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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 10, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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reagan knew it, then we know it now our nations will continue to keep faith with what we pledged in years to come now if you'll indulge me i'd like to end my remarks a slightly unusual way nato alliance has nation for also made up of leaders and one person in particular has done an extraordinary job leading native for the last decade secretary general stoltenberg, would he come forward so much of the progress we've made your lines thanks to the secretary he's a man of integrity and intellectual rigor calm temperament, moment of crisis a consummate diplomat
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>> who works with leaders across the political spectrum and all finds a way to keep this moving forward hello, and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world and to everyone streaming us on cnn max, i'm rosemary church just ahead the nato summit in washington goes into full swing today. at all eyes are on us president joe biden as he seeks to bolster confidence in the alliance mr. biden is also fighting for his own political future, while democrats in the u.s. congress is saying about his chances of reelection and a deep dive into project 2025, a right-wing playbook to radically reshape the u.s government should donald trump win the presidency in november live from atlanta. this is cnn newsroom with rosemarie church
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thanks for joining us, us president joe biden is trying to calm concerns about his ability to serve another four years in the white house not just among democrats in congress, but also on the world stage. >> mr. biden welcomed nato leaders to washington on tuesday for the group's annual summit. he praised the alliance stronger than ever under his leadership and announced plans for new air defense systems for ukraine democrats in the house and senate have wrapped up their first meeting since the president's poor showing in his debate with donald trump. and they're no closer to consensus on whether mr. biden should stay in the race? but the white house is praising the president's nato speech, saying it hit the mach this remarkable progress proof that our commitment is broad and deep we're ready or willing were able to deter aggression and defend every inch of nato
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territory across every domain land air, sea, cyber and space our friends, it's good that we're stronger than ever because this moment history calls for our collective strength meantime, former us president donald trump is ramping up campaigning with less than a week to go before the republican national convention, trump held a rally in florida arda, along with senator marco rubio, a potential vp pick. >> as he continues to build the suspense, son, who will be his running mate drawing the rally, escalated attacks on president joe biden, seizing on the latest turmoil sweeping the democratic party the radical left democrat party is divided and chaos and having a full scale break down all because they can't decide which of the year candidates is more unfit to be president sleep be
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crooked. >> joe biden or laffin kamala in recent days, trump has been taking sharp aim at vice president kamala harris says, some democrats who are calling on mr. biden to step aside a floating house because as a potential successor and three democratic senators are expressing their doubts about us president joe biden's political future. >> michael bennet of colorado tells cnn, he doesn't think mr. biden can win reelection sources sherrod brown of ohio and jon tester of montana toll colleagues thanks the same cnn's manu raju has reaction from the house president joe biden is putting democrats in a jam. if the president declines to the voluntarily then he's going to be our nominee. and we have to make the best of a complicated situation. i think i'm viewing it pragmatically some resigned to supported
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president even they fear he may lose to donald trump. >> the stakes of this are about what is the future for a country into different scenarios and i think there's a lot of concern about will we be able to have that conversation in this libyan diamond? >> but my god, that's the conversation we have to have. >> do you support keeping him on the top of the ticket? biden? it's saw in their first in-person meeting today since biden's debate debacle house and senate democrats out their grievances and left with no consensus. >> my concerns are the concerns that everybody that everybody has. what set this morning and express my colleagues, particularly for members on the front line is that i think they need to do whatever it is. they need to do in order to come back and be reelected and so if they need to distance themselves in the knesset, they need to do yet some like congressman jerry nadler. now say they are on board with biden despite privately calling for a change on sunday, he made very clear he's he's going to run he's got an excellent
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record when most existential presidents of the last century of trump would be an absolute disaster for democracy. so i mean tuesday yesterday scoring by what, what did you say on that call on sunday, not going to come into what i said on a private call several democrats pointedly refused to say that they supported keeping biden atop the ticket as calm and to support keeping biden as your nominee. do you support giving biden at the top of the ticket do think that biden just days here, nominee? >> i loved that time. i didn't have one strong support from senior members of the congressional no, i'd call guess all i can tell you is i am a big supporter of biden what people believe that he's going to lose. i'm going to work as hard as i can throw him. biden is going to win the team. biden harris is going to win, win, win in the senate. democrats like patty murray, raising deep concerns about biden's viability, while some standing firmly by him, including bob casey, facing a
