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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 21, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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coming, to talk to a joint meeting of congress and just a matter of a couple of weeks here and i'm wondering, it's interesting how the white house's handling this how is the white house ambling his upcoming address to congress, kamala harris will be sitting right behind him when he speaks to congress. yeah. i mean, that relationship between president biden and the prime minister of israel is very tricky. they haven't been wanting to say whether or not the two men would sit down and talk they have obviously the presence position on israel hasn't changed. these very supportive of israel's attack and fight against hamas in gaza. but he's probably not dying to sit down with bb. >> do you think that he shed the president should come out and say some i don't know what? >> i don't know what the presence position is about whether he's fine, weather coming and speaking should he come out and be joined the criticism on the left i mean, it's not the presence invitation to extend der to make comments on. i think that the president, like geoff, a
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thing is made, its position is very clear on what's going on. i mean, i think that john kirby yesterday some pretty strong comments about bbs comments back to us. so i just i mean, i think that the president is probably preparing for a debate and deal with it. >> all right, thanks to to our panel. thank you for joining us. i'm one of the rod you join me for inside politics sunday at 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. eastern lead here on cnn and cnn news central starts donald trump getting up billionaires, boost the numbers behind his huge fundraising haul over president biden as they prepare to face off for a historic debate in less than a week. >> but you're on cnn summer, is officially kicked off. you can definitely feel it a dangerous heatwave taking over the northeast and midwest with temperature set to store in to the hundreds. >> this weekend and are you you ready for an ai takeover? >> america's big companies are ramping up their use of artificial intelligence to do
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jobs once exclusively done by humans. what you need he to know about how ai is changing the workforce already, i'm sarah cider with omar jimenez, john berman, and kate bolduan are out today. this is cnn new center donald trump out raising president biden for the second month in a row. thanks. so a cash infusion in the immediate aftermath of his criminal conviction in his hush money trial, trump took in a sagarin 100 $41 million in may biden and the democratic party fell they raised more than $85 million last msroots fundraising month for the biden campaign. the cash piling up on both sides. thanks. in part two to billionaire donors who unleash giant sums more than $70 million. together, all of
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it comes as we learn new details about how things will play out in the first presidential debate next thursday here on cnn, cnn, steve contorno and kevin lip tack or joining me now, steve, i'm going to begin with you. what are you? learning about this trump fundraising haul? a lot of people look at this and they see, look, sometimes he spending some of this money on his legal woes, but now we are in full press to this debate. >> that's right sarah. and notably donald trump's campaign still hasn't said how much cash on hand it has in the recycle left to use, which he's used a lot of that money to pay for legal fees already, but we did get a big learn a big piece of information about how much one of the major super pac supporting him now has maga, inc. which again is one of these super packs closely aligned with him, raise $68 million in last month. that is a huge sum of money and a lot of it is coming from billionaires. in fact, it's
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almost entirely made up of three three donations from billion years, including a 50 million cash infusion from a banking air named timothy mellon out. interesting, timothy mellon had already given 25 million to rfk this cycle. but now since the conviction of donald trump, he gave $50 million to this trump's super pac, this trump's super pac has now almost 94 million cash-on-hand. and now that that cannot be coordinated with the trump campaign. but this super pac is planning a massive massive advertising blitz in the coming months. and this will give them a lot of money to do so. and it's going to be able to shape the message coming out of this debate where donald trump has recently been interestingly resetting some of the expectations after spending months and months attacking joe biden over his age and physical appearance and mental acuity. listen to what he had to say about what he expects to see out of joe biden at next week's debate.
