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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 2, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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and get a 6 million cohen bonus. make every day. oh, winning de sorry, from the source tonight the supreme court giving donald trump a bigger win than even he expected transforming the 2024 race and the country forever with one liberal justice warning that this new one pulling makes every president quote, a king above the law. >> what today's historic decision means for donald trump's criminal cases in new reporting and trump's attorney is also here to join me live also presented by biden weighing in just a few moments
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ago when his speech that was watched just for much is how it was delivered as for what was actually said coming after that disastrous debate performance that has loved democrats panicked and his campaign in crisis. i'm kaitlin collins, and this is the source we start with breaking news tonight as the impact of today's supreme court ruling is already being felt i've just confirmed that the donald trump legal team is now moving to overturn his hush money conviction in new york, citing today's ruling from the high court, finding that presidents have sweeping immunity from prosecution jin, for their acts while they are in office. we've learned from sources that trump's legal team has now fired off a letter to justice juan were sean that's the judge in new york who oversaw his case. they're asking him to set trump's guilty verdict aside. essentially, to overturn it. they, claimed that evidence that was used during that hush
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money trial included official acts that trump took while he was in office. and they suggest postponing his sentencing. that is supposed to happen and just ten days from now for those 34 felony convictions this news is breaking tonight as president biden has offered this blistering take just a few moments ago from the white house on the supreme court's ruling no one no one is above the law not even the president of united states today's supreme court decision on presidential immunity that fundamentally changed for all, for all practical purposes today's decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits or the president can do this a fundamentally new principle and it's a dangerous precedent because the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law. >> even including the supreme court in the united states now that a dress from president
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biden was watched just as closely for his reaction to the ruling as it was for president biden himself. these were his first public remarks since saturday when he was in north carolina. they come amid calls from some of his own party to drop out of the race the finger-pointing has continued tonight over who's to blame for the 90 minute debacle that was last week's debate here on cnn. but the president, using a teleprompter there and also declining to take questions at the end, focused on the ruling and said that he agreed with justice sonia sotomayor, who accused her conservative colleagues on the court of ignoring during quotes settled understanding of the constitution of inventing immunity through brute force. and looking to history. and i'm quoting her now only when it is convenient days before the july 4 holiday, both the justice and the president tonight harkened back to the founding of this nation every use of official power the president is now a king above the law with fear for our
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democracy. >> i dissent, end of quote so should the american people dissent? i dissent biden is imploring voters to take action in november, but i should note my new reporting tonight shows that trump and his legal team are acting now to take advantage of today's landmark ruling from the supreme court i want to get straight to the source tonight with one of the attorneys representing donald trump in the immunity case. >> will scharf. i should note he is also running in the republican primary to be missouri attorney general. and will it's great to have you back here at tonight for what's happening tonight with this news and trump's legal team trying to overturn that conviction. you're not representing him in that case, but you were there in the courtroom? room for parts of that trial as it was going on. does anything in the new york case pass the test and your view that the supreme court established today in this ruling yeah absolutely kaitlan, the supreme court, was very clear that for acts that fall
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within the outer perimeter of the president's official responsibilities, acts that are presumptively immune from prosecution that evidence of those acts cannot be used in to try essentially private act. so what we have having new york is a situation where a substantial number of official acts of the presidency, things that we believe are official acts were used as evidence to support the charges in that new york trial we believe that that corrupts that trial, that that indicates that that jury verdict needs to be overturned. and at the very least, you deserve a new trial where those mute acts will not come into evidence as the supreme court dictated today, which, which acts are you arguing that were presented in the trial are official acts so one example would be communications made through official white house communications channels. >> those would be things that we believe based on the supreme court's opinion today fall neatly within the outer perimeter of a president's
