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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 10, 2024 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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for me the for the people that came to help, it was really just all in a day's work situations like this really show everyone and certainly showed us in this instance just how much all of us out in the world depend on all of you and again, i want to thank the crew from medic 24 firefighter hayden campbell, firefighter, paramedic, atom iq, and fire inspector paramedic, kimberly booser, who helped bring gray into the world. i got to be reunited with them over the weekend and i also learned when i spoke to adam and his crew, they were just as happy as i was to have a friendly female face on that crew. thank you. to kim for taking charge because man, she did. we also do want to just take a moment to thank all of the first responders here in the district of columbia, but across the country that all of us trust with our lives every day, because you really have no idea when you might need to make that call and having those
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people on the other end of the line makes all the difference in the world. they are truly lifesavers, so thank you to all of them, thanks to our panel, thanks to all of you for joining us. >> i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central starts right this morning. >> a former president meets with his probation officer, you wonder if james madison had that in mind when writing the constitution what can donald trump say that might impact? his sentence? >> tony blinken back in the middle east set to meet with the israeli prime minister just after the dramatic hostage rescue operation in gaza. and a key number of his war cabinet resigns and now the us is calling for a new un security council vote and back-to-back shark attacks does miles apart part off the coast of florida officials are now issuing a warning because of it. i'm kate bolduan. would john berman, sarah sayyed is out. this is
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cnn news central morning something no former president has ever done donald trump will sit for a pre-sentencing interview with this probation officer. >> this interview will be part of the report the probation department will submit to judge juan were shot ahead of trump's sentencing on july 11, and for normal defendants it could be a significant factor in determining whether there will be present time. of course, donald trump is not a normal defendant. will this now cnn, chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst john miller jaume, we've got some new information about how this will be similar and different to other meetings like this. >> so the normal process is that the probation officer sits with the defendant and in some cases, in this case, the defendant's lawyer and they go through a tick list. it's what is your home situation? du you live in a stable environment? do you have employment? can you
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get employment? are you suffering from any drug addiction? what is your criminal background as it violent in this case, donald trump is going to be different from a lot of defendants. in fact, the vast majority he lives in a triplex at the top of a building with his name on it. he has no criminal record. and yet like any other defendants, he does have multiple other open felony cases but as far as employment, drugs, and so on the question that they're trying to resolve at the probation department as a couple of things, but key to it is is he a good candidate for the community corrections environment in english, that means the prison correction environment, or being on probation without going to jail, but having to accept the conditions of probation. >> now, a lawyer present in bys zoo this will not be in-person and todd blanche will be there with donald trump. how unusual is that? is that what joe schmo, defendant normally gets? >> joe schmo defendant usually it comes down to see the
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probation officer, their probation officer wants to get a look at him or her, get a sense of that. but during covid, the system had to keep going. so virtual probation interviews became a thing. and this makes sense because he's in another city. you said probation here. >> what would probation exactly mean for donald trump so probation is if you are convicted of a crime and they say we're not going to incarcerate you, but we need to check up on you to make sure you're not going to re-offend or you're not re-offending parole is when you go to jail and they let you out early and they check on you after the fact. >> so this is an interesting thing. the manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg went to a lot of trouble to bring this case and to get this conviction. and he said in his controversial day one memo that he wants less people to go to jail especially in non and violent crimes, but he didn't single out white-collar crimes. so we don't know what they're going to ask for. >> and then very finally, john, this meeting will happen today well, we hear what comes out of
