tv CNN News Central CNN July 3, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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that he has a condition, but that it's manageable and so forth. of course, that might be the case. but you can't the refusal to see the doctor. i find both for political point of view, but honestly from human important i also found it strange that he hasn't seen a doctor as well. >> bill, i also noted that corinne john p, or said it's not the norm to bring the doctor to the podium and we should note the doctor was with him on this trip. that's customary so the doctor certainly sees him quite a bit, observes him. it's not the norm to bring the doctor to the podium, but we're not in normal times, as i mentioned before, do you think think that there should be some kind of public testament from the doctor or do you think this is a period of time where they could be figuring things out. what do you think i mean first of all you go to see a specialist. >> will the kinds of symptoms he's presented with obviously that can be arranged. secondly,
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i'm phillipe was with a secretary, clayton, when she had her its citizens september 11th, i believe, and 2016. and she saw a doctor. i worked in the bush white house, vice president of price, president president bush collapsed at a dinner in japan in january of 1992. he saw a physician, the physician to servever. there wa something wrong, luck. thank god. and it's very manageable. i think it was a thyroid balance thing. i don't remember. they announced that he took some drugs and he was basically just fine. let's long life and that was good. i mean, it's kinda crazy. i really just i'm i'm upset about it and i'm upset about it as a human thing, it is crazy for him not to see a doctor and not to see the relevance specialists. >> i'm glad bill brought up 2016 because yes, it was a searing moment that we all remember, but it's a perfect example of yes, transparency is incredibly important, but transparency needs to be on both accounts and needs even we don't know anything of note about donald trump's health we
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need to know more. he needs to be more transparent, being more transparent is not literally forging a doctor's note in 2015, the year before hillary collapsed, the world came down on what happened to her. we said very quickly pneumonia. no one believed us they just didn't believe us. donald trump went to walter reed hospital for no good reason, didn't explain it for i think a year and then pretended that it was a colonoscopy out of the blue. i don't know about you. i've had a colonoscopy. you don't just wake up and decide i'm going to have one today out of the blue without anesthesia his covid during the whole time he lied if this is about fitness, mental, or health, than we need to apply the same standards to both. and st. batteries of tests, both health as most physical, whatever it is, we need to apply it to both because they are both at and, you know, what if if this was a choice between who's older, who's better health, i would vote for joe biden because he isn't better physical health and donald trump says the same crazy
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things he slurs is words. he's been waging war in the english language four years and compare it to years before he ran. obviously there's been anyone who sees that. there has been a serious degradation in his life. and if they if they do have medical exams, they ought to have medical exams beye, the same people with good reputations. >> i mean, you can't have the doctor that donald trump pick that said he was in the best health of anybody ever and they universe i think you have to have serious doctors. the difficulty i think here with aging, in particular is at some of these things are difficult to diagnose directly and their gradual and so it could be very hard to come to any hard and fast conclusion because it's what we've been talking two or sources. it's like you have a good day and you can have a bad day and apparently that's what biden has. he has good days.
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and he has bad days and napping shouldn't be a four-letter word. if it is the donald trump fell asleep every day in his trial. if i were on trial for 34 different felony, criminal acts, i don't think no matter how little sleep i got the night before that, i would fall asleep and just because there was only an artist's rendering in that room and not video doesn't mean that it's not equally important. and again, this is not to say that what president biden is going through isn't something we should be interested in. obviously goes with saying, you hope that he's okay. but this disparity between the past that donald trump has gotten what is running against hillary while he was in office. and now all he's running against joe biden is horrible. and i guarantee you like all other things. donald trump, to three years. so now if he wins, it's going to be, oh, we should have been tougher on his health and what's interesting to me is that donald trump has been so quiet about all of this. >> then you haven't heard him say, oh, well, he's got to take
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a physical because he knows the response will be, well soda, you, sir. so we haven't, you know, it's it's been it's been uncharacteristic. i would say the silence coming from the trump camp on this, obviously the democrats are having issues, so they don't want to get in the middle of a fight in the democratic party, but there are other reasons as well. and i think health reason has something to do with it. >> and they're legitimate concerns, but democrats, my opinion should be giving the president and vice president harris the benefit of the doubt and a little bit of room to have these conversations even if they're slower than we would like. >> and see what comes in. they have more interest than anyone to windsor. felipe, gloria, and bill. thank you all for the perspective. if you are just joining us, we wrapped up a few moments ago, a press briefing from the white house, corinne john pier, saying that president biden is still staying in this race despite a
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disastrous performance at last week's debate with former president donald trump, corinne john pier essentially saying that the president had a bad night. she wouldn't even call it an episode. she essentially pointed to jet lag and a cold pointing to foreign travel that president biden went through in the month before the debate despite the fact that he had about two weeks, right since returning to the u.s. and about a full week of debate prep at camp david before that performance that we saw less thursday night. >> listen, he did clearly have a lot of travel in this proceeding month. i think there's no doubt about that but it seemed like they didn't add the jet lag after he had said something about it privately. what we'd heard before was it was a bad night, plus he had this cold, a lot of talk about this cold. and what is also interesting. we just spoke a little bit about it was that he has not seen a doctor since the debate. he's not been checked out. he's not been checked out by a specialist nor has that occurred since his physical in february fury?
