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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 7, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> honoring the heroes of the past. but they call to arms for the future president biden talks about the sacrifices at normandy and parallels to ukraine's fight against russia, as he promises president zelenskyy, we're not going to walk away from you and defying the united states a new cia assessment suggests is israeli prime minister for benjamin netanyahu may ignore pressure from washington to set a post-war plan for gaza, even as his own grip on power may be in jeopardy. >> plus liquidating an empire built on lies, right? bring conspiracy theorist alex jones may be forced to sell info wars in order to pay off that one-and-a-half billion plus dollars he owes to sandy hook families we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here cnn news central we begin
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this hour with a high-stakes speech from president biden in france as he makes the case for freedom and the future of democracy, making that case at pointe-du-hoc in normandy were 225 us army rangers scaled cliffs to capture key nazi held positions and help turn the tide of world war ii. >> the president drew parallels between the bravery and courage in 1944 and what the challenges today require. he talked about how those rangers never quit, how they put their mission and country over self and without naming names, biden took aim at his political rival, former president donald trump our refused to believe i simply refused to believe that america is greatness is a thing of the past. i still believe there's nothing beyond our capacity in america when we act together today's speech capped off two days of d-day commemorations in normandy where biden met with other world leaders, including
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ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy. >> let's go live now to the white house and cnn's priscilla alvarez. priscilla, this is a historic speech for biden's presidency. it also encapsulates his argument for why voters should choose him over former president trump brianna, the preservation of freedom and democracy has been a hallmark of president joe biden's reelection campaign and something he has talked about at length over the course of the year, but the location of these remarks was significant and it was also the same spot that 40 years ago, present didn't ronald reagan talked about the threats of isolationism. >> now, the president in his remarks, also commemorated the heroism of 1944, but he also tied it to the challenges of today. and while he did not name donald trump, he certainly offered some subtext about his republican rival, who has embraced authoritarians, who it's also moved toward isolationism and who has disparaged veterans tying all of this to the stakes of the moment is anyone doubt?
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>> but they would want america to stand up against putin's aggression here in europe today. they stormed the beaches long alongside our allies does anyone believe these ranchers who want america to go alone today? what to vanquish hateful ideology the 30s and 40s. does anyone doubt they would move heaven and earth to vanquish hateful ideologies of today these ranges put mission in the country above themselves. does anyone believe they would exact any less from every american today? >> now as he spoke, he said that the heroism and what those rangers fought for, so not fade away with them. so really bringing that point home in the course of his remarks. but the president also talking about the war in ukraine, which really has been front and center over the course of these commemorations. and he also, earlier in the de, had
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announced a new package for ukraine. >> and also appeal to the ukrainian president and apologize for the stall in congress to get that additional funding to ukraine so it can continue its war against russia. >> that expected to continue into the day tomorrow as well when the president meets with the french president. >> all right, we'll be looking forward to that. priscilla alvarez, live force at the white house. thank you. you for us. for more on president biden's high-stakes speech and what it means for the upcoming election. we're joined now by cedric richmond, a co-chair of the 2024 biden harris reelection campaign thanks so much for being with us. one of the themes that trump is tried, rather that president biden is try to evoke through these speeches, is connecting the allied efforts in world war ii with some of the present challenges across the world and ukraine and in gaza that he believes require us leadership and collaboration with allies. >> how do you think that lands with the more isolationists
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view and trump world that the us needs to first address problems here at home while the great thing about america is that we can do both. >> and i think that that's why joe biden, president biden is the leader that we need. he has illustrated that this idea of america is one that's important and it's fragile and we have to continue to fight for freedom and democracy all around the world. and so if we go back to the beginning of the president's term, he united the west brought nato back together again, so that we could help and empower ukraine to defend itself against putin's aggression. and putin, who thought that it would be afforded today a war until he had his victory has realized that america is leadership around the world thronged it, that effort. and so leadership matters who the president is, matters and being the leader of the free world means you have obligations to do exactly what
