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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 31, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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lives matter protests and so on. >> the allegations that we are worse than south africa or venezuela, it's nonsense. and for back to things that make this country great. and we're going to end the program soon. let's just talk for a second about the jury we have all as american citizens either been called for jury duty and sat for jury duty is an awesome responsibility. i have dealt with jurors and it's very powerful. they're those 12 people's opinions are the only ones that matter, not jack smith, not donald trump, not anybody else is popping off about what's right or wrong. and they took on an awesome responsibility and handled it with distinction whether we like the outcome or not, and we should all be grateful for them and keep them safe and protected. one other point, this idea that you can't get a fair trial in new york city. i note that we had guests on today, one of whom markwayne mullin comes from a district that was 73 or 72% voted for donald trump, 23, not bismarck, north dakota, governor burgum is from voted for trump 69 to 28%. i'd love to ask them if a
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democrat could get, if they would say that a democrat could get a fair trial, bear. the answer is yes, because we will get fair trials all over the country. and the idea that merely because there's a political split that people dead things, criminal justice system falls apart is just nonsense. >> well, that's a good note to end on. we could talk about this all day, but our time is up. thanks to our panel. thanks to you for being here. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central it's right now this morning we will hear from donald hold trump, the convicted felon, holds a news conference. >> we might also hear from president biden for the first time since the verdict this new chapter in american history a new, video this morning of the moment, ukrainian drones attack and destroy russian boats, the strike coming as president biden gives you crane, the okay to use us weapons to kill carry out strikes on russian soil. >> and a police officer ambushed and killed by the very person who was trying to help.
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i'm k-fold when with john berman, sara sidner it's out today. this is cnn news central this morning for the first time, donald trump is waking up as a convicted felon this morning for the first time the country is waking up with a former president who is a convicted felon. >> in this morning for the first time, a major political party is waking up with a presumptive nominee. that is a convicted felon asked for what that means. we are all now living it moment by moment. this morning we get fresh reaction from donald trump. he holds a news conference. we also have new reaction from the biden campaign is they assess how to handle this new reality including reaction perhaps apps from president biden himself, donald trump basis sentencing on july 11th. that is just days before the republican convention. he could get up to four years in prison, though he could face no jail time. hi
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meant of course, trump will appeal this verdict let's get right to the courthouse. cena's brynn gingras standing by you were there the whole trial you're now there after the trial, give us the latest yeah. >> all all right. john, you're ready for all the headlines that we've got from the papers that my wonderful producer, aaron cooper collected this morning. look at daily news guilty. the same goes for the new york times guilty, convicted on all 34 counts, and for the new york post, not surprisingly, injustice first felon president after political hit job. of course, this is what americans, at least in new york are waking up to on their doorsteps this morning. the first, as you said, former us president convicted of a felony. now, what's next? the sentencing, as you said, john, that is on july 11 at 10:00 a.m. judge juan merchan sean is the one who will decide that sentencing. now there's a few factors that actually will go into his decision-making. one of those is any character
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references that the former president's family members might submit in writing, a recommendation from a probation officer also, the fact that the former president has no criminal history and the these crimes were not a violent crime. so that's going to go all into the decision making. but what's at stake before president trump can either receive probation or he can receive up to four years in prison for each of those 34 counts for a maximum of 20 years in prison. obviously, that is pretty unlikely, but certainly that is on the scale. judge juan merchan's his scalable, he can decide this morning we also hearing reaction from manhattan district attorney alvin bragg, the first person to bring an indictment against a former president. and of course, trump's defense team, let's take a listen to what they have to say we were indicted for conduct that happened in 2015, 16, 17 in a jurisdiction that
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it was very hard for us to get a fair trial. >> i think it's naive to say that this is like any other case. >> yeah. and bragg and his time saying that they think to jurors for their service saying, obviously that this defendant was like no other, but that they did their job. now, blanche also saying in an interview with caitlin when collins that they plan to file a number of motions before the sentencing date on july 11, and then after that sentencing, there obviously very likely going to appeal this conviction. we saw number of those filings prior to this trial, so we fully expect a lot of them to have to happen afterwards as well. one thing to note though, john bragg did say when he was asked what sort of sentencing recommendation hill make, he said the filings will speak for itself, would not make a public comment on that. john? >> no. alvin bragg, actually fairly tight lipped after this
