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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  June 12, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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physicians mutual hi, marla signs at the white house and this is cnn it's wednesday,
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june 12th, right now on cnn, this one already about his guilty verdict drama in the desert. a maga republican in nevada snubbed by donald trump. now he's trying to fight back police in atlanta chasing a hijacked plus through rush hour traffic before making a deadly discovery on boards is pretty wild and senate democrats asking republicans to join them as they prepare for a vote on protecting ivf all, right 6:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look at the white house homes wednesday morning. good morning, everyone. and kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us for the first time in american history. the child of a sitting president has been convicted of a crime. a jury in delaware
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finding hunter biden guilty on all three felony charges as members of the biden family, including first lady jill biden sat in court to hear it, read his father, president biden was not in court, but afterward, he headed straight to delaware to be with hunter, the president, released this statement, quote, i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal, that message does stand in contrast with how republicans greeted the verdict that was recently handed down against former president donald trump. >> how did they take in the hunter verdict let's watch every case is different and clearly the evidence was overwhelming here. >> i don't think that's the case in the trump trial. so i think the american people are smart enough to know that these are two separate cases. >> there are two tiers of justice but first in this case, this is existing law in the case of trump they've made up something brand new that nobody's been prosecuted before okay. >> let's bring in our panel, brandy hardness managing
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partner at harden and pinckney plc. it's only kind of young's is white house reporter for the wall street journal. we have former white house communications director kate betting field with us and matt gorman, former senior adviser to tim scott's presidential campaign welcome to all of you. thank you for being here. >> kate good. i actually would like to start with you in terms of mean, look, this is obviously extraordinarily difficult for the biden family politically. >> when you look at them, whether republicans are saying there, i mean, had he been acquitted? i think you would have had a quite different storm from them. so i mean, maybe it's political break as hard as it is maybe tough just because i think it is so hard on the president, his family, but i absolutely agree this is not going to be a huge political winner for the republicans for couple of reasons. >> first of all, we've actually seen them try to make a hunter biden line of attack that sticks to joe biden for five years now. i'm trying to to make it central to the 2020 campaign. it didn't work and
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i'll tell you, we saw on the biden campaign in 2020, not only did it not work, it actually wound up highlighting some of the things that people most love and connect to about joe biden, his love for his family as humanity. so this just hasn't been a winning line of attack for them. and then also if you look at the reaction republicans had yesterday, it was all over the board to say the least. i mean, i think they recognize that the center of this conversation is really one about addiction. and that's a hard thing to seem like you're on the attack over. there's also the gun politics here. i mean, this is sort of a weird, unnatural place. it's for republicans to be arguing for less strict gun laws essentially. so no, i do not think there's gonna be a political winner for the republican by any stretch. i mean, i think matt, i'm reading from the wall street journal. they write about the guilty verdict and they say the guilty verdict is likely to minimize any political impact and acquittal bio biden, hometown jury would have fed donald trump's narrative of unequal
