tv The Chris Wallace Show CNN June 15, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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federal courthouse in washington, and this is cnn hello again and welcome. >> it's time to break bound the big stories with some smart people today, we're asking, following this supreme court's abortion pill decision, how will it change the debate over this highly charged issue then backfire. the unexpected fallout for gun advocates from hunter biden's guilty verdict and carded the head-scratching moved by a restaurant and keep some people over 21 from eating their the panel is here and ready to go. so sit back, relax, and let's talk about up
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first. a major decision by the supreme court allowing the so-called abortion pill to stay on the market. what's more surprising all nine justices agreed at a time when at least one of them is under even more scrutiny for his views i don't think we've ever had a unanimous decision on anything related to abortion. >> the unanimous decision, a win for abortion rights advocates but it still leaves the door open for future lawsuits against the fda to stop the sale of mifepristone, we must remain clear. eyed about the threat to reproductive freedom in america, the decision comes just days after justice samuel alito was heard in a secret recording, one side or the other is talking to a liberal activist posing as a christian conservative people in this country, believing. keep fighting to return our country a place the bottling i agree
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with the act of those two also recording chief justice john roberts, who pushed back there's like a rule for that court guiding is toward a more moral know, i think the role to the court is deciding the case since the recordings, just the latest in a recent trend of probes into supreme court justices, including from pro publica, which alito criticize here with me today podcaster and author kara swisher, rhiannon salam, president of the manhattan institute, and national review contributing editor york times columnist and podcast toes. lulu garcia-navarro and author and conservative pollster, kristen sold us andrews and welcome back everyone kristen is the court's abortion pill decision a big deal are a little deal. >> it's a big deal in that it
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takes the issue not completely off the table, but had they ruled in a different way and we're this pill not available. >> this would be a massive political nickel firestorm for republicans in the fall. >> the fact that the supreme court ruled the way it did, and ruled unanimously. i think is very important because it will really take the heat off of a lot of these, especially senate candidates whose job would be to confirm justices. >> they were getting last a lot more questions about this issue that they probably don't want to answer. qarrah. >> it seems to me that there are two questions here. first, the policy question about access to abortion and then how the issue plays out on the campaign on both of those aspects is this decision a big deal are a little deal. >> i think chris is right. it takes it off the table, it calms things down a little bit, but it isn't really the end of it. in any way because it's about standing, it's not the actual thing. it's a thing about the thing. and so in that way, it's a little deal, but they can come back again and again. i mean, melinda gates just just tweeted about that. so this is not by any means the end of this because they'll
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come back i have to say this whole question of standing, which is whether somebody has a right to sue because they've somehow been harmed that's just alito. >> apparently famously said. so what's it to you? that's what that standard good. so you have to explain what why it is view your were shaking your head. qarrah is answer both of their answers actually, i think it's a big deal because not been for the reasons that they say, but because actually, yes, it takes it off the table for now, but we have cases in idaho. can since it's in missouri, and that have mounted challenges, the people that brought this case, the adf, who have been really pushing this, have said that they didn't get to the merits of the case, and they were very excited about what might be coming down the pipe. so this is far from over and i think that that message is going to be playing out over and over for democrats i would argue those. another reason why does take the issue off the table for the campaign and that is because of the fact that if president trump is elected, he'll be in charge of the fda. and he could have picked
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somebody who would just say, you know what, mifepristone, it's not safe. we're going to type that up and we're going to take it off it'll still be an issue in the campaign. i want to turn to another subject which is justice alito and that secret recording where he was asked about the polarization between the right and the left here was his answer a way of working, a way of living together peacefully by it's different because there are differences on fundamental things that really can't comment right-hand is alito a culture warrior? >> i don't think he is in his role as a supreme court justice. there was one passage and that's secret recording where he actually explicitly referred to his role on the court and he said that, look, these big cultural questions aren't the court's business. that's that's above our pay grade. what he was doing was dealing with someone who's trying to bait him and frankly