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>> i was never a fan of his, but i will say he beat a beat paul ryan, who still years ago, but he'd beat paul ryan pretty badly i assume he's going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater. yeah, i would say i think i don't want to underestimate him trump will have the last word of the debates next thursday after a coin flip gave him that advantage, sarah. >> all right. thank you so much. let's go to kevin lip tech now, give us some sense of what biden's war chest look like. he is still entering june with the large war chest yeah. >> the bottom line, both of these candidates have a lot of money to spend in the this election. president biden now has a war chest that's 212 million. that's the largest for any democratic presidential candidate at this point in the cycle. and you know, for so long fundraising has been one of the unquestionable bright spots for the biden campaign. but you are starting to see
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trump erode that in some ways that isn't necessarily a surprise to biden official it's who did believe that when trump wrapped up the gop nomination as he was able to bring in those huge donor checks that he would start to narrow that cash advantage. and you are seeing that play out in the numbers. the biden campaign raising at $5 million last month. this is the second month that trump has outraised them. when you talk to campaign officials, they're argument is that early advantage judge, allowed them to invest very heavily in the battleground states to go up on the airwaves and television advertising. and in fact, just yesterday they said that they had hired feared their 1000th staffer and they say those early investments allowed them to put in the infrastructure that will help them win this campaign. now, president biden it is waking up this morning at camp david to begin this intensive stretch of debate preparations, we do expect those to begin somewhat informally going through those
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binders of questions it's an answers batting around ideas of framing and retorts with his aides eventually culminating in those longer mock debates in the lead up to the debate next thursday. now we did see president biden as he was heading off there to western maryland to the presidential retreat in the mountains. and he was asked how he was feeling about debate prep. he gave a thumbs up, so feeling good today, but but of course the real question is how he's feeling about a week from today as the debate gets underway. >> and certainly for the voting public, it is not the money in their war chest that they're worried about. it's the money in their own pockets, the economy going to be a big thing on the debate stage, but so will immigration, another huge issue for americans? and i want to ask you about some new numbers that have come out from the cbp migrant arrest apparently down about 25% since biden's announcing the asylum restrictions. what more are you learning about that? >> yeah we are seeing a steady
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decrease in the arrest of migrants who are entering the united states illegally. we have numbers from may there down about 9% from the month earlier, but even more significantly, we're seeing quite a significant decrease since president biden announced that new executive action that really cracked down on asylum seekers trying to seek access to the united states. he announced it about two weeks ago. since then the numbers have fallen about 25%. that is welcome news, i think for the white house as they try and neutralize this immigration issue on which president biden it's really struggled politically throughout his presidency. you see them announcing a number of different actions that asylum action allowed to president biden to essentially shut down the border when christ since reached a certain level. and in these numbers you can see the effect of that action all right, kevin attack. >> thank you. as well as steve contorno let's remind folks, you can join cnn is president
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biden and former president trump meet for the first debate of the 2024 election. jake tapper, dana bash, moderating that it has all live from atlanta next thursday beginning 9:00 p.m. eastern omar can wait still ahead. donald trump's legal team back in court this morning. we're going to tell you about their request on the classified documents case and the latest as judge aileen cannon you find yourself again at the center of scrutiny. also, new york becomes the first state to regulate social media algorithms. how it specifically working to protect children will tell you about at that and a major change in a turks and caicos, how the country is changing part of its firearms law that put five americans behind bars in recent months, they the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't behind the president and the former president. >> one stage two, very different visions for america's future. the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn
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team. checkout for imprint for certain my father believes that it was meant to unite the route you may be king he's coming house of the dragon, streaming exclusively on macs happening soon donald trump's longshot bid to invalidate special counsel jack smith will get its stay in federal court, and that will happen in just hours after this reporting from the new york times, that not one, but two federal judges, peers of judge aileen cannon, aileen cannon personally advised her to step down from the classified documents this case last year, cnn senior crime and justice reporter katelyn polantz is closely following. >> it all in katelyn, i mean, judge cannon has known to take a drastically different approach at these hearings. now now this new reporting that is really highly unusual. >> i think it's fair to say it. what do we know?
