tv CNN Newsroom CNN July 6, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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john seen. shark week starts sunday at eight, and discovery stream on max you were in the cnn newsroom and i'm pamela brown washington great to have you with us on this saturday night. >> while president biden is pushing forward with his reelection campaign despite growing calls for him to step aside last night, more than the week after his shaky debate performance, the president sat down for his first televised interview with abc news, where he once again dismissed the debate as a quote, bad night and denied concerns from members of his own party everyone it all said i should stay in the race, stay in the race. >> no one said no, let people i should leave. but if they do it's like not do that you sure. yeah. i'm sure look i mean, if the mortal mighty kim
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acid yogurt out the race, i gather race and lord, on monday is not coming down and tonight, the biden campaign is responding to a new controversy surrounding the pair of radio interviews he did on thursday, cnn's or lead signs joins us live with the details. >> so what's the latest are led wall panel, lead this controversy centers around some radio interviews. president biden did a little bit earlier in the week, the president on wednesday had taped to radio interviews with black radio show host set to air for fourth of july. and today, one of those radio hosts revealed to our colleague, victor blackwell that the campaign had actually provided her with a list of recommended questions before the interview from which she chose as four to ask the president, take a listen to that exchange a bit earlier, stay here on cnn questions were sent to me for approval. >> i approved to them. >> okay. so the white house sent the questions to you ahead
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of the view? yes. okay. thank got several questions. eight of them. and the fordham, what chosen with the ones that i approved now the campaign and a statements did not deny providing these questions to that radio show host, but they did add that the interview was not conditioned on acceptance of those questions and added that the reporter can ask the questions they see fit. >> now, today the campaign has also say that they're changing their practices going forward and that they will no longer be recommending questions ahead of interviews. one source familiar with the biden booking operation over at the campaign said, while interview host have always been free to ask whatever questions as they please, moving forward, we will reframe from offering suggested questions. it all comes at a very interesting time as the biden campaign has said that president biden will engage in more off the cuff unscripted in moments you saw some of that play out just yesterday and
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that 22 minute interview he did with abc news where president biden was quite defiant and incident saying that he will remain in this race despite the pressure from within his own party for him to step aside at this moment, the president really has doubled down on the fact that he wants to stay in this race november. but it's unclear at this time while the campaign is expressing optimism about that interview, believing that it will help assuage here are some of voters concerns. it doesn't appear that it's completely convinced all of the democratic officials within his party so far, there have been five house democrat radically lawmakers who have called for president biden to step down. the most recent one being congresswoman angie craig from a swing district in minnesota. she said that after watching the debate and also what she viewed as a lack of a forceful response from biden in the days after that, she no longer feels he can run a winning campaign against donald trump november, but the president has and his team, while the president
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acknowledges that these coming days are critical to the future of his candidacy. so far, they have not shown any signs of backing in down from this 2024 race this morning, the president's did speak with his national co-chairs on what i'm told is more than an hour long call, one of the participants told me that president biden sought honest input and advice from that team about the best path forward in his campaign. the expectation, one of those participants told me they think biden will start to do more unscripted, directly engaging type of events such as town halls or press conference to show voters that he is up for a second term tomorrow. president biden will be traveling to pennsylvania to make two stops, one speaking out at church service in the morning and then traveling on to harrisburg for a campaign that's the afternoon. but so many questions, even as president biden is charging ahead with this campaign, so many questions still remain about the viability of his candidacy at a time when there is increasing pressure from within his own party for him to step aside at this moment all right.
