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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 8, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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that's how we were able to two we able to give you that answer, but he did not have a medical exam. he did not have a physical excuse me. do you know about that verbal check-in or do we just don't ask him? >> so the line of questions that i was getting that day was in the way that i was hearing the question was about the medical exam i answered mj is question when she asked me the medical exam and i answered and so i said no physical and then somebody else asked me, was there a check-in? i did not mean to steer anybody wrong. i was still thinking about the medical we'll exam. i was still thinking about the physical that's how i answered the question. and then when it became when the president actually spoke to it, we actually i went back asked to ask the asieh asda the medical doctor, and he said they had a verbal check-in. that's what he said. but in answering the question, i was talking about the medical exam. i was talking okay. about the physical issues with ones a lot of reporting
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last one cares about parkinson's expertise, calm to the white house, almost a dozen times of last year or so, completely when. meeting with the president position could you stay very clearly yes or no? was that expert here to participate in anything surround put in the care of the president united states. >> so let me just say a couple of things we have had a comprehensive i just want to take another step back. comprehensive physical examination the president has had that we given a comprehensive report. we've shared that the past three years, every year that he has every year that he has had this this exam, he sees a neurologist and just to give you a quote from that from the report most recently in february and extremely detailed neurologic critical exam was again reassuring in that there were no findings which would be consistent with any cerebella a cerebellar or other central neurological disorder? orders such as a stroke, multiple
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sclerosis, parkinson's, or ascending lateral sclerosis. and quote. so that came directly from in february in that comprehensive report that was provided by the presence doctor to me that i share with all of you. so anyone who is watching can certainly go to a website this was this like experts visits to multiple gives the white house and pertaining had all the president here's the thing. >> i have. i've said he's, he has had three he has thrown had 33 physicals in those three physicals. that's when he has seen specialists and neurologist neurological specialists that is all i have to be super mindful here. and this is why, and i'll, and i'll explain this to you in a second. there are thousands of military personnel who come onto this white house many of them get the care from the white house medical unit. and so need to be super careful. there are the medical unit host a ride range of specialists from dermatologist or neurologist and so i cannot
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speak to every person because there are actually there's actually a security reasons to protect their privacy. we respect and protecting people's privacy. so do not want to share. i'm not going to share people's names from here. but the president, i can tell you, has seen an we're all just three times as it's connected to the physical that he gets every year that we provide to all a very basic direct question, wait, wait, wait, wait wait times are less warrants. in regards you just wait. hold on a second. you should be answered. by this point. >> like no, no, no, no, no, no, no. wait a minute ed, please. a little respect here, please so every year around the presence physical examination, he sees a neurologist that's three times. right. so i am telling you that he has seen or neurologist three times while he has been in this presidency
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that's what i'm saying her for walker, i'm telling you the he has seen him three times. that is what i'm sharing with you. right. so every time he has a physical, he has had to see a neurologist. so that is answering that question. no. no, it is it is. you're asking me i just i also said to you ed. i also said to you for security reasons, we cannot share names we cannot share names. you can. we have to we have two others. you would've met with. we can ensure they wanted regards to if someone came here he can share we can objects share names of specialist, broadly from a dermatologist to neurologists. we cannot share names. there are security reasons we have to we have to i, understand that the ir game for anyone to see. i hear you. i cannot from here confirm any of that because we have to keep their privacy i think they would appreciate that too. we have to give them the darker we have to keep
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their privacy. it is good luck public i hear you and your senator guys are correct i almost the white guys report on a second. there's no reason to get back and go back and forth to me and this aggressive way, mr. ron here about how information has been shared with the press borlaug to miss the mouth. what do you think he just asked about? what do you and then every time i come back and answer the question that you guys have to come back and clean. i never answer the question. incorrectly. that is not true. i was asked about a medical exam. i was asked about a physical that was in the line of question that i answered. and i said, no, he did not have a medical exam and i still stand that by a bat. my affect the president is still stands by then he had a verbal check-in that is something that the president has a couple of times a week a couple of times a week. now, in regards to dr. kevin, could arm and i am telling you right now that i am not sharing confirming names from here. it is a security reasons. in fact, going to do that, ed it doesn't matter how hard you push me. it doesn't matter how angry you get with
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me i'm not going to confirm a name. it doesn't matter if it's even in the log. i am not going to do that from here. that is not something i am going to do. what i can share with you is that the president has seen a neurologist for his physical three times, three times and it is in the reporting that we share a comprehensive reporting, butter butter fact, it's more than what the last guy shared and it is in line with what george do, george w bush did. it's in line with what obama did. and so it is comprehensive. it is out there. i just read a quote from it, but i am not i am not going to devolve somebody's name or confirmed somewhat. i'm not going to do that. that is as privacy for that person. i'm not going to do that. it doesn't matter how hard you push me. it doesn't matter how angry you get with me from here. and she's not going to do that. it is inappropriate. it is not acceptable. so i'm not gonna do it no, nothing for me can confirm whether or not