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>> unusual from the start, omar, but today it is going to be a hearing in fort pierce. donald trump is not going to be there personally, but judge cannon is going to have a hearing in this case about how donald trump wants to challenge the validity, the power of the special counsel himself and his ability to bring this case against donald trump, which was charged a full year ago. it's going to be an odd hearing because she's also going to be hearing today from people that aren't even part of the case, just third party law professors, scholars, people that want to have a say before the judge so that's happening. you don't see that very often, if at all in criminal cases at the trial level and it almost appears that judges recognize the judge cannon might go in a direction that was very different than how judges would be handling this new york times story that was out yesterday highlighted that when judge cannon was randomly selected
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from about ten or so give or take, different judges down in south florida to take on the trump case very quickly, two judges called her and put the idea in her mind that perhaps she should be stepping out of this case. one of the judges pointed out to her, according to the times that she's in a very remote courthouse, didn't have a lot of ability to handle national security cases or experience there to handle national security cases. maybe it would be best for a judge down in miami and then the chief judge of the district also put out some information to her, said to her on one of these he's calls that it might not be the best idea for take for her to take this forward because she hadn't handled the way that was under the law whenever the investigation was still going on and of course, there were always questions about the pace of this particular case. >> and it is just seemed to be slowed down at every point here. so it'll be interesting to see you comes out of this hearing and beyond, i want to also ask about another person
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within the trump orbit because steve bannon is still scheduled to report to prison on july 1. what do we know about his efforts to make sure that doesn't happen? and what's expected to happen moving forward? >> yeah, omar, the reality here is that sub-band and does have a july 1 report date to go to federal prison and a trial judge has said, yes, that's the date. and now an appeals court as of late last night, said yes, that's the date we're not giving you get out of jail free card right now. steve bannon, he could go to the supreme court, will see if they would want to do anything on that. i'd put that in the camp of a long shot. but cbn and having to prison from july the whole way through october for four months, it comes at a time where he's still in touch with donald trump he's ascended in the world of people talking about what trump may do if he is elected to a second term. the people who are among the advisors, here's a little bit more of what steve bannon has had to say recently and mccabe
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you should be worried. you should be very worried, but also understand this brother. we have extradition treaties with virtually every country in the world. and you go ahead and run and run as far as you want. we're going to come and get you the have the person who aspires to the highest seat, the highest role highest job in the land to start picking out people like me or anyone else and targeting them for revenge, unleashing the rage of their supporters. >> in, however, that's played out it's, it's outrageous and it's just heartbreaking that that's where we are as a nation so there's the former fbi director responding to what's u-bend has been saying lately about what will happen if donald trump has a second term. >> one thing, omar, it's gonna be very difficult if possible at all for steve bannon to be pod casting from prison i think that's fair to say.
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>> and all this over a contempt of congress charged for failing to comply with a january 6 committee subpoena. katelyn polantz really appreciate the time all right. we've got a lot of news. there were also following coming up more than 100 million americans are under heat alerts as a sweltering heat wave continues across the country will bring stay with me cities, industry-leading global payment solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need together, city in the world food programme and empower families occurred across the globe what of theory and exposure right in your brokerage account, get it with the symbol e, eth
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or pushing the limit of what i'm capable i'm ready to show the world how good i am. i've trained all over the globe and that's what you're going let's see and aw, all whole different b, c, w wednesday night dynamite it aid on tbs this is the first official full day of summer. >> and boy, do we notice it more than 100 million americans from across the us are under heat alerts and a dangerous heat wave from the midwest all the way to maine breaking records, temperatures in chicago, st. louis, new york, and pittsburgh are all expected to be around 100 degrees this weekend washington, dc set to hit 100 degrees for the first time in almost a decade. cnn's athena jones is here in new york, new york is also getting hit hard with this. what's it feel like out there so far? >> good morning, sir. well, it's not that hot. yeah. there's a nice cool breeze here along the east river. we're seeing people out walking and running, trying to get that exercise in before it
