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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 10, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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what you were visit used up erin burnett, outfront weeknights at seven on cnn today nato is stronger than it's ever been in its history. >> we chose unit video over disunity, progress over retreat, freedom over attorney hope over fear let's do another debate this week. >> so that sleepy joe biden to prove to everyone all over the world that he has what it takes to be president in about for your gambling. >> us air force special operations command granted cnn on precedented access inside the ghostwriter live from london. >> this is cnn newsroom with max foster hello and welcome to our viewers around the world. >> i'm max foster. it's
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wednesday, july the tenth, 9:00 a.m. here in london 4:00 a.m. in washington, where nato leaders will get down to business today of the 75th annual summit. us president joe biden open the gathering on tuesday with a forceful speech meant to reassure world leaders and congressional democrats that he's fit to lead. he praised nato as stronger than ever, and insisted its support. ukraine would endure he also announced plans to send new air defense systems to kyiv our friends it's good that we're stronger than ever ukraine can and will stop especially of our collective support they have our full support americans they know we're stronger with our friends and we understand this is a sacred obligation democrats in the house and senate wrapped up a day of
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meetings no closer to a consensus on mr. biden's political future, someone him to exit the presidential race. others say he should stay right now, president biden is the nominee and we support the democratic nominee. that will be donald trump. they shouldn't leave a legacy that endangers us that we surrender or to a tyrant. he just has to step down he can't when we riding with biden to arrive in i'm more now from cnn, senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche after more than a week of post-debate damage control, and more than 36 hours the sprinting to shore up support among his party, president biden stepping publicly out onto the world stage to hail a nato alliance that he says is stronger than ever. >> let's remember the fact that nato remains the bulwark of global security did not happen by accident. it wasn't inevitable again and again, a
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critical moments we chose unity over disunion progress over retreat freedom over attorney hope over fear. again and again, we stood behind our shared vision of a peaceful and prosperous transatlantic community. >> that message delivered as much two autocrats around the world as to biden's political opponents here at home? former president donald trump simply shrugged on the debate stage last month, when president biden asked him whether he would withdraw from the alliance. that has banded together and expanding it took 32 members to help ukraine defend itself against russia, but now it's president biden that finds himself on the defense after a debate performance that left his party really and soul searching with many prominent party members discussing whether the top of the ticket needs to be changed. and while biden did receive some high-profile support from some critical blocks of lawmakers there are still some members of his party who want to see more. they need more evidence. white house officials
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for their part, are placated by biden's performance in his nato speech saying that he hid his marks and that it was delivered as planned. with some high moments, including when he delivered the medal of freedom to outgoing nato secretary general, jens stoltenberg even so, members of president biden's party are focused on one more event this week, and that is a press conference where president biden unscripted will have to take questions from the domestic as well as the global press. kayla tausche, cnn, the white house. >> soon as international diplomatic editor nic robertson joins us now, we're seeing real impact now aren't we? from that performance in the cnn debate because it's distracting from a major summit i'm wondering how world leaders and diplomats of feeling going into this. there is concerned about his wellness is the public and the talking press and washington yeah, they're not going public with it. and you heard olaf scholtz, i think
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yesterday the day before the german chancellor say he has seton, president biden and doesn't see any problems there but a talking to some of the diplomat behind in the scenes, the nato summit, who've traveled from europe. and they are concerned not necessarily about biden and his capabilities obviously concerned about the outcome of us elections and anything that can potentially being bring in donald trump to the presidency. that's a concern because he is a quiet on to tie that worries them because of his lack of strong support for nato but where they're really worried this week, right now, these days is that the distraction is all around biden and how he's doing. and really what they want to communicate is the strength of nato is what nato is doing on defense and deterrence. and the scale of the challenge that they as nations in nato face up in defense spending is not just something they feel that they