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justice, especially since the justice department tried to let hunter off with a slap on the wrist plea deal. >> yeah. >> i mean, i don't think there's going to move votes. one way or the other. i mean, look at the end of the de is 50-year-old man are so he's responsible for his actions and you're lying on a federal form like that is something that is apparently great easily prosecutor able like it's it's fairly, fairly open and shut and so look, i don't think this is gonna move votes one way or another. i mean you remember, i remember 2020 debate. i think when that became an issue, i wonder if it's become an issue this time. i think it's unlikely. i think if they try the convicted felon line and that could be easier. or torque but yeah i don't really think at the end of the day this is going to move votes one way or another. and he's responsible for his actions. and we had another case coming down the pike it with tax charges in a few months. well, and also not the candidate. right. i mean, that's the other key difference here response to donald trump being a convicted felon is like, well, your son is a convicted. okay. well that's been kind of the whole, the whole game all the way along, right? so on and when
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you look at the impeachment proceedings against president biden, that really fizzled what they were trying to do was muddy the waters and make it and this is why they use the phrase biden crime, family, right? they're trying to tag the president with something that may be associated with the sum, but we haven't seen them actually come up with anything. >> right. without evidence. right? right. right at this point, i think i think what you saw yesterday in terms of the reactions from some republicans was some reaching, right? >> as well as an inconsistent overall message on how to react to this. you add some once again going to unfounded sort of conspiracy theories almost not mentioning the trial yesterday, not mentioning this result, but trying to indicate that there are other charges again, without without evidence, you had other republicans that seem to be saying that once again, trying to frame the justice system still as launching a witch hunt against, against trump, which again, just this would seem to muddy to undermine that
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argument when you have a justice department that did just deliver a guilty verdict to the president's son here. so at this point, you're not seeing really a consistent response from the gop on how to react to something that is really complicated. i mean, just a couple of days he's ago, you also saw the former president talk about the issue that was clouding this trial, which is that of addiction, one that i think many republicans and democrats know, many americans throughout the country are dealing with or know somebody who is, who is struggling with that issue. so it's not an easy one to tackle here. >> brandy i mean, one thing that we've gotten in this case is that we've actually started to hear from some of the jurors. yes. i'm talking about this and this, of course something that when we have talked, obviously the former president's trial has become so political, but the jury itself, right? when you ask republicans like, hey, like, this was a jury if normal people, yes, they'll say, well, they're from manhattan, but you don't get the same
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kinds of attacks on the jury. and now we have jurors here in this case arguing that, hey, like our decision was not political, let's watch a little bit of that. >> if anybody was in that courtroom or the jury around, they would know it was not motivated by politics politics played no part whatsoever in my mind i can't speak for the other jurors but nothing was nothing was ever said about this election year that was never brought up pretty interesting texture there. yes, there is no better perspective than that from a juror. and so to hear from a juror that there was nothing in their minds that had to do with the political nature of the fact that it was president biden son, i think says a lot. i think jury systems work and i think to have our jury is talk about like, look, everybody knows is joe biden son, but at the end of the day, we're just looking at whether or not he lied on a
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form and whether or not he's guilty. and i think that says a lot about how intact our jury system is, because obviously there's a lot of noise surrounding the fact that it's the president's son so we're also learning about what he's going to potentially use on appeal. and the lawyers have indicated that they might try to use a supreme court ruling that actually came down in favor of conservative gun rights advocates. the president has criticized it to try to appeal this conviction is that something that you to see being potentially effective for him? so i don't think it's necessarily effective. one of the things is that when you have an appeal, you have all kinds of different things that you can argue. and i think you'd never know it depends on who's on the court of appeals, who's actually hearing the appeal to determine whether or not it will actually be successful. i don't know under these circumstances whether this will actually work, but i do think it's a good avenue to try to appeal the conviction. >> all right. brandi, thank you very much. >> john shade. >> it coming up next here. he fuller house speaker paul ryan rebuking donald trump publicly.