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>> yeah, it's kind of it seems the white house was trying to have it both ways saying that it's just a cold so he shouldn't see a doctor, but the cold was so bad that clearly at affected his ability to form coherent sentences at points during the debate. we have cnn senior white house correspondent mj lee with us at the white house, as well as cnn capitol hill reporter any greater nj first to you, you actually brought up the point about the president's medical records and when the last time it was that he had a physical and you asked about that question of jet lag of orange on pier because during yesterday's briefing, it didn't come up and then it appeared today yeah. i have to tell you this was another very tough white house press briefing for the white house press secretary. just a barrage of continued questions about the president's political future. but also the concerns about his age and his health. and you're right. she did tell me that the president has not had any medical exam since his last annual physical back in february. and when we were
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pressing her on. why not more transparency, why not more information? bring his doctor out to take questions release more information, more full information from that last annual physical she continued defending the white house is conduct saying they have been thorough in the information they have released. they said the idea of dr. kevin o'connor, the president's doctor coming to the podium to take questions that that isn't the norm. we are obviously not in normal times right now. and then there were numerous questions that were posed to the white house press secretary about the president's new explanation for why he performed so poorly at last week's debate the fatigue, the jetlagged, yet pointed to the 24 trips that he had made to europe, right before the debate, even though we should note that there were some 12 days after he got back from italy for the g7 until the moment he took the debate stage. there was no good answer for why the president is suggesting that he might've been still fatigued and still
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jet-lagged from a trip that he had arrived back from some nearly two weeks before the debate. and also just on the question of why we only heard that explanation and last night when he spoke at a fundraiser including at the white house briefing yesterday, corinne john p, or didn't give us that as an explanation, she kept talking about the cold and her answer was basically that was my bad. i was so focused on talking about the cold that she didn't mention the fatigue and jet-lagged as an answer now, just on the future of the president's campaign and his reelection bid, the white house, just like the campaign is continuing to say the president isn't going to go anywhere. he is going to stay in. we of course, have heard the president a reported on the president telling this to his campaign staff. he said earlier, i am running, i am the nominee of the democratic party no one is pushing me out and i had this interesting exchange with the white house press
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secretary up pointing her back to comments that the president had made as a candidate back in 2020 when he referred her to himself as the transition candidate. take a listen to that okay. so i guess we don't have that sound, but that is just one of the questions that i think is looming over as the white house and the campaign continued to say that the president isn't going anywhere, isn't contemplating the idea of dropping out. >> it is just worth reminding everyone that this is a candidate president and a former candidate back in 2020, who really had insisted, i am going to be the bridge to the next generation of democratic leaders. and one of the things that corinne john p, are mentioned in her answer was the reason that he chose kamala harris as his vice president is because he sees her as the future. now, i obviously the
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talk and the buzz that we've heard so much within the democratic party has been precisely about the vice president and whether she should be the one to step in and take the baton from him. should he leave the presidential race? but of course it's again, the campaign is very much insisting that that is not happening, that is not being contemplated right now. even though as are reporting had shown earlier today, he did privately acknowledged to an ally yesterday that he knows that the next couple of days are going to be really critical for determining whether he is able to save his reelection bid yeah. >> what's he going to do with that? is he also just buying time? how much of this is we're in a holding pattern. all questions that we're trying to answer. mj lee live force from the white house. thank you. and thank you for those questions you asked. let's go to cnn's andy greater and annie, i know you have some new reporting that house democratic like leadership. they're holding a call today. what can you tell us well, that calls happening at 5:00 this afternoon and it is coming at a critical time.
