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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 4, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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asia at-large, the region. so we're focused on that today. and what it means to be an american. it was certainly refreshing a great experience here and beyond contact south korea, camp humphreys, fred, back to you, love that. of course the focus on fun and freedom. so there's a lot of movement behind you and i'm just curious, it seems like they're kinda moving toward a certain direction or they just kinda circling around what is happening behind you so the fireworks ended and everybody lives over there. >> this was prime fireworks, real estate. so this is where everybody was gathering. there's maybe one more concept behind the camera. so that's the mass migration of people okay, that's the action. i love it lots of fun, happy 4th to you, mike valerio. thank you so much. and to all the troops in february there. all right. all right. okay. the new arabs, cnn news central begins right now and.
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>> happy for everyone. the white house just revealing president biden saw his doctor in the days after that disastrous debate on cnn president biden doing new interviews, this morning fighting for his political life. doubts are still swirling within his own party on whether he should stay in the race and hurricane beryl is heading towards the cayman islands after leaving a trail of destruction in jamaica. we're going to talk with the manager of the jamaican red cross about emergency response lots efforts at this lr and on this fourth of july, people in dc and parts of northern virginia will be boiling their water as well as barbeque in the news the advisory that there are waking up to, i'm alison camerota with fredricka whitfield. this morning. sarah kate, and john are out today. this is cnn news central alright tonight,
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fireworks will light up the white house sky as they do every fourth of july but this morning, a very different patriotic display, like never before we're, seeing president biden declaring that no one is pushing him out from becoming president. again, this is biden in a brand new interview with this message for america is there any reason for the american people to be concerned no, i had a bad base but 90 minutes on stage does not erase what i've done for three-and-a-half years. proud of the record, and we just got it keep moving so this morning, democratic governors all seem to be speaking from the same script. governor walz of minnesota says, quote, he is fit for office. the governors have his back and from california's governor newsom, quote, he's all in and so am i. but the number of people not
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in is growing. two sitting house democrats now say the president biden should step aside as well as megadonor, netflix co-founder reed hastings let's get right to cnn's arlette saenz. she's outside the white house. so r let how is the president viewing the next few days while alice and president biden is now one week out from that halting debate performance. >> and he has yet to fully assuage the concerns of democrats who fear what the mean to keep him at the top of the democratic ticket, as you noted, there are two house democratic lawmakers who have publicly called for biden to step aside, and we're told that in a private call with a top party leadership in the house last night, some top democrats also said it was time for the president to step aside. president biden himself gathered about 20 democratic governors, some joining in person, some virtually to hear out there concerns about this
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campaign. but in a video call with campaign staff yesterday, president biden stress the he is remaining in this race until the end, and that he will not be pushed out. it does it's come though as the president has privately acknowledged, to at least one key ally that these next coming days in his campaign will be critical in trying to convince americans to give him a second term in the white house, part of the president's goal is taking this pitch directly to voters. he will sit down for that major interview with abc news who's and also traveled to battleground states like wisconsin and pennsylvania. this morning, that new interview aired in philadelphia. and as part of that interview, the president really tried to make a pitch to black voters who he is already struggled with pre debates, and that he argued will be in this next election. he specifically appointed to the diversity within his administration and the supreme court as something voters should look at. take a listen imagine what it says to
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a young girl oh, my school having trouble wondering what she can do and look up and see you supreme court justice, who is a black woman vice president. nine states are secretary camp or famous, famous political figure i can do it there. i can do that. well, i can do that now the president will be here at the white house today for fourth of july festivities. he will be surrounded by his family, who i'm told remains all in with president biden staying in this race, vice president kamala harris will also be in attendance for tonight's fourth of july celebrations. on the south lawn of the white house. of course, it's a poignant time as the moment is meant to celebrate the nation's founding and biden has so often framed this campaign as a fight for democracy. of course, he himself is now fighting for his own reelection bid to stay alive as well.
