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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  June 11, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. preferred better science, better results. >> this is a secret, war, secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn these cnn breaking news welcome to a cnn using, we're actually going to take you straight to tel aviv where the us suggests they, antony blinken will soon be wrapping up his visit to israel off the more meetings today, including with benny gantz, you can see him there meeting with the families of hostages. is
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obviously waiting for their loved ones come home from gaza this comes at a very sensitive time now that we're going to wait because we want to hear if he has something to say, but nada bashir is with us. this is a time when the peace process is going through a crucial point absolutely. i mean, we've been hearing from the us was on time now calling for more pressure to be put by their key regional allies on hamas to agree to a ceasefire proposal. >> we heard from hamas yesterday. welcoming, be you when resolution put forward by the united states. but of course, blinken has also been meeting with key figures in israel as all we know he met with benny gantz, who of course, step down from the war cabinet we've heard from benny gantz since saying that he wants to see maximum pressure being applied at all parties to come to some sort of ceasefire agreement. >> but of course we're hearing
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a lot of mixed messages as well while the united states continues to reiterate that this is an israeli proposal that they believe israel will back this deal. >> we heard yesterday from israel's representative to the united nations, so that is what he has to say to the cameras. >> i just met with the families of the american okay so that's a shame, but we're going to try and get that back. >> he's obviously says he's meeting the families of american hostages. i think that's where he was going. yeah. i mean, getting the hostages out continues to be a key priority for the united states. a key ally of israel that continues to be a key priority. of course, for the israeli government, the israeli prime minister, what we heard yesterday from israel's representative to the united nations is that israel does not want to engage in what they described as meaningless discussions and negotiations with hamas that they will continue with their objective, not only to get all the hostages out from captivity in gaza, but also to completely
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diminished downgrade hamas to the point where gaza no longer poses a threat going to israel to the state of israel. now of course, that sends somewhat of a mixed message given the fact that biden has presented this peace deal as one that is, and it's really deal that has the backing of the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and we've heard from the biden administration saying that the us assessment at this stage is that they believe hamas has been downgraded the point where they are no longer able to carry out an attack, such as the attack that we saw on october 7. and of course, this is a three-phase deal which does set out the parameters very peaceful exchange of all the hostages currently held captive by hamas in gaza in exchange for palestinian prisoners. so those parameters are set out in the deal. it is a deal that we've heard from hamas now saying that they welcome that they are willing and ready to work with mediators and negotiators to secure this peace agreement. and of course, what we've
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inherited from the us for some time now is that the ball is firmly in hamas's cool, but we've also heard from the state department saying that they believe this is a deal which is almost identical to a deal that hamas agree two weeks ago. so the hope is that mediators and the middle east who have been working closely with hamas will be able to secure a firm agreement from hamas whether or not israel agrees to this, that remains to be seen. this is being presented as an israeli deal, but of course prime minister netanyahu is facing mounting pressure from right-wing elements of his coalition who do not want to see this deal approved. they want to see a continuation of the war. >> okay. i will have more on that. and the security council decision last night. but let john thank you. that. but now to two stories dominating the law and justice landscape us the historic meeting between the former president and his probation officers and the child of the current president's son, jury deliberations will resume today in delaware, where hunter biden faces up to 25 years in prison if he's convicted of gun
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charges, he's pleaded not guilty for the first time ever. former us president has met with his probation officers ahead of sentencing for is 34 felony convictions. the source tells cnn trump's virtual interview was routine and uneventful. another said the former president was polite, respectful, and answered all questions cnn's a brynn gingras, as the details the former president finishing his meeting with a probation officer were told from a source that it lasted about 30 minutes and his camp calling it uneventful now it's notch clear exactly what sort of questions were asked in this meeting, but what is customary is the fact that this always happens after a defendant has either pleaded guilty or is convicted of the crime. >> that they're charged with. we know some of the questions that are asked are about the criminal history of that person, the family background, their financial background, did they ever abuse alcohol? for drugs, things like this? >> what's also not customary in this situation? >> of course, the fact that there is a former president as
