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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  July 11, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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[ put a little love in your heart by david ruffin begins to play ] my bad, my bad. good race. - you too. you were tough out there. thank you. i'm getting you next time though. oh i got you, i got you. down goes jewett. jewett and amos are down. what a lovely sign of sportsmanship. you okay? yeah. ♪ ♪ it's thursday, july 11
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right now on cnn this morning, new calls for the president to bow out part of the race coming from inside his own party. >> plus the hollywood a-listers, major biden fundraiser whose just turned his back on the president's campaign. plus ukraine's president in the house speaker meeting face-to-face for the first time all right. 5:00 a.m. here in washington, a live look at the capitol dome on this thursday morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us support for president biden's reelection. bid seems to be slipping. vermont's peter welch. now the first senate democrat to call on biden to step aside. he wrote this in an op-ed, quote, i understand why president biden wants to run he saved us from donald trump
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once, and wants to do it again but he needs to reassess whether he is the best candidate to do so. in my view, he is not for the good of the country. i'm calling on president biden to withdraw from the race. welch's demand was one of three that came yesterday from democrats bringing the total number of defectors in congress to ten. oregon democrat earl blumenauer joining the calls for biden to drop out of the race while new york democrat pat ryan who represents a swing district, writes this quote for the good of our country and the future of our kids and grandkids. i am asking joe biden to step aside in the upcoming election and deliver on his promise to be a bridge to a new generation of leaders but it was really the former house speaker, nancy pelosi, who raised eyebrows and many questions when she made these comments yesterday today it's up to the president to subside if he is going to run. >> we're all encouraging him
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to make that decision because time is running short. i want him to do whatever he decides to do. >> why is that noteworthy? because the president seems to have already declared what he wants to do several times, and she is saying hey, let's keep thinking about this. still, some democrats on capitol hill are still unwavering in their support. it seems he's the only person to ever beat trump's in an election. i'm proud to stand with joe biden and i'm showing up tomorrow with brass knuckles at this point, i think he has a strong campaign and a strong message to deliver i believe he's going to move forward. i mean, supporting he's gonna be our nominee at the convention. he is going to be our candidate for president the fall. he is going to be our next president, united states all right joining me to talk more about this this morning as the axios publisher, nick johnston. nick, good morning. good morning. i was i was thinking about this this morning. this has really been a
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roller coaster ride for the president over the course of the last few days. monday, he came out strong with this letter. it seemed as though he was on his way to solidifying some support he talked to the cbc there seemed to be kind of a realization among democrats that okay. he's not going anywhere. but yesterday seemed to really shake that are still this drip, drip, drip, drip. so i had dinner with an older source of mine, a former chief-of-staff on the hill for i, a democratic congressman and ask him like, how did this stuff play out behind the scenes? on politics? and he referenced the old hemingway quote about how you go bankrupt. it's gradually then suddenly. and so i think we're very much in the gradual phase right now. this drip, drip, drip, this small, so people coming out just in the time that the 12 hours since your producers email me, gaetz thinks it's can you come on the show today? and i started taking notes. we had to more house democrats come out. we had one more senate democrat come out. we had one academy award-winning actor come out and say, biden, should we ought to take it and then the huge scoop from my colleagues at axios stephen neukam and hans,
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hans nichols last night about chuck schumer privately telling donors that he's open for a change at the ticket. and so i think the consensus what my what my old source was telling me that there there's a lot of house members is a lot of senate members who are feeling it's i'm probably saying this privately. they don't want be the first one, but it's drip, drip, drip. there's one at a time, one at a time. are we gonna see two or three more today building to that moment when it's like, okay, then the dam first i think that's the real concern that the white house is having that they haven't arrested to slow continuing process of folks one by one keeping this story in the news, saying it's time for a change, right? >> well, i'm glad you raised we can put up a little bit about schumer privately signaling to donors that he's open to a new a presidential ticket. this of course, reporting from you all at axios and you note that in public he's been very insistent that he is for the president. but i think this really reflects at the realism you know, i was talking to ron brownstein was on our air earlier in the week basically saying, look they could potentially lose the senate so many senate seats
