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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 4, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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wait-and-see mode withholding judgment, at least publicly until a primetime interview tomorrow night and israel returning to the negotiating table with hamas, the two sides potentially on the brink of a framework agreement for a ceasefire and hostage release deal. >> as president biden speaks with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu about the state of the conflict and a new lawsuit filed against sean diddy combs in the ninth suit against combs and the eighth accusing him of sexual assault. we're following these developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central the biden campaign is really a difficult crossroads. this independent stays still fighting back questions on whether the president can or should seek a second term after last week's design phosphorus debate, the next 48 hours could be critical for saving his reelection bid and the push to win back voters
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confidence is already in full swing tomorrow, president biden will sit for his first televised interview since the debate during a primetime special on abc news today during a radio interview aimed at a predominantly black audience battleground pennsylvania. the president, once again, tried to diminish concerns is there any reason for the american people to be concerned no, i had a bad base bay, but 90 minutes on stage does not erase what i've done for three-and-a-half years, proud of the record, and we just got to keep a little bit cnn, senior political analyst, mark preston joins us now and more sources say that biden has privately acknowledged that the next few days you're going to be critical for his campaign. what is his schedule look like? all right let's take a look at the next 48 hours tonight. he is hosting a gathering at the white house. this is traditional for military families be interesting if he
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is able to get some energies, able to draw off of that, it's supposed to be, be very patriotic. it's a very nice event. however, he goes into that interview tomorrow with george stephanopoulos on abc and really that is the focus. he is scheduled to go to wisconsin on saturday pennsylvania on sunday but let's see how we get through this interview tomorrow. >> and the white house is really not in a place nor is the campaign where they can make mistakes and yet this question of biden had a cold. did he see a doctor? did he not? it keeps going back and forth with the white house. isn't it? isn't the concern move. now to it's not necessarily quote, unquote the crime. it is the cover up they misrepresented what the the doctor's visit he had the checkup that he had with the doctor, misrepresented in the past couple of days, they've now had to come back and acknowledged that in fact, it was more serious perhaps he should have seen a doctor right
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after the debate and that there are so many concerns that they might be assuaged by that. >> yeah no question about that because again, now the question is, are people trying to cover things up? has he always been in the same kind of level that we saw him during the debate. mark preston, appreciate the helices, thanks so democrats sources have repeatedly said that bad polling would be one of the factors that might force biden to reconsider staying in the race and important institute has just changed the rating of two must-win states based solely on the president's debate performance larry sabato is the director of the center for politics at the university of virginia, the group behind this ratings change. larry, thanks so much for being with us and happy fourth of july. and tell us about these downgrades yes. happy for it to everyone despite the downgrades. >> but it's michigan and minnesota and we were able to send them more in the republican direction because we had pressure public and private
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data to use to be honest with you, we probably would have downgraded from a democratic get perspective other states had we had fresher data. it's difficult to get the kind of data you need or individual states that either are swing states or might be swing states if there's a substantial change taking place in the campaign. and i think what we saw in the debate at least potentially could be a substantial change in the early poll suggests that it probably was so you see a link between the debate performance and at least early polling that indicates voters are responding to biden's performance well, yeah, i mean, i i don't know that we needed polling data for that. >> it was incredibly obvious and disturbing look, biden was behind before the debate. now, he was behind in a close race,
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close enough so that you wouldn't want to edge it strongly in trump's fraction or anybody's direction but now with, now it's a total of four pretty well done national surveys that all show every one of them showing that trump is ahead by six points. well, you know, being ahead by two points is bad enough for a democrat because given the the electoral college, the democrat probably needs to be ahead two or three points in order to win the election because of the way the electoral college is structured. but to be behind by six points. that is a lot of territory to make up. that's millions and millions and millions of votes. and to me that's the key the question is this a temporary setback? is biden going to bounce back in these surveys when the next way is taken, maybe right before or right after the republican convention, or is this now part of the permanent landscape for