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again, ahead will have the backlash to the former republican leaders comments plus the senate preparing a vote on ivf protections democrats trying to urge republicans to join them and a bus hijacked in atlanta, leading to a wild police chase during rush hour. it is one of the five things you have to see this morning cnn this morning is brought to you by vip guard and vip guard high truly if you. have generalized myasthenia gravis picture would life could look like with viv guard high to low, a subcutaneous injection that takes about 30 to 90 seconds for one thing could mean more time for you this guard high to low can improve daily abilities and reduce muscle weakness with a treatment plan that's personalized to you do not use viv guard had truly if you have a serious allergy to any of its
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right in a republican like i did the last time in 2020, i voted for him in 2016, hoping that there was going to be a different kind of person and office that was former house speaker paul ryan telling fox news he will not vote for the presumptive republican nominee in november. ryan, again, framing trump is unfit for office and pointing to his record to drive home that point he's cost a lot of seats. i could probably spend some time with the numbers he causes senate twice. he causes the house because he is nominated. he is pushing through the primaries, people who cannot win general elections, but who pledged fealty. that's not a good way to build and grow a party all matt gorman paul ryan. >> look, he's come under fire from the left for not being aggressive enough during the time that trump was president. but he has actually maintain this this? line in his refusal to vote for donald trump that some republicans like mitch mcconnell is not doing that
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what is going on here with him? and what does it tell you about the state of the party today? >> i think it's easier for ryan to do. he's not an office and he's he's kind of has a nice kinda private-sector job. god bless him. it's easier to have that when mcconnell's still in office, who knows me going to run again? probably not. we'll see, but i think that is the kinda be different there. >> and look, i think the parties changing last ten years. >> i mean, we were just came upon the ten-year anniversary of eric cantor losing a primary back in 2014, and from that data, this day, who would have kinda thought i will say i respect what paul ryan is saying. he has obviously first-hand experience working with him as speaker of the house. i also don't think it's going to change very many mines and this is kind of what the other thing i talk a lot about and the kinds of democrats, but i'll just say in the context of the setting, people price in the fact that trump's has all this bad stuff. trump does this, trump says that that's fine. now we're going to talk a lot about abortion later in the show. and i think that might be the more salient issue if you're a democrat to push rather than look at what trump
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said now, but i respect what he's saying and i think you're right. this is the former vice presidential nominee from what, 12 years ago, but paul ryan's increasingly the minority of the party. i fight. i mean, anytime we mentioned this as an island, write a small island isolated on anytime we mentioned sort of these signs of descent, i think it's also worth mentioning the reason why it's news in a way is because it's, it's becoming increasingly rare to hear a republican kinda come out and criticized trump, love that magnitude. >> i mean, right, i mean, he's not let's point. i mean, he's not an office right to me, it's like such an indictment of the republican party rigueur as it stands right now, you have people for whom speaking up and saying donald trump is not fit to be present, united states might impact their electoral chances. that is, a position they should still take if that's what they believe, but they don't. >> and that tells you a lot hi about where the republican party, let's look at how one elected office holder, congressman troy nehls, talked about paul ryan with my colleague or my cnn colleague
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up on the hill yesterday. watch paul ryan, you're a piece of garbage. you're a piece of garbage. and we should kick you out of the party for paul ryan and say he's not vote for donald trump. that's the problem with some of our republicans. its guys like that. don't go spout in your mouth. often saying you're a conservative your spit in the face of the leader of our party, donald trump. i'm grow up a little bit a piece of garbage. it's also like this message. i'm just like fealty to the great leader rather than like making an argument that welcomes a lot of different voices and into your party, it's such a bizarre electoral strategy. i understand. you know, trump won in 2016 and since then, essentially republicans have said only donald trump is the way we can win despite the fact as paul ryan pointed out, despite the fact that they've actually not won an election sense. and yet the message you get from republicans is like how, first of all, piece of garbage just course it's language but also it's like how dare he criticized the great leader. it's just a bizarre, i don't know. it's just a bizarre
