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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 31, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

12:00 pm slash tv i'm katie go lois in washington. >> and this is cnn closed captioning is bronchi by ucar help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, i can having utis for ten years. >> you cora. we make uti relief products. we also make proactive urine mary tracks health products. you core is a life's they tried today at your the historic
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conviction and two very different messages today, president biden just speaking out for the first time i've for trump was found guilty of all 34 charges in his hush money trial, biden making it clear that the jury's decision reaffirm the american principle that no one is above the law they found donald trump guilty i'm all 34 felony counts now it'd be given the opportunity as he should to appeal that decision just like everyone else has that opportunity. that's how the american system of justice works and it's reckless. is dangerous, it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged. just because they don't like the verdict now that statement coming just hours after former president trump lashed out after his
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criminal conviction, he railed against the verdict against judge juan merchan, against the district attorney, alvin bragg, and one of the prosecution's key witnesses, michael cohen, at one point, trump all the us a fascist state. >> cnn's kara scannell is joining us now from new york, qarrah. tell us what else trump had to say. >> it. trump had a lot of comments about judge juan merchan, who presided over this seven week trial, saying that he criticizing some of the judge's ruling, saying that that's why he didn't testify in his own defense because the judge would have allowed the prosecution to dig into some of his past. he also was saying that the judge just let an unfair trial saying that he looks like an angel, but he is the devil. and we also made some statements against the prosecution's key witness, michael cohen. although trump is under this gag order where he is not supposed to make use prohibited from making any comments about any of the witnesses. so when trump statements today, he did not identify cohen by name. take a listen by the way, this was a highly qualified lawyer.
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>> now i'm not allowed to use his day because of the gag order but you know, he's just leaves back. everybody knows that took me a while to find out but he was effective. he did work now, there's no indication as of now whether the prosecution is going to try to raise this as a potential violation of the gag order. >> we heard heard anything on that today, of course, the judge already found that trump has violated his gag order ten times and warned him that in the future, if he does it again, he could be forced to put him in jail. but no movement on that today. of course, though the next movement in this case, it will be donald trump's sentencing and that comes between the first debate between trump and biden that cnn will air. and then the republican convention when trump is expected to get the nomination. so pretty significant if again, moment for him there on july 11, will he will find out his fate from judge juan merchan, who he has continued to criticize guys kara walled, trump's legal team is deciding whether to try and push back on his july 11 sentencing date. >> some members of his team see
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a positive political advantage, keeping the sentencing just days before the convention. what's the reporting there i mean, i think his team would just look at this of whether there's a political strategy here. >> he raised millions of dollars yesterday after he was convicted of 34 felony counts. that has been fairly consistent political strategy that trump has deployed after his indictment. they've raised a lot of money as well. so he his legal team or his political advisors seem to think that there is some gain for him politically, with all of these legal issues, he's had this case as well as the three other indictments that trump is facing in which he's pleaded not not guilty two guys all right. >> kara scannell. thank you so much for that report and for more on what happens next for the former president. i'm joined now by cnn legal analyst and former us attorney michael moore, sentencing michael scheduled for july 11 is the former president going to actually be sentenced on that de do you think and we'll he ever see the inside of a jail cell or does that just seem
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highly unlikely to you? >> well, i'm glad to be with you i do think he will probably seek to have the sentencing date moved. i mean, it was sits so very close to the convention, it would strike me as odd if his lawyers didn't ask to do that. and remember, it between now and then there will be motions filed, there will be some sentencing memorandum coming both from the state and from the defense in the case. and so there's plenty for the judge to be working on. and i think probably the date was just chosen to get something on the books and it wouldn't instruct wouldn't seem odd to dummy to head their mood. and whether or not he goes to jail. i cannot imagine he would go to jail have been some people say when is 34 counts? surely that means southall, you don't if you still one banana from the grocery store, you don't get bored time because they were six bananas on the stock could be. i just can't imagine a case like this where you have basically this hush money payment, this one transaction, even though there were a number of checks britain, but it's really around one specific allegation that you'll see the judge to try to attack something old. it is also not a
