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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 26, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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you 808 to 14000 this is cnn breaking news we begin with breaking news. >> the supreme court appearing poised to side with the biden administration on a critical abortion case this according to a document mistakenly posted on the course website the copy reviewed by bloomberg showed the cord voting six to three to allow emergency abortions to take place in idaho on a temporary basis while the case continues to the lower courts right now, idaho law prohibits doctors from offering the procedure to pregnant women unless their life is at risk, health isn't enough because of this idaho hospital say they have been forced to send some pregnant patients to medevac them out of state for basic care. cnn is covering this from all angles with our chief legal affairs correspondent, paula reid, as well as our supreme court analyst are senior supreme court analyst. i should say joan biskupic and also with us is the founder and ceo of for women's health. amy hag's
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for miller first you, paula tell us about what happened here and what's in this is this reporting is coming from bloomberg law at this point, they have not posted what they say is an opinion that was inadvertently posted on the supreme court website. we have not reviewed it. ourselves, but in a statement, the supreme court acknowledges that a document he meant was posted, and i want to read their statement because are pretty careful with the language a statement from the supreme court, quote, the opinion and moyle v. united states and idaho, the united states, this case has not been released. the court's publications unit inadvertently on briefly uploaded a document to the court's website. the court's opinion in this case will be issued in do so. it does appear that they're trying to differentiate between a formal opinion and this document that was posted there, but two big things. the first is what it appears that they may have decided, and then how is this a second time that we're having a leak of a major abortion case. let's take first what they decided according to what bloomberg law saw there saying that the justices and a 6-3 your decision sided with the biden administration and they
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will allow abortions to be performed in the state of idaho in emergency situations and not just in situations where a woman's life is at risk. now the other question is, of course, this is the second time that a major abortion related ruling has leaked inadvertently out of the supreme court. it's a stunning breach of protocol and it's notable because we were about 36 hours out from our debate, which is, i think everyone would agree up pivotal moment in this campaign. there are at least ten cases still pending that haven't been released. we only have two days and it's unclear if any of these opinions, specifically the abortion one, would come out before the debate. now reached out to the stakeholders. the justice department, the white house, even the trump campaign, because this is something that both campaigns are watching very closely decision that could potentially have an impact on november everyone so far, declining to comment until the actual opinion is released? >> yeah, john, this is obviously a huge deal politically, but it means quite a bit when it comes to the actual case. itself. let's take a step back and walk us through the oral arguments that got us
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here. sure. because this is clearly a compromise and one other thing about this disclosure. this is completely a self-inflicted wound by these justices. it didn't like accidentally get into the hands of somebody else. this is the justices. there tech team actually putting it up for the public to see, or at least briefly enough for bloomberg to see okay, so during oral arguments in this case that were in the last week in april they were very tightly divided you couldn't really tell who is going to win for sure, but you did know that idaho went into it with the upper hand because the justices had agreed to let the idaho law take effect so that made it look like idaho was already having the upper hand and i have to say boris the arguments kinda broke down along gender lines and some of us wondered if, because the, the four women on our court, justice ketanji brown jackson, the newest justice. justice sotomayor, justice kagan, and conservative justice amy coney barrett
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seemed to be most resisting having the idaho's ban eclipse federal protections. and when i saw that divide and thought, how is this going to happen the court does not want to release that kind of decision. i think this is so clearly a compromise. if this is all true enough, justices decided we're not going to we're going to set this aside. we're going to dismiss this as to use their legalistic words as in prominently granted. let's, let all the litigation play out in lower courts because right now, idaho is defending its ban in the face of the justice department's saying that it cannot be enforced against women who need this emergency rome treatment. so what's going to happen on the ground, boris, is that idaho women will be able to go to emergency rooms and have abortions if needed for medical reasons in emergencies, not just to prevent death as the state law says, what there'll be litigation going on in lower
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courts. and according to what bloomberg has released there were three outright dissenters, justices, thomas alito, and gorsuch. but justice ketanji brown jackson wrote that this is not necessarily a good thing across the board because it means that there's no certainty about what would happen. where is justice elana kagan also with the majority to dismiss it according to what bloomberg is saying, said, this decision will prevent idaho from enforcing its abortion ban when the termination of a pregnancy is needed to prevent serious harms to women's health. so i think i think that was probably the prevailing sentiment for most of the justices who signed on let's do this as a temporary measure. let's make it work. let's remove this hot issue where as i said, it really looked like they were tightly divided and that you couldn't tell who was definitely going to prevail. let's kick down the road for the temporary time women in the
