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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 9, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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guilty plea in the january 6 case from this man standing next to vince vaughn in the iconic anchorman fight scene that is median jake johnston, who prosecutors say was part of an actual violent fight at a tunnel that leads into the u.s capitol. johnston has to return to court in october for his sentencing. and yes, i'll say it that escalated quickly in our health lead, a new study shows that the weight loss drug mounjaro leads to significantly more weight loss than ozempic. the study followed 18,000 adults on one of those medications for more than a year, concluded that both medications were effective. but after one year of use, the average weight loss for mounjaro are mounjaro users was more than 15% of their starting body weight compared to about 8% for those taking ozempic you can follow me on facebook, instagram, threads x, formerly known as twitter, and on the tiktok at jaketapper, you can follow the show on x at the
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lead cnn, if you ever miss >> so the lead, you can listen to the show whence you get your podcasts all two hours, just sitting there and likely ripe peach. the news continues on cnn the nato summit kicks off in washington today, with support for ukraine and its path to membership. top of the agenda. while in ukraine, a day of deadly strikes with russia launching attacks across the country, leaving dozens dead and reducing partovi children it's hospital to rubble live from atlanta. >> this is cnn newsroom with
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rosemarie church appreciate you joining us. while president joe biden's physician is trying to come fears about the commander-in chief neurological health after reports that a parkinson's disease specialist has visited the white house eight times in the past year dr. kevin o'connor released a letter late monday saying many military personnel who serve at the white house experience neurological issues and a neurologist visits regularly. >> o'connor says the president has not seen a neurologist outside if he's annual physical mr. biden faces a key test today when the congressional democratic caucus meets for the first time since his debate with donald trump. the president is trying to silence calls for him to end his reelection bid i'm ground over the country for several reasons. one, to make sure my instinct was right about the party still wanted me to be the
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nominee. and all the data, all the data shows that the average democrat out there who voted comes 14 million of them, had voted for me still want me to be the nominee number one. number two the idea that donald trump is has gained in any substantial way as his arguments for why he should be president is anywhere convincing in a was two weeks or three weeks ago, it just not there more now from cnn's senior white house correspondent, mj lee a defiant president biden, going on offense. >> we're not going anywhere. i am not going anywhere. >> the president increasingly under siege after his disastrous debate performance last month, calling in live to msnbc amid the fury he is speculation and criticism about his age and fitness for office. i wouldn't be running if i didn't believe that i am the best candidate to beat down
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someone 2024 we had a democratic nominating process for the voters spoke clearly biden asked about one particular statement he made last week that alarmed and angered many democrats. >> and if you stay in and trump is elected and everything you are warning about comes to pass. how will you feel in january i feel as long as i gave it my all did put his job as i know, i can do that's what this is about. the president playing clean up, making clear, losing is not an option. >> what would you say to those who are concerned by that answer? >> it's not an option. and i'm not lost. i haven't lost i've been in last mile beaten this time. >> but new questions about the president's health dogging the white house after the new york times reported that an expert on parkinson's disease from walter reed had visited the white house eight times in eight months. cnn confirming that the neurologists met earlier this year at the white house with the president's
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physician. the white house refusing to say if that specialists was consulting about the president a very basic direct question wait, wait, wait times or at least warrants in regards just wait. >> hold on a second. you should be able to answer by this point. >> no, no, no, no, no, no, no, wait a minute ed, please a little respect here, please. >> so every year around the president's physical examination. he sees a neurologist that's three times. right? this as the biden campaign and its top surrogates are trying to calm the nerves of voters, lawmakers, and donors for all the talk out there about this race. do zhao has made it clear that he is the president calling into a meeting of donors on monday, pledging to attack trump much more aggressively in their next debate and did a new letter to democratic lawmakers, biden
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refusing to back down, writing that he is firmly committed to staying in this it's race to running this race to the end and to beating donald trump while some democrats are calling for him to exit the race for the white house, the congressional hispanic caucus says, quote, we stand with president biden. >> the congressional black caucus met virtually with mr. biden late monday and here's what the group's chairman told cnn what i find interesting is that issue is more around ageism and ableism. >> and not what this president, president biden has done. his age didn't keep him from lifting 50% of children out of poverty. his age did not prevent him from power passing a bipartisan infrastructure law. his age didn't prevent him from passing the bipartisan, safer communities act in order to keep our community safe from gun violence it is his experience and a civility because he actually cares about the
