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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 20, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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captioning is bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, i can having utis for ten years. >> you, cora, we make uti relief products. >> we also make proactive urinary tract help you. >> korea is a lyptsi tried today at your so no pressure. >> what one week from now, joe biden and donald trump will face off in what could be the most important night before the election history tells us that debate aides can make or break a candidate. >> so how is each side preparing? we have some new reporting and alberto makes landfall in mexico, lashing texas with rain. as much of the us is baking under a heat dome. fires in the west also claiming another life while a new report underscores just how badly we're facing we're failing to address the climate crisis. >> and louisiana schools will soon have the ten commandments displayed in every classroom.
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it's the new law of the land in that state and the lawsuits are already beginning. >> we are following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central the stage is set for what could be the most consequential event in this year's presidential race. just one week from today, former president donald trump and president biden are gonna go head-to-head in atlanta on the cnn debate stage. it's gonna be historic. it'll be the first debate ever between a sitting president and a former president. and it could potentially define a race that still has no clear front runner right now, we're learning new details on how both candidates are preparing. and as you might imagine, it's in very different ways today, president biden is traveling to camp david, where he's going to huddle with a tight circle of advisers for several days of intense discussion and preparation, including mock
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debates. former president trump on the other hand, taking a less formal approach, he's holding quote policy discussions with some of his vice presidential contenders and other republican allies. let's get the latest now from cnn's alayna treene and elaina, we just learned that by virtue of a coin flip, donald trump is going to be speaking last after debate how is the trump team getting ready for thursday night? >> well, you mentioned that president joe biden is doing mock debates. donald trump's team has not, they have no plans to do any sort of role-playing or mock debate, even though in the past and it's traditional presidential candidates to have mock debates, donald trump in the past has had rudy giuliani, chris christie stand-in for his opponents they are not doing this. you're right. they are dubbing his debate as policy discussions. i'm told that he's met with vice presidential contenders, senators, policy experts. we know earlier this month senator jd vance, a top person under consideration for his running mate. they met at merrill logo and talked about the economy to
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me, he tried to sharpen his message on inflation. we know last week he met with senator marco rubio, another vp contender, and senator eric schmitt. they talked about his handling of the january 6 capitol attack and democracy overall. so in my conversations with trump's team, they say that these meetings are really about sharpening his rhetoric on certain messaging, talking about and framing some of the more tough issues that donald trump is going to likely have to confront things like his conviction, his guilty verdict in his manhattan trial. all of that taking place behind the scenes. now one thing i also just find very interesting that i know his camp is wondering about is the expectations for months. we have heard donald trump and his team painting joe biden as someone who can barely stand up for more than an hour, who has mental and physical problems now they're going into a debate and it's a very low bar for joe biden to clear. so that's also some of the discussion. that is what happening by the scenes. >> a lot going into the calories jealous of expectations there, alayna
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treene. thank you so much. let's get you to the white house now with cnn senior white house correspondent mj lee mj, what do you learning about how president biden is prepping? >> well, you, boris, the president has had such a busy stretch. he was out of the country for much of the last few weeks, but tonight he is headed to camp david, where we expect the most intense stretch of debate prep really get underway. and his he and his team have really gotten started already. and the first step really has been compiling these binders like contain all the questions and potential topics that could come up on the debate stage. and all of the answers to that, the president could potentially give. and back in 20 28th had said that he but tends to get very detailed and very into these topics and offering suggestions and possible answers that he might be able to give and then as we get closer to debate night, we do expect the team to hold these mock debates and run throughs. and you might recall that the president's personal lawyer, bob bauer, back in 2020, play the role of donald trump in these mock sessions?
