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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 2, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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protection, go with sympatric a trio. >> i'm larry madowo on the streets of nairobi. and this is cnn >> tonight on 360, president biden addresses the nation after the supreme court handed down a ruling for the ages giving the former president a level of immunity from january 6 charges and blurring the line, critics warn between president's and kings. also tonight, new reporting and how long some democrats close to the president have been concerned about his condition? mission. as the calls for him to get out of the race continue, and his supporters push back hard. and later, one of the former prisoners senior advisers in january 6, agitator steve bannon reports to prison. good evening. thanks for joining us. just minutes go, president biden, who wants chaired the senate committee in charge of vetting supreme court nominees, had this to say about today's historic cooling on presidential immunity today's supreme court decision on presidential immunity that fundamentally changed for all, for all practical purposes, today's decision almost certainly means that there are
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virtually no limits or the president can do this a fundamentally new principle and it's a dangerous precedent the president's comments obviously come in the midst of political turmoil with a lot of questions about his health and fitness for office while new importing by carl bernstein on that shortly. but first the ruling by the supreme court, it's certainly delays jackson has january 6 case against the former president potentially affects any state election interference cases. again, salmon, there's the larger president at sets, which president biden just underscore. here's chief justice roberts writing for a 6-3 conservative majority today, the president therefore may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers. and he is entitled at a minimum to a presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. in the immediate sense, this means sending the trump election subversion case back to the trial judge for her to determine subject to further appeal which parts of the indictment cover official acts. but in a larger sense is the president just mentioned this ruling sets a new standard for
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all presidents in the future, which critics, including the court's three dissenters say fundamentally and destroyed actively reshapes the power of the presidency are so justice sonia sotomayor put it, quote, the court effectively creates a law free zone around the president, upsetting the status quo that has existed since the founding 50 years ago, former president, a former president said this and shocked people when he did well when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal shocking dan an open question now, joining us is former trump attorney james trustee from a federal judge, nancy gertner, best-selling and author and supreme court biographer, jeffrey thuban, for federal judge. >> shira scheindlin and cnn senior political commentator. david axelrod, drift tube. and let's start with you as a reaction to how the president frame this. well, it's a big, big victory for donald trump. it means that the january 6 case, the case before judge chutkan in the district of columbia is at a minimum
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delayed until after the after the election. but i think we'll never be tried because if you look at how chief justice roberts frame the issue, he said that all official conduct is not only off-limits for prosecution, but there can even be any evidence presented about official conduct. and the definition of official conduct is so broad that it seems to eat up the entire indictment in my view of in the january 6 case. so i think either judge chutkan or an appeals court or the supreme court will wind up dismissing the january 6 case because it involves official conduct. judge girder, i say you've kind of shaking your head about that, but i want to read you part of sotomayor's dissent where she lists potential illegal conduct by future president. it could be shielded from prosecution by the ruling orders. she says orders the navy seal team six to assassinate a political rival, immune, organized as a military coup to hold onto
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power it takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon, immune. she correct there's no question that he'd been inoculated. >> official acts have been inoculated. and even as to the non official acts, even to the private actors, the state electoral officials that trump called, you have to prove that there's no danger of intrusion shown on the authority of the executive branch. in other words, the bar, they have said is quite high. there are still some room i don't agree with jeff, but one of the things that's going to happen is that they've created such a complex factual test that even as judge chutkan says, this is in and this is out, it'll go until court of appeals it'll go up to the supreme court port and it will never be tried that i agree well, it'll never be tried if trump wins the presidency because he'll dismiss the case. so that's the first way, right. never tried because it's not going to get tried before the election. there's too much to do in the district court to sort out where where each charge falls. it is is it in the core
