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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 27, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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countdown i'm bore sanchez with briana killer at the site of tonight's historic cnn presidential debate in atlanta. at any minute president biden is expected to arrive here in georgia. we're in fewer than six hours. you will square off with former president trump. both campaigns have been pushing out there talking points and also the supreme court just gave give them a big one, releasing a ruling on abortion this morning. it's an issue the white house wants front and center and we're learning they're planning to do just that tonight. >> let's get the latest from cnn's senior white house correspondent, mj lesions here at the cnn debate site, mj. what are you hearing? >> well, there are a couple of themes that we expect president biden to try to really drive away at tonight on that debates age one is, of course or is that former president donald trump supports extreme as policies we've been talking about that a lot. the other one is this idea that donald trump poses an existential so threat to democracy that should come as no surprise to anyone that
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has paid any attention to president biden and his campaign recently, the idea that trump is there's an existential threat to the country and its democratic institutions is one of the reasons. one of the core reasons that president biden says that he ran back in 20 and it has been so central to his reelection message as well. and sources have said that the president is expected to point back to the january 6 insurrection as having been the seismic and watershed moment for the country. and that donald trump is really the embodiment of that threat to the country. now it was interesting earlier today, the campaign released a short video on social media, media that strings together words from different people that have worked previously for donald trump basically describing him as being unfit for the president sensei take a look worked with him. >> we knew him. this man is unfit to be president as second term would be more dangerous than first fusion paying and volodymyr kim john not there
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fully prepared to take advantage of it the message obviously there is basically don't take it from me, take it from theom the people who have d for donald trump who saw all of these things firsthand. >> i thought the reference from john bolton, of course he was former president trump's national security advisor. the references to xi jinping, vladimir putin, kim jong un was really interesting because we have reported that there's a good chance that president biden up could reference the recent comments from donald trump that he would be a dictator on day one. one it's just a good reminder that the biden campaign would very much like to focus as much as they can on domestic issues, but on foreign policy two, they see a real operator trinity to draw one of the sharpest and starkest contrast between, between the president and the former president tonight yeah. >> what is america's place in the world? these are two men with very different ideas of that mj lee, thank you for
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that. let's go now to cnn's kristen holmes, who has lived from the cnn spin room or at christian former president trump is expected to arrive here in atlanta in a couple hours. what's he doing in the lead up to the debate? >> a lot of what he's doing, right. i'm briana as attacking joe biden on social media. he's spending time at his mar-a-lago resort. we has been for the last several days. he's surrounded by some of his top advisors, chris lacivita, susie wiles is campaign managers and he's watching a lot of the pre-debate covers one of the things that we have in told by senior advisers is that they are closely monitoring what is coming out of camp. david. they've been watching that reporting on what biden tends to focus on or is being installed? drafted to focus on what he wants his messaging to visa that they are prepared to counter attack. you heard mj. they're talking about both democracy and abortion this is something that donald trump has focused on with his team. how to respond to questions on democracy on january 6, on his role in
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january 6, and also so what he has said about pardoning those who are involved in the insurrection on in the insurrection on january 6, on abortion, they have gone over answers with him extensively what the he should say, how he should turn back to the fact that this is now in the hands of the states. how to answer rebuttals to that. but when it comes down to what they want him to focus bissan, it is neither of those issues it is instead, the economy and inflation in particular immigration, as well as crime. they want him to continue to hone in on that messaging. now when it comes to those personal tags, we've already started seeing from the former president allies have encouraged him to stay away from the kind of nasty person sunil information, the attacks on biden and his family. however, when you talk to those closest to donald trump, they acknowledged that it's unlikely or possible. it's up in the air to whether or not he can actually stay away from that. the campaign itself while they have said they want donald trump to focus on the messaging, did put out this ad today. take a listen do you
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think the guy who was defeated by the stairs got taken down by his bike launched a fight with his jacket and regular he literally gets lost makes it four more years in the white house the ad then went on to talk about how kamala harris would be the president of the united states than these are attacks that we have heard from donald trump time and time again in various rallies end are likely or possible to come from him tonight. >> but again, as i've continued to say, when i talked to those donors, when i talked to those, alice want to talk to people who are still talking to him regularly over the last several days, they say they are encouraging him to not attack biden did not interrupt him constantly and to stay on message kristen holmes, live from the spin room. >> president, former president trump is expected to arrive in a lan and a few hours, but you're looking at images of president biden's arrival at dobbins air reserve base in marietta. this is fresh off
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several days of intense prep at camp david. president biden now on the ground in metro atlanta, we want to discuss, debate prep and more with illinois governor jb pritzker. he's a member of the biden campaign now shuttle advisory board. governor, it's great to be with you. and as we look at these live images of air force one, let's talk about expectations because there's a new poll from the new york times and it found more than half of voters polled expect president biden is going to perform poorly tonight why do you think? expectations are so low for the president's performance well, look let, let's be clear. donald trump's been out there actively attacking for days and days, weeks. in fact, and i think people expect him to come in on the attack i think that he also frankly is in contrast to president biden donald trump