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it or how will we know what comes out of it? >> so technically we shouldn't hear what comes out of it the psr or the pre-sentencing report goes from the new york city department of probation to that state supreme court judge juan merchan. and it is to help him as he decides on the sentence, whether it's in jail or prison, or whether it's on probation. didn't what those conditions should be if it's probation, donald trump will probably have to check in with a probation officer once a month. sometimes once a week. he sounds more like a once a month candidate. and make sure he doesn't get arrested again, that's days out of trouble. >> john miller and education as always, thanks so much for being here this wall civics lesson really is no. i mean, all this stuff is new to me. >> donald trump will learn a lot about it today, no doubt, it's good that you don't know about. >> i appreciate that. so far yet, but the things john miller doesn't know. >> so we'll hunter biden, take the stand or are we now just hours away from closing arguments very soon, you could have that answer as hunter biden's trial gets back underway in delaware next hour,
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the president's don is facing multiple charges related to a 2018 drug purchase. he has pleaded not guilty. so where did things go now after what end? the week with the week ending last week with very dramatic and emotional testimony. marshall cohen is outside court for us. how soon do you expect to have that answer of where this really is headed and how fast march kate good morning. >> we should find out pretty soon because the proceedings resume here in wilmington, delaware at 8:10 and am just about one hour from now. and one of the first items on the agenda is to have an answer from the defense. they told the judge that they want wanted to take the weekend to think this over, figure out the final contours of their strategy. if hunter is going to take the stand in his own defense, or if they're going to rest their case to move on to closing arguments. now why might they want to do that? we've always said it's unlikely and it would be incredibly risky. but before the trial, they said then some of their court
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filings that one of the things that they would want him to tell the jury if he decided to testify in his own defense was that he has been cleaned sober, and law abiding since 2019. kate, the jury is heard so much testimony about his rampant drug abuse, really painting him anyway sorry struggling and negative light they said, if he did testify, he would want to convey to the jurors directly that he's been cleaned for several years now, but of course, if he did testify, prosecutors could grill him and they said in filings that they would probably want to bring up his discharge from the navy ten years ago after a positive drug test and that they might try to attack his credibility by bringing up that in their view, he not only light on this gun for him, but he's also lied on his taxes. so a huge decision, it would be a risky move. we should find out in about one hour so then add it all up with the caveat of it's uncertain what we're going to hear right when court picks back up, but
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how soon could the jury have this case well, if he doesn't testify, then it's time for closing arguments. >> both sides will be able to give their final push to the jury on why they think they should get a conviction or an acquittal, then there's jury instructions as well from the judge educating the jurors, instructing them on the laws in this case. the elements of the alleged crimes and how they should conduct their deliberations. now, one of the things that the defense wants the judge to instruct the jury you're about today during those instructions, is what they call their theory of the case. the simplest, most straightforward reason why in their view, this trial should to end with three not guilty verdicts. and they told the judge that she should instruct the jury that hunter biden, quote, did not believe that he was either a drug user or addict at that time when he bought the gun and when he possessed the gun, they've said
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all along that if he did not know, he was a drug addict, if he did not no, he was a user than he cannot be convicted of these crimes. so it could happen today, kate, it very likely will and i'll pick back up an hour from now. >> thank you, marshall. appreciate the reporting. >> still ahead for us secretary of state back in the middle east and about to meet with israeli prime minister prime minister now facing a new reality after that dramatic hostage rescue operation in gaza is quickly followed by a key resignation from his war cabinet. >> the test now for blinken ahead as we learn new details about that rescue operation. plus nvidia is one of the hottest stocks of the year of 144%. and now the major change hitting today the market's about to open and they've woken a monster that is the new reaction from caitlin clark after learning, she will not be playing on the us olympic team in the most anticipated moment of this election. and the
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stakes couldn't the higher the president and the former president's one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debates thursday, june 27, nine live on cnn streaming on max three body serie a city client uses city's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving. some more pet parents can get everything they need, right? when they need it. keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward for the love of progress, right now, pet dander skin cells in dirt are settling deep into your carpet fibers. >> stanley steamer removes the dirt you seen in the dirt, you don't your corporates aren't clean until they're stanley steamer the clean. >> his name were trying to save