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no. word yet on whether he is going to be repeating that role play the campaign. i think that has this broader strategy of basically focusing on ways in which the president can hold donald trump accountable. we know that they want to draw it sharp contrast on issues like reproductive rights. they want to accuse the former president of promoting political violence, for example, as being a threat to democracy. and i think the campaign ultimately will see the debate as having been successful if they can paint, donald trump is sort of this chaotic and devices bigger and president biden next to him as sort of the wiser and steady or alternative. we know that the campaign believes that the president has been a little punchier in his recent remarks and going after donald trump and they say that they expect that side of the president to show up on the debate stage. the debate sessions we are told by the campaign has been led by his former chief of staff, ron klain, but really his most inner circle of top advisers, luck like the need add-on.
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bruce reed, jeff zients are expected to be involved in the coming days. one thing that i will finally note that the biden team was very much prepared for i can 2020 are a potential personal insults to come their way from former president trump, including insults that are directed at members of the biden family. certainly, we have no question but that is a possibility that they're going to be prepared for this time around biden aides, certainly feel like that's sort of comes with the territory when you're facing off against former president trump now, we saw some of that during their first debate back in the 2020 cycle, we'll see what it looks like this time around mj lee from the white house. thank you so much. brianna all, right let's discuss this further now with veteran republican debate coach brett o'donnel. he has worked for multiple presidential candidates, including john mccain mitt romney, and george w bush i'm curious what you think each of these candidates has to do. joe biden and donald
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j. trump, what do they have to accomplish in this? to me both of them have to make this debate about the american people it's very clear from the polling data that the american people are feeling like their lives are in chaos. >> whether it's their personal finances, the world the border, all of those things seem out of control to them. and so both of them have to make the case that they would be the best one to bring their lives back. some some order, whether it's financial stability or order in the world, not about each other, but for joe biden, he has to make this election a choice between him and donald trump. for donald trump, he's got to make this a referendum on joe biden and his policies. and i think those are the those are the primary tasks if they do that, they'll stay focused on the american people rather than each other. >> i want to play some moments from past debates. moments were candidates really made? the debate work for them? here are
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some of those i think mr. nixon is an effective leader of his party. >> i hope he would grant me the same the question before us is which point of view and which party do we want to leave the united states? mr. nixon, would you like to comment on that statement? >> i have no company. >> i am not going to exploit for political purposes. my opponents, you with and inexperience i'll tell you how it's affected me. >> every year congress and the president sign laws that makes, make us do more things that gives us less money to do it with but can you get things done and i believe i can all right. >> clearly, moments that worked for one candidate and not the other there. how can these candidates create moments like this? >> well, that's exactly right. yeah, those are the, those are the things that capture the attention of the american public and the media. and they
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get enormous coverage and it's going to be on things that might be their weakness. for instance, obviously in 19841 of the big question marks coming out of the first debate was ronald reagan's age and when he was, when the sun as that topic came up in the second debate with mondale, he had that brilliant retort, which erase the issue from the public's mind. >> that's an issue in this election as well. >> so i think if donald trump were to attack joe biden on his age in the debate, my guess is they'll have some clever line that could create a moment the same thing is true for donald trump in his legal troubles. if joe biden is going to attack donald trump over his legal troubles? i'm sure that donald trump will probably have some clever leinz, some way to respond to it that might capture the presses imagination. so they have to take weaknesses and be able to turn them into strengths their own, and their opponents. and those are the places you look
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for to create big moments in the debate because you want to highlight, not only your own competitive advantage over your opponent, but your advantage on the issue to that point, there is an expectation the joe biden may point out that there is the new development and that trump is now a convicted felon as they are debating. >> and there is an expectation that we're hearing from reporting that trump may fire back by focusing on hunter biden's conviction. do you think their risks to trump doing that i think there are risks for both of them. >> i think if biden were to attack trump over his conviction, i think that risks taking the focus off of voters and putting it on the personal, which i don't think voters have a big appetite for right now. the polling data doesn't suggest that the conviction is doing donald trump much harm. so i'm not sure what benefit it would be for biden to focus