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conviction, brynn gingras outside the courthouse. brynn, thank you very much. >> donald trump and his supporters are angry today. donald trump and his political opponent, joe biden, actually though agree on one key point coming out of this verdict, that this really doesn't end until november. biden saying the following. there's only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office. at the ballot box, and donald trump put it this way the real verdict is going to be november 5 by the people and they know what happened here cnn's kristen holmes live outside from tower where we are going to be hearing from donald trump. >> he says he's going to be holding this press conference at 11:00 a.m. what are we expecting to hear from them? >> we're going to expect to hear exactly what we have been hearing that this was election interference, that this is political persecution. he's going to say that alvin bragg should have now for brought this case eddies going to try and link this case to president joe biden. and i will tell you when i talked to his senior
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advisers, they believe that this messaging is going to help him come november, that they can rally up and ramp up the base, as well as other republicans because of this, i want to give you a little bit of a taste of what donald trump had to say immediately after the verdict, more exact later, but here's what he said yesterday we didn't do a thing wrong. >> having a very innocent man. it's okay. i'm fighting for our country. i'm finding for our constitution country is big and rigged right down. we'll keep fighting, we'll fight til the end and we'll when because our country's gone to hell we don't have the same country anymore. we have a divided mess now there obviously are a lot of questions still about today. >> will he take questions? the other thing we wondering is whether or not melania trump we'll be by his side. we know that she is currently in new york last night donald trump was described to me as outraged as a surprise, shock despite
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the fact that he had told me people he thought it was possible that he was going to be convicted. the actual weight of it happening by the end of the 19th, daddy private fundraising dinner sources around them said that he was feeling in somewhat better spirits as those allies and donors aimed to convince them that this would help him both politically, and financially. we have not seen any of those fundraising number for is yet, but we have asked the big question though, is that we are in uncharted territory despite what his senior advisers safe, despite what they believe in, despite what has happened with his bare areas, legal issues which have boosted him both financially and in the polls, it is very unclear to everyone how this is going to impact voters going to the ballot box in november christina it's great to see you thanks for being there much more to come from from trump tower this morning, john. yeah. interesting to see if we see melania trump, who's in new york but did not go to any moment of the trial itself again, donald trump is set to speak this morning. >> we are standing by for that. he of course, is now a
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convicted felon and we are standing by for reaction from president biden, who will leave delaware, will he speak as he departs a police officer shot and killed, ambushed by the person he was trying to help officers i'll mitchell was honored last year by cnn for saving an elderly couple from a house fire. here is what michal told us then about the to share his view left part of the job like putting others, we're here to protect the community der we can to serve the community. we are trained to put other's lives in front of ours for russians were trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them in this saturday, friday this is a war, but secret war, secrets and spies, a nuclear game. >> premier sunday at ten, on cnn, kinda riva support your brain health janet, hey, eddie, know, fraser, franck.
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come out and be ready to play his out with me, ready to buy again for the western conference final presented by geico, dover is begins tonight is 730 on tnt all right. >> in just a few hours, we will hear from donald trump. he will speak at trump tower. the convicted felon says he is already planning to appeal his verdict. this is what lawyer todd blanche told kaitlan collins this is one step in the process, right? so we have motions due in a couple of weeks in front of judge more, sean, which we're going to vigorously fight and restate a lot of what i'm saying to you tonight and other things that happened or that trial that we think just made the trial unfair and including the testimony of of mr. daniel's why willis now former trump white house lawyer gym shoes, and former us attorney michael moore. thank you, gentlemen for being here. todd blanche says they will appeal. he says one of the things they will focus on is the testimony from stormy daniel's, which i think they're going to say was prejudicial the graphic, right? in some cases what do you think the strongest grounds for
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appeal are? >> yeah, i'm glad to be with you. i think that's a decent ground and move forward. i do think that her at her testimony went too far. there may should have been more objections, but certainly there are objectives on the record, and i think the core probably should have stepped in to do that. i think the other issue that is out there that will probably catch the attention of some some judge on an appellate court will be the due process issue and how they cloud well as how the charges are laid out. i mean, we believe in our system that a defendant has a right to be put on notice of the specific things that he or she would have to defend themselves against. that means that an indictment generally spells out the specific charge how are you did it, what implement you did it with, who you did it to. >> this was a little willy nilly in when they got to this second crime. >> so you remember they took this state statute that was a misdemeanor. they've made it a felony. they enhanced it by saying, well, he intended to violate another law, but they never really went into and explain what he was alleged to have highlighted. they did certain during the trial, they tried to make an effort, but it was back-and-forth on his tax