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trying to placate the person and trying to move the conversation along i really don't think there's much to see here other than that. yeah, he's a faithful christian who is concerned about polarization and the state of the country. and he liked anyone else who pays any attention, is anxious about how rancorous are cultural debates have become lulu alito at one point said either one side or the other, the right or the left is going to win. same question. do you think he's a culture warrior? and if he is how do you explain his vote on the abortion pill decision? >> i think i explained his vote on the abortion pill decision because it was on a very narrow bit of law, which is about on standing. so i don't think it speaks to the merits as the people on the right have been citing, and i think he is a culture warrior. i think you it is very difficult to separate the way that he has ruled on the bench and the way that he sounds in this recording, i'll also say, i don't believe and i don't like when people are secretly recorded, i don't
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think it's fair. so i don't i don't approve of the methods here, but i do think that it's fair game to understand the thinking that animates the decision-making of these very, very important figures below, it takes us to our next question, question, which is, what did you think of the secret recording by a liberal activist posing as a conservative activist at a private of that did that offend you? >> i agree with lulu and that it doesn't sit right with me that i think when it comes to folks who are in the public eye, i like the idea that they're being held accountable, but i think there are ways to hold people accountable and to learn about their views that don't have to be like that when i was very young and washington, i remember getting to hear a talk from them. justice the late justice scalia, all about his views on things like search and seizure. it was very interesting and illuminating to me and i feel like justices are just going to stop doing that sort of thing altogether in this new climate you know,
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qarrah, it's interesting on the one hand, what i have done it no, obviously, i wouldn't. >> but on the other hand, it was fascinating thing. it was on the front page of every newspaper in america, lead of all news casts are justices fair again, i do think they are. >> i didn't have as much problem with project veritas or any of them in that way, if that's what they're gonna do. and this particular person is has been ahead of really interesting history of doing this i think it's fine. they should be very careful what they say in public and or it should match with what they say in private. it seems like in this case, with the alito stuff, he says a lot of this in public in his rulings and everything else. so i wasn't like shocked by the difference. i have to say kristen, you know, what was so instructive and we sought in our piece was this was not hello, hard question to answer. >> and john roberts answered it the right way. he said, yeah, no, we don't we don't get into those questions of being moral are taking the country towards godliness. we decide cases. i mean, it was an easy it was, it was a softball question and he's he missed it.
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>> well, it's clear that roberts was on guard and rightly so it's clear that justice chief justice roberts knows the world that he lives in an alito. let his guard down a little bit and he will i almost certainly believe not let his guard down again. >> i'm sorry, guys, but you know, many of you have been in public forums where you're dealing with people asking you very person system, frankly, tire some questions where you'd just want to placate them and move on. what i heard from justice alito was simply him saying i agree with you. i agree with you wouldn't it be great if we were all living in a in a much godly round tree. i think it's really that straightforward. yeah. no, i never want to play kate. people know that i believe since november i've learned that issues like this. i mean, this isn't someone asked me you casual things now hey, how are you doing? >> how's it, how's it feeling? they're asking you issues about the law? and something very, very important. and so it's ridiculous to think that he was trying to placate that person, staying with the justice theme, jurors found hunter biden guilty after just three hours of deliberation now the
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question is, should he get jail time also ahead crisis and concern the arrest this week, which could make the immigration issue even tougher for president biden. and lighter stopped payment no, we're not talking about checks. but you may need one when you let's see what some cities are doing to slow down drivers your fast time is precious from roger to be there yet so many ways to save life ready while it happen. >> that's 360 s5, five whole foods market right now, you can get a free foot locker sap