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the person who is being interviewed by the probation office, but also they happen virtually. we know that the former president at mar-a-lago, he was there with his attorney. that was allowed by the judge in this case. now, what's going to happen next is that trump's defense team is going to submit their own sentencing recommendation and both that along with this report made by the probation officer, will be factored in to judge juan, were sean's decision about what sentence trump should face for being convicted on those 34 counts. just a few weeks ago. so we're waiting. of course for that. happened the sentencing date still said or july 11, brynn gingras, cnn, new york. >> the judge in trump's classified documents case refusing to dismiss a number of charges against the former president and his two co-defendants, judge aileen cannon did agree that some of the language in the indictment was legally unnecessary and should be removed trump is accused of keeping classified documents. so this florida
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resort, after he left the white house, he has claimed at various points that he didn't have the documents. he declassified the documents just by thinking about it. and that he had the right to keep the documents. the delaware courtroom, where hunter biden's federal gun trial. meanwhile, is being held, was packed with supporters of the president's son on monday. both sides presented closing arguments during the historic case, making their final appeals to the jurors cnn's paula reid has the highlights from day six of the trial in a major show of support, hunter's family members and pastor taking up three rows in court today have known the family you don't abandon your friends and family tough time. >> in closing arguments, prosecutors pointed to the gallery of supporters and said, those people are not evidence and reminded the jury that, quote, no one is above the law, the prosecution directly address the most difficult element they have to prove that
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hunter biden knowingly lied on a federal background check form when purchasing the gun at the center of this case, the defendant knew he used crack and was addicted to crack at the relevant time period adding that hunter would have been aware from his time in rehab that he had a problem with drugs maybe if he had never gone to rehab, he could argue he didn't know. he was an addict at the end of his closing, prosecutor, leo wise circled back to testimony from hunters daughter, naomi, on friday, when she told the jury that when she returned or fathers card him on october 19, 2018, she did not see any evidence of drugs, but why is reminded the jury hunter's former girlfriend, hallie biden, his brother, beau biden's widow, had testified that when she found the gun in the same car days later, she found it alongside drug paraphernalia defense attorney abbe lowell countered, warning jurors not to convict his client in properly adding it's time to end this case. he
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compared the trial to a magician's trick trying to dupe the jury, saying, watch this hand, pay no attention to the other one he accused prosecutors of cherry picking thinking evidence to present a more timeline of hunter's drug use and said his client was not lying when he marked down that he was not an addict on that federal form. lowell attack, two of hunter's former girlfriends who both served as prosecution witnesses in this case. >> he noted zoe kestan took pictures of hunter with drugs, but not in the key month of october 2018, he also reminded the jury that hallie biden could not remember specific details about when she found the gun in hunter's car and noted hunter was the one who told hallie to file a police report for the missing after she threw it out. >> hunter did not take the stand to testify in his own defense in this case, a move that would have come with potential rewards and definite risks the jury will return to
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court at 9:00 a.m. on tuesday to continue deliberations now is in court monday morning as the jury heard instructions from the judge, she went through line by line explaining the rules that they have to follow as they undertake this historic decision. paula reid, cnn, wilmington, delaware, joining from new york criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor pinata, via luna. thank you so so much for joining us. why is it historic this case? because it isn't the president? >> it's still even though it's not the precedent, we're talking about, the president's son eighth, sit president son that's on trial, right now. i just to think that because it's a federal case, max biden, president biden, if hunter biden work to be convicted, he asked her ability to pardon him already said that he's not willing to part is his own son. he wants to make sure that people trust in our criminal justice system and that there's no favorites is but it's a historic moment in
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the sense that we are dealing with a sit-in president's son is on trial on felony charges and could possibly face jail which way do you think the jury appears to be going based on their responses to the judge so it depends. >> there haven't been any jury nodes, but it depends on are you judging this case based on sympathy? if you're not judging the case on sympathy and just on plain facts, and if we weren't dealing going with the son of a sitting president, doesn't the prosecution has proven this case beyond a reasonable doubt, not directly, but circumstantially with the testimony of hallie biden, with the testimony of the cocaine residue, haven't been recovered with testimony having to deal with biden's own words in his memory that he is a crack addict, was a crack addict at the time dealing with the text messages, those stories, dealing with a witness testimony, i think in its totality that the prosecution,