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mindset. i will say this. i think troy's have bit of an outlier in a few respects because he was same guy, didn't you also came to the courthouse and like sedimentary, he knows when he has to say to get on tv. and so he knew the say something saying like this, we actually get them time on tv. so i think he might be an outlier in this. i think if you asked almost anybody in the conference, they would not agree with that. but he knows what he has to do to get on tv. but i think you're right. in some respects, look, it's easier when when paul ryan it's out of offices in office, i know trump is coming down to dc today to have kind of a meeting and looking is the leader of the party. >> i will say this we a primary, right? like we had and he had a one-on-one race with nikki haley. he did. >> and he one and i think that is it makes it a lot easier for republicans. >> it's not like 2016 where there's this clown car at the end where people were siphoning off votes. so i think it's easier for trump to take the mantle if he goes down there today and say, look, you had a primary i won fair and square, like we come together. well, this is the other key. i mean, paul ryan also says that he's he's not saying he's going to vote for joe biden he's criticizing trump, but he's not
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saying he's going to vote for joe biden. and when i hear his comments, basically expressing disappointment with both candidates, i also wonder you were talking about the primary. what that means for other voters that may share similar views as paul ryan's, such as maybe some of the haley voters, other members of the republican party are voters that are disappointed with both of these candidates. what will they do in november? and it makes you think about that when you hear those comments. okay. i think think of paul ryan, it's a nikki haley voter, didn't vote for trump, 20, didn't vote for, i can vote for trump in 24, didn't 16? where do they go? right? yeah. no, it's a really interesting way to think about it. all right, come up next here. kevin mccarthy's revenge tour, falling short as congresswoman nancy mace wins her republican primary plus rights activists giving king charles a portrait, the wallace and gromit treatments. okay and they may seem worlds apart. >> but this k-pop group has at least one thing in common with the man in black will explain
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gotta be happy or comedian george lopez taking heat after cursing at the crowd and walking off stage this past weekend. the california casino, where it happens says everyone will get their money back an animal rights group vandalizing king controls is portrait in a london gallery, his head covered with a sign reading no cheese grommet look at all this cruelty on rspca farms charles recently became a royal patron of the non-profit and is reportedly a big fan of the wallace and gromit cartoon series. threes as mi, if you don't know it, you should check it out. and a california homeowner or finding a bear squatting and his crawl space, as in living there. the animal had been enjoying their trash and occasionally they're yard for weeks. how would you like that as a house guest no. thank you all right ahead here. >> how republicans plan to block a vote by senate
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week, the senate will be voting on legislation to try to ensure nationwide access to ivf treatments it's a democratic efforts not only in trying federal protections for reproductive care, but also highlight republican resistance ahead of the november election. the vote comes as the country is approaching the two-year anniversary of the downfall of roe versus wade and made way for controversial alabama ruling that through the question, the legality of increasingly used fertility treatments. majority leader chuck schumer calling on his republican colleagues to pass this ivf bill protecting ivf should be one of the easiest votes the senate has taken all year the vast majority of senators should agree that strengthened and treatments that help people start a family is a good thing. >> but no way shape or form is protecting ivf a show vote. it's a show us who you are vote all right, joining me now, are new york times reporters. elizabeth is and lisa layer. they are the authors of the new book, the fall of roe and the
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rise of a new america. good morning to both of you. thank you so much for being here and we'll let kate and matt ask some questions as well, because this obviously is a conversation that the country he is now having with itself what how is the nation going to look in the wake of the fall of roe? and we are learning every day, the new implications that come out of it talk a little bit about how you came to write this because you really, i think set out to answer the question how was it that row fell at what did you learn in the course of reporting this that helps us understand what's going on now. >> sure we thought it was really important to create a narrative of just what even happened especially over the last ten years because there hadn't really been one, right? >> this is an issue that's pretty polemical well, and instead of just looking at that side of it, we needed to know what are the facts because he can't understand where we're going. and i were talking about ivf all kinds of issues that we
