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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  June 18, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? preferred better science, better results. i'm dr. sanjay gupta in atlanta and this is
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cnn we are in the path of extreme heat, making sure that you stay hydrated pets are hydrated conditioning works. >> heat is of course, the deadliest of all extreme weather events across the united states we're going to be tested, especially tonight i am just so grateful that we didn't lose anything else there. when was horrendous it is our moral responsibility as a society to take care of our kids when it comes to social media, we are not doing well. >> we are failing live from london. this is cnn newsroom with max foster hello, and a warm welcome to our viewers, joining us from around the world. i, max force, it's tuesday, june the 18th. we begin in the us. >> we're a long-lasting heat
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wave is bringing miserable weather to some 270 million americans. >> the midwest and the northeast could see record-breaking temperatures for several days. some areas are expected to top 152 20 degrees above normal. heat alerts are in place for 19 states when the great lakes to new england temperatures will reach dangerous levels in cities including new york, chicago, and boston cooling centers will open in some states people from pennsylvania to canada. so they're doing what they can to stay cool and make the best of the situation parking in the shape and exercising indoors and air conditioning and all the curtains and my house are close to today. >> we're at the community center walking, whereas we normally would walk outside in a park or in a lake or something like that. so it just maybe minor might've changes, just making sure that you stay hydrated. pets are hydrated. air conditioning works and you just write it out i think that
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you wave is definitely affected my outdoor activities because it forces me to be outside more like, usually you want to be inside the house gop in toronto, it's cold when that he waved his here you want to be outside, you want to be enjoying everybody is outside right now, everyone's enjoying it fair enough. isn't expected to hit 91 degrees though today in toronto, officials are advising kid aid is to take precautions against heat stroke cnn meteorologist chad myers has more on the brutal heatwave sweeping. the us we are in the path of extreme heat, bringing along potential health risks in the forthcoming days summer officially arrives in the northern hemisphere this week and with it, i heat wave, not seen in decades from the midwest and great lakes to the northeast, more than 260 million americans are roughly 82% of the us population. could she temperatures above 90 degrees nearly 200 daily high temperature records could be tied or broken in major cities,
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including boston, dc, chicago, st. louis, detroit, philadelphia pittsburgh and new york city. and little relief as expected even at night with low temperatures not dropping below the middle 70s, extreme heat is the most dangerous weather phenomenon we have in new york city. >> we lose over 315 yorkers. >> a year on average to heat caribou main, which prides itself as the most northeastern city in the us, could hit their hottest temperature ever. wednesday. with a forecast of 99. that's three degrees higher than their all-time hottest high temperature on record, boston is forecast to be nearly 100 degrees on thursday, which would be their earliest 100 degree day. hey in 99 years. and it's not just the high temperatures causing concern, but how long they're expected to stick around pittsburgh, which hasn't seen a single day go over 95 degrees in more than a decade is forecast to see six consecutive days above 95 degrees and philadelphia is expected to see
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five straight days at or above 95 if it seems like these scorching heat waves are happening more and more each year it's not your imagination a while, very hot days are of course normal. the number and the duration of these hot days we are seeing each and every year is not the risk to our planet present risks to our health, and heat is of course, the deadliest of all extreme weather events here in new york city and across the united states chad myers, cnn atlanta thousands have been ordered to evacuate from the village of reducer in new mexico due to a fast moving wildfire. >> the south fork fire broke out on monday and his burned at least 3,000 acres it's being fueled by gusty winds, high temperatures, and low humidity of phi warning is in place for lincoln county with a village located. smoke from the fire is visible from space. an air quality alerts have been issued
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for some areas while fell is also raging across california. a fast fire near sacramento, known as the arrow fire, has burned more than 5,000 acres or 2000 hectares since monday, it's prompted evacuations and there's no containment so far. another fight in northern california called the sites fire is also burning out troll similar scenes in los angeles county where crews are battling the so-called post fire. it's burned more than 15,000 acres or 6,000 hectares. and is about 20% contained after breaking out on saturday some residents described the horror they felt as the fire raged through their properties i'm still in shock than it it it actually devastated the property as much as it did. but i am just so grateful that we didn't lose anything else. >> the wind was horrendous and the fire spread and split. that rates, not normally seen cnn's