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the government has proven that hunter biden, it's guilty of being in possession of this firearm, haven't been under the influence. i'm not a codex and also lying on that formula to update that by r. >> so what sort of sentence would you get from those parts of the trial so if hunter biden were to be convicted, he can face anywhere up to 25 years if he's convicted on all three of the couch highly own likely that he will see anything near 25 years. >> the judge has sentencing guidelines where it's recommended what is possible sentence good. because hunter biden doesn't have a criminal record because hunter biden, at this point now he said he has been cleaned because hunter biden also was dealing with a dependency on narcotic dependency, who's quite honestly it drug addiction that's been put on entre i think he can face anywhere from probation up until maybe a year or two years years in jail. my
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recommendation quite honestly is that this case does not is not deserving of any jail sentence. if anything, we're dealing with a drug program that hunter biden should go through quite nicely. i think this prosecution shouldn't have gone forward initially remained as a deferred prosecution disposition how might the president be implicated as part of this trial were not at all. >> i mean, he hasn't been mentioned in this trial aside from being a father of hunter biden, here we're dealing with a drug addiction. we know that unfortunately, hunter biden was going through some dark times and even admitted it. that's why he wrote that book. but to try to get others to get some insight as to what it is to go through a drug addiction. but there's no mention of president biting in this case. we know outside of the courtroom there has been mentioned having to deal with that laptop, but inside of the courtroom, he's not playing oh, role. it's not supposed to be playing a role and to deliberations and has nothing to do with the charges itself you'll see in america a, your
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a legal expert, but you also in america aware of the trump cases as well is there a way that donald trump can use this case against president biden campaign oh, absolutely. he's already using it and he's used it in a past. i've been to deal with wears hunter biden especially doing his first time when he was running for president, actually a second time when he was running for president to try to take the is a away from what his insufficiencies are. instead focusing on president biden is saying that look, his son is on drugs, his son was participating and illegal activity that his son had some shady dealings with people well outside of america so of course to his people, that is what he's arguing. but of course, when you look at it and the eyes and the legal eyes, there's nothing having to deal with president biden and hunter biden, any illegality that's
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they're having to stem from these charges okay. >> pinata villa in new york, as ever. thank you so much for joining us now, spokesperson for giuliani predicts the former trump attorney. i will be fully vindicated. officials in arizona released his mug shot on monday or two, he posted a $10,000 cash bond giuliani and ten others have pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election in arizona prosecutors spent weeks trying to track him down and eventually found him based on some of his own podcast, giuliani was served last month in palm beach, florida. at his 80th birthday party do you have any regrets about what you did in arizona after the election? oh, my goodness. no. why not? i'm very, very proud of it. >> there was a substantial amount of vote for the one on here that was covered up probably one of the biggest
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conspiracies in american history and i think that's coming out over and over again new bombshell testimony and the bribery and corruption trial in new jersey, senator bob menendez businessman jose uribe, took the stand on monday, claiming he spoke directly to the senator and asked him to help quash a criminal investigation into one his associates who testified menendez agreed to quote, look into it, though he didn't specify what exactly he would do rebate also spoke about a 2019 deal. >> he made with the senators, then future wife to pay for her mercedes benz and exchange for the senator's help? menendez has been charged with acting as a foreign agent of egypt in government and assisting the government of qatar has also been charged with taking bribes from several new jersey businessmen instructors from an american college have been stabbed in china, will have a live report view next with
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detail. plus ukraine says it is focusing on rebuilding infrastructure destroyed in russian attack the chief of the country's restoration agency says a government is putting up too many roadblocks the most anticipated moment this election and the stakes couldn't be higher, biden democracy is on the ballot. >> your freedom is on the ballot trump, there is nothing we cannot do we'll make america powerful again, the president and the former president. one day. >> two, very different visions for america's future. the weight only cnn can bring it to you moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th to live on cnn and streaming un-backed attention. former marine and family members stationed to camp plus june, if you lived or work to camp lagoon north carolina for at least 30 days from august 1953 to december 1987, and has been diagnosed with cancer neural behavioral effects, had a child born with birth defects or been diagnosed with
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feature for a normal guy like me, i've given myself a small raise, join me at, cnn this morning with kasie hunt today at five eastern for us college instructors have been stabbed at a public park in china in a rare case of violent crime against foreigners, they were attacked in the city of jalen and worked at cornell college, a private liberal arts school in iowa. little is known about the instructors conditions and there's still no word on the motive, but china has now adjust the incident a christie