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on that. >> the same thing is true for donald trump and the hunter case i i'm not sure what advantage that gives president trump, except to say, we both have have legal troubles in our families and i think that what that does is remove the focus of the debate from where voters really want it to be. >> that's on them. and what these candidates are going to do to fix the problems in the country for biden, it's a much bigger risk because he's got a record to defend and the public right now, don't think that records very good yeah. >> i mean, i can totally see your point in that. >> i will say right now, the legal problems are in joe biden's family, but for donald trump, it is for him, although i think we would expect that trump would expand it and tried to cast aspersions on biden. and we'd certainly see that bread, it's great to have you. thank you so much for your insight it's very welcome, great to be with you and jake
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tapper and dana bash will be moderating the cnn presidential debate that is going to be live from matlab landa beginning at 9:00 p.m. eastern and streaming on max next thursday tune it 9:00 p.m. still to come deadly wildfires in dangerous flooding thing in new mexico while in texas, water levels are rising along the gulf coast. >> and the first named storm of the atlantic hurricane season. we're following the latest plus a pillar of religion or a historical momento that is the debate in louisiana after the state's governor signs legislation requiring the biden i eyeballs, ten commandments to be displayed in large font in all public school classrooms. we're going to have the coauthor of that law ahead debate in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post of beta while those cnn for every countless moment followed to debate night
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learn more at violet, earth, would you be up for it? >> for sunday at nine on cnn crews battling those deadly wildfires in new mexico will get some relief today as scattered storms are moving in. >> though they come with a cost dangerous mudslides and more flooding and adding to that threat, remnants of tropical storm alberto good hit the region tonight. cnn's add 11 dara. is there an filed this report there has been extensive rainfall overnight, and into this thursday morning around the mountain village of new mexico and rio do so. >> and one local fire officials say that that is helping dramatically in helping to control the spread of these matters. passive wildfires. two different wildfires in the areas around this mountain village have burned more than 23,000 acres since monday, but that rainfall is also causing another set of problems that rain has fallen on the burn scar along the along these
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mountain ridges and canyons. and that has triggered flash flooding intensely in some areas, also, mudslides and that sort of thing. so it's really becoming a treacherous situation in some places for these firefighting crews that are in this area trying to combat the fire. but the good news is, is that this local official mentioned that the spread of the fire seems to have slowed down a bit and hopefully those rains will continue to help ding wish these dramatic fires that have caused so much pain and devastation, officials here have also announced the death of a second person and they have not identified the victim, but the person was found in their car presumably trying to escape from the wildfires and the first person that was announced as a victim was 60-year-old patrick pearson. he was in the swiss in a chalet, a hotel where he lived, but his family says he had recently broken his leg and was unable to drive, and his family is talking about how painful this
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moment is for them was trying to get away from the fire as best as he could, you know, but what a broken leg in a brace using a walker trying to carry what you could. >> it's heartbreaking to know that he didn't make it to know that he was trying to run for his life, trying to get away from the fire getting into the city of ruidoso is very difficult at this point. we were there yesterday, but it is essentially a smoke-filled ghost town. very few people left their 8,000 in all have evacuated more than 1,400 structures have also been damaged and destroyed because of the wildfires. and many people simply waiting for the wildfires to get under control so they can once again return to the area and begin assessing the personal damage in their own lives. that is what so many
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people are anxious and desperate to find out about back to you our thanks to add lavandera for that report, briana summer kicking off with some intense weather all over the map? yeah, that's right. we're keeping our eye on southern texas as well. were you see alberta weakening to a tropical depression, but it could still bring some dangerous storm surges to that area. we have seen is rosa flores, who is on the scene and corpus christi following all of this for us, give us a sense of what's happening there. we see, obviously your feet at least underwater there, rosa well, the water keeps rising. >> briana, we have changed our live locations three times. we have to keep on moving because the water is rising. let me show you where the water is coming from. first of all, this is corpus christi bay, but you can see that the bay has eaten the streets here, eaten the parking lot normally, this is a beautiful beach that people enjoy with their families. well, that is not happening today. and what we've been
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doing actually is moving up and up and up to higher ground. we were live probably about maybe like half a mile here to my left. but you can see that all of that is underwater. we also saw the texas a&m task force, one roll into this area. we have video of this. they rolled in. we talked to a few of the members. they told us that they were doing welfare checks. they were making sure that the people that live in this community, we're okay. i asked him if these were rescues or if they were evacuating people they said that these were just welfare checks. people who wanted to leave the area could leave the area. i've called the city of corpus christi to get more details. i'm waiting to get more information on that, but that just gives you a sense of the situation here in corpus christi given the fact that we are hundreds of miles of where the thunderstorm or tropical depression alberto now hit in mexico. we're very far