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the 2024 presidential election? if it is demo congrats have a lot more to worry about. >> let's talk about the blue wall that trio that includes pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan, predicting that michigan will be the bluest of those states. how is biden fairing in those battlegrounds? >> well, charitably, you could describe them as toss up and we do, given the lack of state-specific data and a couple of cases. but unshared doubly, you could say that all three of them are more inclined today toward trump than they are binding. now again, it's, it's july hi, july 4 and the election, the voting doesn't start until late september, going through november. so is there a time to change? we'll of course, we don't know who the vp candidate is going to be for trump. we don't know what's going to happen at the republican convention. maybe more to the point we don't know what's going to happen to the
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aquatic invention so there's a lot of territory to cover and you don't want to draw premature conclusions, which i think some people have looked the president seems determined to bounce back he's done it before in his career. on the other hand, if there's another incident of any sort that we see and have on film i think some of his support would collapse overnight considering the way that democrats in congress have responded to the debate performance, it seems like there is real concern about how his slipping pull numbers could potentially impact down ballot races is that a fair anxiety for these lawmakers to have? oh absolutely. now, i know that a lot of the surveys for six months have shown that democratic candidates for the senate and some for the house are doing better than biden is.
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that is they're they're at a higher percentage than biden is when polls have been taken of their state or their district. but and that may hold we don't know yet, but i'll tell you in this era of partisanship, extreme partisanship, very polarized partisanship normally over time, you have an alignment on the ballot that is the candidates lower down on the ballot tend to take about the same percentage as the presidential candidate. now that happens, that means that other democrats who think they are if not safe, than at least leading, may not be. and of course that's one of the reasons why they're worrying. but boris, they held talk to you privately and they say, this is terrible, this is awful. i really think the president should drop out. and then you read there statements in public and they're either supportive or noncommittal. but there will only been several current and former congressman and even donors who said publicly that biden needs to drop out. so if that doesn't
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become generally true, if, if more elected officials who are sharing the ballot with biden or donors who have i've given or will give a lot of money, don't speak up. it's certainly not going to happen that biden would drop off the ticket it seems like a lot of folks are eager to wait and see how the next few days play out specifically that big prime time interview tomorrow night. >> i'll larry sabato fascinating perspective is always thanks for being with us thank you, boris you just heard that there larry sabato officially downgrading biden's chances in michigan. >> it's now a toss up after it previously leaned democratic in his calculus let's bring in congressional democrat from that state. we have congresswoman haley stevens with us now congresswoman, what are you hearing from michigan voters? and do you recognize that things may have shifted in your state? >> well, let me be really clear
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because i am 100% with the biden harris ticket and i'm standing by our president, who is called off any question that he might be thinking of suspending his presidential campaign earlier today. i'm in the heart of oakland county, michigan with hundreds and hundreds of people in a neighborhood parade talking with them, talking with people as much as i can make her standing with president biden and people want this side conversation in this side part hi state's election to stop they want to stand up for women's rights. they want to stand up for an economic policy agenda that is truly putting the american worker at the forefront and i'm not just puffing you write like i have worked on a presidential campaign in a headquarters it right right. they're what we call the war room. and this is
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just not how it works. i mean, if something majorly dire happens fine, maybe there's a switch. of course, we're not at that moment perform something like congresswoman, something majorly. congresswoman, it's something majorly dire happened and it was the debate last thursday. do you recognize the effect that that may have on the minds of some voters, the cbs post-debate polling shows trump leading battleground states, including michigan 51 to 48. and there are voters out there who have concerns about this president's ability to lead certainly for another four years well, brianna in michigan, we've always considered this election type. >> i didn't know there was a rating change. i'm glad mr. santos sharing on behalf of my state, i do know it's tight. i do know are democrats are fired up operations that have been built up since 2016 and not everyone took the debate like that. a lot of the talking