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case is at a federal election, laws or state election law. and i think that that may cause him them a problem. the conviction i think building on that, they instructed on federal campaign finance law but didn't let anybody testifies to what what the elements of that potential crime mark and the judge said, well, that's my job, right? >> well, at times and in federal court, they allow campaign finance expert that are specialized in that area to testify, happened in federal court in philadelphia in what was called the foreign az case, where a state senator was indicted they had someone who was an expert lawyer. they came in and testified on that case. there is precedent for that. they didn't do that here. and all they did was instruct the jury on that on the particular elements of the campaign finance issue on a case that was never prosecuted by the federal prosecutor. so they're saying the violated federal law was never prosecuted, goes back to the due process peace. and whether they should have been allowed to have someone testified in that case, whether the process was fair basically is what due process means in layman's terms. let me ask you this in retrospect what
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mistakes did the defense make? i read an op-ed this morning, bar a friend, renato mariotti, who said, one thing that offense it was opened the door to stormy daniels testimony because of the opening statements, todd blanche says they didn't have sex, right? he didn't have to say anything about that by doing that, you open the door to stormy daniel's. the other thing mariotti said is they didn't focus on exactly where the gray area is enough, which is what did donald trump actually know or do about the false documents? >> yeah. i mean, i think those are good points. i always hate to armchair quarterback and i know everybody still trying to digest the verdict that was especially on the, defense team. i'm sure but i do think maybe a more cohesive story, a lot of talking to a jury is just telling a story. are you able to tell it in a way that sets the base, sets the hook, and then keeps them interested in with you through the trial. and i think there was a little meandering back and forth. it would own i think they let they got into some information that was not necessary i mean, i think a lot of the questions it might have been effective at some point just to stand up, so
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i don't have any questions. this this this person knows nothing about whether or not he he falsified documents. who cares if a war boxers or condoms and that stuff matter. and i think those kind of issues became red herrings that were salacious, but didn't have anything to do with the cash yeah. >> look, i think we can look at the harvey weinstein case, right? that's what everybody's going to point back to now, that case had remember only some of the charges were dismissed in harvey weinstein case. this case, if if they find that that was prejudicial, all of those all of those convictions go out all 34 of them. this was not a sex crimes case like harvey weinstein, where it was part of the elements of the crime, but it was if it was viewed to be overly prejudicial versus the probative value then all of the charges are the todd blanche and the opening statements and i read the transcript. one of the way this day, he did open the door. so if he opens the door, why not drive through it? >> a great and the prosecution did that. they drove through it. it's a question what appellate judge is going to sound appeal as it relates to the prejudicial. the prejudicial effect versus the
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probative value. all right. we yeah about 30 seconds left here, michael, the jury now in retrospect, given the jury questions that we did have in the length of time they looked it to liberate. can you read anything from that? >> i don't really think so. i think they had made their mind up early on. i felt the delay of about a week from the time they finished the evit. so they got here. they probably got set in stone. the problem with that is that they didn't know the law. they were supposed to apply they just base it on sort of what their gut feelings were about some facts. and once you get sent in there that matter, what the judge tells you, you've got your stuck. we may never know. we may never hear yourself, although we might, we will see, we will also see sentencing on july 11. i think we're gonna see some books that's probably right here, maybe there may be. all right. >> an emotional were union as an american returns home? >> for being charged for possession of ammunition while on vacation and do reaction this morning, as republicans navigate the uncharted waters of the presumptive div nominee be a convicted felon. we are getting fresh reaction unfolding in real time in one
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per hour, the step counter, the sport matt and wireless remote call. now, series of steps against superstar's bank three minutes i'm, better come out and be ready to play his doubtless, ready to buy again for the western conference final presented by geico covaries begins tonight is 730 on tnt president biden has yet to speak out publicly on donald trump's verdict. we may hear from him as he is set to weave delaware this morning, we will see, but moments after the verdict was delivered, he and his campaign painted take to twitter to look forward saying this the only way to defeat donald trump is at the ballot box, seen as brazil alvarez is at the white house pursue what are you hearing from there this morning also from the campaign, because from the white house, it was a pretty short statement. >> the right-hand white house has been quite reluctant to wane over the course of this trial, but really the white house and the campaign's still largely taking a subdued approach, are not banking on this right now, really changing