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tight race in battleground, pennsylvania, you support keeping biden at the top of the ticket or i've said so numerous times you heard my remarks over we get on scranton. >> the other concerns that he could sink vulnerable democrats like yourself. what do you say to that? >> i'll leave that to the pundits following an intense afternoon meeting with senate democrats, chuck schumer, senate majority, would only save this about biden, on which you i'm with joe as i've said before, i'm with joe tara setmayer is cofounder and ceo of the seneca project, and a resident scholar at the university of virginia's center for politics. she was also part of the republican party for nearly three decades, but left in 2020 after donald trump refused to concede the election. she joined it's me now from washington. good to have you with us thank you for having me. some house democrats remain divided on support for president biden not to their full democratic caucus meeting
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tuesday, the first since the president's faltering debate performance. senate majority leader chuck schumer says he's with joe along with many others. but some say there'll be watching joe biden's every move for the rest of the week. can the biden campaign get everyone united behind him? and what more should they be doing to do that? well, i think it's clear that after the last ten days of unrelenting media coverage about president biden's campaign in his faltering debate performance. >> that he is still in this race. he has been defiant the polls have been they haven't been great, but they also have cratered. so it's clear that he was he's made a decision that he's going to stay in the race. it is. he's the strongest candidate to beat donald trump. and they are now rallying support in the democratic caucus yes, you have a handful of democrats that's who've expressed publicly
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they're concerned, but it's a very small amount. none of the leaders of the democratic party have come out against joe biden staying in this race. and there's a reason for that because they recognize that it, it is impractical logistically risky, and politically unprecedented it to ask a president of the united states to step aside as the nominee at this point in the election cycle, which would probably lead to him stepping down as president of the united states as well. because politically, you wouldn't be able to do one and not the other. and they're looking at this and saying joe biden has delivered for the american people, and he'll deliver for them again. and we're going to stick with him. so my answer to that question is yes. i think he can recover as long as he continues to have good public appearances, strong public appearances like he has so far during the nato summit and doesn't have a faltering appearance like he did at the debate again. so why hasn't there been more of an effort on the part of the democrats to unite, put the focus back on
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donald trump compare and contrast their achievements. >> and of course the stark differences between the two men like trump's position on restricting access to abortion wouldn't that shake the narrative which needs to happen? that's why everyone's focusing on what's happening with joe biden? >> yes, i would agree with you. and so what the biden campaign and his surrogates who have been desperately trying to point out the contrasts for several days and months, but the american media has been fixated on on the post-debate fallout and even though the president has said he is not leaving the race, i mean, it was fair to cover it for a few days, but once he said he wasn't leaving, it was time to move on. and you're starting to see that corner being turned. the reason why the president put out that very forceful letter to the congressional it's at all caucus, his, his congressional democrats saying, listen, i'm in the race. you're with me or you're not. but we need to unite because as long as the democrats are in fighting and
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have a circular firing squad to your point, the attention is not on donald trump, who is actually the existential threat to our democracy. here. he had a rally tonight that he was talking about nato and how he didn't even know what nato was. and he said all kinds of other really off the wall things to your point is made comments about abortion and women's rights project 2025. and what that means in the authoritarianism that is written within that agenda, that trump is subs describing to. these are all things that the american people need to hear about besides the fact that joe biden is old. so i think you're starting to see the immediate turn the corner a little bit. you're seeing biden's campaign surrogates and the president himself get out there talking about this more so that the american people understand fully what the contrast days between him and donald trump heading into november, some democrats say sticking with joe biden is collective denialism. >> if the party continues to ignore the negative impact on
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polling of president biden's debate performance, even abc's george stephanopoulos, who interviewed the president last friday, he was stopped he said he doesn't think the president can serve four more years what do you say to all this well, i think the voters decide not pundants, not people in the media, not folks inside the beltway. >> voters decide and we need to just put the polls and perspective. president bush was down 17 points at this point during his his campaign and came back in one, in 1988 barak obama only had 50% support within the democratic party at this point in 2008, because the party was divided between him and hillary supporters. so there's still a ways to go here. it's not uncommon for the country not to be completed it leave behind a candidate at this point in the race. a lot of americans are still on vacation. it's the summer, the olympics are coming up. they're not fully focused on this, but that's why you run a campaign