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that it's something democrats can't get back for perhaps a generation, right? >> right. and i think that's what motivates a lot of people politically when you start these polls coming out, when you see that biden on the ticket is dragging down other folks, other democrats, office holder there isn't a house and in the senate that is again, that movement like if you read the statements if he soaks who are coming out saying we want to change, that is what they're saying that they don't think he can win and they don't think that they think that he will be a drag on the rest of the ticket and like what is the one big motivated you can always count on members the congress follow-ups, political saving their political skin. and if they think they're going to lose a regular thing is going to cost them a majority that cost them their seat and it makes it much more likely to come out and make these kinds of nic. >> can i ask you what would move the president at this point? because it's at the end of the day as much as we're talking about these democrats who are trying to convince him to do one thing or the other at the end of the day, only the president seems to be able to. >> that is the, that is the $64,000 question in this town right now. that is what everyone is buried. coming up the phone is trying to figure out where is that person like this? so who is the person who's going to convince jill
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biden had changed your mind. i think what is very interesting to me, i think what people are paying attention to is that slight change of phrase of nancy pelosi. remember nancy pelosi could still be speaker if you wanted to right now. she's in congress. she has passed the baton to a younger generation. she pulled off this transition quite deftly and i think there are a lot of people in the caucus looking to how she says this. now of course, i don't think she's been prisoners have come out like george clooney and say he should just drop out. but i think she is very much a bellwether and is actually probably a very smart political minus seeing like, okay, when does this flood swift from gradual to sudden? i think her words will be that moment. >> well, and i think nancy pelosi's track record shows that above all, she is someone who wants to win and she typically knows how to do it, especially in the house and listening to her yesterday, it seemed pretty clear to me that she believes that it's going to be a real challenge for democrats to hold the house thanks so closely to the slight evolution of her language, right. >> all right. nic johnston for us starting us off this
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morning. nic always grateful to have you here all right. coming up next here, the nato summit, overshadowed by the struggles president biden is facing. we'll bring you the latest from that plus some of the biggest stars in hollywood calling on the president to exit the race. and then there's this why michael cohen is making a plea to the supreme court will have that in your morning roundup ahead i love cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plans to take back the white house, follow cnn for complete coverage the republican now national convention starts monday at 8:00 on cnn dusting is the worst. there's got to be a better way. so i gave slippers shot love it duster gets an all those hard-to-reach places, dropping three times more dust switching a swiffer totally worth it. love it, or your money back. >> i was so excited to buy my first home, but and needed a lot of work done on it. i went on to angie, jamie with the
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of nato territory. and we'll do it together president biden, addressing the nato summit that is ongoing here in washington, the western military alliance, releasing a joint statement yesterday, formally declaring their support for ukraine's addition to nato. >> reading quote, ukraine's future is in nato. on that same day, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy met with house speaker mike johnson on capitol hill, was the first time the two have met since johnson stuck his neck out for zelenskyy in april, passing a foreign aid package on the house floor you're not answer questions army would not going to answer certain questions we weren't all right joining me now to discuss an international anchor, max foster. >> max, good morning. always
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wonderful to see you so let's just dig in a little bit to this formal show of support. them coming to washington to try to say this with one voice. of course, with president biden struggles overhanging all of it yeah, absolutely. i mean, it was a big show of support for ukraine, but then all of those leaders you see in those meetings are big sort supporters of ukraine. the question is, what will nato look like in future if those leadership positions change? most notably biden to trump, but also you've got to emanuel grand. who has got his own issues within his own country. lot of anti ukrainian aid political currency flying around there currently right now. so will they be able to live up to the commitments they make now, that's one big question. also a big reaction from beijing to the statement that came out from nato. that part of the communique effectively calling china an
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enabler of russia. in that war, which came, got a big reaction and beijing. and a very punchy thing to say. but i think that speaks to you know, what nato represents right now, which is the traditional western alliance facing individual countries around the world. now, grouping together as an alternative, not necessarily to nato, but certainly to that axis of power right now that makes sense. and max, we were talking yesterday about kind of the looming change on horizon in it was lenski who kept saying, everybody is waiting for november. a couple of things happen in november, obviously potentially the war against russia and ukraine gets much more difficult, but there's also the u.s election and that of course the specter of donald trump coming back into office really impacting what's going on with ukraine. and we were talking yesterday about how trump in the past has basically tried to hold other nato countries accountable for what he calls their fair share,