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>> arlette, do we know if the president got any medical attention after the debate because the white house has said different things there's been a lot of conflicting information coming out of the white house over the past 24 hours relating to the president's medical exams yesterday, our colleague mj lee preska, white house press secretary karine jean-pierre's about this and asked if the president had undergone any medical examination since after his physical, which was conducted in february john pierre said that the president has had not, but this morning, the white house is acknowledging that president biden was examined by his doctors following that debate night, during which his team has said that the president had a cold, a white house spokesperson this morning saying that the president was seen to check on his cold and was recovering well in the days after the debate, one white house official says that this check-in was a brief check-in, but there are questions about why we are getting these
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inflicting answers relating to president biden's medical examinations at a time when many americans continue to have concerns about the president's health and his ability to serve into a second okay. let's on. thank you very much for the latest from the white house, for it. >> all right. allison, let's bring in san and senior reporter, isaac dovere to discuss all of this and more i think great to see you this morning. so president biden, i mean, he's pretty dug in, right. saying he is not going anywhere but whatever confidence he has going into this now, primetime abc interview this friday, and appearances later this weekend. this weekend. i mean, it really threatened to undermine it to be undermined by this growing pressure within democratic ranks to step down. how does he get ahead? what can he do to turn the tide or like you've seen, even from the closest to bind allies, people like chris coons, senator from delaware and jim clyburn, the congressman from south carolina, who helped save his 2020 campaign, that they want
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to see a biden who can perform, who can do the things that would be necessary for campaign they want to see you in the next couple of days. >> town halls. they want to see that interview go well, they're watching what happens when he's onstage and that battleground state travel this is not a question to them of taking biden's word at this point, they keep on saying privately and publicly and to him directly that they need to see it do you think viewers of voters are looking for something different in that george stephanopoulos interview on abc, are they looking for something different than say what elected officials are looking for? well, look, this is always a question of where the political class, so to speak, is versus the voters. but that's said, cnn's poll and other polls since the debate have shown a steep response from voters to the debate. and biden when into
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that debate, trailing donald trump, there was hope from the campaign that that would be the turnaround moment. and instead, it seems to have pushed at least some voters further away from biden. and so this is not the highest topic of conversation, probably for most americans and the same way that is for most of the elected officials who are in washington and beyond thinking about what to do here are most of the top democratic operatives and donors. but it is something that is clearly on the minds of a lot of americans, whether joe biden's up to the job, whether it's up to the campaign, whether he it's up to another term president biden, he acknowledges the next few days are critical former senator barbara boxer knows biden well, and she told the la times give him two weeks to show that he's up for the job. >> is that reasonable two weeks is a long time and of course, two weeks is all through this next day, week that we've got ahead of us. >> and then after that as the
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republican convention, a lot of democrats are feeling like this is already been a week and they need to see more of joe biden than they have seen before of course, we're starting to see more okay. i'm but it's still not a lot had about half an hour total of biden in public since the debate on thursday and in all of the speeches that he's given, he's been on a teleprompter for all of them. those are the sorts of things that sit in people's minds and make them uncomfortable when your house democrat or top or democratic operative, looking at how to win in november, both for the presidency and for other offices. and so that's why there is so much focus on this interview that will be on abc news on friday and and these events that biden will be doing and pennsylvania and wisconsin on sorry, wisconsin on sunday. >> yeah so also along those lines, you know, you wrote an article earlier this week about how much defiance has become
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part of biden's mentality. i mean, and he says he's a fighter that's how he and his family willing are putting it. so how has that been shaping this past week for him behind the scenes yeah. >> as i wrote in the article, defiance has become as much a part of his psychology as delaware look, joe biden has been counted out many times before and that is part of his self mythology at this point. and the he looks back at 20:16 when people including barak obama steered him out of running and donald trump won. and he looks at in 2020 when he came in fourth in the iowa caucuses in fifth and the new hampshire primary everybody counted amount of heat it's really at one point thought that he might be done. and of course, rallied into super tuesday, then in the election in 2020, many people thought he couldn't win against donald trump. the wave is doing it. obviously he did. and so there is this sense that this might be another one of those moments but you talk to people around
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the democratic operation when it comes to top party leaders, what they say is this may be a case of him thinking that it's like every other moment when it's not like any of those moments when it's so much more intense and that is the question that all of them are wondering whether biden is going to come to a different conclusion on all right. >> i think to via a great talking to you. thank you so much. alison okay. >> fred, there's an fbi warning on this fourth of july. it's about the increased risk of mass shootings. the warning signs that we all need to be watching out for also will get a first look at the damage done by hurricane beryl in jamaica i'm figuring about where the hurricane is heading next one town cancels there firework show after the main attraction goes up in flames sunday, dr.