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case that typically would draw a prison sentence. trump is a first-time offender. he has is in his 70s. there's no reason to think that he would commit other crimes of this nature. there's just nothing there that i think a court would try to hang onto to put him in jail, not to mention the fact that the judge would have to be taken into consideration just a logistical problems. i mean, even as a convicted felon, he still entitled to secret service protection under the form of presence act. and that means that somehow the secret service would have to embed themselves into some type of facility. if he were sentenced to a stake correction officers that just strikes me as something that's probably a bridge too far in hard for me to imagine. >> yeah, that would be certainly novel situation as the former president is looking at an appeal here, what do you think is his strongest argument for? one yeah. >> i mean i think everyone now to remember that he has a right to appeal just as anyone else would. and so i think you'll probably see challenges that
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draw the most attention around the due process claims and those deal specifically with whether or not he was adequately placed on notice of the specific allegations of the specific crimes that he was alleged to have committed in the charging document. and i'm talking specifically about when they bump this up from a misdemeanor to a felony and they tried to say, well, we did all this with intention to commit another crime, whether or not that other crime was fully explained, would whether or not that was fully explained to the jury. this whole question of did they have to find something unanimous or they didn't have to be unanimous on which of the other crimes were involved and how that intent would be formed and those other crimes, these are things that i think you will see great interest in and the court of appeals and ultimately could ultimately be of interest in a federal court or whether or not there has been some deprivation of rights and due process right. there. i don't think you go see much in the way of a venue change that's just that's just talk right now. we're beyond that and you may see some, some good arguments made around whether or not his expert witness was
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improperly excluded. now that may be something that you say i've heard other folks talk about that and that may catch the attention of some appellate court judges to this was a novel, char i mean, yeah, this is the first and this is a novel way that expert witness very much limited in scope and what he would have been able to testify to, that would be the quest trump trump. trump tried to say that his witness wasn't allowed at all. that's not the case. it was it was really limited thing. i do want to ask you just really quickly, michael gag order still in place, but trump's that attacking michael cohen it do you see anything happening because of that? >> i can't imagine i think at this point, his first amendment rights would outweigh the usefulness of the cases over. there's no question that he would be there's not a worry that he would be intimidated as a witness. and so it would seem to me to be an excessive exercise on his right to respond or to campaign or otherwise. now that cohen is no longer subject to a subpoena, not going to be in trial. he can't very well claim that is the state getting claimed that his testimony would somehow be
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altered in some way because of threats by trump. this testimony is in the books i made. it is what it is and so it's hard for me to imagine that anything would come of some of the comments that he made certainly today yeah, perhaps that's why he felt some freedom to make them. >> michael moore. thank you so much. >> that was good to be with you. thank you. >> a drumbeat of attacks on judge merchan and the justice department coming from the former president and his allies, has grown steadily louder, joining us now is john e. jones the third, a former federal judge. judge, thanks so much for being with us did donald trump receive a fair trial in your eyes? >> i thought he received boris and eminently fair trial i think that justice merchan showed admirable restraint and even handedness throughout the case it is true that whenever a party loses, they feel disaffected and upset with the
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presiding judge. that's the nature of the business of judging, but i can't see that there was anything unfair he has a appellate grounds, of course, as michael just said, with respect to some of the charges and gil exercise those rights, but i didn't see anything that indicated to me that it was anything but eminently fair how about this claim from some in trump world that judgment sean was conflicted. >> other, they're referring to some $35 in donations back in 20 2015 earmarked for the biden campaign, $10 to a group called stop republicans. >> the donations were reviewed by a state ethics board which dismissed the complaint last summer with a caution to judge merchan. but do you think he should have recused himself? from the case? >> well, every judge has to make an independent decision as to whether or not they want to recuse a boras and i will say that for my part, i would never have made political contributions. it was just something that i wouldn't do. i think it was ill-considered
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for judge merchan to make even the day minimum ms contributions that he made, but he took the right step in having that tested ethically. and even though they admonished him they felt that he was he was fine to sit and i think is conduct demonstrated that he didn't have a bias. it didn't have a lean. again, trump world will say that he did it because they lost. but i think that's so much noise at this point you mentioned grounds for an appeal, something that we've heard from the trump team is that they believe he could not get a fair trial in manhattan last week, an appeals court denied trump's motion to move the venue. >> i'm wondering if you think that might be successful. >> i think it's ironic that an individual who kind of proudly proclaims his residence in new york and that he is the quintessential new yorker then turns around and says that his peers in new york can't give