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montgomery and tokyo and this is cnn joe biden this week torn between his roles as president and a deeply concerned father. after his son hunter was convicted on three federal gun charges. well as son's conviction as obviously top both personally and politically some democrats hope the guilty verdict may help the president as he seeks reelection i'm extremely proud of my son hunter president biden, sticking bio son after a trial, that spotlighted hunter is drug-fueled past that biden's are making no secret of their desire to be there for hunter now facing possible jail time. >> just like biden's opponent, donald trump, they found down some guilty on all 34 felony counts. >> his sons verdict complicated biden's plan to win voters by branding trump, but convicted felon and they try to convicted felon leinz, that could be an
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easy retort lot. hundreds conviction also under undercuts one of trump's main arguments which there are two tiers of justice. people look at this case and recognize that it was done in an independent and fair way. hunter his sentencing set to take place before november's election, where he faces a maximum of 25 years in prison legal experts say it will likely be much less, more likely at the 15 to 21 month range. but that's still raises the question, what will his father do? >> i said i'd abide by the jury decision. i will do that and i will not pardon him. >> kara, this is obviously a wrenching development for joe biden personally. but just as a cynical stripe political matter doesn't help them. it does, it does because it shows that, you know, your son can be convicted just the way donald trump can hold two tier legal system is it just a tragedy? >> and he will probably serve time, probably. and i don't
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think he's going to pardon unless he loses the election, i suppose maybe he will then ryan does a flip side to this on the political, if if hunter had not been convicted, if he had gotten off it wouldn't it politically have been adjusted huge boon for donald trump, his team was talking about raising tens of millions of dollars on this idea. he gets a trial and gets convicted. the president's on does and walks. >> yeah, it's hard to say. that doesn't sound crazy to me. i can see that unusual, but the truth is, we don't need to litigate this now, but i think a lot of folks on the right thing that hunter wasn't actually brought up on the right set of charges, but there are other matters that were more serious than this and that this is kind of a gimme but he was convicted and he faces jail time. so it's not he doesn't that's that's fair. but i guess the view on the right is that the other charges would have implicated other members of the biden family as well. so just sharing politically expedient for what he
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right-hand is actually saying is it's more politically expedient for the people on the right he had been brought up in other charges than what he was actually not so much not so much more expedient, but rather those were the more serious pressing charges better they would have. it would have heard political i'm so sorry, lulu, i'm grateful to you for trying to interpret what i was saying, what i was saying is that there were folks who believed that there were more serious criminal matters that would've implicated not just hunter biden, but also other members of the biden family, other folks who had worked for joe biden as well those are your words, not mine, but i think that my words i didn't offer them in this and this why i understand. but i mean, it's not the i just want to say i did this case. >> one interesting aspect and surprising aspect of hunter's conviction is the heartburn that it is created and the gun rights community here is republican congressman tom massie i don't think anybody should be prosecuted for that
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infraction if you if you are going to prosecute hunter biden for being a drug user and purchasing a gun and having a gun there millions of felons in this country just waiting to be arrested because there are millions of marijuana users lulu lulu did hunter's trial and conviction backfire on gun advocates yeah. i think it did in the sense that you know, if gun advocates are pushing for liberalization of gun laws and specifically they're pushing for liberalization on the issue that hunter biden was convicted on, then it hurts the whole cause that the man that they really wanted to get into trouble is being convicted on this issue. i mean, it's a double standard and it's really hard to sell this then kristen. yeah, you've got matt gaetz are conservative republicans saying that a conviction was dumb. you've got lindsey graham and other conservative saying that the entire trial was a waste of time. did this
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backfire on pro gun? politicians well i guess i don't quite follow how it would necessarily have backfired if first of all, it doesn't seem as though hunter biden's defense team used a sort of second amendment defense in the courts. >> so in this case, the jury wasn't necessarily making a statement one way or the other about what the lobby, but rather we're making a statement about what the law is. and i do wonder if on appeal is that something that could gay are yard? and they did they didn't bring up second amendment and that's what they're going to argue on appeal, which is a problem for the guns and gun control advocates, right? because he's going to be arguing. i mean, it's for the republicans, it's very hard to say. let people who have severe drug problems have guns. that's essentially what they're saying. on the other side, it's, you know, it's a second amendment thing and then there's the question that hunter will be facing sometime this fall shortly before the election, qarrah, willie face jail time probably he probably will go to jail the appeals,