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has been showing himself out as if he is going to win the debate. so president biden isn't a braggart he's somebody who's who's genuinely humble and who cares about people. and you can feel his empathy when you talked to them, when you listen to it. and i think that people just think a debate is sort of an attack session. and so they don't expect the guy, the nice guy, the good guy to win a debate governor, when it comes to those attacks that you alluded to on the president's age and fitness how crucial do you think it is for president biden to have a ronald reagan type moment tonight. we're in a single memorable instance. he's able to dispel those concerns i don't think that you're going to see that on either side where people's concerns will be dispelled by one line i do think that over the course of the debate what you're going to see is a real contrast between these two
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candidates. again, on the one hand let's talk about character. that's one of the major issues this campaign. and you're gonna be able to see, i think the difference between a guy wakes up every day thinking about how we can make people's lives better. he spent years and years making people's lives better. and that's president biden. and on the other hand, donald trump, who wakes up thinking about how he's going to make bail. this is a guy who has been convicted 34 times, e felonies. he's an adjudicated rapist. he's a congenital liar and i think that's a real contrast. we're going to see another one, of course, is going to be there positions on individual freedoms like a woman's right to choose abortions can be a big issue in this campaign. donald trump, of course, wants to ban abortion for women, and it's joe biden and kamala harris that are attempting to preserve women's rights those are two major issues. and finally affordability. i think you're going to hear a lot about that
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today the important thing to note is that donald trump is proposing major tariffs that'll cause huge price increases in inflation on average, americans and he wants to give away trillions of dollars to the wealthiest americans, which will end up costing middle-class americans dearly a governor, the way that you just spoke about former president trump. and specifically calling him a convict. how much do you think it'll benefit president biden to use some of those lines and to describe trump in that way tonight in a very direct and even aggressive manner. well, maybe joe biden's and nicer guy than i am and you might hear those things. i know that at least once i've heard joe biden refer to donald trump as a convicted felon, which he is but i think that joe biden is going to try to get out his positions on the issues and how he's going to make people's life hi, it's better over the next four years as he has over
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the last of the issues that you mentioned, i do want to talk about immigration because as we await the president deep planning off of air force one, that just arrived in metro atlanta. there's no doubt that president biden will have to defend his records he's likely to point to that bipartisan border bill that stalled in congress, or the recent executive orders. i'm wondering how you think the president should respond to claims from trump that those actions came too late in the fourth year of his administration after we saw a record numbers of illegal crossing look what we need is comprehensive immigration reform. and that was proposed during both of their terms, donald trump rejected that outright. it was joe biden that came into office and on day one, wanted to have that happen if we had comprehensive immigration reform, we wouldn't have the problems that we're are seeing now. now, i think joe biden has
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dealt with this finally, in exactly the right way. he proposed a bipartisan solution. by the way, republicans came to the table to work with joe biden as has happened so many times during his term. and it was the republicans listening to donald trump telling them walk away, we can make this an issue in this campaign. we don't care about the negative impact on the american people. let's just have an issue for 2024. and so the republicans walked away so this is the kind of person that donald trump is. this is the kind of policy that he would pursue. anything that's good for him it whether it's bad for the american archon public or not, that's what donald trump is going to pursue. again, we're monitoring live images from dobbins air reserve base in marietta. president biden expected to walk out of air force one at any moment. governor, we talked about your thoughts on president biden going after donald trump for questions of character how should president biden respond if donald trump goes after him for some of the
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issues that his son hunter has had and some of the allegations also that we've heard from house republicans now for years over alleged criminal behavior and his business dealings look what donald trump is spewing lies in the debate. it's very hard to counter the lies and get your own message out. i've had that experience myself in my real election where your opponent is lying while you're trying to get your message out. i can say that joe biden should stick to policy. i think that's what but the american people wants to want to hear rather than try to reply to the lies that are being put forward. its disconcerting, frankly, i think as a voter, to see somebody who wants to be president, who's just consistently not telling the truth a congenital liar is someone and a narcissist, by the way, is someone who just can't bring themselves to talk about other people and what's best for them. and rather just wants to be on the attack. so i think joe biden should try to
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ignore all of that and focus on the fact that he has made life better for so many americans. we've passed numerous bipartisan bills that have resulted in the rebuilding of roads and bridges. and airports and broadband all over the united states that we're bringing factories manufacturing back to the united states that didn't happen under donald trump, people are getting good paying jobs in those businesses because joe biden is the one who worked across the aisle to get those things done governor jb pritzker. thank you so much for the perspective as we watch president biden get off of air force one and get into that fancy cadillac. he's got the beast. he is set to head over to cnn studios in a few hours and soon after that former president donald trump will arrive and at 9:00 p.m. tonight we will have history on our hands. a former president going head-to-head with a sitting president and a live debate.