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democratic lawmakers are ringing the phones of the white house and the biden campaign off the hook as they express their concerns, which i'm told are largely twofold. the first bucket has to do with their concerns about biden remaining at the top of the ticket after thursday's debate performance. but they're also concerned that if biden does stay in, what it would do to their chances of being able to win back the house in november, there are a number of democrats running at very competitive house races that are concerned about their races coming down to turn out and the president remaining at the top of the ticket, hurting those chances. but for now, biden has been calling the top his top allies and leaders on capitol hill, including senate majority leader chuck schumer, the top democrat in the house, hakeem jeffries, former house speaker nancy pelosi, and his longtime ally, jim clyburn. all of those leaders are expressing there are strong public support for the president, but the question really is, what is happening behind the scenes. and i'm just hearing more and more from dozens of lawmakers and aides or just about the anxiety and
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concerns that have just been really building since thursday night's debate performance. and one democrat who i spoke to you from a very blue state said that the last 24 hours really is starting to feel different that the messages that they're starting to receive from pollsters, from delegates, from down-ballot democrats. is that while they respect joe biden and his record, there are more and more starting to feel like it's time for the president to step aside. so all of these dynamics ron and boris are happening behind the scenes and it comes right up until his 5:00 5pm call today. or you will be looking to see what comes out of that, andy, thank you for that reporting. joining us now is axios national political correspondent, alex thompson or alex, i know you've been talking to a lot of people inside the white house, inside the biden campaign. what are you here? during about how they're feeling about the situation well, today was basically day to stop the bleeding because you had jeff signs call a conference call
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with basically the entire white house staff, the entire bp staff, the president and the vice president, had a separate conference call all right after that with the entire campaign staff and the reason is because the morale among the staff is incredibly low. >> and part of the reason is it wasn't just the bad debate night that re-emphasized are reinforced or are basically proved, or at least suggested that beye not be up to this job. the other thing that the other mistake they made was that joe biden basically was nowhere to be seen for several days afterward. he basically was not. he did north carolina rally on teleprompter. you did remarks monday night on top a prompter and sunday, you didn't. andy liebowitz photo shoot and that was really depressing morale both in the white house and the campaign. this was a day to stop the bleeding because this was getting away from joe biden and
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that's why you finally saw him call congressional leaders. that's why you were seeing him meet? and with the governors and call the governors. and we're really headed up to a point where joe biden is basically fighting for his political life. the next 72 hours and alexander biden apparently told donors last night, but he blamed his debate performance on being too exhausted on fatigue after traveling the world. >> now, press secretary karine john pier was asked about the seemingly shifting explanation today after not having mentioned this yesterday, she said my bad, she mostly focused on the suggestion that the president had a cold well done kept him from having a great performance at the debate. walk us through the evolving messaging from the white house and what you're hearing from staff about the reasons that they're given i mean, we really don't have enough time in the segment to go through this shifting explanations
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because it is listen, they didn't even say that he had a cold until an hour into the debate. then then earlier this week, joe biden is actually really never even referenced that he had a cold then purine jump years that he actually had no cold medication when he said he had a cold, then he said, oh, is really about the travel. but then you also remember that he was already in the eastern time zone for about ten days before the debate? yes, he traveled a lot and early june, but they range this to have a lot of downtime and affect matter is that the white house has still not been able to try to hone in on an explanation for why joe biden at the debate could not even string simple sentences together, could not really explain his earn articulating his case against donald trump. and that is part of the reason why the crisis is growing in the dissent is growing. and that's why the
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next, you know, five to six days is so critical for joe biden to a allay those fears and alex, she also seem to say, well, you in the press, members of the media, we're actually asking us if i don't know if she was saying if he had a cold or if he was unwell, what did you make of that? i mean, we were asking because it was because you could barely hear him. he in the reason we we're asking is because we were trying to find if there's any explanation for what was going on to joe biden back matter is even if he had a cold, even if he had a severe cold, if he had covid, they're no cold or covid could really explain his inability to answer simple questions, even lay apps on issues that democrats are very much leaning in to like abortion rights and i think the thing is the white house is
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trying to find an explanation. and honestly, i'm not sure if there's a good one all right alex thank. >> you so much and thanks for sharing your reporting with us. we appreciate it thank you. congresswoman debbie dingell is among the democratic lawmakers standing behind president biden after the debate will be hearing from her next plus the justice department will reportedly continue pursuing its cases against former president trump, no matter who wins in november. and one of the brains behind project 20 in 25, the proposed conservative legislative agenda. for a second trump term issues availed threat against the left. we'll have those stories and much more coming up on cnn news central sunday, dr. sanjay gupta reports on hold for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing, something that seems so preordained. >> it sounds extraordinary. dr. sanjay gupta reports the last one well timers patient sunday
