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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 30, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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it's thursday, may 30, right now on cnn this morning, verdict. >> watch the trump hush money. >> jury back to work today and asking for another look at some key evidence. >> justice samuel alito, defiant, refusing to recuse himself from january 6, related cases, and do my hands up and my hey, hey, hey, hey and he just pulled me down a family car jack in their own driveway and it's all caught on a doorbell camera. let's terrifying and elon musk, white house adviser, what might happen if donald trump wins in november right 6:00 a.m. here
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in washington live look, and new york city on this thursday morning and cloudy there as those jurors get underway with their work. >> good morning, everyone. i'm placing it is wonderful to have you with us. jury deliberations about to resume in donald trump's criminal hush money trial. and we're getting a better feel for what those seven men and five women, women are focusing on how the former president may be preparing. >> or maybe he's just preparing his supporters for about outcome after deliberating for more than four hours on wednesday, the jury is now reviewing four pieces of testimony they requested michael cohen and national enquirer chief david pecker's descriptions of an august 2015 trump tower meeting pecker's phone call with trump in june 2016 about former playboy playmate karen mcdougal and pecker's testimony about not finalizing trump's payment to the national enquirer's parent company for mcdougal's life rights. jurors also asked to read here a portion of judge merchan's instructions, trump
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seemed to be trying to lower expectations about the pending verdict mother teresa could not be discharged these charges are rigged all thing is rigged. it's a disgrace. and i mean that mother teresa interest charges, but we'll see we'll see how we do okay. >> joining me now to discuss former federal prosecutor, cnn legal analyst elliot williams, tara pulmonary as senior political correspondent for puck. matt gorman, former senior adviser to tim scott's presidential campaign. guys, mother teresa, where we fit mother teresa territory with this president. i mean, they're also hammering this in a memo out this morning from chris lacivita and susie wiles, which tells me this is a kind of a focus political strategy more than illegal one. but elliott, let's start with what we are going to go and hear from the jury later on today here in court, the jury is going to read here, i should say in court later today, the threat that seems to tie these things together for me he is donald trump's involvement in knowledge. what went on and
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it's great of you to say the for me portion of that because there are things that lawyers might focus on and things that the viewing public that's not lawyers might focus on as a smart consumer of news. >> that's an important question for you to ask. now, it's added let's look at the question of intent and back to this august 2015 meeting to be clear donald trump is charged with falsifying business records in the first degree, which requires falsifying business records to conceal or aid in another crime that other crime here, either being campaign law violations or tax violations in order to prove if any of that you have to prove that donald trump is at the center of it, knew it, put it in motion, are actually engaged in the act himself. this august 2015 meeting is critical to that for prosecutors because they're donald trump is said to have spoken with michael cohen, his former fixer and lawyer and david pecker from the national enquirer, where sort of hatched the scheme as prosecutors allege you've got
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to put donald trump in the room. that's the room that allegedly he was in and it's clear that jurors are focusing in either direction to be clear, it's not necessarily that they're leaning toward convicting him, but they just want to know what happened in there and it was quite telling that they asked about that specific moment. >> yeah. no, i thought it was really interesting taroko married this mother teresa situation. i mean, they seem to be a look, they may be right that none of this actually matters, right? that's the argument that they're making here. >> this does seem like a classic as if we were going into a debate. >> and i was playing the role of classic political reporter. i would say, oh, they're lowering expectations are saying he's gonna do terrible when actually it's going to be other side that it's all fine yeah. >> i think you're right. i mean, that's exactly what you do. you set expectations, myths verdict is like winning or losing a debate. this is a milestone in a political campaign. shirts, nothing like we've ever seen before, but yeah, whether he wins or loses, that will have a lot to do with how how this campaign moves forward. he has an acquittal. it'll be a huge de for donald
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trump, as we know, if he doesn't it'll be interesting to see what happens six months from now. i mean, it's a long time between now and when voters go out to vote and whether it's on their topless of priorities, that one of the candidates is a convicted felon or perhaps was charged on a number of counts, but not on, but a query it on others. i think, you know, the jury's clearly taking their time. they're taking this seriously. 34 counts a lot. i covered the john i was trial and they were only six. it was very similar to this trial. it was a six-week trial, and the jury deliberated for two weeks. and in the end, they had a mistrial and five counts and declared him not guilty on one and it took them two weeks to get down to that. it's a lot hanging on, especially when it's political people, when there's like he wasn't even it wasn't even a candidate. you didn't move past the primary. so i just think like we could see them deliberating for awhile. they understand the gravity of this and a lot of material to get through. >> i can't tell you how many people up next did already texted me saying, oh my gosh, like four hours why are they
