more able to expect fundraising emails to go out within mere seconds. so how would that really changed the dynamic? i mean, trump already feels like he's prosecuted on all that. and then of course, an acquittal or hung jury. and again, vindicating all of a trumpet i'm saying so long that there was no case. >> yeah so i do want to touch
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on nick. >> we read a little bit from trump's memorial day message. i think it's worth noting this is not unusual for him. he often takes these sorts of remember one of the first trump tweets i ever saw, i think was happy birthday. merry christmas, including tool, the hadean here's an losers. >> so before yes, pretty common. i do want to let's let's hear a little bit from president biden, who did note and mark memorial day and those that we are all so grateful for in a different way to donald trump. watch gratitude to our fallen heroes gratitude to the families left behind, and gratitude to the brave souls who continue to uphold the flame of liberty all across our country and around the world will never, ever, ever stop working for to mark a more perfect union, which they lived. and voice stayed died for. god bless the fallen may god bless their families and
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may god protect our troops of course worth noting that his son beau served in iraq i guess. >> i've never quite understood why. i mean, this seems like a point where donald trump could actually mark this holiday in a more straightforward gratitude forward way considering that i'm sure many of his supporters would be behind that, but isn't but part of trump's appeal is that he never does any of you things the normal way like that. those remarks by president biden that could have been a speech given by any president except for possibly president trump in the last 50 years. and remember when president trump was president, he did play along with some of these formalities and sort of the things you do as part of the office. but again, a lot of the huge appeal, i think to a lot of his apportioned based so that he's different. that he's undermining the system that he's draining the swamp, that he doesn't do the same kind of ceremonial thing at the same follow the same rules that traditional politicians would, such as not calling people human scum on memorial day on social media. and i think
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that's a little bit of the drawn, i think he leaned into that and he's not going to change certainly, we've learned that he does not does not sum on track to change anytime soon. all right. nick, your hudson getting us started this morning. nick. thanks to picture band here are coming up next the uk's prime minister, not winning over jen zeros with a plan that would require them to serve their country plus for inmates escaped and louisiana the jail didn't notice they were gone and donald trump angry about how today's closing arguments are going to go before they've even begun today the evidence is in the testimony has ended, but it's not over yet before the jury gets the final hey prosecutors and trump's defense team get the final word. >> live coverage of closing arguments in the trump hush money trial today at nine east, compared with other choose one verb ecto tube protects from fleas and ticks for 12 weeks nearly three times longer.
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welcome back. british prime minister rishi sunak floating the idea of national military service for 18-year-olds in a bid to bolster his reelection campaign in the uk not likely, it doesn't seem to attract many gen z voters if the reaction on social media is any indication of course, we're not going to answer the call. >> we famously hated when people bring us how i would love to but the first day i'll get my eyelashes, the nails done, the friday, america with the gales and in this saturday couldn't have made it we will be doing now under the plan, about 30,000 18-year-olds out of an estimated 700,000 would spend a year in the military but the vast majority would be required to volunteer in their communities. >> one way weekend a month. cnn's max foster joins us live now from london. max, good morning to you. i always
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wonderful to see you. >> it strikes me that this proposal isn't actually about these young people. >> it's probably about appealing to people who are quite a bit older than they are that's what i thought. >> but then before i came on, i just looked on tiktok and actually he didn't hitting it really hard on tiktok to try to convince young people that is a great idea. the top comment under the main video that is put up says i can't wait to vote labour. so don't think it's going down very well. so he is trying i mean, it's baffling. is that you make the same assumption that i made that this will be appealing to older voters, many of them who are conservative who believed that young people have lost their sense of public service. and this might be a good way of getting them back into that butt young people. just think it's an absolute disaster and i think that there's there's not a lot of faith in government, in institutions and certainly not in some of the wars that we're fighting. i think that he's got an issue with young voters based you seemed to think he can convince them let's hear a little bit more from sunak talking about
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this plan. >> watch young people will gain valuable skills. may cow country more secure and build a stronger national culture. this ambition benefits our country and our young people alive the music i'm struck by the music underneath that video from him here. >> it does seem to underscore just how tough the sledding is for him here in this election, the snap election that he's called yeah, it's trying to come up with ideas that are going to be appealing to voters. and like many of his ideas the bill on the lung of those conservative principles of public service. for example. but they often come out as very complex. so when he says it's going to help young people he has actually built a scheme into that. if you, if you join this, then you will be able to be seen as favorable to university he's university will see it as a big sort of badge of honor. and therefore, look favorably on it. also, it