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take awhile so it could be longer than that. >> and these things go slowly, but probably he will. >> why do you say that? >> because because binds not going to want to give him special treatment, you don't want to look like it's special treatment and the wind through the system i guess relevant question is, do you think the prosecutor will seek it? judge, will give it will probably let the appeal go forward just i'm guessing probably you think you'll get a jail sentence. i do kristen, what do you think about that given the fact, particularly that he didn't say complete the element, there was an old plea deal that fell apart. >> he went to trial on this and generally, judges and prosecutors don't lie like that so i am not looking to lock him up and our two right hands point on this particular charge of checking a box when he was still using drugs? >> i don't think people should do it. i don't think that it's good. but i also think that in this country people do far worse things and are not put in jails are not prosecuted. and i think that when i'm thinking of all the people who really deserve to be incarcerated and taken off the streets. hunter biden is not at the top of my
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list this only happened this trial only happened because the sweetheart plea deal that hunter biden was offered with, so egregious over the top and it's generosity and that wound up blowing up in the face of hunter biden and his defense team. and i'm sorry for him. i'm sorry for his family. but that's what happens speaking of jail time, the arrest this week, which are raising red flags about who's crossing the border also ahead, no service. >> the restaurant, trying to keep some customers out assignments are going off the tornado here you cannot out swim you cannot outrun it really there's a terrifying experience. it is the stuff of nightmares you could hear it and feel it is in my throat were buried i'm thinking i'm
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meso if you or a. loved one have mesothelial will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 14000 now, new evidence backing up old claims that in the florida people crossing the southern border, some maybe terrorists federal agents arrested eight tajikistan nationals who were an ally, new york and philadelphia the group's accused of potential ties to isis. they all cross the border some more than a year ago and pass the screening process without any red flags. it's an issue. donald trump has been warning about a long time record levels of terrorists, record levels are the highest level we've ever seen of terrorists are pouring into our country we check that out. and according to government data, even though they make up a tiny fraction of
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migrants, about the same number of people on the terror watchlist have dragged across during the trump and biden presidencies but since biden took office, there has been a spike in illegal crossings. preston, how real is the terror threat? at the us border? >> i think it's very real. i think this story points that out very clearly and i think it's the issue we've had with the immigration debate over the last year or so has been well, is it a crisis? is it not a crisis? and for some voters, they may think, well, it seems really bad that we can't secure our border if there's one thing that countries should be able to do isn't this core function something we should be able to do? this makes it real for voters, even if you think, look, i wish we had more secure border. this suddenly means there could be consequences for you personally if there is some kind of a terrorist attack that could have been prevented by better border security. >> secretary of homeland security mayorkas has been is saying for years that the border is secure. take a look
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the border is closed, the border is secure. >> the border is secure the border we are working to make the border more secure. secretary mayorkas, do you continue to maintain the border is secure? yes. and we are working day in and day out to enhance its security lulu, last week, we talked about this and you said when mayorkas was talking about the board are being secure, he was talking about being secure from terrorists after the news this week about these eight people from tajikistan with potential ties to isis. >> do you have second thoughts about that? i don't. >> at first like to say potential ties to isis. >> we don't actually know exactly who these people are. there's been a lot of people who have been on watchlist or people feel uncomfortable about its never been. we don't know if they had a plot here. we don't know anything about them. so it's the first thing i'd say. the second thing i'd
