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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  July 10, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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prevail the white house, pleased by president biden's smooth performance, quote, unquote with the entire world watching, plus as i've said before, i'm with joe, b arrived in with biden top democrats standing by the president, but cracks in his support may be widening and then beryl still kicking battering indiana with a tornado. now targeting the northeast and one plane taking off, another, trying to land both using the same runway and it's all on tape all right. 6:00 a.m. here in washington. a live look at the white house on this wednesday morning good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us don't count him out just yet. joe biden's refusal to heed calls to end his reelection bid has been a
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successful strategy for right now, as democrats emerged from a high-stakes meetings on capitol hill tuesday, the president received public support from key members in both the house and the senate are you confident that president biden has what it takes to win in november and stir the next four years. >> as i've said before, i'm with joe trump would be an absolute disaster for democracy so i mean, thursday asked at least according he's not just the president, he's our president. he's got strong support in the senate democratic caucus and the house democratic caucus. >> joe biden is a great president and he's the only guy that kicked trump's in an election. >> b arrived in with biden deriving riding with biden from south carolina, congressman jim clyburn, whose endorsement of course helped deliver biden the nomination in 2012. all but gave it to him, frankly, still, we are seeing those cracks persist in the president's support on tuesday, new jersey congresswoman mikie sherrill
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became the seventh democrat to call for biden to exit the race. she said, quote, when i think of my four children and all of the rights that another trump presidency endangers the stakes are too high, and the threat is to reel to stay silent. i am asking that biden declare that he won't run for reelection and will help lead us through a process toward a new nominee a source familiar with tuesday's meeting of senate democrats told cnn that three members of that chamber, jon tester of montana, sherrod brown of ohio, and michael bennet of colorado told her colleagues, they simply don't think biden can win in november, here was bennett on cnn donald trump is on track. i think to win the election. and maybe win it by a landslide and take with him the senate and the house and the white house in the time since that disastrous debate, i think has done nothing to really demonstrate that they have a plan and to win this election, it's a moral question about the future of our country. and i think it's critically
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important for us to come to grips with what we face if together, we put this country on the path of electing donald trump again all right, our panel's here. jeff mason, white house correspondent for reuters, former federal prosecutor, cnn legal analyst elliot williams, former state department official hillary clinton, adviser fully brightness, and matt gorman, former senior adviser to tim scott's presidential campaign. welcome to all of you at felipe. i just want to put this question to you as someone who's inside one of these presidential campaigns, as you know, you guys went into the 2016 election, not expecting to lose to donald trump right now, there seems to be an expectation among many democrats here in washington. but joe biden is going to lose to donald trump. do you think that's what's going to happen if the election were tomorrow? yes. but thank god, tomorrow is not election day. and there are 125 ish days where joe biden can really put his best foot forward, hopefully put what happened behind us, not in a it
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was just a bad night there was a blip kind of way. but in a ok, let's keep it in context. let's keep it in context of what it was and what wasn't in context of what donald trump suffers and what he doesn't and his medical history and in context of them both being the same age and in context of the unique situation we have here, which is usually we've got one person who are running for president and one person who's been president and then there's a lot of guessing going on. what is so and so going to be what is governor bush going to be like as president? what is senator ababa here? both these guys have been president we don't have to guess what donald trump has been like and that's really an advantage for the american voter to see and you have any advantages, right now. but how does that explain the polling right now, or at least explained the polling over the last however year that it's had
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the foreign press, people are really unhappy with the choice between these two guys, except are choices between these two guys, right? and i think what's clear obviously, there are people who are unhappy, but it's like ten. you could read every statement of every member of congress, it would take you five 52 of them took it back. >> well, what we saw jerry nadler in that sound rash, basically take back what was reported over the weekend, which was that he was out there saying like, this is a disaster, we can't do this. and now of course, there does seem to be this rally round the flag effect. jeff mason, let me bring you into this it's just because you are someone who has been a member of the white house press corps for many, many years. you have seen a lot of different types of crises. and we are going through one now where there is this grappling with was there essentially? was this condition covered up and the press secretary has really struggled to answer questions about the president's current health and i think when i'm thinking about the argument that felipe is