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sanjay gupta reports on hold for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing, something that seems so preordained it sounds extraordinary. dr. sanjay gupta reports the last alzheimer's patient sunday at eight on cnn detect this living with hiv. robert learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why he switched to nevado divider was a complete eight which iv treatment for some adults no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable, then divide detect this morning to learn that most hiv pills let's contain three or four medicines. devito is as effective with just two if you have hepatitis b, don't stop to vada without talking to your doctor don't take to vado if you're alerted to its ingredients the answer taking dofetilide, this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects if you have a rash or allergic reactions, symptoms stopped a bottle and get medical help right away serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur tell your doctor if you
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per hour, those step counter sport matt and wireless remote call. >> now too late cnn concert event with performances by keith urban ashanti, maybe wrexham pillars and many more go forth in america united seven eastern on cnn right now, hurricane beryl is skirting the cayman islands and heading towards mexico. >> the deadly storm has weakened to category three after pounding southern jamaica with torrential rains and hello, nine feet of storm surge, one person in jamaica was killed, raising the death toll from beryl to at least eight people. jamaica's prime minister warrants heavy rains could still cause dangerous flooding and landslides. there
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cnn's rafael romo is in jamaica, in the capital kingston. so rafael, you wrote out the storm there. so describe it yeah, it was very scary at one point, dollars in a very powerful one of the most powerful hurricanes that i've ever seen. >> and the prime minister is right, we experienced the thunderstorms overnight. very powerful ones. and so even though a hurricane beryl is now history, at least here in jamaica, the damage, the devastation is quite a significant. i was showing you guys last hour how the powerful winds pushed the both behind me across the bay, made it crashed against the old pier here in downtown kingston. and as you can see now, it is a thank and we're getting new data and you weather data about how a powerful the series of soren's was we're learning that kingston reported wind gusts in
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excess health 80 miles per hour for multiple hours yesterday. also, wind gusts near 50 miles per hour started at 1:00 p.m. at that situation remains aim for about 12 hours. imagine that in the damage that it might have caused them, then another significant piece of information that we got is that kingston totaled four 4.4 inches of rain yesterday, which is more than double what they get in a typical month here. so that gives you an idea of the things that people here here had to go through, not to mention that around 500 people had to go to shelters because they were displaced. that prime minister here also saying that there's significant damage to coastal areas because of the storm searches that we went through. so we're talking about very challenging days ahead, afford jamaica allison yes. >> understood. rafael romo. thank you very much for reporting from there. we want to bring it now, let's get powell with the jamaican red cross from more on the relief
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efforts. there. lisa, thank you so much for joining us. so what does you make a neat at this hour? >> hi, good morning and thank you for having me, allison. were no in the process of off of starting the damage assessment and the needs assessment including social and level assessment to get a better sense of the degree of impact and what are some of the immediate needs. suffice it to say the red cross with one of our main partners preposition critical relief items, bedding cuts, and other non-food items. so we also participated and supported minister of live on social security with the packaging of food items, which we hope to start distribution as soon as more information becomes available. as we move forward into understanding the degree of devastation that happened yesterday. >> yeah. we're just looking at
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some video of what was happening yesterday and the red cross is so good at being in position beforehand. i mean, that's obviously just one of you're superpowers that you have to do. so we understand that the hurricane warning has been discontinued, but there's still danger there's still obviously lots of danger of flooding. what are you hearing from people on the ground? >> yes all right. so yes, the warning has been lifted, but there is still an advisor that was put out by the met service advising persons of being careful flooding is still expected, or can be anticipated in certain areas so we're still advising residents, the population to proceed with caution and to stay indoors today until as i said before, we get a better sense of the scale of impact and what we're dealing with i certainly from red cost side, we have already placed are volunteers on