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say is you pointed it out. they're perfectly which is the number of people who were on terror watchlist under donald trump and biden have remained the same even while the numbers have increased, the people crossing the border i mean, this is a persistent problem on there. of course, people who want to come into this country to do harm, that is always going to be the case. >> i guess the question is, these people weren't on a terror watch list. i got the information from tajikistan. and when you've got three or four times as many people coming across the border under biden and under trump isn't the hunt the odds that somebody maybe who's not on the terror watchlist, but gets into the country, could cause are there is no question. i have set this persistently that the border is a crisis that needs to be addressed. but the real issue here is if there had been actual and immigration deal, the republicans didn't want, you would've had money for counterterrorism over the last it's ten years under trump and under biden, there has been a defunding of the counterterrorism effort at the
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border. and so more money would mean more security. >> well, also, there's no question that president biden has a big political problem on the issue of immigration checkout. these numbers in a recent poll, 52% sound said biden is better on immigration and border security. 25% said that about biden, right-hand. does this story about the eight people from tajikistan take a big political problem that biden has and, make it even worse. >> i think it does. and i also think beyond the political problem, there's a big substantive challenge. there's been a huge surge in the number of migrants who are coming from outside of the western hemisphere basically, if you look at folks who are coming in via ecuador, basically on a visa free basis. they're coming from china, coming from a range of other societies from across africa part of the issue here, as you were noting before, not everyone is all the on a watch list. we have a
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number of serious geopolitical rivals who see this opportunity as basically how they can embed dangerous folks within american cities. >> we should be concerned i, recalls people getting in 911 and 19 hijack, write a lot of the dam and the also took flight lessons at the same time. this is something that's happened forever and people that are with bad intent are going to get into this country to do things. and so the question is, is this a new thing which isn't by the numbers are or what can we do to fund it? so we can deal with counterterrorism, which i think is the bigger problem i'm not sure it's an immigration problem. is that bad people are going to get in and do bad things but when three or four times, again, at 2 million versus six or 8 million people come in eight. >> there's that happened, there's no question those numbers matter a huge now because basically you don't have the ability to apprehend, to monitor, to surveil when you're overwhelmed or whatever, let me just get to one last point. and president biden realizing this is a big
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political problem, is taking actions in these final months before the election last way you keep basically shut down the asylum process for people who cross the border her legally. now, there are reports he plans to provide legal status to long term undocumented immigrants who are married to us citizens. kristen will biden's border actions tick off everyone, both the right and the left by trying to straddle it this way in the polling that i've seen, the answer is yes in part because republicans don't like like any of this because biden's doing it and democrats don't really like it because it seems at least the pieces about reducing the ability for people to apply for asylum that it seems like it's too tough that it perhaps seems like it's inhumane or, or not pro migrant enough. >> so biden is in a tough situation here where it's maybe making no one really happy all right. >> several cities are putting a stop to a different kind of crime in a way that's costing a lot of people money will explain. plus the base about beef that's caused quite the
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805, 163978 that's 800 163978 call now i will never again lose to my brother. >> decided isa, because i switched to consumer cellular and mao, i get the same coverage. he's gotten for up to half the cost i'm the one for winds when freedom calls, we're here to answer. >> i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy and just to weeks here, i'll take that ensure max protein, 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic this is, cnn, who woes news network once again, it's time to get our groups, yay or nay, on some big talkers up first, war cities and states adopting a flashy way to slow down drivers we're talking about stop sign cameras, which
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go off if you don't come to a complete stop aaron, do you see they're all over the place and offenders get mailed $100 ticket now cities like new york and baltimore have reached out to dc about its program, which has raked in millions of dollars for the nations its capital kristen. >> yay or nay, on stop sign cameras. >> this is going to make all my civil libertarian friends mad, but i'm a ye on this because i am also a pedestrian in washington dc. i walk around with my old golden retriever. i pushed a stroller and there are some people on the road who are nuts. now, i don't know if this care is waving hello. it's me. >> i don't know if these cameras are actually going to be a deterrent. and you hear these stories all the time of people who rack up tens of thousands of dollars and tickets and never pay them. but anything that will make it safer for pedestrians, ayman, they don't yet. >> i've been hit by these and it infuriated by days. they hit by these, by these tickets saying that i haven't stopped at a stop sign and i am a good driver yeah. will continue.
