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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  June 24, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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info kit, decisions, mutual physicians, mutual i'm
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pete mundane at reagan national airport. >> this is cnn biden and donald trump plan to use during thursday nights historic cnn debate two years to the day since the supreme court overturned roe versus wade, how that ruling is impacting lives and our political landscape today. >> plus it's hard to deal with that much water i it's it's it's a monumental undertaking nearly two dozen counties in iowa underwater the governor seeking emergency relief from the white house this fro israel and pro-palestinian protesters clashing violently outside a los angeles synagogue right
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6:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look at the white house on this monday morning. morning, everyone kasie hunt, it's wonderful to have you with us. >> the rematch americans say they have been dreading, will be fully joined later this week when three days from now, president biden and former president trump meet for the first presidential debate of 2024. when, they take the stage in atlanta thursday night, it will be the first time a president and a former president face off donald trump and his allies have been painting joe biden as to put it directly, it senile, so incapacitated by age that he cannot possibly run the country the challenge that that creates is setting the bar so low that it might not be that hard for biden to clear it. hence, these comments from north dakota governor doug burgum, who's being bedded to be trump's vice president i have to look at the guise. run for office more than a dozen times. he's run for president four times. he's been campaigning since the president
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nixon was in office. this guy has got the ability and we've seen it. we've seen him in debate four years ago. we've seen him in the state of the state of the union this year that when he needs to, he can step up some classic expectations setting right there. president biden has been reading briefings, engaging in mock debates for three days at camp david, his team wants to frame the conversation around abortion, upholding democracy and trump's economic plan, which they claim benefits the rich but let's be real. here is biden campaign co-chair mitch landrieu on their message it really doesn't matter how donald trump shows up if he comes in unhinged like he is most of the time, our he sits there and his quiet people are gonna know that he's a twice-impeached, convicted felon, who has been found to have defame somebody sexually abused somebody, and gone bankrupt six times. >> they will always know that and that is something that the american people have to think about all right, it's a big week, so we have the guests for that cnn chief national correspondent john king is here
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fully. >> brian is former spokesman for hillary clinton and matt gorman, former senior adviser to tim scott's presidential campaign. welcome to all of you felipe played donald trump in mock debates for hillary clinton. so he's going to sit here and think about how to practice that impression, which you're gonna get to show to hold it for weddings environments, those well, just think about what you're going to say. >> but john, i want to start with you on the stakes for both of these men this week and how you're thinking about this? it's a giant moment for both of them and you're here, mitch landrieu there looked the biden people have an attack plant against trump. i would argue he's the incumbent president. i would also say that's the way i look at it from history. never have we had to precedents running against each other. so the american people are going to be watching this and there's the last three-and-a-half years of their life in joe biden. and there's the four years of their life before that in donald trump so i get the biden campaign wanting to go after the trump record. of course. of course. but i would argue from my travels, they also better affirmatively looked the american people the eye and say, here's what i would do, not just what he would do, but here's what i would do on cost of living. here's what i would do on other issues. he's the
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incumbent president and history tells us people are essentially deciding, do i like what i have or do i? want to change? now that argument is a lot more complicated when the changes, donald trump and that's the argument biden can make. but as the incumbent yes. i get it. they want to take on trump. they would say you don't want that back. you don't want the chaos back. you don't want that character back, you don't want how he behaves back as president. i get that, but there's a whole slice of people out there who don't like both that's the challenge. the people who will decide this election don't like joe biden or donald trump. and so can one of them say, like me a little bit more philippe, take us behind the scenes of what it takes to prepare for a moment like this. and obviously biden has stood opposite trump on a debate stage before, but the stakes are very different this time i'm the realities are very different this time. >> yeah. to start, i mean, it's interesting, it's been by my count 1,343 days since these two have even been in the same place, the same time and they don't like each other. and that's pent up and that sounds silly, but this is already infused with enough emotion and