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taking so long and oh, my my god, they're still learning where the bathroom is in the building, let alone how they want to decide. juries can deliberate for, like you said, days, weeks. >> yeah. yeah. and i remember we were all just waiting for them to come up with a decision. >> they go back to the judge and they would just every day another question, another concern, another then the judge was like, okay, you have to come back and tell us and it ended up being a hung trial. so i just don't think it's going to be that clear cut. i don't think they're that partisan. i think they're not just sitting there being like, let's just nail into the wall two weeks, hope hope you all are ready ready? >> oh, my god, telegraphy mathematics is right here and a lot of ladakh is vamping. >> but no look, i think when we talked about kind of setting the table had the exact same thought as you, casey. it reminded me of the debate ready laurie expectations. >> and look, i think i've been pretty consistent with this. >> i think that no matter what happens at the end of the day, it's not going to move many
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voters enlarge either way, pro or con. it might give the biden campaign and talking point, but that's about it but look, i think to one of the things that i'm keeping my eye on as well is look at the jury. it's having trouble with these instructions and shows the general public i think in a lot of respects, their jury pool and a lot is often the voting base. so if they're having trouble really understanding, digging it out exactly what they need to come up with translating that to the voting public and a political campaign is going to be even tougher. >> well, but do you think like a conviction, i mean, it's a relatively simple message. >> yeah, it's a relatively simple message, but it's a matter of will. it actually we move votes and i think according to polls, i've seen, it really doesn't move votes either way. and same thing with it moves acquittal. it wasn't all of a sudden biden voters and i go back to trump. if people are tend to be in their camps, if they move, i think it will be on things like the economy, immigration and abortion eighth, anything anybody who might be swayed by while when he was charged with with a crime, it was still in his camp, but a jury convicted him, therefore, oh my god
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itself. look at chess people knew what they were assigned might actually matter though in the margins, because if this race is actually decided by a very small group of voters in battleground states that haven't somehow made up their minds already about two people who have already been the office, which is the other thing about all of this, then maybe this will move them. >> they may just feel like this is not something they want to be. they feel like integrity is important to them. >> so i think it could it could sway a few voters in that could be what matters. >> so many swing voters. the most interesting people and all of america, because, hey, i don't know know all alright, coming up next here 2024, we're going to make you donald trump or loser again president biden and his vice president launching their push to try to win over black voters plus justice alito refusing to recuse and continuing to blame his wife for the upside-down flag and what was he thinking? a man with a suspended license
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appears in virtual court from his car. that is one of five things you've got to see this morning. >> assignments are going on and playing the tornado i'm thinking language and die and i thought that was it. finally earth with liev schreiber, premiere sunday at nine on cnn i want a lot of businesses, so my and my network need to keep up. >> thank you. verizon business now, our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. >> so whatever is next, we'll cook with fire switch to the partner businesses rely on now adt professionally installs google nest products they're all set on this system which should go with the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt. >> this is my coffee shop. we just moved into a bigger space, brought on another employee, an order new branded gear for the
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public and don't wait offer and soon adrenaline just like whales he can't stand microplate shot of adrenaline right to the heart all right. >> welcome back. supreme court justice samuel alito says he will not recuse himself from cases involving the january 6 attack or the 2020 election over reporting, he flew flags associated with these stop the steal so movement on two of his properties in a rare letter to lawmakers, alito blamed his wife repeatedly. he wrote the following things, quote, my
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wife did fly that flag, quote, my wife was solely responsible, quote, my wife is fond of flying flags, quote, i asked my wife to take it down and quote panels back how would this go over at any of your households, i guess happy wife, happy life doesn't really apply in the house. >> so we've drawn that out. >> yeah. >> it's really interesting, but more to the point. and let's just go back to what the rules say. and a judge ought to to recuse under the supreme court's own ethical guidance, which they put out, including justice alito in 2023 a justice should recuse from a case in any matter in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned by the public. now setting aside what anybody believes about the pine tree flag or the upside. now because it wouldn't have scott jennings certain you because that's that's got my just a great on maybe in a minute regards to what you think of the flag or the symbolism behind either
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he's acknowledged that their political symbols and that he knew they were up in front of his house, right? >> it's not that his wife accidentally hung up the flag. it was a political symbol and one that was associated with a certain political movement in the country, right there. if that entity has matters before the supreme court, it's something he audit recuse and just congressman raskin in his op-ed wrote he wrote an interesting one in the new york times yeah. >> no, in fact, let's let's put that up here so this is congressman jamie raskin, who's a lawyer, constitutional lawyer, reading this quote, everyone assumes nothing can be done about the recusal situation because the highest court in the land has the lowest ethical standards, no binding ethics code or process outside of personal reflection. the justice department and attorney general merrick garland can invoke too powerful textual authorities for this motion. the constitution, specifically the due process clause and the federal statute mandating judicial disqualification for questionable impartiality. >> so that would be a pretty aggressive remedy in general.