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want to be hearing from a us president is something they want from their countries because the challenges so great and that's all getting lost. or so what's the policy that would have been the main focus if it wasn't president biden's yes. so i think you would be hearing a lot more discussion would be about the number of let's say, air defense systems that are being supplied, about the increase. we heard jens stoltenberg, nato secretary general, talk about this, about ramping up and guaranteeing ramped up ammunition supplies from europe united states, and how that is happening a little bit more in the nuts and bolts. but i think, you know, when you listen to president zelenskyy, you get a sense of, you know, it's shades of president zelenskyy at the last nato summit, where he, people kind of felt as being a bit ungrateful. he wanted too much. and this time he's saying, look, we can be russia everyone's waiting on november the fourth or if you've us relations, everyone's waiting on november for the u.s. elections. but he said, we need strong leadership. and again,
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that's coming out as a sort of nod, as a criticism. but as, as a not as on grateful, but it's like essentially he's saying we need more. i think we can play them is time to sit to step out of the shell to make strong decisions, work, to act and not to wait for an alaska or any other months to these women be strong and out-trump realizing all together then it shades last notice summit in a way as well for zelenskyy because he wanted to get that better guarantee of a fast path to nato membership. >> and he hasn't got it this time. there'll be language and that involves the word irreversible path, but that will be balanced. some told against strong language that we'll talk about the necessary reforms towards democracy within governance of ukraine what about other leadership? because it's pretty unsettled in many countries, a new prime minister in the uk are very
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much weakened. one traveling over from france but a lot of those european nations were sort of unsettled by the european parliamentary elections as well. >> they were, i think there's still a very strong voice it's coming from the sort of further east you go, the closer to russia, you go in within europe. >> i mean, if you listen to what the polls are saying, they want to increase defense spending even more they, they they want to be more ambitious about how ukraine is defended if you listen to the leaders in the baltic states, i think they're still very strongly committed, but yes. when you have big players like macron going, who's weaker, that's the question so keir starmer, british prime minister, first time he'll meet president biden. he is committing the uk to 2.5 gdp defense spending, which is above the current nato threshold. but poland, for example, once the push it up even further, potentially so 3%, so the narrative is from those leaders who are relatively new into the job and
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have some term left it is to continue on with nato and increase its spending because the challenge from russia has changed an increased and they need to do it. and that's the narrative. these ambassadors from talking to a worried that that is being missed. it's something that it's the message that needs to come out to reach the public because the public needs to understand why the difficult decisions that increasing defense spending big thing for keir starmer back home, everyone's asking when you going to do it, defense former defense chief so saying you need to spend the money on the military now nato sets that narrative here's the reason why x, y, and zed. but then the narrative becomes about how is president biden performing? >> okay, nic, thank you you. as vice president kamala harris is doubling down on her support for joe biden we always knew this election would be tough in the past few days have been a
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reminder that running for president of the united states is never easy. >> but the one thing we know about our president joe biden, is that he is a fighter and he is the first to say, when you get knocked down, you get back up but three democratic senators are expressing their doubts about mr. biden's political future. >> michael bennet of colorado, tell cnn he doesn't think mr. biden can win reelection a source says sherrod brown of ohio and jon tester of montana told colleagues the same in the house, new jersey democrat mikie sherrill is joining others in her party calling on mr. biden to step aside. cnn's manu raju has more president joe biden is putting democrats in a jam. >> if the president declines to the voluntarily then he's going to be our nominee. and we have to make the best of a complicated situation. i think i'm viewing it pragmatically
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some resigned to supported president even they fear he may lose to donald trump or the stakes of this are about what is the future for our country and to different scenarios. >> and i think there's a lot of concern about will we be able to have that conversation in this movie and diamond, that my god, that's the conversation we have to have. >> do you support keeping him on the top of the ticket? biden? it said it in their first in-person meeting today since biden's debate debacle house and senate democrats out their grievances and left with no consensus. >> my concerns are the concerns that everybody that everybody has. what set this morning and express my colleagues, particularly for members on the front line is that i think they need to do whatever it is. they need to do in order to come back and be reelected and so if they need to distance themselves that's the knesset. they need to do. some like congressman jerry nadler. now say they are on board with biden despite privately calling for a change on sunday, he made
