tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN June 12, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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it was remarkable and terrifying. the bus swarming, uncontrollably through rush hour traffic and hitting cars, then barreling on investigators said today it all started with an argument between two passengers, one of them was killed when according to police, the other grabbed his gun and shot him investigators say the suspect then threatened others in order, the driver to get on the road. this as passengers frantically texted loved ones and call 911 for help. thankfully, police finally stopped the bus and arrested the suspect, but that's not all police now say the man, a convicted felon was at the scene of a shooting earlier in the de he spoke with our local affiliate alleging he witnessed it, only to be suspected of hijacking the bus moments later. >> quite a story. the news continues right here on cnn outfront next, a breaking news, the house holding the attorney general in contempt, marjorie taylor greene, saying, merrick garland deserve to go to prison what backfire? >> flaws, more breaking news in
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new york, police arrested man found a loaded gun, 100 rounds of ammo, heavy body armor, and two axis what was he plotting? a donald trump says he's living at quote, nightmare as he prepares for sentencing. how was onetime opponent ron desantis, could copy it, was ready let's go out front good evening, america hill in for erin burnett outfront tonight, breaking news held in contempt and now threatened with prosecution. the republican-led house voting tonight to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt for defying a congressional subpoena just one republican in the house voted against the measure. and right after that vote, house speaker mike johnson, not ruling out the possibility of prosecution. republicans claim tonight's vote was about garland's refusal to hand over audio tapes of president biden's interview by the special counsel in the classified documents case the doj has of course, released transcript of the interview republicans though, want the tapes to it's time for merrick
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garland to stop stonewalling and released the biden tapes to a question that should be asked is, what are they hiding? >> and why we think we're entitled to? we don't think we know we're entitled to all the evidence. and that includes the best evidence which is this audio tape there is some irony there. of course, congressman jim jordan, who just heard from their himself has defied a congressional subpoena. it's really not just about defying a subpoena over audio tapes take a listen to republican congressman james comer on the house floor today president biden's department of justice appears to be taking every step to insulate him from the consequences, whether it's hiding these audio recordings are attempting to give hunter biden a sweetheart plea deal to shield joe biden from facing accountability for his role in his family's influence, peddling schemes so it is important to note here republican spent months investigating biden so-called influence peddling schemes as you just heard them referred to
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and admitted that they came up with nothing. they wanted to impeach him for it, but knew they didn't have votes in their own party for that when it comes to hunter biden, it's important to remember, of course, that plagued dale famously imploded. he was convicted this week by a jury on federal gun charges, prosecuted by the same doj republicans accused of protecting joe biden going out for the doj though is exactly what donald trump wants. the former president furious over his new york state conviction, which of course is not under the doj's purview, and also furious about those other pending cases now all of a sudden within a matter of months, i end up with four cases now, of course it's from the white house and the department of justice. they are in total conjunction with the white house and the doj, just so you understand this is all done by biden that his people whole thing is rigueur and it's all caused by biden because biden has weaponized the department of justice moderato is outfront. >> i capital hilson. i know you've been speaking with republicans since this vote. what are you hearing?
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>> yeah. there's a realization, erica, that perhaps not a whole lot is going to happen here, even though this is an incredibly rare event and was the attorney general of the united states reform hurd for prosecution essentially for contempt for defying the house over a subpoena. and in this instance, in particular, this would go to the us attorney he's office here in the district of columbia. they would have to make a decision about whether to move ahead with prosecution, but there's also a separate wrinkle here. the president, the united states has asserted executive privilege over these audio recordings of the republicans want. and that is the position of the executive branch and the justice department saying, because the president has asserted executive privilege, they can not released this to congress. and then ultimately the courts may have to decide whether or not the justice department is right in that position, and that can take some time to sort out in the meantime, though, there are still anger within the ranks, including from some republican hardliners who are calling for prosecution of the attorney general and even prison time.