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joins us now with that response. kristie yes, it was a shocking incident. >> again, it took place in broad daylight, public park public holiday in china to place on monday involving these for educators from iowa's cornell college wounded in the stabbing incident while in jilin city. that's in the northeastern china. and china's foreign ministry in the lab that's our has weighed in. it says that the four americans are quote, received proper treatment and are in stable condition. now, we have video of the aftermath of this stabbing. it's bring it up for you and in this video, which was widely circulating on chinese social media, but taken down, you see three people wounded. they're lying on the ground in they can part in jilin city. we have blurred the video because of its graphic nature, but these individuals are covered in blood. they're there waiting for first responders the wounded individual in front is pressing his hand on the back of his waist and the three are conscious. they are awake, they're using their smartphones to try to reach out, get help and to reach
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others. now, the brother of one of the wounded americans, we have this photograph. his name is david zab nar, the brothers says that the visa abner is doing well now, the condition of the other three individuals at this moment not known, but according to china's ministry of foreign affairs, they say that they are in stable condition now, the ministry of foreign affairs also cited police saying that the stabbing was in isolated incident and investigations are ongoing. now, the president of cornell university, excuse me, cornell college, the four are in china because they're therefore a partnership with beizhan university and jonathan brand sent a statement to cnn. we have part of that statement for you. he said this quote, we have been in contact with all four instructors and are assisting them during this time, unquote, a brand says that they were with a patient faculty member when the stabbing took place and that there were no students taking part in the program. now, the
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us state department says, it's aware of reports of this incident and it's monitoring the situation. now, the stabbing has been trending high on chinese social media this day with a number of posts getting censored and some netizens have been calling it a terrible incident with some saying this, it's bring up some examples for you, quote, this current in state, a public security is not supposed to let such a thing happen. it will definitely further hinder foreigners from visiting china unquote. now, china, especially compared to the west, has low rates of violent crime, public attacks against foreigners are rare. this incident comes as xi jinping is trying to boost person to person exchanges, get more us students just to come to try to but this is going to have a chilling effect. one more point that we heard from ministry of foreign affairs spokesperson insisting that china is quote, when the safest countries in the world back to you, max kristie. thank you. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is in berlin to attend the crane recovery
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conference. mr. zelensky says the top priority for the conference will be ukraine's battered energy sector ukrainians have dealt with widespread blackouts for more than two years because russian forces have relentlessly targeted ukrainian power stations with airstrikes. but on the eve of the conference, the head of ukraine's agency for restoration and infrastructure development announce his stepping down. claire sebastian joins us now because this exposes some internal tensions. >> yeah. and look, it's not the headline that's key. once going into this conference where he's hoping to convince allies and foreign corporations to pay more to find ukraine's reconstructions. so this is most often am he is the head of the agency for restoration, infrastructure, development, and he is saying that the reason he's stepping down is because he feels he was unable to do his job because of all the roadblocks that were put up in front of him by the government. you could talks about bureaucratic nightmares, constant opposition, and resistance, which he says that the delays in getting projects off the ground which undermined
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ukraine's defense. so some pretty allegations. he also says he was prevented from attending this reconstruction conference this week, which may of course have been the last straw. no response officially from the government on this, but this is just a month after the minister for infrastructure was actually dismissed from his post. so ukraine will likely face some questions on this way. these two key reconstruction officials are not at this conference when as we know, questions of accountability of management of aid have been crucial all along. but because zelenskyy, who is already in berlin, he's met with the german president. we've seen him now with chancellor olaf scholtz. this will be about the big picture convincing allies that they need not only money for reconstruction, but more immediately for things like air defenses. and of course repairing that electricity grid, which probably couldn't come at a more difficult time because we just have those european elections and chancellor scholtz, like other leaders in france and italy, for example, i've got a very clear message that many voters aren't happy with the amount