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the calculus in the election entirely and instead trying to keep the focus on the issue and framing still donald trump as a threat to democracy. and that really came through and a sharply worded statement put out by the campaign yesterday right after this verdict was reached, where they said, quote, there is still only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office at the ballot box? convicted felon or not, trump will be the republican nominee for president. in other biden campaign also started fundraising shortly after the verdict essentially telling supporters that trump's conviction could lead to fundraising records for him. and in that email, biden said, quote the following, you know, that i hate to ask, but there couldn't be a more important moment for you to make your first donation to keep this guy out of the white house once and for all. now, as far as an official response, the white house council spokesperson keeping it very brief, we respect the rule of law and have no additional comments. you can see through all of
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those different statements that there is fine line that is being walked here with the campaign and the white house. now for the president himself, he was out of the public eye yesterday. he was commemorating the ninth anniversary of his son, beau's death. we will see him today when he leaves delaware. as you mentioned, but also, he will be welcoming the kansas city chiefs here later today. it's a light-hearted event, but he will surely be asked about this by reporters, whether he weighs in or does are delivers more formal remarks is still a big open question. so we have not yet heard from the president, but his campaign certainly taking the lead here with with their statements, kate, yeah. >> and importantly, as you point out with the schedule, one, always enjoy seeing what happens when any president welcomes a football team to the white house. but to multiple opportunities today to hear from president biden if he would so choose. so we will stand by for that. it's great to see for so thank you. >> so ahead for us, a big shift on the battlefield in ukraine. >> president biden saying us weapons can be used to strike
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russia on russian soil. >> now, the impact of that and we're also worrying new details. >> but a deadly ambush road police officer and minnesota was killed. that officer shot by someone who was trying to help 80, years after d-day, jake tapper talks to top generals about the state of democracy. are we protecting? what we fought to save their has been democratic backsliding around the world are you concerned the whole story with anderson cooper sunday at aid on cnn, all new temper p-adic adapt actress was designed to help me aches and pains. >> a thing of the past, because only temper material he's is your pressure points in a way no other mattress can for a limited time save up to $500 on select temper repeated adjustable mattress sets. >> as your advisor create a portfolio based only on your age and risk tolerance. and that's simply not good enough that create a planning. our private wealth managers learn about you first, don't settle first date or portfolio book you're free the meeting today at creative stay
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the windsor j. series of steps against tuples are same damaging better come out and be ready to play this out with a renewed by gain for the western conference final presented by geico covaries begins tonight is 730 on tnt so this morning we are expecting to hear once again from donald trump. he says he's going to be holding a press conference at 11 this morning as he and his legal team are quickly shifting to a new legal battle appealing his criminal conviction, trump
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sentencing set for july 11. >> the judge could sentence trump to probation or up to four years on each count, which had been a maximum of 20 years with a maximum of 20 years for now, trump remains out of prison as his legal team prepares to appeal the verdict handed to him. >> in new york jury that verdict coming after nearly 12 hours of jury deliberations and a jury of 12 plus alternate sitting through five weeks of testimony. testimony ranging from dry finance document, commentary to the exact opposite with explicit sexually detailed testimony laid out by stormy daniels those on the stand, with this historic trial now, over, the jury goes back to their lives before jury duty joining us right now is attorney and jury consultant robert hirshhorn. now i want to pick up there because this is an aspect of this has been an unprecedented, this is an unprecedented trial, historic all over the place. also then this jury delivering a historic verdict. what is life like today for these 12 jurors and
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six alternates yeah. >> great question, kate, thanks for having me and cnn. thank you for covering this gavel to gavel, the american people deserve to see and hear the truth. and that's what they did see and here. so their lives are changed forever. it will never be the same. they understand they were part of it historic verdict here today some of them i think will ultimately speak to the media. some of them may write books. a lot of, we'll probably go right back to their life knowing that they've had this remarkable chapter and they've, they've spoken loudly and clearly in their verdict throughout the trial. there were one or two jurors, as it was described in particular, who's demeanor in court was interpreted by trump's supporters in court, that the defense had one may have won them over and that they could potentially he deliver a mistrial. not so verdict was unanimous. what does this say