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which in fairness, the agreements that have been made for people to spend a certain amount of money on defense contribute to the alliance. but political reported this yesterday the headline is trump considering cutting back intelligence sharing with europe officials warn and they say that trump advisers have told allied countries that reducing intel sharing would be part of a broader plan to scale back us support and cooperation with the 32 nation alliance. so it sounds like this may be going even farther yeah. >> i mean, that would be pretty extraordinary. and i think the view of a lot of intelligence agencies on this side of the pond will be, isn't it wouldn't it be completely counterproductive? there really firmly established. major sharing excises, particularly what we call the five eyes, which is the u.s. uk, australia, new zealand, and canada. and that was formed during world war ii but, you know, full sharing effectively certainly on behalf of the u.s partners with the u.s. which is
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hugely beneficial to the u.s. they have all of these extra agencies can effectively work through, but also between all of the allies in europe that gives america eyes across the world with japan as well across large parts of asia. if you combined australia with that so it would be an extraordinary move and you wonder why trump would do that, because it would weaken americans security but he's got his own theories about why he would do that. of course it does. also affect the security of europe because we would have less informed, less well resourced intelligence, but it's so ingrained in our institutions and security systems. it'll be a lot to unravel a lot to unravel indeed, i think the question really would be, who really would benefit from that? i'm sure that the that trump and the trump team would argue somehow that the u.s. and they
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often use america first as they're framing, but it does. you do have to wonder, is it really just vladmir putin, president xi, and china? who might benefit from something like that. max foster. thank you very much for being with us this morning. i really appreciate it all right. coming up next here, we're going to your morning roundup. rudy giuliani, trying to block two georgia election in workers from collecting millions from him plus trying to recover from hurricane beryl in life threatening heat wow picks up our own show smoothies look i'm hosting shark week by john cena, shark week this week and discovery and stream on max. >> did you know there's medication proven to make it easier to drink less or to quit drinking altogether? take back
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all right. >> 22 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. michael cohen asking the supreme court to revive his lawsuit against former president trump. cohen sued trump sometimes other federal officials for allegedly retaliating against him for writing a tell-all book. supreme court will decide in the fall whether to hear arguments in cohen's appeal rudy giuliani will find out his fate in bankruptcy court by the end of this week, creditors argue the former new york mayor has not been forthcoming about i was finances. the judge is widely expected to demis dismiss the case, and that would we giuliani on the hook for millions an american airlines flight aborted its takeoff after multiple tires exploded on the runway. you can see smoke and debris billowing from the wheels of the boeing 737 as it attempts mr. depart tampa? no injuries were reported our time now for weather, the national weather service in houston issuing a heat advisory for today, highs are expected, the low to mid 90s with feels like
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temperatures potentially rising to 106 degrees. so air conditioners will be working over overtime. this poor guy and suburban houston feeling the heat for sure. let's get to our meteorologist, derek van dam. our weatherman derek, your back, how you been bringing from cooling off a little bit in our air conditioned studio. tell us what we've got for today. >> okay. so not everybody is as fortunate as that dog there in the image it in the video, you saw just a moment ago with air conditioning because we still have about 1.3 million customers without power. i just arrived home from houston. many locations in harris county without power because of hurricane beryl. and of course with heat indices he's into the triple digits today and yesterday look, it's been downright uncomfortable, so the race is on definitely to restore power and cool people off. look at this. this is what it feels like as you step outside today, upper 90s, local
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variations to that again, could top the triple-digit mark it's not just texas, it's also over the western parts of the u.s. you know, we've been talking about record-breaking heat specifically into the las vegas region. you can see on our heat risk indicator map that shade of purple across southern nevada and into central california. that is extreme heat conditions. and of course that is dangerous. this is interesting vegas had five consecutive if days where the mercury and the thermometer climbed to 100 115 or higher, it's never done that for that long of a stretch really incredible puts it into context over 100 record highs possible over the western us through the course of this weekend, check out the triple-digit heat from bakersfield, fresno to palm springs. and oh, yeah. remember, we've been tracking hurricane beryl or what was hurricane beryl for several weeks now, well, it created a swath of tornadoes across texas into portions of the ohio river valley. and then yesterday across upstate new york. so in total, several of these offices actually issuing the most number of tornado reports and