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away from that area, and yet we're still seeing these effects. now, we also have video of sun surfside beach here in texas, because this scene is duplicated all along the texas gulf coast. you can see those dramatic pictures. these are homes that are on pilings that are designed for the water to roll underneath just because these people are used to the water rising, especially during thunderstorms, are other weather events. but briana, that just gives you a sense of the situation here, even though this storm is hundreds of miles away from where we are. and yet we are still seeing water rising here. brianna, back to you. >> what photos, what pictures we have coming in there, rosa, thank you so much. and we'll continue to follow this as the water water is rising there and corpus christi still to come, louisiana public schools and colleges will now be required to display the ten commandments in classrooms after a new bill what was signed into law by the
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governor, their civil liberties groups are vowing action. the state's governor says, bring it on. we're going to talk to one of the coauthors of the bill the belief that is meant to unite the round you may be king he's coming house of the dragon streaming exclusively on max. here's to getting better with age here's the beat nice to every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein, complete nutrition, you need without the stuff you don't so here's two now deliveries happened order that this happens stocks that happened. >> he get out of there tobacco, the pitch. >> all that's happened, be there with rain. there are more at from roger two. we
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classroom from kindergarten through state farm wanted universities. the law specifies the commandments must be displayed on a poster or framed document. that's at least 11 by 14 inches. and in quote large, easily readable font opponents have now vowed to sue and at least one high school teacher is saying he will defy that law calling it nonsense it's just foolish legislation. i mean, what's going to happen? >> a third grader is going to walk into a classroom and see, thou shall not commit adultery on the wall and say, well, you know, i was really planning on committing adultery today, but since i read that on the wall now i'm not gonna do it it's just nonsense. we have real issues and joining me now to discuss is one of the coauthors of house bill 71, louisiana state representative lauren ventral, state representative. thank you so much for being with us to share your perspective. >> does the bill specify what kind of penalty teachers like
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that will face there's there's not any penalty on under the law. it's just a requirement that the classrooms should post what we know and believe is the moral fabric, the moral fiber of our country? it should be on public display that the school children should have the opportunity to read and be exposed to so when you talk about the moral fiber of our country, you realize that this country is an amalgamation of cultures and different faiths and even within christianity, people don't interpret those commandments the same way well, what's important about this bill and what's important to remember about this country is that whether we like it or not? >> moses is in the supreme court of the united states. >> the ten commandments are in the supreme court of the united states. moses is on the law in congress. >> this is part and engrained
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in our nation. >> this is a historical document that's important and louisiana, because in louisiana we believe in faith family and freedom, and that is why i voted in favor of this bill. for sure. >> but you also recognize that the constitution of this country, its founding document, doesn't include the word god or jesus, or christianity. and that's for a reason because the founding fathers founded this country as a secular one you don't see that i bet you're seeing in pays you a lot of money. >> i bet you got a bunch network that i worked for or what i'm getting paid, don't make us about that answer the question, why did the founding fathers not include gotten the constitution if they wanted this country could be the way that you see, you let me finish my statement question don't make this about me in god, we trust well might get about me. i got $1 bill in my wallet. in
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god, we trust is written on that dollar. it is not forcing anybody to believe one viewpoint. it's merely posting a historical reference on the wall for students to read and interpret it if they choose but fundamentally, you understand that there's a separation between church and state, and that if you're a student at a school say you're muslim or hindu or, or atheist, having that on the wall doesn't that endorse a specific set of beliefs absolutely not. it is a historical document. again, been there are historical documents. their historical documents that actually this law authorizes to be displayed in classrooms like the mayflower compact, the declaration of independence, and others but this one is specifically religious and there's a difference there. i mean, that seems pretty clear that there's a difference
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between a random historical document and one that endorses a very specific view of a very specific denomination within a religion i don't agree with you that this is a random historical document. this is very was random, but there are others go ahead this is a very valuable document. look this nation has gotten out of hand with crime, with the bad negative things that are going on. >> why is it so preposterous that we would want our students? >> to have the option to have some good principles instilled in them if they don't hear it at home, let them read it in the classroom, but been the mayflower compact, which is mentioned in the document as well. i don't understand why this is so preposterous and that litigation as being is being threatened. it doesn't scare us the state of louisiana, we say bring it on because if someone has a home in which they choose to believe
