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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  June 28, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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farm, stay to ride this horse glenn close was millions possibilities. you can book whoever you want to be. >> that's my line, booking, dot yeah oh, kurnia zelda. >> it's gotten me. i saw them. that's what i got gotta got to me. juicy kernels rnas, and use
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. and ask about the bosley guarantee celebrate. go four is in america thursday, july 4, at 70s on see it in it's the morning after cnn's historic presidential debate between queen joe biden and donald trump. >> and last night, one candidates performance sent his party scrambling. good morning, everyone. cnn this morning is live here in atlanta, where it is 6:00 a.m. i'm kasie hunt.
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it's wonderful to have you with us this morning we are left that reaction from a democratic source after watching president biden's performance in last night's cnn debate, other democratic insiders telling me biden looks and sounds terrible that he was simply quote horrific all those comments coming from party operatives who found moments like this incredibly difficult to watch thank you. sure. that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for when i've been able to do it the covid excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with if we finally beat medicare with so much on the line last night, the president's performance was alarming to many who support him his cadence was halting,
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his voice nearly inaudible at times as he struggled to finish some of his thoughts and continue to move until we get the total ban the total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more border patrol and more hey asylum officers. president, trump i really don't know what he said at the end of their sentence, should i don't think he knows what he said either the debate once so poorly for the president there are already breathless, those still mostly private conversations among insiders about whether he should step down as the parties presumptive nominee. >> a notion that we just weren't talking about 24 hours ago there's a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider taking a different course now, we're still far from our convention. >> and there is time for this party to figure out a different way forward, if he will allow us to do that was not what we
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needed from joe biden and his personally painful for a lot of people. it's not just panic, its pain it's something that a lot of my democratic sources are echoing over the course of the last 12 hours. >> the president himself, he stopped at a waffle house after the debate. here's how he graded his own performance you did well, did you have any concerns about your performance no, i got hard to harden debate and water one democratic source emailed me last night, quote. it's hard to argue that biden should be our nominee and this was longtime democratic strategist, david axelrod on this network last night there was a sense of shock, actually, how he came out at the beginning of this debate how his voice sounded about he seemed a little disoriented. >> he did get stronger as the debate went on by, by that time, i think the panic had sent in and i think you're going to hear discussions that
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i don't know will lead to anything, but you know, there is there gonna be discussion about whether he should continue our panel is here as we wake up to a new reality in this presidential race. >> let's bring in cnn chief national affairs correspondent jeff zeleny, jamal simmons is former communications director for vice president because it didn't harris republican strategist and pollster kristen salt is anderson is here. we are also joined by axios reporter alex thompson and the lieutenant governor former lieutenant governor of georgia, geoff duncan. good morning to all of you. morning. jeff zeleny. i just good morning is it you felt me? well, a lot of people on your side of the aisle we live in i think the front of that obviously had a rough night last night right? >> the debate was not one that any of us were expecting to see him do but it's still clear the choice between the president and the former president is still very clear. we have one person on the stage who wants joe biden who wants to maintain people's freedoms and wants him make sure that
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they still have choices to make in their own lives. and we have donald trump, who wants to take those choices away, like most maga republicans, i think when people pay attention to the choice on the ballot, i think those still find that job button is the one that they want. are you confident the ballot is going to look like we expect it to look like in november as far as i know, that i was going to be the only person is going to make that choice is going to be joe biden. >> i think. here's the question that we are going to have to figure out. was last night a bad night, or is the president in a bad way? and i think that's one of the things that they're going to have to convey of our them. perhaps this is time for joe biden to go out there and give his version of rock obama's race speech and talk about his age, and talk about the fact that he's got arthritis in his legs and talk about the fact that maybe he's moving a little slowly, but he's got to own it in a way that will give people confidence that he understands what's going on. let them in on it with him, and then he can start to change the narrative to talk more about the other things that as he wants, problem is not that americans think his legs moving slowly. the problem is that they've looked at last night and they
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think his mind is moving slowly and it's too slow to be the president of the united states. this is an election where i agree with you. the choice is clear, the contrast is very clear, and this was an election where voters are looking for someone to give them stability donald trump has always been mr. chaos. so this should have been a lay up for joe biden but he sent the message last night at the control room is empty. if you want stability, joe biden did not convey anything along those lines last time, which was why is it is going to be up to the president and the president's team to convey that in a way that gives everybody more confidence that there is somebody at home. let's amazon, the white house for a year. it's been a couple of years now, but that was it for a year because now the president, but i saw working in the white house every day, but that was the end of 2022. he's going to have to convey that more going into the rest of 2024. >> well, and that's the problem, right? is that they have been out there, people in the white house saying that he's still that same guy that you saw in 2022, jeff zeleny. i want to look big picture here. get your latest reporting as we wake up. this morning because i mean, i was talking to dozens