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had not talked about really publicly. it campaigns before mean when was the last time anyone talked about icf as a presidential issue or never? >> when, we were talking about your embryos on the conversation. >> but as long time, you can't understand the stakes about where we're going until you understand the pieces of where we've come from. so our book, the fall of roe really takes a look at all the things that maybe people missed about how we ended up, where we are yeah, it really is the first narrative of how rho fell. it's we we did a lot of deep reporting on both sides of this fight, talk to people who really just opened up about sort of the legal and political strategy in the anti-abortion movement. and also how the abortion rights movement fail to see and some cases stop what was going on as much as they could and so it's really encompassing of the legal strategy and the political strategy of documenting this, this really like historic period and time. and i do think
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it's scrambled our politics massively. i can't think of an issue that scrambled or politics so quickly and so dramatically as the end of roe. and so to understand these new politics and really in some ways to understand this election cycle where abortion has emerged as this determinative issue in a way that it really hadn't been at the presidential level. you have to understand how we got to this point yeah, fascinating. and of course, we got to this point in no small part because of samuel alito is a justice who has come under increasing criticism at here. and we actually heard him on tape. >> this was a liberal activist who recorded him. >> i, at a dinner where he talked about. and again, this was someone at a party who's approaching him with her view and he says he agrees. but the word godliness comes up and i think it really ties into this conversation. let's just watch a little reminder here. i suppose that and then we'll talk people in. >> this country, we're leaving
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that keep fighting to return our country a place the bottling names. i agree with so elizabeth, i mean, you really focus in on the connection between religion and our politics when you hear that, i mean, how does it tie in with what lisa does every day? >> which number well, it's not a phrase you'd normally hear in legal disgust, like legal decisions, godliness, returning the idea returns turn america to a place of godliness but we're seeing more and more in american public life, like basically you name, name the area where this merging of conservative christianity and, and the future, like what the certain segment of mostly right-wing of a gel calls and catholics want for the future of the country. >> it's a movement that prioritizes this opposing abortion often same-sex marriage, all kinds of these big hot-button cultural issues. and you hear echoes of this. all the way in the highest court, right. with samuel
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alito, it's why we're hearing references to the flags being flown at his home or appeal to heaven, which is another conservative christian. sort of, well, actually banner based really about what kind of country they want yeah. >> i mean, i think part of what our book shows that there the fall of roe was accomplished by this web of conservative activists and lawyers and, churches and other and politicians, of course, republic we can politicians who are all pulling together. there's no one mastermind. but they were pulling together in a way that took generations and part of that effort was working conservative justices up through the courts and particularly to the supreme court and then they made their sort of guidance. they made their ideal political deal with donald trump helped get them election, elected. donald trump got three justices on the court, which was pretty unprecedented and they got these justices who had come up in their movement and we're
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willing to strike. it's such a landmark legal precedent i'm curious. >> did you did you find especially in the wake of the immediate political backlash that i think it's fair to say republicans are feeling after the fall of roe, as you're talking to republicans, do you do hear them charting a course forward that is about leaning further into this. do you feel that you did you hear them? recalibrating? i'm just curious, sort of. well, what what what the, the political folks you were talking to, what they feel like the prognosis it's so interesting because it wasn't just that democrats didn't believe row could actually fall and abortion, even some abortion rights activists and believe row could actually fall, report many republicans didn't believe row could actually fall. >> so the policy that was made as we show in the book in what we call the row era was built with this understanding that a lot of these things were political positioning, or even if they republicans believe they wanted to enter abortion, they didn't actually think these policies would necessarily be put in place,
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then real fell and the country was plunged into the series of unprecedented debates. and all of a sudden, these politicians on both sides had to talk about things like ivf had. i think i've heard the word missing it's kerogen uterus. use more in political discourse over the past few years. i don't think i ever heard that in all my years. all our years covering campaigns, casey ray, now everyone is plunged into this world where abortion rights are not, this abstract concept on the national level, like we're living in this real reality of like how sick does a woman have to be to get a medical exemption? what's sick enough, like what what are these things actually mean? and that's forced as you're sort of saying, a scrambling of these politics. >> i would ask, i'm telling him i would agree with you. first of all i found in a lot of respects our sayyed it was oh, here, we have this kind of thing. it's coming like it really wasn't like for a lot of folks at very tangible thing and very, very close. and i get to that point what is one? kind of either event or decision