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and our government, there's always a remedy, there's always a solution, but often it's sort of out there and buried deep in the constitution will be very hard to implement, right? so who knows, i have a hard time believed that you'd ever we get congress to do that. i just brought him up the clearest line for the point i'm making here is he says, quoting john roberts judges are like umpires, which is what john roberts said in his confirmation hearing. john roberts, the chief justice, right. but professional baseball would never allow an umpire to continue to officiate the world series after learning that the pennant of one of the two teams was flying in the yard of the umpires house. >> do we have angel hernandez i'm glad he's fire better way. >> but no look, i think i think this whole thing is ridiculous because especially to as of last week, the appeal to heaven flag was flying outside the conservative bastion of the san francisco city hall. so i think that whole thing is just ridiculous on its face. and look, i take it leads point. i can do. but i think what's become incentivized is you have members of congress who i think
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have a pretty big incentive to say they feel a reasonable standard because down the line, there's a political goal which is what they want to see recusal, but more importantly, what they want is they want cases involving trump, whatever entity they are on either side on to win. and so i think that's what this is. and he saw it yesterday too, with this rolling stone article going after who jesse's barrett. jesse barrett husband, amy coney barrett, who his clients are. they're trying to set this standard where sowing doubt intentionally. i think in people's minds to create this kind of doubt. so that way down the line, if rulings don't go their way, they can appeal to this sense. well, let me just does not seem to be limited i'm sorry. what i want to say does not let me democrats or more to the point justice this is spouse's clients would never be grounds for recusal unless adjusted, spoken out in that way. i think we're getting
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lost in this question of what we think of the right versus the left in this country. and if it were a, don't tread on me flag, another, a political symbol from the american revolution. no one would doubt that that was a political symbol. and the point is, the justice was flying political symbols in front of his house. whether we like them or not. well, and i think grounds for recusal, tara, the bottom line two, is that increasingly i mean, 50% of people think that politics motivates justices, while 49% say, well, they're mainly motivated by the law. i mean, it does feel like the court has moved from umpire two something else. >> right. i mean, we're supposed to believe they're just like us. they have domestic issues throwing his wife under the bus, et cetera by at the end of the de they don't follow their own ethics rules and it seems like they've become almost infallible. and that's the problem you hear about alito and his flags. but then then there was hardly in crow who was taking offering major gifts to another justice and even just the fact that they can decide whenever they
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want to retire from the court whether they're in good health or not, i think people are just starting to lose trust in that process. and of course, the overturning of roe versus wade was a major moment in this country when people felt like the justice took away one of their rights. >> all right, come up next here. biden and trump roll out the red carpet for celebrity endorsements, doesn't make any difference. plus my god carjacked in their own driveway. one of the five things you have to see this morning your assignment with audie cornish. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts first, we did the impossible you age so many of them possible that we completely ran out and now there by the law, cookies,