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very clear he's he's going to run he's got an excellent record when most existential presidents of the last century trump would be. an absolute disaster for democracy. so i mean, tuesday asked at least according what did you say on that call on sunday not going to come into what i said. and i know private several democrats pointedly refused to say that they supported keeping biden atop the ticket as calling to support keeping biden as your nominee. do you support keeping biden at the top of the ticket do think that biden just days here, nominee i loved that time. biden has won strong support from senior members of the congressional black caucus. >> all i can tell you is i am a big supporter of what people believe that he's going to lose. i am going to work as hard as i can throw him by. is going to win the team. biden harris is going to win, win, win. >> in the senate. democrats like patty murray, raising deep concerns about biden's
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viability, while some standing firmly by him, including bob, casey, facing a tight race in battleground, pennsylvania, you support keeping biden at the top of the ticket blanche, said so numerous times, you heard my remarks over a week ago in scranton. >> the other concerns that he could sink vulnerable democrats like yourself what do you say to that? >> i'll leave that to the pundits following an intense afternoon meeting with senate democrats, chuck schumer, senate majority leader, would only save this about biden with joe. >> i'm with joe as i've said before, i'm with joe well former south carolina governor nikki haley is really seeing all her delegates to the republican national convention. she's also urging them to support former us president donald trump the convention kicks off in milwaukee next week, but haley hasn't been invited. me was the last major candidate to withdraw from the gop nominating contests? best was among trump's biggest rivals in the republican primary we can't have someone
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who sits there and mocks our men and women who are trying to protect america. >> there is no way that the american people are going to vote for a convicted criminal. they're not got to acknowledge the fact he can't win a general election will mean madonna trump is campaigning in florida while he was on tuesday during the rally, he took aim at president joe biden, even challenging him to another debate let's do another debate this week. >> so that sleepy joe biden can prove to everyone all over the world that he has what it takes to be president but this time it will be man to man, no moderators, no holds holds-barred. just named the place anytime anywhere well senator marco rubio, a potential vp pick, was with trump at the rally as he continues to build up suspense on, he'll be his running mate. review also slammed president biden seizing on the terminal.
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currently gripping the democratic party don't watching this thing in beijing. they're watching it in moscow, they're watching it and havana, they're washington and caracas there watching it in iran. and they're saying that guys, the president, that guy were going to invade tomorrow. that's what i would do. you thinking? that's the danger that we're in? >> cnn's kristen holmes has this report however, president donald trump did not announce her israel rally, who was going to be his vice presidential pick, but didn't do something else. >> he notably win after vice president kamala harris for the first time as questions continue just round whether or not president joe biden will stay on the ticket. take a listen. >> whatever else can be said about crooked joe biden you have to give him credit for one brilliant decision. probably the smartest decision he's ever made he picked kamala harris as his vice president now i was
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brilliant because it was an insurance policy, maybe the best insurance policy i've ever seen marco if joe had picked someone even halfway competent, they would have bounced him from office years ago, but they can't particularly significant given the fact that donald trump and his team have been watching carefully what is happening with the democrats at a party and what is happening with the democratic ticket amid calls for biden to step down. now on vice president, while donald trump did not make his announcement, senator marco rubio won a tompkin sanders was here in the ground and family was here. any actually spoke before the former president trump seem to. she's rubio at once boeing thing that he believed that all of the media would hear this event because they thought he was going to announce that marco rubio wasn't vice-presidential pick. as we have been reporting asked to make that announcement before next monday, but one source telling me that announcement could come as late as monday nights where another
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day goes by there are still waiting to hear who the person is and when that announcement is coming, kristen holmes, cnn, miami, florida now some pause all the u.s are facing severe weather this week, flash flood watches are been issued for parts of new mexico for wednesday after storms dumped heavy rains over the mountain village of ruidoso ruidoso has been facing severe weather for weeks now, the national weather service says some areas have received up to two inches but more than 50 millimeters of rain per hour. >> the same region has been fighting wildfires. new mexico officials have determined one of two large fires in the area was caused by a lightning strike. the cause of the other fire is under investigation. okay. could take weeks for texas to fully restore power knocked out by beryl, which made landfall as a category one hurricane, just days ago. the