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this country did 80 years ago when those 225 rangers scaled hitler's wall and save the world the other significant theme touched on attacks. >> we've heard previously from the president. he's pointed to donald trump as a danger to democracy, as an authoritarian in waiting how do you think that message is resonating with voters as a key issue going into november's election what we have to remind people exactly who donald trump is. >> he's a person who is fond of putin, fond of dictators called putin. a genius. and so we have to remind people that former president trump is only concerned with himself and when he talks about this election, he talks more about revenge and retribution than a vision for america. it's all about harming and getting revenge on his political enemies as opposed to the hard working american families that show up
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every day to make this country a better country. and so you couldn't have more stark contrast and what you see now, you see president by an honoring our fallen heroes, not calling them suckers and losers president biden, talking about how important democracy is and coming together to do something great. as americans. and you see donald trump one delete talking about donald trump, his perceived grievances, his selfishness, all of those things. and i think that voters are starting to remember exactly who donald trump is, who he was in contrast to president biden, who is trying to bring this country together and protect freedoms and yet in a slew of recent polls, president biden is behind former president trump in a number of key swing states and in certain key demographics that appears that president biden is leaking support from black voters including in this new york times sienna college poll that had donald trump capturing 20% of the black
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vote. >> that's more than any republican in like six decades if that is the result on election day is there any chance president biden is reelected well, first of all, that won't be the result on election day. >> and that's what campaigns are for, for us to go and deliver messages. and you talked about the black community, the racial wealth gap between black and white americans as the closest, it's ever been black wealth has increased 60%. black unemployment is at an all-time low black entrepreneurship at an all time high. and we have to go out there and make the case for why president biden and vice president harris deserves to be reelected. we're going to do that. and at the same time, we're going to remind them who donald trump was, the guy who got sued because he wouldn't brent apartments to black people. so i think you're right in the sense that we continue to have work to do but the good news is that we have a story to tell. and during this campaign, we're going to go tell him you and i
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spoke several times when you were chair of the congressional black caucus during the trump presidency, about a number of episodes related to race that didn't put the former president. >> let's say, in the best light. and yet he's gaining support. why do you think he's? gaining voters and communities that he has at least rhetorically marginalized well, i'm not sure how real that gain and support is. >> i think that you still have people making up their mind and it shows up as undecided but what i will say too, that is the former president is the best kann man you've ever seen in your life and what he does consistently as give american somebody else to hate or somebody else to blame for why they're not reaching their full potential while they're not satisfied in their plight of life. and we're not going to do that. we do not believe america is a zero-sum game. we don't think one person has to
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fail for one person to do better. and we're going to continue to lift up the america from the bottom up in the middle out. and we're going to continue to talk about that message and look, you saw today we beat job expectations again, created 275,000 jobs last month, which is why you see things still trending in the right direction. but this is what campaigns are about. it is one, talking about your accomplishments to reminding people who your opponent is. and in this case, i opponent is a seriously flawed human being. >> since their grossman. we very much appreciate you sharing your perspective with us. thanks for joining us thanks for having me. of course as world leaders gather and draw parallels between world war ii and the war in ukraine. so too does russian president vladimir putin today, he said that russia has many more nuclear bombs than the us and europe more powerful ones, then
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reused on hiroshima and nagasaki though he went on to say there's no need to think about nuclear war but putin is comments come during what allies for your quiz? would be a dangerous turning point in ukraine after spending the last two years inching forward in the east, russia has opened a new front in the north near kharkiv and is now ramping up attacks there today, we've learned russian strikes have now damaged or destroyed nearly half of ukraine's available energy. and that has led to forced blackouts and ukraine payne just recorded its highest monthly number of civilian casualties in almost a year the un says ukraine. side 31% increase in civilian casualties in may compared to april. cnn's melissa bell is joining us now from paris melissa, these events in normandy are happening as allies fear the ukraine war could be at a dangerous turning point. >> that's right, briana, in fact, it was the opening up of that new front by moscow last month to the northeast of