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really, the heat really ramps up because we're looking at a heat index, here in new york reaching even exceeding 100 degrees. there's a whole area, this whole area is going to be under heat advisory starting this afternoon, lasting through the weekend. and as you may have mentioned, new york for could see a june heat records seven consecutive days with a temperature at 90 degrees or above. if that happens, it will tie the longest stretch in a decade and it'll be the longest stretch ever in the month of june central park, it's forecast to reach 94 degrees. that will be the hottest day since july of 2022. heading down to washington, dc, you mentioned on saturday, they could see their first 100 degree day since august of 2016. and there are even concerns about how the heat could impact transit transit officials down in dc putting out a statement saying due to rail temperatures above 135 degrees as of 2:00 p.m. there is an above-ground speed restriction of 35 miles per hour, in effect systemwide. so those are some of the
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precautions questions they're taking in dc. and of course these are dangerous conditions. that is why we're seeing cooling centers opening in washington, dc here in new york, hundreds of cooling centers to help people beat the heat. and of course, those most at risk are people without air conditioning or older people, people who have chronic health conditions. and so they're being advised to avoid strenuous activity outside. and of course, find a cooling center if you're one of those folks who does not have an air conditioner, sarah? >> yeah, that is one dangerous situation in this absolutely. burning temperature sure. thank you so much. athena jones. appreciate your coming up. is ai coming for your job, corporate america adopting artificial intelligence to automate work. and it's happening faster then. you may think, and historic night in baseball, the major league honors the leagues. and of course, the late great willie mays i brought in a ceu or max
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overdraft fees join me. >> it debate night in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive reimposed to beat analysis follows cnn for every countless moment, followed debate night in america, thursday at 7:00 p.m. we've got some new details for you this morning on how things play out in the first presidential debate. next thursday here on cnn the biden campaign chose the winning side of a coin toss and got to pick the right side podium. donald trump's campaign chose to get the final word of the debate. it comes as we get some new numbers on how much both sides raise last month, trump took, no. staggering 141 million biden and the democratic party fell well short of that, even so they raised more than $85 million last month joining me now, former trump administration official, matt mauer is and
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former white house deputy assistant to president bill clinton. matt bennett, we've got double mats today so i will try to keep you you fell a straight first. the latest polling here we talk about these halls that both of the canvas in braunton, but the latest polling is the economy is the top spot for concerns for americans. matt bennett to you, when people hear that each candidate is bringing in this huge amount of money, some of it are a good deal of it from billionaires, while the american public is struggling with finances due to high prices can help the campaign. obviously the money well, but could it hurt them in the public eye? >> it's possible that it could. i mean, look, the trump campaign just brought in 50 million from tim mellon, a guy that by the way is also given $25 million to rfk jr. in a very cynical attempt to use rfk to help trump. and it is kind of gross when those kinds of numbers are tossed around. but look, both sides, do it in america because we know that i think the important thing to
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keep in mind about these numbers though is that in modern presidential elections, nobody loses because they didn't have as much money as the other guy. the people living in swing states will be pounded into submission by ads from both campaigns. there is a point of diminishing returns, so i never i thought that this race will be decided by the money it was always clear that it was going to be basically tied in the money race and that's what we're seeing my marriage. >> what do you think it says a donald trump was able to get this huge boost after his conviction well, look, it shows that the conviction serve to energize is base and you certainly saw that not just from the folks who've been giving him 1020, $25 every month for years now. >> but even from a lot of folks who were really on the cusp of whether they were going to support donald trump are not earlier this year for me, just anecdotally, i've heard from folks who are reluctant to support donald trump again, who are kicking in donations in those 24, 48 hours after the
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conviction because they felt that alvin bragg was in the search of the person, not in the search of a crime, and they thought it was unfair and unjust. and our system. so it did serve to energize many folks in the republican party for you in you're seeing that donald trump's baer were capitalize off of that to your earlier point i agree that it can be a challenge that you have the support of two, many of the millionaire and billionaire class, and that's why i find a really confusing why president biden continues to add these kind of glitzy fundraising appearances. whether it's with present bomber are the one they did with president clinton and president obama, were they're having media, where they have a room full of celebrities is just shows how out of touch they can be with. folks feel like they are right now. if you asked folks about their perceptions of the economy, despite what the economic statistics de and i know i'm format and others will try to say for the number you unemployment remains low and the rest of it, it's all about inflation. and that directly corresponds to how people feel about the economy. and right