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anger that that's going to take over. i think john hit the nail on the head about what preppers like because there's a tension there. you have your to-do-list. you want to say why i've done a good job, why i'm going to continue to do a good job. here's what i'm gonna do for you. here's why this guy is terrible. the problem is, this guy has got a to do list also. now, donald trump's to do list isn't a strategy, is just sort of a list of grievances and things that have said about with some economic data, sprinkled in so we forget there's, there's your colleagues will be there too. they have a say and what's discussed and how it's discussed. look, 90 million people view and what you mean the moderator, moderator. yeah, people are going to be watching tv he looking for things we don't know about. some people will be looking to see how joe biden looks. some people or you're looking to see how donald trump looks you don't know, but it is it is a clash that it is hard to thread that needle and that's what they're working through for five days up there and look when you're prepping around this time, you're doing those thank you. always want to go. if you're in
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felipe's role as the opposing candy or if you're trump plan, if you're playing biden, trump's camp, you always kinda wanna go to here because the objective is you want to get them to such a place where anything they've seen the debate, they at least haven't seen or had already felt before. you want to try to elevate it so much that there's nothing foreign get them and there's nothing that's going to surprise them. you want to try i mean, bob bauer did this a lot during the biden campaign. i've read about it where he said every name in the book gets a hunter biden with the objective that when by the time joe biden went out there that night, he was not phased, not surprised. that is sort of thing you want to do right now. you want to get that person just like it was football. you want to i'm seeing every possible play so that when the time comes, they've seen it all, makes a very good point about the personal part of it. so you can study all you want and you get into the room and you look at each other. they don't like it. >> i mean, are they even shake hands, right? yeah. that's a great question. it is a great question. and when one of the american people process of that, and this town gets too caught up in expectations like sometimes the american people are getting around their breakfast table this morning, go well as joe biden, you, how
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many times did he debated and they want to see who's my president, who do i trust? who do i trust? so the way i would look at this as both of these guys have considerable streets, wealth, them also have giant weaknesses and so in prep, what do you deciding what's my, what's my number one priority to expose his weaknesses or to try to fill in the cracks in my strength biden has the democratic coalition is more complicated and biden has a lot of cracks in that coalition. so how can you answer some of those questions? can you deal with apathy in the african american community on the debate stage? what can you say to try to tell people think about this? really think about this. you don't want him because of this one thing that biden white house policy first, but also politically, they had hoped to have a ceasefire in gaza example, because he has a giant hole with younger voters and with muslim and arab americans in places like michigan, not going to be to do that is to debate. so you almost have to set that one over. we'll have to deal with that some other time. if you don't have a policy initiative or some progress, you can cite to say this. so set that one over here. but if you're, if you're trump, do arrays that i don't i don't think that there's a big enough policy difference there, but that's that's my question. for these guys. essentially, you're in there saying, what's priority number one, exposed his
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weaknesses or fill in mind, well, hopefully you're doing both at the same time. >> you're saying this is what i did. >> he couldn't do it in fact, this is what i had to clean up because this is what he did and i think it's important to note that the debate is not this isolated event, disconnected from the campaign. so you're ideally going in and you're saying what you say day-to-day. the reason i bring that up is because we're in-between the trial of his 34 convictions and his sentencing. while the trial did not move numbers dramatic likely they did expose sort of a soft underbelly with some groups moved a little, but it also said there are some people who are not happy about this. i don't know that i'm going to abandon the former president and i don't know, i'm gonna go to joe biden, but joe biden has some maybe not low-hanging fruit, but he's got some try to reach for you. it's an opportunity to go for that in ways that not row the two years of roe is a big moment for that
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economy. what he's done for black box, which has been a huge debate within the debate for four weeks, but matt, barbara good point that it's really just it's no surprises. you want to throw everything at them so that when they are out there they're like you did this with hiller, remember i remember going somewhere after you were done with prep, you were literally dressed like donald trump. choose the cufflinks, the harder actor, like what's the daniel de louis kinda. one lot was when trump line, you'd you'd give the biden well, what? >> han state give to biden onstage to try to prepare them, i would say, you know it's been a couple of weeks, but i want to take a moment to wish donald trump bay happy. >> what does it 79, 70 first-day. >> it's made can't do it. >> all right. if he doesn't, he better get well, that was you said why? >> trump it'd be like, no, i'm not i'm a much better but he's gonna do a thing with the mic. he's going to be like, why is my mic off but you'd the gag me. they want to put me in jail. they turn off my mic. this is one of the many joe what it was to do, what he does
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channels at those well, he's big on. >> why are they playing with a teleprompter while they're playing with the mic he will play dumb as part of his, they're out to get me. >> very interesting. all right, come up next. what voters are thinking three days out from the presidential debate. john king has been here. he has a new podcast all over the map. if you haven't been following this series, it's amazing, will bring you more of it up next. >> plus how politics and the lives of millions have changed two years after the demise of roe versus wade plus there was this protesters stormy 18th green had a pga tour event the most anticipated moment of this alexia and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president's one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max if you're living with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis. >> symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now,