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kharkiv, they're really sounded alarm bells across allied nations. and that led to that significant shift that you've seen that what had once been a red line, the idea that western weapons could be allowed to be used against russia and targets that are targeted ukraine. that green light given by ally after ally, the united states in the wake of that opening of that front because of the pressure that's now being brought to bear not only on the ukrainian front lines, but you mentioned the huge civilian toll that was born by ukrainians in the month of may. that is of course, because that renewed campaign has led at not just the strikes on the critical infrastructure that we saw. again overnight. but of course, tragically strikes on superstores, on shopping malls, on businesses and it is the people in the northeast of ukraine around the heart rate or kharkiv he said that our bear you, that extremely high price. the fear amongst westernized is that consistent ukrainians have told them, look, we're very grateful for the help, but it's coming too late it's not
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coming false enough well enough to the right places for years they've been telling me on the ground ammunition ammunition, which we don't have what we need to continue fending off these russian advances. and this, what we saw in may with a sudden what seemed to be ukrainian forces very much on the back foot and retreating for the first time in a long time in not part of the country has definitely set academies the pigeons in western at capitals. you saw that shift on the question of, well, how western since could be used by some countries. now, what you're likely to hear a great deal more about presence, lansky's over the leads, a palace right now it's been to present my mecole respectful get before tonight. briana much more cardi on what the french president means about urging other allies to go ahead and help ukrainian soldiers on the ground with their trading not western soldiers in combat roles on the ground and ukraine, but certainly press isn't in their ability to train, ukrainian soldiers. briana and melissa when biden met with zelenskyy, he he
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actually apologize for that delay. >> play in military aid coming from the us. he also announced a new $225 million aid package to help ukraine rebuild its power grid hard to overstate how important that's going to be that's right and i think that in policy was important because when you look at those advances that have been made, they're very much put on the accounts of those delays that we saw imagined. >> remember rather the keys for many months was unsure about whether the next tranche of american aid was going to come at a very moment. you look at the end of last year when it was questioned sheneen, whether it was going to get the next tranche of aid from the european union because of delays being imposed on that by hungry so great deal of uncertainty in kyiv. many months of delays that have had effects on the ground and a shift in some parts of the country in terms of momentum. and the balance of force. and that of course is what they're now the west so now the highest trying to make up for that apology was important. but overnight, as you say critical
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infrastructure hit, ukraine says it is now to a down to its lowest levels of energy there are questions about the car, the country as a whole continue to supply its people. so it is a critical time. it is a turning point in the question very much for western allies now is how much quicker, how much better they can get the weapons to where they need to go? and how much more efficiently they can help ukrainians fend off. russian attacks melissa bell, life-force from paris. >> thank you for that report and ahead this hour on cnn news central, the defense calls hunter biden's daughter, naomi, to the stand in his gun trial were following all the latest there. and cnn obtains a cia assess then about benjamin netanyahu's mindset. what it reveals about israel's post-war plans, and what the prime minister believes he can get away with plus the seismic move conspiracy theorist alex jones is making an order to start paying the 1.5 billion that he owes to sandi the hook families sometimes the best
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old-school grid, new world ideas. morgan stanley did you know taking xyz all at night, release allergies while you sleep you wake refreshed for more productive day 24 hour continuous relief that does not fade. hawaii's all. take xyz at night. violin earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn personal emotional testimony today in hunter biden's federal gun trial, his eldest daughter, naomi biden just finished taking the stand. >> we're she was asked about her father's past addiction battles. she described visiting her dad in a rehab facility in the summer of 2018. and how he quote, seemed really great and that she was proud of him she also said that she never saw her dad do drugs in front of her. now, sources tell cnn the defense is hoping that naomi biden's tested i'm one would soft and the impact of hallie biden's testimony. the widow of beau biden and former romantic partner of hunter,
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testified that she believed she saw hunter high on drugs in october of 2018, but admitted that she never saw him doing drugs around that time, but he purchased the gun. that's at the heart of this case. before the prosecution rested its case this morning, it called a forensic chemist to the stand. we testified that the powder found on the pouch with hunter biden's gun in it tested positive for cocaine. cnn chief legal affairs correspondent paula reid has been following the testimony from inside the courtroom she joins us now, live polo what else did we hear from naomi biden during her testimony oh, by boris, anyone who is it's. >> been familiar with someone who is the child of an addict or is the child of an addict themselves, how it would have an enormous amount of empathy for naomi biden being on the stand in front of her father in front of a many family members made meet friends of the family to testify about this, even though she is a graduate of columbia law school, she