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heads, a lot of the pundits, a lot of the elites. i understand that. i'm on the ground. i'm in field offices. i'm in small businesses yes. it was a gaffe? yes. it was a mistake. it was one big mistake in three-and-a-half years of an incredible administration that's wrong. pulled out a rescue act in infrastructure bill, a chips at a cabinet that has been lawless, senior staff that had been impeccable. we don't have people resigning, going to jail, resigning and protests like they did under donald trump's a look, this is healthy. i'm not call on people who disagree with me and ripping their head off that's not how we do it in the democratic party. that's what the republicans do. donald trump will primarily you, we had for republicans and michigan who either impeached him are left the republican party who were serving in congress. that's not what's happening here. we're a healthy party or a democratic party as and we're inclusive and find, i understand that some of my colleagues so-called for this, some of these people are raising these questions. we
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want to win. we know these stakes are high, but you don't take a major presidential operation about 100 days out and reverse course. we got our guy, we've got our ticket and it's matt just him. it's a team so i'm but on the ground, i better get law i hear you. i hear you saying that. and you say it's a healthy party. people want to know that this is a healthy president and you lean on his record but there are voters who and also members of congress. i've spoken with them allies of the president's, who are concerned and disagree with you. and while they recognize his record, his accomplishments of the last three-and-a-half years. they are also concerned that he's not fit to lead for another four. they also don't have the luxury that you have, which is being in a very safe district. what do you say to them?
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>> i would say that i flipped a trump seat in 2018. i held it in 2020 president biden in that election outperform me. i know what this is like. i'm look, my objective here is to be reasonable. like i've said, i've worked on a presidential campaign. i've my field director from 2022 is in wilmington right now. i've talked to her. they don't have low morale people have to understand that we are we are listening to a president who i trust. bulli said that he is in this to win this his wife our first lady, was in michigan. my governor has spent time with the president and his validated his reelection just as of yesterday saying he's the one to do this. this is the campaign to do this, and it's not just him. this is a team we've got a head of state, we've got head of governance with this cabinet, with people like myself. and making jeffries and our whole democratic operation in the congress he gotta ask me tough
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questions and i get the people are nervous, but i am, i am talking to our independent voters. i am talking to our party activists here sleeves are rolled up, people are ready to take this over the finish line and they trust our president when he says he had a bad night, like you just played, and he's ready to move forward. give the guy a little grace, listen i'm half his age and honestly, i've had moments where it's off or i'm not speaking as well as i showed. i've been in committee hearings where frog got my throat and look, i i do want to take his word and i trust it and i had because that's the person who i've known my entire career would kamala harris be able to beat trump in your opinion, if biden stepped aside i think any democrat who is qualified is willing and able to be donald trump. i think we have a font phenomenal vice president who has been ready since day one to fulfill
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that ultimate duty. it should something has happened to our president i certainly believe that she would win this election. i believe this ticket is going to win this election. i don't have any doubt about that. and i also know with about 100 days out, the biden harris ticket is going to win in november congresswoman haley's stevens. thank you so much for being with us. we appreciate your time and ahead this hour on sandi new central were following all of the developments surrounding president biden's candidacy. one of our next guest says, pollsters are telling him that no one tracking the numbers thinks democrats can hold on to the white house. plus cautious optimism in the middle east as israel and hamas enter a new phase of negotiations that were told could lead to a ceasefire and hostage deal within a matter of weeks. we'll headline to jerusalem for the latest on that and a new lawsuit accusing sean diddy combs of sex trafficking and
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sexual assault. and the victim says some of the incidents happen. it did he his infamous white parties night. cnn concert event with performance is by keith urban, ashanti, maybe wrexham, the killers, and many more fourth in america, united seven eastern on cnn it's odd how in an instant things can transform the fan out of balance in a free fall this is happening. >> people were there so few certainties as we navigate a future unknown i'm glad i found stability and midst at all go standing the test of time at morgan stanley old school hard work meets bold new thinking to
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and minerals you're nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein this summer, snacking just got serious introducing new $3 footlong divers world might not be ready for but at $3 a pop, your wallet definitely is how solomon in new york and this is cnn vote of the black community matters. and his intensely look good, make up a significant portion of american population who's going to represent you accept folks like me and we're not going to able to represent you if you're not showing up. in fact, to vote, it matters. your voice to be heard lots of coastal lexis. the last couple of years and every vote counts president biden, they're making an appeal to black voters on a wisconsin radio station as his