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of people last night and the panic was at an all time high. i woke up this morning to a couple of notes about groups of democratic members of congress unlikely to come out and say anything publicly at this point. but wondering who else can they put at the top of the ticket? these are some of the quotes from people that i collected last night as this debate that i'd be taking calls tonight. that's about gretchen whitmer and gavin newsom. now, newsom, of course, came out and was staunchly behind the president. but what are you hearing at this hour about what's next? >> look, i didn't save my text messages, but there are similar to yours and some of them can't be printed. this goes beyond democratic started with that, couldn't be different yawn democratic bed wedding. this is a very different thing and it was more sense of concern, alarm, pain. i was in the spin room last night after the debate sort of looking around and boy, talk about not a single biden person could be found for quite awhile. finally, governor gavin newscum came in. senator rafael warnock i came in and yes, they did
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talk about the policy, but very little talk about the performance. so look, today's a new de, the president has to address this when he speaks in north carolina today, it's it would be unthinkable for him not to, but going forward from that, i think we need a few days to settle into what is he personally, what is his family personally thinking about this to me, he was over he looked over, prepared, completely tired, and he may have had a cold that's probably the most charitable thing. but biden advisers know how to reach everyone. why didn't they alert people to his cold at say, 5:00 as opposed to 945 during the debate? >> i told you i got a text from someone who said they should have lied and said he had covid if they knew that this was the guy that was going to show up. >> i mean, perhaps he does who knows, but i think i was struck by also, we've talked all week here in atlanta about the curse of the first term president at the debate it wouldn't happen to joe biden because he has so practiced and whatever it was this is more than that as well. so not having his notecards,
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not having advisors. i think it was clear he had a bad night. is it more than that? he'll have to answer that question. i2 had a few text messages as being one of the only republicans that has endorsed joe biden i won't read my honore either. i'm sure you're republican friends were very generous they were not they were generous with their words. but i think it's interesting, right? both of these guys were sitting at the edge of the cliff, right? with their parties, if donald trump would have had a horrible night last night, there would've been some wrangling here with republicans talking about what maybe it would look like to have somebody else be the nominee. but he didn't he had a great night as far as delivery. now the content was full of leinz and riddles and the windows. but i think the interesting part to this is all good analogies are baseball analogies, right? so this is your starting pitcher, just went out and give up five runs in the first ending before he got an out. and the question is, do you pull them or do you just think he had a bad any jamal to your point is it is it a system a systemic problem or is it just one episode? i think. america has got to figure that out. there is one good piece for democrats is
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that there are still tens of millions of people in this country. they would take joe biden at 110-years-old, then vote for donald trump. the problem is there's probably not enough of those millions of people. and part of the problem is someone that's covered, joe biden's age for the last 3.5 years is they deflect a gaslight at times they have not told the truth about the limitations of his age that he gets up late in the morning, that he does not appear on camera, usually late at night. the does not do interviews and more than he's done less interviews than any president in decades. there are limitations on this present because he is old and he is not been forthright and addressing those in a way that jamal was saying. and so that's why you have this collective freak out because now it's four months to election day. and you realize that maybe he does have some bad moments. where it raises the question, why do you go to europe twice, right? you seem like there's sort of over-working him to show this mode, this movement, and what you're talking about that somebody is at home i mean, it's working, but he is 81-years-old. let the them stay
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home on one of those trips that the vice president go to, one of those trips so that he could be focused on his job. and it does raise questions about staffing if he had a cold, i would've liked to have known as somebody who's been out talking about about for democrats because at least that way when we heard the raspy voice and the beginning of the beginning of the debate, we would have had a moment and say, oh, he's got a coal, let's give them a chance. again as pudding, but that's not what happened. what about the stair? it wasn't just the colder. let's be honest if you watched the debate, it was more than just his voice. it was how he carried himself and it was almost like he wasn't sure which camerota luck through. but again, he was so prepare it was the over-prepared just look at that. this is not the first time this has happened necessarily. we have covered many events with him this is actually the joe biden we see on most days, the state of the union address was the outlier here, at least according to last night. well, and of course, the reason that president biden has said that he ran for reelection in the