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state are protected. this he was a very narrow argument when we were watching it be made, paula and it really got to that issue that i think is animated so much discussion since the dobbs decision, which is in the case of wanted pregnancies, when there are complications. and i mean, i i think a lot of people are familiar with the idea that if a woman's water breaks and she is very well along in her pregnancy, there is an attempt to deliver the baby rather quickly because having an open membrane is it risk to the health of the woman and then to the health of the baby. this, it comes at a point where certainly hey, the fetus is much more immature. so then the law raises this big question that puts these health professionals in conflict about what to do here. and to that point, that's sort of core issue of what to do, kicking the can down the road on that justice ketanji brown jackson writing separately to say that
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she wouldn't have dismissed the case according to this copy from bloomberg quote, today's decision is not a victory for pregnant patients in idaho. it is a delay while this court donalds she says, and the country waits, pregnant women experiencing emergency medical conditions remain in a precarious position as their doctors are kept in the dark about what the law requires. what do you make of that joan was just getting at this as leaves ambiguity, right? >> there's no certainty. and when they overturned are really the weights and it back down to the states who are always going to come up against questions about what do you do when you have a state that has really restricted abortion in this case, in all circumstances, except for there's a risk too the life of a mother, and that comes up against, for example, federal laws. and here we're talking about what happens in emergency rooms situations. federal law requiring medical facilities like this to stabilize patience and if an abortion is required to stabilize a patient, they're saying that is that is the law that should that should rule here and here. justices is
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alluded to the fact that this isn't the final word. they're not actually designing this based on the lawn answering that question, what trump's federal state law instead, there's sort of sidestepping that question. it will continue to be litigated throughout multiple states, i think over the next few years, we can expect these challenges will return and go ahead and do the other thing i was going to mention, since three justices who voted to undercut row two, who voted to overturn roe are in this majority. and what is justice barrett and the other is just as kavanaugh and the three others who dissented here, apparently dissented here, were part of that dobbs majority two years ago. so you can see this is as i say, this is the first chapter in the last two years to really see what, what abortion access will be. and we thought we'd have an answer. and 4, internal court reasons, for social reasons, and maybe for political
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reasons, it appears we will not have that answer. >> undoubtedly more battles ahead. let's get amy's perspective on this me. what's your reaction to this ruling or at least this? ruling document that was inadvertently posted by the court. >> well, like all of you, i haven't seen anything that actually is officially from the court. i think this points to how messy this supreme court is. this is the second time we've had a decision that really has people's lives hands leaked from the court and it's put us into this situation of ambiguity and confusion my experience with this kind of thing is that that's exactly what we're going to have on the ground imagine yourself as a pregnant person in any state that has banned abortion or restrict abortion, or as a provider, as a professional medical person who's trying to figure out what you're allowed to do, two save the life and the health of the people that are in your hands. this is incredibly confusing. i think sending it
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back to the district court is not really counted as a win. and i think it's important just like your previous guests were talking about for us to really pay attention to this. what justice brown jackson clarified in her statement, i think is very important for us to pay attention to i think it's important to remember that abortion at any point in pregnancy is always safer than pregnancy i think we have really become to think about abortion as a political issue, yet abortion is a health care issue. abortion saves lives. abortion is absolutely necessary oftentimes in emergency room settings to protect the health of the pregnant person and to be sure that they are able to continue their lives and i think providers really understand that their hands have been tied post-roe here since the dobbs decision in numerous states and numerous parts of the country. so this isn't only about idaho. this is really something that all eyes are watching from multiple states across the
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country to try to figure out what we're able to do to provide basic health care, even if abortion has been restricted. other thing i would add is this emtala the ruling goes back to reagan. this is about emergency medical care and standing by people and taking care of them to preserve the health and the life of people who present an emergency rooms all across the country. emtala is not about abortion specifically. it is right. and just for us to uphold emtala and allow all people no matter where they are, to get access to safe medical care in emergency situations, including abortion care important that you point that out amy. >> thank you so much for that poll on joan. thank you as well as if the stakes weren't high enough, the breaking news coming as both the biden and trump campaigns are finalizing their strategy she's for tomorrow's presidential debate. we're only about 30 something hours away. >> let's bring it and sit and chief national affairs correspondent jugs one who's live at the debates site. jeff, how does this change the prep