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tornado warnings just because of the stubborn what was hurricane beryl. so yeah, we'll say goodbye. good riddance to that storm as it exits the country. >> all right our weatherman van dam, derek. thank you. i really appreciate. right. coming up next here. how vice president harris is dealing with president biden's political crisis and the group of democrats who are trying to throw the president a lifeline nancy pelosi said that time is running short for biden to decide whether he's going to stay in the race? >> you know, things are crazy when an 84-year-old nancy pelosi's telling an 81-year-old joe biden to retire. what is going on? >> i wouldn't really happen to the atlanta un-winded bombing been used to lie 21st at nine on cnn. are you ready to lose weight and get healthier? join over 5 million people who have chosen goalllllllllllllll as a better way to lose weight. here are just a few gold customers who reached their goal and have
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by using henry meds for weight management medication just go alright, by 30 am here in washington, dc, a live look at capitol hill on this thursday morning it could be a consequential thursday with president biden expected to offer a news conference later on this evening that will be very closely watched. >> good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us as much as we've been talking about joe biden, someone else has been waiting in the wings still on the ticket. kamala harris, who has been standing by biden on the campaign trail. the vice president is making a case for a second. biden term and she's doing what they wish that they
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were doing. they wish that the what the president was doing instead of what he has been forced to do, which is attack donald trump consider donald trump is openly vowed if reelected, he'll be a dictator on day one. >> that he will weaponize the department of justice against his political enemies round up protesters and throw them out of our country. and even an ai quote, terminate the united states constitution trump's campaign, obviously, you can really can't miss what's going on with democratic and fighting. >> they're paying attention to in recent days, trump and his allies have started to ramp up attacks against kamala harris. trump, workshopping a new nickname for the vice president while and we should note he does this, he intentionally mispronounces people's names and he does it to her here you're laughin' kamala laughing, jamal he picked
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kamala harris. kamala harris was given two jobs as a senator. kamala sided with socialist bernie sanders, a leading against kamala and we're leading against everybody else okay. >> joining us now, catherine lucey, white house reporter for the wall street journal and matt brown, national politics reporter for the associated press. good morning to both of you catherine, that it's interesting that trump is starting to focus on harris he is you know, he has a political knows and that's i think what you're what you're seeing there. but for the president right now at this is something that has really in many ways seems to have gotten away from him in the last 24 hours in a way that it wasn't before? >> yeah. that's right. i mean, the president is clearly struggling. i think folks around him thought that midweek they were starting to stabilize some of the democratic anxiety. we all saw yesterday. obviously, nancy pelosi sort of
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expressing concerns at st. he needs to continue you think about his decision and another voice is coming out really raising concerns about whether he can continue. so he is remains in its very destabilized place, which means that even though she is putting know distance between them, she is very firmly defending him very strongly defending, profit in defending their case. there's a lot of tension on the vice president right now because a lot of people feel that should he decide to step aside, she is in the best position to move forward. right. so matt, i mean, one question i have, i will say is that as this conversation has i have been trying to figure out where she would stand in such a process and that seems to be a moving target as well, along with the presidents fortunes let's just, i want to remind everyone what jim clyber and had to say this was way back on july 4, i mean, it's only what a week ago, but it feels like a lifetime in the story. but he used the phrase mini primary. let's watch you can act with
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fashion. >> the process is already in place to make it a minute primary. they're not would support that. absolutely. harris would, acquit herself very well in that kind of a process within it would be fair to everybody, to all of the other governors who may be interested and there's some that i would be interested here from as well because if she were to be the nominee, read need to have it running mate yeah. >> i mean, this is the challenge for democrats, right? matt is that there does need to be some form of legitimacy, right? like buy-in from voters. and what is the process for that look like, right? kasie? absolutely. and it was interesting seeing kamala harris on the stump this week really trying to pat down these debates over whether or not she should take the top of the ticket or whether how the party should move forward. but i do think that it's very notable here that democrats, both on the trail and in here in washington are starting to
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remember why they liked camila in the first place in a lot of inner, lot of ways for seeing what, how she rallies the base, for seeing how she engages in with voters there's and frankly, how she's able to just bring a certain youth that joe biden and this moment is not bringing. i think that that's very notable in this moment when the party is debating what by-line they're going to be able to reform, how they're going to be able to proceed when it comes to this convention at the democratic national convention next month. just because there's going to be so much pressure on well, again, on the party to see how it can reform itself and how it's going to have to reshape this entire process. >> well, and it catherine again, we are firmly in the realm of the hypothetical all in talking about this mini, many primary but the reality of what president biden is doing right now and part of why pelosi's comments, i think we're so telling because she talked about the time the time is running short, basically is and this is adam nagourney legendary at times political reporter and editor and jim rutenberg on the front page this morning biden is angling to make time his best ally,