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standby once we get the go ahead from the government and other partners, women certainly and provide the necessary to the most vulnerable and those in need they eight people who were killed, their do you know those circumstances? all right. so based on the last information i have one death was confirmed. the other one person is missing. so based on my italian coming out of the national emergency operation center was tool, i think there's still waiting confirmation before a confirmation is given in the official reports. in one case, i believe i treat fell on the house and unfortunately, the the occupant of property succumbed to her injuries and the second one where we based on information regard unfortunately, a young man was swept away by floodwaters in
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drainage network. and so there are still searching for his body. he's still missing those are the two that i can speak to at this point. >> i only said you're right. it was eight total. it was azure. one confirmed in jamaica, eight people total killed run by this deadly storm. but obviously, as it becomes morning there and throughout the day, you'll find out more about the damage let's compile. thank you. we know how busy you are. thanks for taking the time to update us thank you thank you extreme heat, adding to the danger for crews trying to contain the huge wildfires in the west and division inside the democratic party over president biden's future cnn celebration of the fourth in america, he's brought
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because when you canceled through the app, but even try to get you a refund down rocket monday today this is cnn the world's news i voted buttons dragging my rainbow kit it's
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like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols and there's room for everyone. yeah puke rainbows. why you take it? >> all right. as we head into the busy holiday weekend, a new report by the fbi hopes to inform people of the warning signs of mass shooters researchers say there tends to be an uptick in gun violence around the holiday over the past three years, 77 mass shootings happened collectively during the first week of july cnn's security correspondent josh campbell is following this for us. so joshua, hello to you. you spoke with an fbi profiler about key warning signs that could help stop the next massacre what did they say yeah, fred, you know, the fbi's storied profilers or behavior analysts have long been in the business of helping law enforcement agencies solve and prevent crime. >> but with the surge in mass shootings, we've seen across the u.s. they've stepped up efforts to educate the public
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about what the research is finding and bottom line, the key takeaway play is that mass shooters don't just snap. they plot and that provides people opportunity to pick up on potential warning signs. so let's look at some of those threat indicators noted by the fbi. if you're seeing someone who is making comments or jokes about threats against violence, that's on the list. someone who you see, you maybe is having a particularly different the whole time coping with stress. someone who might be receding into isolation, whereas once they were maybe outgoing, they were involved in activities and now no longer so there's also this concept of what's called the injustice collector, the grievance collector. that's someone who starts to feel like they've been slighted over and over and that bill fulton that builds and the bottom line, the fbi says that it's up to all of us to essentially take an interest in those around us, those that we care about, have a listen here to one fbi behavior analysts that i spoke with. she leads one of the fbi's teams looking into this she talked about just how critical it is
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that we maintain interests and our loved ones you have somebody who at one time in their life was functioning in a way where they were handling the stress. >> and now we're seeing market changes to that. we're seeing someone who wants was able to deal with different challenging situations now absolutely struggling with that. when you have the grievance collector, you have somebody that's keeping score that's keeping track of those slides and those those humiliating events and the different factors that have impacted them, negatively and they're really using that to fuel other justification for violence now the fbi says that there's no one key characteristic that will guarantee some will become a mass shooter. >> but if you start to see multiple of these warning signs happening again, it could be time to seek help, but couldn't conclude from law enforcement from a principle from a supervisor member of clergy, anyone that can help you start that conversation to
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try to get someone held because for it so often all these mass shootings are you and i have covered over the years after the fact, we learn that someone knew something, someone saw something i think but they just didn't reach out. obviously, the fbi wants people to come forward and to get past that stigmatism of not reporting things that they see troubling signs. and finally was worth pointing out, as you mentioned at the top, we're in this period of time here in july, this according to the gun violence archive, this first week of july is what they describe as the worst week for shootings in the united states. and we can look at some of the numbers here. july for today has often seen the most mass shootings in a day tomorrow, july 5 or the second number of mass shootings. there are number of factors for that. first, you have people that are out in large gatherings sometimes those gatherings are infused with alcohol. you have more prevalence of weapons here in the u.s. people settling scores with guns more and more and so all of that obviously very concerning were in that time. and so that's not to say people shouldn't go out and have fun. obviously, it's an enjoyable time to celebrate the