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now if you look at every poll more americans feel like they're falling behind in the economy than they were getting ahead. as long as that remains the case, it's gonna be a challenge for joe biden if he's out there doing continue glitzy fundraisers, i think it's going to continue shown the out of touch all right. >> matt bowers, i want to talk to you about another big issue for americans and that's immigration we see, we've seen that over and over in the polls as well. biden has made his latest move to give the undocumented spouses married to us citizens the ability to become legal citizens. now, donald trump has said this about his plans, listening what i want to do and what i will do is you graduate from college. i think you should get automatically as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country. and that includes junior colleges to all right, so this is a person who has consistently called an undocumented immigrants, invaders, criminals. why do you think he's making this shift now well i, think he's under pressure from his friends and the tech industry who really
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desperately need people with advanced degrees and the unemployment rate is so low, we're basically at full employment. >> that's very hard to fill a lot of jobs. so i think he's hearing that from some of his big donors, but i don't think anyone should be fooled. fooled by this. this is a guy who has promised to set up deportation camps. he asked about whether we could shoot people coming across the border. when he was a president united states, this is somebody who is separated families at the border and talked about people coming from countries that are non-white in just the most disgusting bulger term. so this is maybe one little twist. it's a thing he adopted from hillary clinton. ironically enough, but it is not enough to change what his fundamental policies have been on immigration all along all right mauer is trump is going to get the last word due to the coin toss here as we wait for this presidential debate this coming up thursday, there is an obvious advantage, but is there
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a disadvantage as well? well, what did you have? anyone knows donald trump knows he's always looking to get the last word. so i can't say i'm too surprised that they chose to take that. and look, i take as long as he keeps it focused on the issues and i'll tell you, talking about giving green cards to those who have gotten decrease here in our education system is example of policies he's now putting out. we're often asked, you know, it's trump all rhetoric and on of policy. >> he's actually continued to lean in putting a new policies as long as he focuses on that next week, as long as he keeps the focus about the record under joe biden versus the record under donald trump, how americans were feeling about the on you'd safety and security. >> he has a great chance next week. so as long as he doesn't deviate and anything that has to do with personal grievance, i think he's gonna do quite well next week. >> i just wanna to remind people that this time the mics will be muted when the person that is not being asked the question isn't allowed to speak. i want to show you what happened in one of the
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presidential debates that probably pushed this forward. listen vote. >> now going back to make sure you in fact, let people know. he doesn't want to send it. i'm not going to answer the question, but did that because the question is the question of justice rational left would you who we all remember the will you shut up, man, this debate will be different. who do you think is going to benefit the most? matt, matt bennett from the new rules? >> well i think probably biden because she won't be having to contend with what we just saw from trump and remembering 2016, trump's stocked around the stage behind hillary clinton. he does not behave himself, but these debates, and so i think it was vital that cnn make, them agreed that they could cut off the mics because otherwise, you're just going to have the cacophony that we saw on that first debate. last time, i do think though, that this debate will be very important because there'll be an opportunity for americans to look at both of these guys who they know very well to current
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and former president and size them up i think matt is dreaming if he thinks that donald trump is going to keep this on the issues and not make this about personal grievance that has never happened before in the history of trump's political career. and i'm going to happen this time either not then it matt maoris. i'm giving you the last word, matt bennett. thank you so much. i appreciate it thank you. all right. you can join cnn as president biden and former president trump meet for their first debate jake tapper, dana bash moderating the cnn and a presidential debate next thursday from atlanta, beginning at 9:00 p.m. eastern both the real humans running that debate and i say that because this next topic we're going talk about ai. >> basically is your job at risk because corporate america is quickly adopting ai even faster than you might think a new survey shows that more than 60% of large us firms plan to use ai within the next year to