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healthier. >> with the aura ring in these territories meno come try you we use that much this year evan had much needed, but yeah. >> in american saga, we did are happening now, us secretary of state antony blinken has arrived in the middle east for meetings at a precarious moment, he will meet with the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu and also later, ben again hence, who just quit israel's war cabinet to protest netanyahu is handling of the war. >> cnn's oren liebermann live in tel aviv this morning. what a tumultuous few days there aren't john, this was such a celebratory moment and it's still is after a major operation to rescue four israeli hostages from a densely
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populated area in gaza. >> but the israeli government itself is already fractured following that with prime minister benjamin netanyahu trying to thank gone to one of his war cabinet members who just quit the government hospital in central israel. they hug does if there was no tomorrow because for so long they feared there wouldn't be four israeli hostages were rescued from gaza in israeli operation on saturday after eight months of captivity among the rescued, one of the most well-known hostages, noa argamani, were united with her father here video from october 7 showed her pleading. were held as kidnappers drove her into gaza and you'd like a shield that's her father. thanked he israeli military for the rest. but reunions like this remain all too rare. this is only the third successful israeli rescue operation since the war began. while elite
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media reunited with her son, almog, one day before her birthday yes. >> still androids and 20 hostages in gaza and this will be want a deal. >> now the daring daytime operation in the new sayyed refugee camp in central gaza lifted the spirits of a nation but unity was fleeting as anti-government protests demanded a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages, and a ceasefire saudi on sunday war cabinet member benny gantz resigned from the government, accusing prime minister benjamin netanyahu of slow walking the war for his own political gain netanyahu vowed to keep pushing towards total victory over hamas the cost of which was once again apparent witnesses in gaza
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describe israel's operation as hell on earth inside a dense residential area with the crowds of mid-day positive juno an increasing bombardment started hitting everywhere something we never witnessed before maybe 150 rockets fell and less than ten minutes palestinians rushed the wounded to ambulances in this disturbing video, many, including women and children, bore the horrific scars of heavy bombardment. >> i'll aqsa martyrs hospital quickly filled with the injured, the dead next were eating people's remains. we pulled out six martyrs, all torn up. children and women the operation drew swift and severe international condemnation and hamas called it a massacre. the palestinian ministry of health in gaza says more than 270 were killed in the israeli strikes. >> 700 wounded which would make
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it one of the deadliest days for gaza in months. the idf disputes those numbers, saying it estimated the number of casualties was less than 100. cnn cannot independently verify these figures on sunday, national security adviser jake sullivan told cnn's dana bash that innocent people were tragically killed in this operation he called on hamas to accept a ceasefire. that's on the table right now. >> and the best way to end this war is for hamas to say yes to the deal president biden announced and that israel has accepted what's unclear now is how easy it is to accept this deal from israel sayyed with guns, quitting the government netanyahu has even more pressure from his far-right coalition partners who have threatened the dissolve the government if he accepts the ceasefire deal. >> so this is not at all an easy path forward as blinken expected to arrive here later on today, john. >> yeah, it will be interesting to see the impact of the hostage rescue combined with benny gantz leaving the war
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cabinet. the impact that will have on negotiating oren liebermann. terrific new details in that report. thank you so much so temperatures, so hot they could kill you, were millions of americans need to be extremely careful today and then a catastrophic failure that is what officials say after a large chunk of one of the country's most beautiful highways cracked and then collapsed in a landslide if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with parsia because their places like to be for seeker can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur, stopped taking farsi i call your doctor right away at the symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis