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this parkinson's specialist and then you mentioned three times, but the visitor logs showed a duration of eight visits are very much i think that is the crux of the question. that's what i also said. i also said there are thousands of military personnel that come to the white house and they are under the care of the medical unit they are can you confirm that the parkinson's visits specialist visits were for the president? >> what i can tell you is that the president has seen a neurologist three times i'm and i read to you what the neurologists has said and i read to you the last the last line i could say it again no findings which would be consistent with any cerebellar or other central neuron neurological disorders such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, parkinson's, or ascending lateral sclerosis that is from fat is from february. that is coming from february. that is what the medical unit but the presence dr. shared and i share
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i said to you, it's happened three times each time there is a physical that occurs and we put out a comprehensive report that is when he has been able to see to see a specialist so that's what i can share question on this has the president you mentioned parkinson's multiple sclerosis. all of these things as one diagnosis that we have potential diagnosis hydrocephalus, which is fluid buildup in the brain. it's something we've never heard and medical reports. is that something that the president if it's if it's not in the medical report, obviously it's not it's not something that the president is dealing with. if oh, well, i can tell you this. just going back to parkinson's for a little bit. so to give you some answers here, has the president been treated for parkinson's know, is he being treated for parkinson's? no. he's not. is he taking medication for parkinson's no. so those are the things that i can give you full answers on, but i'm not going to do i'm not going to confirm a specialist. any
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specialists that comes to come to come to the white house out of practice will the president go to the hill today? >> i know we saw letter is he intended to have this conversation face-to-face look, the president obviously this is someone who is a senator for 36 years, who was the president of the senate as when he was vice president for eight years. >> and he respects truly respects the members of congress boris and has always, and will always do that, especially as a former senator. and i will say and you heard you've heard us say this before or most recently is this is a present to know who's won, one of the primary, by 14 million votes, 87% of those votes certainly and look, don't have any engagements to read out outside of that, but i will say that the president was in pennsylvania. i just mentioned at the top because you've got to see senator fetterman, senator casey he also got to see congresswoman
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dean. he spent some time with them. they traveled across pennsylvania and i will say when do president gets knocked down? he gets back up. this is quintessential job joe biden, and there are a long list of other congressional members who have shown their support for this president. i don't have anything else to read out. you saw the letter. the letter. the letter? was i think pretty pretty clear on where the president stand. and i'll just leave it there you noted that there are thousands within the walter reed system, may be treated by a specialist who visits here at the white house. >> but this neurologist had a meeting with the president's position with his doctor, your we're standing to say if he was here to evaluate the was consulting on the president's health so what then was that meeting about? and i will say that dr conner leads the medical unit. he's literally he's literally the he leaves the medical unit tell because we will not confirm or or speak to names that you're providing to me. it is out of security reason is out of protecting
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someone's price let's see. we're just not going to do that, but they are the reason that i mentioned that is because there all thousand military members that do indeed use the, use the white house medical unit. they do they get care from the time the president dies. i'm trying to answer the question so you can connect the dots that there are multiple neurologists that come met neuralgias specialists that come through here because there are more than 1,000 medical medical, military personnel here. i'll military personnel here israeli can clear this all up just by saying what he was doing here. and if it was connected to the president, yes or night, i am not going to confirm that a particular neurologists anybody it doesn't matter if they're dermatologist or neurologist. i'm just not going to do that. i shared with all of you that the president has met has been with the neurologist three times as it relates to his physical three times. so, you know, i just not guys. i'm just
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not going to do that out of security reasons, out of privacy. it is it is not something that i'm gonna do a measure of privacy. we have to be able to give people from here what are the resonance after you say has seen no reason to evaluate him? for parkinson's since these physical in february, is that based on these verbal check-ins that you've been describing based on his public appearance, we say that one more time you've said that the president's doctor has seen no reason to evaluate him or reevaluate him for parkinson's since that physical in february, what is that based on as if i never said that well, what i have said is what i have said is that we just had a physical just in february and the physical was very clear it was a comprehensive physical. we gave out a report on that and as it relates to the check-ins, that is something that is common the president has a medical unit that is literally down the hall that
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he's able to check in with when necessary. do they normally do it while he's exercising? that is not uncommon. it is very different. it is very different than any everyday americans. they do not have that option. they do not have that access because he's president of the united states. every other president has had that axis and they are able to do that. we just be clear, yes or no. has he has his position, cena reason to reevaluate him for parkinson's since the february physical know, they comprehensive report that you all have stand there is the present obviously will have another physical and we'll wait for that physical agrees with the president he said twice that he had neurological evaluations as part of his physicals in these various interviews today. >> and then i'll also maybe see there have been a number of people who've said, listen why don't you have a cognitive test? just to rule out that there are any issues with the president do you would you