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right. >> i should have stopped. i didn't get a little bit of patient because appoint late for my time. >> i'm point late for my tea time scheffler was arrested trying to drive around the scene of a car crash. all of the charges have been dropped a volcano in southwestern iceland erupted for the fifth time since december, spewing more lava near some other some towns there officials say they had to cut power in the area as a precautionary measure. >> and lifting my hands up, i'm like, hey, hey, hey, hey. >> and he just pulled me down terrifying video out of mississippi, a woman and her three children and two grandchildren were carjacked in the driveway of their own home police and jackson say they've identified two people of interest thankfully, no one was injured fast-moving flames spotted in south central arizona, a wildfire there has grown to 450 acres. >> power was shut off. very little of it has been contained
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and i don't know what you want to file this under a michigan man charged with driving with a suspended license attended his pretrial hearing via a video call live from his car are you driving ashley? >> i'm pulling into my doctor's office. this is a driving license suspended that is correct, your honor. >> he doesn't have a license he suspended and he's just driving. >> defended his turn himself into the washington county deal by 6:00 p.m. today failure to turn himself and will resolve in a bench warrant with no bond he just relaxing when he has done there. >> that's pretty awesome. that is called a confession in the law. you admitted to the thing you are accused of doing. so probably happy prosecutor right there. >> my god. all right. coming up next and new dna testing on a piece of evidence approved by
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today when it comes to investing, we live in uncertain times. >> some acids can evaporate at the click of a button others in deflate with a single policy change savvy investors know that gold has stood the test of time as a reliable real asset so how do you invest in gold sandstorm gold royalties is a publicly traded company offering a diversified portfolio of mining royalties ties in one simple investment. >> learn more about a brighter way to invest in gold at sandstorm why choose asleep divers, smart bad. and i met my side softer my side firmer, sleep number. does that now say 50% of the sleep number limited edition, smartly, one special finance i think shot down that sleep, violent earth with liev schreiber, premiere sunday at nine on cnn that trump tells you he's the greatest president. >> i love this one. he says, the greatest president. black people in the history of
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american, including more than abraham like can you fathom that we're in like i said, i think he injected too much of that bleach. it is get affected his brain president biden criticizing former president trump der, interrupted philadelphia yesterday. >> he was working to appeal to black voters is attacks come as the president, biden sees a slip in support among black americans, especially black men, a critical group he won over in 2020 if black americans extort. >> think about this what would have happened if black americans a stormed the capital i don't think he'd be talking about pardons he's that landlord or denies housing application because of the color years can okay. >> matt gorman, i have to say i heard some of this and thought
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i see it as a little bit of an acknowledgment that there is a legit slip black americans in his support. >> absolutely. i mean, we're seeing now in de niro press conference that debate kind of gambit to push trunk towards an earlier debate. this they're fighting on trump's dema, democratic, democratic turf hanging of a black man really, where, look you saw the rally in the south bronx and look, i don't think we're all a sudden new york will be in play all of a sudden, i think it was a signal that the trump campaign is going to compete for latino voters, african-american men, and look, they have a lot of economic concerns. i thought it was interesting he didn't talk about the economic stuff. it was a lot of kind of democracy kinda stuff. he could have brought up before trump's have talked about the economy. they have to be ready for that. >> what i mean elliott like this, donald trump's history on this and actually tear i should throw this to you to consider how much reporting you've done in new york, like the central park five i right?