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campaign is fighting. >> the convinced members of his own party that he can do the job. yeah. let's talk about this more and about what the stakes are with ron brown steen are cnn senior political analyst and senior editor for the atlantic and tea mitchell, washington correspondent for the atlanta journal constitution. what did you think hearing the president say that who's going to represent you except folks like me. >> i think it's number one. i think it's smart that the biden administration is speaking to black voters specifically, they have been throughout the campaign, but they know black voters are the backbone of their coalition. and so it's a good starting point as they tried to rebuild from what happened on thursday. i think their messaging as far as policy, right? now is not the issue though. it's about biden and not necessarily that his his thinking and his understanding of what his voters want from him. i think they're all in alignment now is convincing voters that he can do the job and do the job
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for four years. and that's very different than just convincing them that he's has the right ideology for the job. >> ron, i want to get your thoughts on some new reporting that we just got from edward-isaac dovere apparently during his meeting with democratic governors, president biden, according to three sources told them that he wanted to stop scheduling events after 8:00 p.m. so he can get more sleep. he complained that he wasn't getting enough sleep what do you make of this reporting it really kind of underlines the problem they have going forward. >> i mean this the most dangerous thing in politics political professionals have long said is to reaffirm i'm were confirm an existing concern of the electorate. and it wasn't as if the debate happened out of nowhere. i mean, for months, years a significant majority of voters have been saying they are concerned that biden is too old to do the job effectively. and
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then over 90 minutes he really underscore that he gave hey, then every reason to have those concerns. so we come out of it with 74% and that new york times deanna poll saying they think he's too old to do the job at 84% of voters under 45, 84% of people who did not vote in 2020, over 80% of third party voters, all voters that he needs if he's going to kind of deal with the other problem going into the debate, which was that he was trailing. he was the one who needed to improve the trajectory of his campaign. not not so much trump. so when you say something like that, you are essentially acknowledging that you are a somewhat diminished president and it goes to, i think think the fear of democrats who are watching this gulf widen between the concern among the political professionals and now there's increasing determination of the white house and the campaign to move forward is what happens if something else happens between now and november and so i think
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those kinds of comments really go to the census the vulnerability, and even kind of helplessness that many democrats feel about their ability to influence a decision that many, many are worried about and look lots of unscheduled stuff just happens after eight when you're president. >> that's just the nature of the job. but that's a remark the tl left a lot are left several of the governors in the room frustrated according to the sources who spoke to cnn, what do you think about that comment? yeah, i think the comment is probably not helpful for the current conversation about his fitness from a mental and physical standpoint to do the job, i think it's under sandoval that someone who's 81-years-old, once they're rest, wants to get to bed early but that's a different standard than president of the united states. that also is called the leader of the free world. and just for practical purposes, when you're talking about perhaps having to deal with something of a foreign
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ally or a foreign adversary in different time zones, you're talking about congress within emergency late at night or early in the morning, just the everyday demands that information coming at you, the need to review briefings and to attend fundraisers and events you know, this is a job that is very demanding in it ages, it has aged the men who have served in the role. we look at barack obama, who was a relatively young president in the way he looked in 2008 much different than the way he looked in 2016 when he left the job. it does age you, it's a demanding job and i think the current conversation is, is it even fair to asieh joe biden to do this for another four years and is it practical to think he can do the job for another four years and ultimately that's a decision for joe biden to make. nobody right now is even indicating they will make that decision for him. but i think when he makes comments like
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this, it it concerns people that maybe he should be thinking about whether it's time to say, i've done what i have been able to do in one term now it's time to pass it onto another, another person. >> it does tell you something that of what we said in that meeting this is what came out and this is sort of what's being shaped in the press by the people who were in that room, right? i'm curious what you think of the way that certain lawmakers are talking about the potential for biden to drop out because many of them, james collaborate included essentially said, if he does, i'm backing kamala harris many of them are very quick to back the vice president, even when there's this question of process of a course correction, what, what might the convention even look like? how do you think her place in all of this is being figured out well, i think if i'm the vice president, you're really walking a very fine line because on one hand, every day you're aware that you could be