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first place is because donald trump was running for president. again, and that he had no option. and the reason why democrats are so upset and concern this morning it's because they view beating donald trump as much more than just another political contest, but rather an existential one that really will determine the future of our democracy. that's the reality that we face this morning up next here more on the morning after president biden waken up in north carolina for a campaign rally, will the address his debate performance plus biden campaign co-chair mitch landrieu joins us live to discuss the president's next steps we brought it back to the states and the country is now coming together on this issue. >> it's been a great thing terrible july 4 cnn concert event with performance by keith urban, ashanti, maybe wrexham, the killer in many more go
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sign and make official start your will. i trust and we'll dot com and make it count july 7, dr. sanjay gupta reports on hold for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing, something that seems so preordained. it sounds extraordinary. dr. sanjay gupta reports the last alzheimer's patient, july 7th at eight on cnn pick i would never turn my back on president biden never turned my back on president biden. >> i don't know what democratic party that would do so, especially after tonight, we have his back, we run not the 90 yard dash. we are all in. we're going to double down in the next few months. we're going to win this election. but it was never turn my back on are you ready to take on? >> california governor gavin newsom, bear defending president biden after his lackluster to debate performance. why does that matter? newsom, one of the names that's on democratic all throughout private democratic conversations, this morning about the top of their ticket. now, biden today is returning
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to the campaign trail and just a few hours, he said to participate in a campaign event in north carolina. he was greeted by supporters at the airport. when he arrived following last night's high-stakes debate joining me now cnn senior white house correspondent kayla tausche, she is live from raleigh, north carolina with the president at kayla. what is your latest reporting? from inside the biden campaign after last night well, casey, it's clear that there are many frustrations, but president biden himself attempting to defy some of that criticism and course-correct. >> late last night into the evening visiting a waffle house and atlanta talking with patrons and saying that he thought he did well. and defense sending himself in saying that it's hard to debate someone like donald trump who lies so much. and then when he arrived on the tarmac, close to 2:00 a.m. here in raleigh, he was greeted by hundreds of supporters, spent more than 30 minutes shaking hands and flashing thumbs-up from the bce, which is of course the car that he rides in in his motorcade before delivering that speech that he will give in north carolina
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today. that of course, on the back of a forceful defense from vice president kamala harris last night, who in what appear to be some coordinating messaging sheet to defended biden and what she described as a slow start to the debate. but then she said, voters are ultimately going to have to make a decision based on the past three-and-a-half years not based on an hour-and-a-half. here's what she said yes. >> there was a slow start, but it was a strong finish. people can debate on style points, but ultimately, this election and who is the president of the united states has to be about substance and the contrast is cleared despite the performance of the president, which was at times meandering and he appeared confused on stage the biden camp did feel that on substance there were some moments that stood out to voters, namely the president's response on january 6, his going on the attack about trump's myriad legal issues
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and then some exchanges on climate change as well. >> but they are frustrated on a few points. one, they're frustrated that biden in their view, had to spend a lot of time fact-checking. and also that he spent the majority of the time on stage on the defensive, not using the attack messaging that they had developed so carefully over the last few days when i talked to other democrats crowds, casey, i mean, the the reactions are wide ranging as you guys have been discussing for the last 12 hours, some are saying that the president and the first lady need to stop denying what's been true for the last several years and step aside. but another that i spoke with said that's why you do these things in june because there's going to be 1,000 more news cycles before november. casey but there is also i don't think it's lost anyone time to replace someone at the top of the ticket before the convention, which is an unusual reality, of course, kayla tausche forces morning, kayla. thank you very much. are coming up next year sketching points on the night on waste is pregnant what would you
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talking? you can more the highs and lows from last night's presidential debate plus senator marco rubio joins us live to talk about trump's performance last night and being in the running to be trump's vice president lee filter. >> i just scheduled an appointment online and the inspection was a breeze they explained everything, leaf filters, technology protect your gutters for good now, my home is protected totally 33 leaf filter or visit lee we just shipped are million if monthly coffee subscription box. so we're sending custom thank you. gifts to our team, our customer, and grab is just as excited as we are and knows what great quality products to get celebrate your milestones with custom gear, get started today at custom-made dot com as your advisor, create a portfolio based only on your age and risk tolerance that's simply not good enough create a planning. are private wealth managers learn about you first, don't settle for a standard portfolio
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romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. >> this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 all right, in one of the more eyebrow-raising moments of phi, debate, donald trump and joe biden went off topic for some trash talking about of all, this is honestly the groes thing ever there, golf handicap swatch i just want to club championships not even senior to regulate love championships to do that, you have to be quite smart and you have to be able to hit the ball along way. >> and i do it. he doesn't do it. he had hit a ball 50 yards. >> i'd be happy to have a driving conscious i got my