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i mean, the way that he has engaged on this. and yet here we are why? well, it's right on my notes verse central park five, which are three words that sort of ring very powerfully for black people to this day. but particularly about donald trump just based on everything that that scenario with these five i've men were accused of a pretty horrific sexual assault that ultimately they all were exonerated for. now, donald trump egged on time. but what taking out a full-page ad in the new york times calling for the death penalty for them. i think black people, for the most part remember that another point, sort of lost in all this is affirmative action, is well that's even in light of americans conflicted position in relationship with race-based preferences, black people feel strongly about it and donald trump was behind putting three justices on the court that ultimately overturned it. these are the kinds of things that do stick and black folks minds. but to matt's point, something's clearly not clicking particularly young black men that's a brown man
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as well, but that's resonating with trump, that isn't landing for biden. >> donald trump, of course, has talked about this he has used his mug shot to try to argue that that's part of why he appeals to black voters. watch i got indicted a second time third time, and a fourth time and a lot of people said that that's why the black people like because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against and they actually viewed me as i'm being distributed get it's a mug shot. we've all seen the mug shot and you know who embraced it more than anybody else. the black population, it's incredibly do you see black people walking around with my mug shot? >> okay, so i won't let. happen. i've never seen him black people walking around with donald trump's mug shot but that's what he's claiming and again, this i just i find it a little bit head-spinning. tara, i know. but then at the same time, you know, thousands of people came out to his bronx rally on last friday. and i've
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heard from you no, i wasn't there, but i just had a guess on my podcast and she's a reporter that was aaron. she said people were wearing the shirts with the mughal i don't know that they were necessarily african-americans, but that they were wearing his mug shot and i do remember like trump habits like hip hop moment. i don't know if you guys remember that and he was actually pulling and i know this from talking to trump advisers, that he looks back at the time when he was on the apprentice and he was very popular with african american voters. so while yes, people from new york remember central park five, and that was a really big thing. there's a whole other part of the population, african-american population that probably it's not remember it the same way that we do reporter to add to that point, a reporter who was there at the rally had said that you also bronzes, also heavily latino exam as well. and last for latino or not, or just straight up, where it from wherever we are shirts and shouting like send them back back to port, which was sort of this realignment and it was an
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a message that was entirely on the economy and on migration, which has been an issue that has hit, that population in new york a lot. there's a lot of resentment from the migrants that were shipped up from texas and florida by ron desantis and greg abbott, hundreds of thousands of migrants coming to new york city. and a lot of these people saying, why are they being housed in hotels on the upper west sayyed and getting assistance from the state they say, i can't heidi come here illegally add go through all these hoops. >> i didn't get that. no handouts and you're right there in the roosevelt hotel getting whatever from the state you're absolutely right it's an economic message and i think we've talked about this a little bit before. look at the apprentice was a number one show on television. we can't overestimate that back when that meant something really did mean something so trump was defined in an another way to terrorists point. and also to the trump presidency like you had record low unemployment for life tainos african americans. so they also able to kinda compare where they were then to where they are now. and i think the economic message, i think democrats, we mistaken if they just kind of go and be like, come on like i'm saying, is colloquially come on. okay.
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every four years like african-americans time to vote for us like they have to make a case on this proactively they can't just expect folks to be there as well. >> just think it shows that the democrats are realizing that they cannot just make this a choice between biden and trump and assume that people will choose biden, that actually voters are doing exactly what they do in before a reelection. they're actually making it a referendum on the incumbent. they're not doing what they hoped. they didn't. they were hoping thing from the beginning if we just sit back and let trump be trump, it will repel voters. it's just not happening. perhaps it's the noise, the trump amnesia. maybe things will change, but clearly they've changed their strategy. they become more aggressive. they have surrogates out there willing to punch him straight in the face. biden's finally doing it, and they're robert de niro to have robert de niro his own wife, was on the view, just like you've teased earlier and they're willing to attack trump the way that he attacks his political rivals. and i think this is, we're getting into a very aggressive slug fest of a campaigns season that