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camila by now has more on the post fire firefighters are describing this fire as creeping underground, moving slowly and they say that at any moment, things can change and that's why they're so concerned about the wind and they expect these ones since to remain high through tuesday. >> so firefighters are saying that they have been able to keep the fire lines, but that it is still very challenging work because of the high speeds of the wind gusts in this area, you're seeing some of the crew's here on the ground attempting to put out any hotspots so that you don't get those new fires because of the wind in this area, you're also seeing some of the crew's in the sky using these helicopters to do water drops. so it is a joint effort between the different crews in this area to try to gain some containment. here is what officials are
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saying about this fire it means we're going to be tested especially tonight, ridge top wins are going to fit calling for 50 mile an hour winds on ridge tops and during the day valley wins 20 25 plus so where were argued in and we're making a stand. >> and climate change also greatly impacting the way these fires are spreading firefighters telling me that because of the rain that we got here in california over the last couple of days you have a lot of vegetation and in particular, you have a lot of grass. and that is what firefighters call fuel to this fire. in particular, they say that it spreads quickly and so you add in the wind the low humidity, the high temperatures. and that's what makes this fall fire just so dangerous and so tough for these firefighters that are working around the clock, camila burnout, cnn, lubeck california we're now just nine days away from the first presidential debate in the 2024
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us election season. >> and tensions are already ramping up ahead of about showdown between president joe biden, former president donald trump on monday. the biden campaign debuted a new ad that'll air in battleground states blasting trump as a felon who only cares about himself in the courtroom, we see donald trump for who he is. he's been convicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual assault and he committed financial fraud selection is between a convicted criminal who's only out for himself at a president who's fighting for your family trump's campaign was quick to respond, calling the hush money trial election interference and pointing to polls showing the former president's strength in swing states trump's still maintains a close connection to his forward visor of longtime ally steve bannon, who answered his called your life podcast the carry hanger. >> four, once i get i got a call from somebody got to take
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just to hang on okay. >> hey, mr. president, i'm alive on tv back i'll call you back, sir. thank you. >> carrie continue on. >> your favorite person well, i take conservative gathering over the weekend. >> bandmann wout that trump's political opponents, with faced blowback. if trump wins a second term as president november 5 is judgment day january 20, 2025 is accountability de. gonna get every single receipt? >> and to the fullest extension of the law, you are going to be investigated prosecuted in incarcerated. ladies and gentlemen, it's very simple. victory or death well, trump is also finding support from house speaker mike johnson, also chairman of the national republican congressional committee. richard hudson, who met with the former president at mar-a-lago on monday, cnn's
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alayna treene has more from washington former president donald trump on monday, met with house speaker mike johnson, as well as richard hudson, the chairman of the house gop's campaign arm. and i'm told that they walked donald trump through some of the critical house races that they think he could be helpful and come november. now remember, donald trump last week traveled to washington in dc where he met with house and senate republicans and he promised them that he would do more mortality down hauls more messages of support to try and get these people not only re-elected, but two also try to expand their majority is both in the house and the senate. and that's really important, not just to lawmakers and column course, but also to donald trump. because if he were to reclaim the white house in november, he's going to need a lot of republicans to pass his legislative priorities. and so that was the key focus. i'm said that they wanted to talk about a unified message about how they can all be on the same page. in the next stretch. looking forward
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to election day. now, i also think it's important to note that donald trump has been far more hands off this election cycle than he has been in the past. and that's because in 2022, he endorsed several candidates that went on to win their primaries only to lose on the day that it counted, which was election day in the middle terms. and so according to my conversations with donald trump's campaign they they told me that they don't want to get involved in races where they don't think the candidate can actually win. and so they're going to be mapping out where donald trump can be lending his support and which races it will really matter alayna treene, cnn washington one aspect with richard johnson, lecture in us politics at queen mary university of london. >> i asked him if steve bannon's message will be effective. >> steve bannon, is not someone that the trump campaign is, is putting out to talk to swing voters or people who voted. joe biden at the last election. bannon has tried to talk to