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him a fair trial. i don't think there was any basis for a change of venue. typically, a change of venue boris is when there's pretrial publicity that so affects the jury pool that you can't find a fair jury. look, everybody in the country knew something think about this case. so that wasn't going to be the basis for any change of venue he just wanted to get it out into presumptively favorable territory. he's he's a new yorker. he submitted to the jurisdiction in new york. he had his businesses here. i don't see anything wrong with that and that's not central to any appeal in my view. >> judge. >> how do you imagine the sentencing is going to go down well, i might respectfully disagree with michael's statement. >> i think he's playing with fire. that is the former president because what he's doing is he keeps saying these things that show an absolute lack of contrition he's calling immer schon the devil. you know, he's, he's, he's at
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a point now where he's trying to test the perimeters of the gag order. and by the way, the gag order is still in effect. and it's going to mean effect until judge merchan lifts the gag order. so this is a guy who's not like any other defendant, frankly, that i've ever seen, he keeps running his mouth. he keeps threatening people he he's saying things that are really beyond the pale. this is not the sort of prototypical defendant who leads up to a sentencing by mining his business and doing the right things. and by the way, as far as his record is concerned that he's not going to recidivism rate, which michael sort of implied. we have to remember that since the factual array that formed the basis of the case in which he was convicted on 34 counts yesterday, he was indicted in two federal jurisdictions in one state jurisdiction for
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violating the law. so if you evaluate whether or not he's going to re-offend, you have to look at what has happened in the last couple of years. plus the way he conducted themselves himself at trial with all of the contempt citation. so i just don't know. i wouldn't make book on the fact that he's not going to have a prison sentence judge, john e. jones. thanks so much for joining us. >> thanks, boris. of course. >> still had the trump campaign cashing in on his felony conviction. how republicans sayyed, an outside maga world are reacting. we're talking with trump's 2020 campaign, national press secretary. when we come back five, good things. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts a us bank, when we say we're in it with you, we mean it not just for the good stuff. the grand opening celebrations, but for all the hard work he took to get there we are in for all of it. it's tough for
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808 to one 14000 among the big political questions following donald trump's conviction is who will benefit more the trump campaign says it's breaking fundraising records, raising $34.8 million. >> and small donations in just a matter of hours as for president biden, sources close to his campaign say even if the conviction doesn't move the needle in a major way come november, they still see it as a win because an acquittal could have really worked to trump's advantage, joining us now to discuss, we have trump 2020 campaign national press secretary hogan good lee, he's also a senior advisor for the strategic communications for the america first policy institute. >> and we're also joined by cnn political commentator paul begala, who served as a counselor to president bill clinton. hogan. first off, i just i wonder what you think about trump's reaction. he built it as a press conference. it wasn't, he didn't take questions. but at first there was a teleprompter than there wasn't a teleprompter and he
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came out instead with a note card. what did you think about his speech and whether it accomplished what it should well, look, i think he's been forced to be silent for a long time with an unconstitutional gag order, and he wanted to come out and plead his sayyed of the case and talk about all the conflicts to judge had all the issues with a manhattan jury that clearly hated him from day one. >> you can't get a fair trial in this city by any stretch. can leave it to new york democrat's, where it's a city that has never met a felony. it didn't want to make a misdemeanor and for some reason they wanted to do the opposite when donald trump's involved. so i think it was good for him to come out, get that off his chest. he did talk about some of the issues of the american people really care about moving into this election cycle with a poor southern border with jugs, pouring across and killing are american citizens you talked about car prices. he talked about other issues, taxes that the american people are struggling with right now because of the biden administration and their policies. >> and so that's what this thing is going to be about the
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end of the day, we can have the press conferences. >> we want to have, we can talk about this as being a done deal. house over sentencing is as soon to happen as well. but the american people care about what's happening to them and who has the prescriptions to fix their problems? that's clearly donald trump every major polling statistic and every data point paul, your view of the press conference donald trump needs to pay himself hush money because every time he speaks, he's losing. >> he did better during that trial and i thought he would do because he was gagged and the gag order was perfectly constitutional happens in lots of cases. >> he he he hurts himself when he goes on these historical rantisi as he helps himself with his base, but his basis not the majority of the country and there will be some maga people who feel some pity look, i dated way i do bce flatulent, old man with bad makeup and weird hair had to sit in a courtroom and listened to a porn are testify about how bad