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we're just hours from what could be a watershed moment in the race for president and american history, stay would see debate in america as biden that trump me and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post of beat analysis follows cnn for every catalyst moment followed debate on america tonight at 7:00 p.m. the best things in life they come into two scoops of ice cream, two thumbs up and now by any phone, when you switch to consumer cellular and get two months of service, three, that's right, two months free the same fast, reliable, nationwide coverage as big wireless makes us, which today call, go online or visit a store near you. that's two times the savings and our best deal of the year i got this thousand dollar camera for only
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news just into cnn, president biden has arrived in georgia just ahead of tonight's historic cnn debate, the president appeared as though he was going and walk into the beast and drive away. but he decided to stop and talk to a crowd of folks. >> yeah, that's right. people who are welcoming him, he is saying hello there and marietta, georgia not far from atlanta where we dr he's a dobbins air reserve base and we're expecting former president trump in the area here in a few hours as well. >> we're going to keep an eye on this image and see whether president biden approaches the cameras, which are just a few feet away. if he has any remarks before this historic evening which he is set to make history by taking on a former president we have our panel
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back with us now to discuss and brian, i'm wondering from your perspective what it is that either of these candidates needs to do tonight to mark their moment in the campaign and a shift the direction of this thing as we were talking about before it's sort of been at a stalemate within the margin of error for a while. what do they need to do to differentiate themselves? i think the key for this race is looking forward. they can't both these candidates have a lots of defend in the past. but the trick for them is to get out of that paradigm and talk about what's next. voters, especially confused voters are voters who are conflicted voters, i guess better term for it, almost always vote on what's in the windshield, not what's in the rear-view mirror. i think that's the challenge and the candidate that does the best job of that. tonight's part going to win the debate is that what you think jamal yeah. i think being focused on the future is incredibly important. i'm just looking at images of the president stacey abrams, the mayor of atlanta, whose the tall guy standing there and there's kecia lands bottoms. he was jason carter who was president clerics grants only we have for governor. here are the state of georgia. so it's
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kind of the atlanta, georgia all-stars michael thurman is former labor commissioner in the state lana, georgia all-stars here agreed in the present so has he arrives. so i think that's gonna get the president in a good mood as he's headed into this debate, he knows that he's got support. obviously former president trump is trying to make the argument. he's appealing to african americans just with these images were seeing president biden sort of showing the world, showing america that he still does how support of many of at least the institutional and elected leaders andy young, former ambassador, former mayor andy young here too. we know that he is still got some support here and at least elana community among african-american. >> jamal yesterday, the new york times paul says at present former president trump's getting 30% of the african american vote. now that's a historic hoffer republican. i don't know that you can possibly stay that high. but the fact that we're this deep in an election year with a republican pollster the 30% of the african american vote tells you what joe biden is in such a box it is surprising jamaal that the numbers have been that high.