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are let signs. thank you so much joining us now is democratic congressman john gerome mindy of california. thank you for joining us. so in an interview earlier this week, you said you wanted to wait and see how the president did this interview with abc was his performance sufficient enough to allay those concerns you had about what you called his very poor debate performance well, we have a feeding frenzy going on here the media and politicians, democrats and certainly republicans are standing on the sidelines cheering all this on. the fact of the matter is that the media is not cheering this on. we're doing our jobs as vehicles for the rare real car since they are taking place about the present of the united states and whether he should continue in i mean, we've had democrats won today who said he should step aside pamela, perhaps you should have listened to what i said. >> i said the republicans are on the sidelines cheering all of this on. and in fact, they are. and my curiosity is where it's trumping all of this the
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same questions that have been raised about biden need to be raised about trump he skips leinz, so he changed his subjects, right in the middle of a sentence that is also not been observed by the media. however, the focus is on the president. the president had a bad night, no doubt about it. however, the next day, he was giving a very strong stump speech using a teleprompter. part of the time also speaking ad lib off the teleprompter and he followed that up yesterday and minnesota and his interview i thought was. okay. he does not do a strong interview he is always soft-spoken under under spoken, if you would, when he does an interview, but he hit the subjects. i would refer you back to that debate trump did not answer one question, not one question. biden did answer questions. some of them not
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well. however, going forward clearly, trump has been ignored for exactly the same underlying concerns that are now present. for biden and i understand. >> first of all, yes. trump did lie more than 30 times in the debate. that is for certain the reality is, though and there has been a media attention on his meandering and not putting together coherent sentences, which is absolutely true. absolutely a fair point. but when it came with a debate performance donald trump did not have the kind of performance that joe biden did, where there was genuine concern about joe biden and his health and mental fitness and mental acuity to run for another four years. i mean, you're seeing that in the polls, you have 75% of the voters saying that someone else should be ahead of
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the ticket here and you have five house democrats who are calling for biden to step aside now, the majority of party members have stayed silent publicly, though are reporting indicates there are others who believed the party should go in different direction i'm curious what you think. i mean is the president is the president in denial right now about this reality? >> well, first of all, five out of 212 2125 out of 212 is true. democratic so going forward, the president not, only yesterday, did an interview did a rally. he also spoke to two heads of state. he's carrying on his function as president of the united states, carrying on, as he said in that interview, that he is tested every day, every moment of every day as to his mental capacity and i am having watched it, having been in a few of those meetings over the years. yes. in de he is
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being tested and i would say that he's doing very, very well with it. not he doesn't do a strong in your face interview. he doesn't do that. he soft-spoken when he was talking to stephanopoulos. he didn't come forward and really charged back at the questions that is asked of him. but he didn't answer every single one of them in a way that that's george may have wanted. and by the way, george was demanding a cognitive test well demand one of trump a real one, not the fake one. you did those a kindergarten level one let's listen. >> actually we have that sound that you were just talking about some president biden, let's listen to it now. >> did debate afterwards i don't think i did, no so in your view, is
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that answer passing the cognitive tests where he says, i don't know no. if i watched the debate and did he pass the cognitive test on that debate stage he didn't want to say yes or no to reality is he didn't want to get that question expanded. >> any basically shut down the question. but in doing so, he raised the issue that you just brought forth once again so okay. let's go forward. katie, watch it my guess is he's saw some pieces of it i'm sure that he did. well, how would i know? i believe he probably saw some portions of a duty watch the whole thing. probably not. now, we're and-a-half. does he does he have an hour-and-a-half, given all the other things, he must do, is present. so in answering that question, he came down really on both sides of it so he did come down both sides, but but i think in this moment where people are trying
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to assess what's going on here. >> that's a yes or no answer, right. but but let me just take a step back here because in this brief interview last night, he disputed the poll number is showing him trailing on democratic leadership. he said, they all said, i should stay in the race and on the democratic governors who met with at the white house, he said, all the governors want him to say on the race. yeah, we know governor healey, massachusetts express concerns after her meeting. also, nancy pelosi democratic leadership said, is this an episode or condition that's not exactly coming out and saying, hey, stay in the race and fight on does he do you think? he grasps the reality of this situation right now and what is at stake he absolutely knows what's happening here. >> he is a seasoned elected official and he knows that he is faced with a very serious challenge and he is addressing that challenge. he addressed that challenge by going with interview with a stephanopoulos