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we haven't fully seen the extent of yet. >> well, look, i'm not going to lie. this is the thing that a lot of democrats have been badgering behind the scenes. get the biden campaign to do more of and look, speaking of this, the biden campaign is as terrorist, just talking about bringing out his wife, first lady, jill biden more and more frequently, she has been in some instances more willing to go after trump i'm then her husband, although again, biden is ramping up the attacks as well, she appeared on the view yesterday and here's what she said this election is not about age because like, i mean, donald trump's gonna be what, 78. >> yeah, joe's at one. they're basically the same page. right. so it's about character this election is about character. so you have two choices. you have my husband joe, who you all know, who has integrity. he's strong, he steady as time goes on, as people start to focus a little bit more about what's at stake and start to become educated on the issues and the
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differences between them. the two men, i believe that americans are going to choose good over evil i mean, tara, i think part of why they have her going out is because she is that much more forceful. >> oftentimes in her husband is oh, she's a great communicator. i think she's like their best asset really and she makes the case about their age better than he does. like he's an older man, was equal to say, like, i'm young and hit, they make jokes about it, that's their way of deflecting. but she's able to articulate it, bore him without him having to say like, look how it's trying to appear in a way that he doesn't. >> and yet she's really she's feisty she's his cheeses attack dog. and like everyone needs that robertson euro also acted that way. i don't know that he's as effective as a communicator as jill biden was. and that's i think they need to have her out on the trail more to your punch in the face point, joe biden punching someone in the face lands very differently than jill biden punching someone in the face. and it's it's almost it's
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like to stand-up comic in the 1980s who used to have a puppet that would say offensive jokes. you'll hear him say it, but coming out of me at something totally different and it just lands harder coming from jill biden, you don't expect it. he must be doing more of those interviews let's face it, the big one, the biggest one, i think probably the biggest is just the age, right. and yet the perception that he's just not up to it, he's lost his step. right. and so while that is great, having joe biden beat surrogate for you, he needs to be doing those things and good luck. >> let me pause you because he this was not an interview, but there was a moment that's been very widely circulated yesterday, where he was an odd setting. it's a little hard to hear the question we will be able to hear the question. the clip you can see joe biden struggled here. the question, watch this biden, would you be serving your full four-year term are handing over power to vice president harris pretty, sharp words, but sharp words,
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but like it's not something that is an affirmative case, right? >> like it's a deflection and i think look, also the more reps he does getting those questions the better he will be. we have this kind of a lot of times with our bosses that when we do with politicians, if you don't do a lot of interviews, when you get tougher questions, you won't be as sharp. it's like you've taken batting practice in the cage, right? so the more interviews he does, the better hold be he needs to be better on that answer and start making the case himself, not relying on jill or put an arrow. >> all right, coming up next here, could elon musk join donald trump in the white house if the former president wins in november, plus celebrities backing political candidates, a century old tradition, even sinatra did it his way. >> the more much more my more
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this close captioning. >> he's brought to you by christian faith publishing, right? for a higher purpose published with us, the christian faith publishing is an author friendly publisher who understands it. your labor is more than just a book color scan for your free write here's guide 804, 551827 46 minutes past the hour. here's your morning round up in california judge ruling that a piece of evidence in the murder case against scott pt your sin will get new dna testing. peterson's attempt to get a new trial comes roughly two decades after he was first convicted of murdering his wife, lacey peterson and his unborn son prosecutors say they're investigating new claims against harvey weinstein that could lead to a new indictment. the news coming ahead of weinstein's read trial after the new york court of appeals voted that some witness testimony should not have been allowed a new louisiana law makes it a crime to come within 25 feet of a police officer while they are engaged in law enforcement duties. but only after the officer orders the person to
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stay back. critics argue that the measure will hinder the public's ability to film officers to try to hold them accountable and football fans in the nation's capital are hating the new name of their nfl team. a washington post poll finds nearly six in ten commanders, fans do not like the name. two years after the change, only 16% said keep fit no nfl team has ever changed the thing three times in decades without changing regions. i mean, i got to say, i get why they changed the name the first place, but like, i mean, i was at an event where they were handed out free gear and i looked at atlanta and recognize anybody, but nine, i just there's no history through your vicki, they need something that connects a little more than i thought. what would the solution of ben wright? and it's a rhetorical question, it's not. new, but it's given all the baggage around the old name what could or would they have done that people would have embraced and i don't know what the answer but not this. it's a palate cleanser. i think they'll help the new name. i think it kinda cleanses it out. okay. >> all right let's turn now to