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he is embed. now, if you can't feel sorry for that guy, now, i don't want make my president the problem is he is exclusively focused on himself. and this is where i think the biden campaign is to take it. he mr. trump's at it from self i'm in it for you. >> right? it's trump cares desperately about staying at a prison that's his most important job right now is keep himself at a prison. >> but he seems to be fixated only on his own grievances and grudges and venture since in his business deals and his complaining about the last election in the last jury trial biden has an opportunity here, not to push on the criminality, but to push on what voters care about, right? put up mr. trump on metaphorical trial for wanting to cut medicare and social security so i can cut his own taxes, but i'm on trial further eliminating roe versus wade, put him on trial for things that affect my life and yours. not just his love. >> it let me ask you about something because i think there's he is yes. the first former president who's now a convicted felon. but this may be the first person convicted
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as a felon who wins reelection. it is a real possibility. i mean i just think the people who do not like donald trump point to the former. but the reality may very well be the latter. this may not hurt him. this may even help him. >> i thought the best statement about this actually came from the biden campaign when they said there is only one way to keep donald trump trump out of the oval office at the ballot box. right. and i think that's great. >> let's empower the american people to decide this. >> now, trump has, he should be worried or his campaign, because in the new york times santa poll, which have very good poll for trump 7% of trump voters said if he's convicted, they'll switch and vote for biden. that's a 14 point swing in a one-point race. now, i don't think they'll all do it. i think people overstate that when they're pulled trump also has done remarkably well, much better need hasn't passed with younger voters same poll, good poll for trump, 21% of those younger voters said, if he's convicted 21, they'll switch from trump to joe. biden has an obligation here though, to build a bridge for them to give them a permission
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structure and it doesn't come by talking about trump's criminality it comes by talking about your problems, not mr. trump's. and i think that is a key thing for biden to get to get his campaign focused on. >> but to that point hogan, do you have any concern that some of those independent voters that are not eager for baggage that aren't into some of the more dramatic aspects of a trump presidency. do you have any concern that this conviction cements they're desire for someone else to win not really. >> because you'll polls and people who've responded them really only are giving you the response based on the information they have 67% of the people in this country believed the attacks on donald trump are politically motivated. 59% of those believed joe biden is part of it and while paul is correct, the american people are focused on issues out there. a lot of people have spoken whether angry that they see a weaponized judicial system going after not just a former
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president, but average americans for standing up for life, for example, you go to jail, go to, go to a school board meeting and stand up for the curriculum of your children. you go to jail. this is the type of issue that we'll mobilize a lot of voters out there regardless of political party. but i keep hearing the left saying joe biden should focus on the issues and he probably will. the problem is he's focused on the wrong ones of course, he's going to talk about things like j6 and abortion and the threats to democracy. people care about that, but it's nowhere near the failed policies of his border issues where people are pouring across by the tens of millions where you can't pay for gas or for groceries, where we have wars breaking out all over the world crime spiking in our major cities. these are all the effects of the failed policies of joe biden. that's what donald trump needs to be talking about. that's what we need to be talking about as republicans, because it's such a unique situation. you've got two people, both of whom have concrete records as president of the united states and poll
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after poll shows the american people trust the policy prescriptions. the america first agenda of donald trump over joe biden because they know they had record setting success in record-setting time, regardless of race, religion, color, or creed. that's what the election is going to be down to. and i think the biden campaign knows it. that's why there's still concerned hogan i just like, let's can we fat check you on these border numbers and paul, you're like fat shaming the former president. i mean, you know, i'm feeling sorry for him. he doesn't look good. he does not i'm worried about him and he's sitting in a courtroom. i know her for weeks and we start to testify under oath about not so great he had lifted just workers again, pardon me? can we just can we just have a decent conversation i guess the
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answer to that is maybe not today. maybe not today, maybe your buddy, you go who goes hogan okay. >> if we're going to have a conversation about the health of these two men. >> bring it. i would love to have a conversation about the physical and mental decline hogan, it's something we're trying to say that is an issue for voters guys you may not want to admit it. no got hogan. i get it. i know it's position for voters. i'm sorry. that's just the fact of the matter. people around him are concerned about his health. they have to walk around him in a weird circle to get the marine one. so no one sees is weird gait. his shoes. interpreted what we were saying, like maybe an issue. i don't like opposite somebody needs a hug it's been a conversation right now rather thank you both for joining us. >> maybe we'll do it again sometime here. appreciate you.