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he's doing that on the campaign trail. and i would from what i understand from reports that he will be doing interviews, more of them and you certainly be out there probably during press conferences when or another he knows what the situation is. he understands the risk to this nation. if trump gets elected, he's been very clear about that. as of now, it's clear in his mind and in mind that he can carry on and should carry on because he has been an extraordinary the president in the first three-and-a-half years of his tenure, putting together a national industrial policy to rebuild the american economy, to rebuild our infrastructure, to address the issues of climate change. all of those things he did. and like all of us he wants to finish the job and he can do it. he can do it campaigning is
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a necessary part of this and he's in the campaign mode simultaneously. he is in the precedent yacht carrying carrying out the tasks of being a president there's some democrats who have come out to tom to step aside though, note his, his record and thank him for his record. and thank him for beating trump in 2020. >> but they are gently telling him, look at your time's up, right? because i think the concern from them is the next four years. and beating trump. i mean, that's the end goal for democrats b can he beat trump let me ask you, as the campaign puts them out more, there's going to be more opportunity as well. for potential missteps or those moments that might feed into the narrative about whether he's mentally up for the job and, are you concerned about that? does that raise the stakes? what if come october another moment happens? that fits into that narrative just before the election, are these
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are these the kinds of things you're thinking about and discussing with your colleagues well, i will tell you those moments appear every single time trump goes out publicly every time trump is out on the stage, he has those moments. he starts your sentence and then suddenly a tiffany subject halfway through the sentence. >> but about biden, because there's the concern among the voter vote there is concern about biden his age and has been told acuity. so that's the reality you're facing as a democrat. >> you you specifically raised this as a campaign issue this is a campaign between two people you have one who has been a extraordinarily successful present. you have invited, you have another in trump that said he had infrastructure week every week during his presidency and never did a thing for infrastructure and i did within the first year so yes, you did. and the
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reality is, this is about two candidates biden had a bad situation with the debate, no doubt about it. he's come on strong in the rallies and in the and the, even in the interview going forward, his performance activities, his statements will be compared to trump's trump's stumbles, bumbles and lies through every single time these on the stage he certainly did that during the during the debate he stumbled along the way. he changed his subjects halfway through. any, didn't finish his sentences and he certainly didn't ask one question. so going forward you're looking at a campaign in which you have donald trump certified serial liar a person that could not measure up to one of the elements of the boy scout oath.
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you name it he doesn't have any of those attributes. he is not a good person biden? yes. yeah good person is that a great job as president? >> there's a real risk, as you know, i imagine you've thought through this because i'm certainly hearing it from talking to democrats on capitol hill of that legacy of biden that you've laid out throughout this interview, being incredibly tarnished to say the least, if trump beats him in november that is that is the concern as well that i'm hearing and democrats the down-ballot democrats, the more than dozens of down-ballot democrats. who have vulnerable racism. what might happen to them? what do you say to that well, here's legacy will not be tarnished. >> should he lose should he lose what happens here is that
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trump comes in and takes a part each and every one of the elements. all of the effort to deal with climate change, trump has promised categorically promised that heel roll that back he's also brought into his office or into his campaign in a meeting. trump assembled the berenzweig of the petroleum industry and said, give me a billion and i will give, and i will end all of this green stuff he will turn over this country to the petroleum industry. we're talking about two candidates here. yes, no doubt about it. biden is old biden doesn't walk as well as he did when he was 50, nor does anybody at the age of 80 is he capable of being a precedent absolutely. is he going to stumble along the way? certainly, you and i do. in this interview you've not, but i have what 79 is that right 79
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79, 79. right yes, i am. okay. yes, what does that give you more, perhaps compassion as well for joe biden in this moment? given your only, a couple of years younger, i thank you. you and you and everybody that is not yet in their 70s hopes that they get to be at and that they're able to perform as at least as well as biden is performing. and so that's that's the reality. you do not walk the same way. you do not have perhaps the same force. but the question here is this man biden has 60, 50 some years of experience in government, national, international understanding the issues, understanding the wins and the loss of the ups and the downs, and the wisdom the wisdom that it took and the determination that it took, and the understanding of the policy issues that it took to put into
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law a massive infrastructure program, a real rhe, industrial program for the united states, so that we do not have to depend upon china for the basic elements of our economy. and you take a look at the biggest, most powerful effort to deal with climate change by any government anywhere biden did that and he did that when the democrats had the, had the majority, we had a two person majority, and the senate was either one person was 50, 50 senate extraordinary understanding of how to move the government he did he lose that in the last month absolutely no. lost. not he did not. he still has that capability. no, he's not out there running as he said, the hundred yard dash in 105 just made meter dash in 105 e is in a situation where he is