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close eye on this one for us. what is going on here? >> well, kate, if you're an invidious shareholder, don't freak out the share price is about to shrink dramatically, but it's not a glitch. it's actually a sign of success. so as you mentioned and videos, just having this legendary period of success lately, they power these computer chips that really ron artificial intelligence. and so they're so hot that the board announced a ten for one stock split. that means that the stock is going to go from closing on friday above $1,200 a piece. to just over $120 reason why companies do this is because they're trying to make the share price more accessible, right? when a stock goes into the high hundreds of dollars for a lot of the market exactly. it makes it harder for smaller investors to take a piece of it. now, the market value is onchange. this is really just a cosmetic change, but this is something that a lot of other successful tech companies have done. apple, amazon and tesla have all done it. and it's really a sign that, the company is on a positive run because the share
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price has gone up, it's actually a good problem to have talked to me about. >> i mean, you're hitting a lot of its ai, but what is driving videos six nvidia for the longest time was known as the company that powers computer chips for videos so games and then they made this bet ten years ago that they could become the brains of artificial intelligence. and that paid off massively. look at this gd or ec stock price rise, just five years ago, you could buy the stock for about 50 bucks. >> now, it's above $1,200 last month and video revealed that its revenue tripled year-over-year of its profits or more than 7-fold. >> it's now worth more than 3 $3 it's an incredible amount of money. if you compare nvidia it's worth the same amount as starbucks, boeing, city, at&t, jp jpmorgan, tesla, exon, home depot and walmart combined just one company is worth the same as all of these household
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brands. in fact, nvidia is now one of the most valuable companies in america, worth more than amazon, more than google owner alphabet, last week, it even briefly topped apple and it's really not far behind microsoft, which of course is another ai play, because they have their own ai chatbot and leave invested in openai, the company behind chatgpt. but guess what, computer chips, power chatgpt, invidious this has come, this company is already huge and it feels like what you're telling me, the sky's the limit where this thing is headed. it's good to see things much. let's see what happens with wow. >> there's number is, that chart was crazy fans. >> all right, talking about kraze bans wild plane ride passengers is saying that they could feel the hale hitting the plane. >> and now now we are seeing the damage left behind after a dangerous landing for one austrian airlines flight. just look at that damage and some are calling get an error ball. caitlin clark is calling it no
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you will mate to find inner peace we were her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their
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“price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. a pro pain-free absorbing pro the most anticipated moment of this election. >> and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27. >> nine live on cnn and streaming on max overnight. a mayday emergency call after an austrian airlines flight suffered a significant amount of damage flying through a thunderstorm nearly 180 people were on board. the plane's nose was seriously damaged. the top of the cockpit, bent and the glass of the windows of the
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copic pratt the plane did land safely despite the damage. the catastrophic landslide in wyoming, a section of the famed teton pass, pretty much just fell off the side through the mountain. this is a critical route between wyoming and idaho, not to mention, you know, estimates on when it could reopen new mornings this morning from north korea as tensions with south korea escalate, overnight, north korea sent balloons filled with trash across the border that was in response to what it calls psychological warfare by south korea, south korea announced it will resume broadcasting. anti north korean propaganda in border regions so two shark attacks and florida, just a few miles apart, one woman had to have part of her arm amputated just 90 minutes after that first attack, a shark bit, two teenage girls in waist deep water cnn's rafael romo has the latest on this. rafael john. >> good morning. and then there was one more we're talking about three shark attacks in the united states over the weekend, three people were
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injured in two incidents in florida on friday and the men died in hawaii on saturday. this is what we know authority say a 39-year-old man died after what they describe as a shark encounter off the coast of maui, the first fatal attack in hawaii since a snorkel or die there in 2022, the day before, two separate attacks happened in florida in an area between destine and panama city beach in the span of less than 90 minutes and only about four months biles apart, according to authorities are 45-year-old woman suffered significant trauma to her midsection and pelvic area, as well as the amputation of her left lower arm. and the second attack, the victims were two girls between the ages of 15 and 17. the first victim suffered what officials described a significant injuries to one upper and one when lower extremity, both requiring the application of a tourniquet, the second victim has minor wounds to her right foot. one county officials said, what happened is both tragic and terrifying, but historically,