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trying to make, the reason it's so hard for democrats to make this argument. is that okay? sure. you've got this long laundry list of reasons why donald trump shouldn't be president again, but when you contrast that with someone where the question is can he do the job at all? it is a nearly impossible argument to make. >> well, not to mention coming up to the debate over the last several months and even longer there, there are instances, there are times when we've seen president biden be a little bit shaky on his feet, not come up with a word right away. things that are reflective of getting older and any time we would ask the white house questions about that, it would be bad away and now, because everybody saw that debate with her own eyes and the questions have come to a fever pitch, both in the briefing room and among democrats and others, it's harder for them to that and the messaging it has been, i would say probably not super effective. and that's creating more doubts and more concern among the voters and among the democrats who are looking at
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the stakes of the election and wondering, what are we doing here? what about the idea that a lot of us as the white house press corps feeling burned by the former president and it's almost up by the current president. pardon me, that it's really a function of reporters feeling like they weren't getting the straight story, right, rather than it actually being bad on its face, it's that you all felt like you were getting okey-doke a little bit. >> i mean, i don't subscribe to the idea that the white house press corps is a constituent. >> sure but it's a human idea, right that when you were asking for information that you didn't feel you were getting and don't feel like the entity that was being straight with you that you sort of felt i don't know if cheetah is the right word i think i think it leads to frustration for sure. >> and i think that is human and i think you're seeing something with that frustration play out in the press room right now, right but i don't think it's about the white house press corps. i've been repeating for the last couple of days. it's we're standing there sitting there whatever asking questions, not just on
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behalf of our news organizations or for the ability to write a story or to be on the air. but it's to inform the american public, right? and that's the responsibility that the press has in the administration slash the campaign, have the responsibility to answer. well, i think i also think i mean, we have molly ball on earlier this week that there is this sense and look, you deal with this when you deal with any white house, when they're mad at you about a story, right? they come at you right? and your writing something that they don't like. and so they're on the phone, their young either telling you the wrong, sometimes belittling depending on you know, and look, this is not a partisan thing, okay. it's like i know this you know, i've been on the end of screaming. oh, yeah. yeah i was i was waiting what she said you have experienced with like please got done? i'd say yelling at people, might hear this. here's the thing, is that at the end of the day, that can be a situation when all of a sudden the thing that you were right about his exposed for everyone to see and find a single article about
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nato going really well. but that to separate, that's elliot's point. the white house is fundamentally misread those because they treated this like this was the bothered debate in 2012 as treated like this can be out haitian problem, not a lie or deception that they've been trying to run out, run for three years and it's finally caught up with them. now let's be clear, though biden has gotten he's going to weather this initial storm if he steps aside, it won't be because of the debate solely because he is a bad press conference and the debate and something else, right? so this will compound. we're not out of the woods by any stretch of the imagination but first ten days were the worst for two weeks for the worst. and he's gotten through it fully. how are democrats going to live like this for the night where i was sitting in my mind thinking about exactly that you know, the criteria for successful press conference tomorrow is him being on stage for four hours. did we push out solving a rubik's cube? it's there's no definition in the media of it going well to a apply novo, maybe you know, what happened in atlanta should be in some
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kind of contexts. and again, i'm not diminishing it. i watched it and it was jarring and it was rattling but if there's to be this constant, after the press conference tomorrow, there's no way something else. it'll be some memorial next thursday. always going to be some kind of event and there's the media aspect of a bit of democrats keep living like that there's a paralysis that sets in with donors, with people who need to be out there fighting. and by the way, this is like email in 2016, you can denim democrats can say, what was she thinking this was a mistake as much as you want in private, but go out there and say, you know what, the obsession about this is stupid. she is 100 times better than donald trump. and one last point i would say about geoff is when you were in the white house, donald trump on a saturday afternoon, just disappeared and went to walter reed didn't explain why he was going, didn't brief after his doctor never really explained why it took a year for anyone.