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>> you are. an american. saga only in theaters friday, we did are all right. >> welcome back. many voters have made it crystal clear that they don't like either of their choices for president. it's coupled like i actually like kaitlan broccoli, the states like choosing between caitlyn broccoli. we've got some more evocative term france for later on in the show. but with the big debate, just three days off, what is on voter's minds right now? our john king explored that question in all over the map. this is a special three-part audio series. it's dropping episodes today and then you'll see more on july 1st and july 8th. here's a little bit of what you'll hear in terms of your personal politics. you say a carrying conservative you decided to vote for nikki haley in the primary couple of months after she dropped out of the race? >> yeah. >> why? >> yeah. i'm sad that we only have these two choices. honestly. and i'm tired of celebrities sort of being in
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politics. i don't i don't like trump, but i have to say we are for us personally, we are better off when he was president. i don't like how you can't. he's so unreliable in some ways. you never know what he's gonna do next. i just want a normal person like i just want someone normal. i don't want a celebrity and i don't have confidence in biden. so i feel like i don't have a choice of course, john king is here that was a remarkable distillation of what's going on in this election. and so linda rooney lives in media, pennsylvania. she's in the suburban collar and she's she's in the suburban collar around philadelphia that will settle pennsylvania yeah. in pennsylvania, may well-settled the election and people like her in other swing states are going to settle the election. what makes her interesting? she's a nikki haley voter. cast a ballot for nikki haley 67 weeks after nikki haley left the race almost 159,000 people did that in pennsylvania. so there's a target of opportunity for joe biden,
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republicans who don't like donald trump so much. they were willing to vote for nikki haley seven weeks after she left the race, but linda rooney voted for trump in 2016, that she voted for biden in 2020 because she couldn't take all the trump chaos, but she's a republican by dna. she doesn't like the biden policy agenda she thinks and we can debate this if you want that. he's become beholden to the left. she thought he was a centrist and he's become beholden. she doesn't like the economic policy. she said she cannot forgive donald trump for january 6. she doesn't like how he behaves, but she might vote for him. she says she cannot vote for biden social, either vote for trump and hold her nose or shall write somebody else. and so that's joe biden's challenge. you want to win pennsylvania, try to win her back, but if you can't win her back, at least get it or write in liz cheney or tim scott, or somebody else, right? do something in the debate that convinces her. i just can't do it. so there's so many different layers of the onion. what are you trying to do if you can't get a voter? can you at least keep her from going to him? >> yeah. i mean, is that the challenge? let me cutting through there. there does seem to be some trump nostalgia, right? so even if she says, why can't forgive him for january 6
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whatever he did was not front and center here for her, right? yeah. i mean, i don't know if it's the saljuqs, but it's definitely some sort of amnesia. >> i don't think and to tied to the debate a little bit, look, trump has not done a lot of media outset of his usual right-wing bubble. he's been off twitter. i think a lot of people are going to watch him a debate and it's gonna be a jarring reminder of who he is and what did you buy that the biden team believes that the people i believe it because john alluded to this the first time 134 years we had two person is trying to get their jobs back and it's very weird. >> i mean, i don't remember what gas prices costs on january 19, 2021 verse january 21, 2021, it all blurs together, but what joe biden i think has to do is this notion that we've seen this movie before. and it's not that bad like linda rooney might be thinking, okay, i don't like his shenanigans, but i can live with it. it's not going to storm the capitol again, he's not going to do this. the truth of the matter is is that president biden has to make clear that the sequel will be the real horror show, the real blood and guts we'll come when he is now completely
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untethered, and empowered. and i don't think people process that. i don't think they think that it could get worse. one, in fact, it sure as hell could get a lot worse. >> february i think the difference is due. >> democrats really go after everything, i think is priced in. oh, can you believe what he said now? or do they do what you saw a little bit here, abortion, i think can be very fruitful for them and some other issues that a little more policy focus that make it more of affirmative case all right. you can check out, john special all over the map podcast series wherever you get your podcast, episode one is out now are coming up next here on cnn this morning today marks two years since the supreme court overturned roe versus wade. ahead, how the biden campaign plans to capitalize on the anniversary. plus two people rescued from a plane crash near turks and caicos just wanna five things you have to see this morning violet earth would