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official responsibilities and duties. so certainly with respect to those sorts of official communications from the white house that were entered into evidence in that new york trial. that would be the sort of thing that would run afoul of the supreme court's opinion today. so like testimony from hope hicks or what exactly? do you mean? >> no. i mean, there were, for example, tweets from president trump's official twitter account that were entered into evidence at trial. president trump's 20 account has been held by numerous courts to be during his time as president, to be an official communications instrumentality of the white house. those sorts of things would be official acts under the supreme the court's ruling today. and therefore, they were not admissible as evidenced in that new york trial do you think it'll actually warrant a new trial though and new york i think it's certainly should i think it just adds to the vast number of irregularities and unconstitutional aspects of that trial that took place in new york. we're obviously looking forward to vigorously challenging that trial verdict
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on numerous grounds. this is just another ground that i think adds to the clamor in terms of returning that verdict, i'm a little skeptical, but we'll see what the judge decides here. women seen any response from him or from the da's office, but but on this case itself and on the january 6 case here on washington, which is what this immunity ruling came from. justice amy coney barrett wrote it if the lower judge rules against you on this question of what's official and what's not official that trump must stand trial. i mean, do you a knowledge that there is still a chance he does have a trial here for the january 6 election interference case. >> well, first of all, i would note that justice barrett's opinion is a concurrence and it's not controlling. i think the majority opinion authored by chief justice roberts very clearly sets out the path ahead. this case is going to be remote banded back to the district court. the district court is going to have to determine which of the acts underlying the indictment or immune and which are not immune. and then we'll proceed from there. obviously, any immunity decision made by the district court we would have the ability to appeal a lot an
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interlocutory basis, again, up to the dc circuit and potentially to the supreme court as well. in terms of your core question about the trial timeline, i think at the very least, we're looking at a long road ahead before this case could go to trial, which i think is appropriate given the very serious constitutional issues that this first ever prosecution of a former president presents here. >> yeah. but you have conceded here the last time that you and i spoke in april and john sauer, who was arguing this before the supreme court that some of what's alleged would be considered a private act. so that would mean that at least part of this case from jack smith would go to court based on what you have said before, right we've admitted consistently that their act it's alleged in the indictment that would constitute private conduct. >> but we believe that if the official conduct, the immune acts in the indictment are stripped away, that jack smith doesn't have a case that this case should be dismissed on that basis. i don't think there's sufficient private private conduct here to support
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the indictment, to support the ongoing prosecution. going to be litigate. their district court. now, even just the false lots of electors, you don't think that would constitute enough for trial we would say alternate slates of electors. >> and as we argued before, the supreme court alternate slates of electors have been a method used by previous presidents that most notably ulysses s grant, to ensure the integrity prior elections. so we believe the assembly of those alternate slates of electors was an official act of the presidency. that's what we argued before the supreme court. the supreme court has reserved that issue for determination by the district court. and we'll see how arguments fall in front of the district court. yeah. we've walked through those historical references here before. none of them compared to what we saw in 2020 with the fake slates of electors. but will scharf great to have your reaction to this. thank you for joining us tonight. >> i would disagree with that, katelyn, but great to be with you. thank you. >> that does not surprise me at all. thank you very much. well, and here with me now, a former federal prosecutor who was
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inside the supreme court today, shan wu, also cnn senior legal analyst and former dissent us attorney elie honig, as well as cnn senior law enforcement analysts and the former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe. great to have you all here. le let me start with you because on this new reporting tonight of how this decision here in washington has already extending and having its impact felt new york, you predicted this earlier when you were hearing that this was going to happen within an hour of the supreme court decision coming down. >> you can see the dominoes that we're going to fall. i think this gives donald trump's team a shot a long shot, but a shot to try to overturn the hush money case. i think you've just got some interesting details out of will scharf there as to how they're going to argue it the supreme court today defined official acts very broadly. harder than i even expected them to. and so donald trump's team is going to say some of the communications, not many, but a bit of the evidence used against donald trump in the hush money trial happened in early 2017 when he was president communications with white house officials. i'm not sure that just using the
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official twitter account is enough to get something over the line, but they're going to have an argument. i think judge merchan mean his overall orientation in this case is going to be skeptical of that argument. i would had to guess i would guess he denies it. however, this gives donald trump another arrow in the quiver for when he goes up onto appeal and could end up right back in the same place we got our ruling from today. yeah. well, should you were inside the courtroom in time supreme court as this was coming down, and obviously we don't get to actually hear the opinions, the rulings being read. what was it like to hear one chief justice john roberts with his ruling as he read the majority opinion, but also the dissent from sonia sotomayor, which is worth reading, also, as you look at all of this, yeah, i've never actually been the one the announcements before and it was quite a quite very different than being there for arguments. i was really struck. roberts was very matter of fact, as you read and the other conservative justices, actually it seemed a little bit checked out. i mean, justice thomas was like, you know, leaning back in his jurors, eyes closed sometimes