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shark attacks are exceedingly rare. >> they're highly unusual and it's extremely unusual for two to happen in the same afternoon when four miles of one another is the sheriff mentioned we're reaching out to us to speak to subject matter experts as to what may, you know, what may be causing that but golf temperatures, the steering current, whatever that is and you may remember that on may 28, there was another incident and galveston beach where a 19-year-old woman was bitten in her left hand by a shark, but survived as reported by cnn affiliate k prc on sunday, that south walton fire this strict in florida issued a warning on x, say the following. >> we are guests in the gulf. the post says, we all must accept some amount of risk when entering the water that does not take away from these two ladies whose lives are changed forever, but looking for someone to blame is not the answer. they said over the weekend, walton county officials were flying yellow
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and purple flags for moderate surf hazards and the precedence of dangerous marine life after what happened there friday, john, back to you. >> all right. rafael romo following this forest, raphael. thank you very much kate. >> now for eight months in captivity, four israeli hostages are now back home after a dramatic rescue operation. can saturday. >> and from ever all of everything we've seen, it was overwhelming for the families of the four that were rescued. yet there are still believed to be 116 israeli hostages still being held captive in gaza today, meaning so many families are still left waiting one of those families is the family of abbe own abby's an american citizen who lives in israel five of her family were either killed or taken hostage in the hamas attacks two of her family, eight-year-old, carmella dan, and 13-year-old noa dan, you see them there. they were killed 12-year-old arrays and his sisters, 16-year-old. so har they were taken hostage and released in november. their father oh, fair calderon. he's still being held in gaza. an abbe on joins
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us now. abby, thank you for coming back on we've talked so many times now in the last eight months, how does it feel today? we're how did it feel even on saturday getting the news that the four hostages were rescued and back safely and israel it was super emotional we were we were out. >> were outdoors with friends and family and we heard the news. and literally she started crying it's it was unmatched. it's unbelievable almost that it was real. and we thought for a second it was a rumor. and then we got confirmation and i think we just cried for hours because as much as we want the 116 for everyone's be home to know that for families will hold again, was amazing it's also now been eight months that ofer has been held hostage what is the latest, if anything,
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have you heard anything is he still believed to be alive he's believed to be alive. we are fighting to bring them home alive. >> look, last week was an emotional week it started off with four hostages being declared dead. >> three of them, amir, i'm cooper, chaim peri, yoram metzger, from your odds and so it continues to be a living trauma for sauron areas for their mother, for all of our extended family to know that the people that are there or not safe, that every single day, every minute, every hour, it's urgent that we get an out of it. we get them home and seeing those four people, three of whom we've seen in a video, alive to know that they were killed in captivity only makes this more urgent. and the fight for over more do allow yourself to feel disappointment when your heart also verse for joy
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for those families, just the pain of knowing that affairs was not among the four this time, how how do you deal with those feelings? it was it was this really intense moment because they said, it's no argamani and three men and i was like i just, you know, my whole body expanded and i was i was shocked because men are not the category of people that would be coming out in some sort of agreement. and so it was really, really surprising and ultimately you feel joy and happiness for anyone that comes out because it is in nightmare. it is a nightmare of eight months of 248 days for every single family member for the hostages, for anyone involved in this conflict. >> and we just know that if a hostages would be released, that any any of the challenges of this conflict would immediately be deflated. >> and that's our goal, is to make sure that every single one of them come home. and that this conflict ends you have made the point. i've looked
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back at our conversations. >> i mean, you've made the point in every conversation that we've had to say that you don't want to see any deaths anymore, whether it be on the side of israel or amongst the people in gaza and how does that feel today okay. >> everything is devastating and heartbreaking. i have never in my life as an american or someone that lived in israel for the last decade i've never lived through a war on the soil where i reside. >> and to know what happened, turn october 7, and to think about and appropriate response, there's no such thing but to know that the terror to happen them seventh or any of the deaths that have happened since are all unnecessary. >> there has to be a different way. and i just know the first step toward that solution is bringing the hostages home. i mean, i mourn every single leinz. there's no question. and i wish that our leaders, both in israel and the united states and around the world with steph, up even higher than