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>> 4 former president donald trump. and just recently, i believe those numbers, you really do believe those numbers. i'm sorry poll after poll after poll shows him above 20. >> and again, i, i think in the end it will regress back towards a more historic number but if president trump form present, trump were to get 13, 50%. you're still talking about a republican landslide it democrats count on at least 90% of the african-american vote and they're not on pace to get it right now, what we are seeing also as we're seeing that president, president biden getting much larger number among people over the age of 60. and we know that those folks are also more likely to be voters. than in the general population. so we may see some differences happen in terms of the coalitions that are made in this particular election. but if donald trump gets 20 over 20% of the african american vote, i think i'm going to go ahead and give you a big steak dinner notably, if you dig into those numbers, gloria and it seemed apprehensive to trust them a moment ago. but if you dig into those numbers, there is a line where age, especially
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younger african american voters, are not as enthusiastic about president biden. some of that may have to do with what's happening overseas. and some of the pro-palestinian protests that we've seen on college campuses. and a vision for the region that doesn't exactly coincide with president biden. >> neither are younger white voters. i mean, as enthusiastic for joe biden as they were in 2020. by the way, some of that probably has to do with gaza. and what's going on there? but i also think age is an issue even though donald trump isn't that much younger and then joe biden, joe biden presents as somebody who's older i think that when jamaal pointed out older voters like joe biden more and his numbers among older voters are increasing, maybe they're insulted that people think older voters, older people can handle the job. but those numbers are
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going up and also the notion, if you read if you read comments from older voters they're offended by the way, donald trump behaves more and i think that character issue is something that carries wait with people of a certain generation who are not used to president's behaving the way donald trump behaves. >> no, i think that's the key is that they have a memory of a time when presidents didn't behave that way, right? i having just spent time with some college students and talking to try to get a sense of the youth vote. it's a similar thing, right? where you see these numbers where trump is winning are almost winning the youth vote in the first few polls, people go, well, that can't be right. there's something wrong with his pole, but after it shows up in 2030, 100 poles, you have to say, okay, something is happening here. and even if those voters are our inclined to vote for the liberal candidate and are maybe going to come home. it tells you that at least that they're not committed, they're not firmly committed and
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they're definitely not committed to turning out and i think what i what i learned spending time with these younger voters is college students today, we're in middle school when trump was selected, and they were in high school during 2020, the protests, the covid shutdowns. they have no memory of a politics that wasn't like this and a lot of them remember the trump presidency as a better time in their lives, and they do not remember these quote, unquote norms that we love to talk about that trump violating. they didn't experience those. and so i think that is the biden campaign certainly certainly feels like it's incumbent on them to try to paint a picture and remind people what but it was like when trump was president before trump was president, because so many people don't remember that there's no commitment. you know what i'm saying? the older voters generally have a history of commitment to either one party or the way candidates should behave. we younger voters, as you were just pointing out have no frame of reference. and so the commitment tends to be less and so what these candidates have
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to do tonight is to get some of these voters to commit i wonder if they have a frame of reference on the economy compared to their parents. and i'm very curious, molly, as you talk to younger voters about that, how they're experiencing the economy and then outside of colleges, they get a little older and they're trying to enter into the housing market, maybe several years later. that's very difficult right now. very difficult rents or rents or higher even though there are some very good economic trends that we're seeing just the way things are feeling, the cost of things feels very heavy. i think two young people, especially as they are starting out in their initial salaries or whatever. they're making per hour did they say anything about that? and i wonder how you think that might inform what we're going to hear from these candidates tonight. yeah, you know, i think you're talking about gaza and we've certainly seen an outpouring of activism on that issue. but if that's a very narrow slice of