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about this jury? juries in general and jury selection? >> yeah, you know, it's it's an art it's not a science. there's no button you can push to figure out what the jurors are thinking are believing you try to read into it, you do the best you can look. the fact that the jury wouldn't look at trump that probably told you a lot more than anything else. when the jury has a connection with the defendant they have no hesitation looking at him when they feel disconnected from a defendant, when they feel like defendant is guilty. that's when they tend not to have eye contact with them. so i think that's the kind of thing that was probably the clarity for syndication that trump was not doing well with this particular jury, not because they weren't democrats, but because of the facts. >> look, let me let me speak to that then. because republicans were quick to criticize the verdict that is no surprise, calling a sham trial. some though going as far as
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criticizing the jury hey, itself as well, ohio senator trump surrogate jd vance put out a statement saying, quote, the partisan slant of this jury pool shows why we ought to litigate politics at the ballot box and not in the courtroom. what is your reaction to that? >> shame on him listen these jurors didn't volunteer for this job that they were asked to serve their country, to serve their community. and the two ways we serve our country in our community is by serving on juries and voting. this jury did their job. they didn't decide this case based on a de or unar they decided this case based on the evidence and the evidence was overwhelming to this jury. i mean, if you're keeping score, the score is trump zero truth, justice, and democracy. 34 when it comes down to it, you spoke to this the judge thanked the jury as
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he should and did and also said, as judges often do, that, it's up to the jury if they want to speak publicly, if they don't want to speak publicly, that's also their choice. he said very clearly the choice is yours. why choose to speak out in your experience, why choose to speak out? why not look, it's a deeply personal decision. >> there's a lot of people that are going to be trying to knock down their door or knock on their door to try to get them to talk. they're gonna get hounded kind of like the way, you know, stormy has been hounded ever since she testified. by the way, she did a great job as a witness look, these jurors have to make decision. i think they want to explain to the american people how they reached the verdict. we know the verdict they reached. >> but what a lot of people want to know is what cause them to reach that verdict. >> and that's what might compel some of these jurors to speak out publicly.
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>> do you fear for their safety? i've heard that from some people just given the state of politics today absolutely absolutely. >> and that's why look, they may want to do it anonymously. they may not want to show their face. they may not want to say their name. so there's lots of times where people speak anonymously. i have absolutely no problem with that but look one of the greatest things that we have as an, as an american country and in a democracy is our juries and we shouldn't be, we should be praising this jury. we should be thanking this jury for the service they perform, not criticizing them when those of you that are listening, when you get your summons for jury duty, don't look for a way to get out of it. look for we'll wait for you to serve your country and for you to serve your community by serving on a jury. so i'm really proud of this jury. they did the right thing according to the evidence. they did exactly what they were supposed to do. >> they applied the lot of the evidence and they came out with their verdict robert hirshhorn.
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>> thank you for your time john all right. >> breaking overnight in minneapolis police officer was killed in an ambush by someone he thought needed medical help. jamal mitchell is being remembered as a hero in wonderful human being who was exceptional in every way, officers first responded to calls at two people injured and apartments shooting according to officials, when they arrived, the gunman immediately began shooting the suspect and another person were also killed, at least four others were injured seen as whitney wild has the latest whitney, what are you learning this morning? >> well done. there's still a lot of open questions, but let me walk you through the timeline as we know it right now, we believe that this all unfolded around 515 central time in minneapolis when law enforcement got this call, four shots fired at an apartment complex. and in minneapolis neighborhood called the whittier neighborhood, when law enforcement arrived to that initial shots fired, call they were immediately met with gunfire. and this is where the story is, gets a little fuzzy job because some of the details
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are just not clear. >> what we know is that there was this exchange of gunfire at this apartment complex, but officer jamal mitchell was responding and he actually came upon someone that he thought needed medical assistance, but that was one to two blocks away from that initial scene. >> so so jamal mitchell gets out of his car, tries to render aid to someone that again, he thought needed medical assistance, someone he thought he could help save their life. and this is what law enforcement says happened next officer mitchell was attempting to assist the individual that shot him and with that, it happened very fast and that he ambushed him. i'm using the term for reason of seeing the video and he was ambushed at the time by this individual that was there he is being remembered, as you said, as a hero. >> and john, i want to take a moment to tell you a little bit more about officer jamal mitchell, his courageous snus was on display. the de, you