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that's why you run a race. and thank goodness for the biden campaign from their perspective, they have a couple more months to get it to get her and get people to consolidate by president bush, president biden, because he's got a great record to run on. and he has demonstrated thus far the country is not in shambles, were not in disarray and they've got a record to run on and so far he's been a competent president and he needs to keep it up and keep proving himself tarrah said, my always a pleasure to chat with you. thanks for joining us thank you president biden prepared to welcome world leaders at the nato summit in washington, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is also there where he spoke tuesday on the sidelines of the nato summit. he says, ukraine would be able well to push russian troops out of the south if the united states would assist with its deep strike capabilities. mr. zelenskyy also spoke about the importance of defending democracy, saying he hopes us policy towards ukraine will not
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change if trump becomes the next president. >> we must be strong and uncompromising altogether. and tells the woman, america and also all the leaders of america and the president of the united states as a leader of the free world to be uncompromising in defending democracy uncompromising against putin and his coterie uncompromising to every possible terror the nato summit began just a day after the deadly strike on a children's hospital in kyiv, which the united nations says was very likely done by russia. >> the un's assessment display downplays the idea that an intercepted weapon may have caused the blast and volodymyr zelenskyy greece saying russia always knows where its missiles hit, always. the attack damaged the hospital's intensive care
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surgical and oncology wards killing at least two people and injuring 16 others, including seven children and cnn's nada bashir joins me now, live from london. good morning to you. nada what's the latest on the russian missile strikes across ukraine and more specifically on the children's hospital in kyiv well, look rosemary, in addition to those casualties, as you mentioned, confirmed by a ukrainian authorities, we know according to officials in ukraine that more than 600 patients were forced to be evacuated from this children it's hospital due to the damage sustained as a result of these strikes, the ukrainian government has already pledged to reconstruct the hospital. they have already allocated funds for that reconstruction process and the un's agency of children, unicef has also allocated financial the port or the families of children impacted and affected in these strikes. of course, since monday we have heard from
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russian authorities denying responsibility for the strike which targeted the children's hospital. we heard from russia's ambassador to the united nations alleging without any evidence that strike was actually caused by ukrainian anti anti-aircraft missile. but of course this is inconsistent with the information that we have been hearing from weapons experts have told cnn that the strike is consistent with a cruise missile rather than an anti-aircraft missile. and similar assessments have been echoed of course, bike, un human rights officials who believed that russia was behind the strike, as of course, has been asserted by ukrainian authorities. and of course, what we did see that stroke on the children's hospital on monday, we saw a barrage of strikes across ukrainian cities, at least 33 people killed in the capital of kyiv alone on monday. so we suddenly have seen that impact across ukraine. now of course this is happening as we see president zelenskyy meeting with world leaders in washington, dc on the sidelines of the nato summit, ukrainian officials and
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in particular volodymyr zelenskyy have continued to push for further support from nato allies when it comes to strengthening ukraine's air defense systems we heard from the nato second general jens stoltenberg. he reiterated nato support, but also called for that support to continue for more to be done, to strengthen ukraine's defense capabilities. and we've seen that pledge of support from both nato and us allies. of course, what we expect to hear more from zelenskyy as that some continues, rosemary. thanks to nada bashir for that live report from london. appreciate it still to come a top us official is in the middle east for gaza ceasefire and hostage negotiations. we will have a live report on why optimism over the talks is waning what's the greatest invention of all time? >> hey, hands free sketcher slip ends. you just slip in and they're on its like they have an invisible built-in shoehorn. so your foot slides into place without bending down or
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idf says it was targeting a terrorist accused of taking part in the october 7 attack. but gaza officials say the school housed displaced people. israel's military says, it's looking into reports that civilians were harmed or meantime, the u.s. cia director is in doha, qatar to continue talks on a potential gaza ceasefire and hostage deal. bill burns will meet it with qatar's prime minister, the head of israel's spy agency, and the head of egyptian intelligence, burns discussed the negotiations with egypt's president in cairo on his way to qatar but several hurdles remain after the israeli government put out a statement saying it will not abandon key principles and cnn's scott mclean is following developments from istanbul, turkey. he joins us now, good morning to you, scott. so now that optimism appears to be waning, what is expected to come out of this round of ceasefire and hostage release negotiations?