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tapped in, could become the person, but you're also aware that for right now, not only is joe biden present but joe biden is the candidate for another four years so i think she and her staff are working really hard to support biden in the current situation but they know it could be her. >> i think democrats are talking about the rules, talking about what's possible, talking about what's feasible. in talking about the other the big thing is talking about what they can sell to their party. now that the state primaries are over, because they don't want to disenfranchise voters. again, we talked about black voters in general. and i think that they want to, because even clyburn, initially he said, you know, i'm width camila, but he expressed an openness to a more open type of mini primary. i think they want to try to do both. i think most democrats will say privately, it's probably going to be camila if there is a change, it would be
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hard for it to be someone else. but they want to give some sense of allowing other people to throw their hat in the ring so they're not just creating an heir apparent, but that again is a fine line because they also don't want to look like they're trying to cast kamala harris aside or have someone leap frog over her because that would likely also be problematic. >> ron, one of the conditions that we are reporting shows biden said to a confidant would make him consider stepping aside was if polls were tanking, also if donor support was taking in the interviews are going poorly but when you talk to pollsters, i just, i wonder what you're hearing because, he is only a few months until the election last time until people actually start casting ballots. there's a lot of time for pulls to move, but there isn't actually that much time for biden to make a decision right? so when
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donald trump said, i could choose somebody on fifth avenue and not lose any support. he wasn't really only talking about himself. he was talking about the modern era of american politics. it really isn't possible anymore for the floor to fall out under a candidate where to polarize where to dugin negative part isn't ships locks in too many people. there are too many people who don't want donald trump to be president for the florida completely fall out under joe biden. but as i said, going into this debate, he was the one who was trailing. you. look at the electoral college, the two southeast swing states of north carolina and georgia look almost completely out of reach. the two southwest swing states of arizona and nevada, not quite as bad, but close to being that bad for biden. and i think most democrats understand that the only realistic path at this point for him to get to 270 again, would be to sweep michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin, three of the states that were in what i call the blue wall and i have seen post-debate polling in all three of those states that have biden down six to seven point
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states that in all likelihood briana, he has to sweep. now, you could say, okay, well, that is an inflated number because we're still in the immediate blast radius of the debate but even then if some of that rolls back, we're still talking about deficits of 34 and five points with the question of where does he go to get those extra votes given the numbers i mentioned to you before, among people voting for third parties or people who haven't voted in 202080, 5% of them are saying he's too old for the job, 70% and are so we're saying they disapprove of his job performance as policies have left the country where it may be a rod deal for biden but among political professionals in the democratic party, there is enormous skepticism that this is something that can be recovered from that a lot of doubt about harris, whether she would be better, but at least that would be shaking up the deck in the view of many of them, rather than sticking with what looks like now, a hand that has almost no chance of
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winning ron brownstein, tim mitchell, we have to leave the conversation there. >> i appreciate you both i've next israel and hamas entering a new phase of negotiations that if successful, could result in a hostage and ceasefire deal within a matter of weeks. the latest from israel, after a quick break this election season stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts, follow cnn stay straight for the next 200 miles get into an audi and go your own way find your way to
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symptoms of an infection to talk to you, neurologist about viv guard high, true low for gm g. and picture your life in motion how many to abu dhabi for me was a moment here. i can be my authentic self i knew this was the right move for my daughters. they are thriving you make friends, you make connection by mega fight, right? and you do it every day, like my path has brought me here, are meant
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. ice. did 42424 dr. sanjay gupta report, the last alzheimer's patient sunday at 9:00 on cnn new today, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has signed off on his negotiators entering detailed talks with hamas to try to broker a hostage and ceasefire deal. >> this is a move that follows months of intense pressure and it's coming on the heels of an
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updated response from hamas to an israeli proposal more than 100 hostages remain in gaza and that includes americans. and right now it's unclear how many are still alive. cnn international correspondent, jeremy diamond is in jerusalem for us on this. jeremy is still getting any closer it's certainly seems to be briana and what we are witnessing right now is the most progress that these negotiations have made in months. >> we are not yet there in terms of they final deal, but we are entering a new phase of negotiations where israel and hamas, they simply have not been at this stage before. and that is to say that over the last several months what we have witnessed is israel and hamas working to negotiate a framework agreements effectively. the broad strokes of a potential deal they have been leaving the details to the side while they work on that and now hello, today the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the agreeing to send his mossad director, david barnea, the head of his negotiating team, to engage in