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they are now, and figure out a way to end this. this is something that cannot continue. now for family members, not for the rest of the world, not for the people who are suffering on the ground gaza, but the hostages and palestinians, it has to end president biden's national security adviser was asked what impact he thinks this rescue operations saturday will have on what we're talking about on the ceasefire negotiations with hamas. >> let me play for you. what jake sullivan said yesterday, api it's really hard to say, right now. it's hard to say how hamas will process this particular operation and what it will do to its determination about whether it will say yes or not. we have not gotten a formal answer from hamas i set this time even before the bigger impact on overall negotiations. i mean, just what does your gut tell you that you think that the rescue operation of these four hostages from the
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hands-off hamas will mean for oh, fair i hope if he hears that he feels some sort of hope that his army and its country are fighting for him but i truly believe that there has to be a negotiated agreement because this was a dangerous operation, because soldiers, for the hostages, and for anyone in the acidity. and we don't want to see more death. we want to see the 116 brought home with the minimum amount of death that's that's everyone's goal. they were taken from a party from their beds, from their homes. >> these are innocent civilians that should be brought home and the pressure in my opinion, needs to be on hamas to release them because if that pressure is big enough, then we get to a place where we can negotiate an agreement i feel so much joy that these four people are home, but i don't believe that putting our soldiers and hostages and other civilians in harm's way is a it's the best the best self forward abby.
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thank you so much. i'm so thankful to see you again and i look forward to the de that we're talking about, the return of all fair thank you so much for coming on. it's going to happen thank you so much, john wright new comments this morning from caitlin clark, the star wnba rookie speaking for the first time after learning, she is not on the roster of the us olympic team competing in paris. cnn's coy wire is with us this morning. this was surprising. i think to people who maybe have just been introduced to the wnba this year yeah, john, there's no doubt about it. there are very strong opinions on both sides of this debate of whether or not caitlin clark should have made team usa for women's hoops many say it's a missed opportunity. the indiana fever phenom has helped shatter viewership and attendance records dating all the way back to her iowa hawkeyes college days. and now in, the, w, she's currently top 15 in the wnba and scoring nearly 17 points per game. she's coming off her best game as a pro scoring 30 points on friday.
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now, many others are saying that it's completely justifiable that she is not on this projected roster. take a look at this roster of four the 12th players have no previous olympic experience of those for each of them, or at least to time wnba all-stars, none of these players on this projected roster are under the age of 26. clark still just 22, says that being left off of this roster will only make her better listen yeah, they called me and let me know before everything came out, which was really respectful of them and i appreciated that they the same for ever go that made the team for every girl that didn't make the team. >> yeah, there's a lot of players in an olympic pool, so it wasn't like i was only when they had to call that a mccloud few calls. honestly, no disappointment. i think it just gives you something to work for you. it's a dream, you know, hopefully we can be there think it's just a little more motivation do you remember that? and, you know, hopefully in four years before you comes
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back around you and i can be there. >> she got the call on the bus and she texts me to let me know and i just tried to keep our spirits. i mean, the thing she said was, hey coach, they woke a monster, which i thought was awesome. >> they woke a monster john love that line of a us women are seeking an eighth straight gold at the olympics dating back to 1996, the olympics or just 46 days away, and other basketball news, john berman, celtics are to know nba finals against the dallas mavericks. i'm convinced he doesn't want to jinx his it's team. and that's why we're not talking about them this morning. >> we will speak nothing of it, but noted coy wire. great to see you this morning. thanks very much a little girl in illinois, i will soon receive potentially life life-changing gifts, golani lens was born without her left hand was that a arms limit her ability to grip things are carry small objects but the third grader will receive what is called a hero arm, the 3d printed prosthetic limb has fingers that are more for mobile and we'll give sky a better grip