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>> hey, good morning, rosemary. yeah. you're 100% right? the optimism level for this round of talks isn't what it was even a few days ago. you have to remember that both sides have come into this with their own set of non-negotiables. and one of the toughest to get past has been the israeli insistence that the war will continue until hamas is completely destroyed and hamas is insistence that any ceasefire that's agreed to is a permanent one. obviously, those things are at odds with one another. but over the weekend, hamas made clear that it was willing to forego that requirement and many figured that could be grounds for a real breakthrough and a real chance at a season fire but then these really prime minister moved the goalposts. part of the problem is that some far-right members of his own government are not in favor of this peace proposal from the u.s. that israel is also supposedly onside with and so agreeing to this peace proposal could perhaps threatened to bring down his own government.
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the other problem is that ramped up attacks in gaza in recent days have really really gotten rid of any twinkle of goodwill that may have existed as you pointed out there have been four strikes on hamas are on schools in gaza in the last four days. the most recent one was that one outside of khan younis that killed 25 people and wounded dozens more people. the state department spokesperson was asked yesterday on cnn whether the u.s is comfortable with that level of civilian casualties. and the answer was very clearly, no. listen i think it's important to note that civilian casualties have come down dramatically over the past few months from the really catastrophic levels that they were at earlier this year. and of course, late last year. but we want to see civilian casualties completely go away and that is why we are pushing so hard. have people in the region right now working to try to achieve a ceasefire that
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would secure the release of hostages, that would alleviate the suffering of the palestinian people that would allow us to surge humanitarian assistance so in response to the bombing of the school, rosemary, the government media office in in gaza called on the international community to put pressure on israel to end this war. but the difficulty is that according to a former israeli hostage negotiator who spoke with cnn, this week. any us pressure to be put on the israeli prime minister isn't going to have the same effect as it might have previous to president biden's abysmal debate performance, which has weakened him at home and perhaps the israeli prime minister is just figuring that president biden won't be in office for much longer scott mclean live in istanbul with that report. >> many thanks nato leaders are preparing to get down to business today at their annual summit, we will hear from us
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president joe biden as he tries to calm concerns about his ability to lead 24. so special how it really happened the bombing of the musa lot of 21st did denied on all yours how do you sleep at night on a mountain from memphis firm. do you have a low price guarantee so isolated get matched at mattress firm, sleep at night. what is circle? surplus? the field to take flight circle is an entity that gets you to the next level. circle, which hope for life tosses limited way circle available at walmart and drinks looking for a way to stretch the dollar with ensure phi, you can cut your car insurance bill and half, scroll through done isn't the prices and tap this which online that's it. no phone calls and no wasted time. go to
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not happen by accident. it wasn't inevitable again and again at critical moments we chose unity over disunity progress over retreat, freedom over attorney hope over fear again and again, we stood behind our shared vision of a peaceful and prosperous transatlantic community. >> mr. biden's surprise, natoce outgoing secretary-gener al jens stoltenberg with the presidential medal of freedom, stoltenberg has led the alliance since 2014 david sanger is a cnn political and national security analyst and new york times white house and national security correspondent. and the author of new cold wars, china's rise, russia's invasion, and america's struggle to defend the west. he joins me now from washington, great to have you with us great to be back with you. rosemary. >> so joe biden took to the world stage in a high-stakes moment for the u.s. president standing up against vladimir