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constitutional is it on this outer perimeter where it's only presumptive immunity? we have absolute immunity, presumptive immunity. but is there any real difference because the government would have to disprove it. so there's an awful lot of immunity. then then we get the private conduct. but as we all said, in the private conduct, you can't use the evidence the protected conduct which makes it impossible to try the case. so it's really very bad opinion in one sentence, i would like to summarize. they should right at the end of it, this case has precedential only for this case, this is like in bushfield exactly. it should not be a precedent for any other purpose, but this case that would have been at least honest. i also think that they were creating it's incredibly complex test to justify the amount of time they spent on the case. they said that over and over again. well, you know, we have to remand for this complicated factual test. the district court didn't go into this. the district court didn't go into it because what the district court was saying and the court of appeals was saying is, i don't know what the meets and bounds of immunity in the next case, but
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we know that it doesn't apply here, and that's all they had to say. >> jim trusty, the new york times is reporting that according to a person with knowledge of the matter, trump again and effort today to throw out his recent criminal conviction and hadn't been postpone is upcoming sentencing citing the supreme court ruling, trump's lawyers and a letter to the judge. she seeking permission to file a motion to set aside the verdict. do you think that that would be successful yeah. >> i don't know. i mean, everything seems to happen in new york with president trump seems doomed from the start. so i'm not convinced that pre presidential activity, there's going to be the type of thing that judge merchan looks two and decides we have to revisit the issue of immunity. similarly, i think the mar-a-lago case is going to be more difficult to be affected by this because it talks about post-presidential activity. but at the heart of this anderson, this is what lawfare brings when you have prosecutors who pre-select their target and creatively inventively look for evidence to try to justify unique types of charges it puts
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pressure on the courts to fight back against the notion of lawfare. and so at the heart of it, justice sonia sotomayor in her dissent, says exactly what mike dreeben said during oral argument for the government, that prosecutors don't bring political cases that there's all these checks that are in place where we don't need to immunize the president. and the reality is this court, the majority of this court is not blind to the context of all of these inventive lawfare moments. so they look at it and they say that might have been the model for a long time, but that kind of trust in the system when it comes to prosecutors is gone. now the question is, is, is it lawfare to respond when a president for the first time in american history tries to overturn the legitimate results of an election yes, it's an unusual case that was filed by the justice department here, but this was an unusual circumstance that donald trump brought on. so the idea that,
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that, that's somehow bad for the legal system, i think has things backwards. >> you talked about less respect for prosecutors. what about for the high court? i think the public's perception that the high court is neutral is gone, that they are fair body is gone. they have looked completely politicized and the 6-3 spit a split drove the nail and it's also very dangerous because what it looks like is the six justices repaid the efforts to get them on the court. i don't mean it physically repaying, but clearly they are delivering also with respect to the classified documents case, there is nothing about that that was that suggests improper prosecutorial discretion he had boxes of classified documents, end of discussion. if they did not go after him for that, that would have been troubling is this did did you expect this is this ruling kind of more in trump's favor than you
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expected are pretty much what you thought that's pretty much what i thought. >> i noted that the attorneys for president trump, we're kind of shooting for the stars and settling for the moon when they said absolute immunity, the king can do no wrong version. they didn't get dad, but they've got something that's obviously very helpful on the january 6 inventive prosecution. and before we leave the point about mar-a-lago, there's a credible allegations sworn to to a district court judge, like a couple of my colleagues here that says that jay bratt, one of the lead attorney literally extorted walt nauta is attorney to get his cooperation dangled, a judgeship in front of them so let's not pretend that everything is so clean and tidy when it comes to the conduct of the government and the prosecution in the mar-a-lago case, there's much to be explored there, and i think a lot of it is getting explored, judge finland, what what about the guardrails for the presidency moving forward are there any guard rails for the presidency moving forward after
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this decision, it seems to me that a president not most presence, but a president could do exactly what he or she wants, even if it's a criminal act. >> so long as it can be out as an official act or the netflix cares so much are using the trappings of power to accomplish what he wants and i hate to say this, but that's what or been was doing in hungary. he didn't rescind the constitution using the trappings of power to accomplish what you want. and that's what trump did trump's lawyer has gotten more than what they asked for because you remember that question in the dc circuit with judge pan said if a president orders an assassination with seal team six, is that a crime? everybody thought that was a crime? it's not a crime in this, in this as a result of this opinion because it's part of his official acts as commander in chief of the military. david astrologists on the politics of the president. president biden