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>> all right. it's still ahead. president biden let's reset here president biden says, israel has offered up a roadmap to a ceasefire with hamas. we're going to take a closer look at the three-phase proposal next one of the most active tornado seasons. you can't control a tornado. >> what kinds of interventions can we design go inside the store premiere? >> and birth with bm schreiber. sunday had nine on cnn imagine a future where plastic is not wasted but instead remade over and over into the things that keep our food fresher our families safer and our planet cleaner to help us get there america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. >> because when you push for smarter solutions, week things can happen oh, carney is awda.
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now after intensive diplomacy carried out by my team my many conversations leaders of visual qatar and egypt and other middle eastern countries israel has now offered, israel is offered a comprehensive new proposal. >> it's a roadmap to an enduring cease fire and the release of all hostages this proposal has been transmitted by qatar to hamas the president laid out this three-phase proposal, which includes a complete ceasefire with withdrawal of israeli forces from all populated areas of gaza, and the release of all remaining living hostages. biden's remarks come on the heels of israel confirming that its troops are now in central rafah in southern gaza cnn's jeremy diamond is joining us live now from jerusalem and jeremy, moments after the president's speech israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu insisted that israel is not going to end the war until hamas is defeated. give
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us the latest yeah, it's incredibly notable because one of the things that was most, most interesting about what press as biden laid out in terms of this latest israeli proposal is the fact that it does call for in a phase to a permanent cessation of hostilities, a permanent ceasefire, one that would have to be negotiated in the first phase of this agreement. but nonetheless, to have the israelis actually put that in a proposal is notable in and of itself so it was equally notable when the israeli prime minister less than an hour after president biden gave this speech, his office put out a statement saying that israel will not agree to an end to the war until all of the goals of the war are achieved. and that is to say not only the return of the hostages, but also the destruction and defeat of hamas within the gaza strip. now, a lot of this has to do with the wording of what is being said publicly, what is being said privately, the kinds of political pressures that the
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israeli prime minister himself is facing. so that doesn't mean that this version of the proposal that the president put out in the public is dead in the water, but it does raise questions about how the israeli prime minister is going to politically be able to get this kind of a deal through his current governing coalition. and i also think that's why we heard president biden mostly putting the onus on hamas, saying the ball well is now in hamas court. he called on the masses of people who have been protesting around the world for a ceasefire to turn that energy into pressure for hamas to agree to this deal. but he also talks it's about israeli politics. he also talked about the fact that he believes israel has achieved its objectives because hamas can no longer carry out an october 7 type attack and he talked about the importance of getting the hostages back, the fact that there are some israeli politicians who don't see that as a problem. priority. so he was bringing a lot of public pressure to bear not only on hamas, but also on the israelis. and so now the
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question is, how will hamas respond because we know that in just the last day or so, hamas does actually further entrenched its position, saying not only that he wants to see an end of the war upfront in order for any hostages to be released. but it is now saying that israeli military operations have to stop in order for hamas even return. so then goes shading table right? >> and jeremy diamond, life-force in jerusalem. thank you for the very latest still ahead while former president donald trump vows to appeal the verdict in his hush money case he is also facing three more trials. >> we're going to look at what those other criminal cases are, where they stand, and what couldn't it could mean if a convicted felon wins the white house mr. adrenaline just like every turn microplate shot of adrenaline right to the heart.