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the electorate and to your point, young voters care about the things that everybody cares it's about, they care about the cost of living, and they're, they're hit particularly hard because they are trying to start their lives, something like housing, which i know the white house has tried to focus on, but can't really do anything about particularly because when you're talking about trying to bring down inflation the cure adds to the disease, right? raising interest rates to bring inflation down makes housing that much more expensive rents makes it that much harder for people to get that first mortgage. so a lot of young people are feeling stuck and i've only ever seen these prices go. we're going to hear that tonight. present trump's going to talk about the fact that for years ago, the entry point to buy a house he had to make about $68,000. there's a couple now it's $100,000. rinse up 21% since joe biden was president, interest rates are twice what they were. that's what you're going to hear tonight. i think you're going to see president trump form. present. trump be pretty focused on that. that, that economic argument is his pathway to get to you remoter it is we're starting to see you that the trends are turning in
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the other direction. >> so now we're seeing wages are outpacing inflation. again, how people feel about it as a different thing. but the numbers are starting to turn different direction to pick up on what gloria was saying a second ago about information older voters, one of the reasons i think they're attaching to president biden is because they're getting their news from more traditional sources and they're getting a breadth of news that's happening. younger voters are getting a lot of their news from social media. and this is one of the things when i was in the white house, we saw this very clearly, which is one of the reasons you see the president and the vice president starting to spend more time with tiktok todd creators and instagram creators, because that's how people are getting their information. so the kind of general news story might not be showing up in the news feed because of the algorithms but the fees are coming from some of these celebrities are showing up for young people. so this gets to the obama. i'm sorry, the biden point about this debate tonight. they've got to find a way to get people to focus on donald trump, not just in the snippets of things they may be getting online, but in a bigger, broader, more holistic way that reminds them
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of how bad donald trump might have been. >> just say things are getting better when although they are, when people don't feel it, that's just it's just the truth of the matter. and so joe biden can say yes things are getting better. if you look at the statistics. but people don't feel it. it doesn't matter. >> the smartest thing joe biden could do tonight would be to say, look, we misjudged. i thought inflation was transitory. i thought we need to stimulate the economy. maybe we didn't quite get it right? that's the way he gets out of the rut of being judged on the present and maybe gets to the future. i don't know if his private let them do it what he didn't get it right. because jobs have also grown. you've seen 16 million jobs have happened. imagine if you had high inflation and you had no jobs separate, imagine who disagree with him on that? well, start with how you feel about it. certainly an important measure, but i think if we're talking about governing and economy, was you want to see is what the economy is that we have. i think they're european countries that would kill to have the american economy well, that's a good point. and yet a lot of people do not use europe as a
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reference point when they're considering all right, you guys thank you so much. it's been really nice having these conversations with you. both camps have worked to control expectations for themselves and for one another and they've been trying really already are in the days leading hang up to tonight's consequential debate. who do voters think is going to come out on top will have the numbers next the most anticipated moment of this election. >> and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one state to moderated by jake tapper and dana bash the cnn presidential debate tonight at nine live on cnn and streaming on max. >> mike had a heart attack a year ago, but he still living in the red with a very high risk of another attack with his risk factors, his recommended the elc level should be below 55. >> find out of your living in the red, learn how to get a free ldl, see test. >> a lot of people need to replace their windows or patio doors, but they put it off
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biden's advisers have been closely monitoring what former president trump and his allies have been publicly saying here in recent days, the biden team suspects that trump has done for preparation than ever, heading into a debate, despite what they have been saying from his camp, they've also taken note of how over the last few days trump allies have shifted their tune on how they think biden will perform. >> all right, we have cnn's harry entin with us, yet again. okay. so who voters think is going to do well, it's the expec patients game. can you outperform expectations? so what a voters think heading into tonight, who will do well and tonight's debate. well, the majority of voters think donald trump's gonna do well, look at that 59% less than a majority. however, for the current president, 48%. but of course it's all about those undecided voters, right? those people who might change their mind because the tonight's debate, while on this score, they both do worse. but again, you see more undecided voters think that donald trump's gonna do better than joe biden is.