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realize a complete stop but there's a picture that they send you and there i am with my with my lights on, stopping at the at the at the stop sign. >> and yet, you're just taking the whole day yeah. >> okay. next thing guarded isn't just from folks under 21 anymore. st. louis restaurant is now imposing a different age requirement, banning women under 30 and men under 35 from donning their the owner's site, they want to keep the atmosphere, quote, grown up and sexy kara, are you yay or nay, on banning young adults? we're not talking about kids here. i get it i guess. >> if i want to, that's what they do. if they want to create that kind of environment. sure. i mean, because the young's can be noisy, but i don't i don't know. i'm just blowing stop signs. most good leads you admit it hello the folks at the st. louis restaurant, which is called bliss say that the people in their 20s, again,
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we're not talking about kids there too rowdy. they bring too much drama. so where are you on this idea of what it's ageism that's no, i think it's a terrible thing to do. i think it's first of all, the wheel problem here is that they made it worse for women than for men. they said women could come in as worst for men than for women. women can come into 30, men can come into 35. it's also sexism. everything about this is problematic, okay. >> finally, july 4, tradition has a beef with its biggest star nathan's famous hot dog eating contest has banned 16 times champ joey chestnut from competing for another mustard yellow belt. next month, nathan says, it's because chest not made a deal to represent impossible foods which makes plant-based hot dogs just not holds the world record eating 76 hot dogs and ten minutes says he's got it why khan are you relishing this decision? we're not i think that this was a very wise decision on nathan's part. >> i'm a great believer in
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food innovation and alternative proteins, but this is on nathan's dime and you're supposed to be eating nathan's real-world actual beef hotdogs not all protein hot dogs. >> okay. >> but one day after joey was banned from the july 4 contest, netflix announced it will stage the unfinished beef showdown between chestnut and his big rival to cairo kobayashi live on labor de qarrah yeah, you're nay on how this all worked out for joey chestnut, netflix. it's genius, it's a great idea that's a great idea and they moved right in there and move fast. and i love a nathan's hot dog by the way, saying that still have you had an impossible foods? >> yes, of course, we introduce some one of my conferences the first time which do you prefer beef or fake? >> the nathan's hot dog? >> i gotta say, yeah, maybe not as good for you, but it's really delicious. up next, hey, siri, is apple's bite of the ai industry being over-hyped back in a moment wednesday cnn
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♪we can secure our world.♪ ♪don't just use a password alone.♪ ♪mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone.♪ learn more at ♪that's how we can secure our world!♪ fit. >> now, comfort looks good this is a secret war. secrets and spies tomorrow at ten on cnn over or under this week, whether apple's long awaited entry artificial intelligence is being over-hyped apple intelligence is that's called, will generate email responses for you. let you edit unwanted objects out of photos, and even
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help you create new emojis. but most exciting that many iphone users is apple. we'll partner with openai, the maker of chat gbt, to make major improvements to siri. it's personal assistant. and hopefully avoid situations like this siri directions to wolf's glen, directions to great wolf lodge? no, siri wolf's glen restaurant. >> one option. i see let's garden supply on benedict canyon, siri, wolf's gun restaurant in westwood one option. >> i see the wilson restaurant in burbank. >> no. no. no. you're not listening? >> apple has been criticized for being slower to adopt ai than companies like google and microsoft. qarrah, windows new announcement is apple ahead or behind the curve apples the kingmaker now of who's gonna be because now all kinds of people who are to be introduced to ai and the way you should be as how can you use it a day-to-day way? >> they will integrate it
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beautifully. they don't have to have an ai company to use ai. and so they've made, they've given open-air, big boost. it's a great idea. it's exactly on time. and it'll be deployed in a way that people will understand. finally, of what the uses of air right it's interesting is that ai will be available on some of the newer models of iphones, but for older models, i think before 20 1910s of millions of iphones, this new ai software isn't going to work which means of course that apple will sell tens of millions of bore iphone is apple ahead or behind the curve on getting into the ar game? well, my sense is that they're behind, they shuttered their apple car initiative and that was a big, big blow and other scrambling to catch up when you look at microsoft, those are folks were being incredibly nimble aggressive, acquiring a ton of really promising companies. >> so i think there behind and let's see if they catch up or if they get commoditized, which is a very dangerous place for