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took this job. it just so happens that last march and march 2023, cnn featured him a piece because he and his partner ran into a burning building to save an elderly couple, john, the day he did that, he had only been on the job for three days. that is how courageous to and brave and really admirable officer jamal mitchell, a's and why it is such a tragic loss for the minneapolis police department the governor of minnesota was quick to point out that in minnesota, this is becoming a horrifying trend. there had been four incidents of first responders trying to respond to 911 calls, trying to save people's lives and being ambushed. it was recently that other first responders were shot and killed in minnesota. the governor of minnesota saying this cannot be the norm. john so sad or thoughts with officer mitchell's family when you while thank you very much for that. okay. that is so horrible. it's those details that is so sad. >> we're also tracking this today. >> secretary of state 20
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blinken, expected to speak next hour in prague where he is meeting with nato counterparts. this is as president biden is made a major policy shift when it comes to ukraine. now saying it will allow ukraine to use american weapons to strike inside russia cnn's alex marquardt has more. alex, this is a big policy shift. what are the limitations to it well, it is limited, but as a significant shift, kate, until now, ukraine has not been allowed to use us weapons in carrying out strikes inside russia. >> they haven't carrying out lots of strikes inside russia, but using primarily there for own weapons. now, president biden is saying they can use us weapons and that's because russia has been making advances on the battlefield, primarily around the northeastern city of kharkiv. the second biggest city in ukraine russia launched a new offensive back on may 10, and in the days that followed, senior ukrainian officials made a direct appeal he'll to top biden officials to loosen those restrictions to be allowed to use those weapons against
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russian staging areas, just on the other side of the border. and those officials, the americans thought that that made sense. they took it to the president. he agreed with that recommendation and it finally went into effect just yesterday. so this is something it has been in the works. this is an area where the us has been feeling quite a bit of international pressure from the french, from the germans, from the head of nato, who spoke earlier today. take a listen. >> russia has a attacked another country violated international law invaded ukraine. and ukraine has the right four self-defense and that includes also there are two strike legitimate military targets inside russia so kate, the reason that these restrictions have been in places because the us has been worried about provoking russia more about escalating this conflict. >> there are significant restrictions that are still in place. ukraine cannot fire any he where are they want to. they cannot use any weapon they want to. they can't use the most formidable missile that the us
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has given to ukraine, which is called an atacms that can go some 200 miles that has been used to great effect inside russian occupied areas, including crimea. and that's where we're seeing a lot of fighting. we have some new video of ukrainian forces attacked packing a russian ships in the black sea using sea drones. and so they really have taken the fight to the russians in that area, both with ukrainian domestically made weapons. as well as these american missiles. now, we'll these us restrictions remain in place? the biden menstruation is telling me yes. for now now, but but antony blinken saying in the past few days, notably that the us will continue to adapt and adjust as needed, kate? >> yeah, it will be interesting to hear from secretary of state as we expect to hear from him in the next hour, alex, thank you so much for bringing us all that detail, john, where we are standing by as new reaction to the guilty verdict verdict against donald trump continues to come in this morning. donald trump's former white house national security advisor, john
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bolton, posted on twitter or x's is now called. today's verdict is a fire bell in the night the republican party now has one last chance to change course in not nominate a convicted felon for president ambassador john bolton joins me now, ambassador, what are you doing here? what's that about? >> well, i think it's gonna be a big mistake for the party, for the country to nominate donald trump. precisely because he may well win this election. i'm not going to vote for biden either, but i think if there's any chance left to get somebody else to replace trump, which is highly unlikely to be sure this audio signal at two people we've never nominated a convicted felon before. and this is not a good time to start. you don't actually think there will be a change do know. but i think people have conscience ought to be thinking about how to approach this you've heard a lot of criticism of the case on this network the day the indictment came down, i said if trump is elected, it could be because of this case. but the fact is you
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had 12 jurors find him guilty, and that is going to reverberate with a lot of americans who are not part of the trump base. and it could endanger not only the country if, if trump gets elected, it could endanger other republicans on the ballot in november. >> so there's been a lot of reaction to what you wrote on twitter overnight. let me read you one of the nicer ones. this was written by a conservative says, i will vote for whoever promises to jail. john bolton for the rest of his natural life. now i know it's hard to her hurt your feelings. i'm not asking about that, but what do you think this type of reaction to what you wrote says, sure, look, trump himself has said, he's going to run a retribution presidency. he said mark milley, the former chairman of the joint chiefs, should be in jail for treason and maybe even hung for calling his chinese counterpart in connection with january the sixth. and i think that's a real danger as far as these comments go, i've been vilified by donald trump himself. i don't really care about little leagues, but you don't care about the little things what does it tell you