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would you catherine to do that just to sort of put an end to this question, jury. i hear you the neurologist who said it is not warranted. the president himself. he said it today. he said it multiple times. and the doctor has said this everything that he does day in and day out as it relates to delivering for the american people, is a cognitive test and that is what the medical doctor has said that is what the special has said. i do. i just want to take a step back for a second because i do take offense to what ed alluded to come out here every day. there's a press briefing and we do our best to give you the information that we have at the time that's what we do. and we understand that freedom of the press, we respect the freedom of the press. you heard me talk about this last week we i appreciate the back-and-forth that we all have. it is. i tried to respect you and i hope you tried to
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respect me. and we literally do everything that we can. my team does everything that we can to make sure we get the answers to you. that's what we do. and sometimes we disagree sometimes we are not in agreement. but you know what that's democracy, that is what is important to have that healthy back-and-forth and so to say that i'm holding information or allude to anything else is not unfair, is really, really unfair. i think people who are watching and have been watching this briefing for this past week could say that we are doing our best in this briefing to provide by the information that we have. and i will admit i will be the first one to admit. sometimes i get it wrong. i at least i admit that at least i admit that sometimes i don't have the information and i will always always admit that, but i do take offense to what was just happening at the beginning of this briefing. it's not okay. we are seeking clarity. i understand that and
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i think what we're trying to say is when a name is a public record on a wave swarm that it is in the public domain. the president could authorize that his medical records or additional medical information could be made public because he could wait hipaa he could do those things. and if he chooses to do that, we would like to know more a part of the reason we are pressing here is that we are not clear on what has happened and therefore, the american people whom, to whom we report don't have a sense so that's what we're trying to do and so personal attacks is not okay and want to have a toxic and very, very clear here. so the question is one question is, after a debate that drew days and days and days and scrutiny why hasn't the president had an in-person physical check-in? maybe blood work, maybe other things because when he said he was seeing, i certainly thought he had been physically seen, not a phone check as a match part of
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what we're saying about information phishing comes out in waves and then we may have a different impression. so i understand his presidency for ten days and he could submit to another exam full exam partial exam, whatever. he can waive his right to make things public. none of us are asking about the military members who might be seeing a physician here. none of us we are only asking about the president's will be understood. and so that's why we want to understand when you see yeah, on the public records that a physician with his specialty has come to the white house let's go into the residence clinic and met with president's position. we feel like there was more to be said there and that's what we're asked. and i understand that, kelly, you and you know, i respect you heartedly and i've known you for some time we want to be also because we are particular, we talking about someone whose name, who is out there and i understand. i get it. it's in the law. i get that. it's in the law. we want to we want to respect that person and give them the
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measure of privacy that they deserve the moment i say anything about me, specialists? it becomes a thing from this podium. so what i can share, and this is what i can share. he has seen a neurologist three times, three times, not more not where he not more than that not more than that. he's seen a neurologist three times and that is connected to the physical, the comprehensive physical that we have been able to share with you so i think that gives you some information about how many times, three times and the reason why i am sharing that there are thousands of military sorry personnel. so you also have an understanding because there are 1,000 military personnel that comes here and that not just comes here, but under the care of the medical unit right? they get they get care from the white house medical unit. they there tends to be dermatologist from dermatologist to neurologic to neurologists who come through here, who come
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through here because the white house medical unit is indeed caring for folks. so i have confirmed three times three times. i just cannot get into details or confirm a name of a person. it cannot do that. there's security reasons we have to give if people a measure of his records and makefiles, i don't know how all of that works. i'm not going to pretend. i know how that works and what i will do is certainly will share that information with the with the powers that be. i just don't want to get into a back-and-forth on that particular question thanks, craig, me to kelly was point, but it wasn't today when he called into morning joe, he said that he had east all of his medical records should we take us an indication that he's going to do so? well, look what i can say is that we have shared a comprehensive medical report that is pretty detailed. that is in line with other presence, certainly not the last one, but the ones the
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two before before the last president we have been pretty much in line with what they have been, what they have done, what to be more clear, george w bush, and also president obama. so we've been funded that his daughters come to the breaking room to speak to us. okay. and we know what that last president said from this briefing row. okay. so called amy did three i think three or four paragraphs very different very different approach during the call today to send sure was the president reading off a script? >> so i was in the room when the president called into morning joe, the presence spoke from his heart, the president was very clear, there was no script at all and he was very detailed. you heard him say actually during the call that he was reading some quotes. he said it, he shared that information he was reading some quotes from from the debate. so he shared that with you, what you heard was a passionate interview was about 18 minutes.