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i don't remember this kind of forensic, but because he's louder and tanner, we assume he's saner and healthier and that is really a double-standard. well, look, i just want to be clear that it we've been talking with the white house press corps. the voters have been on this for quite some time, much on biden, on biden, they have, but that's because there has been no coverage of note of donald trump's health. >> well, i mean, i also think, you know, voters can, voters are seeing we're seeing what we're on i'll see it. but we didn't see it when biden was 78 and donald trump is 78, we might be seeing it in two years because people aged different at different race, tanner and louder. >> now to take a break coming up next a challenging joe biden to another debate with a twist plus crane can and will stop president biden on the world stage trying to prove to doubters that he is fit for another term. plus to explorers make an unexpected discovery at
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start watching at fubo tv look at this this is happening welcome to the and europe his war of aggression against ukraine continues and food wants nothing less, nothing less than ukraine's total subjugation to ukraine's democracy alright, part of president biden's opening remarks at the nato summit here in washington, but also a message for members of his own party and his detractors that he's ready for four more years. >> all as on the president after that debate, white house
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officials tell cnn that his speech went quote, as planned, and that the team is hoping with a smooth delivery under his belt tuesday, they can go back to quote, businesses usual but look, everyone's watching in his remarks, ukrainian president zelenskyy stressed the importance of november. now what happens in november americans will go to the polls and winter will begin to make russia's war against his nation even more brutal everyone is waiting for november americans are waiting for november and europe, middle east in the pacific. >> the whole world is looking to go on into november and truly speaking, putin waits november so this is really the thing. matt gorman, and this is something that republicans are starting to talk about. the debate performance, obviously democrats are considering it in
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the context of the campaign, should he remain at the top of the ticket to be reelected for four more years. but there is a country to govern in the meantime, this was marco rubio in miami on tuesday like they are watching this thing in beijing. >> they're watching it in moscow they're watching it. and havana, they're washington and caracas there watching it in iran and they're saying that guys, the president, that guy were going to invade tomorrow. that's what i would do. you thinking? that's the danger that we're in? >> so perhaps an invasion is a bit of hyperbole, but the bottom line here is the world is watching the president of the united states. absolutely. and look, when we talk about the ten to four work schedule, right? like ours in united states are one thing, but there are also, there's hours in beijing, right? that's the mets, the middle of the night and beijing russia is and they're set a time so this has caused me play felipe's 3:00 a.m. phone call and should was more than, five days and i had last five years, but no, like these have consequences and i
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think you know, i don't i don't get a brilliant to watch the show when i'm not on. but yesterday you had a good conversation with kate bedingfield and jonah goldberg talking about whether or not biden could do it for another four years? i think you know, i believe that biden has the ability to get this out now, but if there was a conversation yet again, that he needed to step aside republicans i think would rightly go and they will wait a minute why are you able to do the job for another seven months effectively then there might be a conversation about him whether or not you can do the job right now, let me put that way. i what i think china looks at the deliver that message in prior rolls their eyes, but that aside what they are looking at is how effectively president biden has managed ukraine and has managed what's going on in the middle east and how we were a year or two ago talking about what the odds were of taiwan being invaded by china and china's math has changed because they see how effectively united states has come to the rescue
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of its allies. house is a little different with taiwan, but i don't, that's an oversimplification for someone who is auditioning to be vice president. to someone who the world would look at and say, this is ridiculous. heat, this guy does know what he's doing it's i mean, there in lies the rub of the whole debate. biden has this record on foreign policy and domestic policy, which is why he's running again. but he undermined that with that debate and democrats have this crisis right now, right alright, coming up next, the white house struggles to get the story straight about the president's health. >> we're going jeff, about that. and if i have said misled in something that i've said or haven't had the the full information, i actually own up to that press secretary trying to clear up some confusion plus devastating tornado damage from beryl. this is one of five things you have to see it's morning the lead with jake
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brought to you by meso if you are loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 all right. >> 26 minutes past the hour, five things you have to see this morning, hurricane beryl spawning a dangerous tornado in southern indiana, leaving major damage in mount vernon. >> the twister tearing through this warehouse overturning trailers and leaving a trail of debris a line of train cars on a track nearby, left lying on their side police dashcam video capturing to commercial planes flying way too close to each other in the skies over syracuse, new york on monday, one plane was trying to land the other was just taking king off from the same runway, the plane that was trying to land had to abort. for the best the faa is investigating threats of continued flash flooding, forcing evacuation orders in new mexico this morning, flood watches are in effect, and one