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coming out to a speaking, we're using a teleprompter, not taking questions. what what message do you think? the president has campaign are trying to send with that address will look, this is the problems that the president has been well discussed and they're going to be discussed further about his acuity and stamina and so on. >> there are major problems with president trump and they're all, they all circle around this notion of a guy who doesn't recognize rules and laws and norms and institutions who doesn't respect guardrails. and now, garden further guardrails have been removed. we've heard what the president has said along the way in this campaign, president trump, about what he would do if he would, if he came back about retribution about vengeance now, it seems like he's getting a green light to use the tools of his office to do just that. so i think what biden was trying to do is sort
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of recenter the race on that, whether he's successful one press conferences and but this issue certainly a senate or cut for why he says he's running and why he thinks it's important that actually jim trusty, judge gertner, geoff tube, and you can linn. thank you. we'll be back with david axelrod in a moment next more on the drama around the president and questions about his fitness, sustain the race. carl bernstein, who knew reporting on that and later see bannon goes to prison and the circuits that came before i'm richard car and i love my host, my hose is lightweight my host will not kink and my hose is anti leak it ate those old hoses. >> this is my host. the new pocket host cupp bullet now infused with real copper. so your water is always clean and lead free. just turn on the water and watch your hose grow and grow so full full-sized three quarter inch hose, it stretches and expands like a rubber band. when you turn off
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ready to go. yep there it is here we go. >> i guess it also has some disadvantages yes, it does only pay for what you need prison biden's brief remarks and i provided another data point for anyone trying to assess his physical and mental state from a distance tonight though, after a weekend to calls for him to bow out of the race and sharp rebuttals it's from his supporters. >> we have some new reporting from carl bernstein, cnn political analyst and author and legendary journalist. so girl, according to people you've been talking to, what are you hearing? well, these are people, several of them who were very close to president biden, who loved him, have supported it, had been among among them are some people who have raised a lot of money for him and they are adamant that what we saw the other night to joe biden, we saw is not a one-off that there have been 15, 20 occasions in the last year and a half when the president has appeared somewhat
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as he did in that horror show. >> that we witness. and what's so significant is that people, that this is coming from and also how many people around the president are aware of such incidents, including some reporters incidentally, who, who have witnessed some of them but here we see tonight as these people say president biden, that is absolute best. and yet, these people who have supported him loved him campaign for him, see him often, say that in last six months, particularly there has been a marked incidence of cognitive decline. and in physical in what i wonder about is the people who were working with him at camp david allegedly in this intensive debate prep if there were concerns there about this, and i don't know if you have any got any word about that, but how anybody involved in that debate prep i mean, didn't
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anybody see something debate prep was supervised by iran klain, who has been with president biden for many years and people i've talked to have all been to ron klain in the last year to say, we have a problem, we have a problem such as we saw the other night that there have been numerous instances where the president has lost his train of thought, can't pick it up again there was a fundraiser which he started at the podium and any became very stiff according to the people there, as if it were almost a kind of rigor mortis. this was set a legend in june of 20, this was june of this was a year ago. almost exactly at the old four seasons restaurant on park avenue. and he became very stiff and a chair had to be brought for him to do the latter part of the event i think that what these folks are saying and have been saying for a while is yes,
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he's great when we see him as we have tonight, but he also has these inexplicable moments that we're very concerned about. and you, ron klain, and the first family we need to talk about this and they've been pushed back repeatedly whenever whenever it's been brought up. >> are there did your sources tell you about topics he's particularly engaged in or there not only then is not just these same people. there is no question i have heard four two years. how sharp joe biden is in his national security meetings. he has special briefing books on ukraine on situation in gaza that go down into very detailed military reports. he has an absolute command of the facts is sharp as can be. you see the evidence of his being a chairman of the foreign relations committee in the senate of his work as vice president on foreign relations.