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putin while also fighting for his own political survival with the spotlight shining so bright on mr. biden, did nato member nations get the strong us leadership they were looking for when it comes to nato unity and ukraine's future, do you think well, they certainly got a strong us speech given by a president who has made nato and nato is success and unity a central part of his presidency and to some degree of his campaign platform the president were, had a much stronger voice today that raspian, this was gone. he was reading the speech from a teleprompter, but he made no errors of course, you're doing it from a teleprompter, you're not going to wander off into what strange direction the way he did 12 days ago in the debates but did they get strong leadership from the u.s. and the answer to
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that, we won't know until november 5 because on there are issues on which you could describe biden and trump as having shades of difference but when it comes to nato, they are in polar opposite caps with biden believing that the united states is strengthened by its alliances, that it's not a burden. even if we're paying the lion's share of the nato budget and we no longer are or you believe what trump believes, which is america should just withdraw to its own borders, put up significantly bigger walls. and if anyone comes in messes with you, you whack them but alliances are not central to his view. >> and of course, those same nato members were also there to ensure president biden was on track to leave the u.s. and indeed the world for the next four years is that what they
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saw? a man who was able to do that? >> all the problem with that the president faces right now is we're all projecting what is he going to be like at age 82 or 83 or 84, you'd actually be 86 by the time he left office at the end of the second term and i think that's what sort of haunting him whenever he is asked the forward-looking question he or his aides give a backward looking answer, which is to say look at the record. luca what we've done so far. we beat back the russians as he said the other day we've checkmated china, lotro, checkmated, china, but but in any case, certainly pushed back on china and that nato would fall apart without biden there. and while all of that, you can argue each one of them, but let's say for argument sake that you accept each one of those. it doesn't tell you what
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it being conditioned to do in two years time and of course, president biden will hold a news conference on thursday at the end of the nato summit and take questions from the media whole world will be watching how big a test we'll let moment to prove to be for the president to think. >> so, that's more of a test than what he did today rosemary, because in the news conference, you are not following a script on a teleprompter you have to actually have a concise directed answer exactly what he was having so much trouble generating during the debate with president former president trump so if he can survive that and show that there are no more incidents between now and election day. >> 120, some odd days away. maybe he can begin to dispel the image that he reinforced during that first debate. but
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i, you know, the big question is, can americans ever unsc, what they saw that night david sanger, thank you so much for joining us. >> always appreciate your analysis. >> great to be with you us vice president kamala harris is raising the alarm about project 2025. >> it's a conservative blueprint. should donald trump win? second term in november? we'll have details on that after the break i love milwaukee cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plans to take back the white house, follow cnn for complete coverage the republican national convention starts monday at 8:00 on cnn this will be a gold mine of
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cricket slots for free and get a 6 million cohen bonus. make every day on winning day vice president kamala harris is raising the alarm over project 2025. >> the initiative is a conservative groups sweeping plans for the next republican presidency as cnn's tom foreman reports donald trump is distancing himself from the controversial proposal as much as the attack on the capitol, as much as a donald trump rally project 2025 has become a call to arms for republicans.