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birth of the nation. but it's just something that people continue to focus on chicken and security industry you have to be aware that this is a particularly violent time when you're out and about important to read the signs that you suggested earlier and pay attention and respond accordingly. josh campbell, thanks so much. all right. well, a another true headache on the holiday, nearly 1 million customers order to boil their water or used bottled water for just as they prepare for fourth of july celebrations. and brand new six assault allegations against sean combs this morning a cnn concert event with performance by keith urban, ashanti, maybe wrexham, the killers many more fourth in america, united seven eastern on cnn was had trouble
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reports on hold for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing, something that seems so preordained it sounds extraordinary. >> dr. sanjay gupta report the last alzheimer's patient sunday at eight on cnn a party divided cnn his lauren, that a call between lawmakers and house democratic leadership, several expressed concern that if president biden stays on the top of the ticket, he might not only lose the white house, but also ruin any chance they have a flipping the house. >> cnn's at sunlight's or body has more from washington. so suddenly, what else you learning about this phone call in? the let's real dilemma yeah, friday, we'll top democrats on capitol hill. >> they are certainly feeling and hearing this panic from their members. and they're essentially trying to take stock of this moment. there was a conference call last night convened by house democratic leadership, where they heard from many top democrats and there was, according to a source, familiar for what this call really this split, there were some democrats that were
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very vocal and saying they want biden to go, that they think it's time for biden ago, but then there was also a lot of concern voiced about those that said there would be a frenzy and worried about the frenzy that would break out if that actually happened. and what that would do to the party in that moment of chaos? now, notably on this call, house minority leader hakeem jeffries, whose voice here has so much sway with so many members he did not express his opinion on what he thinks should happen. so that important to note here. now as all this though is playing out behind closed doors as they tried to plot the strategy, going forward, we are hearing from more more and more democrats publicly speaking out against the president continue as ron we heard from congressman go hava, he became the second sitting democrat calling for biden to go publicly yesterday. we also heard from congressman seth moulton, who walked up to that line but didn't cross it. he said he is graves concerns that biden he says is certainly not getting any younger here. there
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are also other democrats who are sticking by him for the moment, but also acknowledging that something has got to change and change fast. here's congresswoman debbie dingell this morning i think that the one clear thing this week is that there's only one person that can show he is up to the job, has the stamina to do the job that he will do the job in that is joe biden and he needs to get out there on a sustained basis. >> and do things spontaneously. one interview is not going to reassure folks. we got to be realistic and a source on. capitol hill are also reflects that sentiment that a lot of house democrats are feeling. let's see how this interview goes. let's see how he does on the campaign trail and wisconsin and they're using the next few days to kind of make up their mind as source says that this is going to be an inflection point of sorts
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when the house democrats come back to washington after the holiday weekend, after all this plays out on the campaign trail red, and they returned to washington on monday all right. >> silence on friday. thanks so much, allison. >> okay. joining me now is democratic strategist julie region ski cnn senior political commentator and navarro and former congressman from illinois, joe walsh. great to see all of you this morning. julie. this feels like a very fluid situation. things seemed to change by the hour you just heard sunland say that monday seems to be a pivotal day. when do you think that president biden needs to lock in a decision? and what do you think's going to happen today i think president biden needs to prove to not just as base, but to the american people that he's up to the task that we cannot unsee what we saw on thursday and yet it has been a week now, i'm happy for it. july, but it's been a week since the debate and the president has not been out there. i understand he has an interview with stephanopoulos that he's feeling tomorrow.