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something different, which is welcome in this country. it's literally why people fled to come here to found this country to begin with then they should be allowed to an end. it's not really an option if you're requiring it to be put up and the wall of the classroom, what do you say to the parents? of students or even teachers who don't share your religious views i don't look at it what would you say if your child had to go to a classroom in which the five pillars of islam were required to be on the wall. >> how would you feel again this is not about the five pillars of islam. >> this bill specifically states the ten commandments. it is a history were running you with a hypothetical that would help you put yourself from the shoes of someone you may not understand their point of view. >> how would you feel if more into a classroom and something you didn't believe in was required to be on the wall? >> you can answer that question
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i cannot sit here and gather and fathom what you could give me 1,000 hypotheticals. >> but again, this specific bill applies to this specific texts. the quran or islam, that is a very broad statement we're specifically talking about a limited time on mind you a piece of paper that's not much bigger than a legal sheet of paper. some kids might even need a magnifying glass to read all of this. this is not so preposterous that we're somehow sanctioning and forcing religion down people's throat. i've heard the comments and it's just ridiculous. >> i mean, a requirement is a requirement, right? your law mandates a specific version of the commandments be posted. here is one of them. i want to share with our viewers it says, quote, thou shall not covet die neighbor's wife nor his man servant, nor has maid servant, nor his cattle, nor anything that is the neighbors. i'm wondering why this specific version of the commandments was selected so the reason why for
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that is because it is the most historical references is one of the original translations into the english language and to preserve the actual history of the document. the drafters of the legislation felt that it was very important to maintain that historical context and that link which that portrays it in the best historical light possible i am in no way diminishing anyone's beliefs. >> i don't think that my personal beliefs are important to this story, but i do have to point out and ask you about the fact that religious scholars don't even agree who wrote the ten commandments, where or when they were written. does that not give you pause in any way that this comes from a religious document and not from something that's based in secular agreement or in a doctrine that a group of people have come to accept something like the constitution look, religious scholars may not agree, but i'm going to tell you right now, louisiana in
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both houses agreed. >> and we pass this legislation. look, louisiana's not california or new york, and may make people uncomfortable in other states, but in this legislature this year, it was a resoundingly accepted and so this legislation, and that's what's most important. >> what should a teacher tell a kindergartener who asks what adultery is well the teacher should be able to have an appropriate response, which is to tell them, look guys, this is a historical document that's posted on the wall to remind everyone of good morals good principles thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not lie. >> these are important things i think that in the state of louisiana we have echoed a strong voice that we believe that faith is a very important part of history and the founding of this nation, again, we've got it posted in historical buildings all over the place. i don't understand why this is such a shock factor
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to the nation that we would somehow do this. i'm proud that in the state of louisiana were leading the charge on this, and i am proud to press the button and favor of that bill. >> i guess the argument is that you could teach morals without getting into religion. i've one last question. state representative, will you come back? back when this gets taken up with the supreme court i'd be more than happy to have this conversation with you. >> again, boris, i may maybe i'll get some of those dollar bills on my pocket one day, like you don't see an end, so i can rewind assigned god, i wish i wish you wouldn't make it personal because it's not it's about the story, it's not about me and it's not about the amount of money in my wallet state representative lauren ventral very much. appreciate your time. thanks for being with us thank you, boris. >> i appreciate to stay with cnn. we'll be right back. >> did you know sling has your favorite news programs for just $40 a month my favorite news for just $40 a month my favorite news for just $40 a month. >> $40 a month like favorite
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known for roles in mash and the hunger games and so many other movies has died 8-years-old. his son, kiefer sutherland, tweeted out, quote, with a heavy heart, i tell you that my father, donald sutherland has passed away. i personally think one of the most important actors in the history of film never daunted by a role, good, bad, or ugly he loved what he did and did what he loved. and one can never ask for more than that. >> a life well lived it's a beautiful picture there to his agent said, he died after a long illness. >> donald sutherland, of course, will not soon be forgotten. here's stephanie one now i'm waiting for reports from some of you. >> funny joke in march, job heartbreaking. i don't know if i love you anymore, and casually cruel contain it with his distinct voice and appearance. donald sutherland played scene stealing characters throughout a career that spanned more than half a century.