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remnants of the storm moved north, posing a threat of storms and tornadoes to states from pennsylvania to new york more than 1.7 million customers in texas still don't have electricity according to tracking website power outage, dot dot, it's easy to see why, because beryl rip through the state with high winds and heavy rains, downing trees and flooding streets a storm even damage the roof of houston's nrg stadium, home to the nfl's houston texans. amid the cleanup, houston's mayor is holding utility companies responsible for fixing the damage in a timely manner. >> yes we are holding sharepoint accountable. i've had a commitment from now, the table restore over 1 million users have electricity by this time tomorrow parts of texas are also under a heat advisory. the national weather service warns that is without power or greater risk and should take precautions. the remnants of beryl continue to bring the
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threat of tornadoes and severe storms as the system moves north cnn meteorologist chad myers has more unfortunately more severe weather likely today across parts of ohio, pennsylvania, and new york. let me get to where the radar is moving on up into heavy rain, into michigan, also into ontario. but big bright colors there right across upstate new york into new england and really starting over pennsylvania as well, could be some heavier rainfall. i don't think flooding is the main issue today, but it will be that potential for some of the storms again to be spinning, especially in the area right through here. the main threat will be damaging winds, but an isolated tornado certainly not out of the question. still, many people here in parts of texas without power, heat, index, again this afternoon, all the way back to 105 degrees. now the main heat is back out to the west. yes. it's warm in the northeast, but not like we're talking about out west. we are going to be in the 90s again today but
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out here, literally almost everyone will be closer to 100 unless you're right along that cool pacific ocean. yes. seattle, you're going to be any 80s a little bit warmer down toward portland. but as soon as you get into california, all of a sudden, every temperature is above 100 every temperature is above 100 for days and days and days to go. this is a brutal heat wave even las vegas, 118 later on this afternoon, i know you've been 120, but won 18 is close enough. >> still ahead, and israeli strike hit a school where palestinian officials say displaced people were seeking shelter. will have a live report later, how nepal army nepal's army is dealing with a trash problem on mount everest plus spain beat france to reach the final of the euro 2024 championship it was incredible. details just ahead i wonder if
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ministry says at least 25 people were killed and more than 50 others wounded in an israeli airstrike on a school in khan younis. >> the idf says it was targeting a terrorist accused of taking part in the october 7 attack. but gaza officials say the school house displaced people israel's military says it's looking into reports that civilians were harmed. meanwhile, the u.s. cia director is in doha in qatar to continue talks on a potential gaza ceasefire and hostage deal. bill burns will meet with qatar's prime minister the head of israel's spy agency, and the head of egyptian intelligence burns discussed the negotiations with egypt's president in cairo on his way to qatar, but several hurdles remain after the israeli government put out a statement saying it will not abandon key principles cnn's scott mclean is following developments from istanbul, turkey. scott hey max, yes. there was quite a bit of optimism for these talks, less so now i'll explain. so
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over the weekend, hamas had announced that it was willing to forego one of its non negotiable demands previously, not negotiate bowl, which was there any ceasefire that it would agree to must be a permanent one. many people looked at that and figured there might be a chance for a real breakthrough here, a chance to actually make a deal. but as you pointed out, over the weekend on sunday, the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu seemed to move the goalposts back insisting that one of his non-negotiables among a handful of other things was maintaining some level of control over the gaza border with egypt. part of the problem here is that there are parts of netanyahu's right-wing coalition far-right parts of that coalition that do not want to see a peace proposal, at least the one in its current form. and so if netanyahu would sign this, it would risk toppling his own government. the other problem is that there has been an increasing and israeli attacks in gaza. a an
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evacuation of gaza city, for instance, hamas said had brought the talks back to 0.0 on top of that, there had been four bombings of schools inside gaza in the last four days. something that the unrwa chief called a blatant a blatant disregard for international law. and the u.s. state department's spokesperson was asked yesterday on cnn, whether the u.s. is comfortable with this level of civilian casualties that we saw at this latest school bombing that killed 25 people, injured, dozens more. and the answer was no, but he also made clear that the u.s. plan to make the civilian casualties stop is to get this peace deal. listen i think it's important to note that civilian casualties have come down dramatically over the past few months from the really catastrophic levels that they were at earlier this year. and of course late last year. but we want to see civilian casualties completely go away. and that is why we are pushing so hard. have people in the