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kavanaugh seemed to be looking at them, but what was really changed the atmosphere according courtroom was when she began to read that dissent. and there was much more tension in the courtroom and she really ratcheted up the drama by actually turning towards the conservative side, looking right at roberts at certain moments and the fascinating thing to me, he never looked back at her. there might up at all. >> because if you read what i was just saying, there, she was saying that they were inventing immunity through brute force. she was saying that they were only relying on history when it was convenient to them. i mean, it was pretty scathing of a dissent oh, absolutely. >> and you see in the majority writing he tries to address some of that and i must say, looking at the body language, amy coney barrett, who started off the proceedings talking about the case. she did a little bit of humor. she's by personable. look, pretty uptight, sitting next to her looking straight at the back. during that very powerful, respectfully, either right? right right. they usually say i
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respectfully dissent. justice sotomayor said, i had a fear for democracy. i dissent. i mean, this was a ruling and i think it's important to trump himself was claiming it full immunity. they didn't actually argue that in court, but they did get a lot more than even what the legal team felt they were going to get it's rolling. this was not the grand slam that trump was looking for, but it was very close, very, very close. >> and as ellie's mentioned, the definition of of immunity is so broad, i think it's far beyond what most legal analysts thought where we would end up that with the addition of the elimination of using any official conduct as evidence in a prosecution that targets unofficial conduct. really carves out a miniscule area of potential prosecution for any president or former president. it's almost it's impossible to imagine when you cobbled together hypotheticals around, built around different federal criminal laws, somos a possible to imagine how you build a case
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to prove those prosecutions to a jury of 12. >> that's a biden was saying today, there's no restraints as he was saying, on the office that he enjoys currently right now. and what this means practically judge chutkan has a lot of big decisions to make, which is when it comes to trump's influence campaign on mike pence, his outreach and influence on state officials, people like the governor of georgia, brian kemp, and also his speech on the ellipse that day? yeah the supreme court gave some guidance, some loose guidance to judge chutkan, but you can see where they expect durde go. >> they basically said the court today said trump's communications with doj. those are going to be covered. he's immune his conversations with the vp probably are going to be covered, even a speech on the ellipse they say is probably going to be covered two. so they're signaling to judge chuck and i'm not going to we're not going to leave you with a lot and you hadn't really interesting exchange just that with low scharf kaitlyn, where he seemed to suggest that there's gonna be so little left in this case that it's not even going to be enough to support criminal charges. i'm not quite sure
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it's going to be that extensive, but whatever is left of this indictment, it's going to look like swiss cheese. it's going to have holes all over. and as andy said, the supreme of course said, you can't even use prosecutors, can't even use evidence of an official act even to just explain this to a jury, even to just fill out the narrative. so if this case survives, it's going to be just barely. justice. amy coney barrett, though, was skeptical and that she disagreed with that, which was notable. >> and that's the that's the best thing. example. it's the bribery examples. so if you accuse the president of bribery, that's of course taking a bribe and returned for performing an official act you could essentially enter evidence of the acceptance of the bride because that's not official, but you can even refer to the official act. so imagine putting that case on in front of a jury and not being able to explain to them what the official act was that the president allegedly took it, gives me anxiety in a headache as a prosecutor. i mean, having that kind of stuff stripped out of your case, that's killer. >> i mean, even beyond the substance aspect the way they
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set this process up makes it just the torturers experienced are trying to bring cases. i'm just going to be so much extra fact-finding they didn't give very clear guidance as to how chutkan supposed to do this. it really just makes it sort of death by 1,000 cuts yeah. >> i don't really remarkable to see how she handles it. >> and if we have a hearing in front of her over these arguments of these actual issues a great time you all their shared what a better day for you. i hope you write about this in your diary tonight. coming up here though, i'd cnn president biden arguing it is time for voters to decide whether donald trump is fit for office. clearly, the court's not going to be involved really very much in that. the question is whether or not president biden is doing enough to quash concerns about his own fitness. the latest on what's behind the scenes in his party inside that whitehouse tonight? also tonight, steve bannon spending his first night in federal prison. we're going to speak to the person who dropped him off at prison in connecticut today how many times have you tried to clean a stubborn mess with?