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>> we are in the process of the second american revolution, which will remain bloodless. if the left allows it to be. >> and for democrats, but i see this is basically a continuation of the work of january 6. they're basically picking up where the insurrection has left off project 2025 is the heritage foundation's plan for implementing strictly conservative policies. as soon as the next gop president is elected in more than 900 pages, hundreds of conservative contributors propose putting the justice department entirely under the president's control. which critics fear could unleash donald trump's open desire to take revenge on political foes. >> look, when this election is over, based on what they've done, i would have every right to go after them and it's easy because it's joe biden. the plan calls for even further restrictions it's on abortion rights, wanting every elected republican in state or federal
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government to quote, push as hard as possible to protect the unborn in every jurisdiction. >> a notion president joe biden is tagging hard onto his challenger, his project 2025 plan will restrict access to birth control, restricting access to birth so i'm fighting to protect reproductive for you. bought there is much more project 2025 would expand the military in the name of defense and dismantle the department of homeland security in the name of savings, it calls federal civilian employees largely underworked over compensated and unaccountable and wants thousands of those nonpartisan government jobs given to republican loyalists. >> this document is creepy. it's a takeover of the american form, a government, and it's a collection of extreme maga, ideas that's going to ruin our way of life. >> the plan pushes tax breaks for churches and church schools, goes after health agency she's which backed quote un-american mask and vaccine mandates and says
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pornography should be outlawed. and while it does not define porn, it says even librarians caught with it should be registered as sex offenders we are historic movement of the conservative coalition coming together to make sure that the next conservative president is ready to hit the ground running day one we're now donald trump is keeping project 2025 at arm's length calling parts ridiculous and abysmal. but he hasn't said which parts part of trump's political problem here is that several of the authors of this plan are part of his inside team making it considerably harder for him to say he didn't know much about it. tom foreman, cnn, washington and thanks for joining us this hour. >> i'm rosemary church for our viewers here in north america, i will be back with more cnn newsroom just a moment for everyone else, it's marketplace, middle east
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never faithful sees the deals on before they're shot today welcome back everyone to cnn investigation into airbnb has uncovered shocking evidence and horror stories of hidden cameras the company has not only failed to protect gas from being recorded but also worked to keep the complaints from going public cnn's kyung lah has this exclusive report it was just like holy crap, this is a camera, but it didn't look like a camera. >> it was a phone charger. chloe liber mays fiance had grabbed it from the bedroom wall of their airbnb, thinking it was hers the airbnb host had called us on the phone and told us that we had taken a charger that did not belong to us and that we needed to return it immediately. at what point did you think this isn't really a
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charger? he became increasingly paranoid. >> when am i getting this charge are back? i think it was like a light bulb moment that we all just wet oh, my goodness. is this a hidden camera across north america? police have seized thousands of images from hidden cameras at airbnb rentals including people's most intimate moments. what happened when you realize that, there was a camera in that charter. it's so eerie and so creepy, then your brain starts thinking what did they see? what we're, what happened while we were in that room? >> in a small town in maine, a couple found a hidden camera at their airbnb listen to what the host told police. they had sex and you recorded that some screenshots the host admits he set up a camera hidden in this clock next to the bed to record unsuspecting guests. there
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there are there's stepping up a couple plan around are getting okay. >> so there's there's pictures of people that are in intimate situations? yes okay. >> it's more than just a few reported cases. an airbnb knows it's a problem in this deposition reviewed by cnn and airbnb rep. said 35,000 customer support tickets, about security cameras are recording devices had been documented over a decade airbnb told cnn a single complaint can involve multiple tickets and a cnn investigation found airbnb not only fails to protect its guess it works to keep complaints out of the courts and a wave from the public why don't we know about this? >> they're trying to keep it secret. and if everyone knew what was happening, they would not be using their website airbnb wants to wash their hands, clean when they have a host who does something illegal or suspicious, they want to say
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we are simply a website. we are not responsible for this host, were not responsible for this property. florida attorneys bellkor's plata and shan and shot say trying to sue airbnb if something goes wrong is extreme greenlee difficult. >> it begins when you sign up on airbnbs website and click agree to its terms of service you're agreeing to assume all risk the person going to rent the property agrees that if something happens while they're saying at this accommodation, they're actually prohibited from suing airbnb. >> they must go a different route, which is a binding arbitration. it's a way to strong arm someone. >> is this about controlling publicity? >> hundred percent absolutely once they've settled a claim, airbnb has required guests to sign confidentiality agreements, which cnn obtained. >> that keep some details of legal cases, private for you to get the check, you must sign a piece of paper so that no one will know this will be swept under the rug that's exactly what happened to this man how