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>> is merrick garland above the law. >> i mean, i thought the whole argument is that no one is above the law. >> now that we've held him in contempt of congress to be prosecuted by the department of justice. and he deserves to the exact same fate as peter navarro and seed bannon. >> everyone department joseph's isn't going to go prosecuting attorney general. i mean but it's more symbolic. >> how would call to hold him in contempt. >> we'll see what he does. i mean, hopefully we'll look at this and see their overs ways and is the speaker of the house was walking off the floor tonight. >> he was asked by our colleague kit mar about whether or not he believes that the justice department should move ahead with the prosecution now and he said that he is pleased with the outcome of the vote. he went on to say, look, we did our job and contempt as i think it sends an important message, but then he said, as far as the next steps, we'll see what happens next. but in talking to lots of republican side, erika, they don't expect a whole lot will happen after this intense fight with the justice department tenses. it's certainly was my to appreciate
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the report thank you. out front. >> now, democratic senator sheldon whitehouse, who sits on the judiciary committee, sent her good to have you with us tonight. i do want to note for transparency here, cnn is suing for access to the biden audio tapes. your senate colleague, democrat mark warner told the ap quote you've got to release the audio. do you agree i think that the attorney general has an obligation to follow the direction of the president of the united states. >> when the president of the united states asserts executive privilege you can't go after the agent when the principal has said no, this is an executive privilege matter. that's the thing you sue over. you sue the president and say in a civil for case to a court, hey, this was an improper assertion of executive privilege. the rich thing here is that republicans continuously instructed us the trump administration continually obstructed congress
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over and over and over again, over 100 times, as i recall. and virtually never did president trump actually assert executive privilege so it was asserted by all of his minions, but he never actually made the assertion here are the president did what the reagan memo from years ago requires the president to do and make the assertion once he's done that, that binds the attorney general, i believe even going after the attorney general is improper and unfair. >> so you're saying republicans went down the wrong road. there is what i'm hearing from you. i do want to get you in a couple of other topics, so well, i would love to get your take on hunter biden tonight as well, sir as you know, convicted and criminal court on gun charges, president biden has said that he would not pardon his son, but the white house today didn't rule out the possibility of the president. perhaps commuting and eventual sentence. would you be okay with that i think that the course of justice should be followed. >> i don't think the fact that somebody is the president's son
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entitles them to be out from under rule of law. >> the president i guess, gets to make that decision and once he sees what the sentence is but having been a united states attorney the sentence for a first offender in a reporting crime like this particularly with the overlay of his drug addiction and the judgment impairment that relates to all of that i'd be really surprised if the sentence in this case was enough to justify anybody thinking about commuting it will be watching for sentencing if you went away at this point you said, as i noted on the judiciary committee, justice alito has refused to recuse himself from january 6 cases saying to you and senator durbin in a letter last month on the flag's use by january 6, rioters likes flown outside his home homes were not put up by him, but by his wife and into mating in that letter that the flags flown in response to neighborhood politics, he wrote in that letter that she his
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wife was quote greatly distressed at the time due in large part to a very nasty neighborhood dispute. >> and when that's not a house on the street at displayed a sign attacking her personally so the aaron spoke with that neighbor who laid out this timeline of events. take a listen i just want to emphasize that the interaction that happened on february 15th is the one that they're using as an excuse for why they flew the flag. >> and i really want to hammer home the fact that that happened on february 15th and their flag went up two or three weeks before that, at best, he's mistaken, but at worst he's just outright lying so she says, justice alito is mistaken or outright lying in terms of that time lame. >> do you feel you need further clarification from justice alito yeah. >> and the problem is that with respect to the nine justices of the supreme court, and those nine individuals alone there is
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no place his in the law for any proper fact-finding to take place every other government official is subject to fact-finding. even the president had to submit to an interview about the documents in his his garage. these justices won't allow themselves to be subjected to honest fact-finding. so we now have this statement from a justice of the united states supreme court that is demonstrably false unless he was a time traveler. so we really need to fix the rules over there. and that's why this supreme court ethics effort that i'm engaged in is so important, they should not be on an island of their own creation where no fact-finding about what the truth is ever gets done real quickly. >> you talk about the limitations. their constitutional scholar, harvard law professor laurence tribe, told cnn recently, he thinks the chairman of your committee, dick durbin, isn't doing enough. he says there should be hearings on alito. do you agree with that? and is that something could your committee be doing more we are having