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it's going to air on sunday, so we're going into a long weekend now without any kind of visibility from the president and debbie dingell is right, it cannot just be that one interview with george stephanopoulos. it can even be two or three sit-downs with journalists, yes. to get out on the trail? fail he has to talk to voters. he has to spontaneously present himself as the candidate that he could be. and if he is not capable of doing that, he needs to take a very, very, very short, but serious look at what the next steps are, and look, i love joe biden. i think he's been the most successful president of my lifetime, if not, the last 60 years but the problem for joe biden is that voters are thinking about the future. they're thinking about whether he's capable of governing for the next four years, he has to prove immediately has to prove yesterday, two days ago, three days ago that he's up to the task so joe, as you know, last night, president biden met with nearly every democratic governor and the governor's then came out speaking from the same script saying that they have his back. >> they said, quote, he is in
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it to win it. so in that case what's everyone's still waiting for him allison, they're waiting for joe biden. looked julie's right. look, think about this. that debate was a week ago a week ago the fact that joe biden hasn't been out taking questions from the media, taking questions from voters unscripted for 90 minutes, a couple of hours the fact that he hasn't done that in the past seven days, man, that's a much bigger fail, than his performance at the debate. biden has always had one test in this campaign. is he too old? that's all the american people have been concerned about with joe biden, if he could get over that, he would beat donald trump. he didn't do that. and again, it's been one week fact that he has not been out is a bigger
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lapse in performance than what he did at that debate and a cnn is reporting that behind the scenes. >> there's talk of a succession plan though the biden campaign dismisses that reporting so where do you think will be 24 hours from now i have no idea and i think nobody knows, so i don't know what's going to happen on the democratic side. until joe biden says he's out, he's in that's what we know but i do know what's happening on the republican side. and you've got an increasingly and emboldened out-of-control, donald trump, who's not being taken into account, who's not being called to task because we are all focusing on what's going on on the democratic side. it's taking out all the oxygen and the last week, we've seen what's happened to people around donald trump really giuliani, this bar and steve bannon went to jail. what to present? nobody talking about that. nobody talking about how
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gao trump has pretty much gotten immunity from the supreme court now and this is the guy who's calling for retribution and vengeance and wants to be a dictator for one day so this vengeance, retribution, donald trump. now, thanks. he's got immunity. what could go wrong? and we're not focusing on any of that because of these throes of agony going on on the democratic side from where i stand as somebody who does not want to see donald trump elected under there are any circumstance i would just like democrats to figure it out and figure it out quickly if it's biden fine, if it harris fine, if it's clint eastwood's empty chair, fine. if it's any empty chair, fine. but let's just focus on what it is what we're got to do to make sure that donald trump does not get reelected julie, there are
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already pulls out and as you say, you don't think and i've not heard really anybody say yeah, that they think that the george stephanopoulos interview on friday, we'll entirely change everyone's mind. >> so what data point? would seal the deal here, one way or another well, the data point is exactly what anna just talked about. >> the president needs to go out there and prosecute the case against donald trump. we need to stop talking about whether he's capable of doing that. we need to see that he is capable of doing that. look, the supreme court just ruled effectively that we can there have a benign dictatorship or a totalitarian dictatorship which is effectively what donald trump wants, must have put people in camps. he said so he is going to obliterate nato effectively. we know that we have presidents zelenskyy out there nervously eyeing a trump presidency because he knows ukraine is going to be given away to putin if trump gets elected. we were talking about mass deportations, were talking about an adjudicated rapist. we're talking about somebody who has been convicted of 34