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donald trump's behavior? the american people must decide whether donald trump's assault on our democracy on january 6 makes him unfit for public office in the highest office in the land the american people must decide. trump's embrace of violence to preserve his power is acceptable perhaps most importantly, the american people must decide saying he must decide that the american people must decide come november about donald trump's political fades since is clearly not going to be left up to the courts. >> but that statement from the president tonight, which was not initially on his schedule after the supreme court ruling this morning was also closely watched because of the fallout from his performance at cnn's presidential debate last week, it led to calls from some democrats and his party to tell him to drop out of the 2024 race, which she has so far resisted doing. my team have top political sources joins me the table now and public gala, when you look at president biden coming out tonight, clearly he wants the headline coming out of this to be biden's response to the supreme court ruling, but it's
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also pupil we're looking at him, how he came out. did it is he going to take questions which i should know? he did not he did read off a teleprompter during those remarks i thought he did fine. >> he showed strength that he clearly knows about this really quite radical for joe biden, who's an institutionalist, really took on the court which is very fertile territory. americans hate the supreme court. they think it's biased and corrupt. why? because it's biased and corrupt two-thirds of americans, 67% support term limits. 75% support binding ethics codes. sheldon whitehouse, the center from our island has bills that would do both of those things if i was biden, i would ride that horse. people hate supreme court they're there in the tank for mr. trump. they believe i do, too. so i think that's a great issue for him, but i do people's disdain for the supreme court outrank his concern, the concern that voters potentially may have. we'll wait to see what the polling shows from last thursday's debate. of course, it doesn't joe biden, after cannone balling into an empty
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swimming pool on thursday night, came out tonight and spoke for four minutes off of the teleprompter he's good, for four minutes today as long as somebody else wrote it after having this completely tone deaf sort of announcement coming out of this meeting that you wrote about with his family this weekend where his son, the notorious influence peddler and crack addict, hunter biden says you gotta keep going also, they were hanging out with any lieber which the photographer which i wasn't even aware she was taken mug shots. now, this entire thing, since thursday has been one tone deaf political disaster after another. tonight, he comes out in the texas supreme court and says, oh the president can do whatever he wants. the same guy by the way, whose centerpiece of his speeches is the supreme court tried to stop me they blocked me, but they'll never stopped me on student loans. i don't know what they are doing because they don't know what they're doing. and no one in america knows what they're doing. and that's why i've
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donald trump's beaten his brains in right now. >> i'm going to light take that one. >> yeah. okay any liebowitz, todd doing pictures, i don't even know it's got worse. i know mug shots that with the line. sorry. there was such a anyway yeah. okay. he was fine tonight. he did find tonight i didn't questions. >> he didn't. absolutely. and then address his debate prep gone on camera. hall is going to say no here here would be i wish she would have been able to take questions. i'll be honest because i think if you would have been able to come out and give those remarks take questions for a period of time. i think that would have potentially started to shift. what is what people are feeling about what they saw last week. but, but what is so interesting is that the tenor of the conversations at camp david and with his family and advisers has been about keep staying in the fight and continuing to
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fight and so seeing him deliver a very short statement and not stay the obvious question that was shouted that everyone heard was, are you going to drop out and he didn't take it? you would think for somebody who is you know as i'm told, so focused on fighting, show some show some of that i talked to white house officials this morning who were shaken and worried on thursday evening, they came into work on friday and saw his performance in north carolina they told me they needed to see more of that and that is not who showed up today, who they fighting so far. >> i've heard them fighting. the media. they're fighting against cnn. i saw that they were slandering some podcasters. now they're there fighting their own staff. it's their fault is there a one ounce of introspection in these people about what the president himself did on thursday night, not to shake competence in his candidacy, but to shake competence that he can do the job. and it's not about what the media thinks or what critics and gets out with