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region right now working to try to achieve a ceasefire that would secure the release of hostages, that would alleviate the suffering of the palestinian people that would allow us to surge humanitarian assistance in response to the latest school bombing. the government in gaza called on the international community to put pressure on israel to end this war. the difficulty though at least according to a former israeli hostage negotiator who spoke to cnn this week. is that any pressure that president biden might put on prime minister netanyahu isn't going to be as effective as perhaps it once was because of biden's weakened standing at home. given that abysmal debate performance, not long ago, max scott mclean and istanbul. thank you us set to permanently remove the floating pier the coast of gaza as soon as next week, it was being used to deliver life-saving humanitarian aid to the enclave. but have been plagued by rough seas, forcing it to shut down multiple times. the pentagon says it'll deploy the
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pier one final time to deliver any remaining aid maybe 20 million pounds of humanitarian aid have been delivered to gaza since the pair became operational, though, in mid-may still ahead, us president joe biden welcomes nato leaders to washington. what he's saying about the strength of the alliance and its support for ukraine plus a massive us air force plane takes part in live fire exercises above the korean peninsula. how the u.s. hopes, it will bring stability to the region ahead i love cnn is live
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statements will begin today in the involuntary manslaughter trial of alec baldwin, the actor is accused of fatally shooting cinematographer halina hutchins on the set of the movie, rust in 2021, the jury was seated on tuesday, baldwin has pleaded not guilty saying he didn't pull the trigger and didn't know the gun contained live ammo us president joe biden welcoming nato leaders to washington with a strong message about the importance of the alliance and its defense of ukraine. he said nato is stronger than ever. and while he didn't address donald trump directly mr. biden warned against those who might walk away from the alliance, something his republican opponent has clearly suggested in the past. the u.s. president also announced plans to supply kyiv with new air defenses to ukraine were shaved, hundreds of additional interceptors over the next year hubbard protect ukrainian cities against russian missile ukrainian troops face she narrow attacks on the front lines make no
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mistake russia is failing in this war we're talking about air defenses here. >> there was an announcement, there. is that new there is new. ukraine has been pushing for some time now for stronger support from its nato allies, particularly from the united states. we heard yesterday from president joe biden just saw there speaking answering that there would be further air defense support coming not only from the u.s. but from germany and romania, or each providing a patriot battery to support the air defense systems of, ukraine, italy has also pledged support, as well as other countries which have pledged at short and medium range systems as well. port ukraine's, there has been that continued push from the nato alliance to continue to support ukraine. and of course this comes just days after we saw russia launched a barrage of missile attacks on ukraine, including in the capital kyiv, where at least 33 people were killed on monday in kyiv alone. of course, we saw that devastating
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strike on the children's hospital in the capital. of course, russia has so far denied responsibility for that strike. they said it was ukraine. they have accused ukraine. they say they believe it was actually an anti-aircraft missile which caused this particular strike. ukraine has of course denied this. and in fact, cnn has spoken to weapons experts who have taken a look at the footage of the scene and say that they believe that this is consistent with a missile strike, not an anti aircraft missiles. and of course we've also heard from un human rights experts who have echoed this. they believe russia was responsible for the strikes. so of course, there is mounting pressure for more to be done to support ukraine. that's certainly been coming from the ukrainian authorities for some time now. and of course, when it comes to the nato alliance overall, there have been those concerns as tensions as you mentioned around the possible pulling out from the nato alliance of the united states. if indeed we do see another trump presidency. so that was certainly a key focus as well, particularly for ukraine, which is so dependent on nato
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support. and we heard from the secretary general jens stoltenberg speaking yesterday as well. he urged all members of the alliance to continue their support for ukraine in terms of what's happening on the front lines, it does seem as though ukraine is very much holding them at the moment. there's not much progress from russia absolutely. and in fact, what we've seen is ukraine continued to hold its position, but there are fears that they are running out, perhaps with the capacity to do this. and so we're seeing that continued push for more international support that's certainly the message that we've been hearing from stoltenberg from other world leaders at the world cannot forget ukraine at this stage, that there cannot be any. sort of relaxation on that position that there needs to be that continued military support particularly, of course, for ukraine on the frontlines, but particularly when it comes to its air defense systems, because what we are seeing is russia are targeting further inland, particularly in kyiv. of course, with missiles and drone attacks, attacking from behind effectively. thank you so much. neither north. korea