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>> i think of myself as an artist and i take it very seriously sutherland, artistic pursuits started while attending college in his native canada. >> he moved to london in the 1950s to continue studying drama and began landing small roles and british tv and films the success of 1967, the dirty dozen launched the actor to hollywood all right pretty kernel very pretty. but can they fight more military movies followed, including kelly's heroes most of the tanks broken on a job, fix it up, it happen them i only write him. >> i don't know what makes them work and a starring role as hawkeye in the 1970s film classic mash arthur july well find these accommodating. they're quite dry. >> next, sutherland teamed up with jane fonda onscreen, include what else do you remember about the man of vitro? >> nothing captain i am i
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haven't and off-screen to produce a documentary protesting the vietnam war, america. >> but 20 millimeter cannons, they're called the rocket pods there about the it personnel fragmentation bombs that i count 12 water buffalo down and kicking sutherland, versatile talent kept him busy and roles ranging from a pot smoking professor in animals well house i won't go schizo willing possibility to a man desperately trying to hold his family together in the oscar-winning ordinary people, i want to really good picture the two of you, okay. >> in recent years sutherland audience of fans became multi-generational when he started there's president snow in the hunger games is the only thing stronger than fear the afterlife message of the successful franchise. it's an opportunity to catalyze revolutionary potential and young people in the mencius worlds in that it's really important sutherland passed on
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his love of creating entertainment to a son, kiefer, as well as for other children who all work in front or behind the camera when he received a star on the hollywood walk of fame in 2011 sutherland reflected on his extensive career what you're doing at my age is you're looking for your marker and why i am so filled with happiness and joy is because you guys have given me my marker power e trades easy to use tools like dynamic charting and risk-reward analysis helped make trading feel effortless. >> and it's customizable scans with social sentiment help you find an unlock opportunities in the market. e-trade from morgan stanley with powerful, easy to use tools, power e-trade makes complex trading easier reacted fast, moving markets with dynamic charting and to futures ladder, the lets you place, flatten or reverse orders. so you won't miss an opportunity.