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is a secret. war, secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn there's never been anything like is happening to our country. >> they had changing the fabric of our country. they are destroying our country in nevada is being turned into a dumping ground and you are the whole country she is being turned into a an absolute dumping ground. the illegal immigrants are turning and they're turning at a level that nobody's ever seen before. they're fighting. our families that some of donald trump's message to supporters at an nevada campaign rally yesterday. trump campaign has high hopes for the state that joe biden won and 2020 from the stage, trump focused on slamming biden's new executive action on border security, and he launched his own latino americans for trump coalition. there's also new cnn reporting that president joe biden is considering following his recent border move with a second move on immigration that
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could protect some undocumented spouses of us citizens from deportation cnn, steve contorno, arlette saenz, both working different angles of this for us. so steve, what more did you hear from donald trump yesterday well, it was a continued attack kate on joe biden's record and that has been central to his outreach to latino voters in black voters and other voters of color. >> essentially, that your life under trump presidency was better than it has been under joe biden. that is the central case that he is making to voters of, of every shot stripe and it's coming even as you hear that that dark rhetoric about immigration, trump is promising to deport millions of americans. and one of the largest deportation operations in the country's history, if he wins and yet he. is polling suggests that he continues to make headway with latino, spanish-speaking voters four
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years ago, joe biden won latino voters, handle these 65% of those voters, one for joe biden, trump just got 32%. now, you're seeing almost parody not only nationally, but he's battleground states like nevada and trump also did make a promise that will certainly affect a lot of latino workers who work in the culinary industry. he made a promise about what he would do with tipped wages if he wins. take a listen when i get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips, people making we're gonna do that right away. first taking office because it's been a point of contention for years and years and years. and you do a great job of service, should take care of people now, the culinary union that represents nevada workers are very powerful union put out a statement blasting this proposal. >> they said quotes nevada
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workers are smart enough to know the difference between real solutions while campaign promises of a convicted felon, kate that's quite a statement coming from the union right there. steve arlette, what are you learning then about this new reporting on another immigration move potentially by president biden okay. >> sources have told cnn that the biden administration is considering a new step that could potentially offer legal status to undocumented immigrants who are married to us citizens, officials are looking at an existing authority called parole in place, which would shield the certain groups of undocumented immigrants from deportation and allow them to stay in the country and worked at legally while some of them would be able to seek citizenship, it's expected that this could impact about 750,000 to 800,000 undocumented immigrants at this moment. and it comes as it could potentially appeal to latino voters in states like nevada, arizona, and georgia. but this also comes as the
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administration is trying to shore up support, not just with latinos, but also progressives and immigration advocates. many groups access frustration with president biden's executive action last week that essentially shut off the asylum process for undocumented immigrants are who are coming to the country illegally when a certain daily threshold hold is met, you've heard progressives who said that that is similar to policies that were adopted adopted during the trump era, and groups like the aclu have threatened to sue the admin ministration to try to stop this over the weekend, a homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas defended the administration's moves. take a listen but i respectfully disagree with the aclu. >> i anticipate they will sue us. we stand by the legality of what we have done. we stand by the value proposition. it's not only a matter of securing the border, martha, we have a humanitarian obligation to keep vulnerable people out of the
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hands of exploitative smugglers now it all comes as president biden is really trying to address a politically vexing issue increasingly, immigration, border security has risen in the list of concerns for voters heading into 2024, you take a look at polling at many believed that trump has would have better policies than biden. >> but at the same time, the president is i'm also trying to shore up with key parts of his constituency, constituencies are heading into that november election. are let thank you so much, steve contorno. thank you as well. john wright with us now, senior spokesperson and adviser to the biden campaign aide or an l rod. >> thank you so much for being with us. this proposal reported proposal out there to provide some kind of legal status for the undocumented spouses of us citizens. what would that be designed to do? who would that be designed to help? >> yeah well john i certainly don't want to get into the front of the white house's announcement on this. but what i will say is the following, president biden is how to take matters into his own hands. is