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those people who have stuck with trump from 2016 to 2022. now and in a sense, bannon's message is one of trying to raise the stakes of the election to mobilize the kind of core mega base of trump voters and with this latest add from the biden campaign, we've got a sense of his strategy as well going ahead, which is very focused on donald trump's criminal record here's that going to appeal to because there's been lots of polling to suggest that none of these trials have affected his base. >> but i guess we're talking about people that may be swinging in either direction right now but i look at this ad, i see a classic example of what we call them political science, negative partisanship so what we have in the selections, we have two candidates who both have high unfavorable ratings. joe biden's unfavorable rating. historically speaking, would not be the kind of rating that would see you get reelected except that donald trump also has extremely high unfavorable
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ratings. and i think what this ad is trying to do, in effect is for biden campaign to say to voters, okay, you may not love joe biden, but you really don't like donald trump. is, this is not open election where it's both are equally bad. one might be bad, one there's even worse, a negative partisanship is when you vote to stop another candidate from winning and in effect, that's the message they're saying. if you want to stop donald trump from being reelected, you're going to have to hold your nose and vote for joe biden. don't stay at home, don't vote for a third-party candidate, come out and vote for joe biden and they realize that those voters, ultimately i think will decide the election be sure to watch a cnn host, the us presidential debate next week, it is on thursday, june the 27th, 9:00 p.m. eastern in the us. >> that's 9:00 a.m. friday in hong kong, 2:00 a.m. hearing in london. now that amid putin is set to arrive in north korea for a landmark visit will show you how pyongyang is preparing
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the russian president. >> look at the flags plus a member of president biden's secret service team was forced to take action, where they became the victim of an armed robbery. >> and the boston celtics are celebrating another milestone details on a record-setting 18th nba champion in ship find out who's going home with the mvp why is novosti? >> hi perfect for allergies, people who have allergies will have lots of problems if someone's exposed to allergens, they can get rid of those immediately by washing out denotes the vihj works by pulling saline in one nostril through the nose and out the other nostril sucking out allergens mucus, dustin germs experienced on the spot relief. so he could breathe easier, sleep, better, feel healthier if you have seasonal allergies diverge can help available at major retailers are online at nevada >> i'm jonathan larson here to
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it does, you can control it three-day blinds find the light for your life visit, three-day blinds to get started for, the second time in less than two weeks, south korea's military has fired warning shots after soldiers from north korea crossed into the demilitarized zone, the south korean joint chiefs of staff says it doesn't think the breach was intentional. >> about 20 to 30 soldiers crossed the military demarcation line early on tuesday they retreated back into north korea after the warning shots may well, north korea is rolling out the red carpet for vladimir putin, the streets of pyongyang are lined with russian flags and banners that the russian president he's expected to arrive in the next few hours for his first visit. in many years, but the trip is raising concern with the us and its western allies about north korea's military
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support for russia's war in ukraine lived to cnn's ivan watson following developments for us from hong kong and the us very clear that don't object to the visit. russia can do what they like. so it can north korea, but they are very concerned about what it means for ukraine absolutely. >> right now, vladimir putin, according to russian state media, is conducting a stopover in your kursk that russian city in siberia. and after some time there, he's expected to then fly on to pyongyang where we believe he should arrive sometime tuesday evening. tuesday night for this visit the kremlin has made it clear a kremlin aid has said that the russian and north korean sides are expected to sign a new strategic partnership agreement. they have had drafts versions of this in past decades, but in an open letter that putin wrote, and that has
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been published in the north korean state media we see signs of two governments, two leaders who are drawing closer together. and it does seem to revolve around vladimir putin and his now more than two-year-old war in ukraine, though, he uses very different term for it. if you look at the letter, quote, we highly appreciate the dprk's unwavering support for russia's special military operation in ukraine, again, more than two years since the russia invaded ukraine, he goes on to write that peering yang was and remains are staunch like-minded ally and supporter, ready to resolutely resist the desire of the collective west to prevent the formation of a multipolar world order based on justice, what we're hearing here is the rhetoric of moscow very much echoing the kind of ideology and wrecker rhetoric that north korea has espoused
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and proclaimed for decades, for generations of the us being this sinister force that's trying to dominate the world order. and now north korea and the pyongyang regime sounds very much ideologically aligned with vladimir putin's government. so what does that mean going forward, the us has accused north korea of supplying russia with conventional weapons, things like artillery rounds and rockets that the white house is accusing russia of using to kill ukrainians on the battlefield. we do know that vladimir putin's military was not prepared initially for a war of attrition in ukraine and has been looking from munitions, from allies like north korea pyongyang, and moscow denied these accusations of weapons transfers, but something's clearly going on between these two countries.