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though, about the party itself? let me one more thing here before. so larry hogan, governor larry hogan, who is the republican senate nominee in maryland in maybe the republicans best chance to retake the center. i mean, if republicans want to take the senate, having larry hogan when there would be a huge step. so larry hogan rights land that's night regardless of the result, i urge all americans to respect the verdict and the legal process. he then goes on similar stuff here. it's not like he says, yay, i love this vernix, so that's what he writes chris lacivita, who is a key figure in donald trump's campaign, tweets, you just ended your campaign. >> look, this is a mob boss speaking and that's the way trump has, has performed in his business for many, many years to me, it's less now about this conviction than about trump's lack of character. look all of us have character flaw us, myself included, except donald trump because he doesn't have a character, have flaws in and that is really the concern i have for the part i just take issue with one thing you said about the direction of the party. i don't think trump
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has his party yet. he has a strong following among a certain part of the base, and he has a lot of people who are going to vote for him in the party gridding their teeth because of the alternatives. >> but lacivita basically is making this a litmus test for being part of this party going into november, bring it on. >> this is the fight to fight. this is the fight about are we going to have a republican, conservative? philosophy, or is this going to be a cult of the personality? and i'm fully prepared to have that first. >> do you think your winning that fight? >> i don't think we're winning at right now. but in washington, as they say, nothing is ever resolved, this battle is gonna go on. >> sean davis, who writes for the federalists are actually runs the federals. he actually suggesting putting a list together of democrats who should be prosecuted for crimes or basically saying, let's go after these people now, do you think that's a good reaction that's ridiculous. >> this is, this is how trump the aberration of trump is, is corrupting the political and judicial system even if you believe everything about this
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case and everything about the other cases is wrong, the answer is to take steps to make sure it never happens again. it's not the unleash the same furious against the democrats. that means we get into a place. we may not be able to recover from i've just before i let you go. again, just to after everything you just said, you actually don't like this new york case, correct? this was i said again the day he was indicted, the reference to the federal election law is bad law. >> the reference to state election law, which is preempted and a presidential election is bad law. i think there are real issues on appeal here. >> all right ambassador john bolton. thanks so much for being here. i appreciate your time, sir. granted. don't we are learning new details this morning about the murder of an actor on general hospital, his his coworker says she held him in her arms as he does russia, were trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them i'm sally franklin this is a war. >> but secret was secrets and
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intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt. >> i melies nonna in washington and this is cnn new details are emerging this morning in the murder of general hospital actor johnny wactor. >> he was shot and killed after approaching thieves attempting to still part of his car for the first time we are hearing from a witness, his close friend and co-worker who says she held him in her arms after he was shot. in an instagram post. she says, quote, as i heard the shot ring into the tonight, jonny forcefully tumbled back into my arms as i grabbed for him, i shouted, honey, are you okay? and he responded? no shot she told abc that she tied her jacket around water to stop the bleeding, trying to save his life. >> no arrests have been made in los angeles police have not yet located the suspect's an idaho man has been convicted of murdering his ex-wife in two stepchildren, chad daybell, with the help of his second wife, lori vallow, committed the triple homicide prosecutor say the killings were motivated
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by apocalyptic spiritual beliefs daybell can now face the death penalty in the nba finals match up is now set. >> the dallas mavericks fans to face the boston celtics. the mavericks beat the minnesota timberwolves, was gamefied, blow out the mavericks advanced to the finals. the first for the first time since 2011 they won the championship, then game one in the nba finals is scheduled for six months from now honestly, it's like june 6. it's like ten weeks away. because wai wai started soon. why? enjoy the excitement of the nba? let's wait okay. i'm nothing more to add to this. >> remember, donald trump telling reporters after learning he was convicted on all 34 criminal counts that quote, the real verdict is going to be decided on november 5 by the people. >> that is one thing but he and president biden seem to agree on. biden tweeting tweeting post verdict this there's only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office at the