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>> closed captioning brought to you by meso her firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. >> if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ms ophelie noma, call us now the verdict might be in on the hush money trial, but former president donald trump still faces 54 criminal charges in three other cases against him, including two for allegedly trying to overturn the 2020 election that he lost to president joe biden. there's the federal case in washington the election interference case out. a georgia and the classified documents case in florida, also, a federal case. all three of those are in a holding pattern. cnn's jessica schneider is joining us now on this how does this verdict effect the other trials, if at all? >> it really doesn't. i mean, donald trump's defense team's strategy throughout this has been delay, delay, delay. they were unable to successfully delay the hush money case. obviously we saw the guilty 34
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guilty verdicts yesterday, but the other case cases they've been quite successful in delaying through motions and otherwise, so i'll kind of tick through them. so first we have the special council. he has brought two cases, one here in dc involving january 6 interfering with the electoral count, and then the one down in florida, classified documents, the january 6 case is indefinitely paused. the supreme court has to rule on whether or not donald trump has immunity from criminal prosecution. if he he does have some immunity. maybe it'll go back down to the court to find out exactly what official acts might qualify for immunity. so that could take awhile. the judge in that case has already said, even if she gets the green light to proceed the trial, it probably wouldn't start until at least september, but it's still getting very close to the election. then we have the case, the classified documents case down in florida, also brought by the special counsel, that one has been moving forward, but at a very slow pace here. >> the judge has been criticized for moving slowly,
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but also in fairness, there are a lot of thorny issues to work through with the classified documents issue that one has also been indefinitely he paused very unlikely to go to trial before the election. >> and then there's the georgia case that is on pause as well because they're dealing with appeals issues. the georgia court of appeals has agreed to hear an appeal where the lower court said fani willis didn't need to be disqualified despite her romantic affair with the lead prosecutor. but now that issues going to go up to the appeals court, the supreme court is looking at presidential immunity. how does the timing of a decision their potentially impact the rest of these cases. >> so they heard the case at the end of april. we're now in the final stretch for the supreme in ct, so will likely be getting that decision within the next four weeks. but even if they issue their decision soon, the judge in the case here in dc has already said look, even if i get the green light to proceed with this, there are still a lot of pretrial motions that would take awhile throughout the summer. it's very likely that she won't get an immediate
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green-light, that there may be some issues to work out as to which official acts could potentially qualify for immunity. so it seems like that one's going to be slow going thing unless the court just flat out says, no, the president does not have any immunity, which kind of seems unlikely. >> yeah, very interesting. and we'll be watching very closely for that in the next four weeks. stressed the thank you so much for getting us up-to-date here. >> we are in, of course, unprecedented territory and for some perspective, let's talk to john dean, who was present in dickson nixon's white house counsel that's all john just first-year reaction to the verdict guilty on all 34 counts not surprised it was a very weak defense, three trump team put on they wanted to address all issues instead of a very narrow issue is which i think that'll be the focus of the appeal is whether or not indeed he was at work while he was in the white house covering up the prior actions of his campaign.