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bringing to this campaign the experience of a lifetime. at a moment when this nation and this world needs it keep in mind that trump in his four years basically attempted to destroy natal and toward apart that encouraged putin thinking that he had an open door to go into ukraine? no, it didn't happen because biden pulled nato back together, added finland and sweden to natal and built the alliance strong within the european union to finance the war. that's what, that's what he biden was able to do in less than a year after trump's spent four years terry nato apart and let me read mind you. okay here's what, here's what trump said. he said, if you don't pay your 2% than russia, putin go get them that's an open door to prudent. and this a very, very
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dangerous international situation we have now tried to give you as much time as we possibly can stretch it. and congressmen to make your case because we want to make sure that your perspective gets out there. i think it's really important in this consequential moment to hear from congress members of congress like yourself here are your points of view on this. thank you so much. have a great weekend. you still ahead. extreme weather, more than 35 million people feeling temperatures over 100 degrees as record-breaking heat hits the west coast. it as a hurricane is expected to hit the texas gulf coast. we're tracking it all. you're on the cnn newsroom tomorrow dr. sanjay gupta reports on hold for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing, something that seems so pre-order dane, it sounds extraordinary. >> dr. sanjay gupta report the last alzheimer's patient tomorrow at eight on cnn and our family, there was a passion for glass making. that's passed down through the generations on
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wildfire scorches, california. cnn's i'm stacia chen is in los angeles for us, but first let's go to meteorologist chad myers with latest i'm tropical storm beryl chad. what's the latest on that front hurricane warnings have been posted now for the coast of texas, we are expecting hurricane conditions, even though it's a tropical storm right now, it is in very warm water. >> it will likely get stronger. and if we lose a little bit of shear like we typically do overnight, it could get stronger yet the airplanes are in it. now finally, we had a few bowers, maybe four or five hours without a plane and it's we don't know what it's like, don't know what it's been like now. but i think 60 miles per hour is still a pretty good number. it will continue to get stronger as it gets closer to the coast. we will see surge four to six feet. that is actually higher than some of the land masses is there. we're going to have to watch that and certainly we have the hurricane threat there in all of those red areas, but death valley yesterday was 127 degrees palm springs had never, ever no matter what date, what year, what month had never been above
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123 yesterday, they were 124. here's what the temperature is look like for the rest of the week. pamela, it's rough out there. >> it is rough going. you are right. ghosh. thanks. chad myers. now that the tasha howard returns right where you are this is pretty dangerous for a lot of people it is pamela. we are very lucky right in the middle of the city right now. now, which is more temperate than some other parts. if you traveled just 2030 miles from here, you'll hit the hundred degree temperatures that tetrad was just talking about, even still we're feeling the humidity and the high temps here. people trying to cool off the best way they can. we met a grandmother here who is trying to get some ice tea and she said she's lived in this part of los angeles per 54 years. this is how she described this heat wave it was much cooley here when i moved 54 years ago, it was beautiful southern when you whether that's why i moved
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here now it's just miserable trying to stay a little less miserable here with the cold drinks and the ice cream we did also see a map that the cdc and other federal agencies created looking at out of every 100,000 emergency room visits, how many of them are a heat-related illnesses. and if you woke up and down the west coast was numbers are high. they specifically point out this area of nevada right along the california state line, close to death kelley, which can also mentioned as having a particularly high incidence of heat-related er visits for that area. so very dangerous for people, especially when you look at the duration of the heatwave going into next week, very dangerous, of course, require fighters as well battling more than a dozen large wildfires up and down the west coast just looking at the lake fire in santa barbara county, california that started yesterday and that acreage has really ballooned in the last few hours and thousands more acres burned more than 12,000.
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now that is an area that's actually quite close to netherland ranch. so a lot of very precarious situations here because of the dryness and the high temperatures and the prolonged duration of this heat wave. pamela, all right. >> and talk to jen. thanks so much and still i had on this saturday night, jill biden has been one of the president's most fierce defenders since his poor debate performance. horses in the first lady is all in on her husband staying in the race for the white house, more on her role was campaign moves forward. you're in the cnn newsroom she was hosting. >> sure. >> shark week is back. who is the alpha male again? >> asu brought to get chunk by chunk, short, hosted by john sina like sunday and eat and discovery and stream on that is tiny home trend not for me. >> now, this is more like it. the same goes for my footwork.