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ballot box new npr, pbs, newshour marist poll released yesterday, released the suggests, rather the verdict may not do much to sway voters. 67% of registered voters there's saying a guilty verdict would not make a difference in their vote, joining me right now, a cnn political commentator, karen fitting, she's also a former senior spokesperson for hillary clinton's presidential campaign. and matt gorman, former senior adviser to tim scott's presidential campaign. so matt, what is let's start here. what is a smart thing politically for donald trump to focus in on as we are waiting to hear potentially for him to hold a press conference a little later this morning. what is the message focus? you would suggest? >> yeah, i expect an officer to talk about this verdict, but just like you did, he found ways when he was up in new york during the trial two, we then messages. he wins on right immigration, the migrant crisis, the economy. he has to weave those into at the end of
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the de, i think is your poll suggests, the fundamental issues about the selection are unchanged. and so keeping your eye on that, making sure he's talking about those issues. it can be very important when he has a big audience. >> karen, what is this morning thing that politically for joe biden to say if and when he speaks publicly about the verjee, is there is there a world where you think the smartest thing to do is to say nothing, not fuel the fire absolutely. >> i think the president should continue to do what he has been doing, which is stay focused on doing your day job. stay focus on running your campaign. and again, talking about the issues and let the rest of us talk about the contrast that i think can't be more dramatic. do you trust a convicted felon with your future or do you trust joe biden, who's a good, decent man who has been fighting for this country for the last four years and who their contrast couldn't be more dramatic and
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stark and remember the other part of the messaging around trump is, this is one of three more to go. he's now been found guilty. and there are three more cases still out there. do you really trust that guy with your future? and that's the that's the choice for voters. >> we all those said matt, on the political impact this pole, as you were just talking about and we'd, let's dive a little bit more into it. it does suggest that it's going to have little difference on how voters feel this is registered among registered voters, 67% said it makes no difference on their vote the guilty verdict, 17% saying it makes them less likely to vote for trump, 15% saying it makes them more likely to vote for donald trump. >> do you think that those numbers shift in any significant way as the verdict sets in and the campaign continues. and donald trump donald trump is called a criminal over and over again. >> i don't foresee it i mean,
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we've been doing this for ten years essentially now talking about things trump has done or said and nothing has shifted so far. i think so much with this is baked in and i think it's a not insignificant amount of folks who are voting for trump. they, they might not necessarily like a man. i think he's the best guy. yeah. >> but they want to be able to afford gas and groceries and buy a house. there's other concerns and so i think that is kind of where those republican voters fall down. and the one thing i think that could kind of, i'm very interested in seeing and you alluded to this earlier in the show where the fundraising breaks down, trump raised about 7 million reads indicted for this. he raised another 7 million when he had his mug shot taken in fulton county. i bet this surpasses it but again you just said that no matter what both candidates are going to have enough money to run this race, wasn't that our conversation last week or is that another mega know but you back gorman, both here, who does who doesn't want more
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money? i mean, i don't know about you. i'm not going to turn money away. >> well, matt, i don't know but less is always more from me carrie, go yes. well, i'm going to talk about the poll kate we are in down in world today i know well, you got me here, kate. you got me zagat about the pose, but here here's the thing i would just say, there's a big difference between asking the question when it's a theoretical and asking the question when it's an actual reality that says this man has been convicted of interfering in the 2016 election. he's still facing charges for potentially oh, trying to overturn the 2020 election. i mean, people really have to save themselves. am i gonna vote for convicted felon? there's two other points i'll make we've already seen this morning, john was just talking about what's going on with former governor hogan, right. and he tried to do a pretty what's going to happen in these down ballot races where republican candidate did at some and tough races are going
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to have to say, am i going to go all in and say on behind a convicted felon in order to win the race. and that's gonna be a big choice. that's going to be a real problem for the trump campaign to try to keep that under control. and the last thing i'll say is don't forget about women voters have been focusing on women voters for a long time in my career. and i will tell you many women voters to set. all right, i'm going to trust trump in 2016 now, are saying, wait a second. he did lie to us. how do i feel about that, particularly on an issue when it comes down to something as personal so as he cheated on his wife and he lied about it and tried to cover it up. >> if this becomes the larry hogan bit, if this becomes a litmus test what do you think of it matt? well, i think if you're larry hogan and you're running in a state that biden won by 20. it actually might help you. i think that's important context to keep in mind here. i think though, when you have everyone from obviously my


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