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could fast-track people into graduate training. chinese schemes as well. so there are advantages to it for people who might join but it's just that idea of national service and some of the language about at young people have got a huge problem with and i think that a lot of them frankly don't think he's going to get in any way or the other thing that he did, what she was very unpopular hello with a lot of people was this smoking ban, which would gradually ban people from a certain age as it increases over time from smoking. a lot of the ideas is coming up with just so feel repressive to a lot of younger people. i think that's the issue, but we'll see how he does have flaws. >> i guess we will see max. this is why i love talking to you every morning, but i'm not really on tiktok, so it's nice to have someone, someone to call and say, what are the issues that you need to get there to i know right maybe one day max foster. >> max. thank you. i really appreciate it. see you tomorrow all right. coming up next here. the pope facing criticism for
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allegedly using a derogatory term for gay people plus texas and oklahoma facing even more stores today. after a devastating weekend i don't think i realized magnitude of everything until you started walking. >> now in one of the most active 22 seasons you can't control of 20. >> though. >> what kinds of interventions can we design go inside the store? >> the premiere of london birth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on scene okay. everyone. our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune health and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein there are giant so mug they are the men and women building daibes next generation
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and i'm under roger and capitol hill. this is sienna welcome back, texas and oklahoma once again, in the danger zone today as 47 million people in the southern plains face severe storm threats that comes after 23 people died and storms across several states this weekend, seven were killed in texas. >> those who survived shared their stories me and my wife
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and our four month old, we helped in the tab and it just sound like a train. we grabbed the dog and ran down to the basement violence storms also killed eight people in arkansas, the city of rodgers, seeing some of the worst damage are meteorologist allison chinchar joins us now. >> allison, what can we expect today? >> all right. so totally different system but still impacting some of the same areas that were hit over the weekend. you can see it's that portion of the southern plains that's where we have the best chance for those strong to severe thunderstorms, other thunderstorms expected across florida, but not really to the level that we're seeing in the southern plains. you've already got a severe thunderstorm. watch an effect right here. essentially, this area south of oklahoma homa city, just to the northern suburbs of dallas. that's because it's where we already have a lot of these ongoing thunderstorms. you can see a lot of lightning, some pretty gusty winds and the potential for some hail with some of those storms that will continue through the afternoon. you can see more of them beginning to fire up once we get past lunchtime today continuing through the evening, and then we really start to see that line form once we get get close
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to around sunset tonight, that line will continue to slide into dallas by overnight hours and then gradually into houston by the very early portion of tomorrow morning. so again, this is going to be pretty much an all day thing as that system races across to the east overall, the biggest concern is actually going to be very large hail. you're talking the size of golf balls, egg maybe even, perhaps even larger than that. still some damaging winds? a yes, the potential for a tornado does exist and that's for houston, dallas over towards midland amarillo and up into oklahoma city. and again, we've had a tremendous amount of tornadoes already this year, looking at just since the last few days, again, towards 76 tornado reports courts, almost 1,000 damaging wind reports and over 300 hail reports. remember some of those being the size of grapefruits or even larger and yes, when we talk about the tornadoes, look yes, we get it may is the peak. this is the time of year we would normally see it, but given that this is still well above average for normal normally to this point, we would have maybe the about
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721 tornadoes we've had 989 and that's the preliminary total. so keep in mind that number could actually go out. there are still serving a lot of the damage and potential tornadoes from the last few days. so that number could even go higher. and again, just comparatively speaking to other years, casey, when you look back, this is the highest total we've had since 2011 certainly seems that way. >> all right. allison chinchar for us. allison. thanks very much for that all right. >> 23 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup policing, louisiana still looking for two men who escaped through a fence at a jail over the weekend two others have already been captured we've now learned that the jail wasn't aware the suspects had escaped until a concern citizen called the warden pope francis is facing backlash for allegedly using a homophobic slur in a closed-door meeting last let's tweak the remarks made after the pope allegedly told italian bishops to not
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allow gay men to train for the priesthood us lawmakers in taiwan promising the island's new president, the us is moving forward with supplying his country with weapons china's surrounded taiwan with military drills. >> last week i kinda, next here israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling sunday's deadly rafah airstrike a tragic error. >> did it cross president biden's red line? plus we're just hours from closing arguments in donald trump's hush money trial. >> what to expect from the former president's defense team. i had we gave you got their number was mavericks number that begins tomorrow, would seven, 30 something was role.