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tomorrow, the first lady will accompany her husband to a campaign event and pennsylvania, amid questions over whether biden should step aside hello, in his disastrous first debate performance for the president's fiercest defenders says she has quote, all in on her husband's candidacy, telling a roomful of campaign volunteers in the battleground state of michigan this week, quote joe is the democratic nominee and he is going to be donald trump, just like he did in 2020. >> so could the first lady saved biden shot at a second term cnn, someone's their body has the report you did such a great job at the most critical moment of president joe biden's political career. it is jill biden who is assuming the mantle to save him answered every question the first lady is all in a source tells cnn saying te's still committed to her husband remaining in the 2024 race? >> i loved him from the start i
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saw him then the same character that i see in him today since the debate, her fluid for you, if campaign events and outfront public statements has signaled that resolve there is no one that i would rather have sitting in the oval office right now. now, then my husband way gina, public display of damage control telling fundraisers that her husband said of the debate, i don't know what happened. i didn't feel that great in attempts at narrative setting, telling vogue they will not let those 90 minutes to find the four years he's been president. we will continue to the fight. this is a role jill biden has had for nearly five decades. >> my name is joe biden. i'm joe biden's husband as the president's chief competence, staunchest advocate, and fiercest defender. after nearly 50 years of marriage, all in the political arena, where they
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have been battle tested together. >> she does not want to give up this position. it she doesn't want her husband to give it up and i think it says a lot about her belief in him that she that she was the first person we heard from, but that outsized influence in this crisis is being scrutinized as questions over president biden's fitness for office are mounting some are pointing a finger at the first lady, a texas republican museum, who is the commander in chief with a video of the biden since hand-in-hand after the debate, another republican member of congress accusing jill biden and the campaign of elder abuse and a wall street journal opinion article says, jill biden should ask herself whether her admirable loyalty to her husband will serve the best interests of our country adding that fate has given mrs. biden the power to shape if history may she use it wisely presidential historians drawing comparisons to pass first lady's protecting the legacy of their husbands around sensitive issues. there were
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allegations are rumors of president reagan's condition are some signs of cognitive difficulty or perhaps no early dementia. she dismissed that. again, was focused on his legacy. what he could contribute, and his presidency, the white house says that is not what is happening here. asked if the first lady is covering up a medical condition of the president's first lady's communications director tells cnn know an emphatic, no silence or fatty, cnn washington still ahead as cnn exclusive new allegations from a boeing whistleblower, what the 30-year-old veteran of the company is telling cnn this election season, cnn has you covered, no matter the question from more about the candidates, two rules in your state, two casting your ballot. >> the cnn folder handbook has your answers. visit
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it centers on boeing at a critical time for the aviation giant highlighting concerns over the safety of the airplane parts. people on team reports, the whistleblower claims, billing employees, pulled plane parts from the scrap heap, potentially endangering people's safety on board. just let's to meet their production schedules and make more money if everett washington as a boeing company town than merle meyers was accompany man is a 30 year veteran of boeing meyers says his job as a quality control manager put his kids through college. >> it's a family tradition. his late mother was a boeing inspector, able to unilaterally decide if a new airplane just off the factory line was fit to flights, what would she think about what is happening at boeing? she'd be absolutely livid. meyer's new allegations detailed an elaborate off the practice centering on parts deemed not safe to put in new airplanes. he is the latest
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whistleblower to come forward with claims of quality control lapses at boeing. this is his first tv interview inspired by the january 5 door plug blowout on an alaska airlines 737 max nine spray painted red, bad parts deemed not up to boeing standards are taken from boeing's everett plant and sent to its scrap facility and auburn but then one day in 2015, meyer says a crate, a bad parts or improperly sent back from auburn to boeing's everett factory? myers alleges the practice continued for years, tallying that more than 50,000 parts escaped boeing quality control. 50,000 parts. that's what we countered at the time. it seems like a heck of a lot. >> it's a heck of a lot indeed, what does that say to you? >> well, that says it puts people's lives at risk, not just passengers, but flight crews. and a lot of these are flipped like critical parts that made it back into the production system. company