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he talked about and laid out his vision for this country. he talked about how he wants to make sure we move forward. i want to be really careful because he also talked about the campaign which i can't do from here. but he he i think it was incredibly powerful quotes, but not from a script. no, it was not a script i think many questions should we expect? so look, it is going to be a solo press conference. it is going to be certainly more than none plus two. i'm not going to we're still working it out, so i'm not going to go into specifics from here. but you could expect i solo press conference from this president at the end of the nato summit he's looking forward to it, and he will be taking your questions. so that'll be a good way. >> i have two questions. >> follow up on dr. canard and that is can you explain what the role of megapascals? >> abuse does she oversee care
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for some of those military personnel that you were referencing as a group or does she oversee care for the president? >> i believe. again want to be careful here i know who you're speaking of. >> i don't have her full portfolio in front of me, so i wouldn't have for my team and i will be happy to get back to you then on the president's and the white house is engagement with house democrats that's democrats more broadly, there was an article a month ago in the wall street journal that the white house universally panned because the on-the-record quotes criticizing the president's age and acute do it even largely from republicans, but i want to ask about graphs in that story, about democrats. >> exhibit the same story from that same story, it's the white house kept close tabs on the journals, interviews with democratic lawmakers first and after the offices of several democrats shared that the white house, either a recording of an interview or details about what was asked some of those lawmakers spoke to the journal a second time. and once again, emphasized biden right? they quote congressman gregory meeks, a new york democrat, saying, they just said that i should give you a call back.
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i'm wondering if you could characterize what the white house told demo congrats to tell reporters. >> i think the democrats spoke for themselves i think you know how stories work there is there's a lot of back-and-forth when you all come with the story from us and we want to make sure you hear from other voices. we make that available to you all it is up to the reporters. they're going to reach out or not to that particular person but we expect and we anticipate and we understand that it doesn't matter who if it's a congress person or a governor or any elected official, they're going to speak for themselves. they're gonna speak for themselves. and i would say that representative we have greg meeks has also been very supportive. if you fast forward to where we are today. representative knicks has been very supportive this president continuing moving forward we've heard from many others, many others. so cbc more, more broadly, has been very
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supportive. we heard from the chair chairman, a hotspur hartford from the cbc and so that is the type of support that we continue to see. there hasn't been outreach by the white house to democrats who might have misgivings about the president's a future acuity to have them stay positive things about the president. >> i'm not really i don't quite understand where you're going with the question. i think i explained it sometimes when you all are working on stories and we want to hear you wanted and we were trying to provide supporters from those president that is not unusual. and it is up to the reporter to reach out or not and so that is something that we certainly do that is something that is not uncommon and but what i would say more broadly, there are, there are congressional members as we're talking about what's happening in congress as we're talking about the president's outreach, as we're talking about how we move forward, there are congressional members
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out there who have been incredibly supportive. we have to remember there hundreds of house, members and so there are folks out there as its outreach today and tomorrow all conference and all caucus meetings. >> so what i can say is that as you all know, the president, the president has done some outreach. >> his top spoke about it himself. i can say as of today, he has he is engaged with dozens of members, whether in person or on calls. we saw him engaging with congressional members over the weekend. we saw him doing that on several of the trips that he has done over the past ten days have been about six. states that he's been able to stop over and do and engage with supporters. so he's been enabled to do that. and there's a long list. i'm trying to spare you the list here, but there is a long list, senator chris gu and senator john fetterman, senator alex padilla is senator chuck schumer, senator bernie sanders senator route raphael warnock. it goes on and on. representative climber and i'll
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green horse fit, as i mentioned already, there it has been a long list we believe incredibly supportive, supportive congressional congressional members who have continued been provided to us from the campaign to, but i'm wondering if the president has spoken directly we went leader schumer, and jeffries in the last 24 hours as the president week, i hear you. we share that just last week at the president spoke to the leadership obviously on the democratic side, since yesterday, i don't have anything to read out to you as far as what we've shared with you last week? with the president has been in regular touch and those conversations went very, very well. i think you mentioned in particular leader jeffries that went almost for an hour present said that himself. he said how much they had a very, very good conversation. the presence or congresswoman dean, as i mentioned, he saw both senators of pennsylvania as well yesterday traveled across the
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state and had really two big events with supporters with americans who would get that to hear directly from the president i think that's important, right again, my corporate greed were all three of president biden's neuron neurological exams that you've confirmed, where they all conducted at walter reed look, i don't have i don't have anything to state as to location. >> what i can say for sure that he has seen in neurologist three times as it relates to the exam that he's takes every year. and i just don't have a location to speak to. >> just try a different way. i mean, has any neurologist, you know, and you also know that the president does go to walter reed to do to do right, to do to do these, to do this, his physical exam. well, housing are all just i'm not talking about anyone in particular regardless of the identity, name and that person has any neurologist came to the white house to visit presence what i