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so we're clearly dealing with with two sets of one person and it really needs to be explored according to the people i'm talking to. and i think an awful lot on a major democrats believe this, including some who had made statements to the contrary but this is a problem. it's not going to go away unless it's explicable does this mean doctors reports? i mean, obviously be great if we could have real doctors reports from both candidates. well, that's not going to happen. >> now, carl bernstein stay with us, want to bring a cnn senior political commentator, david axelrod, his vaccine and competent or former georgia republican lieutenant governor geoff duncan is with us as well as ashley at the end, who's termed as communications director for vice president harris, also joining us from wisconsin governor in 2016, republican presidential candidate, scott walker. so david, i mean, supporters of the president continued to say, look, it was a bad performance in a debate which makes it sound like it was an anomaly with carl is reporting about is
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a number of incidents according to the people he's talked to which i mean, is it just about a bad debate performance? >> well i don't i don't think that's the way the public view that obviously you look at polls and the numbers have further deteriorated as to whether people think he has the fitness to serve. i think dan to 27% in the poll that was released by cbs on sunday. so the, problem with his performance wasn't just that it was a very bad performance, but it was a bad performance that confirmed people's fears about his capabilities and the whole goal, i assume of doing the debate was to dispel those concerns and yet it ended up doing the opposite. and so president obama and other presidents have had bad debates. but it's the reason
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this is so damaging is because it goes to the main concern that people have. it's not about his decency, it's not about his identification with people. i don't think it's a bad as experienced for sure. it's just about stamina and acuity and on that particular night in front of that vast audience, he didn't display it. >> governor walker, and you're supporting donald trump. do you think joe biden will be the democratic candidate for president? >> i do. i mean, i think i've said long ago, i think joe biden looking at as grew at now as arm off before i gave up fresh. bottom line is seeking this for decades and as many of your panelists have said in the past, it's really tough to make that change delegates are legally many states obligated to vote for houston. the first round, there's all sorts of campaign finance issues. i think just as an american, not as a republic and it was sad what we saw at the of the night if it continues continue to be sad and tragic. my advice for president trump is going
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forward. don't draw attention to it. american people can see it. instead, talk about how you're going to do things that make their life better that are more affordable, safer, more secure, and let the public see what they can see, what their own eyes do. ashley, i mean, you worked on biden's 2020 campaign. you worked communications for vice president harris. the difference between biden in 2020 debates and this last one is obvious how can the present reassure people who watched him with pain and fear on that debate stage. >> i mean, i think he actually did it on friday. i think he actually doubled down on it tonight. but here's the teleprompter is no absolutely they are. but, you know, he's still look strong and with it, even on those teleprompter is and there are times in which many elected officials, even former president trump, has not looked strong on a teleprompter. but here's the thing that i think that is that's being lost and i like to go back to what act said and that is trump also reinforce the negatives about him. if he had none of the challenges at
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joe biden did, but still also underperformed he didn't raise nearly as much money, $6 million short of what joe biden race during the actual debate, joe biden's rates $33 million. since that point, the push polls show that independence and new nikki haley voters didn't like his response to january 6, like the fact that he lacked substance and lacked division. in addition to that, they also felt like they couldn't trust donald trump, so he actually didn't do himself any favors either. and i think that's the narrative that's also being lost in all of this discussion about president biden jeff, your republican, who endorse biden. i'm wondering what you make the defense that many top democrats for making for him well, there's no other way to call it then thursday was an unmitigated disaster on so many fronts. >> and there's only one way to explain it there, age-related issues and these are conversations that happen all
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across america in homes where with aging parents and grandparents, whether or not they should drive, whether or not they should handle their own finances that inner circle is really got a deep dive and make sure they're giving them honest truths and understanding that the gravity of this situation. but politically speaking, this 10% in the middle that i've certainly find myself in that will determine this next election outcome. 100% totally up for grabs. again, trying to figure out how do we get through this donald trump disaster. how do we find somebody in democrats have a very difficult job in front of them? they've either got to figure out a way to crisis management, their way through joe biden's performance on thursday, or they got to go figure out the messy, sloppy process of picking a candidate that's more centric if they they can get through that and get to convention and actually presents somebody that's more moderate game on. i think there's a huge chance to take donald trump and his, the circus and beat them governor walker, i'm wondering what you make of i don't know if attain ringing or freak out or real fear among democrats about what they saw in joe biden on that,