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and one of the big questions that the statement apartment has raised is what could north korea be getting in return after all, it is one of the world's most isolated countries max, yeah, i'm claire in terms of how russia is looking at this, i mean, it's an opportunity, isn't it? increase its sphere of influence as much as getting these weapons deals dumb? >> yeah. i mean, i think the uptakes do matter. of course, coming off that huge week that we saw last week for ukraine's western alliance with the reconstruction conference in berlin, the g7, then the peace summit in switzerland. this is a chance for russia to show that it's not isolated as a result of the war, ukraine, president bruton, by the way, just also had a phone call with zero ramaphosa of south africa, which was one of the holdouts from that communique at the ukrainian peace summit. so they're very much going for these sort of on the fence, non-aligned countries trying to build up their own alliances and the optics of president putin space lining the streets. these posts it is lining the streets of feeling will help with that. but i think
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concretely, it's about for the west and the concerns that we see from the us, it's about the potential quid pro quo here. take a listen to national security spokesman john kirby on this issue. >> what we are concerned about trevor is the deepening relationship between these two countries. not just because of the impacts is going to have on the ukrainian people, because we know north korean ballistic missiles or still being used to hit ukrainian targets. but because there could be some reciprocity here that could affect security on the korean peninsula so it's what north korea could get in return. >> and in fact, i think it's fair to say we have already seen this, some of that quid pro quo. russia vetoed the extension of a mandate of a panel of experts at the un who monitor vital as violations of view of north korea's un sanctions that now that mandate has now expired, those sanctions violations and not being monitored. so north korea now has this powerful ally and permanent member on the un security council that makes future sanctions very unlikely.
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and then it raises further questions about what else moscow could be doing in return for these weapons deliveries to support potentially north korea's nuclear program. >> it makes russia look stronger. this sort of event doesn't it particularly when we're getting all the pictures up north korea does it make the west look weaker? >> so i think i mean, look, russia is clearly going wherever it can to seek these alliances. i think it's not necessarily true that seeking an alliance from the most isolated did country in the world is pariah state of north korea, makes them look stronger, but certainly that is the message they're hoping to project home. state media or the sort of powerful sort of spokespeople for president putin that you see the news anchors, they're all putting out videos that show these images of his face lining the streets it's very much about the optics, as they said, to be able to project at home, that he isn't rather than being weakened by the war in ukraine is actually growing and
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influence. and if you look at the battlefield that stands up as well, there's no reason at this point given that russia has very much the initiative on the ground in ukraine for them to stop with the fighting and stop seeking new defense partnerships trusts question. thank you so much. ivan, in hong kong. now flotilla of russian naval ships has left cuba, wrapping up a six-day visit. they include a frigate considered one of the most modern ships in the russian fleet and a nuclear-powered submarine of anna says, none of the ships carrying nuclear weapons keep us president toward the vessels. on saturday, it's not uncommon for russian ships to dock in cuba, but this littler was the largest to visit in years. it's unclear whether heading next benjamin netanyahu has dissolved his war cabinet. a look at who will help him that how on making the big decisions about israel's war with hamas from now, a live report from jerusalem is next few plus an urgent call to action from the us surgeon general his warning about the threat social media poses to children's mental health russian her trying to
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autism slash when i'm melissa bell in paris and this is cnn welcome back soon and user my max foster. here are some of today's top stories around 270 million americans are dealing with temperatures at or above 90 degrees
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fahrenheit this week, cities in the midwest and the northeast, including pittsburgh and philadelphia, could see days of record-breaking heat. some areas are expected to be 15 to 20 degrees above normal, at least 11 people are dead and more than 60 missing after to migrants shipwrecks appeared off southern italy, officials say a wooden sail boat carrying migrants began sinking on monday. and the second boat caught fire and overturn this the 26 children are amongst those missing. thailand will become the first country in southeast asia to legalize same-sex marriage. the kingdom's senate approved a marriage equality bill, short time ago. the bill passed overwhelmingly with 130 centimeters voting in favor and only four against. it's still requires endorsement from the king, which is see that a formality now we have new details on the israel-hamas war and a massive anti-government protests in jerusalem. israeli police say they arrested at least nine people after thousands gathered, gathered