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handicap. which when i was vice president down to a six why by the way, i told you before, i'm happy to play golf, carryon bag thank you. can do it that's the biggest lie that is a six handicap of all hours at aid handicap eight i had, you know, how many i've seen this way. >> i know you swing okay. boys object. >> i felt like i was watching a clip of caddy shack or something and apparently these guys don't count all their shots because either one of those guys are those handicaps. i've got a son who's a scratch golfer and anyways, yeah, that was a tough moment. yeah. i just thought make it stop. i can't i can't i think it out of his cul-de-sac of golf. what are we doing substantive that that was on age. i was stunned that president biden did not come to this debate with a a one liner or something about age. i mean, he's been much he's used it. he's been humorous about it, like the white house correspondents dinner at the gridiron
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daenerys, we're going to talk about it. it's almost like he didn't want to address it as you've been talking about, it's one of sort of like the third rails for him, but yeah, i was surprised he didn't come with a ready response. modern like reagan response to age would be, he doesn't want to joke about it though. they like the thing is, whenever he's jokes about his age, he has done so unwillingly. he does not like to he doesn't like his campaign is making him do it. i mean, they're telling him he should enlightened. finally agreed. but he only did that one ad. remember in that grandpa sweater and music i'm an old guy. i know it, but then we really haven't seen that since he does not want to address the address. he he has been unwilling to go and address it, which is why jamal earlier was saying maybe you need some sort of speech. one last thing about the golfing. there's extensive reporting on both these guys and they are both classic cheats, eyeball. there has been residents are yes, exactly. john benner the golf with joe biden was dubious about his handicapped. so i'm just saying that that was the only two people in america the only to voters in america that care about their golf game,
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where two and they were both on that stage last night, i have a sister with a handicap lower than both of what those men claimed on stage and the number of times that men cannot handle whenever it is, she beats in a golf is where my kind of thing take on this is coming from christina. let me get let your team yeah. so when i'm thinking about should biden have come with a line that addresses this. i think no, i don't think there would have been any benefit to him trying to lean into this. he just needed to seem vigorous and he didn't. what fascinated me was there's a chance because donald trump loves to stick the knife and that he was going to kind of try to beat joe biden up on this and he really didn't keep for the most part, let biden's performance speak for itself. there was one moment where he said, i don't understand. i don't understand what he just said and i don't think he does either, but then he kinda let it go and it just that was a moment where biden or trump could have rather been too much of a bully, could have probably squandered what i think was a pretty decisive debate win for him less than if he'd gone too far gentle on the commercials that his camp very much during his campaign yesterday was hearing
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commercials have him tripping up the stairs yes. >> president trump didn't go there, which was really interesting. i propose a pay per view 18 hole match between the two of them. i guarantee you at least one watch the first three holes that's the one thing i'll say about down on tax reform is we'd been on joe biden a lot, is our donald trump did not have a great debate performance. >> if joe biden has shown up and bend the joe biden that we saw the state of the union. i think we'd all be talking about the fact that he was a january 6 denier and he's still claiming fraud. that's wayne 20 election and he said he didn't have sex with a porn star when everybody had a long time conversation about that in court, there all these things that he went he said that joe biden was the person who called super predator and we know that was very clinton that was a tackling henry clinton from a long time ago. so he didn't have a great debate performance. it's just that he's being overshadowed by the president you're going to say jeff zeleny. thank you very much for me and i know you're up really late last night, so really appreciate you being here this morning. are coming up next here joe. >> our country is being
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destroyed as you and i sit up here and waste a lot of time on this debate more of the good, the bad, and the ugly from last night's cnn presidential debate plus will be joined by the co-chair of the biden campaign and a front runner to be trump's vice presidential pick ahead. one second. she can't walk then she can one second. you're single and then you don't want to be one second. it's a pipe dream. and the next dream come true one second. you feel safe and then we sorely away. well we still do the energy are seeing here isn't just clean or green. it's red, white, and blue, because not only is the clean energy plan reducing pollution and creating millions of jobs,
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into amino, those are leah start learning today at two-thirds of americans in exit polls say that they don't think you should run for reelection. >> what is your message to them? and how does that factor into your final decision about whether or not to run for reelection? >> it does it? >> what's your message to them to those two thirds? >> watch me watch. >> we did along with millions of americans who tuned in to cnn last night for the first presidential debate between donald trump and joe biden, the reaction was swift and it was clear biden shake debate performance was incredibly concerning for people who would like to see him get reelected. a cnn instant poll found that 57% of debate viewers said that they had no confidence in biden's ability to leave the country. members of a voter focus group telling cnn this i think that his mental acuity is a lot better than biden's. biden seems to be very tired.