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one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 all right. 24 minutes past the hour, five things you have to see this morning. protesters storming the 18th green at a pga tour's travelers championship extinction rebellion, a climate activist group taking responsibility for its six of their members now facing criminal mischief and criminal trespass past charges. there was the eventual eventual winner, scottie scheffler when something like that happens, you don't really know what's happening. >> so it can kind of rattle you a little bit just because there's people running around the green and there's police officers run around the green and you don't know if there are peaceful, you don't know what they're doing. you have no idea what's going on to people rescued off the coast of turks and caicos after they're small plane crashed, both are in stable condition. >> official say their flight from palm beach experienced failure in both engines saturday morning a stranded
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hiker found after ten days lost in the california mountains, 30. lukas mcclish says he said thrived by drinking a gallon of water every day i want to brito and taco bowl. >> that's what i thought about every day when i'm after the first five days when i started to like, kinda realized that i liked being my head over my head. >> all right. violent clashes erupting outside of los angeles synagogue over the weekend, police responded to the altercations between pro-palestinian protests tourism counter-protesters. governor gavin newsom condemning their actions, calling it a crime days of heavy rain pushing rivers to historic levels in the upper midwest causing major flooding and forcing evacuations and water rescues the region officials say at least one person was killed in south dakota and time now for whether more storms possible in that extremely saturated area this morning while triple-digit
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temperatures continue for the south and southeast are meteorologist at elisa rafah tracking the system for us at least. good morning good morning. >> case de we still have flood warnings in effect from mankato in minnesota all the way to south dakota, sioux falls, northwest iowa, and then down the missouri river from sioux city to omaha because this areas so waterlogged, the rivers are still aggravated and could still rise and cause some flooding because we've got ten to 15 inches or more of rain in just three days. you see that pocket there over parts of northwest iowa. just sound there of sioux falls, another pocket of some heavy rain around mankato, but accused swath all those reds and oranges that you see are totals that are 4567 inches. i mean, we're talking about 17 inch totals and parts of south dakota totals nearing a foot and rock rapids, iowa, more than 6.5 inches in sioux falls makes it the top to read is june's on record, will continue with the major and the moderate flooding as we go through the day-to-day so
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hopefully finding these reverse, trying to come down a little bit, casey all right. >> at least a rafah for us. so, lisa, thank you very much. >> are coming up next the double-haters just wait until you hear how one voter invoked south park to describe her choices this election, plus the cargo ship that crashed into a baltimore bridge finally, leaving your morning round of his head let, me introduce you to class 500 lean intuitive and easy to use trading app that gives you a glimpse into the future.
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but cats are really good good at hiding their pain. so you just need to know what to look for. visit cat red to learn about the signs of oa pain and how your vet can help the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president one stage two, very different visions for america's future. the cnn presidential debate thursday let it live on cnn and streaming on max all right, welcome back. two years ago today, the supreme court's conservative majority issued its landmark dobbs decision overturning roe versus wade. >> the ruling that had until then federally protected a woman's right to an abortion for nearly 50 years. in the last two years, the dobbs decision has impacted the reproductive choices of countless americans. and unleashed a completely unsettled political landscape, looking at a map of abortion restrictions in the us, it's clear states are moving in vastly different directions. 14 establishing year or total bands and some red states employing new strategies aimed
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at further restricting the abortion pill, mifepristone emergency abortion procedures, and even throwing into question the legality of fertility treatments. >> our panel is back with us now and john king, i want to start with the biden campaign man is out with a new ad. >> this morning because we have seen this, this is gonna be the first test that we have at the presidential level since this happened, it's just been two years. we've seen it really make an impact and some of these midterm races in no small part due to very emotional, personal stories around this issue. let's watch this i was right around 11 weeks when i had a miscarriage. the pain that i was feeling was excruciating. i was turned away from to emergency rooms. that was a direct result of donald trump overturning roe v. wade he's now a convicted felon. trump thinks he should not be held accountable for his own criminal actions, but he will let women and doctors be punished so this is really the heart mean that they're mixing a lot of things up in that ad,
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including bringing trump's convictions in. >> what it's raising the spectre of criminal prosecution and she does bring up this real issue in the supreme courts had to take up weather emergency rooms in the state of idaho can turn women away and on for what? this is going to be. one of the more fascinating topics in the debate, because we know donald trump doesn't like to talk about this issue in the sense he thinks it's a loser for republicans. >> he thinks two back to those suburban voters we were talking about earlier, there are in the podcast, it's a loser with them. however, he also says that israelis, how proud he is to have named these justices who overturned roe v wade. so he has to tend to his base, which is happy with what the court did, but he's also trying to reach out to the middle and the biden campaign is very smart. depress this issue. the evidence is just irrefutable that since the dobbs decision, you can look in conservative kansas, you can look in purple, michigan, you can look anywhere on the map where this has been on the ballot and it has been an issue that has worked well for the democrats. so how do you press it forward? again, this is my 10th campaign. michael dukakis in my first, ran an ad against george hw bush, saying you can elect him because he would make it supreme court picks who might overturn roe. people didn't believe it. john kerry