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this if trump returns to the white house, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye. >> that we all take for granted. and elections forget about it we've seen it before. >> that was robert de niro. of course, dumbing for biden and we had oprah stumping for then then-senator obama back in 2008. there was clint eastwood's infamous empty chair speech at the 2012 republican national convention. celebrities pitching candidates let me to tell romney i can't tell him do that but in the hyper divisive political climate that we are now seeing many celebrities are apparently wary of getting involved in politics. >> now, cnn white house correspondent priscilla alvarez, during just now to discuss her new reporting on this, priscilla, what are you learning? >> okc by all accounts, it's going to be a close race and for that reason, celebrity endorsements may hold outsized influence. that's what multiple strategists are telling me, but it could be even riskier and there is some trepidation given the highly
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polarized political landscape, which also includes the israel-hamas war. i mean, take mariah carey for example, who simply with a stop the white house last december, got a flurry of criticism in her comments on instagram. that's just an example of the type of response that some celebrities, according to consultants are wary of. but as you were laying out there historically, hollywood has rallied around democratic candidates and the biden campaign has clearly acquired some stars our power you played robert de niro earlier. there's a june fundraiser that has been planned. that's going to include julia roberts and george clooney. and this helps them rake in a lot of cash we saw when biden held a fundraiser in new york city, but more endorsements are expected between the democratic national convention and election day that's what campaign officials tell me. the timing really is everything they say that closer to election day is when it matters, they can reach voters that are otherwise hard to reach. and one senior adviser telling you that people know who bought biden is, but they need these celebrities to help
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get their message out. the question is, how many of them are actually going to show up, casey? all right. priscilla alvarez, force at the white house. priscilla thank you. and hollywood endorsements do go back quite awhile. watch with a wide open country in my in these jury for change tomorrow i'm with her if you freedom
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all right. so that obviously a parade of celebrities endorsing political candidates. i have always come from the school. that just doesn't really matter at all. perhaps taylor swift might move some people well, i don't know what do you think tara? >> yeah. i mean, that was the thinking in 2020 that taylor swift's endorsement of joe biden, i mean, you've activated some younger voters to actually go out and vote, but i do think that celebrities are aware that donald trump, they, they came out pretty forcefully against him in 2016 and he's still want 2020 he still want a very sizable amount of the popular vote, basically half the country still voted for them. >> and i do think ultimately they probably feel like this is also their careers and they're not sure if they're willing to put their names out on the line anymore to fight against this person that clearly half of the country is still behind and it impacts them if you're trying to sell records and it's just such a divisive, polarizing time that people, just like, you know, country music stars, they don't want to go out against donald trump because they know so many of their
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listeners and followers are also supportive of him. i think it was easier around the time of brock obama because he was like truly a transformational figure. he's almost like a celebrity himself. it didn't feel quite as polarizing, but this time brown with trump in the mix. i think celebrities are just like we tried in 2016. we said we're moving to canada in 2017. we didn't 2020, they came out, but now they're probably just it's like the shooting. >> a lot of this jobs, you seen a lot his to corporations, the same sort of calculus right? they realized the gaff the 2020 years. once you tap in as a political akre, there's no tapping out and you can pick a side. what you can't do you can't pick and choose once you're in, you are in. and i think celebrity, corporate people who have don't have an incentive to play in the political game or realized the downside is a lot, lot bigger than the upside is with this and it's also just a different world than it was tanno are 20 years ago. this is arguably
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donald john trump, the first celebrity president. even ronald reagan, had been governor of california twice. prior to running for the presidency. and people just saw him differently, right? there's a different power to celebrity and it's just the way the world is different than it was before. and to your point, it's almost michael jordan tara saying that republicans by sneakers two, he was never going to inflame some set of the country and wanted to stay out. i mean, even harvard university now is that they're saying we're not going to, we're not going to do it. >> i think the other thing is q, what we see as again, when you deal with celebrities put on campaigns corporation, there's a different incentive structure. let's pretend hypothetically that deniers is something that was over the line in that press conference. and we were kind of going after him. the biden campaign to step that de niro is zero incentive zero to refrain back, yet biden does. so you're dealing with a different set of incentives there, where when you deal with celebrities to be very, very
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careful how you do it. >> this is exactly what we were talking about a couple of segments ago though with surrogates where jill biden can punch in a way that people just don't expect joe biden or just don't want from him. i mean, they do, but i mean, we say sir, you're sorry. >> she go to topics he can't it's obviously can't right? yeah. and i think the celebrities they are they're uncomfortable and i don't know that they necessarily even want their brand aligned with biden. i was talking to some people though who are trying to create content for him that makes him appear younger, fun, like, remember when obama did between two firms with firms with funny or die, and that was like a viral video that millennials were really into. and that was like the key voting days at the time. >> and they're trying to create this content for gen z to get into biden. >> but i think celebrity see it too. it's just not their brand and they can try to create content around biden that makes him seem younger and cooler and appealing to gen z. but like are you going to, if you put an extra celebrities that really going to change it, and how does that impact the celebrity