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on that debate stage. i mean, for donald trump many of his top national security folks and former chief of staff and cabinet officials are not endorsing him again, and they have concerns about his fitness how do you view what the democrats are handling this well, i mean, it's fitting before the segment started, you had the man who helped expose the cover up of watergate. now, talking about what many of us believe has been the cover up the state of mind, a president biden for the last a couple of years, at least last year in particular. and i think that's the big fear of the american people saw firsthand in all the three elections i want statewide here and wisconsin, i always said the most potent political arguments are the ones people inherently know to be true the other challenge that i think he has and that president trump, if he's going to win, has to capitalize is the economy high prices? it's not only number one issue for everyday families that young america's foundation where i'm at, we just released a poll literally today. and amongst college students
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nationwide on the number one issues the economy that's not a good issue for joe biden and donald trump again, stop attacking biden and just start focusing on how he's going to help people get the economy going again, get prices down, get people back to work. he wins portal. i just want to get your reaction on the supreme court's ruling on presidential immunity. obviously, given all here, focus on next and you're reporting and during watergate and the parallels between nixon and this ruling. >> well, the parallels are the donald trump has gone much farther in his criminality than richard nixon did if you look at what occurred on january 6 and attempted coup by the incumbent president of the united states to hold onto office after a free and fair election. so there's that comparison to begin with. and then you have the enabling bias supreme court including two justices who shouldn't be on that court in terms of handling
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these cases, who should have recused themselves thomas and alito so you have a terrible situation in which any future president of the united states, but especially a donald trump, who knows, we keep using the expression guardrails he's never seen a guard breath the court has now enabled presidents to have this extraordinary executive authority that is nowhere in the constitution itself let me say one more thing though, about this discussion that we're having about president biden and these two aspects of it it's what's so striking to me is how many descriptions i heard from these democrats that fit with what we saw the other night, including three meetings by which one of these people was that in which the president quote, was not strong physically or mentally appearing week frail, unsteady, very tentative talking at
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whispers at times closed his eyes a lot. there has been a marked deterioration in recent months somehow it is up to journalists. it is up to democrats. it is up to the bidens to let us find out what occurred here. and is it just something that's passing or is it something endemic? carl bernstein thanking governor scott walker. >> thank you. david geoff for nationally stick around up next more on the hard numbers, new pulling out, ariane and joins us, break it down with bureij that is your shower trying to tell you something is getting in and out of the bathtub becoming a safety concern? are you worried about the cost of a bathroom remodel that could go on for weeks and weeks. well, now, you can have a gorgeous new bath or shower that safer at a price you can afford with a one day jacuzzi bathroom model done the same de we did
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issue four years ago if you look at the polling now compared to it was pretty debate and compare it to it was four years ago. it's just not even on the same planet, anderson, if you ask voters, now, does biden have the mental fitness? in fact, three president, those numbers are incredibly low. the percentage who say he does not have the mental fitness. look at this 72%, eight does not have the mental fitness in order to be present right now. that's up from 65% pre-debate. but compare that to four years ago, the percentage of voters who said that biden was too old, it was just 36%. that's half the level that we're looking at right now. these numbers are not anywhere close to being the same four years ago, voters for the most part, thought joe biden was with it. he could handle the job happens. president, you look at those numbers now, the fact is, voters do not even see them on the same planet. they don't think biden's with it. they do not believe he has the mental fitness to be president, and i have to be honest with you, i don't know how he wins with the numbers that we see right now, there is no precedent for the numbers that we're seeing right now for someone running
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for president, letting alone getting in nomination. these are the types of numbers when you combine them with some of the numbers that we're seeing post-debate that show him trailing donald trump. these are the types of numbers that could end up campaign if he can't turn them around, there is some comparison being made between biden's debate performance and ronald reagan's. and the request is raised after reagan's first debate performance, he came back with a second better one. he can came back with a second better one. but the fact is, if you look at the numbers that ronald reagan had after that first debate, the percentage of voters who said that ronald reagan was too old. look at this, who's just 27%? it was 27% age was an issue at 27%. that was after that was after the first debate. that wasn't before the first. that was after the first mate and i average two poles there. so it's not like we're just looking at one number back in at four. we're looking at two poles, average them together is 27% who said that ronald reagan was 12. now that number for joe biden who says that he doesn't have the mental fitness to be president, is well more than double its 72%. ronald reagan was able to recover in that