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i'm kevin lived ttac at the white house and this is cnn just before 5:30 a.m. here in washington alive. look at new york city. wow, look at that on this tuesday morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us and just a few hours closing arguments there in new york will begin in donald trump's criminal hush money case. jurors now on track to start deliberations as soon as tomorrow. trump taking a truth social to air, a pretty familiar set of grievances. reading this quote, can you imagine? legend a president of the united states. who got more votes than any sitting president in the history of our country, and who is also the republican nominee for president in the upcoming 2024 election? i'm leading in all poles against the democrat nominee joe biden is tomorrow going before a corrupt and
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conflicted democrat appointed acting new york judge to see whether or not he will become a common criminal question mark. >> well, we get some fact-checking issues in that statement. but let's bring in criminal defense attorney lexi rigged into talk a little bit more about it. lexi, good morning. it's wonderful to see you can you talk a little bit about what we're going to see today trump has also complaining about the fact that the defense team is apparently thinking to make these closing arguments first, is that unusual? does he have a legit complaint there? >> no, that's actually the way that it happens in new york. so the defense team goes first and then the prosecution goes second because the prosecution is the one that has the burden so that's why that's happening. i mean, he's taken issue with a lot of what's gone on in the trial, so i'm really not surprised that he's also taking issue with this, but it's gonna be it's gonna be very interesting and both sides hopefully it'll keep them kind of short and sweet. i think that after weeks and weeks of this, any jury would be kind of tired of this and they don't need to go over every last
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piece of evidence. they need to hit their strong points and then let them let them go and start deliberating so lexi, can we talk to jurors for a second? >> there's an interesting piece out this morning in the bulwark. they're reporting on, and we're still working on this here at cnn. >> but they reported first at the trump team is really focused on a guy that they call juror number two who is in financial services and who they have interpreted via body language and eye contact and some other things as he might be, the person that could potentially mean that donald trump is acquitted, or that there is a hung jury in this case as a defense attorney, you how much time do you spend thinking about that? like which person in this box might be my clients savior. and so i'm going to i mean, do you talk directly to people like that and are you often correct about who those people are or is this a total crapshoot? >> well you're always told by your parents you can't, judge a book by its cover and you learn that as a child. and so with jury selection, that's
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essentially what you're doing and that's what they had to do weeks ago is they had to judge a book by its cover and they had to look at people and ed based on where they're from and what type of news they're consuming and how they get their news try to make some type of prediction about where the opinions of these people will lie and that's no different in terms of looking at this juror and the person's eye contact. but as you'll remember, harkening back to the alex murdoch trial, there was a lot of reporting about one juror who is apparently crying during alex murdoch testimony, and it ends get up turning out that the juror was actually just reaching for a tissue because they might have been blowing their nose. and so i think it's i think it's not necessarily worthy of anyone's time to speculate about anybody's body language or eye contact because you don't know what's going on in that person's head and then there's the very human peer pressure element of being back in a jury room and having potentially 11 other people saying, we want to get out of here, you're wrong. we don't agree with you. he either did do it or he didn't do it. we want to convict him we want to
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acquit him. and if there's gonna be somebody that hangs this jury, it's going to have to be somebody that has some hangs in either way. it's going to have to be somebody that has some intestinal fortitude to stand up and disagree with 11 other people. and a lot of times that just doesn't necessarily happen based on human nature. >> that's a really interesting way to think about it, honestly how likely do you think that it is that we could get something of a split decision here because the burden right. to get to a felony conviction has been to convince the jury that basically to new york state laws were broken, that the business records were falsified with it also they were done so in service of defrauding the voters of new york basically is the way it's written is there a world where they convicted of a misdemeanor and a felony, is that not how this is set up? what what is what are the possibilities there? >> right? that's not how it's set up. the fact that it's even being brought is because it was