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>> i'm conservatives hesitant, very not cognitive. seemed like his data he was missing his numbers so very concerning that somebody i don't think that needs to lead our country all right. joining me now to discuss is mitch landrieu. he is the national biden campaign co-chair. of course, the former mayor of new orleans, mr. mayor. good morning to you. want to start? my sister? >> i want to start with what those voters had to say. what do you say to them this morning well, first of all, the presidents started off slow last night. >> there's no question about that and with the two clips that you showed taken out of context when joe biden said, watch me, he said watch my performance and nothing that happened last night has changed the fact that joe biden pass for the biggest pieces of legislation that was seen that created 15 million jobs, the lowest unemployment rate, high wages, and an economy that's off the charts and the way that he's going to attack bringing cost down you will spend the whole day with all of your colleagues talking about the style of the debate last night, right? but one of the things
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that is really clear is that last night when donald trump was talking basically everything that he said was a lie and they will malevolent lies. and i think there were two people on that stage last night. my best bet is and a couple of days we're going to find out that when the public watches at debate and the media fact checks, checks with donald trump said, if he wasn't lying, he was doubling down on the most incredible policies that he has. like for example, he doubled down on election denial, he doubled down on how happy he was. roe versus wade he finished lemon i didn't know what things that's my question well, i think he tried to do that, but again, as we as we sit here and talk about the dark race about who won the debate, who didn't the president might've lost the debate on style, but he wanted on facts, he wanted on decency, and he wanted on the ideas that people think are important in the country i don't think that you can call it the debate as a great time for president biden. i think he had a rough time. was like there's no question about it. but throughout the
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debate, trying to listen to donald trump talk was painful for me because there was no fact checking that went on and literally he doubled down on everything that made people think that he was a terrible president the first time he was in office sir, do you feel at all misled by democrats very close to president biden, who have insisted that there has been no change in this man over the course of the last two years that would impact his ability to serve another four years no, not at all. as a matter of fact, i served with president biden for two years and i saw him on a regular basis. and the joe biden that i saw the joe biden that i'll work with and the joe biden that is still with us today is the guy that gets up every day thinking about how to help other people. he's 81-years-old. donald trump is 77 so you had a guy last night that was 81 that had a difficult time and you had a guy that was 77 that lied and his when he spoke the truth, he was speaking mma level and truth. that's the choice that the country has and so you can,
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you can, you can judge the debate on style if you want. i think when people get a little bit clearer from this, they're going to say that donald trump last night actually was unhinged as he's indicated that he's going to be and he's going to double down on the policies he had when he was president four years ago, which would not good for the country sir, do you think democrats should consider replacing joe biden at the top of the presidential ticket. i've had several raise the possibility privately and conversations while this is a conversation that's been going on for the past two-and-a-half years. >> it's not likely to happen. again, i think as the dust clears on this thing this campaign is still got four months to go and i think that joe biden is going to be the nominee, and i think donald trump's gonna be the nominee and the choice is going to be between a guy that fights with people and tries to lift people up. and another guy that wants to rip this country apart and pull it up from his roots do you think that there should be people around president biden trying to have candid conversations with him because it does seem from all of our reporting that it's him and also jill biden who have said,
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we're not going to back away from this. >> you know, we played what he had to say in 2022 though, those midterm wins. well, at least the lack of a sweeping red wave in the midterm elections did give joe biden a boost at quieted. a lot of this chatter, but it has just exploded. i mean, what does the president need to do to quiet it down? >> well, first of all, he's gonna be in north carolina today. he's gonna be campaigning, as you know, and you guys have watched him. he's been campaigning in all of the swing states and he's gonna be out there today. so when the president says to watch me, the president as his watch me perform one of the things are present. it did say last night that you may have missed. was that 40 of donald trump's cabinet secretaries and people that have worked for him are now not endorsing donald trump in that bag in the country not to support him. again, the other thing he said that you might have missed is that donald trump is a convicted felon. he's also been found liable for sexual abuse he's also gone bankrupt six times, leaving all of his small business owners holding the bag. i don't know if you guys heard that, but the president,