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second debate because voters were willing to give him the benefit of doubt, the fact as voters might have been willing to give joe biden the benefit of the doubt going in the first debate. but afterwards, i don't see it. all right. he ranted, thanks very much back with me now, david axelrod, geoff duncan, ashley, i etienne. i mean, david, you look at those numbers, those are very alarming certainly for democrats, for independence who are looking for a candidate yeah, there's, there's no question about it. >> anderson. as a sudden, the last block he was they were looking forward to this debate to restart this campaign. set aside these issues about his fitness and they've been exacerbated. and remember, you mentioned ronald reagan. ronald reagan had a prodigious lead at the time of that first debate. he was a popular president. people were feeling positively about the country. none of those things exist right now. now. so this is a big gaping wound and the president
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listened one of the things that disturbed me was i was on the other night with mitch landrieu, my good friend, mitch landrieu, who has coming out shortly, whom i have deep respect okay. so maybe he's listening and he said what the first lady said, which is we're not going to allow 90 bad minutes to erase three-and-a-half years of great work that's not really what elections are about. they're not about the last four years there, about the next four years. and what the president lost in that debate wasn't just the ability to erase a concerns, but also the ability to draw a sharp contrast password donald trump about what the, what america would look like under each of their presidencies. and that was a big missed opportunity. this isn't about the last four years. i think the presence done a great job in many, many ways, and he should be proud of that that's not the question on the table. the question is, is he up for the next four? and no question was made much more significant with that debate
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performance actually just there has been now a lot of discussion about would any kind of if the president decided not to continue with what would even be possible is it even possible for two not have president biden beat the candidate well, i mean, you know, in hindsight, it was actually quite genius to have this debate in june because there's still a lot of time left on the clock for the president to prove himself but i also think that we have this saying in politics said every crises creates an opportunity. >> and i think this is an opportunity for the party to do what it's probably been needing and secretly wanting to do, which is to not pull any punches on this issue anymore, to not make apologies anymore, and to actually start to activate all of our assets. that's the governor's that's the other elected officials. that's the vice president in
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particular, to start activating those folks to sort of wrap it, wrap them around the president, to actually get them out into the country to make this argument about the principles that are on the line. the stakes that are on the line and start to appeal to a greater greater swath of the, voters and the american public. so that's sort of how i see this. is there are still some time left for the president, but also it really gets us in a position in a posture where we're activating our assets much earlier than we ever have in any presidential campaign. i like others have done maybe four presidential campaigns and it's usually not until two or three weeks out where we start to activate people like former president obama. but now is the time and i think that's what the party is now sober about and is going to start to take those steps and that's very encouraging. geoff, your republican who endorsed the president biden but you know about campaigning? i mean, getting all the surrogates and the world out there. does that work? if people have a
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fundamental belief that the candidate is, i mean, according to those poll numbers, a large majority of people polled don't believe he's up to the job there's no other way to describe this in the perfect storm. if you're a republican that wants somebody other than donald trump, right between the debate performance, the supreme court, all of the technical details that continue to fall in donald trump's favor. this is a perfect storm and i worry about the next four years of donald trump wins. and as a card carrying republican, i don't know who the is. i don't know who the donors are in the democratic party. i'm just hoping and praying they get it right. i'm just loaning myself into this for one vote so that i can get my party back, take the next four years to rebuild a gop two point, something that i'm proud to hand off to my kids, something that i'm proud to tell the rest of the world that we're able to gravitate towards civility in honore bipartisanship on so many important issues. that's the only reason why i'm here and i'm confused i'm struggling to figure out what's best step. i just hope the democrats get it right going forward david, i
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mean, essentially now is the stands for those who are rallying around the president. >> look it's a binary choice and this is what it is. and like it or not, you've got to make a choice or stay home, or vote for third-party again, it does, but this is a binary choice. and if you really believe america is at risk you're just going to have to accept your doubts about the president that certainly that's certainly is the argument the question is, will it be effective in as i said before he started off behind before this debate and this is going to make it that much harder to close the gap. >> i think people are going to be looking closely at polls in the next week to see if there's evidence of erosion. there was a poll in new hampshire today that showed him two points behind donald trump. he won the state by eight last time he was up ten and a pole in the same state, the same poll in december. those kinds