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outside the knesset. and then march to prime minister benjamin netanyahu is home calling for new elections. authorities say those detained were arrested on suspicion of attacking police, are trying to set a fire. meanwhile, there appears to be deepening political risks within the israeli government. benjamin netanyahu disbanded his war cabinet announcing the security cabinet will now decide matters regarding the conflict. this comes more than a week after opposition leader benny gantz with from the war cabinet, cnn's paula hancocks is live for us in jerusalem. how do you really read all of this going on the top of the government? is it chaos well max, i certainly seemed as though there was a fair bit of communication issues yesterday when this all came about and on sunday, we do know with the war cabinet itself this was effectively a three-person team. >> you also had three observers, but you had the prime minister, the defense minister it's that and then benny gantz, who has since resigned because he says that
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netanyahu does not have a day after plan. so that appears to be the reason that that has been disbanded. now, there was pressure from the far-right elements within the coalition to be able to fill the void of benny gantz's departure. and that would have been problematic certainly when dealing with the biden administration, who would not necessarily support these far-right elements, making decisions on the war in gaza certainly internationally as well. so that could well have been part of the reason why that was disbanded benjamin netanyahu now saying that there will still be smaller groups that he will create to try and make the more tactical decisions. but the security cabinet, which is larger, we'll, we'll make the decisions on the day-to-day strategy. then we heard as well from matt miller, the state department spokesperson, saying that the us and the biden administration does not believe that this will change the fundamental assessment of the war between israel and hamas. so an internal political change
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at appears to try and deal with the departure of benny gantz in terms of the tactical pause, lots of confusion about that as well it doesn't seem to be working for anyone anyway yes so this is something that the israeli military decided over the weekend. it will be a pause that's a road going into gaza from the kerem shalom crossing where we were yesterday, and then up the salah al-din road, which is like the north south artery of gaza no. the military said it was to make sure that there could be safe distribution of aid. but we have spoken to international groups on the ground, the un as well in gaza and they have said that sometimes it is simply too dangerous to get to this crossing to be able to access these areas because of the sense of lawlessness within gaza at the moment. and then just last night, we had another reminder of how dangerous it is for. those trying to move trucks around. we heard from the european hospital in gaza
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that ates volunteers were killed in an israeli air strike because they were trying to get to some of the commercial trucks to move them to another area. now, we've reached out to the idf for comment on this. we haven't heard back at this point, but it just underlines the dangers of trying to distribute aid within gaza. it's not just getting the aid into gaza, which still is problematic. we hear from many of the un agencies and international aid groups, but it is then trying to navigate the dangers of getting it around to those who who needed not just from israeli airstrikes, not just from fighting between israel and hamas, but also, you do have looting, you have gangs that are in gaza because the rule of law has broken down over the past eight months of this war. so it is an extremely dangerous place to be. we've heard from the un that it is the most dangerous place on earth for a
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humanitarian aid worker to be at this point, max well, the hancocks live in jerusalem. >> thank you now, nato is celebrating what it calls good news for the alliance so the us and also for europe, but it's certainly won't make moscow happy neto, a secretary general, jens stoltenberg met with us president joe biden at the white house on monday. he announced that more nato member countries than ever have reached target defense spending across your bank, canada, nato allies are this year increasing defense spending by 18% that's the biggest increase in decades 23 allies are going to spend too percent of gdp or more on the fence this year. that's more than twice as many as four years ago, and demonstrates that european in allies and canada are really stepping up and taking their share of the
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common responsibility to protect all most in the nato alliance cnn senior white house correspondent kayla tausche, as more on what that announcement means for the alliance and also for president biden with less than one month before washington hosts the annual nato summit in mid july, secretary general jens stoltenberg paying a visit to president biden at the white house we're the two hailed a significant progress in expanding the number of alliance members who are meeting a defense spending benchmark. that benchmark 2% of each country's annual economic output. >> and now 23 countries out of 32 members are currently meeting it. >> that's more than double the statistic from just a few years ago. and that statistic was a point of ongoing criticism from former president donald trump and the current gop opponent during stoltenberg's visit to washington he made remarks outlining several priorities
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for the alliance as the months proceed those include allowing nato to take a leadership role in the deployment of military terry aid and the training of soldiers for fighting on the battlefield. he also said that more costs me to be on imposed on china for its material assistance of rock russia on the battlefield in ukraine. but this all comes amid far right movements on both sides of the atlantic that currently challenge the status quo of the alliance as well as continued bloodshed on the battlefield in ukraine. now, more than two-and-a-half years at war with war still raging, president biden told stoltenberg, he wished he could stay another decade stoltenberg's term is set to expire this year with the top dutch official expected to take his place. and of course, president biden too, will face voters in just a few months. kayla tausche, cnn, the white house, had a boeing plans to apologize for the company's recent safety issues in us senate testimony later today,