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in fact, didn't say it. and so i would just encourage you guys while you worried about style today to fact check everything donald trump said, and to measure that against what the truth is and whether those things good for the country. and then we'll see how this thing shakes out yes. >> so here's the thing. i understand what you're saying about style versus substance, but all of those substantive points that you raised are a big part of the reason why so many democrats are concerned. if, if joe biden loses this election to donald trump's so many in your party see this as an existential fight over democracy will he be to blame for a second trump term well first of all, need a beam for the second trump term is the way donald trump acts. >> and the positions that he's taken. in short answer your question that you asked before. there's always a truth-telling session when these things happen, joe biden is not averse to hearing things that are bad. he has to make the decision about whether he's going to be a candidate, not he has done on that and he's going to be the nominee so again, he started off slow last night. i thought
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he had some really good points during the debate concentrate on the fact that donald trump did not tell the truth the entire night when he did tell the truth, his truths are going to hurt this country in a way that we can't recover from alright, mitch landrieu very much appreciate you being willing to come on this morning with you very much for your time. thank you. yeah. thanks so so much. >> you too. all right. turning now to donald trump's debate performance, which well forceful and confident at points was also as the mayor said, filled with some misleading attacks and it sparked a number of fact checks around his statements about abortion. the economy, foreign policy, among some of the claims. this from trump about russian president vladimir putin's invasion of ukraine if we had a real president, the president that knew that was respected by putin, he would've never, he would have never invaded ukraine. he did nothing to stop it. in fact, i think he encouraged russia from going in all right. >> joining me now to discuss this republican senator marco rubio of florida. he is
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supporting trump in november. and as on the former president so then shortlist as a possible vice-presidential picks senator good morning to you, according to the media, anyway according to the media, as i show you saying you're not i don't know. we'll find out. yeah. what do not want to get after last night. after what? after last night, do you not want the gun? >> oh, well, it hasn't been offered, so i'm going to be that presumptuous. i think anybody who has a chance to serve in a position like that at a time like this in our country should be on hurt by that and consider it. but anyway, i only say that because i read that in the press, but no one's told me i'm on any shortlist. but anyway sir, i want to ask you about some of what we heard from the former president throughout the debate, we spent a lot of time this morning talking about how democrats are so concerned about their candidates performance. but in terms of what donald trump said, on january 6, on issues like charlottesville he aggressively downplayed his own role and the things that he had said in both of those cases how do you view his comments, particularly on january 6? that's someone who serves in the united states congress which was attacked on
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that day. >> well, first of all, that he had a rally that the statements are there. he talked about being peaceful, your doctor, about being patriotic as his rally was going on there are already significant number of people outside the capital. i want even in the rally and he's guys had zip ties and these guys had backpacks new we're ready to go in and that's the crew that really started how did this whole de are they weren't even at the rally. those people then almost all of them have been arrested they're in jail. these are violent people and they should be in jail and he's never studied that. he i think he actually has said that he won't release or in any way try to excuse the people that were violent so i don't i don't think that's i mean, he he has called these people the january 6 hostages and said, well, i'll tell you this much. he's told me and i've heard him tell others people that committed acts of violence on that day, you attack a police officer, you destroy public property, you know, you rammed, through people and yet those people need to be in jail. i don't think anyone disputes that. i think that the issue here is hey, there are some people who didn't do those things. they didn't show up with zip ties and masks and all that were clearly plea
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pre-planned, right. one spontaneous. they went there with the plan some of those people have been charged with excessive conditions, has been put on them in terms of detention. so i think when he talks about that, those are the people that he's pointing to. i'm i'm certain that that's what people oh, he's pointing to. and again, doesn't mean that they shouldn't face any consequences. but i do think some of the sentencing and some of those cases has been agreed justs and then you need to distinguish between the people who went in there violently prepared to go. you don't just show up with zip ties. you don't just show up with mask. you don't just show up with potentially stun guns, whatever they had on them. if you weren't planning acts of violence and that's inexcusable, just like i think he pointed to this, there are people that have write it in this country burned down cities deface public property. a lot of people weren't even prosecuted. in fact kamala harris it was raising money to bail them out so i don't think political violence is justified in any way, shape, or form by anyone. i don't care what your causes let me ask you about at foreign policy, which i know is something that you've spoken now with the former president about extensively at donald trump's shrugged on stage when
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president biden asked if he would stay in nato, are you comfortable with that? well i think he needs to have in negotiating leverage, which is what he used it last time he was there. let me start by saying this. donald trump is not the first american president that has complained about the fact that the united states i think over 70% of the funding of nato is depending on the united states see, so he's not the one that's complained about that every president has insisted that nato and nato nations do more, particularly after the end of the cold war and so i think he's reiterating that point now, this is a guy who's not political. he's not a politician he's a guy attention that he was president of united states for four years. i know he has. all right. well, compared joe biden are others who are in politics. this is a guy who comes from the world of real estate. and i'm telling you that his view of it is that's my my perception that he needs to position themselves within negotiating tactic in order to get these countries she's to respond and to do more ironically enough, the country's on the eastern periphery of europe poland, and others the baltic states,