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elevated to a felony in the charging decision by saying that the falsification of business records were to conceal another crime. and so he can't be convicted of a misdemeanor because the statute of limitations had long since passed. since that time. so it's it's kind of an all or nothing here and it's 34 counts of falsifying the business records. but importantly, the jury has to believe that he did it to in furtherance of another crime in order to convict him fascinating. >> all right. lexi reagan for us, lexi, thanks very much for being with us this morning. i really appreciate all right. >> now this the white house is assessing the israeli airstrike that killed dozens of people at a camp for displaced palestinians and rafah on sunday, the hamas-run health ministry says at least 45 people were killed and more than 200 injured after. >> a fire broke out at the camp following the strike, a us official tells cnn that israel total the biden administration. it used a precision munition to hit a target in rafah. but that the explosion from the strike ignited a fuel tank nearby and started a fire that engulfed
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the camp israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu called the attack a tragic error while still pointing the finger at hamas marmots despite our best effort not to harm those not involved. unfortunately, a tragic error happened last night, and we are investigating the case the mill for us, every noncombatant that is hurt is a tragedy for hamas. it is a strategy. this is the whole difference all right, join me, now discuss the cn and global affairs analyst, khim dozer, kim, good morning to you. thank you so much for being with us. i want to start by just reminding everyone what president biden told are erin burnett in an interview earlier this month, let's watch they go into rafah. i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah, to deal with the cities that deal with that problem. we're going to continue to make sure israel is secure in terms of iron dome and their ability to respond to
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attacks like came out of you the least recently. but it's it's just wrong. we're not going to we're not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells use that have been used shells as well. yeah, i totally shelf khim. >> what is your understanding and reporting around whether the administration views this as having crossed the red line? >> we're still waiting to hear the full monday morning sort of assessment. of course, memorial day stopped some of that analysis from at least reaching us biden's going to have to either eat his words or follow them after this strike, because what israel has tried to do is press ahead with the rafah invasion. but cut it into smaller operations and du, precision genes strikes as they've described it, to avoid these kind of casualties but now you've gotten dozens of
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palestinians dead and that's going to demand a response. and you also have growing european anger over this. you've had spain today recognizing palestinians and you've got israel, you've got ireland and norway saying that they'll follow this week so the international outrage is building up and simply saying sorry, this was a tragedy isn't enough for the palestinian community, the arab community, or a growing number of countries in the west, including the white house yeah, kim, how do you think about this sort of increasing isolation that the israelis are facing as more european countries as you note, are recognizing a palestinian state so they've had a number of announcements in the past week that have been damaging to their international reputation. you've had the un's highest court calling on israel to stop
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its operations in gaza. you've, also had the international court at the hag threatening to issue arrest warrants for netanyahu and his defense minister but from the israeli point of view, it took the un five months to recognize that there was violence against women perpetrate traded in the attacks of october 7, un has just revised downward its estimate of gaza civilian casualties after finally saying that perhaps the hamas numbers are overblown. so those kind of announcements from the israeli point of view, they say see the world's against us and they don't understand what happened on october 7. they don't seem to acknowledge that hamas has vowed daily to commit more october 7 and that this action is necessary from their perspective to root out hamas from rafah. and just today in
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israeli announcements from the idf, you've got fighting going in all parts north central, and south gaza so the fight against hamas is continuing and despite that over the weekend, hamas in rafah was able to launch up to eight rockets at tel aviv. the first time they've been able to do that in months so the israeli military feels its job isn't done so kim, can i ask you what's up with the egyptians in all this? >> briefly because there was apparently an altercation where a egyptian soldier may have been killed recently. and then there were a lot of questions about the role that they played in the ceasefire talks, seeming to disintegrate when they had previously been rather promising yes. the israeli say that the egyptians changed part of what they'd agreed to before it was presented to hamas and then remember hamas came out saying, we've agreed
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to this negotiated ceasefire. and that left the israelis on, the back foot because what was in the fine print was something they hadn't agreed to. so egypt got accused of bad faith negotiating their from the egyptian point of view, this is just the horse trading that goes back and forth. but we've watched either qatar being on the outs or is, or egypt being on the outs depending on what's happening internally within the israeli government. the most depressing thing though, is that israeli reporting is that their own negotiating team thinks that with netanyahu and power and the limitations placed on what they can negotiate date there's simply not going to come up with a deal all right. >> kim dozer for us this morning. kim, very grateful to have you thanks for being here thanks. all right. come on up next, donald trump, glute and heckled in his attempt to court third party voters. plus the celtics on to the nba finals after sweeping the pacers or