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suddenly appeared a little nervous stan. she walked in with her husband and immediately the first lady who was seated in the front row turned around and motion to her husband to come sit right next to her. the biden family and some of the friends are taking up the first two rows of court right now and she testified on direct examination by defense attorney abbe lowell about two instances where she saw her fall father and 2018, the force was around august or september 2018 after he had gotten out of rehab, he reached down to her and asked her to come to california. he would arrange to the trip you wanted to see her? she said that she brought her boyfriend and she met with her father and his sober coaston but she hadn't seen him in a long time. but you said when she saw him, he was as clean and as clear as he had been since her uncle beau biden, hunters brother had died, she said she was so proud of him. she's so proud to introduce her boyfriend, who is now her husband, to her father. she next testified about seeing him briefly in new york in october 20 18 of course, that's a critical period because prosecutors are focused on the
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time between when he purchased that ganim on october 20 october 12 to october 23rd when it was discarded? she saw him during that time period in new york when she borrowed his car and he came up to get it. she said that she saw him. i during that time and she remained hopeful problem was boris on cross-examination? station? she and the defense attorneys, they appear a little caught off guard when prosecutors presented some text messages between hunter biden and now we biden while she was in new york. that's second trip that you testified to where it appeared that her father was a little bit difficult to connect with. i was little radek in his communication about arranging a time to pay this vehicle and again, she is a graduate of law school, but she appeared are very uncomfortable a little surprised. i would these text messages because her father comes across casa in these exchanges as again, being erratic type seeing it 2am about picking up this car, going on my a for long periods of time. when she finally got off the stand he left the courtroom. she's wiping away tears for us. she was visibly shaking as certainly as
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stressful situation for anyone. >> she did briefly greet her father and she stepped up the stand. >> she gave him a brief hog a brief kiss on the cheek and then exited the courtroom, but it's unclear if this achieved what the defense was hoping yeah, we'll have to wait and see how the jury absorbed everything that was going on. paula reid. thanks so much for the update. briana. >> let's talk more about this with former deputy is just an attorney general, tom do pre tom naomi biden talking about how clear headed her father was when she visited him at an la rehab facility in late summer of 2018 of course, it was october 2018 when this gun was purchased. she talked about i'm grady seemed when she saw him in late october 2018 how do you think the jury's going to square that with what they heard from hallie biden, who didn't see hunter biden do drugs, but really detailed indicators that he very likely may have been doing them yes. >> in my view, i think naomi biden is testimony today is
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frankly, too little too late. i don't think it is going to offset just the mountain, the avalanche of evidence that the prosecutors have already introduced showing that hunter biden was using controlled substances at the time he filled out that gun four, we've seen physical evidence, namely the powder on the gun pouch. we've heard testimony from hallie biden and other people who are intimately close with hunter biden during the relevant time. and we've also seen in hunter biden's own words that he was using drugs during this period, his own texts, the excerpts from his own autobiography, which the prosecutors, i think play to strong effect before this jury i, understand why the defense wanted to put on naomi biden. to maybe elicit some sympathy from the jury. and i think her testimony was sympathetic. i don't think it's going to overcome all the evidence going the other way. >> but legally and i expect that the defense is going to point to this they have tried to create doubt. right. for instance, you have the fbi chemist who testified yes. to your point, there was cocaine
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tested in the pouch, but did it was minimal he couldn't say when that cocaine was put in that pouch. it was tested in 2023, of course, we know the gun was purchased in 2018 is that enough to create doubt? >> we'll look, that's what defense lawyers do, right. if they don't have powerful evidence in their favor, they basically tried to kick up a lot of sand and hopes of planting those seeds have reasonable doubt in the jury. i don't think it's going to work in this case. that's just my view of this. i think that the testimony that there was cocaine on the pouch, the fact that it may not have been a lot of coke outer doesn't change the fact that there was cocaine residue on the pouch. i think that's the point the jury is going to take away. so again, the defense doesn't have a lot of strong cards to play here. i think they're making best use of what little evidence they have. not sure it's going to carry the day with his journey the defense called a gun shop employee is their first witness who acknowledged that there was something wrong with the atf form from hunter biden's gun