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they're all contributing above the nato targets it is the countries in western europe that are wealthy countries. historically, italy's been that germany for a long time, certainly france have not done their part and they need to do more. an alliance is a partnership when partners have to carry their weight, and i think the president has looked for president trump consistently to have the leverage necessary to get these leaders to step up to the plate and do more and they can do more center. i want to ask you a little bit more about the possibility that you may be joining the presidential ticket here and i want to just, i realize a lot has changed since 2016. but here were some of the comments you made at the time about donald trump. let's watch what we are dealing with here. my friends is a con friends do not let friends vote for con artists from the conservative movement and the republican party is going to take an over for buyer con artists, there is no way that the party of reagan and the conservative movement, i'm going to allow it to be taken over by a con artist. he says,
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i'm a choker. he's a con artist. and this guy is a con artist so we spared you some of the attacks donald trump made on you in that election, but i gotta, i gotta ask you, what is changed for you. >> main thing that's changed is me because i just saw that video. my god, look like 20 years young don't we all ever tell you that you don't ever 0.60. >> all right? >> but that said, look, i didn't, first of all, i didn't even know donald trump when he ran second him and i were competing for the same spot. so i think i've never seen this before. maybe they do this, but i've never heard of boxer in the middle after a fight asking, why did you punch that guy? in the face in the third round, you were both competing for the same job. but i actually got to work near him, not alongside them, but near him when he was in the senate and listen, i'll give you a perfect example. i was not a fan of him going to meet with kim jong un. i thought that guy's not kim jong un. he's out of control. these are wild man, nothing's going to come up, but i was very skeptical. he met with him three times. the second time he actually left early, didn't even go to the lunch. trump canceled because he didn't like the way are three, you was behaving by the third meeting that they had. kim jong un stopped launching short run the
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missiles that he was testing for the duration of the trump presidency. now he felt that if he can create some interpersonal relationship with a guy, he can get them to stop doing these things. it worked it was real that happened. i saw it, i witnessed it and i was proven wrong so at the end of the day, i also think and even by the end of my campaign and began to talk about this for president trump. if we can put aside for a moment, been so busy and being outraged by every phrase and figure speech that he uses. and realized that with donald trump was basically arguing was that american politics on both the left and the right had lost touch with the needs of working people that increasingly our political debates and our political agendas were dominated by the needs of people that have done very well i remember in 2016 on the trail. sure. but he obviously did a better job of talking about it because he won and he tapped into the belief of millions of millions of americans that traditional politics i had forgotten and love people like them behind. any pointed to things that made a lot of sense to people like for example, why do we continue
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to enter into trade agreements and economic arrangements for american jobs in factories or sent to create a middle-class. another the country at our expense. now, maybe he doesn't express that in the way of a traditional politician. i'll admit right now, he's, and he never cause claims. you'd speak like some sort of expert at a think tank. but he talks a lot like if the people out in america on a daily basis, he uses phrases, phraseology that they use, and he's describing a very real problem in this country. and that is traditional politics in america, in both parties had forgotten that millions and millions of americans have been very negatively impacted in their lives and their personal lives and their economic lives by rapid changes to our kindami and particularly by globalization and the outsourcing of jobs in industry. and he tapped into that in a very powerful way. and we'll just say he did lose the election in 2020 after he got to serve for four years, but said rubio, i'm very grateful to have you this morning. >> thank you. very much. i really appreciate your time. i come up next here. if donald trump in virginia today to for a post debate rally, will the governor or show up this time? i'm after previously snubbing him plus michael smerconish here with his take on biden's
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find it. retailers like pet smart and petco i'm not a political expert. but wow, biden was preparing at camp david for a week. did anyone mention he would also be on camera? >> it was a visual contrast that was tough for president biden last night, the hoarse voice, the open mouth, look at the cnn debate that did not fighting to allay voter concerns about him his mental acuity in his stamina. and while biden looked down, some democrats told me that they are starting to look around to search for another candidate who could top the democratic ticket. now, joining me now, it's michael's smerconish, the host of cnn's smerconish, of course, a cnn political commentator, michael good morning. i've been looking forward to hearing your thoughts on what we saw last night. >> can i pick up on what john stuart just said, which is with all that debate preparation, you roll tape you analyze tape.