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american people while donald trump only cares about himself or the billionaire and big corporations that he wants to give tax cuts to joining me now, dr. scott miscovich is a family physician and president of premier medical group usa. >> good to have you with us thank you. rosemary late monday, president joe biden's physician, dr. kevin o'connor, released a letter responding to reports that a parkinson's disease specialist visited the white house eight times in the past year. >> dr. o'connor saying it was to see military three personnel who serve at the white house. what's your reaction to the unusual step by biden that mr. biden's doctor taking to release this late to this late monday night it's interesting. i think it's an attempt to be kind of open and show that
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there are things going on now. the physician that was sent to the white house, he is actually a movement disorder physician that's a specific fellowship training that looks at here for types of movement disorders, which one of the most common one step we all know is parkinson's disease, but it can include many others as he alluded to in his letter but the other thing that people need to know you go through standard neurologic training full residency and then that is a sub specialty that they'll get extra training. and so he still is a broad general neurologist that is capable of doing neurologic evaluation that any level oh appreciate that clarification. and dr. o'connor says that the president hasn't seen a neurologist outside of his annual physical. does that make sense to you, given the president's age?
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unfortunately, it really doesn't. i looked at the letter released from dr. o'connor and it goes through it and mix some specific mentions of what was found in his nor neurologic exam. a couple of things kind of surprised me like a reference to multiple sclerosis that is coley off scale in an 81-year-old that's between 2040, very rare, even over the age of 60. it talks about, i'll type of lateral sclerosis, which is up more slowly progressive, is also very odd so it makes references to movement issues. i think that's an issue that people have always been talking about. thinking that the president possibly has parkinson's disease. i've observed many times since this is going on and watch for it since my brain is clinical and he doesn't quite have all the parkinsonian kind of symptoms one thing that anybody that understands parkinson's, we understand that it's almost kind of easy
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to diagnose because in the early phases, they'll get a what's called a pill rolling tremor and it's about that fast and it's with those two fingers and he has not demonstrated that. and that's one of the earlier phases. then it's followed by the shuffling we engaged in the near, near falling. so he should be very well capable of diagnosing that with the type of specialists that he has so from my perspective, i think we need to do a lot more. >> so what happens during a typical neurological exam? what kinds of harris would president biden have undergone when i read that letter? >> and again, i'm only basing it off the letter, not seeing exam. that looks like he performed. the standard exam that's going on and doctors offices, whether it's a neurologist or family physician or an internist across the world where you tap your fingers, you move your hands back and forth looking for
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movement disorders. you put warmth on the leg, you put cold on the leg. you do little pinpricks up and down the arms you test the strength of the muscles, both flexing and extending all over but that's what that looked like, has just a real basic exam. as you note, there was no mention what so ever of a cognitive exam which is something that we all do when we have families coming in and saying, oh, they're a little bit forgetful. there's a whole nother avenue of what happens in that type of testing and doctor corner has publicly released president biden's physical exam findings. >> one of those shown or perhaps not sure, that gives you any pause and how do they compare to the medical information that donald trump and his doctors released while he was in office well, you know, i think it's been standard once you're in the white house that you do have as dr. o'connor showed that he
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was seen by multiple specialists and had multiple types of evaluations, which we're all fairly standard. >> but again, what i would say is now, the question that the country in the world have is cognitive function as what's happening. i think we know is a little stiff. he's allowed to be stiffer at his age at 81 and that's that's fine. and so whether it's a physical therapist for someone else that's fine. but has your colleague and our colleague sanjay gupta? did in amazing job when he did his special on cognitive function that he performed on himself to see if he had delays. the science on the brain and cognitive decline, whether it's all timers or just general cognitive decline, has really, really expanded over the last five years. we can find out so much information, but it entails things like me specialize mri scans or spinal taps looking for beta amyloid
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plaque or tau plaque, as well as other tests. and then the cognitive tests. now instead of just doing the stand under what we call mini-mental status exam, which has been the standard for a long time where you just take a test to draw a clock and things is now computerized and it is so accurate and it is so much more useful to really determine where people stand cognitively so i really think that that would be something everyone would be interested in yeah. >> dr. scott miscovich. many thanks for joining us. appreciate it thank you. >> rosemary the political uncertainty in washington will be looming over this week's nato summit, which kicks off tuesday evening in the u.s capitol. >> the leaders of nato as 32 member countries, along with other eu heads of state and nato as partner countries, will be marking the 75th anniversary of the world's largest security alliance. but any