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bleacher report's ahead today. >> the evidence is in the testimony has ended, but it's not over yet before the jury gets the final say. prosecutors and trump's defense team get the final word. live coverage of closing arguments in the trump hush money trial today at nine easter brand new bridge assignments in my bag like a bunch of groceries, alice cheese, and greece just contemplate freedom. >> you can take your eyes off the new 2024 jeep wrangler in gladiator jeep there's only one top off this memorial day were 2000 bonus cash allowance. i'm 2020 for jeep wrangler gas-powered models and gop-led here. stop by your local dealer for a test drive and experienced open-air freedom today a heart attack. >> do they have life insurance? >> no. >> but we have life insurance john, i'm trying to find something we can afford
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powering possibilities. and let's go about the bosley guarantee. >> violin earth. if we have schreiber premiere sunday at nine on cnn close captioning brought to you by in vet help call 18071 1020, do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next. collin van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called now 80071 00020 nominate, trump for president of the united states that's. >> not only if you want to win only if you want to win, maybe i don't want to win maybe you don't want to win if you want to lose, don't do that keep getting your 3% every four years wow, there's a lot going on there. >> donald trump getting heckled and booed at the libertarian party's convention on saturday
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his attempt to win over third-party voters clearly did not go as planned but it does show that his campaign is focused on critical third party voters in november. and there is, of course, one third party candidate, in particular, the both trump and president biden have voiced concern about, and that is robert kennedy jr. it's worth noting neither trump nor rfk jr. won the libertarian party nomination over the weekend, joining me now axios senior contributor, margaret tele of margaret. good morning can we start with what we saw? i mean, donald trump is never on a stage where he gets food like that. he clearly wasn't happy about it. yeah. i don't think that was the reception he thought he was going to get there but the reality is that he has made inroads into the libertarian party, justice. he has made some inroads into every facet of american politics. and i think he thought if he can go there and court libertarian voters who are sort of leaning more trump, even if he was not going to capture a nomination, it'd be worth, according those voters, i think another big
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part of what he was trying to do is just not seed that floor to rfk jr. right. because this could be an important year where a third-party candidate could be a spoiler, rfk jr. nurse certainly has the potential to do that. and there was some thought that rfk gender would be very well received there. and it was certainly received differently than donald trump was. but yeah, i mean, to your point, you see we do a lot focus grouping with battleground voters in swing voters. and at this point in the election, rfk rfk jr. is sort of a fascination or maybe too many of them who don't actually know pretty much anything about his policies and his stances is background. the ones who lean more democratic know the kennedy name, the words to lean more to the right, like the idea that there could be someone who's not biden or trump. and all of those things make him potentially potent if he can get on balance or get on the debate stage. >> well, and that was kinda the
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interest rate. i mean, there there were some conversationally get some reporting around rfk jr. wanting to potentially be on the libertarian ticket because they have ballot access across the country. so you mentioned how there are voters that, that are in the either trump or by, i mean, this is the big question we've been trying to answer with rfk on the ballot, which major-party candidate suffers the most damage? here's what rfk junior had to say about donald trump. i thought it was it's an interesting line of attack watch with a lockdowns mask mandates the travel restrictions. president trump presided over the greatest restriction on individual liberties. this country has ever known i mean, that is obviously not a line of attack from president biden. they attacked democrats, attack donald trump for being responsible and how he thought the covid, pandemic. but this is not a record that donald trump likes to talk about either. >> no. i mean, you're absolutely right. and that's why i think the idea was sort of go block and tackles don't let rfk just make his case
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alone. interestingly, donald trump did not go out on that stage and pan rfk jr. you have going on on the stage and panning the audience. what's there to receive him but it's we consistently from voters here, we do not hear the idea from modi as voters or they're embracing them because of his anti-vax are critical of vaccines position are critical of mandates is just the opposite. voters at this stage, a lot of those swing voters are persuadable voters are embracing this idea that rfk junior is sort of splitting the difference that is politics or in the middle between trump and biden, they really please don't know anything about him or his running mate. it's just sort of memes and superficial impressions, but that could be very powerful if he could harness it yeah, it's really interesting. >> and there is this big question about the debate stage, right? because right now rfk juniors not supposed to be on the debate stage in june the first debate coming up june 27th here on cnn. the two big questions for him or ballot