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because zero coventry direct redefining insurance. >> i'm arlette saenz at the white house and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial move victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 fares are growing about a potential full-blown war between israel and
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hezbollah militants in lebanon right now, israel and hezbollah are trading increasingly intense threats. >> the latest from the leader of hezbollah, hassan nasrallah, who says if a war breaks out, the group will target cyprus, the nearby island nation that is a member of the european union earlier, israel warned the possibility of war is getting very close after hezbollah release this threatening drone video purporting to show sensitive israeli military as well as civilian sites tensions between israel and hezbollah have been rising ever since the october 7 attacks by hamas. but especially here in recent weeks, we have former defense secretary from the trump administration, mark esper with us now, he also serves on the board or as a strategic adviser for several aerospace isn't defense related companies. sir, we see this hezbollah drones the message loud and clear, but these drones have also been rather effective at evading israeli air defense hitting israeli military sides, even civilian homes in northern israel. and us officials, we've
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learned are worried that israeli systems, including iron dome, will not be able to keep up how concerned are you about this short bianna look, we should be concerned and this has been been a concern now since the beginning of the conflict in gaza since that time has belong, has been shooting rockets and drones into israel from the north that nearly every day and at this point, they've caused a handful of israelis to be killed. but, they also have displaced while over 6000080000 israelis from northern israel. so they've been displaced for some time i'm very concerned about this because we're now seeing a real escalation in terms of the rhetoric i think what has blood did with regard to sending that drone over israel, over the port of haifa was a clear threat, a warning that we can see you if we can see you, we can shoot you. and that's important because we know that hezbollah has an inventory of well-over for 150,000 rockets and missiles, which could do a lot quite a
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lot of damage to all parts of israel. >> what would a two front war mean in this conflict? and also specifically for the us is israel's main patron well, we're fighting across two fronts as hard because of course it draws resources one from each and maybe the israeli view is that there are wrapping up operations in rafah that they can turn to i'm sorry, to in gaza so that they can turn to hezbollah noun the north eight been talking about this hinting about this for some time. there are parts of the israeli government that have wanted to stir things up with his blood and the north and maybe they're reaching this point right now. i think for the united states, look, we're trying to get the middle east to simmer down and not expand. and yet this would be quite an expansion that keep in mind that hamas, while it had an estimated 30,000 house and her so fighters in the small swath of territory, hassan nasrallah, the leader of hezbollah, has claimed to have over 100,000 fighters. and so you could see
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a much broader conflict and then on top of this, we've got to keep in mind strategically geopolitically, iran is an midst of a leadership transition and we should know by the end of this month who the next president a iran is and what direction will he take the country, particularly with regard to this conflict in the middle east? >> i wonder what you make of the fighting between benjamin netanyahu and the idf because the idf spokesperson daniel hagari said those who think israel can make hamas disappear or wrong. i mean, paging benjamin netanyahu loud and clear here. he's been very critical of the idf lately in his office pushback on that, whose right here well, the idf spokesman was, right. >> he's correct. i mean, we've all been saying for some time you cannot destroy hamas. it's it's an an ideology, a theology. it's it's a cult, right? >> now. what you can do is you can neutralize its leadership, which i've argued and others have. you can you can decimate the ranks of its fighters to make sure that they are no longer combat in effective, but
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in terms of completely destroying, eradicating them is not possible. what you'd have to do is, again, take take out the leadership removed. there were fighting capability, and then you have to have a police or security presence on the ground to continue to kind of as we say, keep mowing the lawn every now and then to make sure that the right fighters don't rise up. so look, i think the spokesman was right. you see this growing split between the idf and the political leadership, which is quite curious, we saw when benny gantz left the government a couple of weeks ago, gantz of course, was an opposition political leader and a former have the idf military. and i think lastly, briana, we saw just the other de over the weekend. it seemed to catch the surprise of netanyahu that the idf called for a tactical pause and operations in gaza to allow for the humanitarian aid to get through. and that really caught the government off guard and it was others in the government of objected. so we see a growing rift now between the military and its political leaders yeah, he seemed surprised and also
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pretty ticked off by it. >> it was very clear. secretary esper, we always appreciate you thank you so much thanks. >> briana still ahead. >> will show you how president biden and former president trump are preparing for the historic fait on cnn. now, just one week away plus new reporting on who will get the final word skin craving. >> next level hydration neutrogena, hydro boost, water cream, a vital boost of nine times more hydration. that's clinically proven to boost your skin's barrier for when do we scan? that's full of life neutrogena hydro boost you were diagnosed with thyroid disease along time ago and year after year, you weathered the storm and just lived with the damage that was left behind but even after all this time your thyroid eye disease could still change restoration is still
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