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purchase, did not elaborate after objections from prosecutors, we do need to remember, of course, the judge did not allow into evidence that the form was altered after hunter biden signed it. >> so the jury does not know that is that enough though, to so some doubt in the jury's mind about the gun form i'm not sure it isn't largely for the reason you mentioned briana, is that the judge has actually just slap down the defense's efforts one after another to get in the evidence and allow witnesses to explain about these alleged discrepancies in the forms the judge just really hasn't been having much of that, doesn't think it's persuasive or credible enough even to be presented to the jury. >> so it's hard for me to see how the jury, based on this very limited sliver of information, they've got about these alleged discrepancies. would find enough there to constitute reasonable doubt what's the effect on the jury of hearing from so many family members of hunter biden i didn't yeah. you know, it's
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interesting in one notable fact in this is as we know that many of the jurors themselves have either struggled with addiction or have close family members who have struggled with addiction. so i think for those jurors, they can't help put themselves in the shoes of naomi biden, hallie biden, and us others as they watch a family member go through one of the darkest periods that a human being can go through. you can see it cutting either way. you could see them having more sympathy for this case. but on the other hand, you could also see them maybe appreciating the prosecutor's point that we have these laws for a reason that people who are abusing cocaine shouldn't be purchasing five firearms. these jurors understand the harms that addiction can cause and the dangers that it would pose if people who are using cocaine were walking around with firearms. so again, i think it's a bit of a double-edged sword, but there's no question that these jurors, many of them are going to be bringing their own personal experiences to deliberations yeah, it's a double-edged sword. they may want to. this idea of
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protecting a family member but not enabling them. and that's really a fine line tom dupree. thank you so much. i appreciate your insights coming up a new study raises concerns about a common low-calorie sweetener that you probably have in your house right now, we're going to tell you what it is and why it has experts worry sanity needs to save space you have a show were right-left talk to each other cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher tomorrow at eight and on cnn bob dot holding me back only your ambitions all in one low
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autism flash when closed captioning is brought to you by sokolov law mesothelial victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 as president biden calls for an end, the war between israel and hamas. a new
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cia assessment reviewed by cnn finds that israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is likely to defy u.s. press pressure for a post-war plan in gaza. the june 3 report gives clues into the israeli leader's mindset, concluding that netanyahu believes he can maintain support from both his top security officials and far-right members of the government by discussing the future of gaza in quote vague terms meantime, israel's military has struck another un school overnight this time in northern gaza officials there say the school was sheltering displaced palestinians and three people were killed. the israeli military says it used precise munitions to target a storage container. inside the school. they claim was being used by hamas. israel says it was also targeting hamas when it launched this airstrike on a un school in central gaza. just one day earlier, an attack that killed at least 40 people. new cnn analysis of that strike
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reveals that us weapons were in fact used let's discuss all these angles and more with skin and terry analyst and retired us army major general james spider marks, general. thanks so much for being with us. let's start with this assessment from the cia why do you think netanyahu feels comfortable, comfortable defined foreign and domestic pressure on this potential polio just war plan for gaza i think what this describes is that netanyahu finds himself caught in advice and that he's got these emits internal pressures both from both sides of his political arena. >> there the right-wing saying we've got to push harder and the other side saying we've got legitimate opportunity to end the hostilities and return these hostages back home irrespective of a guarantee of what state those hostages would be in, and then internationally i think globally the world is
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fed up to here and they want this thing to end almost irrespective of conditions. they just want the killing to stop and let's try to figure out what gaza after next looks like so i think he's caught smack dab in the middle of that and that he's getting the scanning to support a united states and other national and regional partners. but he knows that he's at the very end of that support at some point at at this point the discussion now is, when is that cut off? when do people say okay, time-out enough? we've got to figure out what the next steps look like in terms of some moderated sanctions, ceasefire that then allows the discussion of what the gaza after next needs to look like. what is reconstruction look like? we're going to have this horrible, horrible, really causation of what the status of the hostages look like. but what does this strip of land need to intake?