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think a lot of work going on and a lot of different ways. >> i don't think anybody is ruled out the prospect of a hearing. you need to think carefully through who the witnesses would be at the hearing. you probably don't want to lead with a justice of the supreme court and walk right into a separation of powers? objection so you need to build the case carefully. we have some subpoenas out. the finance committee is doing its own invest investigative work. so there's a lot going on and i think as a former prosecutor, you want to build these carrots cases carefully and in proper sequence centers. >> sheldon whitehouse, appreciate your time tonight and we will be watching to see what comes out of that. thank you out front. >> now, david urban gop strategist, former senior adviser to the trump camp paying david good to have you with us tonight. let's talk about what happened with merrick garland today. house republicans voting to hold him, of course, in contempt do you believe this is what
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republicans should be focusing on at this moment, five months prior to the election well, erika, that's a really good question, right do the american people around the united states, are they focused on this issue right now? probably not. >> i think most americans are focused on paying their bills, gas prices, getting their kids either graduated from high school and college off to summer camps. you know, they're going about their life life, and the things that impact them are household issues, gas prices, inflation, maybe kids graduate college, they're worried about looking to the rent, buying a home, saving for a home. i mean, all those things that are really pocketbook issues. i think probably affect a much more than that big said, i don't think think that the attorney general should just be able to get a free pass on this senator whitehouse, as you noted, the center white house, cnn, and senator warner and others believed that the audio tapes should be turned over. they turned over a transplant
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transcripts have been made public but the audio tapes haven't. and there's obviously a reason behind that because i believe the audio tapes probably reveal that the president biden to be what the special counsel said kind of a doddering old man and it's probably embarrassing and that's why they don't want to release them. >> the president has exhorted to executive privilege, which you also heard senator whitehouse talking about. do you think it would have been better for house republicans in this moment to challenge president biden himself and his use of executive privilege over that audio. instead of going after garland well that's that's that's a tactical issue best left for the house republicans. i think, yes. >> so what's your opinion yeah. >> it was my opinion is i think they're looking to go after the attorney general just like former democratic house, one after members of the trump administration, to wit steve bannon and peter navarro who are sentenced to prison. they're going to jail for it for, for failing to show up for
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contempt of congress and obstruction. so we will see i think what's good for the goose is good for the gander. and i think that's what house republicans are up to at this point. >> we've got 30 seconds left president biden said he will not pardon hunter biden, white house wouldn't rule out a commutation of an eventual sentence. do you see a difference between the two? >> yeah. look, i think that's all too cute by half, erica, right your they're gonna do it. you're not gonna do it listed what i'd like to see happen is i like to see president trump come out with a statement saying, look, if hunter biden commits to a program of sobriety and inpatient or maybe outpatients shows up, keeps his sobriety. i'll pardon him. i'd love for tse president trump to say that would be magnanimous. offer on his part shows humanity and and really flip the tables on the democrats will see if he is listening to you tonight. david, good to see you. thank you okay. >> thank you. >> i'll find next new york police arrested man with a loaded gun, 100 rounds of ammo body armor for and two axes.
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the man also had a public transit worker vest. so just what was he plotting? plus new reporting shows how donald trump lu daily 5 million from his campaign to his businesses why with reporter who broke that story plus a show of force, a russian nuclear submarine part of a russian fleet. doc, just 90 miles from florida right now. so just what is not two devastated. >> and sudden power of tsunamis, it happened in far away lands and it's easy to think it can't happen here if one hits home we'd be ready. slightly in birth would liev schreiber, sunday at night on cnn i told myself i was okay with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just okay. isn't okay? >> and i was done settling if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enrolled greenville is
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st. jude give kids with cancer a chance the most anticipated moment of prison ledger and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max breaking news, police announcing the arrest of a new york man who had listened to this list, a loaded gun, 100 rounds of ammunition, a hatchet, and asked several knives. >> the mental side, a bulletproof vest asked for the nypd patch on the front as well as an orange public transit employee vest. now, all of this found after a routine traffic stop by officers obstructive plate turns into an arrest for person that is heavily armed, gone nods weapons very