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region remains under a state of emergency a new hampshire team being hailed as a hero for stopping a runaway boat, the boat driver was knocked overboard, spending the vessel out of control. this is actually extremely dangerous, but a 17-year-old leapt from a nearby jetski onto the boat to get it under control. >> i don't know. i just came to me. i didn't really think there's that two explorers saving a dog from the bottom of a virginia cave. the pair repelled 50 feet down, hold the pop pop-out three hours later i laid her down onto the ground and a moment that she touched the ground. the tongue came out you could tell she was it was it was a very clear excitement that she knew she was out of that that situation ye all right. >> coming up next here this time it will be man to man, no moderators, no holds barred
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love milwaukee. cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plan to take that the white house follow cnn and for complete coverage the republican national convention starts monday at 8:00 on cnn. >> i'm jessica schneider at the federal courthouse in washington. and this is cnn all right, welcome back. the white house struggling yet again to give clear, accurate answers about the president's health and his medical care it's causing tensions in the briefing room and uncertainty among democrats. listen to what the press secretary karine jean-pierre told reporters tuesday about a meeting at the white house between a neurologist and the president's position earlier this year say whether that one meeting was related to care for the president himself? >> i can say that it was not so it turns out that it actually was she said it was not late last night. the press secretary released this clarification
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because the date was not mentioned in the question. i want to be clear that the january 17 meeting between dr. o'connor and dr. cannard was for the president's physical. jeff mason, again, i don't want to make this about the white house press corps. i want to make this about what the white house is saying about the president's health and whether or not they can get their story straight and why not? because i think it's very hard for americans to understand and what is really going on here. there's this parkinson's doctor that's going to the white house on numerous occasions. and they can't seem to answer questions about what he's doing there. if he's treating the president or not. now we know that he was involved in that, although they still say that he's only had these three neurological evaluations as part of his regular physicals and nothing beyond that mean, what does the line of questioning today and what do you see in the fact that they can't seem to figure out how to get this straight. >> so a couple of things one, i'm a journalist, obviously, i'm not on the side of the people who prep a press secretary, but i know that every time that i'm in in a briefing this white house tries to go around and get a sense of
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what reporters are going to ask. i don't answer that. i have a principle against doing that, but they ask the only question this week it's about his health and they haven't had a good answer and they would have known no, you're saying is they would have known in advance or at least you presume that someone would have told them because they came to and ask, hey, what are you going to ask you the briefing. okay. we're going to ask about the president's health and then they go up there and we get this. >> that is what i'm saying. yeah. i also think that they could have figured that out without asking anyone. that's just that's so clearly and you're right to say that they've struggled and they just haven't had they haven't had a clear answer every single day. we were talking a little bit in the break mean it's hard probably when you're in the position of the press secretary to answer some questions when you're not told? i don't know if she wasn't told. i don't know to what extent she was not informed ahead of easter these days, but i do know that they knew what the questioning was going to be and go back to repeating something. i said before. that's it's the american people who want to
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know this, right? everybody saw president biden on that debate. there's a reason we're asking about health. it's because of how he looked that night, the problems that the straight answer opens up an additional can of worms. the straight answer is he's an elderly individual digital who sees the doctor a lot. we all do many people do, but he can still run the country and he's running against somebody that we take significant issues with. that would i think invite even more questions about how fit he is to serve and so on it's a straight answer, full leap to that point. i mean, we were talking in the break and i should have thought of this at the top because i was covering when hillary clinton in 2016 had a health episode in public at a 9-11 memorial. you had to figure out how to explain that. what are the specific challenges around explaining something that is going on with a candidate or a president's health to reporters and therefore, the american people well, i think as confusing this says it is maddening. this is not just to white house press corps, but to people who want to know, as you say, is it this is oddly something that we all
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can relate to because it starts with the person that this happens to try to figure out and be sure what it was that happened we all get sick, we all have spouses, kids, parents who get sick and it evolves. you think it's one thing you go on medication for something. turns out it's not it turns out the medication might've make it worse. so you first you're trying to fill up ground, truth, and look, i don't know korean by give her the benefit of doubt because i think i know a lot of people in the white house i've worked with them for decades. some are my closest friends they don't like the situation. they don't like the drip, drip, drip and they don't like being criticized for being covered up. but it doesn't also because it's not working you first have determined ground-truth, and that's the human being do it and their spouse the president and the first lady don't go through a medical process and then come out and say, okay, everyone gather up. we're going to talk about my vitals and i'm going to tell you what happened when they said cough and all that kind of stuff. so there is a degree of