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work that goes in to getting ready for this huge moment? >> there's no doubt said both sides have been really watching the supreme court. and what opinions it could issue over the next coming days. of course, opinions are expected tomorrow and friday. this brief leak was it's not in the plan, but certainly was part of the cases that the sides were getting ready for. and there's a couple different ways you can look at this. yes, a temporary victory if this the report from bloomberg is true, but for the biden administration and temporary victory, but also could take away a bit of the argument that the biden campaign is trying to make to portray this supreme court as a scary supreme court, if you will, in the eyes of progressives and liberals when it comes to abortion, one of the central arguments for the biden in campaign has been abortion rights and access of course, that's one of the major differences in this debate from the last time that donald trump and joe biden met on stage, the dobbs decision that overturned
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roe versus wade. so abortion has become a central theme of the midterm campaigns in this campaign. but will this take away some of the sting if you will? and the words in the threats of what to president biden has and trying to argue that the supreme court is trying to walk abortion access and that the former president trump is. in other republicans are interested in a national abortion ban. he has said, let's leave it to the states this is one example. so look perhaps more interesting to campaigns are focusing on what the court could do tomorrow and rulings. is there a ruling in the immunity case so this is one example. hello how debate preparations are fluid. they're reacting in real time to real events in the world. and this certainly is one of them then we could see more decisions come down tomorrow. we'll see how that might affect debate prep. as we're only just hours away, jeff zeleny live from the debates. i thank you so much. still ahead, much more on the debate, including what caused the trump team to suddenly
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overhaul its messaging and the days leading up to the showdown and new video out of minnesota where catastrophic floods sent. this house plunging into a river. this is a nearby dam, is close to collapsing all these stories and more head on cnn news central debate in america as biden and trump meet only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post of beta analysis follows cnn for every countless moment followed debate night in america tomorrow its 7:00 p.m. time depress rewind with neutral gina rapid rigueur repair. it has durham proven met and expertly formulated to target stem cell and over and fight not one, but five signs of aging, physical results in just one week, neutral, gina. >> it's so easy to get your windshield or place using safe flight, telling people why you haven't done it first off, is it ship and it just keeps going. so what do we do now? i've scheduled an appointment
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to focus on two big issu on voter's minds. the economy and immigration. >> let's go to cnn's priscilla alvarez at the white house. priscilla, i know you have some new reporting on biden's plan to go on the offensive. what can you tell? us yeah, that's right. >> look, sources told me that immigration isn't that defining issue for the biden campaign going into this debate, but there's certainly preparing the president for, of course, the white house has released are rolled out a series of announcements over recent weeks, and that was no coincidence. this was part of their timing that executive action clamping down on asylum axis at the u.s. southern border and also giving a pathway to citizenship for certain spouses and children of us citizens in the u.s. now of course, all of this, again, trying to blend any attacks wrong. former president donald trump, and allies in the meantime, have been trying to tell the campaign how to blunt those attacks, knowing that the former president is going to talk about, for example migrant crime. but again, all of this is still part of the broader
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preparations that are ongoing right now, the president is hunker down at camp david, where he is huddling with his advisors on a range of issues. they've taken to practicing mock debates using a podium and also going through multiple scenarios and we know also a little bit about what the president isn't going to do. and that is announced any policies or personnel changes he's also going to try to draw that stark contrast outside of immigration also on democracy, abortion, and the economy. of course, those have been the issues that the biden campaign has tried to seize on going into november and then to talking about foreign policy, this we know has taken up a lot of the president's time in recent months, even instability across the globe. and it is an opera for tuesday for them to show or make the argument that former president donald trump poses a risk to democracy, but also to global stability. and that the president, president biden, is the one up to the
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task of especially grappling and dealing with foreign policy at this time. and so all of these issues are expected to come together all the debate stage they are preparing the president for that possibility and really getting into the weeds and hunkering down over the next several hours briana boris priscilla alvarez live from the white house. thank you so much. let's discuss debate prep for former president trump with republican congressman dan meuser of pennsylvania. congressman. thank you so much for being with us. we should note he's the co-chair for the trump campaign in that state let's talk about this ruling document that was inadvertently posted by the supreme court about idaho and abortion access. there congressman, how do you think that's going to play into tomorrow night's debate? oh, good to be with you, boris. well, look, of course, joe biden's going to bring up things like like, like abortion and the frivolous trial in new york, because joe