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did it against george w bush, right? people didn't believe it. well, it has happened now. and so how can biden look at trump and say you know, the person you elect on this stage might get the next pick. we already know what has happened. kenny, kenny play the issue and then and then my bigger question you can see biden prosecuting this issue. it's a good one for the democrats. my bigger question is, how does trump handle it? >> so speaking of trump and he, i'm glad you sort of laid it out the way that you did because we can show hi everyone what happened over the weekend in terms of trump doing exactly what you just said. he did. so let's show these two back-to-back first, this is, this is donald trump speaking to his base. this is the faith and freedom, a coalition was this this is a gathering of conservatives, many evangelicals, social conservatives, a lot of people who played a role in the fall of roe here's what he first said about the appointees that he made to the court and what they did. >> and then what he had to say about how the republican party should be talking about it today. >> watch my first four years,
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we totally transformed the federal bench. thanks to these justices, we have also achieved what the pro-life movement four to get 449 years. and we've gotten abortion out of the federal government and i believe an exceptions for the life of the mother rape and incest. some people do. i think most people do actually, but some people don't. you have to go with your heart. but you have to also remember you have to get elected you have to get elected. >> i mean, we've seen this in 2020 and we see it now. there's no denying i if i was a democrat, i would push this issue very, very heavily on. i would expect biden two as well on the debate. i think what's interesting to me is arizona fox poll came out a couple weeks ago arizona 68, 70% of folks want to enshrine abortion. however, the wording was support abortion at that state level, trump is winning by five. now, maybe that doesn't hold. but what i'm
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interested to see and i think the trump folks are too is is there a separation between the folks that believe in abortion at the state level, but also would vote in support trump at that level. >> i think the other thing too is, unlike 22 we're seeing a sans and immigration where i think you're right, like there's an uncomfortableness on the right talk about abortion and there isn't a left with immigration. so you have these two competing issues that act is a lot and they get a lot of ways. >> single issues motivating factors for a lot of voters, which one wins out? does abortion get blended a little bit or not? and i think it's interesting to see who how do you see biden, i mean, john referenced kind of how he could talk about this let's show how biden recently did talk about this. >> this was during a fundraiser with kimmel lodge the next president is likely to have two new supreme court nominees. the idea that if he's reelected, he's going to appoint two more flying flags upside down two
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more flying flags and said, yeah, you know the challenge, for biden well, there's up and downs on abortion. >> i'm not part of the group that has ever thought trump isn't evil genius. he does have an innate warning sign on this and he has for years but biden and frankly, the moderators need to press him when he starts using tried and true code like it's up to the states, it should be up to the states. that was an easy way for people to get at it for a long time. but except now when you say it's up to the states, the states are doing some pretty draconian stuff so i mean, this is the box they put themselves in when people say rice's the dog that caught the car, right? so when he says on thursday night that like, look, this is now a matter for the state. someone's going to say, okay, but there are women now who have to travel four states over. and are almost dying from the procedures that's just a very different dynamic and in that case, trump has that blood lester, we just repeats himself
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five times over. so really be a matter of pressing him, but he cannot be allowed to rely on that old standby part, of your strategy going into debate, as i said earlier, is to fill in your weaknesses and what works best for you for biden, if he can, prosecute this effectively number one, it gets at some of those moderate republicans who probably voted for trump in 2016, biden in 2020, you sitting at home going, oh my god, these are my choices. i don't want to do this, right? so if you can't get them personally, if they don't love you because you're a democrat and then all of your policies let's use can you get those soft republicans, they anti-trump republicans on a policy issue, right? both the policy, not the person then with younger voters, the president, it's mostly because the israel-hamas, some of it's a disconnect. younger voters don't feel any disconnect to an 82-year-old precedent, but younger voters care about this issue. so i'm places where you can't get them to say, i love joe biden can you get them to say i'm gonna vote for joe biden because of this issue. this one, again, maybe in front of us something will change, but in the rear-view mirror, since dobbs, this has been a win for democrats. >> well as you were talking about immigration versus abortion and just saying these