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voters. >> thank and voters who watched that paul. and so when you look at the cbs poll that was conducted after the debate, it found that almost three hey, forced to register at three-fourths of registered voters don't think he has the cognitive health to serve as president. that's what they have to address. how do you address that? i mean, one remark, one set of remarks tonight is not going to do that. what does statements not going to do it when good rally. he said both since debate but we have 50 million, 75 million people watched the debate. it probably 100 more million in the memes and posts. so it's a hell of a hill to climb. i think i don't think his peril is over at all. in terms of debate fallout members of congress are going home now for 4 july recess. they're going to go to those wonderful neighborhood community parades and they're going to hear an earful from their constituents. maybe they will here with the biden people are saying, which is we love joe don't stab them in the back hanging that he delivered us from the evil trump backed joe. but maybe they won't, maybe again, here, he's told he can't do the
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job, but we're going to know when these members come back. but this is a really important point that paul's making right? because i think joe biden has earned the right to take a beat, take a step back, gets here that information here from donors and they've been doing that, right? they've been making calls, hearing the rounds. i think he's earned the right to get all that together and then make a decision about what is the next step particularly when you're up against a convicted felon who spent 90 minutes and i don't say this to divert from i stipulate to the facts that joe biden was not good of the debate at the same time when you are looking at data i'll trump has spent 90 minutes lying and gaslighting this country and wouldn't even when it came to january sickness, some very frightening answers actually argument that jill biden has been making and katie, i mean, you were one of the best sourced first lady of reporters and she is the biggest influence on president biden and what he does here. she was saying today telling vogue, we're not i can let those 90 minutes define the
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four years that he was president will continue divide. tell us more about what you have heard in your reporting of what she's doing behind the scenes, what she's saying behind the scenes because she matters most of all. i also i just think it's important to understand how this family works in a way and her place in it, but also the children, the grandchildren they view obstacles as part of his story, as part of his tapestry as long life and politics, and the way they're talking about this is we have seen, we've been here before. we can keep going and she's she is a voice that reflects that view, but they all are. and what, you know, what i haven't really picked up. well, the family and the inner circle acknowledge how bad it was they haven't acknowledged that age is a different thing. it's not an obstacle, it's it tells you what to do, not the other way around. yeah. katie rogers, i
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mean, you're reporting has been fascinating during this. thank you. thanks. the political panel up next, he has said that donald trump is unfit to be president. what does the former national security adviser john bolton? have to say about the expanded powers that the presidency just got. and also that donald trump will have should he retake office again, john bolton is here do not buy generic viagra until you check out this program, giving away 100 milligrams generic viagra for just $0.87 cvs and walgreens don't want you to know about this because they sell the same tablets for 30 to $40 each don't believe me. >> look at this. this is from cvs. look, nine tablets, 100 milligrams, sildenafil, aka generic viagra for four hundred and $6. that's $45 a tablet. this is from walgreens, 400 $417 for nine tablets of 100 milligrams sildenafil or $46 a tablet. you can now get the
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>> so the idea that he's gonna be able to go to go out and weaponized as they say, the department of justice against his adversaries i don't think there's a particularly acute risk of that joining me now, another former top trump official, ambassador john bolton, who served as donald trump's national security advisor and also as an assistant attorney general under president reagan. >> so it's great to have you here, ambassador is you first read this indictment of trump and the january ics case that this whole decision stem from using you didn't think any of the acts were official acts. so i wonder what you made of this ruling today. >> well, i wouldn't have written the opinion this way at all. i do think that they overstated what the extent of immunity was, although they provided a lot of opportunity to question asks effects of its sang, it was only presumptive immunity i think the key thing that they did, they could have done more was to distinguish between official acts and not official acts which the dc
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circuit and the district court did not do an adequate job of. and by the way, when people complain about the supreme court taking too long, good decide this case. if jack smith had an overstated his claims like trump overstated his claims maybe there would have been more examination in the courts below of what's official what's not official in terms of the jack smith indictment, the vast bulk of it deals with the efforts on the fake elector a scheme out in the state's much less of a deals with the justice department. so i think the indictments survives and i think that there's a lot more to come. i think there's gonna be another supreme court decision before this case goes to trial. i do think that there was not enough consideration by the majority to what the circumstances are where you can look at the president's motives. and that's where i think bill barr is wrong on what trump is going to do. he is going to try to use the justice department to seek retribution against his enemies this was the fascinating part of this where they're saying