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celebrate removed will be clouded, not just by the questions surrounding the future of the u.s. presidency, but also the resurgence and so right-wing populism in parts of europe. and of course, russia's ongoing war in ukraine, which is raging right on nato, his doorstep the white house though, is eager to shut down any suggestion that president biden will have to reassure nato allies over his fitness to lead i think your question presupposes the notion that they need to be reassured of american leadership and president biden's commitment. and i don't believe that's the case. we're not picking up any signs of that from our allies at all. quite contrary. the conversations that we're having with them in advance is they're excited about this summit. they're excited about the possibilities and the things that we're going to be doing together specifically to help ukraine indeed, helping ukraine is high on nato as agenda this week and the alliance believes ukraine's path to membership is irreversible. >> that word is in a draft text
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of natoce, joint communique according to three sources familiar with the document, one of them is a us official who says the white house approves of that language, as long as the document demands ukraine continue its work on democratic reforms. now, this could signal an end to the long running debate about ukraine's future membership and send a strong message to both kyiv and moscow well, the un security council will hold a special meeting tuesday to discuss russia's deadly attack on a children's hospital in kyiv it was part of a series of brutal daytime air assaults on targets across ukraine during the morning, russia, president volodymyr zelenskyy says, dozens of men, women, and children were killed 170 others injured among the victims at least two killed and 16 wounded at the children's hospital in kyiv must perish them beyond any doubt, we're going to rebuild everything that these russian terrorists
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have destroyed. >> and beyond any doubt, we're going to answer these savages from rome russia nearly everybody that was injured will get all the help they need and will pledge to work on bringing russia to justice for the terror. and putin for his orders to carry out these strikes we get clare sebastian joins me now, live from london. >> so clear what is the latest on these deadly strikes across ukraine, including that children's home hospital in kyiv, yeah. >> good morning, rosemary. we understand that search and rescue operations are still ongoing at three different sites in kyiv. don't forget this, wasn't just about the hospital multiple other locations were affected. you can see live pictures of those operations are happening right now in terms of the hospital, we understand that 600 patients were evacuated according to the health minister of ukraine, we don't know exactly where they were evacuated two of the two people killed at the hospital, one was a doctor, the other relative of a patient, their children was said to be among
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the injured there. in addition, the death toll did climb in the idf as of the morning, we heard of an additional death of boy was found under the rubble in a location in the same district as the hospital. we understand a residential building in that district was also hit. there was also another medical facility that was hit in kyiv and maternity clinic when nine people were reported dead, 27 reportedly killed in the capital alone, and another ten in kryvyi rhi, which is in sort of central southern ukraine, which happens to be the home hometown of president volodymyr zelenskyy. they have declared a day of mourning in that town. now president zelenskyy had promised a powerful response to this on monday and we don't know if the two are connected, but certainly russia says that it has dealt with a very large scale drone attack overnight. some 38 drones attacking five different regions. an electrical substation and oil
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depo said to be on fire in one region. so that is something to note that in terms of zelenskyy and what he'll be hoping for from the nato summit today. i think he is looking very seriously for an increase in ambition and increase in age from his allies and not just when it comes to air defense, he wants to see restrictions lifted when it comes to ukraine using western donated weapons to hit inside i'd russia more restrictions that would allow them to hit where weapons storages, missile sites, things like that to help avoid attacks like this happening again, john kirby, the white house, national security spokesperson, was asked about this yesterday in a briefing on monday, and he said, at this point the policy hasn't changed, but the white house is trailing several major announcements at this nato summit ryder, thanks to clare sebastian joining us live from london with that report. >> still to come bear all batters, texas, the hurricane is now a tropical depression
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but it's still doing a lot of damage in parts of the united states, plus israel's new military operation in gaza city. and its impact on palestinians there do stay with us were you worried the wedding would be too much now, other destination where did we just got back from her sister's id knapp book? it's merited nap up my daughter who gets made some pleas more expensive jamaica why can't they back with him however, we can all our financial questions answered. so we didn't have to worry, can we get out of here? that's how you'd never asked. join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real-time dashboard in real life conversations empower what's next? >> you use angie for your home projects, you know, all your jobs will be done well, roof repair done well, emergency plumbing done well. so the next time you have a project joined, the millions of homeowners you use eng to care for their home? yes. started at what's the greatest invention