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biden cannot defend his record. let's face it. so he's gonna be forced the golan the attack. i mean, as well as well that the moderators and more than 80% of the media will declare him victorious if he's just, he'll get me anonymous decision and if he just standing after 90 minutes. so those those expectations are understood but president trump is out there. he's, he's talking with people he's got knowledge. knowledge means he understands his policies. he understands his jobs. he doesn't need to be caught up in camp. david or wherever six or seven days cramming for a test. so in regards to what you're saying, look, this ruling and it will probably play out as was stated president trump has stated many, many times, it's up to the people. i, ii, up to the states. and he is any any understands and supports the exceptions such as life of the mother for what this would state is the health of the mother, which in the end would
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come down to the mother, the father. the doctor, and god so i don't i don't think that's gonna be too much of a problem, certainly for president trump. and it's certainly not a problem for me i don't think that i've heard donald trump specifically articulated position on an emergency situation in which the life of the mother wasn't at risk. he seems to at times change his opinion or his stance on abortion at least historically joe biden is going to go after him, essentially by saying that chaos was unleashed when roe versus wade was overturned burned. he's going to push 4 congressional action when it comes to protections for abortion in the constitution. yeah, you don't see that as a weakness for president trump when polls show that he's lagging behind with support from women look, if that's what joe biden is going to focus on and we know it is because he's caused 20% inflation since he's gotten into office. we have an unbelievable unmitigated disaster at the board with human trafficking
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and all kinds of horrible things happening to, young, young women not to mention the fentanyl crisis that exists. we five over 5,000 get some young people in pennsylvania and they don't like calling us a border state and being affected by all this. so the only thing you, joe biden can't defend his record because all of these things started and continue and will continue in a biden future biden administration, god forbid. but on this issue here trump has been very clear very clear, and he doesn't run from the issue of leaving it up to the people and having the exceptions for women. >> i do want to point out, you doubled the actual rate of inflation when it was its highest point. >> i think it hit 9%. it never got passed in dublin, total 20%. let's call it 19 19.8 during the course of the biden administration there's an argument to be made that that doesn't reflect argument. the numbers don't lie but there's
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an argument to be made that the way you presented that made it sound like something. it was not nevertheless don present the scene on donald trump seem to acknowledge in an interview with the washington examiner that an overly aggressive approach didn't help him in the first debate in 2020, how combative are you expecting the former president to be? >> look, i think he's going to be tough, but there's seat. here's how i see it and polls prove me right. more than half or at least half, let's say in pennsylvania of biden supporter they're not biden's support is they just don't like president trump's donald trump's personality. so what i believe the president is going to do because he's a winter, any any wants to let people know? in know him like i know him. okay. he's going to come across friendly. he's going to come across tough. hizon income across knowledgeable, smart certainly energetic. and what the right policies okay. joe biden's not gonna be able to do any of that because frankly, he's not all that smart. his his policy of appeasement is
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weakness, both in our economy and the nash, our national six purity and his policies have been, have failed, have failed name one policy that has been that has been positive for the american people over the course of the last three-and-a-half years there's not going to spend his racket. he's going to try to attack speaking of defending trump's record, one issue that i'm certain will come up is the question of january 6, you were there that day, you helped capitol police secure the capital as it was being attacked? by riders. you've spoken very openly about how you think that kind of violence should be denounced donald trump has not done that. how would you like to see him handle that subject? >> well, it was a very, very ugly day here. i'm in the capital right now. is no nothing in between. it was an ugly de, its certainly should be denounced it was four hours, not two, not to minimize it because it was our nation's capital. and i will tell you this. i saw people eyes that
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were, that were there, that were there to do good things, create mayhem, create violence, and create all kinds of anarchy and chaos, and violence. and they did most of those people by the way in my view because they were carrying oxygen tanks and all kinds of other other equipment. i don't believe we're even at the rally so the idea of trying to trying to pin it on president trump's words, i think false, false, way, way short. so i do think the precedent would address it in for what it was. for the american people saw and denounce it when he's talking, he's talked about well, he's talked about pardoning those folks that you were talking about being violent and that hurt a lot of capital police officers and other people as well, right? well, no, no, no, not violent, not people who would hurt police officers those who were part who got caught up in the riot, if you will, he's called them