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of things are going it'd be looked at closely like doctors look at blood tests and mris in the next week to try and figure out where there's things out. but let me just say this. you asked is it possible to swap out candidates? this is entirely in the president's hands and what he has to think about is what's best for himself and the country i think he's proven himself to be a great patriot all his career. he's dedicated themselves to this country. and he has to ask himself the question do i think i can win this? might someone else have a better chance? and given the stakes? should i make a move here? and i hope he's getting good information and good guidance, but only he can make this decision. and if he decides to move forward, yes, i think a lot of democrats will rally behind him because the stakes are so large david axelrod, jeff duncan, actually it and thank you very much. i'm next to the aforementioned biden-harris campaign co-chair mitch landrieu, joint test of your back i still love to surf
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great journey for the ones who get it done we're talking tonight about new reporting of prison. >> biden's cognitive ups and downs by carl bernstein and all the political dramas since his debate performance last week joining us now is mitch landrieu, national co-chair for the biden-harris campaign and former new orleans may or may are landrieu good to have you
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owe some david axelrod was on the program just some few moments ago. he referenced from something you said last week after the debate that basically we're not going to let 90 bad minutes or race three-and-a-hal f years of great work. axelrod said, it isn't just about the last four years. the question is, is the up for the next four is he? well first of all, let me say this. i thought the president's statement tonight was very strong it was the right statement as has been the case with joe biden. and he reiterated why he ran for office, which was to save democracy he reminded us that president trump tried to append the peaceful transition of power and that he he was standing between an archae and democracy. new is going to continue to do that. i've heard david made that argument a number of different times. of course how well you're doing debate doesn't really relate to how well you run a presidency. so just to answer my friend that, but that is the question of good friend. sorry. go ahead we've had this, but let me say that we've had this argument many times.
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>> let's put aside the fact that joe biden created 15.5 million jobs and donald trump lost 2.5 or that we have the lowest unemployment rate, or that he passed for the biggest pieces of legislation. i don't know why people would want us to ignore that. the president, president biden actually was in office and did an incredible job. but if you wanted to talk about the future, i think the president laid out what the future will look like if this radical supreme court decision is allowed to stand in, donald trump is allowed to sit in the presidency. again, democracy is at stake. so the thing that joe biden is going to do in the next four years has protect our democracy. that's a critically important thing because this supreme court, donald trump's supreme court there's now a eviscerated a woman's right to choose. it is limited people's right to vote. it is now allowed the president to stand above the law. and joe biden is going to stand in the middle of that here i get all the better and stronger economy. i get all so that people can continue to work hard. i get to keep dismissing well, because 72% of the biden lifestyle. but 72% of
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voters said biden lacks the mental health for the presidency after the debate, that's up from 65% before the debate, and 36% in june of 2020. that's obviously, i would think a huge concern for you anderson. i'll make there's no question that it's a huge concern, but president biden, when it gets knocked down, gets up again and a lot of people in america thing donald trump is a threat to democracy. joe biden is the only person that's ever beat donald trump. and so we have a binary choice. you can elect joe biden, who's a good guy, then understands honestly, decency, dignity, who actually get stuff done, who fights? to the american people, or you can be for donald trump, who you know, is like a walking crime syndicate. i mean, i understand that you want to talk about joe biden's debate performance, but you now know because your network broadcast is that when donald trump was talking, if his lips were moving, he was lying. and when he wasn't lying, he was actually doubling down on election denial. he was talking about the insurrection actually not being a bad thing. and he was talking about using his power to hurt people. the american people have to make a choice and the supreme court today, donald trump's supreme court has made it clear that
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the only thing that's going to stop donald trump for eviscerating democracy is voting. and i totally get that. i understand that binary choice argument and that's clearly what it's going to have to come down to unless the president changes his mind about running, it's gonna be a binary choice. obviously, there's third party candidates, but anybody who wants to decide who's actually going to be the president has a binary choice. i guess the question is are so many people just be turned off by that? and a lot of people just vote and by staying on the couch. and that will lead to a win by the former pretty well the american people have to make a choice? you know, it's, i find that really curious it nobody is calling for donald trump to step off the ballot to save democracy, given the fact that he's a convicted felon 34 times and has a number of different judgments against steaming. 26 for that. situation. well, that when we're there, you go. then they're going to have a choice to make the president of the united states, joe biden has