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dangerous. welcome. you. >> hi. yeah, very dangerous. outfront. now, john miller, cnn's chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, who also served as deputy commissioner of intelligence and counter terrorism of the new york police department. so you're reporting here, john is that the joint terrorism task force is now investigating this this all started with a traffic stop. what more do we go about this and about this suspect. >> so they spot this black suv, it's a ford explorer, very much like the kind that the nypd would use as an unmarked police car, but the bank license plate is covered off with one of these tinted things where you can't really read the plate they do the stop based on license plate. they spot a taser with the person and a knife. they asked him to step out of the car. then they see the gun. they placed him under arrest, and the search reveals the rest of this. so what you have here is the most routine police stop that reveals at a time of extraordinary concern about terrorism a person who right
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now there is no indication was planning or about to commit a terrorist attack but who certainly seem to be driving around with the supplies to do one. so it's being investigated by the detective bureau. that's being followed by the intelligence bureau and the jt tf is also looking into the joint terrorism task force, is also looking into his background, his social media, and so on. some of the things they have seen are not messages about attacks or ideology radicalization there is an image of a flag that's been used by al-qaeda. one of the collapsible bhutanese had had etched into it in arabic, god forgive me. so you could have a person who has a drug history, potential mental health issues. i'm trying to deal with family issues that has a lot of weapons or you could have something else and they don't know yet, right? >> and we don't know yet. so i know you will bring us more information as soon as you have that you talk about this heightened concern right now about terror attacks that has
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been here for some time, but it's only elevated after what we saw just yesterday, eight people with suspected ties to isis arrested after entering through the us southern border what does this say right now in terms of how significant the threat? of a major terror attack is on us soil. >> well, it's really interesting, erica, because right now at a time when the war in iraq is over, the war in afghanistan is over the war in syria has wound down. there is this malays that we might be in a lower threat area than we have been before. but there's an article right now in foreign affairs magazine by mike morel, the former deputy director of the cia, who was at the helm the night they caught bin ladin and graham allison, an expert in weapons of mass destruction from harvard and they say in part the stated intentions of terrorist groups, the growing capabilities they've demonstrated in recent successful and failed attacks around the world. and the fact that several serious plots in the united states have been
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foiled, point to an uncomfortable, but unavoidable conclusion put simply, the united states faces a serious threat of a terrorist attack in the months ahead. in the months ahead. and i would say coming from mike morel, who was there from before 911 till the capture and killing of bin ladin that's quite a statement. >> it is, it is sobering to put it mildly, but really important too that we have at john. thank you i'll frond next to trump claims he is living a quote, nightmare as he prepares for his sentencing. >> he and his historic criminal conviction, but good ron desantis actually help them out. >> and the us is on high alert tonight as russian navy ships along with a nuclear submarine arrived just miles from the florida coast like it's hard
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sentencing, now, just a few weeks away of former foe of donald trump could actually pay key role in how lenient a potential probation may be the name of that former foe. ron desantis. here's tom format former president donald trump was convicted in new york, but he lives in florida. so if he is sentenced to probation as some legal analysts expect he would likely serve it in the sunshine state and they're officials from the two republicans senators on down have called his conviction a mockery a sham i'm outrageous, a disgrace. what the hell happened to him by the way. man, did he go down? rhonda sanctimonious to trump and republican governor ron desantis mocked each other. all vying for the gop nomination. but since dropping out to santos has endorsed trump trials and all trump is superior to the current incumbent, joe biden. that is
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clear. >> they're going to go hands off on him. does no question about it for noted florida attorney marco mira. it all adds up to a clear conclusion. >> i think florida is the friendliest state for donald trump to survey period information and without question omega predicts trump the felon on probation could be very much like trump the free man and florida traveling when and where he wants not subject to surprise visit from his case officer and meeting with anyone. he pleases, including others who have broken the law cause it would be up to state officials to decide how closely trump is monitored. >> even drug tests are at the discretion most of it is at the discretion. >> there's not a prison built our jail belt dow every shut me up. of course, like several of his former advisors, donald trump could be sentenced to time behind bars maybe years. but this was trump's first felony conviction, and it was for a non-violent offense.