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everyone. >> well, what was hurricane beryl has now weakened to a tropical oppression and is moving through the united states. but conditions still dangerous tornadoes, heavy rain and flash flooding are expected as the system heads north, this week, at least five storm-related deaths have been reported from beryl in the u.s. so far cnn meteorologist derek van dam is in texas it's where the storm made landfall early monday and has more on the damage. it's caused deadly hurricane beryl making landfall along the gulf coast battering texas with hurricane force winds whipping up to 94 miles per hour. >> rising waters leading to dramatic rescues in houston surging wind and rainfall flooding roadways, blowing down trees and slamming residents
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along its path, including this woman in jamaica beach, texas. >> i looked up in my roof was gone, stuff started flying up a lot, zinging around the house in houston shortly after landfall, hurricane force, wind gusts up to 84 miles per hour causing roofs to collapse, and heavy rain more than a month's worth in one day, i left right came down. at home and fell right on my neck the rain and storm surge leading to dangerous roads. it's important for everyone to remember the primary drainage mechanism throughout the city is our streets for better or worse, the national weather service warning people to stay off of high-rise balconies and away from windows as the eye of the storm passes through, we've had hours and hours and hours of extremely high winds high water. >> it got tree limbs, tremendous amount of debris that's on the road. waters cover bring the roadways the high winds, canceling flights
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across texas at one point, knocking out power for almost 3 million people throughout the state, straining an already stretched power grid, overwhelmed by extreme weather here in houston, the floodwaters have receded, got going forward, the millions of people without power are going to struggle in the building heat in the coming days cnn meteorologist derek van dam, houston, texas and those power outages in texas. >> derek just mentioned cowardly, top 2.3 million according to the tracking website, power outage the concern for many there is the heat index, how heat feels who's to the body when you add in the high humidity in houston, for example, the heat index. these next two days, we'll be around 105 degrees fahrenheit, that is 40 degrees celsius. cnn meteorologist chad myers has more on that as well as the
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continued threat from beryl yeah, we still have gusty winds even at this hour, winds across parts of arkansas into missouri, and then later on today, this rain is going to run right on through indiana, illinois, and then on up to windsor, ontario. >> by the time we get to this point tomorrow, heavy rainfall, two to four inches of rain spreading itself out, not 12 inches all in one spot that's the good news. we did get some gusty winds. these are the wind gusts freeport, texas 97. now, if that was a sustained wind, that would be a category two hurricane, but it was not sustained. it was a gust and that just doesn't count. so 97 was the highest gust that we could find on the map. the problem is we still have millions of people right now without power millions of customers without power. and we're going to have a heat index today of over 100 degrees so certainly in the 41, 42 degrees celsius range and not a fan to even blow the air around, going to be a dangerous day across parts of south texas for later on today, heat across the west as well with advisories and warnings going on 100 record high hi as
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possible over the next few days out here, but temperatures are not supposed to be like this in portland at 100 and for later on today for reading 100 110, even that hundred and 20, we saw in vegas on sunday afternoon, that was just a perturbation that will hopefully never see again. but today, 117 and that's close enough. and even down toward palm springs, making a run at 120 later on today israel is conducting new strikes in parts of gaza city after ordering civilians to evacuate. >> the israeli military says the new operation is targeting what it says is terrorist infrastructure in the city. on sunday, the idf ordered civilians to leave a gaza civil defense spokesman says people are still fleeing and there are now wounded and dead in the streets and medical crews are having a hard time getting to them meanwhile, the united nations says the number of displaced palestinians in gaza
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is now 1.9 million. that's about 90% of the people who live there cnn's salma abdelaziz joins us now, live from london with more good morning to you, selma. so what more are you learning about these new strikes in gaza city following the idf's evacuation order yes yes. >> so these really military announced on monday that it was launching what it calls a new counterterrorism operation in gaza city to, as you said, dismantle and destroy what it calls hamas infrastructure, weapons, depots, underground tunnels in gaza city. and this is an intensification rosemary of what was already happening on the ground for nearly the last couple of weeks, there has been a ground offensive, a push by israeli troops in gaza city in the neighborhood of shejaiya that is ongoing but what we're also hearing rosemary is as these bombs continue to rain down, as drones fly over overhead, i just really troops push to the city. palestinian officials say people are on the move families are fleeing their