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of money going into ukraine. yeah, i look, i think that's part of what came out as we saw the far-right do so well in these european elections, particularly in these key countries, like germany and france, is that there is a political reality of donor fatigue, right? and there are people who are now looking at the amount of money that they're having to spend on their daily lives. the result of inflation and all of that. and translating that into opposition towards aid for ukraine. so that is something that lenski we'll have to face. this is the third annual reconstruction conference, but the first one to happen in an eu country. so he will be hoping to really put that message across that ukraine is able to use that aid wisely. and of course this going in as well to the g7. and then ukraine's own peace summit at the end of the week. >> okay, claire, thank you. so let's come search and rescue operations are ongoing in malawi after a plane carrying the country's vice president disappears you want them life
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conviction. >> trump's sentencing is set for july the 11th the jury in hunter biden's federal gun trial will resume deliberations today. us president's son faces three felony charges related to a gun purchase. prosecutors say he was using illegal drugs and lied about it on a federal form you are sick, you state antony blinken will soon depart tel aviv for the gaza humanitarian assistance conference in jordan in israel. blinken met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and discuss the urgency in reaching a ceasefire agreement with hamas now to a renewed push for that ceasefire in gaza as the united nations holds a key vote on a plan to end the fighting between israel and hamas. un security council on monday, adopted a us drafted resolution which endorses a proposal for a permanent ceasefire and the release of the hostages held by hamas because elution calls on both parties to implement the terms, quote without delay and without condition. hamas said it
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welcomed the resolution and is ready to engage with mediators. but whether israel and hamas will move forward remains unclear. >> colleagues today, this council sent a clear message to hamas accept the ceasefire deal on the table, israeli israel has already agreed to this deal and the fighting could stop today. if hamas would do the same we all learning more about that israeli military operation that rescued four hostages held in gaza. as new video gives us a sense of what that raid looked like on the ground. cnn's kylie atwood has more this is the view from the helmets of the israel defense forces. >> they unleashed heavy gunfire, searching for israeli hostages held by hamas a during daytime raid that freed four of those kidnapped by hamas on october 7 and held captive ever since. it was an operation that took weeks to plan after
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receiving intelligence that the hostages were being held hold an apartment buildings inside the nuseirat camp in central gaza on the way out from gaza. all forces rescued our hostages israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks and is rarely air force pilot involved in the mission told the jerusalem post, that is one of the hostages, noa argamani got into his helicopter, has units, quote, mantle of composure melted away the magnitude of the moment struck then he quote immediately reported that the diamond is with us and in good health, some of the special forces were disguised as displaced palestinians and members of hamas military wing, eye eyewitnesses told cnn there were also reports of large gunfire after the hostages were rescued at least 274 palestinians were killed in the operation and hundreds injured.
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>> that's according to the gazan authorities who do not distinguish between civilian and military casualties the israel defense forces dispute that number, saying the death toll was under one 100. >> i want to say thank you. thank god. >> in israel, the families of the hostages express their overwhelming joy and having their loved ones returned safely after eight months in captivity. >> i haven't stopped smiling since my mug was returning to me now is work continues for a ceasefire and hostage deal with 120 hostages still held by hamas there are some theories at this rate, could be a setback it's a legitimate question. >> i it's hard for me to put myself in the mindset of a hamas terrorists. we don't know exactly what it is that they're going to do as secretary of state, antony blinken travels to the middle east to continue ratcheting up pressure on hamas to take the deal. he also isn't sure what hamas will do. >> i can't put myself none of us can put ourselves suppose on the minds of hamas or its
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leaders. so we don't know what the answer will be. >> but wall in egypt, blinken also said that his egyptian counterparts had been in touch with hamas quite recently. >> i can't go into the details of our conversations today except to say that artists in counterparts were in communication with hamas as early, as recently as a few hours ago now, during his meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu today, secretary of state antony blinken, ria there are rated that the united states and other world leaders stand by that comprehensive proposal that president biden laid out ten days ago, and they say that israel has put on the table people for hamas to accept. >> but so long as this period of uncertainty is extended, as us and other countries are waiting for hamas to respond to that proposal. the united states is concerned about the possibility of netanyahu changing his mind and deciding to reject that proposal, even though he signed off on it before it initially finally went to hamas joining me, not
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is back with more and what blinken was saying in the last few minutes. we know that blinken has been holding intensive discussions with his counterparts in the middle east, including of course, in israel with regards to this ongoing ceasefire negotiation. but he also spoke about, of course american families of hostages held captive by hamas in gaza saying that they were hopeful, of course, given the rescue of four hostages. over the course of what was unfortunately a deadly raid in gaza over the weekend, take a listen. 20th i just met with the families of the american hostages in gaza have the option to meet with him many times now on every trip here, the region when they visited but in washington and as always, it's an incredibly powerful thing. it's hard for any of us to put ourselves in there shoes to feel what they've been feeling these many, many long months they were elated at the the rescue of four hostages just a couple