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political prisoners, sir. that one what i'm talking about, the trespassers there are some that have been you've heard donald trump differentiate between those folks because i strongly prosecuted. okay. and we have weak prosecution on most violent crimes in my cities. or donald trump differ french between the folks that were there on january 6 on the capitol, the ones that you're describing is just getting caught up in the right and why five times i've had i've had private conversations with them, so certainly i haven't and of course they should. okay. if somebody is beating a police officer in some did okay. they're far cry different from those who basically wandered in to the capital and they were wrong, but they should, they should receive no more of a, of a penalty than anybody else who would be. i'm not sure. i'm not sure there were a whole lot randomly wandering into the halls of congress. it certainly looked like that from where i was standing. there as i was there, i saw it sir. respectfully, i have to disagree with your characterization, but i do
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appreciate your time comes i'm minimizing anything because it was a bad day. there will you're saying that you're saying that these folks deserve to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. the president, former president is talking about pardoning the same people that attacked you and your colleagues. and you want to know what joe biden dismissed and what does this joe biden, let's talk a second. donald trump and explain talking about hey, you try to defend other folks again chestnut avenue and many cities, including here in washington dc were destroyed during the riots peoples livelihoods were destroyed. kamala harris, pell pay the bail to get those violent folks out. so those who were january way shape or form answers the question about me talking about it. more severely than talking about the very people that you described as violent and the very ugly day as you described, that you experience at the capital trying to help police officers or congressmen let's
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pick up the conversation. your mental time. nobody wants violent criminal nobody wants people rioting at the capitol, least of all, someone like you that was defending thank you very much for on the streets of philadelphia still ahead dealerships and customers feel the effects of a massive technology outage. it could take months, if not years to recover what impact that could have on the economy the most anticipated moment of this election in the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, once day moderated by jake tapper and dana and our bash, the cnn presidential debate tomorrow, net it nine live on cnn and streaming unmet arthritis pain. we say not today. tylenol, eight hour arthritis pain has two layers of really the first dispatched the second is long-lasting we give you your day bag, so you can give it everything. tylenol number one, doctor recommended for arthritis pain first we did the impossible.
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massive systems outage impacting car dealerships is set to roll into next month and could take months or years even to recover from. this is a really big deal. thousands of dealerships were abruptly taken offline a week ago following a cyber incident. having an impact on dealers. bottom line, buyers and the broader economy cnn's matt egan joins us now, matt, what's the update will abortion briana. >> this has really been a mess both for customers and for the car dealerships. it's about a week ago that cdk global revealed that it was the victim of back-to-back cyber attacks. now cdk may not be a household name, but it is very important in the auto industry, its texas knowledge and powers 15,000 dealerships across north america. and this outage is really cause some significant disruptions for customers. they've faced delays at some dealerships. wait times have doubled or even tripled because the sales staff has had to resort to pen and paper to process the sale well, sort of course, has really slow things down card shoppers, they've had
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fewer choices here, fewer car dealers to choose from. that means less leverage when they're trying to negotiate a deal on a new car. even people who are just trying to get their cars fixed have been impacted because some of these repair shops at the car dealers they rely on cdk's technology g to book appointments and to track parts one, couple in san diego told cnn that they were just trying to get their kias air conditioning unit fixed amid the heat wave, but they couldn't even get an appointment because of this cyber incident. there's a mazda dealership in massachusetts in the sales manager told cnn that the findings actual impact here, will take months to correct if not years. another problem, one that you might not even think about is registration cdk's technology normally allows the dealers to instantly registered people, but because that has been down, they've had to send some car buyers to local we will dmvs to try to get their cars registered and then the
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dmvs have been flooded with people and they're turning people away. like i said, it's been a mess. there's also an economic impact here car dealerships have amounted for 120 billion of sales last month alone. and so boris and brionna, the longer that this outage can ten years, the bigger the impact for car buyers and perhaps even for the economy at large what a headache. >> matt egan, thanks so much for the rib. thank you. yes still had were only about 30 hour, 30 ish hours until the cnn presidential debate. we'll talk about what to watch out for tomorrow night and a look at some of the debates biggest 4, pause the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the pressure president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future the cnn presidential debate tomorrow night at nine live on cnn and streaming un-backed next at morgan stanley old-school hard