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homes because hundreds of thousands just in the last few days have been ordered to evacuate by the israeli military. and this has disastrous humanitarian consequences. aid agencies already describing people who simply had nowhere to go sleeping in the open as bombs rain down with no access to food, to medical care, to sanitation i want to reiterate that number that you i mentioned earlier, rosemary 1.9 million people displaced nine out of every ten gazans forced out of their homes. many of them more than once again, aid agencies describing this dire situation on the ground with very little medical help. one of the evacuation orders was for an athlete hospital. that's one of the main hostile but it was in gaza city. it is now shut down. it is added to that very long list of hospitals that are no longer functional. so really these
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evacuation orders, yet again, adding to that humanitarian disaster on the ground, making it more difficult to bring aid into the gaza strip. un says only a fraction of the aid that has been agreed upon has actually been allowed into the enclave in recent days, again, because of these evacuation orders and the impact is not just on the ground in the gaza strip where again, this humanitarian consequences are disastrous. it could also be an impact on the talks that are taking place in doha. so more and more suffering in gaza and less and less hope for resolution alright, our thanks to salma abdelaziz joining us live from london with that report was president joe biden is facing a key test today on capitol hill. >> what democrats are saying about his debate, disaster, and whether he should remain in the race for the white house or 21st. so special, he would really help the nuseirat 21st
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to 369369 i'm lauren fox on capitol welcome back to cnn newsroom. i'm rosemary church. let's check. today's top stories nato members are looking toward the future as they celebrate the alliance's 75th anniversary washington, dc is hosting this year's summit, which will kick off later this evening. russia's war on ukraine is on the agenda, as well as ukraine's potential nato membership. and ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy this gate will be there to plead his country's case rescue workers search through the rubble across ukraine. after russia carried out a daytime aerial assault during the monday morning rush hour, ukrainian president zelenskyy says at least 38 people were killed and 170 more injured the
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children's hospital in kyiv was among the sites targeted the congressional democratic caucus will meet today for the first time since the presidential debate. one member tells cnn, it could be the day the dam breaks for joe biden, a growing number of democrats are publicly calling for the president too. exit the race for the white house mr. biden got vote of confidence on monday from the congressional hispanic and black caucuses. but another member of his own party urged him to make way for vice president kamala harris here's congressman adam smith of washington state i think he should step aside. i think it's become clear that he's not the best person to carry the democratic message. and here's the thing. we have an incredibly strong message and record to run on. and all respect to the president. he's done a great job personally. i think kamala harris would be a much better, stronger candidate and because she is constitutionally his second,
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that's the way it's supposed to work more now from cnn's chief congressional correspondent, manu raja the critical meeting set for tuesday morning, house democrats will discuss joe biden's future and whether they support him staying at the top of the ticket. >> there are signs that there are some key democrats falling in line behind joe biden. one of them hakeem jeffries, the democratic leader who told me on monday evening that he still supports joe biden, even in his position, has not changed, is that he also told me he is not concerned about biden potentially so we costing his party the chance of taking back the house of representatives are as concerned from a number of democrats that biden could be a drag at the top of the ticket get the democrats. i spoke to are expressing some concern and the concern about the divisions within the ranks and about whether joe biden can actually beat donald trump come november. clearly, you know, i think people need to our members really need to continue to just see how this week plays out and see the president in
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unscripted situations and but i think look, we owe them the respect of of not jumping too quickly and also the respect for our democracy of just recognizing what a big moment this is and, what a big change, anything other than the president is nominee would be do you have confidence in him? >> do you have confidence in that he's our nominee and, you know i've, worked closely with him and i think i said everything else in the statement, as long as people come down and don't freak out which i think people are freaking out. >> he should do fine, but the minute we become the i would say, chaos within the caucus kind of spreads. that's when he's in trouble. he has to keep that up. if he if there there's another misstep, i think he might have some bigger problems, will have a good, robust discussion tomorrow in that last comment came from the number three democrat pete aguilar, who would not say if he supports joe biden right