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felonies being the president of the united states with absolutely no guardrails before him. the fact that i'm able to prosecute this case right now, the fact that antigens did and the fact that joe biden has not done that in the last week is troubling to me. so if he can do it, he needs to go out there and do it now, if you can't do it, he needs to step aside and let somebody do it who can but we're on the precipice of not being able to celebrate the 250th anniversary of our democracy in two years, if that's to bleed because we are about to elect somebody who is a threat to that democracy. it is plainly stated by me and many others, the president needs to go out there and say it. and if he can't, he needs to step aside and let somebody do it. who can? >> joe on a practical yeah. go ahead yeah. >> about that i think the key question that stephanopoulos, i hope asks, and that i think a lot of us want answered is, do you have was this a one-off or do you have a condition? do you have a medical diagnosis that the american people should know
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about? or how do you explain what happened last thursday? give us that. and if not, i'll tell you what the other data point will be. the clock, the calendar, right the republican conventions in too weak, the democratic convention is in six weeks. so the time is running out to make these changes. there's a lot of procedural legal fec issues that have to be sorted out if you're talking about changing a candidate, this is not changing a. boyfriend and high school. this, this entails an enormous amount of things that need to get done i don't think people are thinking about that. there's ballots being printed, there's primaries that have happened. different states have different regulations so there's time that's going to come when chain making this change people think there's going to be on what night that comes out of the sky. well
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they're running out of time for that. what night to appear. >> and joe, i mean, one big issue that might be the deciding issue is the donors. there are big mega democratic donors one of whom is saying that he's not going to give any more to joe until there's a change at the top of the ticket? is that let's gonna be the deciding factor i don't think so. >> and actually, the smaller donors might be an even bigger factor. look, ellison, the great irony here is this it almost doesn't matter who the democratic nominee is because i'm certainly supporting who ever will run against donald trump. this election is going to be about democracy or not democracy so all of, all of those people who opposed trump it doesn't matter who the nominee is. that's why it's so just crazy that we're going through this right now. but two honest point, that's why a decision needs to be made right now. one other point i'd make
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it's not the biden reelection campaign. it's the biden harris reelection campaign. if joe biden decides he's going to step down kamala harris is right there and i think the entire country would immediately rally around her to defeat donald trump well maybe, but as you know, there's lots of undecided voters who have not thrown in their support yet behind something think like that. >> but as i said, it's very fluid and we'll see what the rest of the day hole is. julie, joe, anna. thank you. all very much. great to talk to you fred. >> okay. i'm overstating the obvious. the holiday is going to be a hot one where the temperatures are expected to just disorder or to record highs. and who will be crowned this year is hot dog eating king. the people vying for the title now that world champion joey chestnut, he's added there and look at the first fireworks of the de us service members celebrating the fourth at the
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largest base over please, camp humphreys in south korea one of their head somebody told me, you'll see them live tonight on cnn. it's part of our independent state celebration with live firework shows from across the country also performing live, it will be bba rx, as shaun t, a t pain and more the fourth and american celebration starts 7:00 p.m. and eastern tonight here on cnn cnn concert event good performance by keith urban, ashanti, maybe wrexham the killers in many more go for dinner america united seven eastern on cia when you're the leader is disaster clean up and restoration. >> why do you make like it never even happened, happened
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>> announcing another 2.3 billion in military aid for you gran, that includes $150 million in missile interceptors, artillery rounds, and anti-tank weapons drawn directly from us stockpiles. it also includes patriot air defense missiles, which have been critical in new ukraine's fight against russian attacks in northern california, the thompson wildfire is now at 7%. can but this is according to calfire official say it has scorched nearly 4,000 acres. they also have a warning for anyone who plans to celebrate the fourth this week in california's a challenge for firefighters, triple-digit heats, red flag warning, heat warnings, and july 4. and unfortunately, people we're going to use fireworks, 95% of fires in california or human caused, therefore preventable, are firefighters are battling fires across california and oftentimes on the line for more than then 24 hours. >> it's a difficult conditions that they face. they're well-trained, they must stay hydrated and rest as