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can tell you during those exams, but he that we have been able to do every year for the past three years and they use a common we're hence of exams that we share conversations, a report that we share with all of you, he has seen in serologies, clarify, seems like those were taken a walter reed that's a coordinate station you you all know that he does indeed go to walter reed as part as his physical exam? >> that is no secret. that is something that he does and i also confirmed that he sees a neurologist every time that he's done this these exams, i don't have anything beyond a great night. >> great read april kirrane as you're talking, as everyone is talking neurological issues this is different what kind of on that same page, the president has held to aneurisms. okay. and there are complications from aneurisms to include impaired short-term memory. it ability to
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concentrate as well as speech difficulties, have any in the world just worked with him or just trying to observe him as he brings a person who has suffered from two aneurysm thick could have been fatal. >> look, april in the in the comprehensive reporting that we share with all of you on a yearly basis the neurological exam have been detailed extremely detailed is directly from the doctor. they talk about the specifics of that neurological exam and so i would refer you to the six page comprehensive memo and that's what i refer you to something that we know about that head to aneurisms and that is part all of those complications are part of a neurological exam. ehab, they tested for that at all. do what i can tell you is that the the exams have been detailed. >> they have been extensive, and that's what i can share with you. i would refer you to the today to the document, to
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the question would just say it's away from the republican convention. how do you is this white house who stands behind this president? how do you work? to do an image change or an image change to revamp him to make them shiny or and brighter, if you will. >> so i'm not going to speak to the republic i can convention. that's something that i'm not going to do, but i am going to pull those hold on a second. hold on. give me a second look in the past ten days the president has gone 216 he has he's got to north carolina, new jersey, new york georgia pennsylvania. i know that's a commonwealth, but he's been 26. and in that time, he has engaged directly directly with the american public and you've seen the enthusiasm you've seen the energy. he's being able to talk to them directly directly and talk about his goals for
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the future. talk about what he's done in the past 3.5 years. they have and they have heard specifically from him on even his health even the debate. and i think that's important to so you just heard me lay out the next one? two weeks. so the presence going to continue to go out there. he's going to continue to be present in the communities. he's going to continue to hear directly from the american people people and that's the best way to do this. that's the best way to get out there. that's the best way to make sure that you have your finger on the pulse. and at the american gets, people get to see you for themselves while. speaks the republican convention. what about the democratic convention convention either i can't speak to that. >> that's for the i know what you're asking me is two to speak to two things that i can't speak to from here. that is something that the campaign and the convention can speak to very, very right at the end, neither april, you may not like
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my answer, but i'm telling you the presence going to continue to go out there. we just i just shared with you at the top a robust plan that the president has to be out there, whether it is in vegas, whether it's in texas, and let's not forget the other states that he's visited in the last ten days and last ten days. there's a stark difference from what we've been doing and what the other side is doing. stark difference. and so the president is committed. he's going to continue to do that. he wants to engage engage directly with the american people, 600 people at the church yesterday, 600 people at the event in harrisburg. that's a pretty good start. and that's just a continuation. it's actually now to start as a continuation get josh, i know. i'm getting still the administration's policy physical smarten annually yes. that is that is just like every other president has done before this president. we're going to continue up to uphold that fair to assume that that isn't now he's nice expected physical would be asked it would be next
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year, the last one was in february can you clarify for us? forgive me. i might have missed it by design he will he won't say that one more time i don't have any engagement and to as you know, nato is front of mind. that's what he's focused on. you saw that letter that came out from the president. he's going to be focusing on the more than 30 world leaders at a comic that coming here for how many of fifth anniversary of nato continuing to show are the strength of our alliance. i think it is. i think it is something that the president very much looking forward to. and you'll certainly hear from the president on thursday when he gives his press conference is big boy press conferences, your colleague justin has stated no many times we shouldn't expect then some sort of big a region push to i mean, look, we have shared, i just shared that he has done dozens of calls out, not just calls, but also face-to-face as he did in pennsylvania his his team campaign side, they're
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gonna do their thing. >> we're gonna do i think on our side. and he respects tremendously congress. and so he's in regular contact with them and that's what you're and it continued to see. all right. thanks, everybody. thanks, everyone i'm worried. rate. >> we have been listening to white house press secretary karine john pier in the press room. at times, a fiery press conference, engaging in contentious moments with reporters who were asking mostly about a recent report that cnn was able to confirm regarding a top parkinson's disease specialist holding a meeting with president joe biden's physician at the white house earlier this year. this is according to records that are public. though the circumstances of that meeting remain unclear they are corinne john pier was asked about the circumstances, even just to confirm that that specialist met with the president's physician or as the new york times has it that he visited the white house and the