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has sent a delegation of elite military training officials to russia this week, the group was led by the president of the kim il sung military university. that word from north korean state media, which gave no other details about the visit either as purpose or whether delegation is going but the trip comes just weeks after russia's president visited pyongyang and signed a defense pact with north korean leader kim jong un and it's clear that there is a signal that the two countries continue to grow closer that closeness has both the u.s and south korea worried the two countries wrapped up their latest round of joint military drills earlier this month. this time limit joined by a new american gunship known as the ghostwriter, carrying one of the biggest guns in the sky. soon as mike valerio gotten up close, look it's one of the latest unmistakable displays of us firepower high above the korean peninsula. america's biggest gun in the sky down on board a us air force ac-130 ej that
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ghostwriter it's a 105 millimeter howitzer cannon and loaded in a matter of seconds with brass, 43 pounds shells, power has percussion on two part of a strategic symphony between the u.s. and south korean militaries in a bias for your tablet us air force special operations it's command granted cnn unprecedented access inside the ghostwriter. and what we witnessed, americans in the air talking to korean service members on the ground making some of them working together for the first time, spotting practice targets below and opening fire but where are you have been intense, blank. he talked to us about what is going to happen and what we're looking at here absolutely. so white men care. well, we got us or what have you have wanted to cheer, wonder, i believe me now it sir. so we are rolling into our live-fire rage over south korea right now, today is a training mission. so there are smaller low-yield explosions. but the
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sound heard thousands of feet away is a going thunder why is, it. important to have in a c-130 on the ground, we spoke with major josh perez, once an accountant. now, mission commander. and why is it key to have an aircraft like the ac130 able to deploy here to korea as quickly as possible. the unique thing about the ac-130 is the amount of fires that we bring the amount of munitions that douglas amount of them in the box don't wanna do all right. i said zero subzero, got the air force says it's continued message here is deterrence. and with this aircraft power old with fire daddy boy, 16 you know, you're really good a tall, start to a higher plane
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the ghostwriter, just, one piece of the u.s. korean strategic symphony as the tempo of these exercises continues, and north korea watches across the horizon mike valerio, cnn, osan airbase in south korea every year, hundreds of climbers attempt to summit mount everest and every year, tons of trash has left behind. >> how nepal's army is dealing with that problem just ahead. and later, the first team to secure a spot in the final match of the copa america is a revealed, but is it really a surprise? we've given it away this election season, cnn has you have hovering, no matter the question from more about the candidates to rules in your state, to casting your ballot. >> the cnn voter handbook has your answers. visit cnn dot com slash vote for your season the ws soapy tournament is on and you can enjoy the thrill on your phone. don't miss out on poker season. if you love
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what a lovely sign of sportsmanship. you okay? yeah. ♪ ♪ activity and less pay learn more. it's still clearing waste from the world's tallest mountain has been a focus for nepal's army in recent years. >> this year, a team has soldiers and sherpas, not at removed tons of trash from mount everest but also the bodies of climbers who died. soon as michael holmes reports thousands of people have tried to climb mount everest. some successful others have lost
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everything trying. but it's not the glory of summiting the tallest peak in the world that's motivating these climbers. it's about cleaning up the mountain that's a beacon to hundreds of adventurers a year once again, a cleanup team of soldiers, sherpas and porter's braved some of everest's most inhospitable conditions to remove hazards that have collected along the route one of the team leader says, it is dangerous, but increasingly urgent work because of the effects of global warming the bodies and trusts are becoming more visible as the snow cover things savvy. >> the team recently battled everest, frigid temperatures, whipping winds, and outer jews with low oxygen levels to remove 11 tons of garbage from the mountain. and at times uncovering much more difficult things view as might find the next image disturbing. it took painstaking work hours, if not
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days, to dig out some of the bodies of dead climber's in tuned in the ice we have to bring them back as much as possible and keep leaving them behind mountains we're turning into a graveyard in the future you have to bring them back the bodies were flown to kathmandu for identification. >> the trash sent to sorting facilities to try to recycle what salvageable new rules now require climbers to hold their own garbage off the mountain. but there's still a backlog of unwanted materials on everest some from decades ago garbage collectors, but the climber's leave behind on the mountain, at least. >> mostly there are packaging of food can and ten and plastic. apart from that, there are shooting is close and tense. there's also a lot of broken glass ropes. >> believe sherpa of the recovery team estimates there could be 40 to 50 tons of garbage near the summit of the mountain. layers deepened