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them to be. >> the lu, how excited are you about apple getting into ai? and it being on your phone and your eye are fired. i am not an ai's supporter. i'm tired of being a guinea pig for silicon valley, which is what i feel like when these things are introduced without our permission and consent and sure. will mean that i can talk to siri and maybe that's not going to happen as from the clip you showed, but i just i don't like it. i don't like it and i don't want it as part of my life, you can have a pre 20195. it'll be great. >> the panelists back with their takes on hot stories and i have a wild best shot up my own. that's right after the break you you're going to use nine two presidents, the former under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman will be free god, no longer the current
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redefining insurance erin burnett, outfront week nights at seven odd cnn it's time for our panel special takes on what's happening are predictions of what we should be looking out for. >> so kristen it'd be with your best shot. >> well, this is election year in the united states, but it is also election season. a lot of other places around the world and just around the time we're celebrating our independence here in the us both france and the uk will be having elections after president macron announced kind of snap elections in france following a really tough showing four centrist parties in the european elections. so keep an eye out with summer. i think
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the incumbents in both the uk, the conservatives, their rishi sunak and in france. incumbents are going to have a tough time qarrah, your focus just on one of your favorite subjects, elon musk? >> yeah, he won a big victory this week around the shareholders approving his fourth $44 billion pay package. >> it's still legal challenges going on, but the wall street journal is continuing. it's devastating covered his personal life and how he mixes business and pleasure, especially, especially at spacex with some personal relationships there with women some consensual, others who knows. and so it was a really really devastating piece, but it doesn't seem to matter. he seems to very much like trump. >> it's baked in his weirdnesses are baked in bryan got shot, if you remember your middle school american history, you'll remember the monroe doctrine is 200-year-old notion that the united states will endeavor to keep foreign powers out of the western hemisphere well, just this week, russian warships showed up outside cuba
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and now the chinese are planning on building a major new port in peru. >> suddenly, america's backyard is getting a lot more crowded it's interesting because while that was happening, the russians coming into havana, the us surfaced a nuclear sob at guantanamo bay on the eastern end of cuba. >> was that a reasonable response by the biden administration as teddy roosevelt said, speak softly and carry a big stick. i think this one let's a very good move on the part of of the biden administration. >> lulu, bring us on. >> mine is on the southern baptist convention, which voted to oppose the use of ivf this matters because of the evangelical vote. and i think again, we have reproductive freedom at the center of another very high profile issue in this country. i think when we see something like the southern baptist convention do something like this, it sends a signal to women, especially female voters, that it's not
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only abortion, it's not only now potentially contraception. it's now the very right to have ivf and the bear a child that is also under assault on the routes interest in is despite the vote by the iea ivf reporting is that the evangelicals very much take advantage of fertility treatments and tend to view it as very different from abortion because the ultimate yes, there are the embryos, but the ultimate intent section is to create a life, not end one. >> i know. and so that's the logical response that i see. but what i think they see is this novel argument that somehow these embryos are viable. humans are potentially viable humans and so destroying them is actually an act of of murder before we go, i have a best shot of my own in honor of fathers de last week during the yay or nay segment right-hand said, he never played the card
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game. >> ohno, we were all shocked and dismayed. well, it turns out the folks at mattel which makes ono we're watching and they sent over this gift. oh, there's a along with a card that raids ri khan. >> we know you're new to the game. just remember when you're down to one card, you've got to shout una, happy father's day here is all of your own. >> that's amazing. thank you. mattel. and thank you, chris. >> well, i but i'll tell you the marketing people at mattel ar and around 30 doing, i would just like to say i've never driven a ferrari actually, that's exactly but what we were thinking about dom perignon happy father's day to all you dads out there. >> thank you for spending part of your de with us and we'll see you right back here next
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