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residents eight times in as many months, she essentially said that for security reasons, she could not confirm why that dr. met with staff at the white house she did point out that the president has been examined three times cognitive exams over the last three years. she says at those reports, as each report stated, the examinations found no sign of parkinson's adding that the president is also not receiving any kind of treatment for that illness let's discuss all of this and more with a member of the congressional black caucus, democratic congressman glen ivy of maryland has patiently been waiting through that press briefing. i should point out the congressional black caucus has come out in favor of president biting staying a atop the democratic ticket. sorry, i don't plan to ask you to speculate on why that parkinson's specialist was visiting the white house, though i am curious about the approach from a communication
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standpoint because i wonder if the white house would put all of this to rest. if the president was able to take a cognitive test and just put the results out there. would you support that? that idea? >> i think what i just heard was the doctor who had been monitoring the president said it wasn't necessary at this time, and i went to law school and that med school, so i don't want to try and preempt what a doctor would say on that front but i will say this. i mean, i think there's a lot of speculation frankly, that's kinda running a little bit of mcc on a lot of these things. i think we've seen an action ye it a terrible night on the debate, but north carolina was great the next stay in, as you just heard on the press conference, i saw clips of him in philadelphia at the church. i thought he was outstanding really seems to be back on stride, so i you know, i think it's important for people to monitor this other questions that have to be answered. but i think we have to get to a point where certainly from the
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democratic party standpoint, we sort of move on. and recognize that he's performing well. he's out a great track record to run on. the doctor seemed to be fine with where he is now well, let's move forward. >> i think some of the frustration from members of your party when you say that he's performing well, that he's returned to stride. is that the moments that you've mentioned have been somewhat limited in scope in terms of him answering questions the way that he would at a debate the the abc interview was about 20 minutes long. the speeches that he's given at rallies have been about 20 minutes long with a teleprompter. the event in philadelphia was relatively limited in his discourse, in his ability to talk about different topics we are seeing him speak to the press later at the end of the nato summit. but i'm wondering, do you think the white house or the campaign should have approached this more aggressively from the start to tamper down any frustrations or questions those
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coming from some of your democratic colleagues? >> well, i mean, i think this mushroom certainly more than i was expecting it to again, like i said, he had a bad night at the debate but i did think he really got back on stride pretty quickly. >> and so i understand i've got colleagues out there there reporters, columnist in the like. got a lot of questions. voters have questions two and i think he needs to continue to answer those. and i think he has been doing that, but the best way to answer it to do what he's doing, he's gotten back on the campaign trail. he's out interacting with the public. it's a little unfair from my perspective because i've had a chance to interact with him and private recently, the first trip to philadelphia a few weeks ago, and he was really i thought he's doing great, so i think it's just a question of making sure that the public gets to see that but then the key part i think is that we've got to get back. we've got a campaign to win in november and before all this popped up, we were out there, the democrats, the president making the points about the
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great things that he's done in his presidency so far, i think the first two years of of his tenure were probably about as good as you can see, maybe since president like lbj and the great societies, there's a lot of great things to point to 15 million jobs. you know, the whole and down on the prescription drug costs infrastructure improvements, roads, bridges, and the like. and there's a lot of positive things. we've got to make sure we get them out there the other big thing i think we have to make sure we do is it can't just be macroeconomic descriptions of what he's done. we have to explain to people so that they know how it's affecting their pocketbooks or will affect their pocketbook and personalize it that way. and i think he's he's going not just to the battleground states, but around the country to try and make those points. >> the president and obviously those who are standing by him have zeroed in on his record and the things that he's achieved but i think a lot of voters are concerned about the future and his ability to serve out another four years. and that has been reflected in polling that we've seen that
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had cena a dip in the numbers. and some support for president biden since the debate is there anything in those numbers that concerns you? well, we obviously want the numbers to be going in the opposite direction, but the dip and the numbers that you point to you know, he's actually starting to bounce back from in the polls. i've seen the axios pulls up a few days ago, once they saturday may maybe i believe he was ahead. there's just focused on the battleground states. a lot of his margin error. i think he was ahead. i want to say michigan, if i recall correctly, but, you know, at the end of the day were several months out if we can get back to the campaign trail and start addressing these issues. that's how you close the gap and get ahead. and that's what we need to do. >> do you think he is the only leading democrat that could be donald trump in november? well, you certainly the only democrat who has beaten donald trump and he's the only candidate of either party that's ever beaten donald trump. >> and, there's been a lot of speculation about other names in especially governors and