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frozen, solid, and almost insurmountable task to remove bad just like climbing the mountain itself. if there's a will, it can be done michael holmes, cnn demonstrators in barcelona showed up to offer chile welcome to tourists tourists, go home. those are the chants thousands of people took to the streets to protest this weekend in the popular tourist area some were skirting water guns at people other popular places in spain such as new yorker and the canary islands have recently seen similar demonstrations against mass tourism. as locals complain of the impact on living in costs and their quality of life, official figures show that in barcelona that area alone, almost 26 million visitors made an overnight stay last year but in pamplona, thousands of thrill seekers from around the world are taking part in one of the country's most exhilarating
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traditions, which is the running of the bulls. six balls being set loose each morning this week to charge you the narrow streets towards the bullring the runners risk injury. of course, are bracing those balls while also trying to stay near them. more than 1 million people turn out to watch every year this does the buckingham palace can now visit the famous balcony. but you won't be able to stand on it just that through the window. details just ahead take a pea sized amount, apply it like a lotion pits under boob, fivefold about cracks, feet. >> this water-based cream. i'm telling you it's invisible on the skin. it works like a dream. why didn't someone think of this sooner gladstone new deserved a better way of responding, igniting an outdoor cooking revolution creating better backyard celebrations big enough for your whole neighborhood with an endless
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to you by rula law, iconic brands up to 70% off retail had rula rubella you never faithful friend sees the deals on top before there software today it was an amazing game, spain moving on to the finals of the euro 2024 finals after beating france to a one, france scored early in the match, giving them a one nil lead, but that didn't last long because spain's young 16-year-old football star, lamine yamal scored a long distance goal, was everyone's talking about making him the youngest player to ever scored in a men's european championship four minutes later been scored a second goal. >> france tried to recover, but it wasn't successful. spain will play either england or the netherlands are playing tonight in that final on sunday, argentina and a spot in the copa america finals after a
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high-stakes match, gaetz, canada on tuesday, it ends a fairytale season for canada who performed better than expected in that tournament. but the theater number one ranked team, 2022 world cup winners and holder of 15 copa titles wouldn't back down argentina will face off against either uruguay, colombia on sunday with that decision being made in the last semifinal game, which is on wednesday today. and the stories in the spotlight this hour, some visitors to buckingham palace in london, the summer, we'll get to visit the room behind the famous balcony, the british royal family they often poses on for the first time the palace is opening the east wing, which includes the room where the iconic balcony is located. this is won't be able to stand on the balcony, but they can look through the curtain down the mao access to this section has been made possible after five years of renovations as part of the ongoing buckingham palace resurfacing program we are here in the center room, which is where the famous balcony is, whether or family go out onto
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the balcony for occasions such as trooping of the colour or the platinum jubilee this room was part of the addition of the east wing made by they make taurean, prince albert, and he was prince albert to actually suggested the balcony will take us will call 75 pounds or almost $100 and have already sold out for this year. >> so there's no point giving you that information, but i can tell you i've looked through that window and it is it's quite a moment reminds you of lots of british moments like these. but actually you can't see down the mountain because there's the monument in front of you, so they didn't actually get a full sense of how big the crowds really are flowers are in full bloom in one of the driest places on their blanketing the south june's of chiles atacama desert. it's a rare sight this early in the southern hemisphere winter, but heavy rains due to the el nino have caused the white and purple flowers to spring up prematurely, as you can see, the so-called flowering desert
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hasn't seen an early blooming like this since 2015. san diego zoo wildlife alliance says the zoo's new giant pandas are a climate. adjusting well to their stateside home at the zoo shared first look pictures of the pair in their enclosure that the first giant pandas to enter the u.s. in 21 years and were sent from china as a sign of friends chip between the two countries panda loans to the u.s. go back to 1972 but the number of loans have decreased in recent years as us china relations have let's say, turned frosty and finally, it truly is a dog eat dog world. that's what major league baseball fans are saying. after the video of the puppy monthly a hot dog at the new york mets game on tuesday went viral and the dog was wearing sunglasses. of course. but gold chain and a mets hat while chomping on the hot dog in case you weren't clear on exactly what was going on there. leaders to say fans
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were suddenly more focused on the pooch than the game thanks, joining me here on cnn newsroom. i'm max foster in london, cnn this morning is up next i 21st. >> i'll special how it really happened with the bombing of
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