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those detailed negotiations for the first time with hamas. and that is certainly a significant an indication of progress. now, the several important caveats apply here while we could see a deal actually come together over the course of the next several weeks. i'm told that those detailed negotiations will last two to three weeks, but the outcome is far but assured. a lot of these details that have to be negotiated include the exact number number of palestinian prisoners to be released, the identities, and the severity of the charges facing some of those prisoners, for example, the sequencing of how this is all going to happen but it does come as there has been major progress over some of the key sticking points after the united states submitted new language related to the scope and the sequencing of the negotiations during the first phase of a ceasefire deal in order to get to a second one. and today the israeli prime minister and u.s president joe biden speaking over the phone about this important progress and what we
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heard from the white house after this call was very notable framing netanyahu's decision to send his delegation to further detailed negotiations chins as a quote, effort to close out the deal. and i think that right there says it all. we are now at the point where these two parties after months and months of start and stop negotiations are now going to try and close out the deal, whether or not they can do so remains to be seen grana all right. >> we'll be watching jeremy diamond live for us from israel. thank you next more disturbing allegations against sean diddy combs as a new accuser comes forward with sex trafficking and sex assault allegations night, cnn concert event with performance by keith urban. >> ashanti, maybe wrexham, the killers and many more go for it then america united seven eastern on cnn? shop, etsy,
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sokoloff law mesothelial my victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 sean diddy combs is facing yet another lawsuit, this time a woman who says that she worked for him is claiming that she was forced to engage in prostitution and sex work. >> this marks the ninth lawsuit against diddy since november. he's been directly accused of sexual assault in eight of those lawsuits cnn okay. my report or lisa respirate france has more. so lisa, what is this latest accuser alleging this latest accuser is alleging sex trafficking being forced into prostitution. >> it's really, really bad. and as you point out, this is the ninth lawsuits since november. let me read a little bit from her suit which encapsulates what age english is alleging that diddy did she says the plaintiff agreed to what the suit says. the
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plaintiff agree to what she believed to be legitimate employment with defendant combs and vbe as entertainment at the white parties in the hamptons new york, and miami, florida from 2004 to 2009, plaintiff did not agree to a lifetime of africa your math of being used as a sexual pawn for the pleasure and financial benefit of others. so what she's alleging here is that didi was using her to have sex with influential people. and one of the reasons why people are so interested in this particular suit is because those white parties that didn't use to throw from 1990 to 2009 we're a huge deal. i mean, the most coveted invitation you could get and it include people included people from the entertainment industry, from the financial world. i mean, huge names, who's, who in entertainment, pop culture, wall street, and so people are really wondering if this goes to court, who we might see potential witnesses naturally, diddy's people are pushing back. we have the statement from the attorney who says that
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we live in a world where anyone can file a lawsuit for any reason without any proof, no matter how many lawsuits are filed, it won't change the fact that mr. collins has never sexually assaulted or sex trafficked anyone and unfortunately, libor is with so many lawsuits, you being piled up against him. and our own reporting where we broke the video of him assaulting cassie ventura and she was the first lawsuit his former girlfriend, people are not thinking that they can really trust anything that comes out of diddy's camps there's a respirate france, thanks so much for that update. appreciate it. stay woodsman, a new central or back in just a few minutes cnn celebration of the fourth in america, he's brought to you by clear children, dental implant centers visit clear today the day you get your clear choice dental implants, changes, your struggle with missing teeth forever it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life it
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to do is listen, get started today and lose 15 pounds and 15 weeks five good things. listen wherever you get your podcasts this is cnn. the world's news network cnn's the. fourth and america is back with an all-star lineup. tonight, you will see performances from artists like bb wrexham, keith urban, t pain, and ario speed wagon joining me now is the front man of reo speed wagon, kevin cronin and sarah penn carry the president and ceo of the milwaukee world festival. thank you guys so much for being with us and kevin, you in the band, you're there, you're in wisconsin, you're playing for summer fest once again, how does it feel to be back again?