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so it was a week defense, just that was so i was not surprised to see the jury i'm back on all 34 talking to folks who've looked at this kind of case in this kind of guilty verdict. it seems unlikely that trump may get jail time here, but what if he did? and depending on when he would serve that, what would that mean? for the country well, first of all, he has detail of secret service agents that are there to protect him at all times in his post-presidential years, richard nixon who had the same privilege, waved at after he was in retirement for a few years and said he really didn't want the secret service around him all the time so if trump coaston jail somehow that detail is going to be attached to him unless the department of homeland security secretary somehow decides that they do not follow him into incarceration can can you see
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him succeeding on appeal? >> what grounds do you think you would have most success with i don't see him succeeding because of the care that was taken and some of the earlier pretrial motions that we're addressing some of the issues that are likely to come up peel new york statute is very clear. >> it's been described as a very unique case when in fact it was not. these are cases that are tried regularly and the new york court system, it's a state case. it'll go up through the state appeals process i suspect trump will try to take it all the way to the supreme court. so this could be protracted and it's certainly not going to be resolved before the election. >> what would it mean in your opinion? because we've seen the poll numbers, we know that trump very much has a shot at winning the election. what would it mean for there to be a felon elected president? >> to me, it means we're on a direct the republican party is
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on a straightforward march to authoritarianism that they have taken all the blinkers off and that's what they want they want to be told how to think, not think for themselves. they want to ignore the rule of law and proceed to a, an essence, a soft dictatorship of some kind under donald trump who is not a man of great wisdom. and he is not what i'd call a benevolent potential dictator. we are in very strange times. >> john dean always great to get your perspective. thank you so much thank you still ahead. a police officer who was hailed as a hero shot in the line of duty, ambushed and killed as he was responding to a shooting minneapolis is now mourning one of its finest police officers the russians were trying to spy on us we were spying on them. >> i was hadi friday this is a
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510200, coventry direct redefining insurance i'm kayla tausche at the white house and this is cnn this week on the whole story with anderson cooper, cnn's jake tapper speaks with us generals and d-day veterans about the consequences of that history. >> work battle. here's a preview three other ships, what would across at the tape, doug? >> well, we got about eight miles of five miles out and all a sudden rochelle started coming. we heard this big crash, got blue. the second ship, right out of the water got hit by a temporary shelf he said, what about those guys? and that's what we could do the cold water are so cool hyperthermia was sedated, kill him 15 minutes. they're probably all gone blown up already so that was welcome to
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the european theater of how operations halfway into the beach, we started seeing bondage everywhere that floating or semi floating or what navy man tally fletcher was a 19-year-old gunners mate from baton rouge, louisiana his task escort the lcis, the landing crafts, ferrying infantry fighters such as corporal states to shore said, we're going to take in to water up to your knees and they dropped the front of the lci? >> now the answer it says a ago, nobody booths that's a yells. >> go nobody moves he says, all right billy kotb to 50 guy ring back on the 50 gallon river shiga he says we're gonna give them 30 seconds. >> then start shooting from back to front. i've been aback you know what i'm doing? >> push a first step up to our
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knees is right here. right up through our shoulders the next day, what you hear get those rifles up in the air we can always get new mad, but we can't get new rifles omaha beach was 300 yards of flat terrain protected with razor wire and land mines beyond that deadly terrain cliff. >> and from that high ground highly trained german machine gunners roughly 2,500 american men died that day on the beaches of normandy be sure to watch the whole story every day. why we still fight for democracy air is sunday at 8:00 p.m. eastern pacific only on cnn we'll be right back the sirens are going off the tornado here you cannot out sworn this you cannot outrun it
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jake tapper next on cnn the nba finals match up is set. the dallas mavericks advancing to face the boston celtics after eliminating the minnesota timberwolves in game five a blow out, yeah, with a way and the mavericks advance of the franchise's first finals since 2011 when it captured its first and only championship and team history. here's the team star player luka doncic on moving on. >> there's still four games to win left but this is amazing. i think we should have joined tonight because this especial, especially coming from the west we had to go through a lot you know, especially the season up and down busari together game one is scheduled for june 6 at the td garden in boston. >> not the only big sports development we're going to tell you about any moment president biden is expected to welcome the kansas city chiefs to the white house to celebrate their
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super bowl victory. but today's event will likely carry an underlying level of tension it's only been a few weeks. >> you might recall since chiefs kicker harrison butker criticized president biden. and it controversial commencement speech that since gone viral in a speech, butker also took swipes at the lgbtq community and diversity initiatives and suggested a woman's most important role is homemaker so all eyes will also be on two of the nfl's most popular players. >> of course, quarterback patrick mahomes, and tight end travis kelce see you might remember this moment from last year when kelsey took the mic, but mahomes stopped him from speaking any further what could have been what? >> what could have been. do you think but that's going to be it's interesting that team has really stayed together even amid this kind of controversy involving butker but what's biden going to say? i don't know is he going to say something even a mint causes diversity surrounding taylor swift's and travis


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