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and so you can look at 90, say joe biden. well, you know the fact act as voters may not think that much of me, but the floor it's so low it's so low. so he can't help but potentially exceed expectations. >> this makes sense why trump has been saying what has been saying that makes so much sense, okay. how unusual is it that you actually have the incumbent being the underdog going into a debate? yes. >> so you see this going on right? here and i was just going to myself, you know, i can't ever recall when an incumbent was the underdog. and you can go all the way back all the incumbents in this 21st century. george w bush was a favorite in 2000 4 over john kerry, barak obama, a very heavy favorite over mitt romney going in that first debate in 2012, last time around trump was only the tiniest favorite at one point, but still a slight favorite this time around. however, look at this donald trump, the challenger is the favorite. this is extremely unusual. normally folks think the incumbents going to do pretty well, right? because
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they're the president, there's somebody that they're used to. they can see them being in the oval office. but the fact of the matter this particular cycle goes against that grain. and so maybe joe biden coming in this debate perhaps trailing a little bit, but no clear leader nationally not doing as well in the swing states as he was four years ago, the expectations game is on his side because the fact that is the expectations for him are so low, maybe he can't help but exceed them. >> these expectations are actually they're not working for trump, which is a look go through this, right george w bush, he did well, obama not great on his, let's say, back to 2012 on his first difference against romney, but he's certainly picked it up here. it is really not working for trump. >> it's not working for them. it's not working from the expectation we shouldn't he's raised the bar too high for himself and maybe not enough for joe biden. we'll see what happens. >> i guess you could say his attacks on joe biden are working and maybe that's what it is two as well all right, harry, thank you so much. i really, really appreciate it. the stage is set literally just how high are the stakes we're going to talk to a longtime
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thank you so much for joining us this afternoon. you've said that this will be the biggest moment of the campaign cycle thus far. but you know, that news cycles quickly, right? there's still five months out before election day. so what kind of effect? could that kind of timing have here? >> well, it's true that this is early. we've never had a debate this early, ever in modern american politics however, the idea of donald trump and joe biden at the same time, on the same stage, addressing the same issues that is what changes that's what makes us so significant. voters will see them side-by-side not campaign ads, not speeches. the actual policies themselves, but be able to see whether joe biden is ready. for another four years to be able to see whether donald trump can actually keep his temper under control the fact that it's happening now, i can't imagine a more important moment, but i
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do want to clarify one thing. there's only 4% of americans that are truly undecided and they're really only three states that matter. pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin. so the truth is about one-third of 1% of america is what matters but it's so likely that they're gonna be watching tonight to see the comparison that's what makes this evening so significant. >> that's so interesting when you put it that way that this election comes down to such a narrow, narrow margin. you have also alluded to the idea that these candidates have to have a winning one liner. so if you were writing for either president biden, former president trump, and you were trying to encapsulate their message and break through the span and git reposted on social media or perhaps even become a meme what would your one-liner for each of them be let me do this because this is what's essential and this works for both candidates. >> at the same time. the very
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first thing is they need to be able to ask a rhetorical question that has no answer for the other side. for download trump. are you better off today than you were four years ago? most americans would say no do you have more money in your pocket today than you did four years ago, most americans will say no for joe biden do you feel safe for more secure to you? are you tired of the chaos of the previous administration? would you like some calm, some predictability in your life? it's the unanswerable rhetorical question second, they have to have three unassailable successes for biden. it's getting through covid for donald trump. it's securing the border. so the issues are different, but the strategy is the same. third, what are your key priorities for the future? because in the end it's not the last four years that americans will be voting on its the next four, give me three examples. one is random, two is a trend, three
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is proof and funnily, one audacious mission something that comes from out of the blue that gets people to think, wow, this individual is different, especial is someone worthy of attention? now, i don't believe either candidate is going to do either those instructions but that is exactly what the candidate should be doing and exactly what i'd be advising them knowing that i've tested 30 out of 32 presidential debates in my lifetime i do want to point out this is kind of out of the blue president biden making an unexpected stop in downtown atlanta degreed supporters, i believe i saw a congressman from california there as well. >> president being met by a welcoming crowd before making his way over to the cnn studios to prep for the debate. of course, we are tracking his movements. donald trump is expected to be on his way shortly. a frank getting back
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to president biden expectations for him are somewhat low. there was a new york times poll that found less than half of americans. think he is going to perform well tonight. what did simply take him exceeding those expectations? for. him to win the debate we've seen this happen before. >> it happened in 1976. gerald ford in the first debate, exceeded expectations and narrowed the gap in 2000, george w bush, the expectations were very low. he puts forward a very strong performance, exceeded expectations patients i don't see how joe biden doesn't exceed expectations because donald trump has done a brilliant job of telling people that the guy can barely complete a sentence so if biden simply stands up, their talks in these four items here, and does so efficiently and effectively he's going to exceed expectations. i think