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emails show myers repeatedly flagged the issue to boeing's corporate investigations team pointing out what he says, we're repeat violations of boeing's safety rules. but myers insists investigators routinely failed to enforce those rules in a 2022 email, he wrote that boeing investigators ignored eyewitness observations and the hard work done to ensure the safety of future passengers and crew. why would they do this schedule? his schedule to get points out the door to make money? yeah myers believes he was forced out of boeing last year and is concerned there are still problems at the company. >> i think they need to punish they need to fire people that blatantly violate the process and endanger the flying public it's a huge problem. and a core a core requirement of a quality system is to keep bad
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parts and good parts apart in a statement, boeing says it encourages employees to speak up and that to ensure the safety quality, and conformance of our products, we investigate all allegations of improper behavior, such as unauthorized movement of parts or ms handling documents. we then work diligently to address them and make improvements meyer says he is coming forward now because of the pride he has in boeing, he goes so far as to call it a wonderful company. one, he says has been going astray and is in desperate need of change but you have to care leadership has to care to do that. but if you can't even keep parts segregated from good parts, what else aren't you doing, right the mystery here is that we did not have an exact accounting of where these parts are. they ranged from the superficial like fasteners to the critical wing flaps use for
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landing if these parts warrant returned to the scrap yard are whistleblowers worried that they ended up on new planes delivered the airlines and other customers in the last decade or so, how big a deal is that also hard to know since we don't know exactly how or where they were used. but there was no question that these scrap parts should not have been put on planes. piet mondrian, cnn, washington all right. >> darius now as a former safety inspector at the faa and now our scene and safety analyst, david sousi. so david first, how serious are these new whistleblower accusations of allegedly using parts from the scrap heap to build the planes that we're, all flying on i'll tell you these allegations are extremely serious what i'm concerned about is some of the terminology that's used when we talk about a scrap heap and where these parts are going, there's a critical process and that's called serviceable or not if the part is not serviceable, it needs to be
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segregated. >> now, there is a forum at 1:30 that you can use to recertified a part when it's a non serviceable condition. so i don't know enough about what's happening here. i'm not aware that the service or the whistleblowers provided a list of these parts or where they went, where they came from, or even how he knows the transport of it i assume that in his position with boeing, he would have known that. so i'm not discounting his claims. i'm just i'd like to have more information about the scrap heap because i'm not aware of boeing having a scrap heap for parts so based on this whistle whistleblower allegation, these visible or allegations though boeing was using these parts for these airplanes how critical one individual part b, right? >> i mean, try to help us understand the significance of this. if a, if a part from a scrap heap he says, does make its way on an airplane playing one part well, it depends on what part.
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>> again, he said that some of these or safety critical parts that's all that just vague as it was. it would have to be much more detailed to say that so i really can't comment on it if it depends on any part, if any part is bad or non serviceable and fails because of that, then it could cause an aircraft crash or who knows what. but i'm not going there right now because i don't know what parts they are, so i don't really want to speculate and i get that completely without more information to help in the form your opinion. so the critical the critical issue boeing is facing this weekend is, will it take the government's deal to plead guilty to criminal fraud? this is of course, in connection with the max crashes in 2018 and 2019, that killed 346 people do you think it will take the deal or, or take? the chances and go to trial well, i think we need to clarify something real quickly. >> boeing already admitted to fraud. they already said that there was fraud that went on with two pilots that had hidden
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information about the mks system prior to the to tragic accidents that occurred. so boeing already admitted to that what they're facing now is they had an agreement, a deferred prosecution agreement, in which they were supposed to come up with processes that would prevent any additional breaking of the anti-fraud laws and to my knowledge, i don't think they should take the deal because to my knowledge right now, i see that they did we put those things in place just as was asked in this kind of vague agreement that they had they did put those things into place and we haven't seen actual fraud after that. we've seen mistakes. we've seen the door plug that came out. we've seen a half things that happened, but have they actually hidden information intentionally within tenth of doing something? then else that's the definition of fraud. and i'm not sure they've done that, so i think they may be in a good position to defend themselves here. so i'm not sure if i was boeing, i would take this deal. >> all right. david, susie, thanks so much. and we'll be
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