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appropriate and a town just north of boston will not have their usual fourth of july celebrations after a barge carrying fireworks caught fire overnight marblehead has canceled their annual independence day gathering because the thorniest continue investigating the cause of that fire and an update in the nation's capital, a boil water advisory that had impacted much of the area has been lifted. >> us army corps of engineers had issued the advisory as a result of the algae blooms in the potomac river. now, customers can use tap water for all purposes. the water is meeting the quality standard set by the epa for it all right. >> allison, right now, hurricane beryl is battering the cayman islands with sustained winds of 120 miles an hour. those wins can cause as much as four feet of storm surge and dangerous surf for the trio of islands and an in just the last three hours, one to two two inches of rain have soaked grand cayman and it's
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falling at a rate that could quickly lead to flash flooding, meteorologists elisa raffa is tracking the storms, so at least so where might it be heading next? >> fred, we're watching mexico very closely. that's where it's going to head as we go into tomorrow, but we're still dealing with a major category three hurricane, but 120 mile per hour winds. we have had tropical storm-force winds on the cayman islands all morning. we have seen gas to report it over 55 miles per hour for some of that islands, right now, we're seeing gas nearing 40 miles per hour there for georgetown. notice that conditions kind of getting better for jamaica as they look at some of that damage, we've had some weakening over the last day or so because we have a wind shear nearby that's wind energy upstairs in the atmosphere and hurricanes hated that extreme intensity has been able both to be shaved off and will continue to do so as it heads towards mexico. but we are expecting it to maintain hurricane strength as it gets towards yucatan peninsula. you're looking at rain totals
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of four to six inches in some spots can be up to ten inches as it makes landfall in mexico. as we go into tomorrow. so that could lead to some flash flooding. plus there get out four to six feet of storm surge. so we maintain that hurricane strength as it gets to the yucatan peninsula of mexico. you've got hurricane warnings in effect there. then exits into the gulf of mexico where these waters are very warm. so we kid intensify again into a hurricane before it heads towards that border between mexico and and texas. so we're watching this closely because it depends on how strong this heat dome is. if that if that track nudges any farther south or north headed towards texas, fred. all right. and then only so let's focus in on the west coast of the u.s because the temperatures are just soaring, it just seems like there's no end in sight. what's happening yeah. >> you can see here where we've got the heat domes, which is in part what steering what steering beryl and you've got
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temperatures today for fourth of july holiday, you're looking at up here 100 degrees and dallas temperatures, 113 and vegas, 115 in phoenix, as we've got multiple areas of heat that are setting up. so as we go through the next couple of days, we're looking at more than 200 record high temperatures falling some all time high temperatures possible in places like las vegas because of this extreme heat. look at the warnings they stretched from border to border, from canada down to mexico most of california with some excessive heat. watch are warning in effect because you're looking at this heat lasting multiple days sacramento could be looking at temperatures well above 105 degrees, four five days or more, or rather these morning stretch into next week. so it's long live, long duration and not really much relief if at night, which is what makes this exceptionally dangerous temperatures. and bakersfield up at 1:14, this weekend, 114 on sunday, palm springs temperatures nearing 120 degrees sacramento 110 just
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incredible. and this heat, like i said, stretches up into oregon police that really doesn't have too much air conditioning, bread. >> all right. lisa rafah think you so much. all right. a new our of the cnn news central starts right now no one is pushing me out. that's what president biden says. he is defiant as democrats remained divided over whether he should stay at the top of the ticket, what he's saying in new interviews this morning, and we're seeing it weather extremes today, deadly hurricane beryl now battering the cayman islands as an intense heat wave hits millions of people across the u.s. this fourth of july weekend plus sean diddy he combs again accused of sex trafficking and sexual assault details on the embattled music mogul's knife lawsuit. i'm alison camera i don't believe fredricka whitfield, john, sarah,


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