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being a moving target and it being something private. and the line of where something is public, it's hard to know. i would note the real stupidity here is that this information was helpful to the white house it showed that they were in close contact with a neurologist because presumably that based on the person's appearance, parkinson's was one of the things on the table that they wanted to stay on top of. so it was a prudent and responsible thing to do and it was prior to the president's annual physical in february, which explicitly said that they were looking for parkinson's and didn't happen. so that's hiding in plain sight the process on monday was ugly, but you know, who probably regrets it more than anyone is correct because she looks terrible doing that. and then hours later being described, it is not malicious. the intent is not cover up. and i think this is where you get into the tension that led marine for the very top about the white house
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press corps and the press corps in general is just angry and i understand that, but everyone's got to take a step back and say maybe the benefit of the doubt is there's a human being and the last thing i'll say is, you know, last night, senator bennet set right there and gave probably the most human and impassioned remarks about what happened to joe biden if frankly it's the first time anyone said it, that wasn't in the context as if he was richard nixon broke the law in watergate. >> all right. let's turn now to the other candidate in the race, donald trump, and his return yesterday to the campaign trail after spending the last week lying low, playing golf, watching the democratic infighting unfold during a miami rally, trump attacked vice president kamala harris offering a new nickname laffin kamala lif fin apostrophe laugh, laffin kamala mispronouncing her name, we should note he also teased a potential running mate for
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himself, florida senator marco rubio, and proposed a pair of challenges for president biden let's do another debate this week. >> so that sleepy joe biden can prove to everyone all over the world that he has what it takes to be president but this time it will be man to man, no moderators, no holds barred just name the place anytime anywhere i'm also officially challenging cricket joe to an 18 hole golf match right here so i mean, my question is whether they can use golf carts or not. >> i mean, trump always does. >> he goes be fine no problem pga up. can you back? that'd be an incredible, incredible sight yeah. i mean, look, i he certainly came back. he didn't have a rally this weekend is starting to emerge. now, i think getting ready for the convention if you asked me a week ago and i think if you ask to trump gave me a week ago they they figured maybe
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commonly be the nominee by now, i think we're all a little surprised up biden's hung on. and so i think now we're kind of readjusting to what a race would look like, what the focus candidly on biden's fitness for office. what's remarkable in all this fight, this talk about how democrats are fighting amongst each other and not united behind their candidate. you saw donald trump sitting on stage with someone who number one, he he said could not get elected dog catcher. here's what trump said about marco rubio. marco rubio called donald trump a con artist. i think jd vance and other vice presidential pick and said that he was unfit for office. and this idea that in-fighting within a party is unique to democrats is pretty, it's almost laughable at this point, looking at how these folks are lining up behind the former president think we're sort of almost giving him and them a free pass those eight years ago, right? like i mean, like it was but much more recently, i wouldn't forget those things but the fed, easing how much jim nija, republicans who are running against trump's team, the field because the more recent examples become a harris going after joe biden on busing
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and raise. >> so like if we want to have that, that's a lot more recent than the jd but serving as vice president exactly exactly for several years. it's just yes but you can't deny for a moment that donald trump inspires something and does something to the republican party and people who instinctively seem to not want to get behind him, still seem to bend the knee against the wrench. i think there's an inherent difference between eight years ago when it was eight-year kibbutz, 68 already well, anyway and then him getting elected president, serving as president, and then we come back to this world. let me ask you a question but in private, do you think these folks say the same things about donald trump that they're saying publicly right now across the republican party right now, look, i will say this. i don't think there's ever been a more popular or easier time to be donald trump supporter if you're a politician or a palawan politician in right now, i can no, they say in private, but i'll tell you right now, it is extremely easy to be as
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consistent as possible right now. >> yeah, it's a remarkable, i mean, that's the piece of the reality of it that i think has really dramatically shifted. it has the potential to dramatically shift this race in the long term as well, that it is a lot harder considering what we saw from president biden for those who are on the fence, perhaps republicans who don't like donald trump to look at the other side and say the hurdle was always, can you make a lifelong republican vote for a democrat, not just stay home, but vote for a democrat and that got much, much more difficult after the debate that republican, a week from now is going to feel pretty stupid because he touched the hot stove for the tenth time. and donald trump is not going to pick him up. >> i just thought about to find out fully. thank you so much for joining i really appreciate it all right. coming up next, joe biden on the world stage with a lot to prove and up next
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we're going to ask former senator doug jones where democrats go from here. now that the president isn't insisting he is staying in this race it was just like holy crap, this is a camera and this is a totally different story is cnn investigation about how airbnb is failing to protect desks from hidden cameras five things ron to you by karwan. karwan. dale drive you happy second grandma, this guy's going to buy my car. okay. >> you need carbamate entering plate number no accidents, right? no generating offer. carbonic can pick it up tomorrow. >> that's an amazing prefer, sell your car the easy way with carbonic. >> what are you doing, anna working on my dating profile, want to see i think that's me.