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conducted himself well. he's working hard, he's going to be an equally good president in his second term as he is in his first. and the people of america have a real clear choice to me and they're going to have to make an i believe joe joe biden, the stand and in-between donald trump in the evisceration of democracy, which is why he ran in the first place. >> do you expect to see president? >> i mean, look, prison biden came out tonight reading off a teleprompter. clearly he was on-point and it was as good in appearance as you could possibly have. you think that is what we're gonna be seeing more of less off the cuff remarks. i mean, more organized appearances well, i want to make two points. one, anderson, you interviewed the president yourself for 45 minutes. he didn't have any notes. nobody was telling him what he did. great conversation, cleavable interview that you did. i correct that you yourself, who's a credible i understand. i'm just saying you as a credible journalists can in an
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objective way say that you know, from personal experience that joe biden is fine. now, joe biden left the debate and went to north carolina and you saw him do an incredible job. and of course tonight he did as well. so i can you can continue to expect joe biden as you have seen him in the last month? standing on the shores of normandy with world leaders traveling back and forth with world leaders coming to the united states campaigning and all the battleground states you will see him out there doing that. and i'm sure that he's going to be available as he has been and will continue to make the case to the american people. i will say i was in my interview was i think in november or december and it was a very intimate, personal interview and i thought he was extraordinary in his ability to talk about things that no president has ever talked about, about the loss of family members and about grief. but again, the debate performance obviously has raised questions fins, which and that was many months ago. so i think the questions are totally valid and certainly you clearly this is not the debate performance you
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guys want it anderson, let me be very clear about this. the president did a did not do a good job the other night during the debate he actually acknowledged that himself. he talked about that the next day. nobody's defending that performance. it was a bad performance. we've seen this many times. i heard you guys talking about the obama the reagan, and everybody wants to say that it's different, but a debate performance does not a great president make. and the president has four years of receipts. he has got a great team of people that have been with him from the beginning. one of the things that was mentioned during the bait that donald trump tried to put lipstick on a pig was the fact 40 of his 44 cabinet members have now said it would not vote for him and are asking us not to vote for him, that his vice president, who was in the midst of that insurrection, whose life was almost lost, also said, i'm not going to vote for him. >> that's well, that is certainly true. mitch landrieu. i appreciate your time as always. thank you. up next, former trump senior strategist, steve bannon, reports to federal prison all the market
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it all? you conservative strategist steve bannon, walking into federal prison, his home for the next four months for defying a congressional subpoena seeking answers about january 6, i stand with trump and the constitution, and i will never backed off that ever. the political right-wing firebrand has had a tumultuous relationship with donald trump. but as fealty to the former president and the maga movement has been unwavering. >> if you do not believe that 2020 election was stolen, you're not at the real ahead of this movement. that is the original sin of what's happened in modern politics than in first landed on trump's radar as the head of breitbart news, which led to a top spot for him on the campaign trump's election victory launched bannon and his nationalist views into the white house, where he served as chief strategist but his strident populous posture and blowback inside the west wing for grabbing too many headlines led to his ouster in august of 2017. think i think i'm a
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street foreign, donald trump's a fighter. i'm going to be his wing man outside for the entire time. bannon did just that. he started the war room podcast in 2019 to counter trump's first impeachment hearings. after trump lost the 2020 election to biden than unused his podcasts to foment protests behind the scenes. he pushed for right-wing members of congress to block the certification of the election the day before the attack on the capitol, on his podcast, ben and predicted chaos on january 6 all hell is going to break loose tomorrow it's not going to happen. >> like you think it's going to happen, okay? it's gonna be quite extraordinarily different. >> the comments drew the attention of the january 6 committee, we believe must abandon has information relevant to our pro and we'll use the tools at our disposal to get that information. >> then and was subpoenaed for documents and testimony. he refused to comply and was indicted on contempt of congress charges after a trial, bannon was convicted and
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sentenced to four months in prison. >> i'm a political prisoner. i feel great about it. it won't change, will not suppress my voice. bannon's multiple attempts to stay out of prison ended last week when the u.s. supreme court refused to hear his case. and as ben and entered prison, were he'll be known as inmate 05635-509. he said he had no regrets i'm actually proud of what i did. >> our fell turkey, if i didn't do it. yeah, i don't. mind, going to prison today. >> kara scannell, cnn, danbury, connecticut and i said for us the news continues to source with kaitlan collins starts now say tomorrow with generative ai on aws, companies are all already transforming how they work to generate new ideas and turn experiments into reality aws is the easiest way to get up and running so you can quickly build and scale generative ai with security built-in with generative ai on
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