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now. so they can have a robust discussion. we do expect them to hear from here, from the democratic leaders and a press conference on tuesday afternoon, there'll be also key moment about the messaging about joe biden and we do know that from the senate majority jordan, the chuck schumer, he has not said a whole lot about biden. he would only say i'm for joe biden. he would not go further than that. we will not express any concerns about the prospects of binding could drag down senate democrats and their ability to hang on to control in the senate. but a key moment, the present he called in to a meeting of the congressional black caucus, one of the most, the biggest caucus within the larger house democratic caucus on monday night, he plans to meet with progressives later in the week, as well as he tries to shore up support within the ranks manu raju, cnn, capitol hill allan lichtman is a presidential historian and a distinguished professor of history at american university, is also the author of the case for impeachment joins me now from manhattan beach in california, a pleasure to have you with us
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my pleasure so you have successfully predicted nine of the last ten us presidential elections. i know you won't be predicting the outcome of the november election, not just yet, at least, but you have said that president joe biden should remain at the top of the democratic ticket despite his poor debate performance now he is facing mounting pressure from within his own party to step aside and new questions about his health. so do you still think it would be a mistake to replace him? >> absolutely. what to those democratic politicians, journalists, or pundits who are trying to push by out of this race, having common just zero track record in scientific prediction elections. and yet they claim to know what the our crowds must do to have a predicted win. this time it's
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sports talk radio it has no scientific validity whatsoever. on the other hand, my system that keys to the white house, i would say successfully predicted can of ten elections since 1984, since i prove that 2000 was stolen, election in my report to the u.s commission on civil rights, which is still on their website. but let's not quibble that the way it works is unlike the pundits and the pollsters, the keys to the white house tap into the structure of how elections really work. that is votes up or down on the strength and performance of the white house party. and that's what the keys gauge. and the way it works is six. so more of the 13 gold against the white house party, they are predicted losers. and joe biden ticks off two of my keys incumbency and party contest because he got 87% of the primary vote. that means of the remaining 11 case
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six would have to fall to predict the democrats defeat. on the other hand, if these folks who have never predicted election successfully push him out the loosely incumbency key and you lose the contest key. and only four more keys would have to fall. but leave aside the keys since 1,900, how many times has the white house party been reelected when it's an open seat and a party contest? the answer is zero on the other hand, whether an incoming but his running as uncontested, the white house party is reelected 75% of the time. you know, brock obama had a worse debate first debate against romney than biden did to listen to the media, you would think everybody thought by loss, but 33% voting won the debate, only 20% for obama won the debate. the polls swung much more after
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that debate, that after the biden debate, romney went from seven points down, four points up at all the pundits pronouncing obama dead, and he won an electoral college landslide with 332 votes to 206 for romney. so forget the polls, forget the pundits. keep your eye on the big picture as gauged by the keys, and keep your eye on the verdict of history so professor, just finally, what is your message to top democrats who are panicking right now and calling for president biden to step aside and to those voters who think he is debate performance handed victory to donald trump. >> your message well, my message to democrats is shut off. why are you erin your dirty laundry out in politics and creating an image of democrats in disarray. you should have checked that to yourself behind closed doors. you know, my analysis of american politics boils down to
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one sentence. republicans have no principles. democrats have no spine, republicans are united behind an avowed authoritarian, a convicted felon, a civilly convicted sexual assault or colloquially rapist, a civilly convicted of massive fraudster. and democrats at the first sign of trouble are trying to throw their own incumbent under the bus. so what i would say to the voters don't judge, the president by one debate. >> it is governance that counts. >> see, look at his record of governance, look at how he governed over the next few months, and how he campaigns and presents himself to the public. >> i also have a plan b, if the foolish democrats succeed in pushing by mount against his will. >> but biden should do is resigning the presidency for the good of the country contrast himself with donald trump who only cares about
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himself. harris becomes president you win the incumbency key, she'll be the consensus nominee. you win the contest. key and you will replicate a positive situation for the democrats otherwise, if they push biden out and have a party fight, there'll be replicating the very situation i shouldn't in 2016 of an open seat and a contested nomination, that elected donald trump in the first place so foolish democrats look to history look to the keys, and don't panic at the first sign of trouble. air, all you're doing pretty laundry out in the public. >> a powerful message from allan lichtman. many thanks for joining us, pushing it my great pleasure. >> thank you india's prime minister is visiting moscow for the first time since russia's invasion of ukraine. >> what this means for new delhi's ties with oscar. that's next i love milwaukee.