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of days ago but they continue to feel deeply power roughly this enduring separation from their loved ones men and women civilian and soldier a lot i've and deceased. >> but for me all of the ha students, but especially are eight american family let's who have loved ones in gaza we are determined to bring them home the proposal that president biden put forward is the best way to do that with regards to that peace proposal put forward by the united states, we also heard from lincoln just then going on to say, that he had met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that he had reaffirmed his support for this peace proposal, which the united states has framed as and israeli proposal. >> we haven't yet heard a
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direct and public show of support from the israeli government for this peace proposal. in fact, yesterday, we have been hearing some mixed messages at the un security council. we heard from israel's representative to the un saying that israel would not engage in meaningless, endless negotiations with hamas, the objectives the israeli government and military remain the same that they want to see the full destruction of hamas and the full return of all hostages held captive in gaza of course, in this three-phase peace proposal laid out by the united states at the un security council there on the parameters, the provisions for the full release of israeli hostages held captive by hamas it's in gaza. in exchange of palestinian prisoners, but it also calls for the full withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza for the return of palestinian civilians to all parts of the gaza strip. and of course, what hamas wants to see ensured in this ceasefire agreement is the territorial integrity of the gaza strip. and of course, no demographic shifts crucially within the gaza strip. now, what we have heard so far from hamas is a
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statement yesterday of the back of that resolution vote saying that they welcome the deal. as you mentioned, they want to carry on with discussions with mediators that they are open to those ongoing discussions remains to be seen whether they issue a full and firm agreement to this deal. but we also haven't seen that fall and firm agreement by the israeli government, the us continues to reiterate that they believe that the israeli government will back this deal. but of course we've been hearing at different messages from those far-right elements of prime minister netanyahu's coalition, who do not want to see this deal being signed thank you before she's in malawi are searching for missing military aircraft which was carrying the country's vice president in line. other people the plane left malawi's capital shortly after 9:00 a.m. local time monday. but never arrived. at its destination and authorities have failed to make contacts in as larry madowo following this from nairobi and apparently whether may be a factor here, larry that is the
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big thing here are those bad weather yesterday, according to president lazarus, to quadra. >> and that continues today. we now know that the search and rescue operation has entered de two. it's an air and ground operation. in the last hour, the malawi defense force has given an update on what's going on. they say their search and rescue is getting hampered by this uninhabited area where believed they believe this plane could have crashed. it's a rough and thick to rein in the chikunga forest they're also saying that this morning they had again bad weather conditions. the arrows foggy access has been difficult, but they have 200 soldiers actively searching for this plane carrying malawi's vice president and nine others. they also have the malawi police civil aviation authorities, and some forestry service officers. all actively involved in this operation. they using aircraft, fixed wing and roger aircraft, as well as some drones to try and locate this aircraft. this should have been an hour-long flight from the long with them allowing capital tomb zoos in the northern region but what happened next? here's president
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lazarus chakwera overnight explaining however, upon arrival and mzuzu, the pilot, was unable to land the plane due to poor visibility occasioned by bad weather and the action authorities advise their craft to return duly long way but they authorities soon lost contact with the aircraft. >> but i want to assure you that i am sparing no available resource to find that plane and i am holding on to every fiber of hope that we will find survivors it's been more than 24 hours now, so sadly, those chances of finding survivors, looking increasingly slim malawi has reached out to neighboring countries for assistance and also to the us, to the uk, to norway, into israel. and so far the us embassy in malawi says it has
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offered all its support, including a sea of military aircraft to help up in this search and rescue operation. but in malawi, defense force author saying one of the other problems is so much misinformation around social media, around this accident max yeah, absolutely. i larry in nairobi. thank you the port of baltimore's shipping channel is now fully reopened more than two months after that cargo ship crashed into the francis scott key bridge. the accident or killed six construction workers. and caliph access to the crucial waterway. crews had to remove about 50,000 tons of wreckage from the river. the container ship was stuck in the channel until it was hauled away on may the 20th, insurance experts estimate replacing the bridge could cost more than 1.2 billion those column a. woman in texas recounts her struggled to get routine care after what she called a horrifically painful miscarriage due to the states strict abortion laws