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that kinda led that we might have missed to it than that 510 years span prior that you think like this was kind of where it was set a little bit on the glide path, was the justices wasn't something more minute? >> yeah. and i'm not saying republicans were not sincere in their desire to end abortion. >> i think they were. i just think nobody really thought through what it actually would mean in real life, tangible impact. it's interesting because our book starts in 2012 and right after the reelection of barack obama, and we started that point because it's really the lowest point for the anti-abortion movement. and if you remember what the country was, it's the moment when conservative christians stopping a majority in american public life. it's the moment when obama is reelected, when democrats feel ascendant, when they have this abortion rights majority on the supreme court. and i think that moment that republican autopsy, which i'm sure we all remember republic, i covered that can't be he i said x each other on the plane for very many, many days, we
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weeks where republicans, the republican party really said we think abortions a loser. it's a loser of an issue for us. and that moment i think is overlooked because that's the moment when the anti-abortion movement let's start to claw back and they really sort of these activists, i think dug deep and figured out a new strategy. and their strategy was, we're not shying away from this word, leaning into it more. and we think are voters and our politicians will support us. and they were right in some ways, it would be really easy to just find one moment, right? if there was just one thing we all understood, then i can unlock this mystery. but this part of the major success of the anti-abortion movement was their ability not to create one plan, but dozens, hundreds of plans, right? it was this idea but they will leave no stone unturned. they would felt every crack and eventually they would build a collective, a collective body of work that would inevitably lead to the overturning of roe yeah. >> i think your book also kind of outlines how while these groups were able to do that and
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had the passion, the dedication to do this for years and years. that was missing from people, from the movement that supported abortion rights. >> oh, a dead. >> yeah, absolutely. okay. >> lisa lara elizabeth is thank you both so much for being here. again, the book is the fall of roe and the rise of a new america highly recommend it's fascinating raid. all right, coming up next here, the emotional toll. hunter biden's federal conviction is having on the president and his family plus joey chestnut. remember him removed from the nathan's hot dog eating contest. >> why organizers? i'm not reading this. they want me to say he was tossed out on his blood's, i guess i said it anyway. that's ahead body. and it's the most famous military man slash musician since this
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prison. smarts says members of a writing group that she joined encouraged her to seek out spaces. she didn't want to be in in those spaces. is where i found myself responsible for something i desperately didn't want to be responsible for my husband's murder smart was a 22-year-old high school media coordinator when she began in affair for the 15-year-old boy, who later fatally shot for husband and this the top dog is out at this year's nathan's hot dog eating contest is 16 times champion. joey chestnut was disqualified for striking an endorsement deal with plant-based food company impossible foods. that violates major league eating regulations apparently matt gorman, this is kind of sad. >> end in an era 16 time champion to the offered secure go be actually watch matt, nina toad, stony could be the next
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champion. this doing the best events of the year. >> one guy, the guy in the gray the straw hat george grey is an electric host. >> it noon every july 4th by dad and i have a t-shirt. i love it every single year. >> an amazing you all you all should know out there in the break, i asked everyone, hey, who wants it's like what the hot dog guy mega again. >> i had the teacher where it every year it's fantastic because you live four, sorry, i'm sure still well, we'll bring you back after it happens. all right let's turn now to this it's no secret how i feel about trump's conviction so ethically and morally, i have to be consistent and say that in light of this verdict, i don't believe hunter biden should be president hunter biden now, awaiting sentencing after his felony gun conviction yesterday, a federal jury in delaware found the president's
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son guilty on all three counts. >> two for lying about his drug use on a federal background check or third, for possessing a gun while addicted to or using illegal drugs. the president embracing his newly convicted sound on a tarmac in wilmington shortly after the verdict, biden releasing this statement, as i said last week, i am the president, but i am also a dad, jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. he got it also, as i said last week, i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. and of course, this is the first time in american history the child of a sitting president has been convicted of a crime. matt kate's on our back with us. we're also joined now by national political reporter for axios alex trypsin, who has been covering this trial day in and day out. welcome. >> alex, you've been i think in your hotel may over our viewers may be familiar with your hotel room and wilmington. >> so we're happy to have you here. look, this has been for the biden family just the