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president biden's resistance to pressure to end his reelection bid appears to be a strategy aimed at running out the clock, a play to leave his party's so little time to come up with another candidate that his opponents stand down, right? >> i mean, i think the thing that people are thinking about here is you have the convention next month but before the convention, as you know, is he there's a whole series of meetings about the rules and how the process works. and those start much sooner. and so if they were going to make a change, they need every minute they have to try and figure out how this works. mean another open question will be, should biden step aside. what does he tell all his pledged delegates? does he endorse a some some kind of mini or quickie primary process. does he say they should be with his vice president? that is i think another thing that people, i mean, obviously again, it's all entirely hypothetical right now. but, but certainly yes. i think the biden folks really felt like if he get through this week with, with with nato, the speech, the press
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conference that just gets them more time. as, you know, as as as this process moves along and briefly, matt, i mean, that press conference, the stakes could not be higher this evening at 5-5, 30 when we expect to hear from president biden. >> absolutely. i think that this is going to be take your break moment and a lot of ways for president biden because we saw just you said a week ago this completely changed the narrative at the debate, but i'm against donald trump, so it's going to be very, very important for the most it's public situation that he's been in since that debate to see can he really stand up to scrutiny from multiple reporters and for how long? >> all right. catherine lucey, if matt brown thank you both very much. so being with us this morning, i really appreciate it. >> all right. let's turn now to this new cnn reporting on how progressives are providing a lifeline to president biden's embattled campaign this week, notably, new york congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and vermont senator bernie sanders, both publicly backing biden as support for his reelection bid continues to divide the party right now, president biden is the democratic nominee until it differently, i will support
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them. and i do believe that if he makes it clear but he is prepared to stand up for working people take on powerful special interest. yeah, he will win the election all right, joining me now to discuss her latest reporting, cnn capitol hill reporter, annie grayer, andy, good morning to you. >> wonderful to have you here. this is a really interesting dynamic in no small part because bernie sanders ran against joe biden in the 2020 election, fight, basically arguing that joe biden was not progressive or sufficiently progressive for where the party was. and now they're kind of emerging as this voice. what's behind it? >> i think there's a couple of things. first, i mean, as i mean, as you mentioned, this was joe biden was not progressives first-choice back in 2020, there was a very divisive primary mean bernie and biden were going at it up until the end and aoc at endorsed bernie in his presidential race. and i think now cohen, we're seeing all lot of moderates and democrats running in competitive races
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coming out against biden. now, progressives are taking a step back and saying, you know, this, biden was not our first choice. this is not necessarily our mess to clean up that moderates are the ones who are really leading this charge. and let's, let them take this mantle. but i think bigger than that progressives have found an ally in joe biden that they have had a great working relationship, relationship with him over his first term. they have got moved biden to the left on a number of key policies. i mean, like the child tax credit getting buy-in to be the first president on a picket line when the inflation reduction act. these are big progressive values and policies that biden has come around on and really given progressives and year in the west wing. so when aoc and bernie both said they had calls with biden over the weekend and came out so strong and support, a lot of other progressive offices took note of that and our following this playbook laid out by the
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two of them. >> yeah, it's really interesting way to set it up that they have, they now have a friend in the white house and they're going to try to stand by him one also interesting aspect of this adam smith, one of the congressman who has called on biden to step aside, pointed out that while while joe biden is out there saying, you know, i be trump before, that's why i should be here. that's not actually why necessarily he ended up consolidating support for the nomination back in 2020. let's watch adam smith look the talent and the democratic party this myth that only joe biden could have beaten donald trump. and i've said this over and over again. joe biden was not picked in 2020 because he was the only person who could be troubled. he was picked because he was the only person that could beat bernie sanders who really interesting dynamic there possibly part of this definitely a big part of this. i think progressives are kind of taking stock of this moment.