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that any communications he had with the justice department were official acts and therefore, that's they can even get into that. >> they were like that's off limits. and i was just thinking when then acting attorney general, jeff rosen was testifying about part of this, he talked out the pressure campaign that he faced from donald trump after a billboard left. this is part of what he said that would not be able to be used in court based on what the supreme court found today. >> so between december 23 and january 3rd, the president either called me, are met with me virtually every day at one point, he had raised the question of having a special counsel for election fraud at a number of points. he raised requests that i meet with his campaign counsel, mr. giuliani, one of the later junctures was this issue of sending a letter to state legislatures in georgia or other states that part is interesting because
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trump wanted to get rid of him and put another loyalist in charge of the doj to actually who was willing to send that letter? >> yeah. when geoff rosen's case, that's after sure. trump had lost the election. that's when he suddenly stood up to and when trump was still contesting the election, both he and bill barr tried to stop publication of my book, knowing that it had been cleared in the pre-publication review process. and i think deceived the court so rosen's testimony is a little bit suspect can tell you from my own personal point of view, i think that the court missed the opportunity to say that the president not only has constitutional protection, he has constitutional responsibilities primarily to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. and if there was ever a case where i think you can say that the president's got to be scrutinized. it's when his own reelection is at stake, or when he is seeking to use the justice department or other elements of the federal
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government to seek reprisals against his personal enemies. and i think the court missed that, but i think when you look at what the district court can do now to sort this out, i think there's still some possibilities there, and i think when it comes back up, you're going to find more than five justices who are very dubious about some of these trump actions, okay, but say that this doesn't go to court before the election, doesn't seem likely trump wins reelection with this power that he was given today when it came, came to the justice department. let's just focus on that part. i mean, what does that mean for how trump couldn't use the justice department and face no chance of prosecution if he's reelected. >> well, i think it gives him a lot of leeway and i think there you got to wait. you're going to have have to see whether his own political appointees or career officials at the department begin resigning when they're not going to carry through with acts like, for example charge mark milley with treason for his conversation with his chinese counterpart trump just said recently that
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liz cheney should be tried by a military tribunal for treason. mike pump peo accused me of trees. and so there's a long line of trees and prosecution's ahead here that i think are potentially very dangerous, not just to those in line, but for, but for others who could be intact limit aided by this, and i think it's anomalous as the court said, that they can wall off communications with the justice department, but the vice president could be at a different situation. i think i think there's a lot of room there for the district court to say there may be presumptive immunity for what trump tried to get mike pence to do, but we see the circumstances and what they said the content in context of the communications were to break through the presumption. yeah, presumptive immunity. >> is this new now found language, so it's a rebuttable presumption as we say. in other words you start with that, but you can show and the court made this clear and conversely, sessions about what trump said
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on the ellipse that day too, that they could break through that presumption. so i think the district court has a lot of room to run ambassador john bolton. thank you for joining tonight. glad to be here. great to have you coming up. remember this quote when the president does it, that means it's not illegal former president nixon, 47 years ago, but today, conservatives on the supreme court seemed to say hizon under something let's his former white house counsel, john dean, is going to weigh in next when you're took it on a black stone you get a better experience. you'll have bigger adventures job. part of that outdoor cooking revolution with your blackstone job. every breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you create from fat asked and font to low and slow cook. anything, any time anywhere go to your nearest black stole retailer or blackstone now and make everything better on a black blackstone, take a pea sized