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do certain tasks which had been previously done by human employees. so what does that mean for you? cnn's matt egan is with us now. alright. matt, obviously we've been hearing about the rise of ai for a long time now, where are we right now in relation to our jobs? >> well, omar sometimes ai feels like this futuristic thing happening many years in the future. in reality, it's really happening right now. this survey finds 61% of large firms say they plan to use ai to automate tasks that were once done by humans and they're not saying they're gonna do this a decade from now, they're saying in the next year, it's moving very, very quickly and companies are using this for a variety of reasons, right? this survey was from duke university, atlanta fed richmond fed, and they found that companies say they're adopting ai to increase the product quality, improve their output, reduce labor costs, and yes, sometimes to substitute word workers. now, researchers say ai is being used to
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substitute workers for a variety of tests, everything from financial reporting and doing invoices to other tasks like paying suppliers. and that's on top of some creative task where ai is being used to write press releases or even craft job postings. so we thought it'd be funny to demonstrate for viewers at home exactly what we're talking about. we're gonna have the control room help us out here. they've preloaded some instructions into chatgpt. okay, this is just for fun, write me a job post for a cnn news central anchor based out of new york, must love early mornings, breaking news and having fun sorry, sarah, florida fans need not apply. yeah. that seems fair. that nehls, right. we're going to hit enter and see what this comes up with. >> this is all live, so i don't see what could possibly go wrong here. >> look at that instantly populating a response, a lengthy one, something that would take all of us humans considerably more time. >> we could scroll up to the top and see exactly what they
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came up with. but this looks pretty compelling here that talk about the qualifications, instructions must have proven experience as a news anchor and key responsibilities. look at this. i mean, this all looks very legit. this is something that you would actually see on linkedin or another job posting site. and again, this came up right away and over the craziest thing is this is just regular chatgpt. this is actually kind of older software. there's a lot more there's a sophisticated software out there and this is just the base model. >> okay? so, so i mean, look, obviously this is pretty unbelievable just to see how quickly it populates in real real-time. there's a note in there that says thrives off of early mornings. i don't know for thriving. >> but, you know, i feel decent. i feel decent i gotta leave it there. but but that was super awesome. thanks for doing that lab. so it really nails down the point sara, matt egan, florida gators everywhere
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are coming for your know, like put that little extra thing in there, the coming. >> all a new cnn investigation, some religious schools in arizona are being funded in part why the american taxpayer, we'll discuss coming up cnn business update is brought to you by pods, trusted with more than 6 million moves whether you're moving across town or across the country you can count on pods to deliver when we say we which is why we were voted america's number one container moving company will cure move today at the de you get your clear choice, dental implants changes, you're struggle with missing teeth forever it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life it changes your smile and
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bi-annual for, for the 4th celebration. >> every day, we experienced julie with our dogs and the more we know about our daughter the more core memories we can create together, get a dna test from embark and no. your dog inside and out, disney and pixar inside out. do now playing only in theaters graded pg one second, she can't walk then she can one second. >> you're single. and then you don't want to be one second. >> it's a pipe dream and the next it's a dream come true one second. you feel safe these are. >> on away. >> well you still do this is cnn the world's news network. turks and. caicos, revising part of its firearms law that recently caused a big scare for
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five american tourists. the tourists said they inadvertently had ammunition in their luggage when traveling to the island last month they were arrested but released after us lawmakers pleaded for the charges of the threat jail time to be dropped now instead of a mandatory 12 year jail sentence the courts being allowed to impose a fine. some jail time i'm for both this morning, thousands of car dealerships in the united states and canada still experiencing computer outages after another cyber incident. the issue was affecting not only car sales, but also service operations. the data provider, cdk global says that the outage could last for several more days. a spokesman for the company told cnn, they're investigating the incident and are working to get everything back up and running. as soon as possible all right hollywood lost a legend tributes pouring in for legendary actor donald sutherland, who died at 88-years-old with a career