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according to prepared remarks released by boeing ceo dave calhoun will admit to problems with the company's culture, but he plans to push back on claims the plane manufacturers retaliated against whistle-blowers. the testimony reads, in part, our culture is far from perfect, but we are taking action and making progress we are committed to making sure every employee feels empowered to speak up if there is a problem. now, boeing has been under intense scrutiny with numerous federal investigations and congressional hearings following the blow out of a door plug on an alaska airlines flight back in january you're a surgeon general urging congress to put a warning label on social media apps, much like the ones you see for cigarettes and alcohol. in a new york times op-ed, dr. vivek murthy argues that social media platforms are key contributor to the mental health crisis amongst young people with teens spending several hours a day on the apps. here's what murphy
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told cnn about his push i'm quite aware of the fact that this is a complicated issue and that it may be hard for congress to take action on this. >> i am also aware that this is a challenging year for congress to act but the truth is none of that matters to our kids none of that does anything to assuage that pain and struggle that parents are going through right now. it is our moral responsibility as a society to take care i've are kids. and in that mission, when it comes to social media, we are not doing well, we are failing. but we have a chance to get it right. and that's why i believe that to put kids first means passing the legislation that would protect them from the harms of social media. now because our kids cannot wait but how likely is it for that type of legislation to pass through congress or ceiling contributor kara swisher weighed in i feel like it's a stunt, but a good stock to bring people to, to be talking about the issue and maybe looking at it more carefully. >> i don't think it's going to
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pass though. it's endless formation, endless entertainment. people aren't used to being bored anymore for a long time now, that's not a new fresh thing, but these phones take it up a notch. you have to always be looking at something and watching something. there's always a piece of news and so it creates that kind of attention deficit disorder that's a real issue where everyone's paying partially the attention. continuous, partial attention to things. and so again, i think something like there, there are some very big issues about young man and being isolated, young women feeling self-esteem issues on these platforms. and so the question is, how do we handle that was the best way to do it. and there is some regulatory relief here. it just as a question of what should be the last thing is it runs into the first amendment right? we should be able to do and say and low watch what we want. and so that's another issue now as the atlantic hurricane season kicks off to potential tropical systems are threatening parts of the us and mexico this week one potential takoko cyclone is brewing in the gulf of mexico.
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>> and the tropical storm watch has been issued for parts of texas and mexico. if it picks up steam, the system will be called tropical storm alberto. the other potential tropical system is stirring in the atlantic if it develops, it will produce thunderstorms near the bahamas before moving towards the southeast us next, longtime trump ally steve bannon, vowing investigations and prosecutions if the former president wins a second term, moore and his fiery message just the head. >> france beat austria in their euro 2024 match, but they're star player was left with a serious, knows injury and a bloodied jersey coming up and look at how but happened tomorrow. >> cnn celebrate juneteenth with lead to performances by john legend. had he lived bell mulkey robinson, we still have a lot of work to do juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy tomorrow at ten on cnn i was so excited to buy my first home,
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switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! it at walmart former trump adviser steve bannon, had hoped he would be serving his prison term in what's known as a club, fed, a comfortable type of facility in the federal system. >> are but sources say that's not going to happen instead, he
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set to report to a low-security federal prison in kinetic skirts next month, where he'll serve a four-month sentence for contempt of congress. however, the longtime trump ally isn't learning his legal troubles, keep him from supporting the former president's on the campaign trail. cnn's tom foreman reports are you prepared a fight? >> are you prepared to give at all are you prepared to leave it out on the battlefield in a fiery shout to the maga fateful steve bannon, a former adviser to donald trump. is demanding prosecution of anyone tied to the former president's one i'd ranging legal problems, including current president joe biden and his family. >> it's a family of feral dogs we're gonna have to fumarate, weren't a fumigate. have an exorcism. you are going to be investigated, prosecuted, and incarcerated. okay? >> we're not going to stop it echoes a call by the conservative heritage foundation for the justice department to no longer act as