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critical for saving his reelection bid. >> but right now, the white house says the president is absolutely not considering quitting this race, joining us now is michigan democratic congresswoman debbie dingell, congresswoman. thank you so much for being with us. do you still believe that president biden is the best chance democrats have of retaking the white house in november this is what i'm going to tell you. point blank for us i love joe biden. he has been my friend for 40 years all the members loved them and respect them. and he has done a great job in as united states and under for the last decades as vice president and delivered more as president get, most presidents have for working men and women. yeah, bad night and thursday night how it's been handled since then, nobody can say has been great. and he's got a very short period of time to talk to the american people directly show him, shall dam what he can
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do in we'll do, give them there vision and show them that he has the stamina to do it. and only joe biden can do it at this point because of everything that has happened congresswoman, it doesn't sound like you approve of the strategy post-debate, did i hear that correctly? well, you know, up in look, i was telling people before the debate, listen to those of us in michigan who now how to win michigan and we will miss when michigan but i think people some of the campaigns that didn't take it seriously enough. i'm sure they're gonna get mad at me for saying that it got a lot of people upset that instead of end, he should have been out there. he should have been out there sooner and faster he's now out there. he's making those calls. one interview isn't gonna do it. he asked to be good job but i that i've known and the author is b himself and show people is up to the job he's got the stamina and what he's gonna do for the next four years. and how he's going, to deliver for
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working. and then a woman and by the way, we'll, which is very clear, put people over politics every single day. and that's what we have to remind people of. donald trump didn't have a great night thursday night to everybody is so busy talking about joe biden, donald trump, double down on a lot of things that many people in america don't want to see and the scotus ruling on monday concerned people even more congresswoman. >> i'm curious if your view is that president biden needs to put himself before the american people. would you have counseled him to have taken the podium and the press room at the white house, either on friday or yesterday oh, no, it's really listened to me or whatever but i wouldn't send get out there would've speak it out there friday. >> i would've said make those phone calls he made today last week. he's doing it now. i think quite frankly, i've said this and you can go back and find that i've said this before the thursday night debate, which i didn't sugarcoat on friday, wasn't good. i think sometimes his
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staff bubble wrap them. i know joe biden i know jill biden when he is out there and i've seen him with real people he compassionate, he sent to thetic he connects you know, everybody. so i do this or do that. i heard that he was wonderful yesterday in a bill signing on the parkinson's bill with jennifer waxen. like joe biden, beat joe biden. but he not us. nobody else can do it. one person can do this joe biden has talked directly american people and show them be strong enough for the next four years. >> congresswoman, i want to show a poll at cnn conducted after the debate. it shows that a large majority of registered voters believed someone else gives democrats the best chance in 2024 when you drill down on democrats are democrats democratic leaning and dependence. it's still a majority by roughly 13 percent. you also have a number of colleagues in the house, a quote increasing group of
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democrats that are concerned about the president's candidacy, about his trajectory and his ability to win. what do you say to the folks that were asked in that poll and your colleagues who believe there's a better chance with someone else? >> so i'm going to be very blunt and i'm always the wrong person to ask about pulling because i'm the person into 15 and 260, they told people the polls were wrong in donald trump would win michigan are got called crazy people rolled their eyes. who was right and who was wrong? i was right. i got good gut the polls were wrong. you know, it's a long time between now and november. >> but as i keep saying, he's got to go out, he's got to prove that point i'm not old, but i'm season. >> i have seen many prices but you got to work through it and you got to be quick. and you gotta be swift and you've got to address it. it's got to happen. now, for this to be dealt with. and my colleagues,
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some of my colleagues are new, some of my worried people are worried because of everything that they're hearing. and as i keep saying, only one person and can settle this, get it calmed down, and show people he can do the job. and that's joe biden and he's gotta go out and he's got a calm the water commerce when you've been asked about the president's mental acuity for months specifically, i remember after the her report came out, your told my co-anchor, brianna that it angered you when people took cheap shots at president biden's fitness. >> there had been a slew of reports since thursday detailing lapses that the president has had both in private and in public but you're not concerned at all about the president's physical and mental condition look, that's what i said to you. he's got i've been with him a number of times and have not seen what others have reported. he did not have a good night, thursday night i'm not sure coating. and that's why i've
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said to you, it cannot be one press interview. he has two on a sustained thank basis. show people he has the stamina. all of us have been night. all of us have bad debt. i have not seen some of the things that other people are saying, but i haven't been with my haven't been with him for a sustained period of time, but i was at the white house a couple of weeks ago we were talking about autos and good at that man, talking about cars and he loved cars. so he was fine, but i think he's got to prove it to the american people, not to donors, not to even my colleagues. he's got to prove it to the american people. he has to speak directly to the american people, work with the american people and be out there with the american people. >> the congresswoman debbie dingell, we have to leave the conversation there. thanks so much for sharing part of your afternoon with us thank you stole to calm the justice department is making it clear a trump win in november does not