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>> look, there's a system in place that were you rely on precedent and somebody like president trump it should never, never face a jail sentence based on this conduct, trump could get house arrest or some other sentence all together, but with probation, there is one big caveat if judge juan more sean in new york thinks florida is going too easy, it's his sentence. and if he actually caught win, that it is not being imposed he can stick his nose in it we reach out to governor desantis if he had any reaction to what is really a speculation from court watchers at this point? >> no reply, but this is absolutely clear. >> big republican power players in florida are already acting like trump has won this appeal that he keeps promising and if he ends up being under probation in florida, that suggest it could be pretty much
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walk on the beach. >> erica? yeah. >> it is fascinating. tom appreciate it. good to see you. my friend also new tonight, donald trump banking nearly $5 million in campaign funds, moving that hall to his own businesses and entities all the while not giving a penny himself to his own campaign out front now is dan alexander who broke the story for forbes. >> so dan, you looked at all these numbers, this fec data at give me a sense, some 4.6 billion dollars, whereas this money going yeah, the bulk of it is gone to a company named chegg air, which is one of donald trump's aviation companies now he's no longer flying around on air force one and when he got out of the white house, is aircraft fleet was in pretty rough shape 75070 ohms needed $4 million of engine overhauls, which they did. you've got to think back in the air. >> and then he started charging the campaign millions of dollars in order for him to fly around to all these states. >> and so he's sort of raped or return on that investment. >> so you mentioned the plane and that's a big, a big chunk
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of the money got us to thinking of a little moment back in 2016 when donald trump was bragging that he only paid for that plane to fly around the country. take a listen to that i'm self-funding my own campaign. i'm putting up my own money well, that big play and flies into ohio, you know, it's paying for trump is paying for it so things were a little different in 2016 than they are now in 2024. and it isn't just the plane that we're talking about here, but other trump businesses and entities are also caching in off the campaign walk us through what you found that's exactly right. >> if you go down to donald trump's home, mar-a-lago, which private club? >> that's where he launched his 2024 campaign about a month after he announced that you see the campaign. >> hey, the club, tens of thousands of dollars. it's continued doing that hosting
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events and functions trends over the next several months now the total is $332,000 of campaign donor money. that has gone into his private business via mar-a-lago. and you can also see this in las vegas where he owns a hotel. you can see it as golf club down in palm beach in bedminster, wherever he goes and wherever the campaign goes, people are spending money. and in many cases they're paying donald trump for services, even though he no longer is putting a penny in ozone campaign. >> so any campaign obviously would have to pay for the hotel at used for the flights that it took, i guess the question here is is any of this illegal the way that it is being done with the trump campaign. and then ultimately the benefit to trump businesses we don't really know. >> and the reason that we don't know is because in order for it to be illegal, payments would have to be non-market value. in other words, if you were overpaying aviation companies, then that would be
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illegal. but if he's having a market rate that might be ethically questionable. but is still legal. >> now trump doesn't have to disclose much here. >> we don't know how many flights this covers. we don't know how much fuel has been burned. we don't know, for example, when they were renting space and trump tower, how many square feet? heat they were renting. >> and so although we know the total amounts of money, it's really hard to make an assessment about whether those amounts of money represent fair market value for the services that the campaign is receiving. >> the lack of a breakdown does certainly raised more questions. i know you reach out to the trump campaign, they deflected, they didn't answer your questions directly. we'll see if we get more out of this as the campaigning continues over the next few months, dan, great to have you heard and i thank you thank you coming up tonight, kaitlan collins, it sits down with nathan wade, the former fulton county prosecutor. you'll see it right here on the source at 9:00 p.m. out outfront next, the us now on high alert as a russian nuclear submarine floats less than 100 miles off the florida coast. we are live
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in havana plus we're learning more about the brutal conditions faced by the hostages who were just rescued by israel over the weekend, you'll hear directly from the father his son, it means captain next wednesday. cnn celebrated juneteenth which smashing performances by john legend edey lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do. juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy next wednesday at 100 and cnn oh, my, we filter. i just scheduled an appointment online and the inspection it's a breeze. they explained everything. >> leaf filters, technology protect your gutters for good. >> now, my home is protected calling 33 lee filter or visit lee every time i need a new phone, i had to switch carriers. i told him that verizon everyone can get the best deals like that. >> iphone 15 on them, switching all the time. >> it wasn't easy. >> pretty five, you're gonna be here forever. >> and here's your wireless