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to their increasingly carrying so much about their own breath? i didn't canceled like, who knows anymore, they align with trump. they can get canceled. that alone with biden and they can have a whole subset that it cancels them. if they're safer, just sitting at home, the apotheosis that was really during the obama years, you're absolute right. he also obama wasn't as awkward as by ignore a lot of republicans two and deal with these celebrities there's harm. he sees himself as one of them. >> i mean, yeah, content creator and she's now a netflix, right. but like there is harm if you come off as awkward in this sort of thing, better off not to do it? yeah, it'd be retribution to if trump is truly going to go after his enemies that's another part of it. there that as well all right. we've been talking about celebrity in source mints. let's add to this list the wall street journal is reporting the trump has had discussions with elon musk to become a white house adviser if he wins in november, the exact role they report remains unclear. it doesn't really come as a huge surprise that he's courting the billionaire at musk's social media presence has definitely skewed trumpian in recent years in march, musk posted this on
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his platform, quote, there's either a red wave in november or america is doomed. imagine four more years of this getting worse tara, i mean, it's seems very clear. elon musk is aligned with donald trump at this point, although he has been a little bit there was reporting that they were meeting and then they were some distance from that. now, it's clear something else is going on what is underlying this and is there, i mean, we're talking about risk to celebrities. is, is there any risk to ilan to do this? >> i mean, he's already taken so many risks already the way that he's managed twitter, he's made a lot of enemies. but there is certainly like this sort of red pilling in silicon valley and they are coming around according, trump openly we did some reporting at puc about this. david sacks hosted an event for donald trump. he's a billionaire and silicon valley, he hosts the all-in podcasts, very popular so in silicon valley, it's set and they're all sort of like opening their homes, having him come in and they're willing to fight him back in 2020. they
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didn't want anything to do with him. his brand was way too toxic. and now he's being welcomed in francisco. i mean, this is kind of unheard of. i trump was never campaigns. they're never even goes there for fundraisers. and i don't think it's so much about trump as it is that they're unhappy with joe biden and it's happening on the fringes. i'm not saying it's all of silicon valley, but it is happening on the fringes they're talking about like, what do they call it woke mind virus that their phraseology yeah, exactly. so they they find trump as more appealing, but the ego's, i mean, getting elon musk and donald trump in a room together. like, i don't think elon musk is going to mar-a-lago. do you want to get trump out of mar-a-lago? that's pretty hard. but as well. but the one thing that will bring him out is money and he's pretty desperate for it, so i can see him being willing to dangle this advisory role like he's been doing with a lot of other donors, right? >> well, that's a big a big part of this, right? >> like how much, how much money can he get from these people? well, at these events all right. >> i will leave you with this big news for panda levers the
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mood is tense. >> i have been on some serious, serious reports, but nothing quite like this. >> two new giant pandas will be coming to the smithsonian's national zoo right here in washington, dc. the zoo announced yesterday a pair of two-year-old pandas will arrive by the end of this year through a partnership with the china wildlife conservation association, there was a bit of panda drama last year when the last pandas at the national zoo were taken back by china. first lady jill biden, releasing this tongue in video of the behind-the-scenes panda diplomacy at the white house okay, so let's get to it. >> formal dinner or barbecue on the south lawn. i don't think you want them on the south lawn. and what about a tire? well, they're pretty partial to black and white black titus then what's on the menu? >> any dietary restrictions? >> well, they're strict vegetarians. >> any special greetings they use pretty shy and he get to know if they're really nervous, they might hang. so that's something you have to watch out for honk. i'm sorry. i feel
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like i'm missing something who's coming i'm definitely missing something there but elliott, this is i'm sorry, i was so sad when the pandas left washington and my son was two and now we're gonna get to see them again. so a couple of things. one that is why joe biden is a very effective surrogate political issues because she's humanizing on issues like pandas hey, we did our one of our kids birthday parties at the national zoo several years ago. >> you could do you can do that. you might have three covid pre-covid, but i think you can do it again now and they're just amazing animals in that. and the conservation behind having them at the national zoo because of how much trouble they have reproducing they have a very limited diet thought you were upenn to experts. >> so happy to hear cnn analyst williams but the efforts that humans have. >> done with respect to bring in conservation and understanding how pandas live


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