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counsel's office intends to continue to pursue their case. they believe that the current guidance that prohibits this certain actions against sitting president's doesn't apply to a president-elect. but i can guarantee you if there is any effort especially to have a trial during that period of time, these questions would go to the supreme court. i mean, this is a place we've never been as a country. we also have to think about what that recent supreme court case did to all of the criminal trials that trump is facing, not just this special counsel's cases, but also the state cases i mean, if we're talking six months out, they are still likely going to be litigating big questions, not only about which charges survive, right? which charges may be covered by immunity based on the decision monday, but also which pieces of evidence that special counsel needs to prove their charges could also be taught i'll stay out. so we know that the trump team, they are going to pursue a very aggressively a strategy to try to undercut nominally charges, but also evidence. and i think if the former president is reelected in december, it's highly unlikely, if not
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impossible, that there would be contemplating a trial. they would still be arguing these larger constitutional issues. of course, a special counsel is going to want to continue to do that because they know that if trump is reelected after inauguration day, he will have his attorney general dismiss jack smith and dismiss all of these cases and in the lead up to the election it's now on the schedule for him to have the sentencing and his hush money trial. yeah. so it just got delayed. it was supposed to be next week. and now it's going to be an early september. and this is really the first fallout that we've seen in terms of the criminal cases and the supreme court opinion, because trump's lawyers are now using that supreme court opinion to argue that the entire new york conviction should be vacated because they argue that specifically the part of that opinion that says it's official acts cannot be used as evidence even if it's being used as evidence to something that's not an official act as it was there. and so they're going to go back and they're going to point to certain portions of hope hicks is testimony, things that trump told her when he was in the white house, as well as
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tweets that they believe are covered. they're going to argue that that's critical evidence. it should prompt a new trial now, i'm not sure that's actually going to be successful, but that's why the sentencing has been delayed and it was really interesting yesterday when the judge delayed it, he said the sentencing will happen in early september, if necessary. he's leaving open the door that is possible, allowing that evidence could prompt a new trial, but most of the sources i speak with, they don't actually expect it's going to prompt a new trial will prompt delays, which as we know, that is the whole game. yeah, that is what trump wants. paul reid, as always. thank you so much force liters on the right are applauding the supreme court's ruling on presidential immunity including the president of the heritage foundation who says that it's vital to getting the country back as he gives an ominous warning to the left, listen in spite of all this nonsense from the left, we are going to win we're in the process of taking this country back. >> we are in the process of the second american revolution,
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which will remain bloodless you have to the left allows it to be cnn's kristen holmes is here, so kristen help us understand what that second american revolution that he's promising and tails. >> so before we get started, because i'm going to use this magic, well, i just want to know what that i've actually never been allowed to touch this before. so please bear with me as we pursue this. so first let's talk about who a person was. kevin roberts, he is the head of the heritage foundation. the reason why we care about this as a conservative think tank, a very prominent one, but also they are the umbrella organization of what is called project 2020, and essentially it would project 2025 is is that this was set up by not just the heritage foundation, but dozens of conservative think tanks from across the country, many of whom have former administration officials have donald trump's. and they did this to essentially avoid what happened in 2016 when donald trump was elected and there was no kind of infrastructure in place. and they had to start from scratch when it came to a transition, they wanted
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everything to be in place so that a transition would be smooth. now the one caveat of all of this when we link it to the trump campaign is yes, they are doing this for a potential trump administration. but on the other part of this, the campaign has said that any thing that comes from anyone other than the campaign is not from the campaign and should not be considered that way. the reason why i say that is because some of what the project 25 has put out there is very controversial. so they basically have these four pillars, policy, agenda, personnel. they're building out a huge network of basically was actually described to me as a day eating website for conservatives, that kind of infrastructure to match conservatives with jobs and a potential administration training them to work on day one, what that would look like and they playbook for what the first 180 days would look like of a conservative administration. >> so walk us through this policy agenda so basically they have these four parts within the policy agenda of what they say. we'll make america better. and here are some of the ways that they say they do that. restoring the family at the center piece of american life, protecting our children
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self-governments, dismantling the administrative state and returning self-governance the american people, one of the things we've talked about extensively is one of the plans for donald trump has said this himself as well, but also project 2025 is to essentially give more power to the executive branch and take some of these government agencies and that would include agencies like the department and of justice and move them under the executive branch. the right now in the constitution, there's nothing that says that the department of justice is separate from the administrative branch. we've just operated like that under essentially decorum for the past several decades. they're saying that shouldn't exist anymore. you also have this idea of defending the nation sovereignty borders, and bounty against global threats obviously, a lot of references here to immigration, but also the idea of an american first policy kind of ignoring our global allies and focusing on america first then liberties securing your god-given individual rights to live freely. what our constitution calls the blessings of liberty.