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cliche would be airing dirty laundry. right. but he is the president of the united states the events of this period of time and hunter biden's life and in the family's life from credibly difficult. now, he faces prison time, probably unlikely hill. he'll get it for this particular case. but it's all out there in the public. i mean, take us inside the room and kind of what it was like to watch this family go through this. >> yeah, absolutely. >> it's it's simultaneously a family tragedy, but also sort of a love story too. in which you in the room, the jury barely, barely deliberated at all. >> it was like three hours and they came back with a guilty verdict. it was so short that actually much of the family wasn't even there for the actual reading of the guilty verdict, who is just jimmy biden, the president's brother? and his wife, jill biden was not they're valid. biden was not there. she hurried and basically right after the guilty verdict had been red basically the first lady came up and went straight to the goodness holding room and then went to hunter and then
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obviously exited with him holding his hand. hunter biden when he heard the verdict he basically didn't move. he was like just this still portrait and then right afterward, he just nodded his head three times. it's okay. let's move forward. he hugged his lawyers. yes. it's wife. and then just said, let's get on with it. the next thing and there's plenty of next things to go beyond. appeals are definitely going to come potentially on second amendment grounds. you also have another trial that honestly as messy as this one was, this one. the next one might be messier because when you're dealing with a tax case, you're dealing with everything with spending money on yeah. >> there's a lot there. it keep any field. i mean, you when you were working in the white house, had to grapple with a lot of this as it was unfolding in real time. and one of the things i think i hadn't quite realized was the level of guilt that the president seems to feel around what hunter was going through then it obviously coincide with a time when he was deciding that he was going to run for president of the united states. can you take us inside that a little bit? yeah so yes, there is an amount of guilt that president biden
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feels you obviously know who's that if he were not president, if you were not front and center in our political conversation, hunter probably would not be dealing with these legal challenges but it's also important to understand about that period of time when president biden was deciding whether or not to run in 2019, that hunter really encouraged him to run and hunter didn't want to be a reason that he didn't run for president. so there was a lot of alex called it a love story. there's there was a lot of mutual love there between the two of them. both of them looking out for each other personally and wanting the other wanting to do what was right for the other so there's a lot of complicated feelings there, but at its core, a lot of love and a lot of respect it is also incredibly difficult and challenging for the president as it is for. i mean, i think any american who has a family member who struggled with addiction, it is a constant cloud that can hang over you. and obviously the president is
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enormously proud of how far hunter has come and how his thought to get to where he is today and protecting and preserving that progress that hunter's made is really important to the biden family and we know today in his story as well that the president does still fully believed that hunter can continue on this on his word to refer recovery. but at the same time, given all the events going on, he is concerned about what the future holds for his son as well i think that it's interesting that also you're seeing and that's evidenced also and just the movement of the president yesterday, you saw him change his scheduled to go to wilmington. you saw those images as well of him stepping off the plane, immediately embracing his son. i was in delaware last weekend and thought it was interesting that i mean, every public appearance you saw him basically attached to a hunter biden, whether they were going to church together or cycling together as well. you've seen him really continue can you to embrace the sun? and i think that will continue as well as the language we saw from present biden statement when describing
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this case, when reacting to a you're going to see him continue to affirm his love for his son and continued to express empathy similar to that moment that we saw on the debate in 20 hey, 20, when trump was attacking, was going after hunter biden and the present had one of his more memorable moments where he really stood there and said, look, i stand by my son and i do love them. yeah. oh, sorry. no, no no. heading down that, the president's greatest fears, hunter relapsing and anyone knows it's been through banners and addiction. the biggest trigger for relapse is shame, which is why you have hunter always or sorry, joe biden always saying, i'm proud of my son. i'm proud of my son and trying to show that i'm not embarrassed by you yeah. >> what i was going to say was they mean when you're the president there are cameras for your ever every movement, but if they didn't want a picture of joe biden embracing hunter biden yesterday. they could have avoided it, right? like they did that on purpose yeah. one sometimes when i think