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are two issues that challenge the respective sides. it strikes me that what we're talking about is an entire colorants, for extremes in our, in the american electorate, right? and one of the things that republicans have tried to do is paint joe biden as extreme on immigration but democrats were in part able to neutralize that because of the rhetoric that trump was using around immigrants and separation of children that was viewed as extreme, right? this was something trump said over the weekend about migrants that i just want to show and we'll ask john about whether it matters. this is him talking about an idea donald trump talking about an idea he apparently had for undocumented migrants to the country data. i have an idea for you to make a lot of money. you're gonna go and start a new migrants fight league. migrants. only migrants and then at the end of the year, the champion migrant is going to fight your champion. and i hate to tell you, dana, i
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think that migrant might win. that's how tough they are. >> so john can just purchase briefly on this. i mean, it's, it's republicans have gained ground on immigration. there's no way around it, but this is kind of trump's way of talking about it. do you view that as something that's going to turn off the people that you talked. >> i think it's a great question, number one, on the policy. this has been a quick sandi of america politics for 20 45 years now. and there's a huge problem, and we should it be nice if they could get everybody in the room to actually have a policy conversation. however, when you get to that, though trump people were say during the trump people will say he's joking. this is one of the things where they say he just joking. he's just throwing something out there. he's having some font and his base loves fond get over it washington, get over at lame stream media. this is just him having fun, right? that's the way they describe it. but you're right. there are some people out there who is it? christian to speak ill of immigrants. and so there's a space out there were some people who are probably gonna vote for trump or inclined to vote trump kind of get the rule. >> yeah. >> no and can then come by and
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they combined turn to his own base again, which has some enthusiasm issues and say, look, you may not love everything. i'm doing, but that's what you're going to get if you don't come out to vote all right. >> come on up next here. donald trump's lawyers moving to dismiss his classified documents case at a hearing that begins hours from now. plus caroline, leave it be trump campaign's national press secretary joins us live as we count down to the debate more breaking news when you just share with you this morning multiple wildfires burning in the texas panhandle a government shutdown is still on the calendar. >> cnn central. next time to press rewind with neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair. it has derm proven retinol, expertly formulated, just target stem cell turnover and fight not one, but five signs of aging. physical results in just one
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tossed entirely claiming with the appointment of special counsel, jack smith was invalid and that he's part of a shadow government the death toll climbing two at least 19 people after what appears to be coordinated attacks on churches and synagogues in western russia, an area with a history of separatist violence, no group has claimed responsibility the dali cargo container ships that to leave the baltimore port today, 12 weeks after it lost power and crashed into the famed key bridge, destroying it and killing six people. several investigations into the rack are ongoing and groundbreaking in pittsburgh for a new tree of life memorial and museum nearly six years after a synagogue shooting at the site took 11 lives. first gentleman doug emhoff, who's jewish was on hand for the event when jews are targeted because of their beliefs or identity or when israel, is singled out because of anti-jewish hatred that is
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antisemitism, plain and simple all right let's turn back now to the 2024 raise this week's highly anticipated presidential debate between joe biden and donald trump is going to be right here on cnn. each candidate preparing in their own way, biden is huddled with a close circle of advisers at camp david. donald trump was bouncing ideas off the crowd and his saturday rally hallie in philadelphia, both, of course working towards this showdown with a memory of the 2020 debate that just want to remind you sounded like this you i just want i want to make sure you wanted lasting it lasts, for instance i want to make sure. >> can you let him finish, sir? joining me now is karoline leavitt? >> she is trump campaign, national press secretary, caroline. thanks very much for being here on the show we played that to remind everyone that that was some of what they
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saw on the debate stage in 2020. of course, at president trump went on to lose that election to joe biden. can you tell us? what donald trump is going to do differently on the debate stage this time sure. >> well, president trump as well prepared ahead of thursday's debates. unlike joe biden, he doesn't have to hide away and have his advisors tell him what to say. president trump knows what he wants to say and he's going to relay his vision to the american people to make this country strong, safe if secure, and wealthy again, he's been doing that across this great nation to all corners of this country. that's why he was in detroit, michigan last week he was in philadelphia for a big rally on saturday night, and that's why president trump is knowingly going into a hostile environment on this very network, on cnn with debate moderators who have made their opinions about him very well known over the past eight years. and they're biased coverage of him. so president trump is willing to bring his message to every corner of this country to voters to ensure that he wins this election in november, he looks forward to doing that, and i know the american public look forward to hearing from him.