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spanning more than 60 years, sutherland starred in nearly 200 movies and tv shows, including unforgettable roles in films like mash, the hunger games. his son, you know, him to said in a statement with a heavy heart, i tell you that my father, donald sutherland that's passed away. i personally think one of the most important actors in the history of film never daunted by a role, good, bad, or ugly. he loved what he did and he did what he loved. and one i can never ask for more than that. a life well lived. >> his agent said he died after a long illness. >> omar really losing legend a legend was also remembered and a league got some long overdue recognition last night is major league baseball. >> honored the leagues and the late willie mays at the oldest professional ballpark in america birmingham. >> i've been telling you all that if there's any way on earth, my father to come down here, daddy would while he's
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found another way, you already stand to your feet let him hear you. he's listening. >> make all the noise you can 16 leagues players were at alabama's historic rickwood field, marking the largest official gathering of the league's players in nearly three decades, according to the mlb, the cardinals ultimately beat the giants six to five. >> a much of the focus was on mays and a brilliant careers of the league players. now, for more on their incredible legacy, i'm joined by vanessa iv, rose granddaughter of leagues center fielder, norm and turkey stearns, who is also a baseball hall of famer of vanessa is the host of the podcast, reclaim the forgotten league. vanessa, thanks for being here. look there's a lot of pageantry with the game last night, a lot of honoring as there should have been, but it also is hearkening back to a time which was really a dark time in american history, especially in the treatment of
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black people and black players. and i'll play off the name of your podcasts. ask, what are we forgetting? about this leak yeah, this league was incredible and honestly, all of the players who were showcased last night, it was a masterclass. >> this was probably a lot of people's first introduction to the league players in so many names like my grandfather, no. column the greatest better you've never heard of? because so many people who loved the game of baseball i've actually never heard my grandfather. they only know jackie robinson yeah. >> i honestly it seeing turkey stearns up there, which i should mention, he is now based on the integration of new major league baseball statistics with league statistics in the top ten batting average all time. >> and i want to ask you about that because there were some folks who said, you know what, why are their stats and mlb stats, they shouldn't be there yet, many people saw them as the best in the game at the time, no matter what league you're in. and i'm curious what you feel about the
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incorporation of these stats it's amazing, is one of the best things that ever happened a baseball. >> and honestly it's a life lesson for i saw because it's american history derek jeter yesterday before the game before the ric were game, he actually talked about the stats and why they should be included, and how hard that committee worked for years and years and years even before there was the committee the historians who gathered all of the loss artifacts that gathered the bot scores that were buried and hidden. and so he said, look, if we look at the mlb players who after integration won the mvp, the leaguers were dominating that like 11 years after integration. nine of them played in the leagues. he said case closed there's no argument about it, and they're deemed as the captain. we have to listen to them right? >> yeah. no. you always got to listen to derek jeter i want i want to talk before we go though. >> i want to talk willie mays, one because one of the members
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of our team here, i can get a close-up on it. brought in a ball that his family got in 1973, 1973 mets, you see the signature of willie mays right here. it's been in his family since then. he's usually behind the camera. so he's not out here with me, but it just as a reminder of how much history willie mays his brought to the game. and obviously he passed this week at 93-years-old. and i'm just wondering from your perspective of vanessa, what do you think his impact was on the game as not just a leagues players, but also was able to make that transition over and be as successful majorly baseball player as well. >> so many people talked about it last night, and that was the beauty of honoring him. it was devastating to hear that he passed away with just two more days. i kept thinking, wow, two more days. and he would have seen it. he would have been there to be honored in person but people like outside of baseball, even like president obama actually say, hey, when i
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was growing up, i watched willie mays and because of him, i knew that i could be president someday. so his his legacy extends far beyond just baseball. he was a champion on the field, of course, and made sensational catches. one of the greatest of all time. but off the field, he did even more i mean, honestly, it's incredible. i think that's a great way to put it. but also, we didn't even get to talk about it. we got to go, but obviously here in reggie jackson, talk about the realities of having to play baseball on the field. and that's what you know, and that's what you try to love by having so much pressure on you in hate, literal hate, not just you played badly, but literally hate ovewho you are. and that's what you're facing off the field and trying to compete at the highest level. i think were quick to forget how close we are to that part of american history of vanessa iv rose. i got to leave it there, but but thank you so much for being here. >> thank you for having me. it's an honor of course.