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sometimes like joe biden doesn't even really care about the optics. i mean, i don't think having a hunter biden at some of these state dinners alongside merrick garland is like the best political optics, but joe biden doesn't care. yes, he is talking he has always going to put hunter's for hunter first. >> he's always going to put his family first and yes, there are times when it's optics me down. i love my son and the most important thing to me as being a father, i guess it's why kinda considering everything who said here, i am candidly skeptical of win or lose there's another, there's not a pardon in the future, forgetting every you're not alone. >> there are people, there, people close to the president that you didn't know. he has said this. he said this, you know, obviously very publicly there's some people around them that think he could change his mind. yeah. i mean, i think what do we have that the interview with david mirror where president biden said that he's not going to, pardon his son all right. we don't have that, but i mean there is the looming question of this, alex
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and in this other trial as well. i mean, if he gets off on prison time in this, which many of our legal experts have said, look like he's a first-time offender it's unlikely that this gun thing could lead even though there's a potential for 25 years, it's likely not to hit that. however, we're talking to a lawyer earlier on this program who said one of the things they could consider if there's a guilty verdict in the next case is that there will also then have been this prior conviction which makes it much more likely. i find it very hard to believe that that joe biden, the man if he has the power to get his son out of prison, doesn't do it will end as kate was just saying, you know, joe biden feels responsible for some of this because you have to remember when joe biden declared for president hunter biden is still not in recovery yet, like joe biden announces april of 2019, has his first rally on may in may of 20, 1,900 byte does not get sober until june of 19, 2019, and the thing is if you're running for president and this vicious political environment with his son that
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has a crack code cocaine crack cocaine addiction, you know that this is going to probably hurt his life potentially and it really has. >> so that's why i think that's why i think people, as you as you noted and simulated people close to the president, thank he might ultimately change his mind because he feels good. >> also, you referred to the abc news interview. he did say that he would not pardon his son. there is still the follow-up question of commey of commutation as well. there's multiple forms of clemency. could there be a sentence? since shortened or, or any sort of relief that way that i would imagine that that question at some points the president will face a look. >> i will say he he loves his son unquestioningly. he also loves his country and he also thinks that it is dangerous that we are in a moment where the rule of law is under attack, where a judicial system is under attack. so i would say don't, don't underestimate how significant it is to him that a president needs to send a message that the justice system works, that he will not inappropriately put his thumb on the scale. so i think let's
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see how things play out, but i would say as somebody who knows joe biden very well, i would take him at his word that he believes that but not sending a signal that he is going to interfere in the way the justice system plays out here is important and genuine, and it puts the hypocrisy of these republicans on display. absolutely accept to say absolute ipod pros, the way that they're handling this hunter thing, they're basically saying, well, it's totally not the same. >> i'm sorry. i you mean republican politicians are looking at, you know, when, when we've asked them and they've responded to this, they're the speaker of the house for example, said, every case is different. >> the evidence was overwhelming in the hunter case, but that's it's not the case in the trump trial. yeah. i mean, look, i think at the end of the day, waiting and if you're republican politician into a hunter stuff is not going to win you any votes. >> let the flood the process play out. >> but i am very keen can you see i do think if there's a pardon, i think that could change things. all right thank you guys for that conversation.
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>> i will leave you with this get them bts army is celebrating the region turn of one of their own this morning, bts member jin has completed his mandatory military service in south korea. >> but k-pop star was seen leaving base today after 18 months in uniform he is far i will say, from the big first big pop star to spend time serving his country jaylen. >> jailhouse rock or elvis presley reported to the army after he was drafted in 19 58, the king was a soldier until the spring and 1961, earned his discharge from the army reserve in 1964 and then there was this i came


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