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and if you really were to zoom out four years ago and say that bernie and aoc was going to be leading the charge and defending biden. now, i mean, that would really just make you scratch your head. you feel like what how is that has happened? i mean, even for weeks ago, think about another big divide in the democratic party over president biden's handling of the war in gaza, progressives have been leading that call and pushing and pushing the president and disapproving of his handling of that. and now all of a sudden we're seeing a different tune with progressives saying that biden is our nominee. we take him at his word and we are behind him until we hear otherwise. i mean, of course not progressives are not a monolith obviously there is some division here, but by and large, what we're hearing from progressives is where with biden yeah, it's i mean, especially when you mentioned it, that dynamic as well, to have them it's kind of remarkable that this would have made progressives go from criticizing biden very vocally on what he was doing in israel
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to being some of his staunchest defenders, tough times for biden. annie grayer. thank you very much for being with us. i really appreciate it. i coming up next this time for serious people, bob and your 15 minutes are up. >> my name is andrew shepherd and i am the president the esteemed actor michael douglas, has played a president on the big screen before he's now voicing his own concerns for the actual elected head of state plus coming up in sports a wild scene after a huge soccer match, our bleacher report's ahead very wide. players going into this election season he's in stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results follow the facts, follow. cnn your best defense against erosion and cavities is
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all right. welcome back, president biden, of course, has been fighting to shore up support for his campaign. the reality is that we're learning some of hollywood's top stars believed that the script has already written. longtime ally george clooney co-hosted a fundraiser for biden just a few weeks ago, raising $30 but this was the new york times op-ed yesterday, clooney writes, quote, it's devastating to say it, but the joe biden, i was with three weeks ago at the fundraiser was not the joe big effing deal biden of 2010 he wasn't even though joe biden of 2020. he was the same man. we all witnessed at the debate. the stars really not aligning for biden here was actor michael douglas telling abc's the view that clooney is right well, i think it's a valid point. i mean, i'm i'm i'm deeply deeply concerned. i mean, especially it's difficult because the democrats have a
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big bench. i mean, they've got a lot of heavy hitters all right. >> joining me now from new york is sara fischer. she is senior media correspondent for axios. sara, good morning. always wonderful to have you. you wrote about this a little while ago about how hollywood moguls were nervous about this there's been some reporting about the behind the scenes scramble that the white house made when they learned that clooney was going to do this op-ed yesterday. how much of an earthquake is this? in a second, i'm interested in your thoughts. i also i want to show in a second what biden it's sort of did when he was asked about this. but please first your thoughts on the impact of clooney any its huge kasie because for a long time, biden was starting to actually relinquish some of that pressure. >> he came out, he did the george stephanopoulos interview. he starting to do press conferences and he he's been very defined and so amid that campaign, you saw folks from hollywood celebrities and even fellow politicians start to pull back some of the
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pressure on him and wait and see what clooney did and dropping this op-ed as he's ignited a new earthquake into this campaign. now, he has set the bar for anyone else in hollywood are on capitol hill two also come out and voice what they really think. and i'm glad that you're going to play biden's reaction because i don't think it was very strong. basically, when you have a huge hater coming out like this, you need a very, very big pushback yeah, well, here, let's, let's show, i think we have that the video we can show of president biden being asked about it we don't have it. okay the reality here too, is that the white house has had to has had to push back not, had to, but the way that they pushed back against this is that they they put out background quotes to reporters we can put up this tweet from this as annie karni from new york times, we got something at cnn as well, biden fighting back on clooney from a source familiar with event planning,
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the president stayed for over three hours while clooney took a photo quickly and left and this has been rhodes, who is a former obama speechwriter. >> when you're attacking george clooney, his fitness on background, it might be time to rethink the comms strategy. sara that's absolutely right. the real point here is that george clooney saw biden very recently that fundraiser was on june 15. and so if he says that the biden that you saw on the debate stage is the one that i saw there for biden to come back and say, well, george clooney just wasn't really as fit as i was. it's not an argument that anyone is going to believe leave that the question i have, kasie, is that why didn't george clooney stay silent from june 15 two now, if you're a person who's looking to figure out how i'm going to vote in this election there's a question there. what, what does everyone else hiding, right? i mean, one of the big push back against the media writ large. just how did you guys miss this? how did we only find out about this at the debate? and so i think you're going to have more people come forward now, the way that george clooney did as a way to sort of save face to make sure that they're