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>> very sort of typical flowery platitude language. but underneath it, it comes with a promise of a reworking of the federal government to specific aims that we haven't seen before. well, that would be a huge change in the executive power and give unprecedented amount of power at someone like donald trump, if he were to win the other part of this is like when you talk about protecting children and family, this is kind of what they're getting at rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics it's something that we have heard is very much part of the republican platform. >> they say all the time, donald trump, you here, i'm saying that he thinks that women shouldn't be are mentioned been women's sports. they talk about sexual education within schooling, they want that out of any kind of education system so these are kind of what, some of what they have outlined here. i believe this is the one policies as well. this one but obviously likely apply to donald trump era prepare planes and immediately any policies, investigations are cases that are contrary to lar administration policies. how
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exactly would that look, particularly given what paulo is just reporting about trying to get cases even pass when he was elected, a lot of the stuff it seems traditional, but it has been very controversial. it's in traditional for republicans, but it's very controversial and goes pretty far and it goes back to that idea of, of an executive with unprecedented power. kristen holmes, you did fantastic for your first i really felt like i was not feel felt good. i felt good. i felt like i was getting the clicks him. thank you. christmas opportunity. of course, if you do it again, yes. appreciate it. thanks so much, chris. and see what cnn we're back in just moments this election season, cnn has you covered, no matter the question from more about the candidates, two rules in your state to casting your ballot. >> the cnn voter handbook has your answers. visit slash vote for yours. >> i consumer cellular. we pride ourselves on giving you fast, reliable, nationwide coverage and up to half the cost. the leading carriers, but don't worry, we've got more than that going for us new customers who buy any phone get two months of service. >> freeman who signed it? that
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the mediators are egypt and qatar in due course. but i but i'm not seeing anything. i don't think anyone else is seeing anything in the language that's public, at least that would give an indication that there's a minute break through here. what hamas is talking about is still wanting a complete ceasefire and withdrawal of israeli troops a complete ceasefire is what prime minister netanyahu has been opposed to. prime minister netanyahu in the past couple of days has said that he rejects the idea of a ceasefire agreement while hamas still has power. well, a couple of days ago, hamas was firing rockets from the center of gaza around the khan younis area into israel. and there's now a massive military operation on in khan younis remembering that israel pulled out of there a few months ago after almost five months in khan younis saying that they had essentially destroyed hamas in that area. well, hamas seem to be back and so from that point
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of view as well, hamas's stick into the language. it's been using for some time and they appear also not really to be changing their stance substantially as far as we can see so it's not really clear where this is going to lead to hamas really looks like they're digging in their coming back in areas where they weren't before there on an offensive footing, they're still killing israeli troops in gaza. so you know, where the language goes on this both sides are saying they're talking about it, but i don't think we're going to see much come from this particular moment. >> all right. well, that is obviously not great news. nic robertson, thank you for the update there and we are back here and just a few minutes lumina was. >> the, first fluoride free toothpaste i've ever found that actually works. my dentist was blown away with how clean and white my teeth, my gums and teeth are. so healthy it's crazy. you can get luminoso to the toothpaste at walmart and target at granger. we know the
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