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tonight, the us at this hour is closely tracking a russian at nuclear-powered submarine and other warships that are now just 90 miles off the florida coast. >> that russian flotilla arriving earlier in havana. it includes a warship that's been used to test a hypersonic missiles. one of the most advanced weapons in russia's arsenal, seen it's patrick oppmann is out front from havana was a 21 gun salute. three russian naval ships a nuclear-powered submarine, enter havana harbor russia's warships and spaceships have frequently we supplied in cuba over the years but these ships are the largest convoy in some time and boast some of the most modern weapons in vladimir putin's arsenal including a warship that's been used to test a hypersonic missiles their arrival comes as putin threatens to retaliate to us
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weapons shipments to ukraine. >> the easley and you postalveolar it zona buoy. we we not have the right to do the same. >> he says i actually tamir these actions, but you must remain in route to cuba. the russians skirted the coast of florida tracked by us and canadian worships all visible from tourists aboard a cruise ship. while they boast some of russia's most cutting edge weaponry cuban officials insist the ship's presence just 90 miles from the us poses no threat. >> that's a nuclear-powered submarine cousin, just over my shoulder there. >> and according to cuban officials, none of these ships are carrying nuclear warheads. all some are here for peaceful intentions. will just have to take their word on that. but clearly vladimir putin is showing the united states, the west, that if they can put sophisticated weapons of war on his doorstep, will then he can do the same as cuba endures the worst economic woes in decades the war in ukraine is reuniting them with their cold war era patrons in moscow despite cuban
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official statements that the communist run island is not involved in the war. and that cuban citizens are forbidden from participating cuban mercenaries continue to fight on the front lines of putin's invasion. >> luna so during a meeting with putin at the kremlin in may, but he was president issue is what's public endorsement of the war. so far i'm want to it makes we wish you success in the military operation. >> he said russia has increasingly scent oil to keep the lights on in cuba as blackouts worsen and promised greater investment in tourism and agriculture united states answer to what add lay stevenson termed soviet blackmail and cuba was at this revived partnership may bring back memories of the 1962 cuban missile crisis the last through up and soviet nuclear warheads were briefly placed in cuba. >> but times have changed, says a former us official were not sending missiles to cuba to recreate the missile crisis or anything like that. but it does
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show that they can continue to project for some power and it does show that they have allies in the region willing to accommodate them and erica, those other ships just behind me are taking up all the births in havana harbor were crucial usually would go starting on thursday, cubans will be given the opportunity we are told to tour the main forget there that shoots those hybrid sonic missiles. >> and then from here, pentagon officials say the ship's will continue on. they believe to venezuela certainly we expect the us military to be tracking every step of that journey. >> yeah, patrick, appreciate the reporting tonight. thank you i'll friend now, bob baer, former cia operative at seen an intelligence and security analysts. bob, when we look at this, this is the largest show of force. russia has sent to cuba in years and includes, of course, that nuclear-powered submarine putin is clearly looking to send a message here. i know us official say they're tracking it. do you think they're taking in this seriously enough well, if
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they're not, they should be. >> this is clear escalation on russia's part. putin is furious that we've allowed to ukrainians to use our weapons to hit russia itself the ukrainian has been doing a lot of damage inside russia and putin is messages you're absolutely right, eric is, you know, you, you escalate. we escalate and what we should be worried about is not this flotilla. in havana, but what an accident occurring which could occur anytime could happen in poland. >> and also, we can expect the russians to expand these provocations, whether it's in north korea or venezuela, it just doesn't matter. >> i think we're going to see him popping up everywhere sending us messages to that point. this escalation. i know you've said that you believe there should be a back-channel at this point putin. but is
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that even an option at this point? >> oh, i think there's no choice. the ukrainians are losing this war the russians are flattening cities. they've got unlimited amount of artillery shells 155, which by the way, cost about a tenth. what they cost us to produce and they're going to keep going. i mean, potent is modeling itself on stalin in world war ii. he just going to keep flattening parts of ukraine to lee moves. and i think in order to save ukraine we should have a back-channel and we should discuss what would it take to negotiate this. i don't know what those terms but b but somebody like to cia director burns going to moscow and sitting down with putin hammering something out is the best way out of this and could avoid it. like i said, an escalation or real escalation based on what you know, how opened you think biden administration officials would be to that? >> well, they better is pretty