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on and cohen joy the night impress be no glue. many cnn news central next close captioning is brought to you by tableau. watch, pause and record live tv subscription free, start watching tv for free with tableau switching to tableau has really been a money saver without a monthly subscription was amazing. quarter today at tableau tv, all right. 42 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup in just a few hours, former new york mayor rudy giuliani will try to convince a bankruptcy court that he is indeed broke angry creditors say that the former trump attorney has plenty of
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cash and assets to pay his debt opening arguments begin today in the trial of alec baldwin, the actor accused of involuntary manslaughter for the 2021 shooting death of a cinematographer on a moot we set in new mexico, baldwin has pleaded not guilty and a cnn investigation finding airbnb consistently failed to protect guests despite knowing that hidden cameras are a persistent concerned. one employee, employee revealing that when a guest complains of hidden camera airbnb doesn't notify law enforcement, not even when a child is involved, the company has received tens of thousands of complaints in the last decade. but victims say that there is no follow through footage. one workflow, he shook for you and your between two people who said circle you for what you're extreme violation oh boy. did she she dropped mr. which he try risky airbnb
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declined. cnn's request for comment. this is very creepy and very strange and the voice makes it even greater minimize that caribbean strange all around. is there a legal recourse if this happens to you probably absolutely. >> doing now depends on no, i know all there is i was going to go all the way. jones is here, but also a lawyer to know, but there's definitely legal recourse course. people are spying on you in the privacy of what you thought was a space that you were renting? absolutely. oh, okay i honestly i'm glad to be returning to politics now. >> not something i always say. let's watch this this has been over a week and a half since the presidential debate. and democrats are still divided over whether president biden should stay in the race are very tense in washington, people waited all day for white smoke to emerge from the capital, signaling a new leader that's right today. house democrats held a meeting to discuss biden's campaign. some described the meeting as very
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positive, while others had the room was filled with sadness. so basically our government has the same plot as inside out two where is anxiety and all of that, right in the middle of you've seen that movie president biden did seem to survive a critical day on capitol hill yesterday after democratic lawmakers emerged from the tuesday caucus meetings, divided no white smoke, still uneasy about his political future, but resigning themselves the following strategy do nothing for now some members still expressing their deep concerns about the president's abilities and what that could mean for them in holding their own seats what i set this morning and express my colleagues particularly for members on the front line is that i think they need to do whatever it is. >> they need to do in order to come back and the reelected and so if they need to you know, distance themselves and the knesset, they need to do whatever i've seen so far hasn't shown me that that's going to be enough. to get there. i just don't think that dog is gonna hunt all right. >> joining me now is former
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democratic senator doug jones of alabama, who has been a long longtime supporter and friend to president biden center. good to have you here. thanks. great to be here. so it seems as though the president is dug in in terms of him standing at the top of the ticket, but i want to play for you senator bennet, sitting here on this set last night talking about what may happen in the fall, his prediction for he's gonna win the election. let's watch donald trump is on track. i think to win the selection in maybe win it by a landslide and take with him the senate and the house. >> i think that we could lose the whole thing he says, i think we could lose the whole thing. do you agree with him you know, i really don't. i think that right now we have got a lot of time and for the last two weeks democrats have been anxious to say the least. and rightly so but the president has also been out there but you saw yesterday kasie, i think the beginning not just from democrats, but they you're going to see now,
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beginning yesterday, the way that joe biden and democrats turn this around. and that's by having donald trump back on the campaign trail. the more he opens his mouth, the more he gets and gives those unhinged rants at his campaign rallies, the more people can start focusing on project 2025, which is frightening in this country or should be frightening to folks. i think that that's going to help start solidify both democrats and the electorate. it's going to move notice in all these polling that you're seeing king and i see the polls is scarce people to death. i get that. but if you notice very closely donald trump's not moving anywhere. certainly president biden has lost some, but donald trump's not moving, hadn't moved in eight years on those. >> he's been running consistently ahead in the polling. it's small rights there and it's different from 2020. yeah. and here's the thing it's different than 2020. it's different than it was yesterday is gonna be
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different than it was next week. this time in 1988 mike dukakis was 17 points ahead of george hw bush ross perot was winning over a george hw bush and bill clinton polling at this point, what have changed quite a bit? the world i have not necessarily for the better because the way we get our news and the way we see things is a lot different to end the polling today is reflective as much as anything of what you're seeing on the news today. >> look, i take your point about donald trump and the challenges that he has, but the reality is they could potentially put another democrat up against donald trump, and it would still be donald trump. and you might have a stronger argument with somebody else. you might, but, you know, right now 14 million people voted for joe biden and joe biden says he's in and i've said from the very beginning, look, i watched the debate on a personal level i was incredibly, anxiety watching his performance. there's no question about that. but i've also believed of watch joe biden over the last 50 years.