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access and pulling thresholds, the polling. i mean, he's seems to be around 15%, which is where he would need to be in four major polls, ballot access is a trickier thing. what is your expectation about whether we might see we haven't seen this since ross perot was onstage or third party it can did on the debate stage. yeah, many of the really crucial block of younger voters right now wasn't even alive the last time that third party candidate was sort in this position, i think it's been 32 or 33 years and we've seen it three times in history. so the odds are against him, but he has moved very quickly to try to capture that ballot access in crucial states. so i think it bears watching and don't here there's a couple of debates, but also there's just name recognition. voters awareness again if it comes down to anywhere as closer race as the last one was, that vote. and maybe the libertarians vote. some of the folks who are at this convention could be
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pivotal. one of the places where rfk junior claims to be on the ballot as michigan how dangerous is that for the biden team considering? >> that there are so many people, they're hers so unhappy with what's going on in terms of gaza and biden there. >> yeah, michigan, obviously this is really crucial state, both because of arab american vote. some of the younger vote that sympathetic to the plight of palp, many palestinian civilians it was thought at one point that women's rights and abortion rights could help propel in michigan but right now the concern really is not just arab american voters, but younger voters. and the fact that so many of the auto union workers that were once strongly affiliated with democratic party could now be susceptible to at least white male auto happened in 2016, absolute right. >> all right. margo towel forces monday morning. thank you. release. we shade it. >> i attend now for sports, the boston celtics, on the way the
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nba finals after sweeping the pacers, andy scholz's back and has this morning andy, good morning. >> morning. case you, the celtics they've had the easiest path ever to the nba finals. you the base, the heat without jimmy butler, the cavs without donovan mitchell for most of their series and then the pacers with a hurt tyrese haliburton, but that being said, they definitely took care of business. it was not easy in game four in indianapolis, the pacers leading by eight with five-and-a-half i've to go, but that's when the celtics just turned it on the outscored the pacers 15 to four to close the game, jaylen brown, i here he's going to find derrick white and the corner for the dagger three with 44 seconds left, celtics when 105 2102 to complete the sweep brown, 29 points in this one and was named the eastern conference finals mvp it wasn't expecting that all never wanted i, was just happy that we want to give credit to indiana they played his tough i know like people think that india and it wasn't a good team or whatever the case me i mean, i thought they
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were tough. >> has anybody we played all season now before the game? >> they held a moment of silence for legendary center and broadcasts or bill walton who passed away yesterday after a lengthy battle with cancer walton was one of the most dominant centers the game of basketball has ever seen winning to ncaa titles at ucla, two nba titles, one with blazers and then one with the celtics. unfortunately, injuries derailed his career, but he was still named to the nba's top 50705 anniversary teams walton was always enjoyed to meet in person. he greeted everyone with that legendary smile. and i'll never forget how much fon he was when he was calling games and how much fun he made them to watch, throw it down. big man, such a legendary line, bill walton was 71 years old all right on the ice last night, stars in euler's, they play game three of the western conference finals. >> a great start for edmonton in this when they went up to owe in the first thanks to this goal from conor make david but
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the stars, they then square root of three goals in a span of three minutes and 33 seconds to take the lead in the second period. and jason robertson had himself a night, yet and scored and ten games, but he would complete a hat-trick in the third period, stars end up winning five i did three 321 series lead i think i got the first one and then i'm like, okay, i'm gonna shoot everything. >> so it's one of those days you just gain confidence but i mean, it's just a big character wind from all of us are inviolate former heavyweight champion mike tyson is recovering after experiencing a medical scare on a flight from miami to los angeles on sunday, the 57 year-old became nauseous and dizzy due to an ulcer flare up. >> his representative told cnn, adding mr. tyson is doing great iron mike is still set to fight youtube star turned box or jake paul, july 20 in arlington, texas on netflix and i told you before, casey sometimes i
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don't get into these gimmicky boxing matches. i'm into this one. i want to see tizen versus ball, just hoping that he's healthy enough to get in the ring. and actually five et after what happened over the weekend? >> yeah. no. for sure. >> i'm pulling for him. i have to say thank you very much for that. >> all right. coming up next here, how donald trump's defense team plans to handle closing arguments this morning plus two state facing a severe weather threat today, just days after taking direct hits from tornadoes the russians were trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them i was hadi frank this is a war, but secret war secrets and spies, a nuclear game premier sunday at ten on cn, with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. >> my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back don't let symptoms
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