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what, what does normal look like going forward? certainly not what we've seen in the past to get to that point, the assessments suggest that netanyahu will only engage seriously after meeting key security benchmarks. one of them being the elimination of a specific hamas commander. >> how do you think this might prolong the war? >> is there any timeframe? in your mind well, that's incredibly high bar isn't it? >> i mean, if that is the deciding point in terms of the next steps going forward, the killing or the capture of the individual that's been named that individual makes it incredibly difficult for israel to do anything other than chase after him. let's assume they have good intelligence. let's assume that they may be able to do that but that should that should not be a precondition for what needs to look, what this, what gaza needs to look like, and what a ceasefire
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needs to entail going forward. this is this is an incredibly difficult task. you shouldn't hinge your entire operational success on that one very specific target outcome general, do you think there's any kind of pressure or even an incentive in the form of that potential normalization deal with saudi arabia that could reshape netanyahu's thinking well, you'd hope so. great point you would hope that there would be behind the scenes discussions for the saudis state. a look, man, we want to get onboard abraham accords made sense. we were about to recognize israel and then seven october happen so we put it on the back burner, but we are enthusiastic about moving forward. so the leverage is saudi arabia steps up and says, look will, will embrace you. you've got to stop this madness. and we can figure out what gaza looks like going forward. we get our arms around that but that makes to your
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point the horizon for some type of a conclusion, not a conclusion. >> a resolution of some of some sort that might even be an interim solution that much longer to achieve. >> i mean, that's a really messy discussion with a bunch of preconditions as you've described, that would be essential to reach that point. >> generally, i also want to ask you about the strikes on these un schools. israel, again, pointing to its use of precise munitions when it's been criticized for carrying out a strike with dozens of civilian casualties alongside what they claim to be some 30 or so hamas militants. do you think israel is properly weighing its stated goal of targeting hamas? alongside protecting civilian life well, you have to be able to look at the results of what to taken place. >> that's a fulsome conversation. i can tell you that collateral damage
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assessments are done very, very thoroughly and the application of precise munitions, they are precise munitions. they hit where they are directed to hit. there's no slippage. so it's the understanding in terms of what underlies that, what is the intelligence that supports that particular strike? and what this really shows you is the incredible brutality of this type of warfare. although we describe it as precise, but also the messiness, the intelligence challenges to surround all of these targeting requirements. so the short answer to your question is, i think the idea, the idf has imbedded in a targeting process legal steps that are essential and must be met. so that's the intent. that's the training that's the delivery. what happens on the business end always gets messy. >> general james spider, marissa, appreciate the insights. thanks for joining us
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thank you, boris. of course. >> still to come a selloff right-wing conspiracy theorist, alex jones jones has agreed to liquidate his assets. what this means for sandy hook families to whom he owes more than $1 billion in damages june 19th cnn celebrates juneteenth with special performances by john legend, eddie lewbel, smokey robinson everyone's your celebrated juneteenth, celebrating freedom and legacy. >> wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn imagine a future where plastic is not wasted. but instead remade over and over into the things that, keep our food fresher our families safer and our planet cleaner to help us get there. >> america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovation data products, and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter
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that's 1807123800 i'm arlette saenz at the white house, and this is cnn conspiracy theory of profiteer alex jones is one step closer to paying up. >> he has agreed to liquidate his assets in order to meet his billion dollar obligations. so the families of the sandy hook tragedy court's order jones to pay damages after he lost to defamation cases filed by loved ones and first responders of
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the mass shooting. they have yet to see a dime from jones for years. he peddled the lie that the 2012 massacre was staged. cnn's oliver darcy is here with details on this, or at all over this liquidation means that jones will be giving up his stake in the online platform, info wars, which he has held for so many years. does this also mean that these families will actually get paid or is jones going to try to weasel out of this again? >> well, the hope is that they'll get paid. like you said, they haven't seen a dime since juries in connecticut and texas awarded them $1.5 billion in damages. and let's remember why they awarded those damages. they awarded those damages because jones four years, tormented these families. it wasn't only that these families couldn't feel like they can protect the legacy of their loved ones. two died during the sandy hook shooting in 2012, but afterward for years, they were tormented by