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>> well, summer fest is our home and wisconsin, we have in we have played some are fast, so many times. it's always packed. the place is while do you know reo speed wagon made its name here in wisconsin and i'm married and wisconsin girls i'm good. i'm feeling good yeah. you're fully committed. they're rich legacy at some are fed. and said, tell us about how the energy is and what are the songs that the fans are really reacting to? >> well, the energy summer fest is always amazing. it's the biggest music festival in the world and there's just bans everywhere. there's a food and drink and people are party and it's just an awesome time. and on fourth of july, you put fourth of july in the picture and it's just it's it's crazy here so we're gonna be playing all the hits that the people are expecting. we have a group of songs that if we don't play
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them tonight, we will be faced with an angry mob are on the tour bus after the show. so we know what we've got to do. and we're here to deliver and we love playing summer fest. we love the people wisconsin with other people of milwaukee. and yeah, and for the july, come on, man, it's time from the party. yeah. it's so awesome. you gotta give them what they want. we do not want to write it on her hands here. sarah, i know. kevin says yeah. did everywhere but are speed wagon as a crowd-favorite, how special is it having the band back for the festivals 56 year and also having their performance. iran, cia and then well, we love having reo as kevin said, it is always a great night. lots of fun, lots of partying, but also a rich, rich legacy. i think 12 or 13 times that reo has played. and so we just love having them and it's, really, really special for us to have these bands that are just classic anthem bands that come back and help us
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celebrate fourth of july. and of course, the gorgeous for the house band of summer we love it anytime we know, we, you know, we we tried her off the red carpet, you know, a wisconsin i don't know why recover when you see i do. so lots of rich legacy and we're really, we're fortunate to have our great milwaukee fans is it summer fest who come out and support bands like, like resp, do again. kevin, before we let you get ready for your upcoming performance, i know that the band is co headlining a national tour with train the summer. so tell us what fans can expect to see well, i'll tell you what i'm really looking forward to this. you know, the guys and train and the guys in ario have bonded. we actually played a promotional gig at the whiskey he in los angeles, which was a riot. and we've done a number of promotional things together. and patrick monahan and i we met at a charity event for the for sammy hagar is acoustic for
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a cure. and so sami kinda brought the two of us together and we just kinda bonded are immediately patrick is one of the great singers of all time, and it's going to be a ton of fun and i'm really looking forward to it. yeah, what a great double-header and we cannot wait for your performance, kevin. thank you so much, sarah. thank you so much to you as well thank you. and join us to see star-studded performances and live firework shows from across the country cnn's the fourth and american ears, tonight's 7tm during to 1:00 a.m. eastern cnn concert event with performance goodbye, keith urban, ashanti, maybe wrexham, the killers anymore. >> go for dinner america, united seven eastern on cnn hey, folks, chris kuhnian here. >> whitley filter, america's largest gutter and gatera
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