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now understand but he has always made the decisions based on what he believes is in the best interest of the american people. and i still believe that. and if he believes and strongly as he seems to believe and as saying that he is the best nominee to take on donald trump and save this country save democracy from another donald trump presidency. we're going to go with that. we're going to absolutely stick with that and go forward with it. and i think you will see democrats at this at some point, especially after this republican convention, unite around that and move forward. >> so one of the other things that michael bennet said is that for him, it's a moral question about the future of our country. he said it's not about pulling, it's not about politics. and to the point that all those points that you made i think i think we're i keep tripping. is that if in fact it is as dire as you've said, just then and as many democrats say, no, i didn't say it was dire. no, i mean dire about the threat of donald trump as dire
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as you want my mic, mic bennet was saying was the moral decision not whether or not joe biden gets out, but the vote right? keep donald trump out of the white house. and what i'm saying is that if democrats really believe, if you really believed that the threat of donald trump is so dire that you absolutely must win after what americans saw. and with all that polling, how can you say, sit in, argue that it's the best option? >> because i'm telling you, kasie, people are forgetting if you look, go back, go back, and look at the polling that got reported right after the debate. look at the focus groups that were done during the bait it was not what has been reported over the last two weeks. it was nothing near that bad those folks saw both donald trump and joe biden. neither one did good okay. it was not a good it was not a good show for america that night. but the polling wasn't that bad. but at the same time, you had democrats who were texting folks in the media democrats doing this, the media went crazy and so what you have seen
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as a result of that polling over the last two weeks is the polling is result not of the debate but the media reporting of the debate, which has been as barbara boxer said yesterday on it on a program here that i was on, joe biden's son has been pummeled behind the scenes, as well as in the media and hopefully as beginning yesterday, that focus will shift now and we will start hearing more about donald trump once again. and i will tell you that people are beginning to wake up to project 2025 yeah. >> i mean, look candidly, i think a lot of a lot more americans watched the debate then tend to, you know, even be in this kind of an ecosystem which i think seems to be the challenge. i mean, senator, do you think the white house has been candid about the state of the president's health. yes. i mean, look all right. good example. kasie love you, but that's a nothing burger now. okay. that's that's three
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days old and they've answered the questions and we are going back to the correction last night. they might have understand that, but we're going back and replaying things that the doctors have said exactly what happened and one would expect an her rollo just to examine the president once a year as part of his fiscal, there's no question about that. one would expect if you've ever been in the white house and you were the white house correspondents. you've been over there, you've seen the number of people and you've seen the medical staff over there people, there's a lot of people over there and you bring folks in. i mean, when i was there in 2022 during covid, it was crazy to watch the number of medical professionals that are coming through there so i think that that is an issue. i think that they have been look, president biden's 81-years-old. he is he is not a president that is going to run up and down steps he's not the counter president who's going to do the things he's not, but he's not also trying out to be
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the starting quarterback for the buffalo bills. he is he is what frankly, let's bring the panel into this too. i mean, it's in some ways it's easier to be the quarterback for the buffalo bills and it has to be present in the united states. no not from not from a physical standpoint. >> it is not the person the united states has a team around him and that is about judgment. and that is about taking in all of the things that joe biden has got years of experience doing, talking to world leaders. he's not talking to world leaders when he is out running track. he has told or even on a treadmill he is talking to world leaders to discuss the issues of the day that the gaza issues, which were that close, i think to a ceasefire based on everything that i'm hearing, he's talking to president zelenskyy about ukraine. he's trying to keep the united states of america own board with nato and strengthening nato the way it is. his work. that's what the
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