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did you feel signing that confidentiality agreement this man asked us not to show his face and we've masked his voice. >> he and his wife we're recorded during a romantic getaway footage of my workflow. >> he said for you and your between two people who you thought was extreme violation oval she travesty in this case and others, cnn found at airbnb does not contact law enforcement once hidden cameras are discovered, even if children are involved according someone without their consent is illegal in every state no, people showing no stores of how we want moist, schumer says, will be a b nobody's going to want to crush them. >> this man only found out he and his wife were recorded because police called him
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months later after another guest found the camera explained are more single one house had cables. >> every room were careless one shooting smoke detectors part of the challenges at the technology has gotten so advanced, these cameras so small that you can't even see them in this one bedroom. >> we have put multiple cameras all around and they're hidden in plain sight. this one is in the smoke alarm, an alarm clock, and even an outlet, and some of them like this one. i can control remotely on my phone and even livestream well, would you like to tell airbnb or removed due diligence bill helming families the show for flee breaking. a lot of money will be with airbnb declined an
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interview for this story, but told cnn incidents of hidden cameras are exceptionally rare and when we do receive an allegation, we take appropriate swift action, which can include removing hosts and listings airbnbs, trust and safety policies his lead, the vacation rental industry after cnn began reporting this story, airbnb created a new policy that indoor cameras are not allowed inside airbnbs at all. but as you just saw it, as long been against airbnb rules that cameras be allowed inside bedrooms. and as you just saw, that didn't stop some hosts from doing it. anyway kyung lah, cnn, los angeles opening statements will begin in the coming hours and the involuntary manslaughter trial of actor alec baldwin. >> a jury was seated tuesday in the case, and new mexico were baldwin is accused of firing a prop gun with a live round, which killed cinematographer
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halyna hutchins i was on the rust movie set in 2021. baldwin has pleaded not guilty, saying he did not pull the trigger and did not know the gun contained live ammo spain are moving on to the finals of the euro 2024 after beating france two to france scored early in the match, giving them a one nil lead, but that didn't last long spans, young 16-year-old football star lamine yamal scored a long distance goal, making him the youngest player to ever score in a man's european champion. in just four minutes later, spain scored a second goal france try to recover but was not successful. spain will play either england or the netherlands in the final on sunday argentina have earned a spot in the copa america finals after a high-stakes match against canada on tuesday it ends a fairytale season for canada who perform better than expected in the tournament
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cnn's maria santana spoke with fans and new jersey after the semifinal match and nobody couldn't be happier than that they aren't going crazy here outside of the mantle stadium in east rutherford, new jersey. >> they await the results of tomorrow's game between colombia and order to see it thena, in the final tonight, they defeated canada is zero and got to see something very special. super smart goals lionel messi scored his first goal tournament. where are you from your a messy ban messy and where are you as you can see
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just total you fall out here. >> of course, canadian bans disappointed tonight. they tried to make history by reaching the final in their first appearance in my mehdi guy didn't happen well, i did say this wednesday between columbia and the vital miami. sunday, july 14, maria santana cnn. east rutherford, new jersey very exciting. were reigning men's wimbledon champion, carlos alcaraz will play in his sixth semifinal at roland garros after his win on tuesday, the defending champion defeated american tommy paul enforce it. alcarez will face off against russian daniil medvedev in the semi-finals on
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friday in the women's tournament, tuesday mark the end of the road for american emma navarro she faced off against italy's jasmine paolini, who's how a season like no other since the start of last season, powerline has risen through the world ranks from 149 to number 17 right now astounding. well, some visitors to buckingham palace in london this summer, we'll get to visit the room behind the famous balcony with the british royal family often poses for the first time the palace is opening the east wing which includes the room where the iconic balcony is located. visitors won't be able to stand on the bow but they can look through the curtain down the mouth access to this section has been made possible after five years of renovations as part of the ongoing buckingham palace resurfacing program, tickets, cost 75 pounds or almost $100, and have already sold out for this year.
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yeah and want to thank you so much for spending part of your day with me. i'm rosemary church, cnn newsroom continues next with my friend and colleague, max foster his. >> election season's stay with cnn, with more reporting there's on the ground and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow cnn and i wonder if this golf god's hands free
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