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an independent body prosecutor, whomever a re-elected donald trump would choose which trump has suggested could include president biden and many other democrats when this election is over. >> based on what they've done, i would have every right to go after them it's been convicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual assault, that push from team trump. >> however, is slamming up against the toughest campaign ad yet from biden and maybe even reinforcing the message for some voters. >> this election is between a convicted criminal who's only out for himself and a president fighting for your family. >> it's all paving the way for a titanic debate hosted by cnn and less than two weeks, there will be no live audience and mics will be cut when it's the other person's turn to speak, ruling out trump's inclination to shout down opponents and biden's sharp comebacks. will
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you will that be enough to contain the chaos after months of trump's is advocating all out battle. we can't just sit back and say, oh, i hope everything corrects itself. you have to get in the game republicans deemed trump insists its campaign is not about revenge. still it's hard to miss. it's fast growing fury over the rapidly approaching election. >> ladies and gentlemen it's very simple. victory or death of course, steve bannon has his own legal problems and date with jail, but he has said he will continue speaking out from behind bars if he can. >> and this much is already clear, even if team trump wins again they're not really interested in a truly peaceful transfer of power tom foreman, cnn, washington police in california are looking for an armed robber, her targeted
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someone on us president joe biden, security detail. the president was in los angeles for star-studded campaign fundraiser on saturday night the the us secret services, one of their members was robbed at gunpoint after leaving work. then had their bag stolen. the victim fire their service weapon. during the incident, but it's unclear if the suspect was hit please say they did find some of the secret service member's missing belonging now city of boston getting ready for one of the biggest celebrations since the tea party, the celtics are the new nba champions. details ahead home where routine meets remarkable with unexpected moments of inspiration around every corner. and through every window my mornings in the sun with cordova to new world and fine dining with a view your window, treatments, vas
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jayson tatum, you saw him there led all scorers with 31 points. >> jaylen brown added 21 points. he was named the most valuable player in the finals i think we learned, i think we learned from all our mistakes. >> all of our diversity. i think he's made a stronger made us tougher and all season you can see it no, we started from the jump. we've made awda sacrifices. we play both ends at a ball at a high level. we didn't skip any steps. and this was the result the, celtics finished the regular season with the best record in the nba. they lost only three games throughout the entire playlist rory mcilroy finally talking about his heartbreaking second-place finish at the us. i'd world number three, lost out to bryson dechambeau in a down the wire hello on sunday, he hasn't won a major title in ten years. mcilroy posted on instagram this sunday was probably the toughest de is nearly 17 year professional career, especially demented
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missing parts on the 16th and 18th holes. but mcilroy says he's always been resilient and feels closer than ever to winning his next major championship now france won their first match and the euro 2024 tournament, but they lost their star player to a serious knows injury. you can see kylian mbappe here is faced hitting the shoulder of austria's kevin danso in the 85th minute and a adjust headed the ball, but the momentum took him right into the defendant. look at the shake that he finished the game on friday on france bench and espn sites, the french football federation as saying he worked need surgery. so that's good news on social media about a asked his followers if they can have any ideas for masks. there's no word. if you'll be able to play the team's next match, which on friday against the netherlands, ukraine lost their first euro 2024 match on monday, but many fans say just showing up was a winner for the country. those soldiers
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fighting against russia's invasion, watch the match in their, in their vehicle and ukraine lost three nil to remain in their tournament opener. fans say the team couldn't train properly at home and had to go abroad to prepare for the tournament. one fans watching at a bar said, just taking part of the event during a war is a victory that is cold plays latest track called feels like i'm falling in love. then new album moon music is set for release on october the fourth. and the band is hoping it'll be the most sustainable record yet vinyl copies of the album it made from old plastic bottles and cds will be made from recycled plastic. the band says its most recent tore cutlets, carbon footprint by 59% compared to previous ones. and
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finally, this hour in chicago, people and they're 30 friends tried to beat the heat, but especial don't beach as temperatures touched the highs, 90s in that area. as you can see, the dogs were having pretty good fund in that hot weather, temperatures in chicago are expected to be in the 90s today, as well. as much of the us in the midst of that heat wave is we're talking about earlier on. thanks for joining me here on a call tuesday, it is in a newsroom. i express posture in london sealants morning though is after this short break i'm thinking i'm going die. >> and i thought that was falling with earth, with we have schreiber sunday at nine
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