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getting their real true colors out about how they feel about the issue before it's too late. >> right? well, and the question too is how quickly this happened with him. and i want to play a little bit of the jon favreau who also worked for president obama on inside politics here on cnn yesterday. watch this it was not surprising to any of us who are at the fundraiser. i was there clearly was exactly right and every single person i talked to it, the fundraiser thought the same thing, except for the people working for joe biden or at least they didn't say that. but i remember my wife, emily turned to me after the fundraiser and said, what are we going to do? >> that is devastated that's devastating. and it's what people fear so that of course, some validation for what clooney said from someone else who was at that same fundraiser yeah that's. >> exactly right. and the thing to remember is that if you're somebody who's been shilling for joe biden this entire time. and suddenly there's a lot of pressure campaigns coming out around you saying no, no, no, he's not actually fit you feel awkward if you're not now coming forward. and so i think
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you're going to see a lot more of these types of voices from hollywood donors to anybody who's bundled for the president, tried to come out and correct the record themselves. we've already seen a lot of folks in hollywood express frustration with some of the president's co-chairs. jeffrey katzenberg, being a big hollywood mogul who they feel deceived that they were not up front with biden's condition, but they gave money. and so i do not think that this is the end of this story here in terms of biden's big break with hollywood yeah, for sure. >> all right. sara fischer for us this morning, sara, always grateful to have you. thank you so much all right. >> time now for sports tempers boiled over after columbia's win again uruguay and the copa america semifinals. carolyn manno has more in this morning's bleacher report. carolyn, good morning. good morning. kasie for the first time in 23 years, columbia heading to the copa america final a 39th minute header from jefferson alarmist ceiling, the one nil victory for the colombians who extend their unbeaten streak to 28 matches. next up, a meeting with the defending champs argentina tina and superstar lionel messi in
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sunday's final, this was a physical contentious match. and after the final whistle, players from both columbia and uruguay but into it on the field with some of the uruguayan players making their way into the stands to actually mix it up with the fans. the majority of the 70,000 people in attendance here we're supporting colombia and uruguay. captain jose maria jimenez said that the players were actually trying to defend their family members in the crowd some who had really young children. he called the incident a quote, disaster. cnn has reached out to the yoder why and football association and the charlotte police department for comment on what exactly happened there after the match, england will square off against spain in the final of the european championship on sunday in the semifinals final against netherlands here in stoppage time with the score tied at one. all we watkins who had just entered the game as the sub for england captain harry kane, minutes earlier
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delivering a sensational strike into the back of the net for his first goal of the tournament. he is the toast of england, the 21 win keeping england dream of finally winning a first major trophy since 1966, alive afterwards, walking so reporters that his loved ones new this moment would come out. a few messages from my friends just saying be patient, you're going to get an opportunity and they feel like i've called big part to play in the tournament and the amount of people that have messaged me today saying, i'm going to score tonight when i come on, this is ridiculous and i will say they've, they put out into the universe. >> so hopefully they can do the same for the final or even give me the lottery numbers that would be nice. >> the road to the paris olympics got off to a slow start for team usa's men's basketball team, but ended up yielding a good result. the eric gains have only been together as a team for less than a week. they didn't score their first basket until the fifth minute of play well, once they got cooking, they really showed why they are favored to
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win olympic gold for the fifth consecutive time. anthony davis leading the way with 13 points with first-time olympian steph curry adding 12 of his own in the 86, 70 to win we're just want to win go. i mean, whatever that takes so we are sorry about no matter what your status out of maui ministry play. like everybody on the floor commits are just doing what you is ago will be good. >> and rapper flavor flav kasie is something of a chameleon. he's a rapper, he's a reality star. he's a restaurant tour and now he is the number one hype man for the u.s. women's water polo team as they get set for this summer's olympic games, the clock wearing musician lending his support after an instagram post from maggie stephens calling on more people to follow this sport, the team, by the way, is looking to make history by winning its fourth consecutive olympic gold medal. so flavor flav said he wanted to give back kasie wanted the help these women achieve their goals, and i think it's great. he is, he is the absolute height man. they will always know what time it is when they need to go to practice or do so
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much. lucy. yeah, that's great. all right. carolyn manno for us this morning. carolyn, thank you very much. all right. coming up next here, ohio democratic congressman greg landsman will be here to talk about the top of his party's ticket plus a bonus 7:37, forced to abort we're going to take-off because of exploding tires won't we trucks are what you do. you build game changing trucks drugs that help you chase morning xavi a couple of the way we build trucks that help you maneuver around one of these let's jump one of these and back away from one of these or ram. and we were built for this, this, and this face your fears. you write them twisters
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