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by hate messages. they were on the receiving end of harassment. one of the family members even testified during one of the trials that they had there house shot at as a result of all this harassment led by jones, whipped up by jones. and so the hope is that they will start to see some money. i think it's pretty difficult to imagine a scenario where they get that 1.5 billion. but they'd like to see some of that money, i think. and the hope is that by him liquidating his personal assets that will happen. i think jones also starting to realize that he's actually going to have to pay for his really reprehensible actions over the weekend, he spoken in really candid terms about what was happening and he even started to cry on the broadcast i think we have a tape of that we're going to beat these people will try to be dramatic happiness, hard fight obviously those tears
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don't really inspire much sympathy given the, the actions of jones. but i think they do point to the fact that he realizes that this is going to be something he's going to actually have to pay for briana. >> yeah. i mean i don't even know if i saw tears. i start crying. i was looking for tears, honestly, they're all verbit talk to us a little bit about the legacy of info wars i mean alex jones has owned this platform since the late 19 and he's used it as a vehicle to really push a lot of conspiracy theories into the public domain. >> whether it's about 9:11, whether it's about the boston bombing, he has really used this to poison the public discourse and he's used it to make, he's done that to make a lot of money to the tune of millions of millions of dollars. he's profited off of these conspiracy theories that have not only been, not based in reality, but often frankly quite hateful. and so he, he
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might end up losing ownership of that platform, briana. has hurt so many people, people who were already hurting so deeply. oliver darcy, thank you so much for that. we do appreciate get it and coming up, president biden's brother is about to testify in hunter biden's gun trial. we're going to head back to delaware you have. >> chronic kidney disease. you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bar sega because they're places you'd like to be or secret can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration urinary tract, or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the parent indium could occur, stopped taking four sika and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis your calling. some people find there's at an early age. others later why are calling
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easy. get started today, >> i live in paris and washington, and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso are firm only represents mesothelial most victims and their families. >> if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call us now an ingredient commonly found in baked goods syrups and sauces, multivitamins, and even toothpaste is now being linked to heart attack and stroke, potentially even death. >> it's called xylitol and you
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probably have it in your house right now cnn health reported jacqueline howard joins us to discuss the details of this research. so jacqueline, what is xylitol? >> yeah, boris. well, this is a commonly used sugar substitute and end this new study, researchers at the cleveland clinic found that high amounts of xylitol is associated with nearly twice the risk of heart attack, stroke, and even death. now, we do need more research into what's driving this association. but other studies on other types of sugar substitutes have found similar associations when it comes to xylitol, though the researchers also point out that it is also linked with the formation of blood clots in the body and maybe that has something to do at this association of a blood clot travels to your heart? part are to your brain that can cause a heart attack or stroke. but what's really concerning about this, boras, we know that the consumers who often seek out products containing xylitol
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are consumers who are trying to manage their blood sugar levels. they're looking for sugar-free products or reduced sugar products. these are often consumers who may already have diabetes, already of cardiovascular disease. so if it's true association that silo tall can increase the risks of heart attack and stroke. these are consumers who are already at an increased risk and we are seeing more and more people with cardiovascular disease. it's actually estimated by in the year 2050, more than half, about 61% of adults in the united states will have cardiovascular disease. so this is an area that's so important for many, many people out there. bores, yeah, really important. find jacqueline howard, thanks so much for the update. appreciate it i had on cnn news central, great news for workers in the latest jobs report, what could this make it harder to fight inflation? we have details just moments away the darkness of
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