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still or when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal. that quote from foreign president richard nixon nearly three years after he was forced to resign following the watergate scandal. but 47 years later, it's resonating because the conservatives on the supreme court seemed to believe he was onto something they issued that 6-3 decision today that could alter the power of the american presidency from here on out. in that scathing dissent that was signed onto by two other liberal justices justice sonia sotomayor, put it this way, said quote the relationship between the president and the people he serves has now shifted in every use of official power. the president is now a king above the law. my source tonight is president nixon's former white house
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counsel, john dean, and it's great to have your job because i just wonder when you look at this ruling today from the supreme court, do you think then president nixon would have, would have resigned from office had this immunity decision been in place when watergate happened absolutely not. >> i think it's clear from reading the decision with a very broad definitions of official conduct i've versus on official conduct or outer perimeter conduct, he would've survived. he would have not been he would have been immunized i'm not going to get into the weeds of watergate, but broadly speaking, when the court outlines what it means by those terms and its effort to just outline for trump and lower court what to do. i just couldn't scape thinking about that quote. that's why i tweeted it early this morning. and how it would have survived a what he survived it i mean, it is remarkable to also think how that would have altered history. to think it's not
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resign. but but on what sotomayor said today, i mean, it was very scathing dissent some people believe it was over-torqued, that it was exaggerated when she says that this effectively means a president is now a king above law, i wonder if you agree with that sentiment it's a radical decision to me i'm not surprised. >> we have a radical court. they're blowing through precedence of 50 years with rho 40 years was chevron story decisis has no meaning to them. so they just qarrah, new ground and that's i really anticipated the worst today. and while it wasn't total immunity unless it's official conduct, it was very broad immunity. trump was granted well, and the other part of it that i was thinking is as two donald trump is reluctant, which you very well could be the impacts of what this means. nixon was obviously ultimately
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pardoned, but his attorney general john mitchell, mitchell center, 19 months, g. gordon liddy, 4.5 years. his chief of staff, h or holtzman spent 18 months in prison i mean, it goes on and on. those around him. i wonder what today's ruling means for people who carry out the president's orders because as donald trump is much testimony and many interviews with former officials have said he doesn't always explicitly say something, but if he has someone carry out something that he tells them to do so what they're not immune, obviously, based on today's decision, it only applies to the president that's a great point, caitlin. >> no question. that was also in my mind when nixon made that statement, when the president does it, that means it's not illegal. he later in the same interview said but what does the staff gonna do if they're not taking care of because president's don't handle all these things. they give orders and others carry them out this opinion doesn't address that
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question. he's got to have willing conspirators, if you will, who are ready to go to jail because they're not immune unless the court comes back and starts to even saying, well, white house staff for anybody in the agencies who follows an illegal order is somehow immunized. that really will change the nature of government because a lot of people will still feel the restraint of the criminal law and if they're freed up it's katy bar, the door we heard from lawmakers today about this congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, a democrat, of course. >> so she's going to filing articles of impeachment against the supreme court justices. she said quote, that she believed that this precedent that was established here, that they've made the supreme court can consumed by a corruption crisis beyond its patrol that it's up to congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture. she doesn't which justices she's, she's going out there, but i mean, you could make obvious inferences there from justice thomas,
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justice samuel alito. they stayed on this case despite being called by some to recuse themselves didn't that goes anywhere. do you think congress does anything with this i don't think it goes anywhere. >> it's a political statement. i'm not even sure the house judiciary committee, which has jurisdiction, whatever take it up under the current circumstances with jim jordan controlling the committee just not going to happen but a bill of. impeachment is also a privileged document that goes to, it can command attention by very filing of it so we'll see yeah, we will see indeed john dean. i mean, no one better to hear from on this. thank you for joining tonight thanks, katelyn. and still ahead here. another, it's amazing that this is not the lead story tonight, but that's how much news is happening. long time to valley. steve bannon is now behind bars in federal prison for the first night tonight but we have new details. i'll the last minutes of freedom, the moment it's sunken for him the prison consultant who was with