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cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp and their plan to take back the white house, follow cnn for complete coverage. the republican national convention starts next monday at 8:00 on cnn a heart attack. >> do they have life insurance know but we have life insurance john, i'm trying to find something we can afford fortunately, in only a few minutes, select poll found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month and his wife and a bipolar thousand dollars policy for only $21 a month go to select now and get the insurance your family needs price. >> you can afford. select quote, we shop you save 48% of americans don't get enough magnesium, which is vital for bone, nerve, and muscle health. i recommend cute also, magnesium, glycine at it's formulated for high absorption and as gentle on the stomach
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minister narendra modi is on the final day of his two day visit to russia. >> it's the first time he's been in the country since russian president vladimir putin's full scale invasion of ukraine modi is set to attend official talks at the kremlin today. discussions his offers say will further cement the two nations strategic partnership and ivan watson joins me now, live from hong kong. so ivan, what all has come out of prime minister modi's trip to moscow. and of course his meetings with vladimir putin. and what damage has perhaps been done well, first and foremost, there has been a display of friendship, warm hugs between these two leaders who haven't seen each other face to face-to-face. >> and in nearly two years and talk of mutual trust with modi,
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who you can see there arriving at the residence of the russian president two outside of the capital, moscow, they shared a ride in an electric powered buggy together, they went and looked at some horses and the stables there together and this is the continuation or a deepening. it appears of a partnership between moscow and deli that goes back to the days of the soviet union and the cold war. india has always been a consumer, a purchaser of russian-made defense systems. it continues to do so to this very day. hey but trade has also blossomed over the past two years, really with india scooping up large amounts of cheap russian energy supplies that used to go to places like western europe, most of which now sanctions russia for its invasion of ukraine back in
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2022. now, in remarks earlier today narendra modi repeated kind of what he described as a relationship built on a foundation of mutual trust and mutual respect between moscow and new delhi. he talked about plans to open two new indian consulate in the russian cities. have you catch it in borg and cousin, he also thanked putin for helping get large numbers of indian university students out of ukraine that were stranded there by russia's full-scale invasion back in 2022. now, the criticism some is already being lobbed at modi from none less than the president of ukraine himself, volodymyr zelenskyy. he pointed out that these two leaders were embracing each other on the same day that he's accusing russia of firing a cruise missile at a children's hospital in kyiv. that zelenskyy says killed at
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least 37 people, including an injured more than 100 170, including 13 children. he went on to write, quote, it is a huge disappointment and a devastating blow to peace efforts to see the leader of the world's largest democracy hug the world's most bloody but he criminal in moscow on such a day, we have not yet heard a response from the indian government at to that criticism the u.s state department spokesperson was asked about this meeting, washington washing, watching this very closely. of course, listened to what the spokesperson had to say india is a strategic partner with whom we engage in a full and frank dialogue. and that includes our concerns about the relationship with russia india, of course, has also deepened its defense and trade relationship with the u.s. over the last decade or so. meanwhile, for vladimir putin,
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this visit, it gives him a chance to show that the efforts to isolate him by the u.s and its western allies are not succeeding rosen alright, our thanks to ivan watson, bringing us that live report from hong kong it was expected to be a tough test, but seven time wimbledon champion novak djokovic moves closer to another big win as he snatches a place in the quarter finals, we'll have details just ahead at the ups he also a lot because running a small business takes a lot that's why we're the thinks outside the box store. the help protect your privacy and the good of your business or real street address door. while you're juggling everything else, like the boss, you off, weird extra pier can stop. you can count on us as the shredding and mailboxes anything and everything to keep you going store coming to the ups store today, and beef unstoppable
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