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>> so i'll just say my colleagues, jake tapper and dana bash have acquitted themselves as, as professional as they have covered campaigns and interviewed candidates from all sides of the aisle. i'll also say that if you talk to analysts, have debates, previous, that if you're attacking the moderators, you're usually losing. so i really want to focus in on what these two men are going to do and say, when they stand on the stage. now, now we have a little bit of what donald trump, your boss has said in trying to set expectations for this debate, i want to play a sum of a series of his comments and then we'll talk about to watch maybe a better off losing the debate i'll make sure he says i lose it debate on purpose. maybe i'll do something like that. i assume he's gonna be somebody that will be a worthy debater. should i be tougher, nasty and just say you're the worst president in history or should i be nice and calm? and let him speak so he's basically saying there, well, will i let joe
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biden when it does seem as though many republicans have set the bar very low in terms of arguing that joe biden is basically senile. >> now, you have people like doug burgum burgum coming out and saying, well, president biden's very accomplished trying to set expectations in a different place. what do you expect that from joe biden well, first of all, it's to take someone five minutes to google jake tapper, donald trump to see that jake tapper hi, ma'am. >> consistent offers interview if you're going call adolf hilter, man i'm going to style if you to attack my colleagues i would like to talk about bodied and donald trump, who you work for. yes. if you are here to speak on his behalf and i have this conversation i am stating facts that your colleagues have stated in the package. now, i'm sorry, we're going to come back or carolina, they very much for your time. you are welcome to come back at any point she is welcome to come back and speak about donald trump and donald trump will have equal time to joe biden when they both join us
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now at next, early, later this week in atlanta for this debate, are thanks to caroline john, that of course is something that we are going to see from the right, right. it's going to be attacks on how this debate is conducted. as you know, our colleagues jake and dana have played a role in our conversations throughout which they have interesting viewed candidates on both sides let's talk though again about the candidates and what they are going to do. >> a look, what you just heard there. it as part of the strategy and it always has been and it works for trump with his base. does it work for trump with the small slice of people he needs to get to win pennsylvania, michigan, arizona, i would argue, let's deal with policy. let's do that with that is part of their strategy. look again, this is a remarkably consequential moment for both of these men. if you look at this trolley cook of the cook political report about two weeks ago, wrote a great article about how this has been the most static race of his lifetime. and you haven't seen big swings in the polls often as you go through the summer, kennedy a proposes something and the pole swing three or five points, kennedy beak returns to that and the pulse swing back and forth. this race has been remarkably static,
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right? slight advantage trump biden's come back a little bit after the convictions. why hasn't it moved? because so many people are unhappy with both choices. so it's not like you're going to jump back and forth a lot because you're just like if you're soft for biden or software trump you like. but i would argue from my travels to just beneath that static, are all the ingredients of volatility there's economic anxiety, there's the, there's the abortion question, there's the character of trump issue. there's people who just don't have a north star where we're going in this economy right now, there's a lot of covid, hangover still that people are processing. >> so beneath the level static race is a ton of potential volatility. >> the question is, which candidate can find an issue that moves? two people that to me is the big challenge for this debate. it's an early debate there not even officially the nominees yet, but they do have a chance to take something that has been incredibly static and move it. the question is who figures that out? >> so i we're gonna, we're gonna take a little break for some humor here and it plays quite well into what john was saying, which is that people have been very unhappy either race has been static. there are
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some that feel like their choice is like this i learned that i better get used to having a pec between a division, a turd sandwich because it's usually the choice i'll hand. he's going to go to vote bad callback was from when george w bush was running against john kerry in 2004. and we have it thanks to a wisconsin voter who is one of those so-called double-haters voters who don't like trump or biden and who are likely to decide the outcome this fall, the douche and the turd sandwich, that is what i'm reading. that is what i feel like it is said small a business owner, kate be in the washington post, which is less bad. i had forgotten about or you're asking the way can i go back to kale or broccoli well kill and brock, the biden sandwich without a doubt, because biden doesn't doesn't risk killing the whole world with the precedent button when i would say a little bit too, i think john's point it is.