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>> all right, sir. that was really cool. omar. ghraieb, great interview the landscape surrounding kids and social media. beginning to change. new york governor kathy hochul's sign two bills into law yesterday clamping down on digital platform algorithms. and the use of teens data. the move makes new york the first state to pass a law regulating school social or sorry, social media algorithms amid nationwide allegations that apps like instagram and tiktok have hooked young users with addictive feature. cnn's brandon the thing is joining me now. what are these new laws do? how will they be implemented yes, sarah, two hugely significant pieces of legislation here. >> one is the safe for kids act, that one forces social media companies to display content chronological order by default, for kids under 18. and that's big because apps like instagram and tiktok are engineered to show you things. they think you'll like now, they'll have to offer a less tailored or critics might say
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less addictive experience. and the law would also impose limits on app notifications during nighttime hours when policymakers say kids should be asleep and not on there phones now the second bill is a kid's privacy bill. this one, the new york child data protection act forbids websites from collecting or using the personal data of kids under 18 without consent. and that's significant because federal law currently applies to those protections only to kids under 13. so this basically expands coverage two more young people these laws, as you said, new york's now the first state in the country to regulate social media algorithms. state officials say these laws will help protect teens and may even save their lives. and this comes days after the us surgeon general called for warning labels to be applied to social media, it's important to point out though the scientific literature on all those, it's kind of mixed. researchers say there's studies showing correlations between negative health outcomes and certain specific social media activities but proving a causal link has much trickier. >> sara, brian fung, thank you so much, noted that new york and california doing big things
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when it comes to social media and children. all right, a new cnn investigation has found that some religious schools in arizona including a school that has partnered with a trump-aligned advocacy group, are being partially funded by taxpayer dollars. some of those funds are going to unregulated private schools that don't face the same standards as public schools or have the same antidepressant fermentation protections. and this move has in part contributed to the closure of public schools in the state. cnn's renee marsh has this interesting story hello, phoenix phoenix mega church, the setting for recent donald trump campaign rally. you have to have choice also in education, you're going to have choice in education the same mega church has partnered with the trump aligned political group turning point usa to educate students at this private school, dream city christian dream city christian school. a turning point academy its website underscores a
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far-right christian viewpoint, promising to combat morally bankrupt and liberal ideology, including critical race theory, evolutionism, and gender identification. >> and it's partially funded by taxpayer dollars like many private schools in the the us, students had dreamed, city. can you state money to pay for private education? a cnn investigation found dream city christian received more taxpayer money than 95% of the private schools in the state voucher program a total $1.3 million. last year, according to data cnn obtained, that's despite anti-lgbtq mandates in the parent handbook stating faculty must believe and parents must agree to their children being taught that homosexual behavior is sinful and offensive to god and rejection of one's biological sex is a rejection of the image of god. >> so civil rights issue, professor samuel abrams studies
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school privatization because there's no way for any school system to operate whereby public money is funding such discrimination. >> that's reprehensible. >> two years ago, arizona was the first of nearly a dozen states to go to a universal voucher system where families can use public funds regardless of income, reds are leading the charge fueled by a backlash over covid closures at public it looks schools and a major campaign funded in part by a handful of conservative billionaires pushing for more public dollars for private education been more gains made in the last few years of the school choice movement than there were in the prior 30. >> the american federation for children, founded by former trump education secretary betsy devos, has led the way by opposing anti voucher candidates. tommy schultz is ceo. >> we've been involved in more than 2000 state legislative races and overall, we've had a 75% successful win rate. we've
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utterly changed the narrative and this issue of school choice has been a deciding factor in so many elections. across the country this school year vouchers cost taxpayers in arizona hundreds of millions of dollars more than anticipated, funneling public take money to unregulated private schools that don't face the same educational standards as public schools. i would submit that school choice is the best government funded anti-poverty program that's out there but although vouchers have long been pitched this way as a means to help disadvantage students in public schools. >> a cnn analysis found that arizona's program is disproportionately benefiting students in richer communities. >> as the states private schools like dream city get a windfall and tax dollars. public schools are seeing declining enrollment and shrinking budgets. and hurts the neighborhood. >> people bought into this area with the fact that we have a skirt.
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>> i we don't obvious families and teachers said goodbye it since it can in elementary, one of three schools shutting down in its district after hundreds of kids move to vouchers, those school officials say lack of affordable housing and lower birth rates are also to blame get in the car with us. that okay. >> felicia whites, 11-year-old daughter, riley, attends another area school. that's closing. >> riley has a really hard time with change. she has a lot of anxiety along with having special needs. so for her no. to start trusting other people and allowing them into her circle at 12-years-old is going to be hard really hard advocates or sounding the alarm that the future of public schools is that saying are schools have been so under funded for so long? that there really wasn't any cushion in those school budgets, even the smallest amount of movement is going to destabilise that in our public schools simply cannot hold all right. thank you. renee.


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