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it's it's like nfl football preparation i was shocked and i just knew from the outset they must never have shown the president what a split screen looks like and what he looks like kaci, i've looked at myself over the years on tape with mouth open and looking foolish. and it's only when you analyze the tape as they should have done that you realize, oh, wait a minute, that can't cameras always going to be on me and i'm going to want to have a particular expression on my face. i said yesterday that delivery was going to be more important than substance and that's exactly what came true. it's all about the lack of delivery from president biden and no amount of fact-checking of donald trump because i'm sure that debate was littered with falsehoods from trump, but no amount of fact checking of trump is going to compensate for the delivery that we saw from president biden michael. >> do think that the talk about potentially replacing biden at the top of the ticket. and i've heard several people suggest it
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to me privately. david axelrod touched on it publicly hey, when he was on our analysis last night, do you think there's any there there there has to be there there. this was not just another incumbent having a poor first debate. allah, reagan, allah obama. what ails president biden, by the way, it gives me no pleasure to say this. i think he's a good man. what ails him can't be fixed. they need to make a change and donald trump may lose by winning because i'm convinced that there are stronger candidates, stronger opponents for donald trump in the democratic field. so that if it's not joe biden, trump ought to be concerned with who might be that replacement. and i'm thinking beyond vice president kamala harris yeah. >> who are you thinking about? >> i'm thinking about gavin newsom. i'm thinking about amy klobuchar. i'm thinking about gretchen whitmer. i'm thinking about josh shapiro. i mean, there's a deep bench for democrats, a whole new generation of leaders who are out there. and there's a
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yearning i think for the public have something different than they saw on that stage. oh, my god. i think i tweeted out. we did on multiple occasions. that's the ultimate low point of debates. and then there would be another one and another one. i've never seen. i've never seen anything like it it was quite a night michael smerconish. i'm very grateful to have you this morning at to hear your take. thank you very much. thanks, casey. panels back final thoughts here as we head into what is going to be the next phase of this campaign, alex, me, start with you well, the biden campaign has been making this argument about style versus substance. the focus on the substance, not the style, but the fact of matter is that in every single televised debate since 1960, the people that are making that argument are the losers of the debate. the fact is that you are on television style matters and you can just see it in terms of how joe biden just did not win in terms of the public performance of this debate. >> well, and i think you've
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even been pointing out as well that some of the optics around it we saw jill biden, the president's wife, kind of leading him by the hand down the stairs. at the conclusion of the debate in a way that may have also contributed to this perception and actually, jamal you can see it right there sort of very carefully taking one step at a time jamal, i mean, big picture here. what democrats gonna do? >> i think the question is, first of all, what's joe biden going do? it's going to be incumbent upon the white house and the president to show people that he's not in a bad way. he just had a bad night. and so they can do that. i think this is one debate. one night, they can do it over the course of the next four months. they've got another debate coming up in september, and we may be welcome it depends on the answer to the question. is, was it just a bad night? and if it was just a bad night and absolutely he has to do it again, if it was more than just a bad night and we have to
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think about what else is going to happen next. and i would just say that's listen to more connoisseurs, smerconish shoes less. i noticed there were people who are missing from that list, people like if it's not kamala harris, which most people would probably inclined be inclined to support and the democratic party, it's not her. what about raphael warnock? he's probably the most tested democrat. there as he's running for office so many times in the state. what about wes moore was one of the most electric people in the state? country. and so you're not going to have coddling aereo's game tonight. i'm interested to see if going to be there. he can rollo that crowd. let me tell you. so if you're not going to have common here, as i think you can't leave an african-america n off the list because democratic party is gone we livid if they hop over her and just pick another white guy, very smart. geoff duncan, i want to kind of go to you because the reality is that what the basic, the collapse of president biden on that stage last night, the metaphorical one it could be one hand, the nomination or the presence you back to donald trump and i mean, you heard marco rubio their the stakes are very high. >> yeah, the 10% in the middle are still in no man's land right now. and the 10% in the
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middle, by the way, it's going to select who the next president united states is. they're still, has gotta be more to come. but i think there's some there's some gnashing of teeth here on both sides thinking what could have happened. i sat here, listen to senator rubio talk and just a half mile from here in 2016, i introduced him to a crowd of folks on a campaign event. and that marco rubio had it right? that marco rubio was a bright star in the republican party that understood the conservative values. everybody keeps making excuses around donald trump. he sat here and tried to defend january 6. i sat on january 6 with brian kemp at a podium a mile from here at the georgia capital begging donald trump to get off his and say something to the american people that we're trying to storm the u.s. capitol. and he didn't until it was too late. this is the second time someone has used the word that should be believed on the show. >> and the last step is i think i'm going to end up on a seven second delay is the trump very well taken hi, chris, and final thought, we keep trying to divide this into style versus substance, or do voters care about character versus issues? these things are all connected. the style is the substance when it came to last night, voters


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