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in-home design consultation switch to shopify. so you can build it better scale is faster and sell more much more take your business to the next stage. >> when you switch to shopify violent earth would liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn a new figures show violent crime is on the decline across the us and could be heading for its largest annual decline ever. >> fbi reports, violent crime from january to march dropped while the 15% compared to the same period last year murders fell more than 26% and rapes decreased by more than 25%. us murder rate has been dropping since 2020, where the covid-19 pandemic brought a surge in homicides of nearly 30% across the country. a criminal justice experts say it's surprising that we're only now starting
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to see the level of gun violence going back to pre-pandemic levels now this month marks two years since roe versus wade was overturned changing the landscape of abortion access in the us, it also affected access to miscarriage care in states with abortion bans such as texas, so many lower-cost clinics they've closed down sin as material speaks with a mother who suffered a miscarriage but struggled to find affordable options for care due to the strict abortion laws in texas two years ago, you were able to get into this yeah now, i can't believe it's closed marlena stele came to this abortion clinic and houston in the fall of 2021 after a miscarriage at 9.5 weeks pregnant, she needed a d&c a procedure to remove pregnancy tissue. the same procedure used for surgical abortions, but because texas had just passed a law banning most abortions after six weeks, she said
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doctors refused to provide the procedure at her hospital possibly fearing being sued. a story she shared two years ago with cnn, i get so angry that i was treated this way. >> again 123 in may of this year, still lost another pregnancy we were having a boy oh, so it's a little fuzzy outfit. >> so that's what hurt even more because that's what we wanted dr. say, texas law is clear that dnc procedures are legal in cases like steles. >> and she hoped to have one to treat this miscarriage. but as she hadn't planned get pregnant again, she didn't have insurance that covered it like i wanted to have that dan see, i didn't want to have to go through it at home knowing that it was gonna be horrifying, you thought that you'd be able to schedule this at your local hospital up the road? then you checked the estimate they sent you? yes. i was shocked at how high it was.
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it's to be exact $14,368. and that's it with a discount. if i pay out of pocket and that's when it hit me like a break like okay, this isn't happening for me here so your doctor then said, look at a clinic. yeah. she said she actually said go to planned parenthood. it'll be much less expensive. that's your best option. and then i started google searching abortion clinics in the area and i was looking for the clinic. i went to last time then having that loss and searching for care. >> you looked here again thinking you'd at least go back. >> and then i had no idea it was closed what's it like for you seeing imported up like this it's sad it makes me a little angry that clinic was one of 22 brick-and-mortar abortion clinics operating in texas in 2021, within a year after roe v. wade was overturned, only 12 were still in operation providing other services than abortions more latest start looking outside of texas. she ultimately booked
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flights to los angeles and an appointment at an abortion clinic there. that's able to perform d&c procedures at a lower cost than hospitals. all of it including the travel. she estimates for a quarter of the cost at her local hospital in houston. but before she left, she started bleeding and feeling extreme pain at home. that meant she couldn't travel, prompting fear over what she would then endure. >> this is the changing table we had for my daughter that we save and then in the end, not only not getting it, but going through something. so horrifically painful. and so traumatizing like i will for the rest of my life have to live with that image of what i saw when i miscarried at home some described as one of the most impactful social justice leaders of the 20th century has died. >> reverend james lawson junior was a civil rights icon who trained activists in nonviolent protest he died on sunday in los angeles at the age of 95. loss was imprisoned in 1951
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after refusing to register for the draft. after his release, he traveled to india where he studied mahatma gandhi's use of nonviolence, which he later taught to students and activists in the southern united states lawson served as pastor of haldeman united methodist church in los angeles in 1974 to 1999 us president joe biden held in early juneteenth celebration at the white house. on monday, telling the crowd black history is american history, juneteenth is a federal holiday marking the end of slavery in america. mr. biden invited gladys knight, patty lewbel, and others to perform in a star-studded concert ahead of the actual whole day on june the 19th, vice president kamala harris also spoke saying this year's juneteenth would be a day of action for voting rights. biden signed a bipartisan bill into law in 2021. make it official federal holiday. thanks, joining me here on cnn newsroom. i'm exposed to london. cnn this morning up after this short break one of
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