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these two men are. tim, so how does that potentially shift the dynamics and expectations well, it chips in one way historically, incumbent presidents have had a lot of rust in their first debate. >> ronald reagan and barak obama did quite poorly in their first debate and george w bush didn't do that us better. well, both donald trump and joe biden have been or are president. and some of the reasons why presidents are not especially good in their first debate is that they're used to people listening to them and they're not used to push back. so i think that particular advantage to the challenge juror is probably neutralized in this case which makes it unusual now, in the cases of reagan, obama and george w bush, they all did very well on their second debate. but in this case, the first debate is so important, particularly to
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president biden that i don't think he wants to take a chance on doing veteran a second debate. he wants to do well in his first debate. >> yeah, it is a strange season when it comes to debates. they don't really have that makeup necessarily jeff, i also wonder what you think about this breaking news affecting the debate. of course, this leaked supreme court abortion document that seems to be indicative of this decision on abortion, which is a key issue in this race how do you expect this to affect things i think it's one of the key points that president biden is going to push. >> i think if there are words that he's going to use, we're going to hear the word abortion again and again for president trump on the other hand, he's probably going to talk about inflation and the border. we're gonna hear those words again and again but to reinforce tim's 0.1 of the fascinating things that's going on here historically, of course, is how early this debate is we have to remember that neither candidate is actually nominated
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officially by their parties yet, i mean, we're only in june, so there's a long time ago oh, and of course these two people have debated before, but so both of them have a record to go on. but we are still remarkably from a historical perspective, remarkably early in the campaign season for a debate itself jeff, looking back at history does it help a candidate to be aggressive? i mean, i'm thinking about this debate now and this sort of calibrating from specifically the trump side, going back to 2020, he even told the washington examiner, you sort of tip his hand saying that he thought perhaps that people didn't love that he was so aggressive in the first debate, he thought he performed better than the second when he was more measured but historically, has it ever helped a candidate to really just be out there during a debate not really. i think this is a moment where people really expect their presidents who actually look presidential. i think less important than being aggressive is that the president, either
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of them now, because they are both former presidents, don't want to be defensive. they don't want to spend all their time defending what they've done and especially for president biden, who of course has to be responsibility for the last four years. so i think we have time and again, president obama is a good example of this. really came back and his second debate and hit mitt romney very hard with the idea that he was not acting presidential george w bush came back and i'll gore in 2000 and saying you're not acting presidential. i think this is a moment where people expect the leader to essentially rise to the station of the office, rise to the prestige of the office. and if we remember president trump's first debate in 2020, he had a lot of trouble keeping him self quiet, essentially not acting like an adult, not acting like a president should expect, which is mostly wipe must senders believe he failed that test that can speak to fitness. >> we know that's going to be an issue. tim. we know age is going to be an issue. i want to see a moment where i think that
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most famously came up, which was in the 1984 reagan condyle mondale debate. here's president reagan i will not make age an issue of this campaign. >> i am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience clearly him a prepared remark. how important is it that biden has a moment where he is dealing with the age issue or maybe pitting it off, pitting it against the fitness issue. something memorable well, yeah, it has to but let's put into perspective that great comment from ronald reagan that came because in his first debate with walter mondale, reagan seem distracted. >> he seemed very old. he lost his train of pfad. so in a sense, it was essential that in the second debate and that quip comes from the second debate,
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that reagan face the age issue head-on. i think president biden will face the head the age issue, head-on. he absolutely has to because in many, many interviews, voters are saying that that is joe biden's greatest weakness. so i expect him to find a way to deal deal with that issue in the first debate and not wait to the second debate as ronald reagan did. so many years ago yeah, it's just not the same kind of rhythm of these debates. >> i think this season, jeffrey ingold, tim naftali, thank you so much to both of you. we appreciate your insights and be sure to tune in tomorrow night, 9:00 p.m. for the cnn presidential debate will have special coverage all day leading up to it. live from atlanta and we'll be right back compared with other choose one verb recto tube protects from fleas and ticks for 12 weeks nearly three times longer. use with caution and dogs with the history of seizures or
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