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senators and the like. my gripe with that has been that there's been no analysis of the mechanics for example the i think it's like 220 million or so that's in the biden-harris campaign. if you pick a new standard-bearer, the money doesn't just shift over. so you'd have somebody starting from scratch to raise the money. the campaign apparatus, the computers, the offices, the leases, all that stuff that doesn't just shift over automatically either. the new campaign would have to pay for that if fair market value and then you're talking about people very talented out there. i think the democrats have a great bench. but many of them are like single-digit name recognition outside of their particular state or region. do we is it really fair to expect somebody no matter how talented to build a national campaign, build national name recognition re-establish the type of campaign funding you need to run a national campaign and do all of it and less than three
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months, i think that's a very tall order. and by the way, the good campaign, things that i just mentioned, that the biden harris team can run on. they don't necessarily have that national record that he's got. i think it's there's a lot of assets with the biden campaign that we've been overlooking for the last ten days or so. i think it's time certainly for democrats, i'm hoping we can get back to focusing on that in the near future. future there's no question it would be a tall order, given the way that the campaign has been laid out, the primaries is effectively over. i am wondering though what you say to your colleagues who have called for him to step aside, do you think that they're panicking? do you do you see why they're concerned well, let me say this. >> i mean, different people are in different states, you know, when i go home to my district and prince george's county, maryland, the support for him is just as strong as ever, maybe a little stronger, i think there's some resentment at the way he's been attacked, especially from seniors and the support for kamala harris, i think is really strong as well
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because i think there's been a lot of somewhat disrespect with respect to her and her record. and i think that's the backbone of the political party as the african american american vote. so i think we need to be very careful about overlooking that. i've got colleagues running your districts that aren't predominantly african-american. so i want to respect where they are, but the points i just mentioned about the mechanics, the logistics of somebody else coming in and taking over those are universals, those are constants. i haven't heard anybody really addressing those and when i open up the newspapers and i see editors calling for him to step down. or they're throwing out other names out there. none of them have spoken on this issue, which is i think a fundamental piece, if you can't explain how somebody else can come in and put together a campaign that's actually got a better chance of winning than the biden harris team. i think you need to rethink your position. >> are reporting had indicated that democrats were taking steps sort of planning a worst-case scenario if the
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president decided to step aside, that would have vice president harris step into that role. >> nevertheless, i want to add ask you more broadly quickly because they actually told me i had to wrap a few minutes ago and i know my producer might get mad at me. i apologize but if president biden doesn't step aside, and democrats lose the white house and they lose control of the senate. and they don't regain the house. what do you think joe biden's legacy would be ultimately? >> i'm i'm not at the legacy point yet. i think we really have to try and focus on winning the white house. i think we're in a great position to win the house for sure. said it's going to be more touch and go. but i think they were in a good position to win that race two, as also brooks, the democrat running and maryland, nothing is ahead in the polls that i've seen. i think she is running a strep a strong campaign there. i think we really have the potential to win these races and maintain our positions and the white house, the senate and regain
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the majority in the house. but we're not going to do it if we keep fighting with each other over these kinds of things up to the the democratic convention and beyond. we've got, we have to play together as a team. we got to be on the same page of the playbook sooner rather than later. >> congressman blaine iv. we appreciate your perspective and your patients, as well as briefing went longer than we expect it. thank you, sir. thank you. jessica thanks so much in cnn's kayla tausche is joining us now from the white house and kayla, you were in that brief you think asking questions we saw the back-and-forth between so many members of the press corps and corinne jump here. >> what were your main takeaways what was an extremely contentious mood in the room with frustration evident among the press corps for how hard it was to get very basic answers about whether the president had been seen any more than three times by his specialist, who this specialist who has specialist in neurology, but
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also expertise in parkinson's and who they had been treated getting is specifically about the role of mega nasw earthy, who is listed in the white house visitors log as the person that dr. canard, the specialists just from walter reed was visiting on the white house complex a handful of times. >> he was also listed as having visited doctor kevin o'connor, who's the president's personal physician, korean jump year, the press secretary noted that he's also the head of the white house medical units. so it could be plausible that he was treating other people. but when asked specifically for yes or no answers on whether the president was seen on any other occasions by this specialist? there was no answer on that and that was i think one of the most frustrating frustrating responses to the preska one of the reasons why you saw due correspondence erupt there so there are still many more questions than answers on this front, especially when it comes to the president's medical records, which he said on
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television this morning that he had released in full and that's still something that hasn't happened. so we await more information from the president and the white house. but where the president's political future lies it's been clear that he's been working the phones with democrats, with leadership, the white house could not say whether he had spoken with minority leader hakeem jeffries since jeffries convene that call with senior democrats yesterday, and at least a handful of them called for biden to step aside, but they did rattle off a number of democrats who do support the president, suggesting that it was a relative. few who held that view and that as far as any democrats who might have misgivings about the president's acuity and age that's certainly the white house had not told them to say otherwise, just all right. senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche before us. thanks so much for that reporting. kayla. and still ahead here, tropical storm beryl turning roads into rivers and knocking out power from millions along the texas