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>> meaning statical a bit. i think what i took a little bit from what caroline said we're going into troy, go in north philly, there is an effort, i think from the trump team to at least and kind of a little bit under kinda noticed way, try and break out of that a little they're trying to get african americans, african american men who are less static, a lot of these voters, they're targeting are loaded penske voters. they don't vote every single election, right? they mean one out of 42 out of four election cycles. so i think that is a way to kind of break out a little bit of that static this. and i think that is where they hope they can make take it up some ground, especially with some of these haley voters. i'm they go against trump, their expectations is really pretty bad. i mean, let's be clear. a debate is an argument or a debate or two people going at it. donald trump has been preparing for 78 years. this is not about whether someone has been doing in plain sight or not. they have now said that biden is going going to win because he's taken a shot of something and has asked that. >> i don't we have to believe
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that word well, you maybe choose between me, choose only the third. >> time acceptable. what's not you know, and it's, it's crazy when they hit the stage. it's going to be clear contrast, like it was four years ago. and i do think it's going to shake enough people who are maybe unhappy as hell about their choice but they know they need to make one the thing is they're going to have this conversation 20 more times between now and november. >> it's so weird. it's not even july yet. we're having the first presidential debate. it's so weird and is not used to it. and i think look, we don't have another one of these links scheduled to what september 10th, i believe somewhere in that area on abc. so there's a lot of gap between now and then. >> it's it's a very moment, very big moment. but yeah, the current president i'd states the former president that state. so the expectations debate to me is just silly. you have two men have sat in the oval office, have had to deal with these crises. there they should be prepared to stand there and make their case
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whatever the issue. one other question i will add there will not be a third-party candidate on that stage, robert f. kennedy jr. did not qualify this to me is a lot like 1990 two though. you do have a large slice of the electorate, so unhappy, they're willing to at least look at third-party candidates can trump and biden convinced them, don't do that, stay with the two of us or after this debate, two people still not still not like them enough that they continue to look at the third-party candidates on a state-by-state basis. we don't know the answer yet, which candidates makes, which battleground state ballots do they spend any money? on a worth the fall. but that's still a potential wildcard. this is a big moment between the two clear front runners in this race. but one of the other questions we have to keep in mind, even though there's only two candidates on stage i can tell you that third point 0.20, 202016 was that there were no third parties. jill stein took enough in 2016 just for viewers who may not realize where you're coming from on that. >> i mean, when you were working with hillary clinton mission 20 swing the state's right. there were third party candidates on the ballot and
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larger acutely aware of there is a margin. yeah with rfk, it's confusing because you don't know who he's taking votes from or who would flee to him and who it redounds to. there was this mr. mellon person who gave 50 million, i guess, to donald trump? >> he had given 25 million to rfk. there's such an overlap there on vaccine denialism and other stuff that donald trump seems to be afraid of. rfk. but just because it's not on the stage, doesn't mean he doesn't exist. >> if i'm trump, i loop in rfk in some of the attacks on biden. i try to lump them together a little bit because i look rightly so i think trump and his team view rfk hey, as a threatened, some of these states all right. with all of that, we've been doing a ton of politics this morning for obvious reasons, but i do have to leave you with this. taylor swift, stunning a london audience, bringing your boyfriend, travis kelce on stage, guys, can we get some nat sound here on the final days of her eras tour there that cheap it's tight end, surprised wembley stadium entails. and a top hat literally sweeping the pop star
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off her feet during a song, guys, you cannot make this up performing a short routine alongside her dancers also cannot make that up. >> and he wasn't the only famous guests at the show my god that's william white, bring it back, bring it back on his 42nd birthday. >> two of his children were also there on friday night and i have to say the smile from the selfies, look at princess charlotte oh my gosh. i just thought this was so sweet. swift met the royals backstage. she snapped a selfie alongside her love kelce, but it didn't stop there you hear that british royal garden getting in on it a little, can't stop boats up, breathing. they got music on their mind too.


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