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soon because the last thing we know we need is this war to spill over into the baltics are into poland or someplace like that when it, the russians are pushing back everywhere, even in paris there is covert action. and they're dealing with the far right in europe and the far right could back out of any support of a view ukraine at this point. so that, you know, the deck is not favoring biden and the earlier he gets in negotiations, the more we're going to get out of it. >> bob, always good to have your insights and your expertise. thank you for next, the hostages just rescued from hamas, revealing the brutal torture they suffered while in captivity. this is hope grows up perhaps bring home more hostile judge is still being held, the father of one of those is here next plus a bittersweet milestone for the survivors of the sandy hook shooting. >> as they graduate high school today this is such a monumental de, we all can feel what we've
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anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash in an presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max tonight, we're learning more about the brutal conditions faced by one of the israeli hostages held by hamas. >> and before he was rescued over the weekend the family of andrey kozlov telling cnn he was psychologically tortured by his hamas captors. and in extreme heat heat as one example, the family says, he told them and they would cover him with blankets. they know though that andre is actually one of the lucky ones. he was rescued along with three other hostages, including noa argamani, more than 100 passages though remain captive. tsugi deco hen is one of them in fact, he has been held for so long now that he has yet to meet his newborn daughter erin, spoke with his father, jonathan after the release of these four hostages joining me now, is
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jonathan decal dekel-chen he's israeli american and his sons, dougie also has dual citizenship. >> he is still being held captive by hamas in gaza tonight and jonathan i know it's gotta be such mixed emotions when you see that video of noah and her father, yaakov. finally, we're reunited, was with jaco oven crying, thinking you might never see his child again. now, of course, he is and they're together. >> it's a moment you've dreamed of experiencing and of course, you haven't yet what do you feel when you see that i'm overjoyed for all four of the hostages who are released. these are young people who can after we hope some recovery and a lot of help will be able to reclaim their lives it's it's a really extraordinary moment and i can only hope that the other hundred and 21 hostages and their families, those who are alive and those who've already been murdered, will have similar moments of getting
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their loved ones back does, it give you hope for tsugi? i mean, had been a long time since anybody had been freed or found alive and then all of a sudden four, does it change how you feel i think that this event is joyous as it is, is in a way a cautionary tale, because it is the exception that proves the rule. the rule is that we've seen that there is no way to solely by military means get hostages out alive from the terror tunnels. the exception here for these really lucky four who were rescued in an incredibly heroic operation. >> is that they along with three earlier rescues, were all held aboveground, right. >> and homes in homes aboveground. and that is an entirely different situation. and as for all of the hostage families, we don't want the
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euphoria. i mean, we're all for euphoria all right. but not with the fourier obscure the facts and the facts are that the rest of the hostages, the vast majority of them, are not going to be able to be rescued by military action alone because there, because they're underground, that's correct. >> has the israeli government, the american government? i've been have they have they reached out to since the rescue of those four hostages know they have done what is the latest that they have even told you about? where tsugi is or whether they think he's in a tunnel or have they have they given you any indication of what they think? >> well, the last absolute confirmation that we had was way back in the late november, early december with the release of 40 of the hundred nine hostages were released as some of the women from the kibbutz who are released in teenagers were able to tell us that he was alive and wounded at that time and that's the last
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information that we've been given. >> six months. yeah. >> it's a lifetime ago. many lifetimes ago. >> six months ago, of course. and december is when his daughter was born. his third child and i know you've talked about the joy that that she gives but how is your daughter-in-law how are the other children how are they managing here? >> it's more than more than six months since they've gotten those words well there are his own two older daughters, aged almost three and almost seven and they want their dad home they, want their dad home. nothing is forgotten. they were traumatized by the events of that day. i mean, they have their own trauma. yeah. they were there while 200 terrorists and many hundreds of looters rampaged through our small community. and i have a younger daughter with her own family who were there on kibbutz nir owes during that day and they're equally traumatized just by a series of small
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miracles. they were not harmed physically or taken captive during that horrific black saturday all right. >> which i have and i appreciate your time and thank you very much. >> thank you for having me me. >> i'll frond next this survivors of the sandy hook massacre, graduating high school tonight. >> how the 20 students who lost their lives i had we're on aldrich james is cold, calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spies, a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn at bus to credit, we know when you're a small business owner, business is personal every challenge is a chance to grow. >> when the time comes, bus due credit helps you get funding and do expand your business are easy and convenient process
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