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president, because congress failed to act. the most historic bipartisan piece of legislation that we have seen in front of congress in over a decade was stopped because maga republicans list sent to their leader, donald trump, who said, i don't want to give joe biden president joe biden, uh, when i don't want to give him a political victory during a 2024 presidential campaign year so president biden has had to take matters into his own hands by issuing executive actions that will will, will, will improve the situation at the border because congress failed to act and congress failed to act again, not because of democrats, but because of maga, republicans. >> how does providing a legal status for undocumented spouses of us citizens? how does that help people help the situation at the border well, again, i don't want to get in front of the white house on this, but i what i will say is that it's important that the president shall leadership on this, which is what president biden is
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doing. >> you see donald trump on the campaign turnout, tell talking about the border, talking about the crisis at the border, blaming democrats when really democrats are the ones john, who want to get something done, where are the ones who worked with republicans across the aisle to negotiate a historic deal that republicans immediately shot down in congress could have easily pass both chambers. they wouldn't let it pass because donald trump said to speaker johnson and other republicans in congress, i don't want to give joe biden to win this cycle. so president biden is doing what he can. he's using every lever his disposal, which of course is, you know, john, when you're the president united states, you can do a lot, but you are somewhat limited in terms of what you can do without congress acting. so it's very important that president biden, you do what he can in the executive branch, but he also hopes that congress will act hello, to play some sound from before. one of donald trump's events in nevada yesterday. in its rhetoric from marjorie taylor greene and another republican supporter. and it's the type of thing that we have
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heard on the trail recently, which is almost messianic rhetoric concerning donald trump. listen to this oh president trump as a convicted felon what you want to know, something the man that i worship is also a convicted felon and he was murdered on a roman cross is sensitive park to worship and bring back the grid is present we've ever known in our generation so what do you think when you hear rhetoric like that i don't even know what to think, john, i mean, look, i i'm not going to speak for the american people, but i think that rhetoric speaks for itself. >> and what our focus is, john, on this campaign is made make sure that every single voter understands the contrast understands what is at stake that donald trump and his maga allies are focused on seeking
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revenge and retribution. they are running a negative campaign that is not focused on the american people, but it's focused on themselves. we are making sure that the american people understand that president joe biden in this fighting for them. he wants to continue his policies of lowering costs for families lowering prescription drug costs continuing his agenda of economic freedom. whereas are republicans are focusing, focusing on themselves and donald trump has made it very clear that if he steps back into the white house, he will rule as a dictator on day one. he will seek, you will use the white house to seek political are the engine retribution on his political enemies? he is said, things that, you know, he's, he's praised the third reich. he's used racist rhetoric at every chance that he has. president biden has delivered for the american people 15 million jobs record unemployment growth when it comes to latinos, in particular, at one point, john, when president donald trump was an office, there was 47% unemployment among latinos. joe biden has created over 4.8
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million jobs for latinos. we want to make sure that every single voter, all latino voters, understand what's at stake and what president biden has delivered for them? >> adrian elrod, appreciate you being with us morning. thank you okay. more than 20 million people from california to arizona could be seeing triple digit or near triple-digit heat. let's get over to cnn's derek van dam tracking this one for us. derek, what are you looking at? >> yeah. kate, 30 is coming out of phoenix arizona warning that the high risk of heat stress or heat-related illness is present here in the city today, if you don't have access to adequate cooling or adequate hydration as well, they've had 14 consecutive days where the mercury in the thermometer has climbed above one in hundred degrees and we have no relief really insight, especially this week, 20 million americans under some sort of heat alert, including heat warnings for vegas, sin city. it is sisley and their 11 consecutive days with temperatures above 100 degrees. this is the warmest start in the month of june for
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