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there's an inherently bad strategy and the trump campaign. and i think that biden is going to benefit from it, but remember, the most important thing is not exceeding expectations are you likable? are you presented? are you credible people are going to be looking at what kind of person you are. the truth is, we don't vote on policy and i know that people's heads explode, but it's true we're not voting on the details of policy, we're voting on character attributes who you are as a human being. and that's going to be critical does donald trump loses cool joe, does joe biden blow a stack? that's what the audience would be looking for in the end, it's a person that's going to make my day-to-day life better? that is the final decision in all of this. who's going to improve my day-to-day quality of life. that's the person who gets the vote front lines. >> always great to get your perspective. we appreciate your sharing part of your day with us. we are watching an
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unexpected stop for president biden. he arrived at dobbins air reserve base and marietta, georgia a couple of hours ago, just about an hour ago or so and he made his way to downtown atlanta. you hear the crowd. they're chanting for morning years. the president soon on his way to the cnn studio for what will be a historic debate with former president donald trump. just about five hours from now now we're going to take a quick break, stay with cnn. we'll be right back tonight. the stage is set for the most anticipated event of this election. biden trump, the weight only cnn can bring it to you. the cnn presidential debate today. that end, i live on cnn and streaming on max oh man, i love a good hotel, breakfast. >> aim so close to the statement, i managed to get the last room for 190 bucks. i put the last swim a week ago. i talked yesterday when night
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freiburg sunday at nine on cnn all right. >> president biden meeting
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where a supporters here in atlanta, he touched down, not too long ago in marietta, just outside of atlanta and made this previously unannounced stop to meet with supporters, get a little you know clearly some good feelings going before what is really a big night? it could be a huge pivotal night. this debate here in atlanta and in this key swing-state, you have this stop was not on the schedule, but it appears to have been coordinated because you've got a congressmen, they are taking a picture president biden, you've got folks with let's go joe shirts. apparently cardboard aviator cut out his signature. choice of somewhere this is obviously a major moment for president biden because as we've been discussing all afternoon this campaign has been pretty much locked within the margin of error between these two candidates. and with president biden, if you include third-party candidates lagging
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behind former president donald trump. so his campaign is eager for a moment that will distinguish him tonight and that will dispel any doubts about his ability and his mental acuity, despite being the oldest president to hold the office in us history yeah, that's right. and we have cnn's jeff zeleny, who's joining us now ahead of what is going to be a very big night for joe biden and for former president donald trump. geoff it's, certainly is, and it's no accident that president biden is arriving here to atlanta to some smiling faces, some adoring fans and supporters clearly trying to make the case that yes, he does have a loyal supporters here and also to make the case that the backdrop of this debate is georgia. >> georgia, of course, was one of the closest battleground states in 2020. so that's where this conversation picks up. right now. so clearly this was not announced, but this was certainly planned by the biden campaign to perhaps pump him up
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a little bit to show him that he has support here for he spends a little bit of time, a downtime during final preparations for the debate, former president donald trump for his part, also will be heading here to atlanta shortly flying up for mar-a-lago in florida. of course, georgia again, was decided by fewer than 12,000 votes out of 5 million in votes cast. so, yes, a global audience, a national audience, but voters right here in atlanta, paying very careful attention to this. i'm in the spin room, as you can see there are reporters and journalists from around the globe here. and this is where the campaigns will make their pitches. this is where they candidates after the debate is over, the advisors will pick up and say c interestingly, the president's to former president, the current president will be alone onstage. they cannot talk to their advisors, they cannot have any conversations during those 90 minutes, but it's right here in the spin room afterward where both sides will be sort of saying how it went for them. so there's no doubt
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that all eyes are on atlanta. the biggest moment of the 2024 campaign so far, uh, guys, i didn't check election day 130 he one days away from today and i'm 31 days away so close yet so far away in the blink of an eye, but also underscores the fact that this is the earliest debate that we've ever seen. >> there's still about five months to grow before the election jeff zeleny, i imagine you're gonna have a busy night out there in the spin room we wish you the best of luck. my friend you bet. >> take so this is obviously a huge moment for not only these two candidates, but in american history. >> and i mean, what else can you say you've never had a sitting president go up against a former president, let alone these two that have such a history three let alone this early when the numbers are what they are and they're both looking for a moment to distinguish their cell themselves. we've seen debates like this. give one of these
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candidates potentially a big bump and they're hoping for that tonight. yeah. stay with cnn. obviously, a lot to cover are special coverage continues with wool blitzer and kaitlan collins. >> after a quick break. thanks for joining us harlem has everything but i couldn't find a lot is anywhere. >> so i started my own studio and with the right help i can make this plate even better, earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials, chasing business cash card from chase for business look, cockroach resilient creatures true? miracles of evolution, where there is one oh, those aren't far behind always scavenging for food. the cockroach will. >> now that's horrifying. >> favorite. >> ortho home defense. max, enduring sec barrier one application kills and prevents bugs for 365 days my house you down nature's wild your home
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