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low-security facility and danbury, connecticut today to begin that for months sentence for defying a subpoena from the january 6 congressional committee supreme. court rejected his effort to delay what you were watching right here. that is moments before you want it to court today. and this was one of his final messages i'm a political prisoner of joe biden i'm proud of going to prison ever first, were amendment right to have my voice and my voice is going to be heard every day and more importantly, their voices are going tonight's inside source as sam mangle, who has steve bannon's prison consultant who dropped him off today and sam, i should just note just for our viewers. >> donald trump did an interview just a few moments ago claiming that biden is going to pay a big price for steve bannon going to prison. i should note by nothing to do with what happened. it was because steve bannon divide that subpoena. but but on what we saw today steve bannon reporting to this facility that you arranged for him to actually go to in danbury,
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connecticut? i mean, tell us what what was he like in the final moments had it's sunken that he was actually about to be spending the next four months behind bars. >> o kaitlyn, thanks for having me back. i think anyone going into prison is going to be scared is going to be nervous. now surely when you have somebody that's used to, a lot of press has a firebrand rhetoric and wants to have the appearance of a sense of bravado and being bold i get it. but as soon as somebody walks through those gates in the salehpour door closes reality sinks in. when we got there, steven, i and bernie carrick and somebody else drove up the road we were met by the captain. we walked inside met with lieutenant and it was a very civil handoff steven, i went back into the back room. we talked are reminded him of all the things that he needs to remember and really focus on while he's there. because this is a chance to remove himself from everything that's going
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on outside. he's not going to have internet. he's not going to have very limited phone time his emails where we monitored heavily his phone time, we mailed have i don't think it really sunk in until he and i were getting ready to say goodbye and r&d reception came out very nicely. they welcomed him. there was no handcuffs or anything like that, and brought him back to be processed through yeah. >> i mean, he was quite defiant outside of the actual jail today. who's speaking with marjorie taylor greene and others? i think that's obviously his persona that he projects. but are you saying it was different when he was actually getting ready to go in to have the strip search to have those moments. that is, it's typical for every prisoner, but interesting to see that happen to someone who was in the west wing not too long ago. >> he was ready. he was prepared he went in there. he held his head up high i think the biggest part of anyone going to that situation is understanding the environment you're going into when you
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realize it's not your playground, it's somebody else's. and they call the shots and the bop could be very punitive. if someone upsets them or says the wrong thing, they could be subject to some form of punishment and yeah he's punishment won't get him extra time. it could land in the shoe for the length of stay. >> will you also though, helped him get into a certain part that's designated for veterans. what's that going to look like? does he have does have a prison job? what does that look like? >> so we got him into the vet unit. it's one of the dorms. they have their a similar to how we helped peter navarro get into the elderly unit. he's going to probably have a job in the library as a library orderly, something that really suits his age and what he wants to do but he's good, he's gonna be a number. he's going to twice a day, three times on weekends, have to stand by his bad and be counted it's going to be in many ways culture shock. and it's a very humbling experience for anyone when they know podcasting,
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right? i mean, that was something i wanted. his allies wanted him to be able to podcasts from from jail. >> no internet access. >> can you call into a show? yes. but he cannot conduct business while he's in prison. if he gets caught conducting business this he could wind up losing all privileges it's fascinating. >> so many globbing you obviously with the prison consoles, different. peter navarro, that to your referencing there a fascinating zab you back for this. thank you for joining tonight. >> thank you. kayla thank you so much for joining us. the news continues right here on cnn when you use the energy for your home projects, you don't all your jobs will be done well, roof repair done well, emergency plumbing done well so the next time you have a project, join the millions of homeowners he use ang to care for their home, get started at if you were moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks to still laura from the start and move toward relief after the first dose with injections.
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