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coast. we have those stories and much more coming up right here on cnn news central i love milwaukee cnn is lai from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plan to take that the white house follow cnn complete coverage. >> the republican national convention starts next monday at eight on cnn. >> when my mom needed adult diapers, i didn't know where to start. then i found care. well, i called their 24/7 customer care team and got advice on which products for right. for her they helped me find the right fit and absorbency for her knees. i was able to get exactly what mom needed at a great price. plus it shipped free, right to my door as a new caregiver, i have a lot of questions i'm so glad care wallace there to help save 30% on your first-order and get 24/7 customer care at care this is a story about the one the untrained eye, it
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you got to use it right? toothpaste of your see not all toothpastes white in the same craft, 3d white removes 100% more stains for a noticeably wider smile new personal best press this is cnn the world's news all of the drama surrounding president biden is left donald trump in an unfamiliar spot, and that's out of the spotlight during a critical time in the race for the white house. cnn's kristen holmes is following the trump campaign and kristen, how is the former president preparing for his big moment? >> we are one week away from the convention just it's not just the convention, it's the fact that he still hasn't named his vice presidential pick as well. this was supposed to be a really critical two weeks for former president donald trump. you're going to have the rollout of his vice presidential pick followed by that convention in milwaukee. one boy there was actually going to be the sentencing as well on thursday, but obviously, because that's supreme court ruling that got pushed to a later date. so he
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was supposed to be really taking control of the media narrative and instead, he has been largely out of the spotlight. and as you noted, that's not a familiar place for the former president. now, people close did donald trump's say it's not going to impact the timing of his announcement. but as somebody who is covered trump for a long time, he is somebody who pays very close attention to what is on the news. what is the center of the media narrative? and it seems unlikely with all of this focus on joe biden particularly around the fact that thursday, for example, joe biden will be giving that press conference. obviously, everyone will be tuning in that that would be a time that he would announce his vice presidential pick. now, according to his team, they've given themselves a deadline of money but one source said it could come as late as monday morning at the actual convention before that, he does have to rallies one here in miami had is gaurav was or where we are our as well as one in pennsylvania on saturday. and right now just remains unclear when that vice presidential announcement is actually going to come. but
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they our building up a lot of suspense around a donald trump himself. when i talk to the people who are even the closest to him, they say they still aren't entirely sure who he is going to choose. >> kristen holmes from miami. thanks so much for the reporting. stay with cnn. we'll be right back we've got a wild week ahead of us. >> shark week baby, guide you this a speedo know i'm going to test my string against a shark shortly, hosted by john all this week and eight on discovery and stream on max everywhere. >> but the seat, the seat is level now i get it. >> you love your bike. we do two. that's why we're american. number one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge get an everything well, don't do that reminds me of my blanket the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it? but i ground really look how brushstrokes bottle the
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celebrate your milestones with custom gear, get started today. i'd, i wouldn't really happen to the atlanta on monday the bombing, the newest july 21st, did nine on cnn let's take a look now at some these other headlines. >> even watching out baldwin appearing in a new mexico courtroom ahead of his involuntary manslaughter trial, the judge considered several modes oceans from prosecutors and defense attorneys during a pretrial hearing. jury selection is scheduled to begin tomorrow, and it comes almost three years after
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cinematographer halyna which was shot and killed while filming the movie rust. plus second gentleman, doug emhoff, testing positive for covid after experiencing mild symptoms vice president kamala harris testing negative and remains asymptomatic. the couple was on the balcony with president biden and first lady jill biden during fourth of july celebrations. cnn has reached out to the white house to ask if the president is being tested them 3 million passengers pass through tsa checkpoints nationwide over the holiday weekend setting a new record for the agency. >> flyers, crowding, airports are turning from july 4, holiday travel helped set that record, but air travel has not gone smoothly. disruptions from hurricane beryl canceled more than 1,400 flights. today alone. one smallish step for these folks, potentially one huge, giant leap for mankind accrue of nasa scientists have emerged from a simulation of mars after over a year and a foe red planet you're watching
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the four member crew exit the 17,000 square foot 3d printed habitat walking straight into a news conference. so natural. all right. >> the mission was the first of a nasa program that aims to collect data on human health and performance within the parameters of the limited resources on mars, the four volunteers entered the fake mars on june 25th of 2023 nathan jones, the missions that medical officers had the 378 days in the habitat, quote, went by quickly, accrue work through challenges future astronauts could face on a manned mission, including mars walks communication delays, and growing and harvesting vegetables. there are two more missions like this scheduled by nasa. >> yeah, that's tough. that's a reason and science, you have to tip your hat to them. yeah, that's not easy and you may not get along with everybody that's there, the food, the veggies, and you're not even on mars but they did it we appreciate it. yeah. >> hey, thanks so much for joining us this afternoon, jessica. great to be wit


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